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Veeraragavan 3, Gajendra Kumar 1 and Girish Sharma 1 Central Road Resear h !nstitute "CRR!#, $e% &elhi '11((2(, 2 Presentl) *or+ing at &alal Consultan ), and 3 Pro,essor, &e-artment o, Civil .ngineering, !!/ 0adras, Chennai'1(((31 Abstract !n this investigation, %aste -lasti arr) 2ags or gro er) 2ags o2tained ,rom the domesti %aste has 2een used to modi,) 2ituminous on rete mi3tures, a dense mi3ture used as a sur,a e ourse in road onstru tion. /hese %aste -lasti s mainl) onsist o, lo%'densit) -ol)eth)lene "4&P.#. A om-arison %as made 2et%een onventional 2ituminous on rete mi3ture and the mi3ture %ith %aste -lasti s. !t %as o2served that the o-timum re5uirement o, %aste -lasti s %as (.61 -er ent 2) %eight o, mi3ture to enhan e the volume -ro-erties o, the 2ituminous mi3ture. Per,orman e tests %ere arried out on 2oth onventional and %aste -lasti s 2ituminous mi3tures and it %as o2served that indire t tensile strength, ,atigue li,e, rut resistan e and stri--ing resistan e o, mi3tures %ere im-roved as a result o, in or-oration o, %aste -lasti s in 2ituminous on rete mi3ture. /he test se tions laid on some o, the roads at Bangalore Cit) %as evaluated ,or de,le tion, unevenness and visual distresses. !t %as o2served that the test se tions laid using %aste -lasti modi,ied 2ituminous mi3es sho%ed 2etter -er,orman e %hen om-ared to the onventional 2ituminous mi3es. Introduction $on'7a8ardous solid %astes and 2)-rodu ts, %hi h have -otential ,or use in -aving a--li ations, an 2e lassi,ied a ording to their sour es li+e domesti , industrial, mineral %aste -lasti s, ash and glass are e3am-les o, domesti %aste. Be ause o, the in reasing environmental a%areness o, the %aste dis-osal -ro2lem, there seems no% more than ever 2e,ore a onsideration to%ards re ) ling or reuse o, a %ide variet) o, %aste materials. Sin e a large amount o, onstru tion materials is re5uired ,or the onstru tion o, high%a)s, there should 2e a target o, e,,orts to re ) le or other%ise ,ind use ,or diverse %aste materials li+e gar2age -lasti s, s ra- t)res, ,l) ash, et in the onstru tion o, high%a)s. !n !ndia as -er statisti s, a--ro3imatel) 1( million tonnes o, -lasti s are -rodu ed -er )ear and o, %hi h 2 million tonnes are re ) led. Plasti s -rodu ed not 2eing readil) 2iodegrada2le %ill -ersist in the environment in a more or less un hanged state ,or a onsidera2le time. Also environmental -ro2lems are reated due to dum-ing and also due to limited alternatives ,or re ) ling. 9tili8ation o, %aste -lasti s is a great signi,i an e to !ndia, -arti ularl) ,or redu tion in environmental -ollution reated due to dum-ing o, %aste -lasti 2ags. Sin e high%a)s re5uire huge amounts o, onstru tion materials, in or-oration o, onl) a small -ortion o, re ) led material %ill dis-ose o, vast 5uantit) o, -lasti s. /he -otential 2ene,its o, using the %aste re ) led -a +aging -lasti s in 2ituminous on rete mi3tures are in reased -avement li,e, retarded re,le tion ra +ing, de reased -ollution and in reased environmental 5ualit) through redu tion in -lasti s %aste. R !i " o# Lit ratur !m-rovement in the -er,orman e o, 2ituminous mi3es used in the sur,a ing ourse o, the road -avements, has 2een re-orted 2) in or-orating various t)-es o, additives to 2itumen su h as ru22er late3, hemi all) treated rum2 ru22er, -ol)mers et . Some limited studies have 2een re-orted on the use o, re ) led -lasti s, mainl) -ol)thene in the manu,a ture o, -ol)mer modi,ied 2itumen. A revie% o, literature indi ated that -ol)mers li+e re ) led -ol)eth)ne, .th)lene 2ased o-ol)mer, -ol)-ro-)lene "PP#, -ol)eth)lene "P.#, 4o%'&ensit) -ol)eth)lene "4&P.#, re ) led 4&P., Pol)ole,in, et . an 2e used as e,,e tive additives to the 2ituminous mi3tures to im-art higher rutting -otential, greater ,le3i2ilit) and to

the material and there2) dela) the ,atigue ra +ing. /he details on the resear h %or+ arried out on -ol)eth)lene material are 2een -resented in /a2le 1. E$% ri& nta' In! sti(ation Materials Used Aggregates Aggregates used in the -resent stud) %ere tested ,or their -h)si al -ro-erties and the results are ta2ulated as sho%n in /a2le 2. /he aggregate gradation ado-ted ,or the mi3 design %as as s-e i,ied 2) 0inistr) o, Road /rans-ort and 7igh%a)s "0:R/7, 2((1# s-e i,i ations ,or 2ituminous on rete as given in /a2le 3. Bitumen 1(;<('-enetration grade 2itumen %as used in this stud). /he -h)si al -ro-erties o, 2itumen %ere tested and results are given in /a2le 6. Waste Plastics *aste -lasti s in the shredded ,orm %ere used in the -resent stud) as a modi,ier o, the 2ituminous mi3ture. /he s-e i,i gravit) %as ,ound to 2e 1.(3. As the material o2tained %as heterogeneous, it %as di,,i ult to stud) its thermal 2ehavior. /hermal 2ehavior studies li+e melting and degradation hel-s in o-timi8ing the 2lending -arameters. /here,ore, to stud) its thermal 2ehavior, shredded %aste -lasti s %ere -assed through e3truder to onvert this material into homogenous solid %ire ,orm o, a--ro3imatel) 2 mm diameter. 0elting 2ehavior %as studied using di,,erential s anning alorimeter "&SC# and degradation 2ehavior o, the material %as studied using a thermo'gravimetri anal)8er "/GA#. A--ro3imatel) 12 to 16 mg sam-le %as heated at the rate o, 1(=C;minute to arr)out these tests. /he melting tem-erature %as <> to 13?=C %ith -ea+ at 13(=C, on,irming that the %aste -lasti s onsisted o, -ol)eth)lene. /here %as no %eight loss u- to 2((=C and a--ro3imatel) 1 -er ent %eight loss %as o2served in the tem-erature range o, 2(( to 6((=C due to o3idative degradation. @rom these results it an 2e on luded that these %aste -lasti s an 2e sa,el) used u- to 2((=C in 2ituminous mi3tures. Laborator) Mi$tur D si(n and Ana')sis /he 2ituminous mi3ture %as designed using 0arshall method o, mi3ture design. /he 0arshall tests %ere ondu ted to determine the o-timum 2inder ontent o, the 2ituminous on rete mi3ture as -er AS/0 &1>>A. 0arshall s-e imens %ere -re-ared %ith var)ing 2inder ontent vi8. 6.>, >.(, >.> and 1.( -er ent 2) %eight o, aggregates. /hree s-e imens ,or ea h om2ination %ere -re-ared to o2tain o-timum 2inder ontent ":BC# and these %ere tested using the 0arshall a--aratus. /he test results o, the o-timum 2inder ontent o, >.6 -er ent 2) %eight o, aggregates ,or the 2ituminous on rete mi3ture are as sho%n in /a2le >. Optimum Modifier Content *aste -lasti s %ere added at o-timum 2inder ontent o, >.6 -er ent o2tained ,rom onventional mi3tures, 2) var)ing the -ro-ortions ,rom 2 to 12 -er ent 2) %eight o, 2itumen %ith an in rement o, 2 -er ent. /he %aste -lasti s %ere added into the heated aggregates just 2e,ore mi3ing the 2itumen. /he volumetri -ro-erties o, the 2ituminous mi3ture %ere al ulated at di,,erent -er entages o, %aste -lasti s. @rom @igure 1, it %as o2served that 2ul+ densit) de reased %ith in rease in %aste -lasti s ontent and there %as an in rease in sta2ilit) u- to ? -er ent %aste -lasti s ontent 2e)ond %hi h, the sta2ilit) de reased. 7en e +ee-ing higher 0arshall sta2ilit) as the riteria, the o-timum %aste -lasti s ontent %as ,i3ed as ? -er ent 2) %eight o, 2itumen "(.61B 2) %eight o, mi3ture#. Marshall Method of Mixture Design Using Waste Plastics

@urther, 0arshall mi3ture design %as ondu ted 2) var)ing the 2inder ontent vi8. 6.>, >.(, >.> and 1.( -er ent 2) %eight o, aggregates and ? -er ent %aste -lasti s "2) %eight o, 2inder# to stud) the variation in volumetri -ro-erties o, the 2ituminous mi3tures as sho%n in /a2le 1. Retained Stabilit !est /he retained sta2ilit) tests %ere arried out on onventional and modi,ied mi3tures a,ter soa+ing the sam-les in %ater 2ath at 1(=C ,or 26 hours. /he -er entage'retained sta2ilit) o2tained %as A? and ?6 -er ent res-e tivel) ,or modi,ied and onventional mi3tures. /his sho%s that the mi3ture %ith (.61 -er ent %aste -lasti s is least a,,e ted 2) %ater, %hen om-ared to onventional 2ituminous on rete mi3tures. /he om-arison o, volumetri -ro-erties o, modi,ied and the onventional mi3tures at o-timum 2itumen ontent are sho%n in /a2le <. !ests on Bitumen after Abson"s Reco#er /he 2itumen %as e3tra ted ,rom the modi,ied mi3ture 2) A2sonCs re over) method and tests %ere arried out ,or the onventional and e3tra ted 2itumen to determine the hange in -ro-erties li+e -enetration, elasti re over), so,tening -oint and vis osit). /he results o, the re overed and onventional 2itumen are -resented in /a2le ?. /he test results indi ated that onventional 2itumen has 2een -artl) modi,ied %ith %aste -lasti s to ,orm a -ol)mer'modi,ied 2itumen. A,ter ondu ting the sieve anal)sis o, the e3tra ted aggregates the remaining %aste -lasti s %ere oated onto the aggregates. $ndirect !ensile Strength !est /he stati indire t tensile test "Kenned) 1A<<# %as arried out to stud) the 2ituminous mi3tures at di,,erent tem-eratures. /his test %as hosen 2e ause o, its sim-li it). !n the test, a load is a--lied on the 0arshall s-e imens along the verti al diametri al -lane, through urved steel stri-s 12.< mm %ide %ith the same inside urvature as that o, the 0arshall s-e imens. /he load at ,ailure %as re orded and the indire t tensile strength %as al ulated. !ndire t strength %as arried out on onventional and modi,ied 2ituminous on rete mi3es at di,,erent tem-eratures. @rom @igure 2, it an 2e seen that the indire t tensile strength at di,,erent tem-eratures ,or mi3tures made %ith ? -er ent modi,ier %as higher than that ,or onventional mi3tures. /he indire t tensile strength %as ,ound to 2e 1.( and 11.( +g; m 2 ,or onventional and modi,ied mi3tures at 2>(C res-e tivel). /he di,,eren e in indire t tensile strength values redu ed %ith in rease in tem-eratures as o2served in @igure 2. %atigue &ife of the Bituminous Mixtures !ndire t tensile ,atigue tests %ere arried out on 0arshall s-e imens ,or onventional and modi,ied mi3ture ,or stud)ing the ,atigue 2ehavior under re-etitive loadings. .a h s-e imen %as tested until its om-lete ,ailure under ontrolled stress 2) using sinusoidal t)-e o, %ave,orm. A ,re5uen ) o, 1 78 and a loading time o, (.1 se onds %ere used throughout the ,atigue tests. @rom @igure 3, it %as o2served that the ,atigue li,e o, modi,ied mi3ture %as t%i e that o, the onventional mi3ture at 2>=C. /he num2er o, re-etitions %as 23>31 and 111>( ,or modi,ied and onventional mi3tures res-e tivel). 'amburg Wheel !rac(ing !est Rutting hara teristi s %as also studied using 7am2urg *heel /ra +ing &evi e "7*/&#. /he devi e onsists o, a loaded %heel and a on,ined mould in %hi h the 3((31>(3>( mm s-e imen ,or 2ituminous on rete mi3tures is rigidl) restrained on its ,our sides. A motor and a re i-ro ating devi e give the %heel a to and ,ro motion o, 26 -asses a minute %ith a distan e o, travel 3(( mm. /he solid ru22er t)red steel %heel 2ears a total load o, 31 +g and indents a straight tra + in the s-e imen. /he de-th o, the im-ression %as re orded at the mid -oint o, its length 2) means o, a rut de-th'measuring devi e. /he onta t area 2et%een the %heel and s-e imen is a2out >.6>< s5 m giving a mean normal -ressure >.11 +g; s5 m. /he sla2s %ere om-a ted %ith stati om-ression ma hine to a hieve om-a tion level o, 1 -er ent air voids in the mi3. /he sla2s are ured at room tem-erature ,or t%o da)s and the sla2s are -la ed in the ma hine om-letel) immersed in %ater at 6>=C. .a h sla2 is su2je ted to re i-ro ative load re-etitions ,or 2(((( -asses or until 2( mm de-ression on the 2eam sur,a e. S-e imens %ere -re-ared ,or modi,ied and

onventional 2ituminous on rete mi3tures and the tests %ere ondu ted. !n this stud) the ree- slo-e %as measured to om-are modi,ied and onventional mi3tures in terms o, their rutting sus e-ti2ilit). !m-ression de-ths re orded ,or modi,ied and onventional 2ituminous on rete mi3tures at regular intervals are given in /a2le A, and the 2ehavior o, the mi3tures is as sho%n in @igure 6. @rom the stud) it %as o2served that the de-ression %as 1 and ? mm ,or modi,ied and onventional mi3tures res-e tivel) a,ter 2(((( -asses. !t %as o2served ,rom @igure 3 that the num2er o, -asses to attain a rut de-th o, 6 mm %as 1>((( and A((( res-e tivel) ,or the modi,ied and onventional mi3tures. A,ter 2(((( -asses tra es o, stri--ing %as o2served ,or the onventional mi3tures %hile no stri--ing %as o2served in the modi,ied mi3tures. Static $mmersion !est /he stati immersion test involves visual assessment o, the stri--ing o, single si8ed aggregates oated %ith a given 5uantit) o, the 2inder %hen the) are immersed in distilled %ater at a ontrolled tem-erature o, 6( (C ,or 26 hours "!S 1A<1#. @rom /a2le 1(, it an seen that %hen rushed granite aggregates %ere used, the tra es o, stri--ing %as a2out > -er ent ,or onventional mi3tures, %hereas there %as no tra es o, stri--ing in ase o, mi3tures -re-ared %ith %aste -lasti s at ontent o, 2 to 12 -er ent. *hen gravel %as used, the amount o, stri--ing %as a2out 1> -er ent ,or onventional mi3tures, %hereas ,or the mi3tures %ith %aste -lasti s it %as ,ound to 2e around 1 -er ent u-on using 6 -er ent %aste -lasti s, 2e)ond 6 -er ent no tra es o, stri--ing %as o2served. Boiling !est /his method is used to evaluate the moisture sus e-ti2ilit) o, a 2ituminous on rete mi3ture 2) visuall) estimating the degree o, stri--ing a,ter 2oiling in distilled %ater "*A&&A7 AK!4! 1AA3#. At the end o, one minute o, 2oiling, the -er entage o, the total visi2le area o, aggregate that retains its original oating is o2served. As seen ,rom /a2le 1(, there is a -rogressive de rease in stri--ing value %ith addition o, 2 -er ent %aste -lasti s in the 2ituminous mi3ture, 2e)ond 2 -er ent o, %aste -lasti s ontent, the rate o, de rease is nominal. As in the earlier ase, it is noti ed that the amount o, stri--ing value is more %ith gravel %hen om-ared to rushed granite. @rom test results it %as ertain that there %as im-rovement in the stri--ing hara teristi s 2) use o, -ol)eth)lene in the 2ituminous mi3tures. Conc'usions :-timum 2itumen ontent ,or 2oth onventional and the mi3ture %ith %aste -lasti s %ere ,ound to 2e >.6 and >.6> -er ent 2) %eight o, aggregates res-e tivel). /he o-timum 5uantit) o, %aste -lasti s %as (.61 -er ent 2) %eight o, mi3ture to enhan e the -ro-erties o, the 2ituminous on rete mi3ture. /he addition o, %aste -lasti s in 2ituminous mi3tures redu ed the 2ul+ densit) o, the mi3ture a--ro3imatel) 2) one -er ent and in reased the sta2ilit) o, the mi3ture 2) a2out 1< -er ent at o-timum 2itumen and modi,ier ontents, %hen om-ared to onventional mi3tures. @rom the results it %as ,ound that the retained sta2ilit) o, the mi3ture %ith %aste -lasti s %as A? -er ent and no tra es o, stri--ing %as o2served in 7*/& test, hen e it an 2e on luded that addition o, %aste -lasti s im-roves the %ater resistan e -ro-ert) o, the mi3ture. /he indire t tensile strength %as ,ound to 2e 1 and 11 +g; m 2 ,or onventional and modi,ied mi3tures at 2> (C res-e tivel) in reasing the dura2ilit) o, the mi3ture. /he ,atigue li,e o, the mi3ture %ith %aste -lasti s %as t%i e that o, the onventional mi3ture under la2orator) onditions. @rom the la2orator) studies, it an 2e on luded that utili8ation o, %aste -lasti s im-roves the -ro-erties o, the 2ituminous on rete mi3tures, giving %a) ,or sa,e and 2ene,i iar) dis-osal o, %aste -lasti s. Ac*no"' d( & nts /he authors %ish to a +no%ledge %ith than+s M/s K. K. Poly Flex Pvt. Ltd ., Bangalore, ,or having su--lied the %aste -lasti in shredded ,orm, &r. C...G. Dusto ".meritus @ello%, &e-artment o, Civil .ngineering, Bangalore 9niversit)#, &r. P.K. Si+dar "&ire tor, CRR!, $e% &elhi# ,or his valua2le guidan e and suggestions, &r. V. K. Sood "AC, P.0#, Sh. K. Sitaram "S ientist#, Sh. 0. $. $aga2ushana "S ientist#, Sh. 0. P. Singh "/:A# and Sh. C. Kamaraj "S/A# ,or their assistan e during the stud). R # r nc s

1. 2. 3. 6. >. 1. <. ?. A. 1(. 11. 12. 13. 16. 1>. 11. 1<.

BAE:0E, @., and CARRA9F, G., "1AA3#. 0odi,i ation o, 7ot 0i3 As-halt Con rete 9sing an .th)lene Based Co-ol)mer, ASTM Special Technical Publication 1193 A!e"ican Society o# Testin$ and Mate"ials, Philadel-hia, 9SA. &A44AS $. 4!//4., "1A?1#. An Additive o, As-halt to Redu e Permanent &e,ormation and Cra +ing in As-halt PavementsG A Brie, S)no-sis o, :n'going Resear h, AAPT, >>, - 316'32(. &.$$!$G, D. 7., and CARS*.44, D., "1A?3#. Assessment o, $ovo-halt as a Binder ,or Rolled As-halt *earing Course, T%%L %epo"t 11&1, Cro%throme, 9K. @4E$$, 4., "1AA3#. Re ) led Plasti @inds 7ome in As-halt Binder, %oads and '"id$es, 9SA. !$&!A$ S/A$&AR&, !S 1261, "1A<?#. 0ethod o, /est ,or &etermination o, Stri--ing Value o, Road Aggregates. DA!$, P. K., SA$G!/A, S9$!4 B:S. and AREA, !. R., "1AA2#. Chara teri8ation o, Pol)mer 0odi,ied As-halt Binders ,or Roads and Air,ield Sur,a ings, Poly!e" Modi#ied Asphalt 'inde"s S.T.P. 11&(, ASTM, Philadel-hia, - 631'6>>. D.*, P., and *::&7A0S, R./., "1A?1#. Pol)eth)lene'0odi,ied Bitumens ,or Paving A--li ations, AAPT, >>, - >61'>12. K.$$.&E, /.*., "1A<<#. Chara teri8ation o, As-halt Pavement 0aterials 9sing !ndire t /ensile /est, AAPT, 61, - 132'1>(. 0A7AB!R PA$&A and 0AEAD!/ 09H90&AR, "2((2#. 9tili8ation o, Re laimed Pol)eth)lene in Bituminous Paving 0i3es, )ou"nal o# Mate"ials in *ivil +n$inee"in$ AS*+, 16"1#, 9SA, - >2<' >3(. 0!4K:*SK!, *., "1A?>#. Catal)ti 0odi,i ation o, Road As-halt 2) Pol)eth)lene, )ou"nal o# T"anspo"tation +n$inee"in$ AS*+, !!! "1#, - >6'<1. 0!$!S/RE o, R:A& /RA$SP:R/ and 7!G7*AES "0:R/7#, "2((1#. S-e i,i ations o, Road and Bridge *or+s "@ourth Revision#, ,ndian %oads *on$"ess, $e% &elhi, !ndia, 2((1. R:B!$ 4. SC7R:.&.R, "1AA6#. /he 9se o, Re ) led 0aterials in 7igh%a) Constru tion Public %oads, Volume >? "2#, 9SA, - 32'61. S9$!4 B:S. and DA!$, P.K., "1A?A#. 4a2orator) Studies on the 9se o, :rgani Pol)mers in !m-rovements o, Bituminous Road Sur,a ings, -i$h.ay %esea"ch 'ulletin ,ndian %oads *on$"ess, $e% &elhi, 3?. /9$!C4!@@, &.G., and R::/, R..., "1A?2#. Antistri--ing Additives in As-halt Con rete'State o, Art 1A?1, AAPT, >1, - 21>'2A3. *A4/.R D. /APP.!$.R, "1AAA#. Per,orman e and . onomi al Advantage o, Pol)mer 0odi,ied As-halt, %icha"d Felsin$e", Vienna, Austria. *A&&A7 AK!4!, "1AA3#. /he .,,e t o, 0oisture on 4a2orator) Pre-ared As-halt 0i3tures, Dournal o, /esting and .valuation, D/.VA, 9SA, 21"1#, - <3'?3. H::RR:B, S. .., and S9PAR0A, 4. B., "2(((#. 4a2orator) &esign and !nvestigation o, Pro-ortion o, Bituminous Com-osite Containing *aste Re ) led Plasti s Aggregate Re-la ement "Plasti-halt#, *,' Sy!posiu! on *onst"uction and +nvi"on!ent Theo"y into P"actice , Sao Paulo, Bra8il. Tab' + R !i " o# Lit ratur on Po') t,)' n Mat ria' in Bitu&inous Mi$tur s Wor* Don Abroad

Aut,or and R # r nc Nu&b r

Modi#i r

E## cts Not d

Co&& nt Bas d on t, Pr s nt In! sti(ation Con#ir& Findin(s !n -arti ular ,or im-roved 0arshall sta2ilit) and other 2ituminous mi3 -ro-erties %ith %aste -lasti s !n -arti ular ,or im-roved rut resistan e

Ro2in 4. S hroeder "1#

Re ) led 4&P.

!m-roved 0arshall sta2ilit) and other 2ituminous mi3 -ro-erties

4arr) @l)nn "2#

Re ) led -ol)thene

Redu es -ermanent de,ormation and lo%'tem-erature ra +ing


Ba)om) and Carru3 "3#

.th)lene 2ased o-ol)mer

!m-roved 0arshall sta2ilit) and other 2ituminous mi3 -ro-erties !m-roved ,atigue li,e and im-roved resistan e to -ermanent de,ormation !m-roved dura2ilit) and ,atigue li,e !m-roved resistan e to rutting at elevated tem-eratures !m-roved 0arshall sta2ilit) and ,atigue li,e !m-roved resistan e to -ermanent de,ormation

!n -arti ular ,or im-roved 0arshall sta2ilit) and other 2ituminous mi3 -ro-erties !n -arti ular ,or im-roved ,atigue li,e and rutting resistan e !n -arti ular ,or im-roved ,atigue li,e !n -arti ular ,or im-roved rut resistan e !n -arti ular ,or im-roved ,atigue li,e !n -arti ular ,or im-roved resistan e to -ermanent de,ormation !n -arti ular ,or im-roved resistan e to -ermanent de,ormation

De% and *oodhams "6# Hoora2 and Su-arma "># &enning and Cars%ell "1# 0il+o%s+i "<#


PP and 4&P.



&allas $. 4ittle "?#

>B 4&P.

*alter D. /a--einer "A#

>B re ) led -ol)ole,in

!m-roved resistan e to -ermanent de,ormation Wor* Don in India

Dain et al. "1(# Sunil Bose and Dain "11# 0u8umdar and Panda "12#

2B P., 2B 4&P. 4&P.

!n reased ,atigue li,e

!n -arti ular ,or in reased ,atigue li,e !n -arti ular ,or indire t tensile strength !n -arti ular ,or in reased 0arshall sta2ilit) and ,atigue li,e

7igh tensile strength !n reased 0arshall sta2ilit), tensile strength, ,atigue li,e and resilient modulus

Re laimed P.

Tab' - P,)sica' Pro% rti s o# A((r (at s T st D scri%tion T st M t,od Com2ined @la+iness and .longation !nde3 "B# !SG23?1 "Pt !'1A13# S-e i,i Gravit) !SG 23?1 "Pt !V'1A13# *ater A2sor-tion "B# !SG 23?1 "Pt !!!'1A13# !m-a t Value "B# !SG 23?1 "Pt !V'1A13# Tab' . /radation o# A((r (at s For Bitu&inous Concr t Si ! Si0 1&&2 D si(n /radation S% ci#i d /radation 1A.( 1(( 1(( 13.2 ?< <A'1(( A.> <A <('?? 6.<> >? >3'<1 2.31 >1 62'>? 1.1? 61 36'6?

R su'ts 2< 2.1< (.6 11

(.1( (.3( (.1> (.(<>

31 26 16 <

21'3? 1?'2? 12'2( 6'1( n T st M t,od !S'12(3'1A<? !S'12(?'1A<? !S 12(?'1A<? !S'12(3'1A<? !S'12(A'1A<? R su'ts 1> <>I 1.(( 6? 26( 2<(

Tab' 3 P,)sica' Pro% rti s o# Bitu& T st D scri%tion Penetration "1(( gm, > se onds, at 2>oC# "1;1(th o, mm# &u tilit) at 2< oC "in m# S-e i,i Gravit) So,tening Point "oC# "Ring and 2all method# @lash Point "oC# @ire Point "oC#

Tab' 4 Pro% rti s o# Bitu&inous Concr t Mi$tur to D t r&in OBC Bind r cont nt b) " i(,t o# a((r (at 152 Pro% rt) 364 467 464 0arshall Sta2ilit) 12>? 13?3 16?( Bul+ &ensit) "gm; # 2.32< 2.313 2.3<< @lo% Value "mm# 2.11 3.>2 6.23 Air Voids "B# 1.?1 6.12 3.66 V@B "B# >A.< <(.< <?.6 V0A "B# 11.1 1>.< 1>.1 :BC "B# >.6(

867 12?( 2.31< 6.12 3.21 ?(.A 11.6

Tab' 8 Pro% rti s o# Bitu&inous Concr t Mi$ "it, 9 % r c nt Wast P'astics Bind r cont nt b) " i(,t o# a((r (at 152 Pro% rt) 364 467 464 867 0arshall Sta2ilit) "+g# 1133 1113 11A6 1133 Bul+ &ensit) "gm; # 2.326 2.33? 2.3>6 2.3>( @lo% Value "mm# 3.12 3.?1 6.12 6.63 Air Voids "B# 1.A2 >.<1 6.62 3.?3 V@B "B# >A.3 11.3 <3.? <<.> V0A "B# 11.< 11.1 11.6 1<.( :BC "B# >.6> Tab' : Co&%arison o# Vo'u& tric Pro% rti s o# t, Mi$tur at OBC Modi#i d Mi$tur "it, Con! ntiona' Pro% rti s Wast %'astics Mi$tur 0arshall Sta2ilit) "+g# 1<(( 16>( Bul+ &ensit) "gm; # 2.3>( 2.3<6 Air Voids "B# 6.61 3.>2 V@B "B# <3 <1 @lo% "mm# 6 6 V0A "B# 11.> 1>.1 Retained Sta2ilit) "B# A? ?6 Tab' 9 T sts on Bitu& n a#t r Abson;s R co! r) Con! ntiona' Bitu& n Penetration "1(( gm, > se onds, at 2>oC# "1;1(th 1> o, mm# Pro% rti s

E$tract d Bitu& n >(


.lasti Re over), "B# So,tening Point, " C# Vis osit) at 1>((C, Poise

' 61 '

2A >< 2

Tab' < D %t, o# I&%r ssion o# Modi#i d and Con! ntiona' Mi$tur s A! ra( D %t, o# I&%r ssion =WTD> && No6 o# Pass s Mi$tur "it, Con! ntiona' Mi$tur Wast %'astics 1((( (.? 1.( 6>(( 1.< 2.> <>(( 2.( 3.> 1(>(( 2.1 6.> 12((( 3.( >.( 1>((( 3.A >.? 1?((( >.( 1.< 2(((( >.A ?.( Tab' +7 R su'ts o# Static I&& rsion and Boi'in( T sts P rc nt Stri%%in( Static I&& rsion T st Boi'in( T st A((r (at Us d A((r (at Us d /ranit /ra! ' /ranit /ra! ' > 1> ? 2( $il 1 < 1? $il 1 1 1< $il $il > 11 $il $il 6 1> $il $il 3 13 $il $il 2 11



Stability (kg)



Bulk Density (gm/cc)

2.35 1500


1400 0 2 4 6 Waste Plastic (% ) 8 10 12


Fi( + O%ti&u& Wast P'astics Cont nt in Bitu&inous Concr t

Bulk Density (gm/cc)

1700 Stability (kg)


No6 o# R % titions 1N2


Plain Bituminous 0i3ture Bituminous 0i3ture %ith *aste Plasti s


1((( 1 1( 1(( 1((( 1((((

Initia' T nsi' Strain 1&icrostrains2 Indir ct T nsi' Str n(t, 12 1( ? 1 6 2 ( 2( 3( 6( T &% ratur 1 C2
Fi(ur - Variation o# Indir ct T nsi' Str n(t, o# Mi$tur "it, T &% ratur s Fi(ur . R 'ations,i% "it, No6 o# R % titions "it, Initia' T nsi' Strain

Bituminous 0i3ture %ith *aste Plasti s Plain Bituminous 0i3ture

1?(@c& 2




2.0 ut De!th (mm)

!"st #"m$acti"n

#%ee$ Sl"$e


"on#entional $i% $odified $i%


10.0 0 4 8 12 16 20 Number of Passes (Thousands)

Fi(ur 3 R su'ts #ro& =WTD T st #or Mi$tur "it, and "it,out Wast P'astics


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