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AFTER MARRIAGE Who is responsible to pay ZAKAT Since I don't earn now, i am confused who is supposed to pay the

zakat? Is it my husbands responsibility or is it my responsibility to save from what he gives me? Say, I don't have enough funds to pay the zakat, am i supposed to sell some gold to pay for the zakat.. will that not eventually result in the gold finishing? Answer: If total 87.48 g of pure gold is nisab ... This is worth 25.73 * 87.48 = 2251 (zakat able) The zakat of this minimum amount comes to about 56.3 (@2.5%) If personal jewellery set contains say ... 220 g of gold at 22 k then convert this weight to find pure gold content. 22k = 91% gold ... So 220g * 0.91 = 200 g Since 200g is more than 87.48g this is over nisab. So total gold becomes zakatable at 2.5% one not supposed to pay zakat? You are liable to pay for Zakat but since you do not have a source of income you have two options; 1- You can sell some of the gold and pay from the proceeds 2- Your husband can give you cash as gift and you can choose to pay off your Zakat from that amount. May Allah guide you with what is best for you ameen

.Q. What about the Zakat that I have not paid over the years?
Ibn 'Abbas (Allah be pleased with both of them) reported: A woman came to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and said: My mother has died, and fasts of a month are due from her. Thereupon he said: Don't you see that if debt was due from her, would you not pay it? She said: Yes (I would pay on her behalf). Thereupon he said: The debt of Allah deserves its payment more than (the payment of anyone else) (Muslim, Book 6, No. 2554). Thus, scholars deduce from the above hadith that any missed Zakat must be paid immediately to the deserving. Note: This certainly applies to a person who is still alive and has outstanding Zakat from precious years. In the case of a dead person, the inheritors are at discretion to pay of the deceased's Zakat from their inherited portions. It is not obligatory.


% Year Close 31.1gms change

ZAKAT USD 1419 1664 1531 1420 1088 870 837 636 513 436 417 343 277 273 tola 11.23gms 51009 58025 49396 43597 32899 24704 18736 13927 11076 9285 8333 7053 5842 5762 25 tolas 1275214 1450624 1234892 1089919 822487 617601 468411 348165 276889 232124 208334 176334 146044 144060 X*2.5% 31880 36266 30872 27248 20562 15440 11710 8704 6922 5803 5208 4408 3651 3601

2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996

$1,419.00 $1,664.00 $1,531.00 $1,420.25 $1,087.50 $869.75 $836.50 $635.70 $513.00 $435.60 $417.25 $342.75 $276.50 $272.65 $290.25 $288.70 $287.05 $369.00 8.68% 7.80% 30.60% 25.04% 3.97% 31.59% 23.92% 17.77% 4.40% 21.74% 23.96% 1.41% -6.06% 0.54% 0.57% 22.21% -4.65%

TOTAL PKR 212,277

8491098 212277.4

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