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Red Hat Cloud Foundations

Reference Architecture
Edition One: Private IaaS Clouds
Version 1.0
Aril !010
Red Hat Cloud Foundations Reference Architecture
Edition One: Private IaaS Clouds
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$a%le of Contents
l Executive Summary.........................................................................................7
2 Cloud Computing: Definitions...........................................................................9
2.l Essential Characteristics.................................................................................................9
2.l.l On-demand Self-Service .........................................................................................9
2.l.2 Resource Pooling.....................................................................................................9
2.l.3 Rapid Elasticity ........................................................................................................9
2.l.4 Measured Service....................................................................................................9
2.2 Service Models..............................................................................................................l0
2.2.l Cloud lnfrastructure as a Service (laaS)................................................................l0
2.2.2 Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS)......................................................................l0
2.2.3 Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS)......................................................................l0
2.2.4 Examples of Cloud Service Models.......................................................................ll
2.3 Deployment Models.......................................................................................................l2
2.3.l Private Cloud..........................................................................................................l2
2.3.2 Public Cloud...........................................................................................................l3
2.3.3 Hybrid Cloud...........................................................................................................l4
2.3.4 Community Cloud...................................................................................................l4
3 Red Hat and Cloud Computing......................................................................l5
3.l Evolution, not Revolution A Phased Approach to Cloud Computing.........................l5
3.2 Unlocking the Value of the Cloud..................................................................................l7
3.3 Redefining the Cloud.....................................................................................................l8
3.3.l Deltacloud...............................................................................................................l8
4 A High Level Functional View of Cloud Computing........................................20
4.l Cloud User / Tenant.......................................................................................................22
4.l.l User Log-ln.............................................................................................................22
4.l.2 VM Deployment & Monitoring................................................................................22
4.l.3 VM Orchestration & Discovery...............................................................................22
4.2 Cloud Provider / Administrator.......................................................................................23
4.2.l Tenant Account Management................................................................................23
4.2.2 Virtualization Substrate Management....................................................................23
4.2.3 Software Life-Cycle Management..........................................................................24
& """
4.2.4 Operations Management........................................................................................24
4.2.5 Cloud Provider Functionality - Creating/Managing an laaS Cloud lnfrastructure..24
4.3 Multi-Cloud Configurations ...........................................................................................26
5 Red Hat Cloud: Software Stack and lnfrastructure Components...................27
5.l Red Hat Enterprise Linux..............................................................................................29
5.2 Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) for Servers..................................................30
5.3 Red Hat Network (RHN) Satellite..................................................................................3l
5.3.l Cobbler...................................................................................................................3l
5.4 JBoss Enterprise Middleware........................................................................................32
5.4.l JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)........................................................33
5.4.2 JBoss Operations Network (JON)..........................................................................33
5.5 Red Hat Enterprise MRG Grid.......................................................................................35
6 Proof-of-Concept System Configuration.........................................................36
6.l Hardware Configuration.................................................................................................37
6.2 Software Configuration..................................................................................................38
6.3 Storage Configuration ...................................................................................................39
6.4 Network Configuration...................................................................................................4l
7 Deploying Cloud lnfrastructure Services........................................................42
7.l Network Gateway ........................................................................................................44
7.2 lnstall First Management Node......................................................................................46
7.3 Create Satellite System.................................................................................................48
7.3.l Create Satellite VM................................................................................................48
7.3.2 Configure DHCP.....................................................................................................50
7.3.3 Configure DNS.......................................................................................................52
7.3.4 lnstall and Configure RHN Satellite Software........................................................53
7.3.5 Configure Multiple Organizations...........................................................................54
7.3.6 Configure Custom Channels for RHEL 5.5 Beta....................................................55
7.3.7 Cobbler...................................................................................................................56
7.3.7.l Configure Cobbler.........................................................................................................................56 Configure Cobbler Management of DHCP..................................................................................57 Configure Cobbler Management of DNS.....................................................................................58 Configure Cobbler Management of PXE.....................................................................................60
7.4 Build Luci VM.................................................................................................................6l
7.5 lnstall Second Management Node................................................................................63
7.6 Configure RHCS............................................................................................................66
""" '
7.7 Configure VMs as Cluster Services...............................................................................74
7.7.l Create Cluster Service of Satellite VM...................................................................74
7.7.2 Create Cluster Service of Luci VM.........................................................................75
7.8 Configure NFS Service (for lSO Library).......................................................................76
7.9 Create RHEV Management Platform............................................................................80
7.9.l Create VM..............................................................................................................80
7.9.2 Create Cluster Service of VM.................................................................................8l
7.9.3 lnstall RHEV-M Software........................................................................................82
7.9.4 Configure the Data Center.....................................................................................87
8 Deploying VMs in Hypervisor Hosts...............................................................89
8.l Deploy RHEV-H Hypervisor..........................................................................................90
8.2 Deploy RHEL Guests (PXE / lSO / Template) on RHEV-H Host..................................93
8.2.l Deploying RHEL VMs using PXE...........................................................................93
8.2.2 Deploying RHEL VMs using lSO Library...............................................................95
8.2.3 Deploying RHEL VMs using Templates.................................................................97
8.3 Deploy Windows Guests (lSO / Template) on RHEV-H Host.......................................99
8.3.l Deploying Window VMs using lSO Library............................................................99
8.3.2 Deploying Windows VMs using Templates..........................................................l0l
8.4 Deploy RHEL + KVM Hypervisor Host........................................................................l03
8.5 Deploy RHEL Guests (PXE / lSO / Template) on KVM Hypervisor Host....................l07
8.5.l Deploying RHEL VMs using PXE.........................................................................l07
8.5.2 Deploying RHEL VMs using lSO Library.............................................................l09
8.5.3 Deploying RHEL VMs using Templates...............................................................lll
8.6 Deploy Windows Guests (lSO / Template) on KVM Hypervisor Host.........................ll3
8.6.l Deploying Window VMs using lSO Library..........................................................ll3
8.6.2 Deploying Windows VMs using Templates..........................................................ll5
9 Deploying Applications in RHEL VMs...........................................................ll7
9.l Deploy Application in RHEL VMs................................................................................ll7
9.l.l Configure Application and Deploy Using Satellite...............................................ll7
9.l.2 Deploy Application Using Template.....................................................................l23
9.2 Scale Application.........................................................................................................l25
l0 Deploying JBoss Applications in RHEL VMs..............................................l28
l0.l Deploy JON Server in Management Services Cluster..............................................l28
l0.2 Deploy JBoss EAP Application in RHEL VMs...........................................................l34
l0.2.l Deploy Using Satellite........................................................................................l34
( """
l0.2.2 Deploy Using Template......................................................................................l43
l0.3 Scale JBoss EAP Application....................................................................................l47
ll Deploying MRG Grid Applications in RHEL VMs........................................l49
ll.l Deploy MRG Manager in Management Services Cluster.........................................l49
ll.2 Deploy MRG Grid in RHEL VMs................................................................................l6l
ll.3 Deploy MRG Grid Application....................................................................................l66
ll.4 Scale MRG Grid Application......................................................................................l67
l2 Cloud End-User Use-Case Scenarios........................................................l68
l3 References.................................................................................................l69
Appendix A: Configuration Files.......................................................................l70
A.l Satellite answers.txt....................................................................................................l70
A.2 Cobbler settings..........................................................................................................l73
A.4 Configuration Channels Files......................................................................................l85
""" )
1 E*ecutive Su##ar+
Red Hat's suite of open source software provides a rich infrastructure for cloud providers to
build public/private cloud offerings.
This Volume l guide for deploying the Red Hat infrastructure for a private cloud describes the
foundation for building a Red Hat Private cloud:
l. Deployment of infrastructure management services, e.g., Red Hat Network (RHN)
Satellite, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) Manager (RHEV-M), DNS service,
DHCP service, PXE server, NFS server for lSO images, JON, MRG Manager - most of
them installed in virtual machines (VMs) in a Red Hat Cluster Suite (RHCS) cluster for
high availability.
2. Deployment of a farm of RHEV host systems (either in the form of RHEV Hypervisors
or as RHEL+KVM) to run tenants' VMs.
3. Demonstrate sample RHEL application(s), JBoss application(s) and MRG Grid
application(s) respectively in the tenant VMs.
Section 2 presents some commonly used definitions of cloud computing.
Section 3 discusses the phased adoption of cloud computing by enterprises from the use of
virtualization, to the deployment of internal clouds and leading to full-functional utility
computing using private and public clouds.
Section 4 describes a high level functional view of cloud computing. The model is described in
terms of:
Cloud administrator/provider actions and flows - to create and maintain the cloud
Cloud user/tenant actions and flows - to deploy and manage applications in the cloud
Section 5 describes the software infrastructure for the Red Hat Cloud.
Section 6 describes the configuration used for the proof-of-concept.
Section 7 is a detailed step-by-step guide for deploying cloud infrastructure management
services in a Red Hat Cluster Suite (RHCS) cluster for high availability.
Section 8 is a detailed step-by-step guide for deploying RHEV host systems to run tenants'
Section 9 is a detailed step-by-step guide for deploying and scaling a sample RHEL
application in tenant VMs.
Section l0 is a detailed step-by-step guide for deploying and scaling a sample JBoss
application in tenant VMs.
, """
Section ll is a detailed step-by-step guide for deploying and scaling a sample MRG Grid
application in tenant VMs.
Section l2 describes some end-user use-cases scenarios of the cloud infrastructure outlined
in Section 6 through Section ll above.
Section l3 lists referenced documents.
Future versions of the Red Hat Cloud Reference Architecture will take these concepts further:
Red Hat Cloud Reference Architecture: Adding self-service
Red Hat Cloud Reference Architecture: Managing mixed private clouds
Red Hat Cloud Reference Architecture: Adding public clouds
Red Hat Cloud Reference Architecture: Creating large-scale clouds
""" -
! Cloud Co#utin.: /efinitions
Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared
pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and
services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or
service provider interaction. This cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five
essential characteristics0 three service #odels, and four delo+#ent #odels. The
following definitions have been proposed by National lnstitute of Standards and Technology
(NlST) in the document found at
2.1 Essential Characteristics
Cloud computing creates an illusion of infinite co#utin. resources available on demand,
thereby eliminating the need for Cloud Computing users to plan far ahead for provisioning.
!.1.1 On-demand Self-Service
A consumer can unilaterally provision computing capabilities, such as server time and
network storage, as needed automatically without requiring human interaction with each
service's provider.
2.1.2 Resource Pooling
The provider's computing resources are pooled to serve #ultile consu#ers usin. a #ulti1
tenant #odel, with different physical and virtual resources dynamically assigned and
reassigned according to consumer demand. There is a sense of location indeendence in
that the customer generally has no control or knowledge over the exact location of the
provided resources but may be able to specify location at a higher level of abstraction (e.g.,
country, state, or data center). Examples of resources include storage, processing, memory,
network bandwidth, and virtual machines.
!.1.& Rapid Elasticity
Caa%ilities can %e raidl+ and elasticall+ rovisioned, in some cases automatically, to
quickly scale out and rapidly released to quickly scale in. To the consumer, the capabilities
available for provisioning often appear to be unlimited and can be purchased in any quantity
at any time.
2.1.4 easured Service
Cloud systems auto#aticall+ control and oti#i2e resource use %+ a
#eterin. caa%ilit+ at some level of abstraction appropriate to the type of service (e.g.,
storage, processing, bandwidth, and active user accounts). Resource usage can be
monitored, controlled, and reported providing transparency for both the provider and
consumer of the utilized service.
3 """
2.2 Service odels
2.2.1 Cloud !nfrastructure as a Service "!aaS#
The capability provided to the consumer is to provision processing, storage, networks, and
other fundamental computing resources where the consumer is able to deploy and invoke
arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and applications. The consumer does
not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure but has control over operating
systems, storage, deployed applications, and possibly limited control of select networking
components (e.g., host firewalls).
2.2.2 Cloud Platform as a Service "PaaS#
The capability provided to the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure consumer-
created or acquired applications created using programming languages and tools supported
by the provider. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure
including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed
applications and possibly application hosting environment configurations.
2.2.$ Cloud Soft%are as a Service "SaaS#
The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider's applications running on a
cloud infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client devices through a thin
client interface such as a web browser (e.g., web-based email). The consumer does not
manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating
systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities, with the possible exception of
limited user-specific application configuration settings.
""" 10
!.!.' E*a#les of Cloud Service 4odels
11 """
Figure 1
2.$ &eployment odels
2.$.1 Private Cloud
The cloud infrastructure is operated solely for an organization. lt may be managed by the
organization or a third party and may exist on premise or off premise.
""" 1!
Figure 2
2.$.2 Pu'lic Cloud
The cloud infrastructure is made available to the general public or a large industry group and
is owned by an organization selling cloud services.
1& """
Figure 3
2.$.$ (y'rid Cloud
The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more clouds (private, community, or public)
that remain unique entities but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology
that enables data and application portability (e.g., load-balancing between clouds).
2.$.4 Community Cloud
The cloud infrastructure is shared by several organizations and supports a specific community
that has shared concerns (e.g., mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance
considerations). lt may be managed by the organizations or a third party and may exist on
premise or off premise.
""" 1'
Figure 4
& Red Hat and Cloud Co#utin.
$.1 Evolution) not Revolution * + Phased +pproach to
Cloud Computing
While cloud computing requires virtualization as an underlying and essential technology, it is
inaccurate to equate cloud computing with virtualization. The figure below displays the
different levels of abstraction addressed by virtualization and cloud computing respectively.
1( """
Figure 5: Levels of Abstraction
The following figure illustrates a phased approach to technology adoption starting with server
consolidation using 'virtualization', then automating large deployments of virtualization within
an enterprise using 'private clouds', and finally extending private clouds to hybrid
environments leveraging public clouds as a utility.
""" 1)
Figure 6: Phases of Technology Adotion in the !nterrise
$.2 ,nloc-ing the .alue of the Cloud
Red Hat's approach does not lock an enterprise into one vendor's cloud stack, but instead
offers a rich set of solutions for building a cloud. These can be used alone or in conjunction
with components from third-party vendors to create the optimal cloud to meet unique needs.
Cloud computing is one of the most important shifts in information technology to occur in
decades. lt has the potential to improve the agility of organizations by allowing them to:
l. Enhance their ability to respond to opportunities,
2. Bond more tightly with customers and partners, and
3. Reduce the cost to acquire and use lT in ways never before possible.
Red Hat is proud to be a leader in delivering the infrastructure necessary for reliable, agile,
and cost-effective cloud computing. Red Hat's cloud vision is unlike that of any other lT
vendor. Red Hat recognizes that lT infrastructure is - and will continue to be - composed of
pieces from many different hardware and software vendors. Red Hat enables the use and
management of these diverse assets as one cloud. Enabling cloud to be an evolution, not a
Red Hat's vision spans the entire range of cloud models:
Building an internal lnfrastructure as a Service (laaS) cloud, or seamlessly using a
third-party's cloud
Creating new Linux, LAMP, or Java applications online, as a Platform as a Service
Providing the easiest path to migrating applications to attractive Software as a Service
(SaaS) models
Red Hat's open source approach to cloud computing protects existing investment and
manages diverse investments as one cloud -- whether Linux or Windows, Red Hat Enterprise
Virtualization, VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V, Amazon EC2 or another vendor's laaS, .Net or
Java, JBoss or WebSphere, x86 or mainframe.
1, """
$.$ Redefining the Cloud
Cloud computing is the first major market wave where open source technologies are built in
from the beginning, powering the vast majority of early clouds.
Open source products that make up Red Hat's cloud infrastructure include:
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Red Hat Network Satellite
Red Hat Enterprise MRG Grid
JBoss Enterprise Middleware
ln addition Red Hat is leading work on and investing in several open source projects related
to computing. As these projects mature, and after undergo rigorous testing, tuning, and
hardening, the ideas from many of these projects may be incorporated into future version of
the Red Hat cloud infrastructure. These projects include:
Deltacloud - Abstracts the differences between clouds
BoxGrinder - Making it easy to grind out server configurations for a multitude of
virtualization fabrics
Cobbler - lnstallation server for rapid set up of network installation equipment
Condor - Batch system managing millions of machines worldwide
CoolingTower - Simple application-centric tool for deploying applications in the cloud
Hail - Umbrella cloud computing project for cloud services
lnfinispan - Extremely scalable, highly available data grid platform
Libvirt - Common, generic, and scalable layer to securely manage domains on a node
Spice - Open remote computing solution or solution for interaction with virtualized
desktop devices
Thincrust - Tools to build appliances for the cloud
&.&.1 /eltacloud
The goal of Deltacloud is simple: making many clouds act as one. Deltacloud aims to bridge
the differences between diverse silos of infrastructure, allowing them to be managed as one.
Organizations today may have different clouds built on, for example, Red Hat Enterprise
Virtualization, VMware, or Hyper-V. The Deltacloud project is designed to make them
manageable as one cloud, one pool of resources. Or organizations may wish to use internal
cloud capacity, as well as Amazon EC2, and perhaps capacity from other laaS providers. The
Deltacloud project is designed to make these manageable as one.
Today each laaS cloud presents a unique APl that developers and lSVs need to write to in
order to consume the cloud service. The Deltacloud effort is creating a common, REST-based
APl, such that developers can write once and manage anywhere. Deltacloud is cloud broker,
so to speak, with drivers that map the APl to both public clouds like EC2 and private
virtualized clouds based on VMware and Red Hat Enterprise Linux with integrated KVM
virtualization technology. The APl can be test driven with the self-service web console, which
""" 1-
is also a part of the Deltacloud effort. While a young project, the response has been
overwhelming and the potential impact on users, developers, and lT to consume cloud
services via a common set of tools is epic. To learn more about the Deltacloud project, visit
Red Hat's unique open source development model means that one can observe, participate
in, and improve the development of our technologies with us. lt is done in the open to ensure
interoperability and compatibility. lt yields uncompromising, stable, reliable, secure,
enterprise-class infrastructure software, which powers the world's markets, businesses,
governments, and defense organizations. The power of this model is being harnessed to drive
the cloud forward.
13 """
' A Hi.h 5evel Functional Vie" of Cloud
The Red Hat infrastructure for cloud computing is described in terms of:
l. Cloud administrator/provider interfaces to create and maintain the cloud
2. Cloud user/tenant interfaces to deploy and manage applications in the cloud
6ote: Most cloud architecture write-ups only describe the cloud user interface. Since this
reference architecture is intended to help enterprises set up private clouds using the Red Hat
infrastructure, this document provides an overview of the cloud provider interfaces in addition
to the cloud tenant interfaces.
""" !0
Figure ": #loud Provider $ Tenants
!1 """
Figure %: #loud #o&onents $ 'nterfaces
4.1 Cloud ,ser / 0enant
The cloud user (or tenant) uses the user portal interfaces to deploy and manage their
application on top of a cloud infrastructure offered by a cloud provider. Three types of user
portal functionality are covered at a very high level in this section:
l. User Log-ln
2. VM Deployment & Monitoring
3. VM Orchestration & Discovery
'.1.1 7ser 5o.1In
User Account Management enables cloud users to create new accounts, log into existing
accounts, and gain access to their (active or dormant) VMs.
The user portal supports all these functions via a web/APl interface which supports multi-
tenancy, i.e., each user (or tenant) has secure access to only their VMs and is isolated from
other VMs it does not own.
'.1.! V4 /elo+#ent 8 4onitorin.
The workhorses in a cloud are virtual machines loaded with the executable images
(templates) of the application stack with access to application data/storage, network
connections, and a user portal.
The user portal enables functions like import/export/backup of images in the VM, add/edit VM
resources, and state control of the VM via commands such as run, shutdown and suspend.
'.1.& V4 Orchestration 8 /iscover+
There are many patterns of how a cloud is used as a utility. For example, one laaS pattern
may be where the cloud provides fast provisioning of the pre-configured virtual machines.
Other details of patterns of use may involve application data persisting across VM invocations
(stateful) or not persisting across VM invocations (stateless), or lP connections persisting
across VM invocations or not. lf a user starts a group of VMs running client-server
applications, the virtual machines running the clients should be able to locate virtual machines
running the servers.
VM orchestration and discovery services are used to organize VMs into group of cooperating
virtual machines by assigning parameters to VMs that can be used to customize the VM
instance according to its role.
""" !!
4.2 Cloud Provider / +dministrator
The cloud provider has a set of management interfaces to create, monitor and manage the
cloud infrastructure. Four types of cloud administrator functionality are covered at a very high
level in his section:
l. Tenant Account Management
2. Virtualization Substrate Management
3. Application / Software / lmage Life-Cycle Management
4. Operations Management
'.!.1 $enant Account 4ana.e#ent
User Account Management provides the security framework for creating and maintaining
cloud user (or tenant) accounts. lt tracks all the (virtual) hardware and software resources
assigned to a tenant and provides the necessary isolation of a tenant's resources from
unauthorized access. lt offers an interface to track the resource consumption and billing
information on a per tenant basis.
'.!.! Virtuali2ation Su%strate 4ana.e#ent
Virtualization Substrate Management is a centralized management system to administer and
control all aspects of a virtualized infrastructure including datacenters, clusters, hosts and
virtual machines. lt offers rich functionality via both an APl as well as a Web browser GUl.
Functions include:
Live Migration: Dynamically move virtual machines between hosts with no service
High Availability: Virtual machines automatically restart on another host in the case of
host failure.
Workload Management: Balance workloads in the datacenter by dynamically live-
migrating virtual machines based on resource usage and policy.
Power Management: During off-peak hours, concentrates virtual machines on fewer
physical hosts to reduce power consumption on unused hosts.
Maintenance Manager: Perform maintenance on hosts without guest downtime.
Upgrade hypervisors directly from management system.
lmage Manager: Create new virtual machines based on templates. Use snapshots to
create point-in-time image of virtual machines.
Monitoring : Real time monitoring of virtual machines, host systems and storage. Alerts
and notifications.
!& """
Security : Role based access control allowing fine grained access control and the
creation of customized roles and responsibilities. Detailed audit trails covering GUl and
APl access.
APl : APl for command line management and automation
Centralized Host management : Manage all aspects of host configuration including
network configuration, bonding, VLANs and storage.
'.!.& Soft"are 5ife1C+cle 4ana.e#ent
Software Life-Cycle Management is a software management solution deployed inside the
customer's data center and firewall that provides software updates, configuration
management, and life cycle management across both physical and virtual servers. lt
Operating System software
Middleware software
Application software
lt also provides powerful systems administration capabilities such as provisioning and
monitoring for large deployments and ensures that security fixes and configuration files are
applied consistently across the entire environment.
'.!.' Oerations 4ana.e#ent
Since the virtualized environment exists in a physical environment, Operations Management
is a catch-all category which covers a whole host of management functions required to install,
configure and manage physical servers, storage and networks.
Other functions covered by Operations Management include overall physical datacenter
security, performance, high availability, disaster tolerance, SLA/QoS, energy management,
software licensing, usage/billing/charge-back across divisions of a company.
'.!.( Cloud Provider Functionalit+ 1 an IaaS
Cloud Infrastructure
Cloud provider / administrator functionality includes:
l. Create and mange cloud user accounts
2. Managing physical resources
3. Managing virtualization substrate
Create virtual data centers and associated storage domains
Configure virtualization clusters (comprising virtual hosts) within the virtual data
""" !'
Create pre-configured VMs on virtual hosts with default resources = vCPUs,
vMem, vNetwork and vStorage
Deploy Operating System and other software in pre-configured VMs
Create templates for pre-configured VMs
Offer interfaces to manage the virtualized environment: create new templates,
shutdown/resume/snapshot/remove VMs
4. Managing images, software stack / application life cycle
5. Managing security users, groups, access controls, permissions
6. Offering a scheduling / dispatching function for scheduling work
7. Managing and monitor SLA / QoS policy
8. Managing accounting / chargeback
!( """
4.$ ulti-Cloud Configurations
Fi.ure 3 takes the cloud functionality shown in Fi.ure - and extends it to a multi-cloud
Figure (: )ulti*#loud #onfiguration * #o&onents $ 'nterfaces
""" !)
( Red Hat Cloud: Soft"are Stac: and
Infrastructure Co#onents
Fi.ure 10 maps Red Hat infrastructure components to the Cloud functionality shown in
Fi.ure 3.
Figure 1+: )aing ,ed -at #o&onents for #loud Functionality
Recall that Red Hat itself does not operate a cloud but its suite of open source software
provides the infrastructure with which cloud providers are able to build public/private cloud
offerings. Specifically:
l. laaS based on:
MRG Grid
!, """
2. PaaS based on:
Fi.ure 11 depicts the software stack of Red Hat cloud infrastructure components.
Figure 11: ,ed -at .oft/are .tac0
""" !-
1.1 Red (at Enterprise 2inu3
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is the world's leading open source application platform. On
one certified platform, RHEL offers a choice of:
Applications - Thousands of certified lSV applications
Deployment - lncluding standalone or virtual servers, cloud computing, or software
Hardware - Wide range of platforms from the world's leading hardware vendors
Red Hat has announced the fifth update to RHEL 5: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5.
RHEL 5.5 is designed to support newer lntel Xeon

Nehalem-EX platform as well as the

upcoming AMD Opteron 6000 Series platform (formerly code named "Magny-Cours"). We
expect the new platforms to leverage Red Hat's history in scalable performance with new
levels of core counts, memory and l/O, offering users a very dense and scalable platform
balanced for performance across many workload types. To increase the reliability of these
systems, Red Hat supports lntel's expanded machine check architecture, CPU fail-over and
memory sparing.
Red Hat also continues to make enhancements to our virtualization platform. New to the
RHEL 5.5 is support for greater guest density, meaning that more virtual machines can be
supported on each physical server. Our internal testing to date has shown that this release
can support significantly more virtual guests than other virtualization products. The new
hardware and protocols included in the beta significantly improve networking scaling by
providing direct access from the guest to the network.
RHEL 5.5 also introduces improved interoperability with Microsoft Windows 7 with an update
to Samba. This extends the Active Directory integration to better map users and groups on
Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems and simplifies managing filesystems across platforms.
An important feature of any RHEL update is that kernel and user application programming
interfaces (APls) remain unchanged, ensuring RHEL 5 applications do not need to be rebuilt
or re-certified. The unchanged kernel and user APls also extend to virtualized environments:
with a fully integrated hypervisor, the application binary interface (ABl) consistency offered by
RHEL means that applications certified to run on RHEL on physical machines are also
certified when run on virtual machines. With this, the portfolio of thousands of certified
applications for Red Hat Enterprise Linux applies to both environments.
!3 """
1.2 Red (at Enterprise .irtuali4ation "R(E.# for Servers
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) for Servers is an end-to-end virtualization solution
that is designed to enable pervasive data center virtualization, and unlock unprecedented
capital and operational efficiency.
RHEV is the ideal platform on which to build an internal or private cloud of Red Hat Enterprise
Linux or Windows virtual machines.
RHEV consists of the following two components:
Red Hat Enterrise Virtuali2ation ;RHEV14< for servers: A feature-rich
server virtualization management system that provides advanced capabilities for hosts
and guests, including high availability, live migration, storage management, system
scheduler, and more.
Red Hat Enterrise Virtuali2ation H+ervisor ;RHEV1H<: A modern hypervisor
based on Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) virtual technology which can be
deployed either as a standalone bare metal hypervisor (included with Red Hat
Enterprise Virtualization for Servers), or as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 and later
(purchased separately) installed as a hypervisor host.
Some key characteristics of RHEV 2.l are listed below:
Host: Up to 256 cores, l TB RAM
Guest/VM: Up to l6 vCPUs, 64 GB RAM
Clusters: Over 50 hosts per cluster
Predictable, scalable performance for enterprise workloads from SAP, Oracle,
Microsoft, Apache, etc.
Advanced features:
Memory page sharing, advanced scheduling capabilities, and more, inherited from the
Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel
=uest oeratin. s+ste# suort:
Paravirtualized network and block drivers for highest performance
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Guests (32-bit & 64-bit): Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, 4 and 5


Guests (32-bit & 64-bit): Windows 2003 server, Windows 2008

server, Windows XP. SVVP, and WHQL certified
Hard"are suort:
All 64-bit x86 servers that support lntel VT or AMD-V technology and are certified for
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 are certified for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization.
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization supports NAS/NFS, Fibre Channel, and iSCSl
storage topologies.
""" &0
1.$ Red (at 5et%or- "R(5# Satellite
All Red Hat network functionality is on the network, allowing much greater functionality and
customization. The Satellite server connects with Red Hat over the public lnternet to
download new content and updates. This model also allows customers to take their Red Hat
Network solution completely off-line if desired.
Features include:
An embedded database to store packages, profiles, and system information.
lnstantly update systems for security fixes or to provide packages or applications
needed immediately.
APl layer allows the creation of scripts to automate functions or integrate with existing
management applications.
Distribute custom or 3rd party applications and updates.
Create staged environments (development, test, production) to select, manage and
test content in a structured manner.
Create errata for custom content, or modify existing errata to provide specific
information to different groups.
Access to advanced features in the Provisioning Module, such as bare metal PXE boot
provisioning and integrated network install trees.
Access to Red Hat Network Monitoring Module for track system and application
RHN Satellite is Red Hat's on-premises systems management solution that provides software
updates, configuration management, provisioning and monitoring across both physical and
virtual Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers. lt offers customers opportunities to gain enhanced
performance, centralized control and higher scalability for their systems, while deployed on a
management server located inside the customer's data center and firewall.
ln September 2009, Red Hat released RHN Satellite 5.3, the first fully open source version of
the product. This latest version offers opportunities for increased flexibility and faster
provisioning setups for customers with the incorporation of open source Cobbler technology in
its provisioning architecture.
(.&.1 Co%%ler
Cobbler is a Linux installation server that allows for rapid setup of network installation
environments. lt binds and automates many associated Linux tasks, eliminating the need for
many various commands and applications when rolling out new systems and, in some cases,
changing existing ones. With a simple series of commands, network installs can be
configured for PXE, re-installations, media-based net-installs, and virtualized installs
(supporting Xen and KVM).
Cobbler can also optionally help with managing DHCP, DNS, and yum package mirroring
infrastructure. ln this regard, it is a more generalized automation application, rather than just
dealing specifically with installations. There is also a lightweight built-in configuration
management system as well as support for integrating with other configuration management
systems. Cobbler has a command line interface as well as a web interface and several APl
access options.
&1 """
1.4 67oss Enterprise iddle%are
The following JBoss Enterprise Middleware Development Tools, Deployment Platforms and
Management Environment are available via subscriptions that deliver industry leading SLA-
based production and development support, patches and updates, multi-year maintenance
policies and software assurance from Red Hat, the leader in open source solutions.
/evelo#ent $ools:
JBoss Developer Studio - PE (Portfolio Edition): Everything needed to develop, test
and deploy rich web applications, enterprise applications and SOA services.
Enterrise Platfor#s:
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform: Everything needed to deploy, and host
enterprise Java applications and services.
JBoss Enterprise Web Platform: A standards-based solution for light and rich Java web
JBoss Enterprise Web Server: a single enterprise open source solution for large scale
websites and lightweight web applications.
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform: Platform for building and deploying portals for
personalized user interaction with enterprise applications and automated business
JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform: A flexible, standards-based platform to integrate
applications, SOA services, and business events as well as to automate business
JBoss Enterprise BRMS: An open source business rules management system that
enables easy business policy and rules development, access, and change
JBoss Enterprise Data Services Platform: Bridge the gap between diverse existing
enterprise data sources and the new forms of data required by new projects,
applications, and architectures.
Enterrise Fra#e"or:s:
JBoss Hibernate Framework: lndustry-leading object/relational mapping and
JBoss Seam Framework: Powerful application framework for building next generation
Web 2.0 applications.
JBoss Web Framework Kit: A combination of popular open source web frameworks for
building light and rich Java applications.
JBoss jBPM Framework: Business process automation and workflow engine.
JBoss Operations Network (JON): An advanced management platform for
inventorying, administering, monitoring, and updating JBoss Enterprise Platform
""" &!
(.'.1 >?oss Enterrise Alication Platfor# ;EAP<
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform is the market leading platform for innovative and
scalable Java applications. lntegrated, simplified, and delivered by the leader in enterprise
open source software, it includes leading open source technologies for building, deploying,
and hosting enterprise Java applications and services.
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform balances innovation with enterprise class stability by
integrating the most popular clustered Java EE application server with next generation
application frameworks. Built on open standards, JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
integrates JBoss Application Server, with JBoss Hibernate, JBoss Seam, and other leading
open source Java technologies from into a complete, simple enterprise solution for
Java applications.
Features and ?enefits:
Complete Eclipse-based lntegrated Development Environment (JBoss Developer
Built for Standards and lnteroperability: JBoss EAP supports a wide range of Java EE
and Web Services standards.
Enterprise Java Beans and Java Persistence
JBoss EAP bundles and integrates Hibernate, the de facto leader in Object/Relational
mapping and persistence.
Built-in Java naming and directory interface (JNDl) support
Built-in JTA for two-phase commit transaction support
JBoss Seam Framework and Web Application Services
Caching, Clustering, and High Availability
Security Services
Web Services and lnteroperability
lntegration and Messaging Services
Embeddable, Service-Oriented Architecture microkernel
Consistent Manageability
(.'.! >?oss Oerations 6et"or: ;>O6<
JON is an integrated management platform that simplifies the development, testing,
deployment and monitoring of JBoss Enterprise Middleware. From the JON console one can:
inventory resources from the operating system to applications.
control and audit application configurations to standardize deployments.
manage, monitor and tune applications for improved visibility, performance and
One central console provides an integrated view and control of JBoss middleware
&& """
The JON management platform (server-agent) delivers centralized systems management for
the JBoss middleware product suite. With it one can coordinate the many stages of
application life cycle and expose a cohesive view of middleware components through
complex environments, improve operational efficiency and reliability through thorough visibility
into production availability and performance, and effectively manage configuration and rollout
of new applications across complex environments with a single, integrated tool.
Auto-discover application resources: Operating systems, applications and services
From one console, store, edit and set application configurations
Start. stop or schedule an action on an application resource
Remotely deploy applications
Monitor and collect metric data for a particular platform, server or service
Alert support personnel based upon application alert conditions
Assign roles for users to enable fine-grained access control to JON services
""" &'
1.1 Red (at Enterprise R8 8rid
MRG Grid provides high throughput and high performance computing. Additionally, it enables
enterprises to move to a utility model of computing to help enterprises achieve both higher
peak computing capacity and higher lT utilization by leveraging their existing infrastructure to
build high performance grids.
Based on the Condor project, MRG Grid provides the most advanced and scalable platform
for high throughput and high performance computing with capabilities like:
scalability to run the largest grids in the world.
advanced features for handling priorities, workflows, concurrency limits, utilization, low
latency scheduling, and more.
support for a wide variety of tasks, ranging from sub-second calculations to long-
running, highly parallel (MPl) jobs.
the ability to schedule to all available computing resources, including local grids,
remote grids, virtual machines, idle desktop workstations, and dynamically provisioned
cloud infrastructure.
MRG Grid also enables enterprises to move to a utility model of computing, where they can:
schedule a variety of applications across a heterogeneous pool of available resources.
automatically handle seasonal workloads with high efficiency, utilization, and flexibility.
dynamically allocate, provision, or acquire additional computing resources for
additional applications and loads.
execute across a diverse set of environments, ranging from virtual machines to bare-
metal hardware to cloud-based infrastructure.
&( """
) Proof1of1Concet S+ste# Confi.uration
This proof-of-concept for deploying the Red Hat infrastructure for a private cloud used the
configuration shown in Fi.ure 1! comprised of:
l. lnfrastructure management services, e.g., Red Hat Network (RHN) Satellite, Red Hat
Enterprise Virtualization Manager (RHEV-M), DNS service, DHCP service, PXE server,
NFS server for lSO images, JON, MRG Manager - most of them installed in virtual
machines (VMs) in a Red Hat Cluster Suite (RHCS) cluster for high availability.
2. A farm of RHEV host systems (either in the form of RHEV Hypervisors or as
RHEL+KVM) to run tenants' VMs.
3. Sample RHEL application(s), JBoss application(s) and MRG Grid application(s)
deployed in the tenant VMs.
""" &)
Figure 12
9.1 (ard%are Configuration
Hard"are S+ste#s Secifications
6A$ S+ste#
@1 * HP Pro5iant /5(-( =!A
Quad Socket, Dual Core, (8 cores)
AMD Opteron 8222 SE @3.0 GHz , 72GB RAM
4 x 72 GB SAS l5K internal disk drives
2 x Broadcom BCM5706 Gigabit Ethernet Controller
4ana.e#ent Cluster 6odes
@! * HP Pro5iant /5(-0 =(A
Quad Socket, Quad Core (l6 cores)
CPU X7350 @2.93GHz, 64GB RAM
4 x 72 GB SAS l5K internal disk drives
2 x QLogic lSP2432-based 4Gb FC HBA
l x lntel 82572El Gigabit Ethernet Controller
2 x Broadcom BCM5708 Gigabit Ethernet Controller
H+ervisor Host S+ste#s
@! * HP Pro5iant /5&,0 =)A
Dual Socket, Quad Core, (8 cores)
CPU W5580 @3.20GHz, 48GB RAM
6 x l46 GB SAS l5K internal disk drives
2 x QLogic lSP2532-based Dual-Port 8Gb FC HBA
4 x NetXen NX303l l/l0-Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Table 1: -ard/are #onfiguration
&, """
9.2 Soft%are Configuration
Soft"are Version
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
5.5 Beta
(2.6.l8-l9l.el5 kernel)
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) 2.2 Beta
Red Hat Network (RHN) Satellite 5.3
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 5.0
JBoss Operations Network (JON) 2.2
Red Hat Enterprise MRG Grid l.2
Table 2: .oft/are #onfiguration
""" &-
9.$ Storage Configuration
Hard"are Secifications
1 * HP Stora.eCor:s 4SA!&!'fc
Fi%re Channel Stora.e Arra+ D
HP Stora.eCor:s ,0 4odular S#art
Arra+ "ith /ual /o#ain IO 4odule
@!'D!( * 1')=? 10E RP4 SAS dis:sA
Storage Controller:
Code Version: Ml00Rl8
Loader Code Version: l9.006
Memory Controller:
Code Version: F300R22
Management Controller
Code Version: W440R20
Loader Code Version: l2.0l5
Expander Controller:
Code Version: l036
CPLD Code Version: 8
Hardware Version: 56
1 * HP Stora.eCor:s '91)
SA6 S"itch
Firmware: v5.3.0
1 * HP Stora.eCor:s -9'0
SA6 S"itch
Firmware: v6.l.0a
Table 3: .torage -ard/are
The MSA2324fc array was configured with four ll-disk RAlD6 vdisks, each with spares.
create vdisk level r6 disks 1.1-11 spare 1.12 VD1
create vdisk level r6 disks 1.13-23 spare 1.24 VD2
create vdisk level r6 disks 2.1-11 spare 2.12 VD3
create vdisk level r6 disks 2.13-23 spare 2.24-25 VD4
&3 """
LUNs were created and presented as outlined in the following table.
Volu#e Si2e Presentation Purose
sat_disk 300 GB Management Cluster Satellite Server VM OS disk
luci_disk 20 GB Management Cluster Luci server VM OS disk
q_disk 50 MB Management Cluster Management Cluster Quorum
jon_disk 40 GB Management Cluster JON VM OS Disk
mgmtvirt_disk 300 GB Management Cluster Management Virtualization Storage
rhevm_disk 30 GB Management Cluster RHEV-M OS Disk
rhev-nfs-fs 300 GB Management Cluster RHEV-M lSO Library
rhevm-storage l TB Hypervisor Hosts RHEV-M Storage Pool
Table 4: L12 #onfiguration
As an example, the following commands were used to create the 30 GB rhevm_disk LUN and
present it exclusively to each HBA in the management cluster nodes.
create volume rhevm-vm vdisk VD4 size 30GB lu 0!
map volume rhevm-vm access r" ports a1#a2#$1#$2 lu 0! host
umap volume rhevm-stora&e
""" '0
9.4 5et%or- Configuration
The components of this cloud infrastructure were staged in a private subnet, allowing the
environment complete control of the network (e.g., DHCP, DNS, and {XE) without having to
lobby lT for changes to support a segment which they would not maintain and control. Other
configurations are supported but this one was the most time efficient for this exercise.
While the infrastructure is in a private sub-net, access to and from the systems to the
complete network is required. This was handled by configuring a system that has network
connections to both the private subnet and the public network. This machine served as a
gateway between the networks by configuring iptables to perform Network Address
Translation (NAT). A system was configured to act as a NAT using the top address
(l72.22.l3l.254) as a gateway and a network domain name of
The initial estimated lP requirement was approximately l000 address in an RFC l9l8
(address allocation for private internet) address space. The decision was made to use a class
B network which would be in the l72.l6/l2 space. This number of addresses requires a 22-
bit subnet mask (e.g., l72.20.l28/ which yields addresses l72.20.l28.0
through l72.20.l3l.255).
'1 """
, /elo+in. Cloud Infrastructure Services
This section provides a set of detail actions required to configure Red Hat products that
constitute the infrastructure used for a private cloud.
The goal is to create a set of highly available cloud infrastructure management services.
These cloud management services will then be used to set up the cloud hosts, the VMs within
those hosts and finally load applications in those VMs.
High availability is achieved by clustering two RHEL nodes (active / passive) using the Red
Hat Cluster Suite (RHCS). Each of the cluster nodes is set up to run RHEL 5.5 (with the
bundled KVM hypervisor). For most management services a VM is created (using the KVM
hypervisor and not RHEV-M) and configured as an RHCS service. And then the management
service in installed in the VM, e.g., RHN Satellite VM, JON VM. A high level walk-through of
the steps to create these highly available cloud infrastructure management services is
presented below.
l. lnstall RHEL + KVM on a node
2. Use Virt-manager to create a VM
3. lnstall RHN Satellite in the VM (= Satellite VM)
4. Synchronize Satellite with RHN & download packages from all appropriate channels /
child channels:
Base RHEL 5
Clustering (RHCS, .)
Cluster storage (GFS, .)
Virtualization (KVM, .)
RHN Tools
RHEV management agents for RHEL hosts
5. Use multi-organization support in Satellite - create a 'Tenant' organization and
'Management' organization
6. Configure cobbler
Configure cobbler's management of DHCP
Configure cobbler's management of DNS
Configure cobbler's management of PXE
7. Provision MGMT-l node from Satellite
8. Migrate Satellite-VM to MGMT-l
9. Provision additional cloud infrastructure management services on MGMT-l (using
Satellite where applicable = Satellite creates VM, installs OS and additional software)
Windows VM: RHEV-M
RHEL VM: MRG Manager
NFS service
l0. Provision MGMT-2 node from Satellite
ll. Turn MGMT-l and MGMT-2 into RHCS cluster
""" '!
l2. Make cloud infrastructure management services clustered services
l3. Balance clustered services (for better performance)
l4. Configure RHEV-M
RHEV data center(s)
RHEV cluster(s) within the data center(s)
'& """
:.1 5et%or- 8ate%ay
The gateway system was installed with a basic configuration of Red
Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 Advanced Platform and iptables was configured to perform network
address translation to allow communication between the private subnet and the public
The following details the procedure for this configuration.
l. lnstall Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 Advanced Platform:
a) Use obvious naming convention for operating system volume group (e.g.,
b) Exclude all software groups when selecting software components.
c) When prompted, configure the preferred network interface using DHCP.
d) Set SELinux to permissive mode.
e) Disable the firewall (iptables).
2. Configure Secure Shell (ssh) keys
""" ''
Figure 13
3. To prevent /etc/resolv.conf from being overwritten by DHCP, convert eth0
(/etc/sysconfig/networ!scri"t/ifcfg!eth0) to a static lP
4. Configure eth# (/etc/sysconfig/networ!scri"t/ifcfg!eth#) with gateway address for the
private subnet
5. Update /etc/hosts with known addresses for NAT, DNS, etc.
6. To be able to search both public and private networks, edit /etc/resolv.conf to contain
the following:
sea&ch &a.&h.c*+,-a...*s.&e/hat.c*+
'a+ese&0e& 1#2.20.128.(5 1 sate--ite s$ste+
'a+ese&0e& 10.16.(6.22
'a+ese&0e& 10.16.255.(
7. Edit /etc/sysclt.conf:
Set net.i"v$.i"%forward&#
8. Enable, configure and save iptables settings using the following commands:
chkco'i& ipta$les o
service ipta$les o
ipta$les -(
ipta$les -t at -(
ipta$les -t ma&le -(
ipta$les -t at -) *+,-.+/-01G -o eth0 -2 3),4/5.)D5
ipta$les -) (+.6).D -i eth1 -2 )775*-
service ipta$les save
'( """
:.2 !nstall ;irst anagement 5ode
lnstall and configure the first of the nodes that will comprise the management services cluster.
l. Disable fibre channel connectivity with system (e.g., switch port disable, cable pull,
HBA disable, etc.).
2. lnstall Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 Advanced Platform:
a) Use obvious naming convention for operating system volume group (e.g.,
b) lnclude the Clustering and Virtualization software groups when selecting software
c) Select the '(stomi)e Now option and highlight the Virtualization entry at left.
Check the box for *V+. Ensure Virt(ali)ation is unchecked.
d) When prompted, configure the preferred network interface using:
a static lP
the NAT server lP address as a default route
lP addresses for locally configured DNS
""" ')
Figure 14
e) Set SELinux to permissive mode
f) Enable the firewall (iptables) leaving ports open for ssh, http, and https.
3. Configure Secure Shell (ssh) keys
4. Update /etc/hosts with known addresses for NAT, DNS, etc.
5. Modify /etc/resolv.conf to contain the following:
sea&ch &a.&h.c*+
'a+ese&0e& 1#2.20.128.(5 1 sate--ite s$ste+ IP
6. Configure NTP using the following commands:
service tpd start
chkco'i& tpd o
7. Modify firewall rules to include openais, rgmanager, ricci, dlm, cssd, and vnc using the
following commands:
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -m multiport
-p udp --dport 5404#5405 -2 )775*- 9 opeais
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -m multiport
-p tcp --dports 41:66#41:6!#41:6;#41:6: -2 )775*- 9 r&maa&er
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -m multiport
-p tcp --dports 11111 -2 )775*- 9 ricci
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -m multiport
-p tcp --dports 21064 -2 )775*- 9 dlm
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -m multiport
-p tcp --dports 50006#5000;#5000: -2 )775*- 9 cssd
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -m multiport
-p udp --dports 5000! -2 )775*- 9 cssd
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -p tcp
--destiatio-port 5:00 -2 )775*- 9 vc
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -p tcp
--destiatio-port 5;00 -2 )775*- 9 vc
service ipta$les save
8. Disable ACPlD:
chkco'i& acpid o''
9. Configure device-mapper
a) Enable device-mapper multipathing using the following commands:
<um istall device-mapper-multipath
chkco'i& multipathd o
service multipathd start
b) Edit /etc/m(lti"ath.conf accordingly to alias known devices
l0. Configure cluster interconnect network
ll.Enable fibre channel connectivity disabled in step l.
l2.To discover any fibre channel devices, either execute resca-scsi-$ or
reboot the node.
', """
,.& Create Satellite S+ste#
The satellite system provides the configuration management of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux
system and is the network maintainer of DHCP, DNS and PXE.
,.&.1 Create Satellite V4
l. Convert primary network of management system to bridge to allow sharing.
a) Create network bridge for virtualization:
Create bridge configuration file /etc/sysconfig/networ!scri"ts/ifcfg!c(m(l(s0
b) Modify the existing public network file (e.g., ifcfg-eth#)
add ,-./G0&c(m(l(s0
""" '-
Figure 15
confirm ,11T2-1T1&none
remove/comment out any static lP address
c) Restart network, confirming the bridge comes online
service et"ork restart
d) Reboot node to make system services aware of network changes.
2. Create storage volume (e.g., sat%dis) of appropriate size (@300GB). See section ).&
for greater detail on adding and presenting LUNs from storage.
3. Create Virtual Machine, using virt-maa&er
Name: (e.g., ra!sat!vm3
Set Virtualization Method: 4(lly virt(ali)ed
CPU architecture: 567%7$
Hypervisor: vm
Select 8ocal install media installation method
OS Type: 8in(5
OS Variant: -ed 9at 0nter"rise 8in(5 :.$ or later
Specify preferred installation media
Specify ,loc device storage location (e.g., /dev/ma""er/sat%dis)
Specify ;hared "hysical device network connection (e.g., c(m(l(s03
Max memory: 6#<=
Startup memory: 6#<=
Virtual CPUs: $
4. lnstall OS
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 Advanced Platform
Use local device (e.g., vda) for OS
Use obvious naming convention for OS volume group (e.g., ;atV+VG)
Deselect all software groups
Configure network interface eth0 with static lP address
Set SELinux to permissive mode
Enable firewall
5. Open required firewall ports:
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m state --state 156 -m tcp
--dport 53 -2 )775*- 9 D1,=amed
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m state --state 156 -m udp
--dport 53 -2 )775*- 9 D1,=amed
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m state --state 156 -m tcp
--dport 6; -2 )775*- 9 D87* cliet
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m state --state 156 -m udp
--dport 6; -2 )775*- 9 D87* cliet
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m state --state 156 -m udp
--dport 6: -2 )775*- 9 t'tp
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m state --state 156 -m tcp
--dport 6: -2 )775*- 9 t'tp
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport ;0 -2 )775*-
9 8--*
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport ;0 -2 )775*-
'3 """
9 8--*
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport 443 -2 )775*-
9 8--*,
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -2 )775*-
9 8--*,
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport 4545 -2
)775*- 9 .81 ,atellite ,erver 3oitori&
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport 4545 -2
)775*- 9 .81 ,atellite ,erver 3oitori&
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5222 -2
)775*- 9 >3** 7liet 7oectio
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport 5222 -2
)775*- 9 >3** 7liet 7oectio
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m state --state 156 -m udp
--dport 25150 -2 )775*- 9 7o$$ler
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m state --state 156 -m tcp
--dport 25151 -2 )775*- 9 7o$$ler
service ipta$les save
,.&.! Confi.ure /HCP
This initial DHCP configuration will provide immediate functionality and become the basis of
the template when cobbler is configured.
l. lnstall the /9'2 software package
<um istall dhcp
2. Create /etc/dhc"d.conf
a) Start by using the sample configuration
cp =usr=share=doc=dhcp?'.sample'
b) Edit the file, updating the following entries:
domain name
domain name server
dynamic lP range
1 DCP Se&0e& C*'6i43&ati*' 6i-e.
1 see 73s&7sha&e7/*c7/hc897/hc8/.c*'
//'s;38/ate;st$-e i'te&i+:
i4'*&e c-ie't;38/ates:
s3.'et 1# 'et+as< =
1 ;;; /e6a3-t 4ate>a$
*8ti*' &*3te&s 1#2.20.1(1.254:
*8ti*' s3.'et;+as<
""" (0
*8ti*' /*+ai';'a+e ?&a.&h.c*+?:
*8ti*' /*+ai';'a+e;se&0e&s 1#2.20.128.(5:
*8ti*' ti+e;*66set ;18000: 1 Easte&' Sta'/a&/ Ti+e
&a'4e 1# 1#2.20.1(1.25(:
/e6a3-t;-ease;ti+e 21600:
+a@;-ease;ti+e 4(200:
h*st +*'et =
*8ti*' h*st;'a+e ?+*'et.&a.&h.c*+?:
ha&/>a&e ethe&'et 00"1E"0B"42"#A:
6i@e/;a//&ess 1#
h*st /e4as =
*8ti*' h*st;'a+e ?/e4as.&a.&h.c*+?:
ha&/>a&e ethe&'et 00"21"5A"5C"2E"46:
6i@e/;a//&ess 1#
h*st &a;sat;0+ =
*8ti*' h*st;'a+e ?&a;sat;0+.&a.&h.c*+?:
ha&/>a&e ethe&'et 54"52"00"6A"(0"CA:
6i@e/;a//&ess 1#2.20.128.(5:
h*st &a;-3ci;0+ =
*8ti*' h*st;'a+e ?&a;-3ci;0+.&a.&h.c*+?:
ha&/>a&e ethe&'et 54"52"00"50"80"0A:
6i@e/;a//&ess 1#
h*st &a;&he0+;0+ =
*8ti*' h*st;'a+e ?&a;&he0+;0+.&a.&h.c*+?:
ha&/>a&e ethe&'et 54"52"00"0#"B0"85:
6i@e/;a//&ess 1#
h*st &e'*i& =
*8ti*' h*st;'a+e ?&e'*i&.&a.&h.c*+?:
ha&/>a&e ethe&'et 00"18"#1"EB"8#"2D:
6i@e/;a//&ess 1#2.20.1(1.254:
3. Check the syntax of the dhcpd.conf file and resolve any issues
service dhcpd co'i&test
4. Start the service
service dhcpd start
chkco'i& dhcpd o
5. Boot a test system and verify that an appropriate entry is produced in
(1 """
,.&.& Confi.ure /6S
l. lnstall DNS software and related configuration tool
<um istall amed s<stem-co'i&-$id
2. Edit /etc/host.conf to include the bind keyword
*&/e& h*sts,.i'/
3. Create a file that contains all hosts to be defined. Format should be:
<.2 Address> <4(lly >(alified 9ost Name>
4. lnvoke s<stem-co'i&-$id and perform the following to create the configuration
file (/etc/named.conf3 and zone files in /var/named:
lmport file of all defined hosts
Define forwarders using options settings
5. Test configuration and resolve issues
service amed co'i&test
6. Start service
service amed start
chkco'i& amed o
""" (!
,.&.' Install and Confi.ure RH6 Satellite Soft"are
This installation will use the embedded database for Satellite. For complete details, refer to
the Red Hat Network Satellite 5.3.0 lnstallation guide at
l. Register ra!sat!vm with central Red Hat Network
2. Obtain a Satellite certificate and place in a known location.
3. Download redhat!rhn!satellite!:.?!server!567%7$!:!embedded!oracle.iso. Starting at
the RHN website, select the following links: Download Software -> e5"and Red Hat
Enterprise Linux (v. 5 for 64-bit x86_64) -> Red Hat Network Satellite (v5.3 for Server
v5 AMD64 / lntel64) -> Satellite 5.3.0 lnstaller for RHEL-5 - (Embedded Database)
4. Mount the CD image
mout -o loop =root=redhat-rh-satellite-5.3-server-@;6%64-5-
em$edded-oracle.iso =media=cdrom
5. Create an answers.txt for the installation.
(& """
Figure 16
a) Copy the sample answers.t5t
cp =media=cdrom=istall=as"ers.t@t =tmp=
b) Edit the copied file addressing all the following required fields and any desired
optional fields, refer to Aendi* A: for the example used:
SSL data
6. Start installation
cd =media=cdromA --as"er-'ileB=tmp=as"ers.t@t
7. After completion of installation, direct a Web browser to the displayed address and
perform the following steps:
a) Create Satellite Administrator
b) General Configuration
c) RHN Satellite Configuration Monitoring
d) RHN Satellite Configuration Bootstrap
e) RHN Satellite Configuration Restart
8. Prepare channels
a) List authorized channels
satellite-s<c --list-chaels
b) Download base channel (could take several hours)
satellite-s<c -c rhel-@;6%64-server-5
c) Optionally download any desired child channels using syntax described above
,.&.( Confi.ure 4ultile Or.ani2ations
Using multiple organization can make a single satellite appears as multiple discreet
instances. Organizations can be configured to share software channels. This configuration
created a management and a tenant organization. The elements of the management
organization consisted of the cluster members, NAT server, luci VM, JON VM, etc. All RHEV
VMs will be registered to the tenant organization. Separating the organization will allow the
tenants to have complete functional access to a satellite for RHEV based VMs and provide
security by restricting the access to the management systems via satellite.
l. Access the administrator account of the satellite. Navigate to the Admin tab and select
create new organi)ation. Fill in all the fields:
Organization Name
""" ('
Desired Login
Desired Password
Confirm Password
First Name
Last Name
2. After selecting 'reate 1rgani)ation the ;ystem 0ntitlement page will be displayed.
lnput the number of entitlements for each entitlement type this organization will be
allocated and select @"date 1rgani)ation.
3. Navigate to the ;oftware 'hannel 0ntitlements page. Update the channel entitlement
allocation for all channels.
4. Navigate to the Tr(sts page. Select to trust all organizations and select +odify Tr(sts.
,.&.) Confi.ure Custo# Channels for RHE5 (.( ?eta
l. Create new channel for each of the following:
rhel5-5-x86_64-server [base channel]
a) Starting at the satellite home page, select the following links: 'hannels !> +anage
;oftware 'hannels !> create new channel and provide the information below for
each channel created:
Channel Name
Channel Label
Parent Channel [None indicates base channel]
Parent Channel Architecture (e.g., 567%7$)
Channel Summary
Organization Sharing (e.g., "(blic)
2. Place packages into created channels assumes distribution has been made available
under /distro
rhpush -v -c rhel5-5-@;6%64-server --serverBhttpC==localhost=)**
--dirB=distro=rhel5-server-@;6%64=,erver -u admi -p <password>
rhpush -v -c rhel5-5-@;6%64-vt --serverBhttpC==localhost=)**
--dirB=distrorhel5-server-@;6%64=V- -u admi -p <password>
rhpush -v -c rhel5-5-@;6%64-cluster --serverBhttpC==localhost=)**
--dirB=distro=rhel5-server-@;6%64=7luster -u admi -p <password>
rhpush -v -c rhel5-5-@;6%64-clusterstora&e
--serverBhttpC==localhost=)** --dirB=distro=rhel5-server-
@;6%64=7luster,tora&e -u admi -p <password>
3. Clone the RHN Tools child channel as a RHEL5-5 child channel
a) Starting at Satellite Home, select the following links: 'hannels !> +anage ;oftware
'hannels !> clone channel
Clone From: -ed 9at Networ Tools for -908 ;erver (v.: 7$!bit 567%7$3
(( """
Clone: '(rrent state of the channel (all errata3
Click 'reate 'hannel
ln the /etails page displayed
Parent Channel: (e.g., rhel:!:!567%7$!server3
Channel Name: (se "rovided or s"ecify name
Channel Label: (se "rovided or s"ecify label
Base Channel Architecture: 567%7$
Channel Summary: (se "rovided or s"ecify s(mmary
Enter any optional (non asterisk) information as desired
Click 'reate 'hannel
On re-displayed /etails page
Organizational Sharing: 2(blic
Click @"date 'hannel
4. Make distribution kickstartable
a) Starting at Satellite Home, select the following links: ;ystems !> *icstart !>
/istrib(tions !> create new distrib(tions
Distribution Label: (e.g., rhel:!:%567!7$3
Tree Path: /distro/rhel:!server!567%7$
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567%7$!server
lnstaller Generation: -ed 9at 0nter"rise 8in(5 :
[optional] *ernel 1"tions and 2ost *ernel 1"tions
'reate *icstart /istrib(tion
,.&., Co%%ler
RHN Satellite includes the Cobbler server that allows administrators to centralize their system
installation and provisioning infrastructure. Cobbler is an installation server that collects the
various methods of performing unattended system installations, whether it be server,
workstation, or guest systems in a full or para-virtualized setup. Cobbler has several tools to
assist in pre-installation guidance, kickstart file management, content channel management,
and more.
,.&.,.1 Confi.ure Co%%ler
The steps listed in this section perform the initial steps to configure cobbler. The sections that
follow will provide the procedure for cobbler's management of additional services.
l. Configure the following settings in /etc/cobbler/settings. The complete settings file can
be found in Appendix A.!
redhat_management_server: "ra!sat!vm.ra.rh.comA
server: ra!sat!
register_new_installs: #
redhat_management_type: AsiteA
DO NOT set scm_track_enabled: l, unless git has been installed
2. Enable SELinux to all HTTPD web service components
setse$ool -* httpd%ca%et"ork%coect true
""" ()
3. Check the configuration, ignore warning about version of reposync
co$$ler check
4. Synchronize cobbler controlled files
co$$ler s<c
5. Restart satellite
=usr=s$i=rh-satellite restart
,.&.,.! Confi.ure Co%%ler 4ana.e#ent of /HCP
l. Configure the following settings in /etc/cobbler/settings. The complete settings file can
be found in Appendix A.!
manage_dhcp: #
dhcpd_bin: /(sr/sbin/dhc"d
dhcpd_conf: /etc/dhc"d.conf
restart_dhcp: #
2. Verify [dhcp] section of /etc/cobbler/mod(les.conf is set as mod(le & manage%isc
3. Create /etc/cobbler/dhc".tem"late based on existing /etc/dhc"d.conf created earlier
with additional section of macros to add managed systems as shown in the excerpt
1 DCP Se&0e& C*'6i43&ati*' 6i-e.
1 see 73s&7sha&e7/*c7/hc897/hc8/.c*'
//'s;38/ate;st$-e i'te&i+:
i4'*&e c-ie't;38/ates:
s3.'et 1# 'et+as< =
B . . . C
h*st &e'*i& =
*8ti*' h*st;'a+e ?&e'*i&.&a.&h.c*+?:
ha&/>a&e ethe&'et 00"1E"0B"BB"42"#2:
6i@e/;a//&ess 1#2.20.1(1.254:
16*& /hc8Dta4 i' E/hc8Dta4s.<e$sFG"
11 4&*38 c*3-/ .e s3.'et i6 /hc8 ta4s a-i4' >ith the s3.'ets
11 *& a'$ 0a-i/ /hc8/.c*'6 c*'st&3ct ... i6 the /e6a3-t /hc8 ta4 i' c*..-e&
11 is 3se/, the 4&*38 .-*c< ca' .e /e-ete/ 6*& a 6-at c*'6i43&ati*'
11 4&*38 6*& C*..-e& DCP ta4" E/hc8Dta4
16*& +ac i' E/hc8Dta4sBE/hc8Dta4C.<e$sFG"
1set i6ace = E/hc8Dta4sBE/hc8Dta4CBE+acC
h*st Ei6ace.'a+e =
ha&/>a&e ethe&'et E+ac:
1i6 Ei6ace.i8Da//&ess"
(, """
6i@e/;a//&ess Ei6ace.i8Da//&ess:
1e'/ i6
1i6 Ei6ace.h*st'a+e"
*8ti*' h*st;'a+e ?Ei6ace.h*st'a+e?:
1e'/ i6
1e'/ 6*&
1e'/ 6*&
6. Synchronize cobbler controlled files
co$$ler s<c
7. Verify generated /etc/dhc"d.conf
,.&.,.& Confi.ure Co%%ler 4ana.e#ent of /6S
l. Configure the following settings in /etc/cobbler/settings. The complete settings file can
be found in Appendix A.!
manage_dns: l
restart_dns: l
bind_bin: /usr/sbin/named
named_conf: /etc/named.conf
- ''
- 'l72.20.l28'
- 'l72.20.l29'
- 'l72.20.l30'
- 'l72.20.l3l'
2. Verify [dns] section of /etc/cobbler/mod(les.conf is set as mod(le & manage%bind
3. Create /etc/cobbler/named.tem"late based on existing /etc/named.conf created earlier.
Modifications required include:
removing zones references that will be managed as specified
in /etc/cobbler/settings
adding a section with macros for the managed zones
77 Re/ at BIND C*'6i43&ati*' T**-
77 De6a3-t i'itia- ?Cachi'4 O'-$? 'a+e se&0e& c*'6i43&ati*'
*8ti*'s =
6*&>a&/e&s = 8*&t 5(:
10.16.255.( 8*&t 5(:
6*&>a&/ 6i&st:
/i&ect*&$ ?70a&7'a+e/?:
/3+8;6i-e ?70a&7'a+e/7/ata7cacheD/3+8./.?:
""" (-
statistics;6i-e ?70a&7'a+e/7/ata7'a+e/Dstats.t@t?:
H*'e ?.? IN =
t$8e hi't:
6i-e ?'a+e/.&**t?:
H*'e ?-*ca-/*+ai'.? IN =
t$8e +aste&:
6i-e ?-*ca-/*+ai'.H*'e?:
a--*>;38/ate = '*'e: A:
H*'e ?-*ca-h*st.? IN =
t$8e +aste&:
6i-e ?-*ca-h*st.H*'e?:
a--*>;38/ate = '*'e: A:
H*'e ?0.0.12#.i';a//&.a&8a.? IN =
t$8e +aste&:
6i-e ?'a+e/.-*ca-?:
a--*>;38/ate = '*'e: A:
H*'e ? IN =
t$8e +aste&:
6i-e ?'a+e/.i86.-*ca-?:
a--*>;38/ate = '*'e: A:
H*'e ?255.i';a//&.a&8a.? IN =
t$8e +aste&:
6i-e ?'a+e/..&*a/cast?:
a--*>;38/ate = '*'e: A:
H*'e ?0.i';a//&.a&8a.? IN =
t$8e +aste&:
6i-e ?'a+e/.He&*?:
a--*>;38/ate = '*'e: A:
16*& EH*'e i' E6*&>a&/DH*'es
H*'e ?E=H*'eA.? =
t$8e +aste&:
6i-e ?EH*'e?:
1e'/ 6*&
16*& EH*'e, Ea&8a i' E&e0e&seDH*'es
H*'e ?E=a&8aA.? =
t$8e +aste&:
6i-e ?EH*'e?:
1e'/ 6*&
i'c-3/e I7etc7&'/s.<e$J:
(3 """
4. 6ote: Zone files will be named as specified in /etc/cobbler/settings, changed from the
original name specified in /etc/named.conf
5. Create zone templates
a) Create /etc/cobbler/)one%tem"lates
mkdir =etc=co$$ler=zoe%templates
b) Copy zone files for the managed zones from /var/named to
/etc/cobbler/)one%tem"lates changing to specified name and appending
Bhost%record to the end of the contents of each file.
6. Synchronize cobbler controlled files
co$$ler s<c
7. Verify generated /etc/named.conf
,.&.,.' Confi.ure Co%%ler 4ana.e#ent of PFE
l. Configure the following settings in /etc/cobbler/settings. The complete settings file can
be found in Appendix A.!
2. Verify the following setting in /etc/cobbler/settings
next_server: ra!sat!
3. Edit /etc/5inetd.d/tft" to verify the following entry ... disable&no
4. Add/Verify that /etc/cobbler/dhc".tem"late has the following entries:
filename "pxelinux.0";
range d+na#ic1%oot l72.20.l28.l30 l72.20.l3l.253;
next-server l72.20.l28.35; # satellite address
5. Synchronize cobbler controlled files
co$$ler s<c
6. Verify a system can PXE boot
""" )0
,.' ?uild 5uci V4
Create and configure the virtual machine on which luci will run for cluster management.
l. On a management cluster node, create network bridge for cluster interconnect
Create bridge configuration file /etc/sysconfig/networ!scri"ts/ifcfg!ic0
Modify existing interconnect network ifcfg-eth# file as follows:
add ,-./G0&ic0
confirm ,11T2-1T1&none
remove/comment out any static lP address
Verify bridge configuration with a network restart:
service et"ork restart
)1 """
Figure 1"
Reboot node to make system services aware of network changes
2. Create storage volume (e.g., l(ci%dis) of appropriate size (@20GB). See section ).&
for greater detail on adding and presenting LUNs from storage.
3. Using virt-maa&er, create the luci VM using the following input:
Name: ra!l(ci!vm
Set Virtualization Method: 4(lly virt(ali)ed
CPU architecture: 567%7$
Hypervisor: vm
Select 8ocal install media installation method
OS Type: 8in(5
1; VariantC -ed 9at 0nter"rise 8in(5 :.$ or later
Specify preferred installation media
Specify ,loc device storage location (e.g., /dev/ma""er/l(ci%dis)
Specify ;hared "hysical device network connection (e.g., c(m(l(s03
Max memory: =0$6
Startup memory: =0$6
Virtual CPUs: =
4. lnstall OS:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 Advanced Platform
Use local device (e.g., vda) for OS
Use obvious naming convention for OS volume group (e.g., 8(ciV+VG)
Deselect all software groups
Configure network interface eth0 with static lP address
Set SELinux to permissive mode
Enable firewall
5. Open firewall ports 80, 443, and 8084:
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport ;0 -2 )775*-
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport ;0 -2 )775*-
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport 443 -2 )775*-
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -2 )775*-
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport ;0;4 -2
)775*- 9 luci
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport ;0;4 -2
)775*- 9 luci
service ipta$les save
""" )!
:.1 !nstall Second anagement 5ode
lnstall and configure the next of the nodes that will comprise the management services
l. Disable fibre channel connectivity with system (e.g., switch port disable, cable pull,
HBA disable, etc.).
2. lnstall Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 Advanced Platform:
a) Use obvious naming convention for operating system volume group (e.g.,
b) lnclude the Clustering and Virtualization software groups when selecting software
c) Select the Customize Now option and highlight the Virtualization entry at left.
Check the box for *V+. Ensure Virt(ali)ation is unchecked.
)& """
Figure 1%
d) When prompted, configure the preferred network interface using:
a static lP
the NAT server lP address as a default route
lP addresses for locally configured DNS
e) Set SELinux to permissive mode
f) Enable the firewall (iptables) leaving ports open for ssh, http, and https.
3. Configure Secure Shell (ssh) keys
4. Update /etc/hosts with known addresses for NAT, DNS, etc.
5. Edit /etc/resolv.conf to contain the following:
sea&ch &a.&h.c*+
'a+ese&0e& 1#2.20.128.(5 1 sate--ite s$ste+ IP
6. Configure NTP using the following commands:
service tpd start
chkco'i& tpd o
7. Modify firewall rules to include openais, rgmanager, ricci, dlm, cssd, and vnc using the
following commands:
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -m multiport
-p udp --dport 5404#5405 -2 )775*- 9 opeais
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -m multiport
-p tcp --dports 41:66#41:6!#41:6;#41:6: -2 )775*- 9 r&maa&er
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -m multiport
-p tcp --dports 11111 -2 )775*- 9 ricci
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -m multiport
-p tcp --dports 21064 -2 )775*- 9 dlm
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -m multiport
-p tcp --dports 50006#5000;#5000: -2 )775*- 9 cssd
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -m multiport
-p udp --dports 5000! -2 )775*- 9 cssd
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -p tcp
--destiatio-port 5:00 -2 )775*- 9 vc
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -m state --state 156 -p tcp
--destiatio-port 5;00 -2 )775*- 9 vc
service ipta$les save
service ipta$les restart
8. Disable ACPl daemon to allow an integrated fence device to shut down a server
immediately rather than attempting a clean shutdown :
chkco'i& acpid o''
9. Configure device-mapper
a) Enable device-mapper multipathing using the following commands:
<um istall device-mapper-multipath
chkco'i& multipathd o
service multipathd start
b) Edit /etc/m(lti"ath.conf accordingly to alias known devices
""" )'
l0. Create cluster interconnect bridged network.
Create bridge configuration file /etc/sysconfig/networ!scri"ts/ifcfg!ic0
Modify existing interconnect network file (e.g., ifcfg!ethD) as follows:
add ,-./G0&ic0
confirm ,11T2-1T1&none
confirm 1N,11T&yes
remove/comment out any static lP address
Verify bridge configuration with a network restart:
service et"ork restart
ll. Convert primary network of management system to bridge to allow sharing.
a) Create network bridge for virtualization:
Create bridge configuration file /etc/sysconfig/networ!scri"ts/ifcfg!c(m(l(s0
b) Modify the existing public network file (e.g., ifcfg-eth#)
add ,-./G0&c(m(l(s0
confirm ,11T2-1T1&none
remove/comment out any static lP address
c) Restart network, confirming the bridge comes online
service et"ork restart
l2. Enable fibre channel connectivity disabled in step l.
l3. Reboot to discover fibre channel devices and make system services aware of network
)( """
:.9 Configure R(CS
Now that the clustering software is present on the targeted cluster nodes and the luci server,
the clustering agent and server modules can be engaged.
l. Start the ricci service on each server that will join the cluster:
service ricci start
2. On the remote server on which luci was installed, an administrative password must be
set using luci%admi before the service can be started:
luci%admi iit
3. Restart luci:
service luci restart
""" ))
Figure 1(
4. The first time luci is accessed via a web browser at https://<l(ci%servername>:8084,
the user will need to accept two SSL certificates before being directed to the login
5. Enter the login name and chosen password to view the l(ci home "age.
6. ln the Luci Home page, click on the cl(ster tab at the top of the page and then on
'reate a New 'l(ster from the menubar on left. ln the cluster creation window, enter
the preferred name for the cluster (l5 char max), the host names assigned to the local
interconnect of each server and their root passwords. This window also provides
options to:
use the clustering software already present on the system or download the
required packages
enable shared storage support
reboot the systems prior to joining the new cluster
check to verify that system passwords are identical
view the SSL certification fingerprints of each server
7. Note that it is possible to use the external hostnames of the servers to build a cluster.
This means that the cluster will be using the public LAN for its inter-node
communications and heartbeats. lt also means that the server running luci will need to
be able to access the clustered systems on the same public LAN. A safer and more
highly recommended configuration is to use the interconnect names (or their lP
addresses) when building the cluster. This will require that the luci server also have a
), """
connection to the private LAN and will remove any possibilities of public lO traffic
interfering with the cluster activities.
8. Click the ;(bmit button to download (if selected) and install the cluster software
packages onto each node, create the cluster configuration file, propagate the file to
each cluster member, and start the cluster. This will then display the main configuration
window for the newly created cluster. The General tab (shown below) displays cluster
name and provides a method for modifying the configuration version and advanced
cluster properties.
9. The 4ence tab will display the fence and XVM daemon properties window. While the
default value of 2ost!Eoin /elay is 3, a more practical setting is between 20 and 30
seconds, but can vary to user preference. For this effort, the default 2ost!Eoin /elay
was set to 30 seconds while default values were used for the other parameters. Set the
2ost!Eoin /elay value as preferred and click A""ly.
l0.The +(lticast tab displays the multicast configuration window. The default option to
8et cl(ster choose the m(lticast address is selected because Red Hat Cluster software
chooses the multicast address for management communication across clustered
nodes. lf the user must use a specific multicast address, click ;"ecify the m(lticast
""" )-
address man(allyF enter the address and click A""ly for changes to take effect.
Otherwise, leave the default selections alone.
ll.The >(or(m 2artition tab displays the quorum partition configuration window.
Reference the 'onsiderations for @sing >(or(m /is and Global 'l(ster 2ro"erties
sections of Configuring and Managing a Red Hat Cluster for further considerations
regarding the use of a cluster quorum device. To understand the use of quorum disk
parameters and heuristics, refer to the DdiskE5F man page.
Create storage volume (e.g., Gdis) of appropriate size (@50MB). See section ).& for
greater detail on adding and presenting LUNs from storage.
The mkDdisk command will create the quorum partition. Specify the device and a
unique identifying label:
mkDdisk -c =dev=mapper=Ddisk -l D%disk
Now that appropriate label has been assigned to the quorum partition or disk, configure
the newly labeled G%dis as the cluster quorum device.
Once the preferred quorum attributes has been entered and any desired heuristic(s),
)3 """
and their respective scores, have been defined, click Apply to create the quorum
device. lf further information regarding quorum partition details and heuristics is
required, please reference:
the 'onsiderations for @sing >(or(m /is and Global 'l(ster 2ro"erties
sections of Configuring and Managing a Red Hat Cluster
the Cluster Project FAQ
Red Hat Knowledgebase Article lD l33l5
the DdiskE5F man page
l2. Once the initial cluster creation has completed, configure each of the clustered nodes.
""" ,0
l3. A failover domain is a chosen subset of cluster members that are eligible to run a
cluster service in the event of a node failure. From the cluster details window, click
4ailover /omains and then Add a 4ailover /omain.
,1 """
l4. Click on the 4ence tab to configure a Fence Daemon.
""" ,!
l5. Click on the Add a fence device for this level link at the bottom of the system details
page to reveal the 4ence /evice form. Enter the information for the fence device being
used. Click on @"date main fence "ro"erties to proceed.
,& """
:.: Configure .s as Cluster Services
,.,.1 Create Cluster Service of Satellite V4
l. lf running, shut down the satellite VM prior to configuring it as a cluster service. This is
due to the fact that when the 'hec the bo5 to A(tomatically ;tart this ;ervice option is
enabled for a cluster service, it will automatically start the service as soon as it is
created which will conflict with any currently running satellite VM.
virsh shutdo" ra-sat-vm
2. ln the luci cluster configuration window, select the following links: ;ervices !> Add a
Virt(al +achine ;ervice and enter the information necessary to create the service:
VM name: ra!sat!vm
Path to VM Configuration Files: /etc/libvirt/Gem(
Leave VM Migration Mapping em"ty
Migration Type: live
Hypervisor: *V+
Check the box to A(tomatically ;tart this ;ervice
Leave the N4; 8oc Horaro(nd and -(n 05cl(sive boxes unchecked
FO Domain: ciab%fod
Recovery Policy: -estart
Max restarts: =
Length of restart: 70
Select @"date Virt(al +achine ;ervice
""" ,'
,.,.! Create Cluster Service of 5uci V4
When creating a service of the Luci VM, the VM can not be shut down prior to configuring the
service because Luci is required to create the service itself. Given this, the service can be
created but not configured to auto start. Once the service exists without the auto start option,
it can be modified afterward to set the option accordingly.
l. ln the luci cluster configuration window, select the following links: ;ervices !> Add a
Virt(al +achine ;ervice and enter the information necessary to create the service:
VM name: ra!l(ci!vm
Path to VM Configuration Files: /etc/libvirt/Gem(
Leave VM Migration Mapping em"ty
Migration Type: live
Hypervisor: *V+
Leave the A(tomatically ;tart this ;ervice, N4; 8oc Horaro(nd, and -(n
05cl(sive boxes unchecked
FO Domain: ciab%fod
Recovery Policy: -estart
Max restarts: =
Length of restart: 70
Select @"date Virt(al +achine ;ervice
2. ln the luci cluster configuration window, select the following links: ;ervices !>
'onfig(re a ;ervice !> ra!l(ci!vm:
Check the box to A(tomatically ;tart this ;ervice
Select @"date Virt(al +achine ;ervice
3. Start the luci service on a management cluster node:
clusvcadm -e vmCra-luci-vm
,( """
:.< Configure 5;S Service "for !SO 2i'rary#
Create and configure an NFS cluster service to provide storage for the RHEV-M lSO image
l. Modify firewall rules on all nodes in management cluster:
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport 2020 -2
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport 2020 -2
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport 204: -2
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport 204: -2
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport 111 -2 )775*-
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport 111 -2 )775*-
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport 662 -2 )775*-
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport 662 -2 )775*-
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport 32;03 -2
""" ,)
Figure 2+
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport 32;03 -2
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport 32!6: -2
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport 32!6: -2
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport ;:2 -2 )775*-
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport ;:2 -2 )775*-
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p udp -m udp --dport ;!5 -2 )775*-
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp -m tcp --dport ;!5 -2 )775*-
2. Edit /etc/sysconfig/nfs on each node in the management cluster to verify the following
lines are uncommented as shown in the file excerpt below:
3. Enable NFS service:
chkco'i& 's o
4. Create a storage volume (e.g., rhev!nfs!fs) of appropriate size (@300GB). See section
6.3 for greater detail on adding and presenting LUNs from storage.
5. Create and check the file system on the target volume:
mk's -t e@t3 =dev=mapper=rhev-'s-'s
'sck -< =dev=mapper=rhev-'s-'s
6. ln the luci cluster configuration window:
a) Select the following links: -eso(rces !> Add a -eso(rce
Select type: .2 Address
Enter reserved lP address
Click Submit
b) Select the following links: -eso(rces !> Add a -eso(rce
Select type: 4ile ;ystem
Enter name
Select e5t?
Enter mountpoint: /rhev
Path to mapper dev [e.g., /dev/ma""er/rhev!nfs]
Options: rw
Click Submit
c) Select the following links: -eso(rces !> Add a -eso(rce
Select type: N4; 05"ort
Enter export name
Click Submit
d) Select the following links: -eso(rces !> Add a -eso(rce
,, """
Select type: N4; 'lient
Enter name
Enter FQDN of first management cluster node
Options: rw
Check the Allow to -ecover box
Click Submit
e) Select the following links: -eso(rces !> Add a -eso(rce
Select Type: N4; 'lient
Enter name
Enter FQDN of second management cluster node
Options: rw
Check the Allow to -ecover box
Click Submit
f) Select the following links: ;ervices !> Add a ;ervice
Service name: rhev!nfs
Check the box to A(tomatically ;tart this ;ervice
Leave N4; loc woraro(nd and -(n 05cl(sive boxes unchecked
""" ,-
FO Domain: ciab%fod
Recovery Policy: -estart
Max restarts: =
Length of restart: 70
Select @"date Virt(al +achine ;ervice
6O$E: When configuring the NFS export resource for an NFS service, it must
be configured as a child of the File System resource. Additionally, each NFS
client resource for an NFS service must be configured as a child of the NFS
export resource.
g) Following the child configuration rule as described in the previous step, add
each of the above resources created in steps 'a' through 'e' (lP, NFS Export,
both NFS Clients) to the rhev!nfs service using the "Add a resource to this
service" button.
,3 """
:.= Create R(E. anagement Platform
,.3.1 Create V4
Create the virtual machine where the RHEV-M software will reside.
l. Create a storage volume (e.g., rhevm%dis) of appropriate size (@30GB). See section
).& for greater detail on adding and presenting LUNs from storage.
2. Use virt-manager to create the RHEV-M VM
Name: rhevm!vm
Set Virtualization Method: 4(lly virt(ali)ed
CPU architecture: 567%7$
Hypervisor: vm
Select 8ocal install media installation method
OS Type: Hindows
OS Variant: +icrosoft Hindows =006
Specify preferred installation media
Specify ,loc device storage location (e.g., /dev/ma""er/rhevm%dis)
Specify ;hared "hysical device network connection (e.g., c(m(l(s03
""" -0
Figure 21
Max memory: =0$6
Startup memory: =0$6
Virtual CPUs: =
3. lnstall Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise:
a) Reference Section l5 [lnstalling with a virtualized floppy disk] of the Red Hat
Virtualization Guide for instruction on installing the para-virtualized drivers during a
Windows installation. Proceed with installation.
b) Select language preference
c) Select OS: Hindows ;erver =006 -= 0nter"rise (4(ll .nstallation3
d) Accept license terms
e) Select '(stom (Advanced3 to install a new copy of Windows
f) Load the PV driver if installer fails to identify any devices on which to install
g) After system reboots (twice) and prepares for first use, set password when
h) The lnitial Configuration Tasks window will provide the opportunity to:
activate Windows
set time zone
enable automatic updates
install available updates
i) Disable Windows firewall
,.3.! Create Cluster Service of V4
l. ln the luci cluster configuration window, select the following links: ;ervices !> Add a
Virt(al +achine ;ervice and enter the following:
VM Name: rhevm!vm
Path to VM Configuration Files: /etc/libvirt/Gem(
VM Migration Mapping:
Migration Type: live
Hypervisor: *V+
Check the box to A(tomatically ;tart this ;ervice
Leave the N4; 8oc Horaro(nd and -(n 05cl(sive boxes unchecked
Failover Domain: ciab%fod
Recovery Policy: -estart
Max Restarts: =
Length of Restart: 70
Select @"date Virt(al +achine ;ervice
-1 """
,.3.& Install RHEV14 Soft"are
This release of the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager was hosted on Microsoft
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise.
l. Open TCP port 5432l on each management cluster node:
ipta$les -0 .8-(ire"all-1-01*/- -p tcp --dport 54321 -m state
--state 156 -2 )775*-
2. lnstall Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise and any applicable updates.
3. RHEV Manager utilizes .NET Framework. Verify that .NET Framework 3.5 is present
on the system. ln Windows Server 2008 R2, .NET Framework can be enabled in the
Server Manager (;tart !> All 2rograms !> Administrative Tools !> ;erver +anager, if it
does not auto start at login). Once started, click Features to expand the category. .NET
Framework is the first feature in the list of features to enable. lf there are features
already enabled and .Net Framework is not listed among them, click Add Features to
see the list of features remaining to add to install it.
4. Red Hat requires that Windows PowerShell 2.0 be installed. This is included in the
Windows 2008 R2 installation but if it should not present on the system, the
appropriate version for the OS can be obtained by searching the Microsoft web site. lf
PowerShell has been installed on the system, it will have its own icon in the Windows
taskbar or a command window appears by typing 'powershell' in the -(n... dialog box
of the ;tart menu.
5. System and user authentication can be local or through the use of an Active Directory
Domain. lf there is an existing domain, an administrator can join using the 'om"(ter
Name tab of the ;ystem 2ro"erties window. Another option would be to configure the
system which runs the RHEV Manager software as a domain controller.
""" -!
6. Prior to installing the RHEV Management software, repeat visits to Hindows @"date
until there are no more applicable updates. Additionally, configure the system to
schedule automatic Windows updates.
7. The RHEV-M installation program must be available to the server. While an lSO image
containing the needed software can be downloaded using the download software link,
the following procedure will reliably find the software components. From -ed 9at
Networ using an account with the RHEV for Servers entitlement, select the -ed 9at
0nter"rise Virt(ali)ation +anager Channel filter in the 'hannels tab. Expand the -ed
9at 0nter"rise Virt(ali)ation entry and select the appropriate architecture for the
product to be installed.
Select the /ownloads link near the top of the page. Select the Hindows .nstaller to
download the RHEV Manager installation program. While on this page, also download
the images for G(est Tools .;1, Virt.1 /rivers V4/, and Virt.1 /rivers .;1.
-& """
""" -'
8. Execute the installation program (e.g., rhevm!=.#!?I7II.e5e). After the initial screen,
accept the 0nd @ser 8icense Agreement. When the feature checklist screen is
displayed, verify that all features have been selected.
9. Choose to either use an existing SQL Server DB or install the express version locally.
After selecting to install SQLEXPRESS, a strong password must be entered for the 'sa'
user. The destination folder for the install may be changed. The destination web site for
the portal can be chosen next or the defaults are used.
l0. On the next screen, specify whether to use Domain or local authentication. lf local is
used, provide the user name and password for an account belonging to the
Administrators group.
ll. ln the next window, enter the organization and computer names for use in certificate
generation. The option to change the net console port is provided. Proceeding past the
-eview screen, the installation begins. The installation process prompts the
administrator to install 1"en;;8, which provides secure connectivity to Red Hat
Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor and Enterprise Linux as well as other systems.
"ywin?= is installed on the server. lf selected, as in this case, ;>80J2-0;; is
installed. The RHEV Manager is installed with no further interaction other than when
-( """
the install has completed.
l2. Click the 4inish button to complete the installation.
l3. Verify the install by starting RHEV Manager. From the Start menu, select All 2rograms
!> -ed 9at !> -90V +anager !> -90V+anager. The certificate is installed during the
first portal access. At the 8ogin screen enter the @ser Name and 2assword for the
RHEV administrator, specified during installation, to present the following screen.
""" -)
,.3.' Confi.ure the /ata Center
Create and configure a data center with a storage pool and a populated lSO image library for
VM installations.
l. Create a new data center. ln RHEV-M in the /ata 'enters tab, click the New button:
Name: (e.g., 'lo(d%/'#)
Description: [optional]
Type: 4'2
Compatibility Version: =.=
2. Create a new cluster within the data center. ln the 'l(sters tab, click the New button:
Name: (e.g., dc#!cl(s#)
Description: [optional]
Data Center: 'lo(d%/'#
Memory Over Commit: ;erver 8oad
CPU Name: (e.g., .ntel Jeon)
Compatibility Version: =.=
3. Add a host. Reference Sections -.1 and -.' for the instructions to add a host.
4. Create the storage pool. Assuming a LUN for use as the storage pool exists and has
been presented to all target hosts of this data center, select the ;torage tab in RHEV
Manager and click New /omain:
-, """
Figure 22
Name: (e.g., fc#%#tb)
Domain Function: /ata
Storage Type: 4'2
Leave ,(ild New /omain selected
Ensure the correct host name is selected in the 'Use host' list
Select the desired LUN from the list of Discovered LUNs and click Add to move it
to the Selected LUNs window
Click 1*
5. Create the lSO Library. Select the ;torage tab in RHEV Manager and click New
Name: (e.g., .;1 8ibrary)
Domain Function: .;1
Storage Type: N4;
Export Path: enter <server>C<"ath> to the exported mount point
(e.g., rhev!nfs.ra.rh.comC/rhev/.;1%8ibrary3
Click OK
6. Attach the lSO library and storage pool to the data center. ln the /ata 'enters tab,
select/highlight the newly created data center:
Click the ;torage tab in the lower half of the window
Click the Attach Domain button
Select the check box corresponding to the newly created storage pool and click
Click the Attach lSO button
Select the check box corresponding to the newly created lSO image library
Click OK
7. Populate the lSO library. The Guest Tools and VirtlO driver images that were
downloaded when the RHEV Manager installer was downloaded are recommended
software for availability in the lSO Library as well as any OS images desired for VM OS
6O$E: User must be Administrator to run RHEV Apps until BZ 565624 is resolved.
On the RHEV Manager system, select ;tart !> All 2rograms !> -ed 9at !> -90V
+anager !> .;1 @"loader
ln the Red Hat Virtualization lSO Uploader window, press the Add button to
select any or all of the images (.iso, .vfd) previously downloaded
Select the correct Data Center from the pull down list
Click the Upload button
""" --
- /elo+in. V4s in H+ervisor Hosts
After creating the cloud infrastructure management services, the next steps involve creating
RHEV-H and RHEL hypervisor hosts. Once done, create VMs within those hosts for each
possible use-case.
For RHEV-H host:
l. Use Satellite to provision -90V!91;T!#
2. Provision VMs on -90V!91;T!#
Deploy RHEL VMs using:
Use Case l: lSO libraries via NFS service
Use Case 2: Template via RHEV-M
Use Case 3: PXE via Satellite
Deploy Windows VMs using:
Use Case l: lSO libraries via NFS service
Use Case 2: Template via RHEV-M
For RHEL host:
l. Shut down VMs and put RHEV-H hosts in maintenance mode
2. Use Satellite to provision -908!91;T!#
3. Use RHEV-M to incorporate -908!91;T!# as a RHEV host
4. Provision VMs on -908!91;T!#
Deploy RHEL VMs using:
Use Case l: lSO libraries via NFS service
Use Case 2: Template via RHEV-M
Use Case 3: PXE via Satellite
Deploy Windows VMs using:
Use Case l: lSO libraries via NFS service
Use Case 2: Template via RHEV-M
-3 """
<.1 &eploy R(E.-( (ypervisor
The RHEV Hypervisor is a live image and is delivered as a bootable lSO that will install the
live image onto the local machine. Because Red Hat Enterprise Linux is primarily delivered as
a collection of packages, RHN Satellite is used to manage these packages. Since the RHEV
hypervisor is delivered as a live image, it can not currently be managed in a satellite channel,
however, it can be configured as a PXE bootable image using cobbler.
Figure 23
l. Enable PXE of RHEV-H live image by performing the following procedures on the
Satellite VM:
a) Download RHEV Hypervisor Beta RPM (e.g., rhev!hy"ervisor!:.:!
Login to RHN Web Site
Locate the Search field near the top of the page
Select 2acages search
Enter 'rhev-hypervisor' in search box
Select rhev-hypervisor
Select Beta (e.g., rhev!hy"ervisor!:.:!=.=.0.6.el:rhev.noarch)
""" 30
Near the bottom of this page, select the /ownload 2acage link
lnstall the package
rpm -ivh rhev-h<pervisor-5.5-2.2.0.;.el5rhev.oarch.rpm
b) Since later versions may be installed (e.g., ,eta = or GA) rename the file to be
cd =usr=share=rhev-h<pervisor
mv rhev-h<pervisor.iso rhev-h<pervisor-2.2$eta1.iso
c) Using the livecd tools which were installed with the hypervisor package, generate
the files needed for PXE
livecd-iso-to-p@e$oot rhev-h<pervisor-2.2$eta1.iso
d) Also rename the generated tftpboot subdirectory to be more specific
mv t'tp$oot t'tp$oot2.2$eta1
e) Create cobbler distro from tftptboot file, ignore warnings related to exceeding
kernel options length
co$$ler distro add --ameBGrhevh%2.2$eta1G
--koptsBGroot'la&sBloop rootB=rhev-h<pervisor-2.2$eta1.iso
root'st<peBauto liveim&G
f) Create cobbler profile which uses the recently created distro, this will used for
interactive installations of the hypervisor.
co$$ler pro'ile add --ameBrhevh%2.2$eta1 --distroBrhevh%2.2$eta1
a) Create an additional cobbler profile supplying additional kernel options which will
automate the hypervisor configuration and installation.
co$$ler pro'ile add --ameBrhevh%2.2$eta1)uto
--distroBrhevh%2.2$eta1 --koptsBGstora&e%iitB=dev=cciss=c0d0
stora&e%volBCCCCC B++-0(Beth0 maa&emet%serverBra-rhevm- etcosoleBra-rhevm-vm.ra.rh.comG
g) Synchronize cobblers configuration with the system filesystems
co$$ler s<c
2. Prepare cobbler to PXE boot system
a) lf system does not have a cobbler system record, create one
co$$ler add s<stem
-- pro'ileBrhevh%2.2$eta1)uto HmacB00C25CB3C);C6(C1:
b) lf system does have a cobbler system record, modify to use automated profile
co$$ler s<stem edit --pro'ileB
co$$ler s<c
31 """
3. PXE boot system
a) Disable fibre channel connectivity with system (e.g., switch port disable, cable pull,
HBA disable, etc.).
b) lnteract with BlOS to start PXE boot. System will install.
c) Enable fibre channel connectivity disabled in step a)
4. At RHEV Manager 9ost tab, approve system
""" 3!
<.2 &eploy R(E2 8uests "P>E / !SO / 0emplate# on R(E.-
( (ost
-.!.1 /elo+in. RHE5 V4s usin. PFE
l. Configure Activation Key
a) Starting at the satellite home page for the tenant user page, select the following
links: ;ystems -> Activation *eys -> create new ey and provide the information
Description: (e.g., -908::ey)
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567%7$!server
Add On Entitlements: +onitoringF 2rovisioning
'reate Activation *ey
b) Select 'hild 'hannel tab
add -9N Tools, select @"date *ey
3& """
Figure 24
2. Configure Kickstart
a) Starting at the satellite home page for the tenant user page, select the following
links: ;ystems -> *icstart -> 2rofiles -> create new icstart "rofile and provide the
information below:
Label: (e.g., -908::g(est3
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567!server
Kickstartable Tree: rhel::%567!7$
Virtualization Type: None
Select Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Select /efa(lt /ownload 8ocation
Select Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Specify New -oot 2assword and Verify
Click 4inish
b) ln the *icstart /etails !> /etails tab
Log custom post scripts
Click @"date *icstart
c) ln the *icstart /etails !> 1"erating ;ystem tab
Select 'hild 'hannels (e.g., -9N Tools)
Since this is a base only install, verify no -e"ositories checkboxes are selected
Click @"date *icstart
d) ln the *icstart /etails !> Advanced 1"tions tab
Verify reboot is selected
Change firewall to enabled
e) ln the ;ystem /etails !> /etails tab
Enable Configuration Management and Remote Commands
Click @"date ;ystem /etails
f) ln the Activation *eys tab
Select RHEL55key
Click @"date Activation *eys
3. Confirm all active hosts are RHEV-H hosts, place any RHEL Hosts into maintenance
4. Create RHEV VM
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
""" 3'
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., rhel::g(est#)
Description: [optional]
Host Cluster: (e.g., dc#!cl(s#)
Template: [blank]
Memory Size : (e.g., =0$6)
CPU Sockets: (e.g., #)
CPUs Per Socket: (e.g., =)
Operating System: -ed 9at 0nter"rise 8in(5 :.5 57$
c) ln the ,oot ;eG(ence tab, provide the following"
Second Device: Network (PXE)
d) Select the 'onfig(re Networ .nterfaces button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide
the following in the New Networ .nterface:
Type: -ed 9at Virt.1
e) Select the 'onfig(re Virt(al /iss button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide the
following in the New Virt(al /is dialog:
Size (GB): (e.g., 6)
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
5. Boot VM
a) ln the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab select the newly create VM
b) Either select the Run button or the equivalent right mouse button menu option
c) Start console by selecting the Console button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
d) After initial PXE booting the Cobbler PXE boot menu will display, select the
kickstart that was previously created, (e.g., -908::g(estC==Ctenants3
e) The VM will reboot when the installation is complete
-.!.! /elo+in. RHE5 V4s usin. ISO 5i%rar+
l. lf not already in place, populate the lSO library with the RHEL 5.5 lSO image, which
can be downloaded via the RHN web site.
6O$E: User must be Administrator to run RHEV Apps until BZ 565624 is resolved.
a) On the RHEV Manager system, select ;tart !> All 2rograms !> -ed 9at !> -90V
+anager !> .;1 @"loader
b) ln the Red Hat Virtualization lSO Uploader window, press the Add button to select
any or all of the images (.iso, .vfd) previously downloaded
c) Select the correct Data Center from the pull down list
d) Click the Upload button Place lSO image into lSO Library
3( """
2. Confirm all active hosts are RHEVH hosts, place any RHEL Hosts into maintenance
3. Create RHEV VM
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g.,. rhel::g(est=)
Description: [optional]
Host Cluster: (e.g., dc#!cl(s#)
Template: ,lan
Memory Size : (e.g., =0$6)
CPU Sockets: (e.g., #)
CPUs Per Socket: (e.g., =)
Operating System: -ed 9at 0nter"rise 8in(5 :.5 57$
c) ln the ,oot ;eG(ence tab, provide the following:
Second Device: '/!-1+
Select Attach '/ checkbox
Specify CD/DVD to mount (e.g., rhel!server!:.:!567%7$!dvd.iso)
d) Select the 'onfig(re Networ .nterfaces button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide
the following in the New Networ .nterface:
Type: -ed 9at Virt.1
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
e) Select the 'onfig(re Virt(al /iss button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide the
following in the New Virt(al /is dialog:
Size (GB): (e.g., 6)
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
4. Boot VM
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab select the newly create VM
b) Either select the -(n button or the equivalent right mouse button menu option
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
d) The VM will boot the DVD, the remaining installation will need to be performed
through the console.
e) After the software is installed, the VM will prompt to reboot. After the reboot,
answer the First Boot interrogation. Since the Satellite's specific certificate is not
local to the VM at this time, skip registering with RHN.
f) After system Login Screen displays, login and register with Satellite.
lnstall Satellite certificate
""" 3)
rpm -ivh$=rh-or&-trusted-ssl-
Start the rh%re&ister program and provide the following information
Select to receive updates from Red Hat Network Satellite
Specify Red Hat Network Location: (e.g., htt"sC//ra!sat!
Select and specify the SSL certificate : /(sr/share/rhn/-9N!1-G!
Provide tenant user credentials
Verify ;ystem Name and send 2rofile /ata
-.!.& /elo+in. RHE5 V4s usin. $e#lates
l. Confirm all active hosts are RHEVH hosts, place any RHEL hosts into maintenance
2. Create Template
a) Prepare the template system to register with the satellite upon booting
ldentify the activation key to use to register the system.
The Activation *eys page (in ;ystems tab) of the satellite will list existing
keys for each organization.
Alternatively, if the system was PXE installed using satellite, the register
command can be found in /root/cobbler.s which includes the key used
&rep rhre& co$$ler.ks
The following commands will place commands in the proper script to execute on
the next boot
cp =etc=rc.d=rc.local =etc=rc.d=rc.localpretemplate
echo Irhre&%ks --'orce --server/rlBhttpsC==ra-sat->3J.*7 --ssl7)7ertB=usr=share=rh=.81-+.G--./,-5D-
,,J-75.- Hactivatioke<B22-'0$:a335';3c50e':e5a'6a520430aa1K
LL =etc=rc.d=rc.local
echo Imv =etc=rc.d=rc.local.pretemplate =etc=rc.d=rc.localK
LL =etc=rc.d=rc.local
b) Before shutting down the system which will be used to create a template, some
level of clearing the configuration settings should be performed.
At a minimum the hostname should not be hard-coded as this can lead to
confusion when the hostname does not match the lP currently assigned. The
following commands will remove the name that was set when installed, and
DHCP will set the name upon boot
cp =etc=s<sco'i&=et"ork =tmp
&rep -v I8+,-1)35BK =tmp=et"ork L =etc=s<sco'i&=et"ork
Alternatively, a more extensive method of clearing configuration setting is to use
the s<s-uco'i& command. s<s-uco'i& will cause the system to
reconfigure network, authentication and several other subsystems on next boot.
3, """
c) lf already not shutdown, shutdown the VM
d) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select the appropriate VM and either
the +ae Tem"late button or right mouse button menu option
Name: (e.g., -908::%tem"3
Description: [optional]
While creating the template the image is locked. Confirm the template exists in the
Tem"lates tab after the creation is complete
3. Create New VM using template
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., rhel::g(est?)
Description: [optional]
Template: (e.g., -908::%tem"3
Confirm or override the remaining entries
c) lf the Data Center and Cluster are set to v2.2 compatibility, the provisioning can be
changed from thin to preallocated. in the Allocation tab, provide the following:
Provisioning: 'lone
Provisioning: 2reallocated
4. The newly created VM will have a Locked lmage while being instantiated. When the
process is complete the VM is ready to boot.
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab select the newly create VM
b) Either select the -(n button or the equivalent right mouse button menu option
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
d) This system will be known to satellite with its progenitor's lD, therefore it must
register with Satellite.
Start the rh%re&ister program and provide the following information:
Select to KesF 'ontin(e when presented with the old systems registration
Confirm to receive updates from Red Hat Network Satellite and the Red Hat
Network Location: (e.g., htt"sC//ra!sat!
Provide tenant user credentials
Verify ;ystem Name and send 2rofile /ata
""" 3-
<.$ &eploy ?indo%s 8uests "!SO / 0emplate# on R(E.-(
-.&.1 /elo+in. Cindo" V4s usin. ISO 5i%rar+
l. lf not already in place, populate the lSO library with the lSO image or images needed
for the Windows installation. The RHEV Tools CD and VirtlO driver virtual floppy drive
should also be in the lSO Library.
6O$E: User must be Administrator to run RHEV Apps until BZ 565624 is resolved.
a) On the RHEV Manager system, select ;tart !> All 2rograms !> -ed 9at !> -90V
+anager !> .;1 @"loader
b) ln the Red Hat Virtualization lSO Uploader window, press the Add button to select
any or all of the images (.iso, .vfd) previously downloaded
33 """
Figure 25
c) Select the correct Data Center from the pull down list
d) Click the Upload button Place lSO image into lSO Library
2. Confirm all active hosts are RHEVH hosts, place any RHEL Hosts into maintenance
3. Create Windows VM
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., w=?g(est#)
Description: [optional]
Host Cluster: (e.g., dc#!cl(s#)
Template: ,lan
Memory Size : (e.g., =0$6)
CPU Sockets: (e.g., #)
CPUs Per Socket: (e.g., =)
Operating System: (e.g., Hindows =00?3
c) ln the 4irst -(n tab
Provide a /omain if used
Verify Time Lone is correct
d) Select the 'onfig(re Networ .nterfaces button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide
the following in the New Networ .nterface:
Type: -ed 9at Virt.1
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
e) Select the 'onfig(re Virt(al /iss button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide the
following in the New Virt(al /is dialog:
Size (GB): (e.g., #=)
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
4. Boot VM
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab select the newly create VM
b) Either select the -(n 1nce option of the -(n button, or the -(n 1nce option in the
right mouse button menu, and provide the following entries:
Attach 4lo""y checkbox
lndicate the virtio!drivers!#.0.0.vfd should be mounted
Attach CD checkbox
lndicate which CD/DVD should be mounted (e.g., Hin=00?-=!dis#.iso)
Verify that Networ is last in the ,oot ;eG(ence
""" 100
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
d) The VM will boot the DVD, the remaining installation will need to be performed
through the console.
e) Perform all the actions to install the Operating system. Some versions of windows
will recognize the mount floppy and automatically use the VirtlO disk driver, other
may require the operator to select the drivers to load. lf a second CD/DVD is
requires, activate the right mouse button menu on the VM and use the 'hange '/
option locate near the bottom of the options.
f) The CD should be changed to the RHEV tools using he right mouse button menu
on the VM and use the 'hange '/ option locate near the bottom of the options.
Once the Disk is mounted, the RHEV Tools found on this disk should be installed.
This will include VirtlO drivers not previously loaded (e.g., networ)
g) Red Hat recommends all applicable Window Updates be applied and to activate the
Window installation.
-.&.! /elo+in. Cindo"s V4s usin. $e#lates
l. Confirm all active hosts are RHEVH hosts, place any RHEL Hosts into maintenance
2. Create Template
a) Window systems should be 'sysprep'ed prior to be used as the source of a
template. There are differences for various versions of Windows, therefore it is
best to consult the Microsoft documentation for the exact procedure. The highlights
of the process for Windows 2003 is highlighted below:
create c:/sysprep folder
Mount lnstallation lSO (diskl) [assume disk D:]
Extract the content of from the D:\Support\Tools into sysprep folder
Create sysprep.ini file by executing C:/sysprep/setupmgr.exe
Select Create New
Select Sysprep Setup
Select the appropriate software version (e.g., Hindow =00? ;erver ;tandard
Select to Fully Automate
Provide a Name and Organization
Specify the appropriate Time Zone
Provide the Product Key
Specify the computer Name should be automatically generated
Provide the desired Administrator password in encrypted format
Since this sysprep.ini file may be used on other instance, the user may want to
copy to a known shared location
101 """
Execute sysprep.exe
Do not reset the grace period for activation
Shutdown Mode should be set to ;h(t down
The sysprep process will shutdown the VM
b) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select the appropriate VM and either
the +ae Tem"late button or right mouse button menu option
Name: (e.g., w=?%tem"3
Description: [optional]
c) While creating the template the image is locked. Confirm the template exists in the
Tem"lates tab after the creation is complete.
3. Create New VM using template
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
b) .n the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., w=?g(est=)
Description: [optional]
Template: (e.g., w=?%tem"3
Confirm or override the remaining entries
c) lf the Data Center and Cluster are set to v2.2 compatibility, the provisioning can be
changed from thin to preallocated. in the Allocation tab, provide the following:
Provisioning: 'lone
/is #C 2reallocated
4. The newly created VM will have a Locked lmage while being instantiated. When the
process is complete the VM is ready to Boot.
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab select the newly create VM
b) Either select the -(n button or the equivalent right mouse button menu option
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
d) Respond to any system prompts upon booting the VM
""" 10!
<.4 &eploy R(E2 @ A. (ypervisor (ost
l. The satellite certificate being used does not include a entitlement for the RHEV
management Agents beta channel. A custom channel will be created.
a) On satellite server, create a directory to hold the packages
mkdir -p =var=satellite=m<chaels=m&mta&ets=
b) Download packages
Log in to Red Hat Network
Select the 'hannels tab, then the All ,eta channels tab
Filter on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Expand the base channel to list all the child channels
Select the x86_64 link next to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
Management Agent 5 Beta option
Select the 2acages tab
Select all 4 packages and select the Download Packages button
The next page informs the user that the multiple packages will be combined into
10& """
Figure 26
a tar file. Select the Download Selected Packages Now button.
Save the tar file to the created directory
c) Extract the files in the same directory
tar @v' m&mta&et$eta1.tar --strip-compoets 1
d) Create Custom channel
Log into RHN Satellite as the management organization administrator
Select the 'hannels tab, the Manage Software Channels on the left side of the
page, then the create new channel option near the top of the page providing the
information below
Channel Name
Channel Label
Parent Channel (e.g., rhel:!:!567%7$!server)
Parent Channel Architecture (e.g., 567%7$)
Channel Summary
Organization Sharing (e.g., "(blic)
e) Place previously downloaded and extracted packages into the created channel
rhpush -v -c rhev22m&mta&ets$eta1 --serverBhttpC==localhost=)**
--dirB=var=satellite=m<chaels=m&mta&ets -u maa&e -p <password>
2. Configure Activation Key
a) Starting at the satellite home page for the tenant user page, select the following
links: ;ystems -> Activation *eys -> create new ey and provide the information
Description: (e.g., -9089ey)
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567%7$!server
Add On Entitlements: +onitoringF 2rovisioningF Virt(ali)ation 2latform
'reate Activation *ey
b) Select 'hild 'hannel tab select a the following
RHN Tools Channel [e.g., -ed 9at Networ Tools for -908 ;erver (v.: 7$!bit
Virtualization Channel (e.g., rhel:!:!567%7$!vt)
RHEV Management Channel [e.g., -ed 9at 0nter"rise Virt +anagement Agent
(v.: for 567%7$3]
Click @"date *ey
3. lf not previously created, configure Kickstart
a) Starting at the satellite home page for the tenant user page, select the following
links: ;ystems -> *icstart -> 2rofiles -> create new icstart "rofile and provide the
information below:
Label: (e.g., -9089::!567%7$3
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567!server
Kickstartable Tree: rhel::%567!7$
Virtualization Type: None
""" 10'
Select Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Select /efa(lt /ownload 8ocation
Select Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Specify New -oot 2assword and Verify
Click 4inish
b) ln the *icstart /etails !> /etails tab
Log custom post scripts
Click @"date *icstart
c) ln the *icstart /etails !> 1"erating ;ystem tab
Select 'hild 'hannels (e.g., RHN Tools, Virtualization, RHEV Mgmt Agents)
Click @"date *icstart
d) ln the *icstart /etails !> Variables
Define disk=cciss/c0d0
e) ln the *icstart /etails !> Advanced 1"tions tab
Change clear"art to !!lin(5 !!drives&Bdis
Verify reboot is selected
Change firewall to !!enabled
f) ln the ;ystem /etails !> /etails tab
Confirm SELinux is Permissive
Enable Configuration Management and Remote Commands
Click @"date ;ystem /etails
g) ln the ;ystem /etails !> 2artitioning tab
8a&titi*' s>a8 ;;siHe=10000 ;;+a@siHe=20000 ;;*'/is<=E/is<
8a&titi*' 7.**t ;;6st$8e=e@t( ;;siHe=200 ;;*'/is<=E/is<
8a&titi*' 80.01 ;;siHe=1000 ;;4&*> ;;*'/is<=E/is<
0*-4&*38 &he-hD04 80.01
-*40*- 7 ;;04'a+e=&he-hD04 ;;'a+e=&**t0*- ;;siHe=1000 ;;4&*>
f) ln the Activation *eys tab
Select RHELHkey
Click @"date Activation *eys
h) A single script will is used to disable GPG check of the custom channels since all
beta packages have not been signed, open the requires firewall ports, installs some
RHN tools, and make sure all installed software is up to date.
ech* ?? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?B&he-5;5;@86D64;se&0e&;s'a84C? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?484chec<=0? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?B&he-5;5;@86D64;0t;s'a84C? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?484chec<=0? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?Bc-*'e;&h';t**-s;&he-;@86D64;se&0e&;5C? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
10( """
ech* ?484chec<=0? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?B&he0;+4+t;a4e'tsC? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?484chec<=0? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
7.i'7c8 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es 7t+87i8ta.-es
73s&7.i'7hea/ ;' ;2 7t+87i8ta.-es L 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 54(21 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;+ +3-ti8*&t ;;/8*&ts 56(4"6166 ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;+ +3-ti8*&t ;;/8*&t 16502 ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 42152"42216 ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;+ 8h$s/e0 ;;8h$s/e0;is;.&i/4e/ ;Q ACCEPT? LL
73s&7.i'7tai- ;2 7t+87i8ta.-es LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
73s&7.i'7$3+ ;$ i'sta-- *sa/ &h';0i&t3a-iHati*';h*st
7s.i'7ch<c*'6i4 *sa/ *'
73s&7.i'7$3+ ;$ 38/ate
4. On satellite system, create a cobbler record for the system to be configured as the
RHEL/KVM host.
co$$ler add s<stem HameB< Hpro'ileBrhelh55-@;6%64
--macB00C25CB3C):CB0C01 --ipB1!2.20.12;.;0
--hostameB< --ds-ameB<
5. Add system as a host to the RHEV Manager
a) On the RHEV Manager 9ost tab, select New. Provide the following information in
the New 9ost dialog.
Name: (e.g.,
Address: (e.g., #I=.=0.#=6.60)
Verify the Host Cluster
Root Password
Optionally, enable Power Management and provide the necessary data
""" 10)
<.1 &eploy R(E2 8uests "P>E / !SO / 0emplate# on A.
(ypervisor (ost

-.(.1 /elo+in. RHE5 V4s usin. PFE
l. lf not previously created, configure Activation Key
a) Starting at the satellite home page for the tenant user page, select the following
links: ;ystems -> Activation *eys -> create new ey and provide the information
Description: (e.g., -908::ey)
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567%7$!server
Add On Entitlements: +onitoringF 2rovisioning
'reate Activation *ey
b) Select 'hild 'hannel tab
add -9N Tools
select @"date *ey
10, """
Figure 2"
2. lf not previously created, configure Kickstart
a) Starting at the satellite home page for the tenant user page, select the following
links: ;ystems -> Kickstart -> 2rofiles -> create new icstart "rofile and provide the
information below:
Label: (e.g., -908::g(est3
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567!server
Kickstartable Tree: rhel::%567!7$
Virtualization Type: None
Select Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Select /efa(lt /ownload 8ocation
Select Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Specify New -oot 2assword and Verify
Click 4inish
b) ln the *icstart /etails !> /etails tab
Log custom post scripts
Click @"date *icstart
c) ln the *icstart /etails !> 1"erating ;ystem tab
Select 'hild 'hannels (e.g., -9N Tools)
Since this is a base only install, verify no -e"ositories checkboxes are selected
Click @"date *icstart
d) ln the *icstart /etails !> Advanced 1"tions tab
Verify reboot is selected
Change firewall to enabled
e) ln the ;ystem /etails !> /etails tab
Enable Configuration Management and Remote Commands
Click @"date ;ystem /etails
f) ln the Activation *eys tab
Select RHEL55key
Click @"date Activation *eys
3. Confirm all active hosts are RHEL/KVM hosts, place any RHEV Host into maintenance
4. Create RHEV VM
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., rhel::g(est$)
Description: [optional]
Host Cluster: (e.g., dc#!cl(s#)
Template: [blank]
""" 10-
Memory Size: (e.g., =0$6)
CPU Sockets: (e.g., #)
CPUs Per Socket: (e.g., =)
Operating System: -ed 9at 0nter"rise 8in(5 :.5 57$
c) ln the ,oot ;eG(ence tab, provide the following:
Second Device: Network (PXE)
d) Select the 'onfig(re Networ .nterfaces button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide
the following in the New Networ .nterface:
Type: -ed 9at Virt.1
e) Select the 'onfig(re Virt(al /iss button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide the
following in the New Virt(al /is dialog:
Size (GB): (e.g., 6)
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
5. Boot VM
a) ln the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab select the newly created VM
b) Either select the Run button or the equivalent right mouse button menu option
c) Start console by selecting the Console button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
d) After initial PXE booting the Cobbler PXE boot menu will display, select the
kickstart that was previously created, (e.g., -908::g(estC==Ctenants3
e) The VM will reboot when the installation is complete
-.(.! /elo+in. RHE5 V4s usin. ISO 5i%rar+
l. lf not already in place, populate the lSO library with the RHEL 5.5 lSO image, which
can be downloaded via the RHN web site.
6O$E: User must be Administrator to run RHEV Apps until BZ 565624 is resolved.
a) On the RHEV Manager system, select ;tart !> All 2rograms !> -ed 9at !> -90V
+anager !> .;1 @"loader
b) ln the Red Hat Virtualization lSO Uploader window, press the Add button to select
any or all of the images (.iso, .vfd) previously downloaded
c) Select the correct Data Center from the pull down list
d) Click the Upload button Place lSO image into lSO Library
2. Confirm all active hosts are RHEL/KVM hosts, place any RHEV Hosts into
3. Create RHEV VM
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
103 """
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., rhel::g(est:)
Description: [optional]
Host Cluster: (e.g., dc#!cl(s#)
Template: ,lan
Memory Size : (e.g., =0$6)
CPU Sockets: (e.g., #)
CPUs Per Socket: (e.g., =)
Operating System: -ed 9at 0nter"rise 8in(5 :.5 57$
c) ln the ,oot ;eG(ence tab, provide the following:
Second Device: '/!-1+
Select Attach '/ checkbox
Specify CD/DVD to mount (e.g., rhel!server!:.:!567%7$!dvd.iso)
d) Select the 'onfig(re Networ .nterfaces button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide
the following in the New Networ .nterface:
Type: -ed 9at Virt.1
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
e) Select the 'onfig(re Virt(al /iss button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide the
following in the New Virt(al /is dialog:
Size (GB): (e.g., 6)
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
4. Boot VM
a) ln the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab select the newly create VM
b) Either select the -(n button or the right equivalent right mouse button menu option
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
d) The VM will boot the DVD, the remaining installation will need to be performed
through the console.
e) After the software is installed, the VM will prompt to reboot. After the reboot,
answer the First Boot interrogation. Since the Satellite's specific certificate is not
local to the VM at this time, skip registering with RHN.
f) After system Login Screen displays, login and register with Satellite.
lnstall Satellite certificate
rpm -ivh$=rh-or&-trusted-ssl-
Start the rh%re&ister program and provide the following information
""" 110
Select to receive updates from Red Hat Network Satellite
Specify Red Hat Network Location: (e.g., htt"sC//ra!sat!
Select and specify the SSL certificate : /(sr/share/rhn/-9N!1-G!
Provide tenant user credentials
Verify ;ystem Name and send 2rofile /ata
-.(.& /elo+in. RHE5 V4s usin. $e#lates
l. Confirm all active hosts are RHEL/KVM hosts, place any RHEV Hosts into
2. Create Template
a) Prepare the template system to register with the satellite upon booting
ldentify the activation key to use to register the system.
The Activation *eys page (in ;ystems tab) of the satellite will list existing
keys for each organization.
Alternatively, if the system was PXE installed using satellite, the register
command can be found in /root/cobbler.s which includes the key used
&rep rhre& co$$ler.ks
The following commands will place commands in the proper script to execute on
the next boot
cp =etc=rc.d=rc.local =etc=rc.d=rc.localpretemplate
echo Irhre&%ks --'orce --server/rlBhttpsC==ra-sat->3J.*7 --ssl7)7ertB=usr=share=rh=.81-+.G--./,-5D-
,,J-75.- --activatioke<B22-'0$:a335';3c50e':e5a'6a520430aa1K LL
echo Imv =etc=rc.d=rc.local.pretemplate =etc=rc.d=rc.localK
LL =etc=rc.d=rc.local
b) Before shutting down the system which will be used to create a template, some
level of clearing the configuration settings should be performed.
At a minimum the hostname should not be hard-coded as this can lead to
confusion when the hostname does not match the lP currently assigned. The
following commands will remove the name that was set when installed, and
DHCP will set the name upon boot
cp =etc=s<sco'i&=et"ork =tmp
&rep -v I8+,-1)35BK =tmp=et"ork L =etc=s<sco'i&=et"ork
Alternatively, a more extensive method of clearing configuration setting is to use
the s<s-uco'i& command. s<s-uco'i& will cause the system to
reconfigure network, authentication and several other subsystems on next boot.
c) lf already not shutdown, shutdown the VM
111 """
d) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select the appropriate VM and either
the +ae Tem"late button or right mouse button menu option
Name: (e.g., -908::%tem"3
Description: [optional]
While creating the template the image is locked. Confirm the template exists in the
Tem"lates tab after the creation is complete
3. Create New VM using template
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., rhel::g(est7)
Description: [optional]
Template: (e.g., tem"%-908::3
Confirm or override the remaining entries
c) lf the Data Center and Cluster are set to v2.2 compatibility, the provisioning can be
changed from thin to preallocated. in the Allocation tab, provide the following:
Provisioning: 'lone
Disk l: 2reallocated
4. The newly created VM will have a Locked lmage while being instantiated. When the
process is complete the VM is ready to Boot.
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab select the newly create VM
b) Either select the -(n button or the right equivalent right mouse button menu option
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
d) This system will be known to satellite with its progenitor's lD, therefore it must
register with Satellite.
Start the rh%re&ister program and provide the following information:
Select to KesF 'ontin(e when presented with the old systems registration
Confirm to receive updates from Red Hat Network Satellite and the Red Hat
Network Location: (e.g., htt"sC//ra!sat!
Provide tenant user credentials
Verify ;ystem Name and send 2rofile /ata
""" 11!
<.9 &eploy ?indo%s 8uests "!SO / 0emplate# on A.
(ypervisor (ost
-.).1 /elo+in. Cindo" V4s usin. ISO 5i%rar+
l. lf not already in place, populate the lSO library with the lSO image or images needed
for the Windows installation. The RHEV Tools CD and VirtlO driver virtual floppy drive
should also be in the lSO Library.
6O$E: User must be Administrator to run RHEV Apps until BZ 565624 is resolved.
a) On the RHEV Manager system, select ;tart !> All 2rograms !> -ed 9at !> -90V
+anager !> .;1 @"loader
b) ln the Red Hat Virtualization lSO Uploader window, press the Add button to select
any or all of the images (.iso, .vfd) previously downloaded
c) Select the correct Data Center from the pull down list
11& """
Figure 2%
d) Click the Upload button Place lSO image into lSO Library
2. Confirm all active hosts are RHEL/KVM hosts, place any RHEV Hosts into
3. Create Windows VM
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., w=6g(est#)
Description: [optional]
Host Cluster: (e.g., dc#!cl(s#)
Template: [blank]
Memory Size : (e.g., $0<7)
CPU Sockets: (e.g., #)
CPUs Per Socket: (e.g., =)
Operating System: (e.g., Hindows =006 -=3
c) ln the 4irst -(n tab
Provide a /omain if used
Verify Time Lone is correct
d) Select the 'onfig(re Networ .nterfaces button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide
the following in the New Networ .nterface:
Type: -ed 9at Virt.1
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
e) Select the 'onfig(re Virt(al /iss button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide the
following in the New Virt(al /is dialog:
Size (GB): (e.g., =0)
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
4. Boot VM
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab select the newly create VM
b) Either select the -(n 1nce option of the -(n button, or the -(n 1nce option in the
right mouse button menu, and provide the following entries:
Attach 4lo""y checkbox
lndicate the virtio!drivers!#.0.0.vfd should be mounted
Attach CD checkbox
lndicate which CD/DVD should be mounted (e.g.,
""" 11'
Verify that Networ is last in the ,oot ;eG(ence
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
d) The VM will boot the CD/DVD, the remaining installation will need to be performed
through the console.
e) Perform all the actions to install the Operating system. Some versions of windows
will recognize the mount floppy and automatically use the VirtlO disk driver, other
may require the operator to select the drivers to load. lf a second CD/DVD is
requires, activate the right mouse button menu on the VM and use the 'hange '/
option locate near the bottom of the options.
f) The CD/DVD should be changed to the RHEV tools using he right mouse button
menu on the VM and use the 'hange '/ option locate near the bottom of the
options. Once the Disk is mounted, the RHEV Tools found on this disk should be
installed. This will include VirtlO drivers not previously loaded (e.g., networ)
g) Red Hat recommends all applicable Window Updates be applied and to activate the
Window installation.
-.).! /elo+in. Cindo"s V4s usin. $e#lates
l. Confirm all active hosts are RHEL/KVM hosts, place any RHEV Hosts into
maintenance mode.
2. Create Template
a) Window systems should be 'sysprep'ed prior to be used as the source of a
template. There are differences for various versions of Windows, therefore it is
best to consult the Microsoft documentation for the exact procedure. The highlights
of the process for Windows 2008 is highlighted below:
Create sysprep.ini file by executing C:\Windows\System 32\
Set System Cleanup Action to 0nter ;ystem 1(t!of!,o5 05"erience (OOBE)
Shutdown Mode should be set to ;h(t down
The sysprep process will shutdown the VM
b) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select the appropriate VM and either
the +ae Tem"late button or right mouse button menu option
Name: (e.g., w=6%tem"3
Description: [optional]
c) While creating the template the image is locked. Confirm the template exists in the
Tem"lates tab after the creation is complete.
3. Create New VM using template
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
11( """
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., w=6g(est=)
Description: [optional]
Template: (e.g., w=6%tem"3
Confirm or override the remaining entries
c) lf the Data Center and Cluster are set to v2.2 compatibility, the provisioning can be
changed from thin to preallocated. in the Allocation tab, provide the following:
Provisioning: 'lone
/is #C 2reallocated
4. The newly created VM will have a Locked lmage while being instantiated. When the
process is complete the VM is ready to Boot.
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab select the newly create VM
b) Either select the -(n button or the equivalent right mouse button menu option
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
d) Respond to any system prompts upon booting the VM
""" 11)
3 /elo+in. Alications in RHE5 V4s
=.1 &eploy +pplication in R(E2 .s
The application is based on a server side Java exerciser. The standard means of executing
this application will increasingly scale the workload depending on CPU horsepower that is
3.1.1 Confi.ure Alication and /elo+ 7sin. Satellite
l. Prepare Application
a) Create script (javaApp) to run application in an infinite loop
b) Create control script (javaAppd) to be placed in /etc/init.d to automatically start and
optionally stop the workload
11, """
Figure 2(
c) Adjust any application settings as desired
d) Create compressed tar file which contains entire inventory which will be delivered
and installed onto target system
2. Build Application RPM
a) As root, make sure rpm-build package is installed
<um -< istall rpm-$uild
b) As a user create directory to using for RPM creation
mkdir M=rpm$uild
cd M=rpm$uild
mkdir B/0JD .*3, ,+/.75, ,*57, ,.*3,
c) Create ~/.rpmmacros file identifying the top of the build structure
echo GN%topdir =home=2user=rpm$uildG L M=.rpmmacros
d) Copy compressed tar file into SOURCES directory
e) Create SPECS/javaApp.spec file referencing the previously created compressed tar
file by name
S3++a&$" A t**- >hich >i-- sta&t a Ra0a .ase/ -*a/ *' the s$ste+
Na+e" Qa0aA88
Ve&si*'" 1
Re-ease" 0
Oice'se" 5PO
5&*38" Othe&
S*3&ce0" Qa0aA88.t4H
B3i-/R**t" S=Dt+88athA7S='a+eA;S=0e&si*'A;S=&e-easeA;&**t
B3i-/A&ch" '*a&ch
The Qa0aA88 i'sta-- i't* 73s&7Qa0aA88 a'/ c&eate a i'it sc&i8t t*
sta&t the -*a/ *' the s$ste+ 38*' &e.**t.
Hcat ERPMDSONRCEDDIR7Qa0aA88.t4H U ta& ;@06 ;
i'sta-- ;/ ERPMDBNIODDROOT73s&7Qa0aA887@+-
i'sta-- ;/ ERPMDBNIODDROOT7etc7i'it./
i'sta-- ;+ #55 Qa0aA887Qa0aA88/ ERPMDBNIODDROOT7etc7i'it./
i'sta-- ;+ #55 Qa0aA887Qa0aA88 ERPMDBNIODDROOT73s&7Qa0aA88
i'sta-- ;+ 644 Qa0aA887chec<.Qa& Qa0aA887Q...Qa& Qa0aA887SPECQ..Dc*'6i4.8&*8s
Qa0aA887SPECQ...8&*8s ERPMDBNIODDROOT73s&7Qa0aA88
i'sta-- ;+ 644 Qa0aA887@+-7te+8-ate;/*c3+e't.@+- Qa0aA887@+-7Q..;/*c3+e't./t/
""" 11-
&+ ;&6 S=.3i-/&**tA
ch<c*'6i4 ;;a// Qa0aA88/
ch<c*'6i4 Qa0aA88/ *'
se&0ice Qa0aA88/ sta&t
f) Build RPM
rpm$uild -v -$$ ,*57,=2ava)pp.spec
g) Copy RPM from RPMS/noarch/ to satellite system
3. Sign RPM
a) As root on satellite system
&p& --&e-ke<
select default key type DSA and Elgamal
specify desired key length of at least l024
specify and confirm that key will not expire
Specify and confirm Real Name and Email address
Enter a passphrase
Key will generate
b) List keys
&p& --list-ke<s --'i&erprit
c) The ~/.rpmmacros file should have content telling the key type and provide the key
id which can be obtained from the listing above.
SDsi4'at3&e 484
SD484D'a+e 2#D514A0
d) Sign RPM
rpm --resi& 2ava)pp-1-0.oarch.rpm
Enter the passphrase used when the key was generated
e) Save the public key to a file
&p& --e@port -a OPReal NameLO L pu$lic%ke<.t@t
113 """
f) Place a copy of the public key to a web accessible area
cp pu$lic%ke<.t@t =var="""=html=pu$=)**-.*3-G*G-Q5R
4. Create Custom Channel
a) Log into RHN Satellite as the tenant organization administrator
b) Select the 'hannels tab, the +anage ;oftware 'hannels on the left side of the
page, then the create new channel option near the top of the page providing the
information below
Channel Name: (e.g., o(ra""s)
Channel Label: (e.g., o(ra""s)
Parent Channel: (e.g., rhel:!:!567%7$!server)
Parent Channel Architecture: 567%7$
Channel Summary: (e.g., o(ra""s)
Channel Description: .n!ho(se develo"ed A""lications
Channel Access Control: Organization Sharing: "(blic
Security: GPG: GPG key URL: (e.g., htt"C//ra!sat!"(b/A22!-2+!
G2G!*0K )
Security: GPG: GPG key lD: (e.g., =I/:#$A03
Security: GPG: GPG key Fingerprint: (e.g., 7/'7 4II0 $0A# ,''7 A<0= 7A$A
:/A: ?/<7 =I/: #$A03
Create Channel
c) Push package to channel:
ls 2ava?.rpm S rhpush -v -c ourapps --serverBhttpC==localhost=)**
-u teat -p >>> -s
5. Configure GPG key
a) As the tenant manager on the Satellite select the following links and provide the
information below: ;ystems !> G2G and ;;8 *eys !> create new stored ey/cert
Description: (e.g., A""!;ig)
Type: G2G
Select file to upload: (e.g., /var/www/html/"(b/A22!-2+!G2G!*0K)
Create Key
6. Configure Activation Key
a) Starting at the satellite home page for the tenant administrator, select the following
links: ;ystems -> Activation *eys -> create new ey and provide the information
Description: (e.g., r::Mava!ey3)
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567%7$!server
Add On Entitlements: +onitoringF 2rovisioning
Create Activation Key
""" 1!0
b) Select the 'hild 'hannels tab and select the follow channels:
RHN Tools
7. Configure Kickstart
a) Starting at the satellite home page for the tenant administrator, select the following
links and provide the information below: ;ystems !> *icstart !> 2rofiles !> create
new icstart "rofile
Label: (e.g., -908::Mava3
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567!server
Kickstartable Tree: rhel::%567!7$
Virtualization Type: None
Select Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Select /efa(lt /ownload 8ocation
Select Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Specify New -oot 2assword and Verify
Click 4inish
b) ln the *icstart /etails !> /etails tab
Log custom post scripts
Click @"date *icstart
c) ln the *icstart /etails !> 1"erating ;ystem tab
Select 'hild 'hannels
-9N Tools
Since this is a base only install, verify no -e"ositories checkboxes are selected
Click @"date *icstart
d) ln the *icstart /etails !> Advanced 1"tions tab
Verify reboot is selected
Change firewall to !!enabled
e) ln the ;ystem /etails !> /etails tab
Enable Configuration Management and Remote Commands
Click @"date ;ystem /etails
f) ln the ;ystem /etails !> 2artitioning tab
Change volume group name (e.g., EavaA""V+)
Click @"date
g) ln the ;ystem /etails !> G2G N ;;8 tab
select A""!;ig and -9N!1-G!T-@;T0/!;;8!'0-T keys
1!1 """
h) ln the Activation *eys tab
Select r::Mava!ey
Click @"date Activation *eys
i) ln the ;cri"ts tab
A single script is used to disable GPG checking of the custom channels since all
beta packages have not been signed; install some RHN tools, java and the
javaApp; and ensure all installed software is up to date
ech* ?? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?B&he-5;5;@86D64;se&0e&;s'a84C? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?484chec<=0? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?Bc-*'e;2;&h';t**-s;&he-;@86D64;se&0e&;5C? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?484chec<=0? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
73s&7.i'7$3+ ;$ i'sta-- Qa0a;1.6.0;*8e'Q/<
73s&7.i'7$3+ ;$ i'sta-- &h';0i&t3a-iHati*';h*st
73s&7.i'7$3+ ;$ i'sta-- *sa/
7s.i'7ch<c*'6i4 *sa/ *'
73s&7.i'7$3+ ;$ 38/ate
73s&7.i'7$3+ ;$ i'sta-- Qa0aA88
8. Create RHEV VM
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., MavaA""#)
Description: [optional]
Host Cluster: (e.g., dc#!cl(s#)
Template: [blank]
Memory Size: (e.g., $0<7)
CPU Sockets: (e.g., #)
CPUs Per Socket: (e.g., $)
Operating System: -ed 9at 0nter"rise 8in(5 :.5 57$
c) ln the ,oot ;eG(ence tab, provide the following:
Second Device: Network (PXE)
d) Select 1*
e) Select the 'onfig(re Networ .nterfaces button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide
the following in the New Networ .nterface:
Type: -ed 9at Virt.1
""" 1!!
f) Select the 'onfig(re Virt(al /iss button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide the
following in the New Virt(al /is dialog:
Size (GB): (e.g., 6)
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
9. Boot VM
a) ln the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select the newly created VM
b) Either select the -(n button or the equivalent right mouse button menu option
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
d) After initial PXE booting the Cobbler PXE boot menu will display, select the
kickstart that was previously created, (e.g., -908::MavaC==Ctenants3
e) The VM will reboot when the installation is complete
3.1.! /elo+ Alication 7sin. $e#late
l. Create Template
a) Prepare the template system to register with the satellite upon booting
ldentify the activation key to use to register the system.
The Activation *eys page (in ;ystems tab) of the satellite will list existing
keys for each organization.
Alternatively, if the system was PXE installed using satellite, the register
command can be found in /root/cobbler.s which includes the key used
&rep rhre& co$$ler.ks
The following commands will place commands in the proper script to execute on
the next boot
cp =etc=rc.d=rc.local =etc=rc.d=rc.localpretemplate
echo Irhre&%ks --'orce --server/rlBhttpsC==ra-sat->3J.*7 --ssl7)7ertB=usr=share=rh=.81-+.G--./,-5D-
,,J-75.- --activatioke<B22-'0$:a335';3c50e':e5a'6a520430aa1K LL
echo Imv =etc=rc.d=rc.local.pretemplate =etc=rc.d=rc.localK
LL =etc=rc.d=rc.local
b) Before shutting down the system which will be used to create a template, some
level of clearing the configuration settings should be performed.
At a minimum the hostname should not be hard-coded as this can lead to
confusion when the hostname does not match the lP currently assigned. The
following commands will remove the name that was set when installed, and
DHCP will set the name upon boot
cp =etc=s<sco'i&=et"ork =tmp
&rep -v I8+,-1)35BK =tmp=et"ork L =etc=s<sco'i&=et"ork
Alternatively, a more extensive method of clearing configuration setting is to use
1!& """
the s<s-uco'i& command. s<s-uco'i& will cause the system to
reconfigure network, authentication and several other subsystems on next boot.
c) lf already not shutdown, shutdown the VM
d) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select the appropriate VM and either
the +ae Tem"late button or right mouse button menu option
Name: (e.g., -908::%tem"3
Description: [optional]
While creating the template the image is locked. Confirm the template exists in the
Tem"lates tab after the creation is complete
2. Create New VM using template
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., MavaA""=)
Description: [optional]
Template: (e.g., tem"%MavaA""3
Confirm or override the remaining entries
c) lf the Data Center and Cluster are set to v2.2 compatibility, the provisioning can be
changed from thin to preallocated. in the Allocation tab, provide the following:
Provisioning: 'lone
Disk l: 2reallocated
3. The newly created VM will have a Locked lmage while being instantiated. When the
process is complete the VM is ready to Boot.
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab select the newly created VM
b) Either select the -(n button or the equivalent right mouse button menu option
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
""" 1!'
=.2 Scale +pplication
Using the previously created template and a power shell script, multiple instances of the
javaApp VMs can be quickly deployed.
l. Create Power shell script
a) A folder was create to house scripts on the RHEV Manager (e.g., 'COscri"ts)
b) Using an editor (e.g., notepad) created a file (e.g., add!vms."s#)
1 a//;0+s
1 te+8Na+e ; s*3&ce te+8-ate Fca' '*t .e B-a'<G
1 .aseNa+e ; .ase 'a+e *6 c&eate/ 43est F/e6a3-t" 43estG
1 '3+ ; '3+.e& t* c&eate F/e6a3-t" 1G
1 &3' ;sta&t VMs F/e6a3-t" '*G
Pa&a+FE.aseNa+e = V43estV, Ete+8Na+e, E'3+ = 1, Bs>itchCE&3'G
i6 FEte+8Na+e ;eT E'3--G =
1!( """
Figure 3+
>&ite;h*st ?M3st s8eci6$ a te+8-ateW?
>&ite;h*st ?.aseNa+e = E.aseNa+e?
>&ite;h*st ?te+8Na+e = Ete+8Na+e?
>&ite;h*st ? '3+ = E'3+?
>&ite;h*st ? &3' = E&3'?
E+$Dc-3sI/ = ;1:
E+$Dte+8 = se-ect;te+8-ate ;Sea&chTe@t Ete+8Na+e
i6 FE+$Dte+8 ;eT E'3--G
!&ite;h*st ?N* +atchi'4 te+8-ates 6*3'/W?
A e-sei6 FE+$Dte+8.c*3't ;4t 1G =
!&ite;h*st ?T** +a'$ +atchi'4 te+8-ates 6*3'/W?
A e-sei6 FE+$Dte+8.'a+e ;eT ?B-a'<?G =
!&ite;h*st ?Ca' '*t 3se B-a'< te+8-ateW?
1sea&ch 6*& +atchi'4 .ase'a+es
E+atches = se-ect;0+ ;sea&chte@t ?E.aseNa+e? U >he&e =ED.'a+e ;-i<e ?E.aseNa+e9?A
i6 FE+atches ;'e E'3--G =
E+eas3&e = E+atches U se-ect;*.Qect 'a+e U 6*&each = ED.'a+e.Re8-aceF?E.aseNa+e?,??G A U
+eas3&e;*.Qect ;+a@
Esta&t = E+eas3&e.+a@i+3+ X 1
E@ = E+atches U se-ect;*.Qect ;6i&st 1
E+$Dc-3sI/ = E@.*stC-3ste&I/
A e-se =
Esta&t = 1
Ei/ = E+$Dte+8.*stC-3ste&I/
Ec-3s = se-ect;c-3ste& U >he&e = ED.C-3ste&ID ;eT Ei/ A
i6 FEc-3s ;'e E'3--G =
i6 FEc-3s.IsI'itia-iHe/ ;eT Et&3eG =
E+$Dc-3sI/ = Ei/
A e-se =
>&ite;h*st ?C-3ste& *6 Te+8-ate is '*t i'itia-iHe/W?
1-**8 *0e& a//s
6*& FEi=Esta&t: Ei ;-t Esta&t X E'3+: EiXXG =
""" 1!)
1 >&ite;h*st ?;'a+e E.aseNa+eEi ;te+8-ate*.Qect E+$Dte+8 ;*stC-3ste&I/ E+$Dc-3sI/
;c*8$te+8-ate ;V+t$8e se&0e&?
i6 F E&3' ;eT Et&3e G =
E+$D0+ = a//;0+ ;'a+e E.aseNa+eEi ;te+8-ate*.Qect E+$Dte+8 ;*stC-3ste&I/
E+$Dc-3sI/ ;c*8$te+8-ate ;V+t$8e se&0e&
sta&t;0+ ;V+O.Qect E+$D0+
A e-se =
E+$D0+ = a//;0+ ;'a+e E.aseNa+eEi ;te+8-ate*.Qect E+$Dte+8 ;*stC-3ste&I/
E+$Dc-3sI/ ;c*8$te+8-ate ;V+t$8e se&0e& ;As$'c
2. Use the script to create multiple VMs
a) On the RHEV Manager select the following from the Start menu: All 2rograms !>
-ed 9at !> -90V +anager !> -90V +anager ;cri"ting 8ibrary
b) ln the power shell window, log in with a superuser account
Jo&i-/ser -user admi -p <password> -domai ra-rhevm-vm
c) Change to the scripts directory
cd cC=scripts
d) Call the script to asynchronously create 5 VMs named javaApp#
.=add-vms -temp1ame temp%2ava)pp -$ase1ame 2ava)pp -um 5
e) After the VMs finish creating, the operator can select all desired and press -(n
f) Or if desired, the operator can call the script with the !r(n option which will start
each VM as is it synchronously created
.=add-vms -temp1ame temp%2ava)pp -$ase1ame 2ava)pp -um 5 -ru
1!, """
10 /elo+in. >?oss Alications in RHE5
1B.1 /elo+ >O6 Server in 4ana.e#ent Services Cluster
The JON server will be deployed using the Satellite server to provision the Virtual Machine.
l. Create storage volume (e.g., mgmtvirt%dis) of appropriate size (@300GB). See
section 6.3 for greater detail on adding and presenting LUNs from storage.
2. Create the MgmtVirtVG from the disk.
a) lnitialize the disk for LVM
pvcreate =dev=mapper=m&mtvirt%disk
b) create VM
v&create 3&mtVirtVG =dev=mapper=m&mtvirt%disk
3. Configure Activation Key
""" 1!-
Figure 31
a) Log into satellite as 'manage', select the following links: ;ystems !> Activation *eys
!> create new ey
Description: (e.g., E1Ney)
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567%7$!server
Add On Entitlements: +onitoringF 2rovisioning
Click 'reate Activation *ey
b) Select 'hild 'hannel tab
add -9N Tools
select @"date *ey
4. Configure Kickstart
a) Log into satellite as 'manage', select the following links: ;ystems !> *icstart !>
2rofiles !> create new icstart "rofile
Label: -908::%E1N%V+
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567!server
Kickstartable Tree: rhel::%567!7$
Virtualization Type: *V+ Virt(ali)ation G(est
Click Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Click /efa(lt /ownload 8ocation
Click Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Specify New -oot 2assword, Verify
Click 4inish
b) Select the following links: *icstart /etails !> /etails tab
Virtual Memory (in MB): $0<7
Number of Virtual CPUs: =
Virtual Disk Space (in GB): $0
Virtual Bridge: c(m(l(s0
Log custom post scripts
Click @"date *icstart
c) Select the following links: *icstart /etails !> 1"erating ;ystem tab
Select RHN Tools Child Channels
Uncheck all Repositories
Click @"date *icstart
d) Select the following links: *icstart /etails !> Advanced 1"tions tab
Verify reboot is selected
Change firewall to enabled
e) Select the following links: ;ystem /etails !> /etails tab
Enable Configuration Management and Remote Commands
Click @"date ;ystem /etails
1!3 """
f) Select the following links: ;ystem /etails !> 2artitioning tab
Change myvg to JONVG
Click @"date
g) Select the following link: Activation *eys tab
Select JONkey
Click @"date Activation *ey
h) Select ;cri"ts tab
Script l installs additional software working around some unsigned packages
that exists in the Beta release
ech* ?? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?B&he-5;5;@86D64;se&0e&;s'a84C? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?484chec<=0? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
$3+ i'sta-- 8*st4&esT-84 ;$
$3+ i'sta-- 8*st4&esT-84;se&0e& ;$
$3+ i'sta-- Qa0a;1.6.0;*8e'Q/<.@86D64 ;$
Script 2 opens the firewall ports needed and updates any packages
1RB*ss ReT3i&e/ P*&ts
7.i'7c8 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es 7t+87i8ta.-es
73s&7.i'7hea/ ;' ;2 7t+87i8ta.-es L 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 22 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1028 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1022 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t (8#( ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 4444 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 4445 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 4446 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 445# ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 8002 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 8080 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 808( ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1100 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1101 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1102 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
""" 1&0
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1161 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1162 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t (528 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 444# ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t #200 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 1102 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT?
LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 1161 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT?
LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 1162 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT?
LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t (528 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 444# ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t #200 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 4(((( ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT?
LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 45551 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT?
LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 45556 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT?
LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 4555# ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT?
LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 45668 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT?
LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 4555# ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT?
LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 54(2 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT?
LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 6# ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 68 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
1 R*' S8eci6ic P*&ts
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t #44( ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 202( ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t #080 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 2028 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 2022 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
1&1 """
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t #444 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t #445 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1616( ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT?
LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
73s&7.i'7tai- ;2 7t+87i8ta.-es LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
73s&7.i'7$3+ ;$ 38/ate
Script 3 downloads a script which will install and configure the JON software
and then invokes the script. Refer to Appendix A.& for contents of the rhq- script
c/ 7t+8
>4et htt8"77&a;sat;0+.&a.&h.c*+783.7<its7&hT;i'
ch+*/ ### .7&hT;i'
5. Prepare download area
a) Create /var/www/html/pub/kits on Satellite server and set permissions
mkdir =var="""=html=pu$=kits
chmod !!! =var="""=html=pu$=kits
b) Create script to download needed files
1 I' -ie3 *6 Sate--ite se&0e& these >4ets 8&*c3&e the RON Hi8s t* .e sta4e/ *' the sat se&0e&.
1 S3.seT3e't >4ets i' a 8*st i'sta-- sc&i8t 8-ace it *' 'e> VMs
>4et htt8"77Q*'*+"80427/ist7Ta7Q*';se&0e&;OATEST.Hi8
>4et htt8"77Q*'*+"80427/ist7&e-ease7Q*'7Q*';-ice'se.@+-
c) Execute Script
cd =var="""=html=pu$=kits
6. Provision JON VM
a) On Satellite as 'manage', select the following links: ;ystems !> +onet (+gmt
;erver3 !> Virt(ali)ation !> 2rovisioning
Check button next to the -908::%E1N%V+ kickstart profile
Guest Name: ra!Mon!vm
Select Advanced 'onfig(ration
Virtual Storage Path: +gmtVirtVG
Select ;ched(le *icstart and 4inish
b) Speed the install by logging on to monet (Mgmt Server)
Check in with Satellite and watch verbose output
rh%check -vv T
lf desired, watch installation
virt-vie"er ra-2o-vm T
Obtain VM MAC address (for use in cobbler system entry)
""" 1&!
&rep Gmac addG =etc=li$virt=Demu=ra-2o-vm.@ml
c) The cobbler system entry for VM is not complete, therefore make changes on
Satellite server
Determine VM's cobbler system entry (e.g., monet.ra.rh.comC=Cra!Mon!vm)
co$$ler list
Remove this entry
co$$ler s<stem remove --ameBmoet.ra.rh.comC2Cra-2o-vm
Add complete entry
co$$ler add s<stem
--pro'ileB.85J55%U+1%V3C2Cmaa&emet --macB00C16C3eC5eC3;C1'
--ipB1!2.20.12;.45 --ds-
Synchronize cobbler and system files
co$$ler s<c
d) The hostname may have been set to a temporary DHCP name, change this to the
new registered name by logging into VM
edit /etc/sysconfig/networ, remove name after '=' in HOSTNAME entry
7. Configure VM as a cluster service
a) Shutdown the VM so that when the cluster starts an instance there is only one
virsh shutdo" ra-2o-vm
b) Copy VM definition to all cluster members
scp =etc=li$virt=Demu=ra-2o-vm.@ml de&as-
c) Log into the luci home page and follow links: cl(ster !> ciab !> ;ervices !> add a
virt(al machine service
Virtual machine name: ra!Mon!vm
Path to VM configuration files: /etc/libvirt/Gem(
Migration type: 8ive
Hypervisor: A(tomatic
Check A(tomatically start this service box
Failover Domain: ciab%fod
Recovery policy: -estart
Max restart failures: =
Length of time after which to forget a restart: 70
d) Test service migration
clusvcadm -3 vmCra-2o-vm -m
e) Test access to JON console
URL: htt"C//ra!Mon!vm.ra.rh.comCI060
Login: rhGadmin / rhGadmin
1&& """
1B.2 &eploy 67oss E+P +pplication in R(E2 .s
The application is based on a server side Java exerciser. The standard means of executing
this application will increasingly scale the workload depending on CPU horsepower that is
10.!.1 /elo+ 7sin. Satellite
l. Configure Activation Key
a) Starting at the satellite home page for the tenant administrator, select the following
links: ;ystems -> Activation *eys -> create new ey and provide the information
Description: (e.g., r::Mboss!ey3)
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567%7$!server
Add On Entitlements: +onitoringF 2rovisioning
Create Activation Key
""" 1&'
Figure 32
b) Select the 'hild 'hannels tab and select the follow channels:
RHN Tools
2. Configure Kickstart
a) Starting at the satellite home page for the tenant administrator, select the following
links: ;ystems !> *icstart !> 2rofiles !> create new icstart "rofile and provide the
information below
Label: (e.g., -908::Mboss3
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567!server
Kickstartable Tree: rhel::%567!7$
Virtualization Type: None
Select Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Select /efa(lt /ownload 8ocation
Select Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Specify New -oot 2assword and Verify
Click 4inish
b) ln the *icstart /etails !> /etails tab
Log custom post scripts
Click @"date *icstart
c) ln the *icstart /etails !> 1"erating ;ystem tab
Select 'hild 'hannels
-9N Tools
Since this is a base only install, verify no -e"ository checkboxes are selected
Click @"date *icstart
d) ln the *icstart /etails !> Advanced 1"tions tab
Verify reboot is selected
Change firewall to !!enabled
e) ln the ;ystem /etails !> /etails tab
Enable Configuration Management and Remote Commands
Click @"date ;ystem /etails
f) ln the ;ystem /etails !> 2artitioning tab
Change volume group name (e.g., MbossV+)
Click @"date 2artitions
g) ln the ;ystem /etails !> G2G N ;;8 tab
select -9N!1-G!T-@;T0/!;;8!'0-T key
Update Keys
f) ln the Activation *eys tab
Select r::Mboss!ey
Click @"date Activation *eys
1&( """
h) ;cri"ts tab
A post installation script is used to:
disable GPG checking of custom channels (due to not all beta packages
having been signed)
open JBoss specific firewall ports
ensure all installed software is up to date
install and configure JBoss EAP and JON agent
deploy a JBosss application
1 set &eT3i&e/ 6i&e>a-- 8*&ts
7.i'7c8 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es 7t+87i8ta.-es
73s&7.i'7hea/ ;' ;2 7t+87i8ta.-es L 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 22 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1028 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1022 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t (8#( ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 4444 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 4445 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 4446 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 445# ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 8002 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 8080 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 808( ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1100 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1101 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1102 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1161 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1162 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t (528 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 444# ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t #200 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
""" 1&)
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 1102 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 1161 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 1162 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t (528 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 444# ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t #200 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 4(((( ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 45551 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 45556 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 4555# ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 45668 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 4555# ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 3/8 ;;/8*&t 54(2 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 6# ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 68 ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
7.i'7ech* ?;A R;Pi&e>a--;1;INPNT ;8 tc8 ;;/8*&t 1616( ;+ state ;;state NE! ;Q ACCEPT? LL
73s&7.i'7tai- ;2 7t+87i8ta.-es LL 7etc7s$sc*'6i47i8ta.-es
1 /isa.-e 5P5 chec<i'4 *6 c3st*+ cha''e-s
ech* ?? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?B&he-5;5;@86D64;se&0e&;s'a84C? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?484chec<=0? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?Bc-*'e;2;&h';t**-s;&he-;@86D64;se&0e&;5C? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
ech* ?484chec<=0? LL 7etc7$3+78-34i'c*'6./7&h'8-34i'.c*'6
1 i'sta-- &eT3i&e/ 8ac<a4es
73s&7.i'7$3+ ;$ i'sta-- Qa0a;1.6.0;*8e'Q/<
73s&7.i'7$3+ ;$ i'sta-- *sa/
7s.i'7ch<c*'6i4 *sa/ *'
73s&7.i'7$3+ ;$ 38/ate
1 /*>'-*a/, i'sta-- a'/ c*'6i43&e RB*ss EAP
c/ 7&**t
1&, """
>4et htt8"77&a;sat;0+.&a.&h.c*+783.7<its7Q.*ss;ea8;/e6a3-t.5A.Hi8
3'Hi8 Q.*ss;ea8;9.5A.Hi8
c/ Q.*ss;ea897Q.*ss;as7se&0e&7/e6a3-t7c*'678&*8s
cat Q+@;c*'s*-e;3se&s.8&*8e&ties U se/ ;e Vs71 a/+i'=a/+i'7a/+i'=100$a&/;7V L Q+@;c*'s*-e;
+0 ;6 Q+@;c*'s*-e;3se&s.8&*8e&ties2 Q+@;c*'s*-e;3se&s.8&*8e&ties
1 /*>'-*a/, i'sta-- a'/ c*'6i43&e the RON a4e't
c/ 7&**t
>4et htt8"77&a;sat;0+.&a.&h.c*+783.7<its7&hT;e'te&8&ise;a4e't;/e6a3-t.5A.Qa&
Qa0a ;Qa& 7&**t7&hT;e'te&8&ise;a4e't;/e6a3-t.5A.Qa& ;;i'sta--
c/ 7&**t7&hT;a4e't7c*'6
-i'e=Y4&e8 ;' ?<e$=Z?&hT.a4e't.c*'6i43&ati*';set38;6-a4? a4e't;c*'6i43&ati*'.@+- U c3t ;/" ;61Y
.e6*&e=Ye@8& E-i'e ; 1Y
a6te&=Ye@8& E-i'e X 1Y
se/ ;e ?E=a6te&A/? ;e ?E=.e6*&eA/? a4e't;c*'6i43&ati*'.@+- L a4e't;c*'6i43&ati*'.@+-2
Z+0 a4e't;c*'6i43&ati*'.@+-2 a4e't;c*'6i43&ati*'.@+-
se/ ;e V7&hT.a4e't.c*'6i43&ati*';set38;6-a47s76a-se7t&3e74V a4e't;c*'6i43&ati*'.@+- L a4e't;
Z+0 a4e't;c*'6i43&ati*'.@+-2 a4e't;c*'6i43&ati*'.@+-
se/ ;e ?7&hT.a4e''/;a//&ess7s70a-3e=Z?.9Z?70a-3e=Z?&a;Q*';0+.&a.&h.c*+Z?74? a4e't;
c*'6i43&ati*'.@+- L a4e't;c*'6i43&ati*'.@+-2
Z+0 a4e't;c*'6i43&ati*'.@+-2 a4e't;c*'6i43&ati*'.@+-
c/ 7&**t7&hT;a4e't7.i'
Z+0 &hT;a4e't;e' &hT;a4e't;e'*&i4
>4et htt8"77&a;sat;0+.&a.&h.c*+783.7<its7&hT;a4e't;e'
1 /e8-*$ the test a88
c/ 7&**t7Q.*ss;ea897Q.*ss;as7se&0e&7/e6a3-t7/e8-*$
>4et htt8"77&a;sat;0+.&a.&h.c*+783.7<its7Q.*ss;sea+;.**<i'4;/s.@+-
>4et htt8"77&a;sat;0+.&a.&h.c*+783.7<its7Q.*ss;sea+;.**<i'4.ea&
1 c*'6i43&e RB*ss a'/ RON a4e't t* a3t* sta&t
c/ 7etc7i'it./
>4et htt8"77&a;sat;0+.&a.&h.c*+783.7<its7Q.*ss;ea8
se/ ;e ?s7&ea/-i'<7&ea/-i'< ;e74? 7&**t7&hT;a4e't7.i'7&hT;a4e't;>&a88e&.sh L 7&**t7&hT;a4e't7.i'7&hT;
Z+0 7&**t7&hT;a4e't7.i'7&hT;a4e't;>&a88e&.sh2 7&**t7&hT;a4e't7.i'7&hT;a4e't;>&a88e&.sh
-' ;s 7&**t7&hT;a4e't7.i'7&hT;a4e't;>&a88e&.sh .
ch+*/ X@ Q.*ss;ea8 &hT;a4e't;>&a88e&.sh
7s.i'7ch<c*'6i4 ;;a// Q.*ss;ea8
7s.i'7ch<c*'6i4 ;;a// &hT;a4e't;>&a88e&.sh
7s.i'7ch<c*'6i4 &hT;a4e't;>&a88e&.sh *'
7s.i'7ch<c*'6i4 Q.*ss;ea8 *'
3. Create control script (jboss-eap) to be provisioned into /etc/init.d to automatically start
and optionally stop the workload.
1 Q.*ss;ea8 Sta&t Q.*ss;ea8
""" 1&-
1 ch<c*'6i4" 2(45 22 02
1 /esc&i8ti*'" Sta&ts a'/ st*8s Q.*ss;ea8
1 S*3&ce 63'cti*' -i.&a&$.
. 7etc7i'it./763'cti*'s
IPADDR=Yi6c*'6i4 eth0 U a>< ;P" V71#2.207 =8&i't E2AV Ua>< V=8&i't E1AVY
sta&tFG =
c/ 7&**t7Q.*ss;ea897Q.*ss;as7.i'
'*h38 .7&3'.sh ;. EIPADDR [
st*8FG =
c/ 7&**t7Q.*ss;ea897Q.*ss;as7.i'
.7sh3t/*>'.sh ;S ;s Q'8"77EIPADDR"1022 ;3 a/+i' ;8 <password>
stat3sDatFG =
c/ 7&**t7Q.*ss;ea897Q.*ss;as7.i'
stat3s .7&3'.sh
case ?E1? i'
1 st*8
ech* E?Nsa4e" E0 =sta&tUst*8Ustat3sA?
e@it 1
1&3 """
4. To run the JON agent at startup, some of the parameters in will need
to be enabled by removing the 9 symbol that appears at the start of each line. The
following three parameters are mandatory, were uncommented, and set accordingly for
this effort:
.84%)G51-%8+35BK=root=rhD-a&etK - This is the directory above the
agent installation bin directory.
.84%)G51-%U)V)%8+35BK=usr=li$=2vm=2re-1.6.0K - This is the
directory above the bin folder for JDK.
.84%)G51-%*0D(0J5%D0.==var=ru - A directory writable by the user that
executes the agent. lt defaults to /var/r(n but if /var/r(n is not writable, use
V.84%)G51-%8+35=$i. Note that this is only applicable for JON Agent
versions 2.l.2SPl and earlier. Modifications have been made in subsequent
versions of the agent that will fall back to a writable directory.
6O$E: lf 9.84%)G51-%*0D(0J5%D0. is modified and the OS is RHEL, a
parallel change is required to the chkconfig "pidfile" location at the top of the rhq- script.
5. Copy files to the previously created /var/www/html/"(b/its directory on the Satellite
server (JBoss EAP)
jboss-eap (init.d startup file)
rhq-enterprise-agent-default.GA.jar (JON agent) (JON agent variable definitions)
jboss-seam-booking-ds.xml (JBoss application)
6. Create RHEV VM
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., Mboss#)
Description: [optional]
Host Cluster: (e.g., dc#!cl(s#)
Template: [blank]
Memory Size: (e.g., =0$6)
CPU Sockets: (e.g., #)
CPUs Per Socket: (e.g., =)
Operating System: -ed 9at 0nter"rise 8in(5 :.5 57$
c) ln the ,oot ;eG(ence tab, provide the following:
Second Device: Network (PXE)
""" 1'0
d) Select 1*
e) Select the 'onfig(re Networ .nterfaces button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide
the following in the New Networ .nterface:
Type: -ed 9at Virt.1
f) Select the 'onfig(re Virt(al /iss button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide the
following in the New Virt(al /is dialog:
Size (GB): (e.g., 6)
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
7. Boot the JBoss VM
a) ln the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select the newly created VM
b) Select either the -(n button or the -(n option in the right mouse button menu
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the 'onsole option in
the right mouse button menu
d) After initial PXE booting the Cobbler PXE boot menu will display, select the
kickstart that was previously created in Step 2 (e.g., -908::MbossC==Ctenants3.
e) The VM will reboot when the installation is complete and the JON Console
Dashboard will display the VM as an Auto-Discovered resource.
1'1 """
8. For this proof of concept, the JBoss Seam hotel booking web application (a key
component of the JBoss EAP) is distributed via Satellite onto each JBoss server.
""" 1'!
Figure 33: 342 #onsole 5ashboard
9. The application can be tested by directing a browser to the JBoss server URL. For
10.!.! /elo+ 7sin. $e#late
Because the previous section has each new JBoss VM automatically registering with JON,
deployment via template will differ only in as much as the VM created to act as a model for
the template will not register itself with JON so that any VMs created from this template will be
able to register their own lP/port token.
1'& """
Figure 34: 36oss .ea& Fra&e/or0 5e&o
l. Clone JBoss VM Kickstart
a) Starting at the satellite home page for the tenant administrator, select the following
links: ;ystems !> *icstart !> 2rofiles and select the profile created for the JBoss
VM (e.g., Mboss)
b) Select the link to clone icstart and provide the information below
Kickstart Label: (e.g., Mboss!cloner3
Click 'lone *icstart
c) Select the following links: ;cri"ts !> ;cri"t #
d) Modify the post install script to remove or comment out the following entries:
7s.i'7ch<c*'6i4 ;;a// &hT;a4e't;>&a88e&.sh
7s.i'7ch<c*'6i4 &hT;a4e't;>&a88e&.sh *'
e) Click @"date *icstart
2. Create VM for Template
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., Mboss'lonerV+)
Description: [optional]
Host Cluster: (e.g., dc#!cl(s#)
Template: [blank]
Memory Size: (e.g., =0$6)
CPU Sockets: (e.g., #)
CPUs Per Socket: (e.g., =)
Operating System: -ed 9at 0nter"rise 8in(5 :.5 57$
c) ln the ,oot ;eG(ence tab, provide the following:
Second Device: Network (PXE)
d) Select 1*
e) Select the 'onfig(re Networ .nterfaces button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide
the following in the New Networ .nterface:
Type: -ed 9at Virt.1
f) Select the 'onfig(re Virt(al /iss button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide the
following in the New Virt(al /is dialog:
Size (GB): (e.g., 6)
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
3. Boot the JBoss VM
a) ln the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select the newly created VM
b) Select either the -(n button or the -(n option in the right mouse button menu
""" 1''
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the 'onsole option in
the right mouse button menu
d) After initial PXE booting the Cobbler PXE boot menu will display, select the
kickstart that was previously created in Step 2 (e.g., Mboss!clonerC==Ctenants3.
4. The VM will reboot when the installation is complete and the JON Console Dashboard
should not display the VM as an Auto-Discovered resource.
5. Create Template
a) Prepare the template system (e.g., Mboss'lonerV+) to register with the satellite
upon booting
ldentify the activation key to use to register the system.
The Activation *eys page (in ;ystems tab) of the satellite will list existing
keys for each organization
Alternatively, if the system was PXE installed using satellite, the register
command can be found in /root/cobbler.s which includes the key used
&rep rhre& co$$ler.ks
Using the activation key acquired in the previous step, the following will place
commands in the proper script to execute on the next boot:
cp =etc=rc.d=rc.local =etc=rc.d=rc.localpretemplate
echo Irhre&%ks --'orce --server/rlBhttpsC==ra-sat->3J.*7 --ssl7)7ertB=usr=share=rh=.81-+.G--./,-5D-
,,J-75.- --activatioke<B22-5;d1:ee2!32c;66$':$;:'3:e4:;3;4eK LL
echo Imv =etc=rc.d=rc.local.pretemplate =etc=rc.d=rc.localK
LL =etc=rc.d=rc.local
Execute the following commands on the newly created VM:
=s$i=chkco'i& --add rhD-a&et-"
=s$i=chkco'i& rhD-a&et-" o
b) Before shutting down the system used to create a template, some level of clearing
the configuration settings should be performed.
At a minimum the hostname should not be hard-coded as this can lead to
confusion when the hostname does not match the lP currently assigned. The
following commands will remove the name that was set when installed, and
DHCP will set the name upon boot
cp =etc=s<sco'i&=et"ork =tmp
&rep -v I8+,-1)35BK =tmp=et"ork L =etc=s<sco'i&=et"ork
Alternatively, a more extensive method of clearing configuration setting is to use
the s<s-uco'i& command. s<s-uco'i& will cause the system to
reconfigure network, authentication and several other subsystems on next boot.
c) Shutdown the template model VM
1'( """
d) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select the appropriate VM and either
the +ae Tem"late button or right mouse button menu option
Name: (e.g., Mboss%tem"late3
Description: [optional]
While creating the template the image is locked. Confirm the template exists in the
Tem"lates tab after the creation is complete
6. Create a new VM using the template
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., Mboss=)
Description: [optional]
Template: (e.g., Mboss%tem"late3
Confirm or override the remaining entries
c) lf the Data Center and Cluster are set to v2.2 compatibility, the provisioning can be
changed from thin to preallocated. in the Allocation tab, provide the following:
Provisioning: 'lone
Disk l: 2reallocated
7. The newly created VM will have a Locked lmage while being instantiated. When the
process is complete the VM is ready to Boot.
8. The newly created VM will have a Locked lmage while being instantiated.
9. When the process is complete the cloned VM is ready to boot.
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select the newly created VM
b) Either select the -(n button or the equivalent right mouse button menu option
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the equivalent right
mouse button menu option
d) With the JON agent running, the JON Console Dashboard should display the newly
cloned VM as an Auto-Discovered resource.
""" 1')
1B.$ Scale 67oss E+P +pplication
Using the previously created template and a power shell script, multiple instances of the
JBoss VM can be rapidly deployed.
l. Use the powershell script created in Section 3.! to create multiple VMs:
a) On the RHEV Manager select the following from the Start menu: All 2rograms !>
-ed 9at !> -90V +anager !> -90V +anager ;cri"ting 8ibrary
b) ln the power shell window, log in with a superuser account
Jo&i-/ser -user admi -p <password> -domai ra-rhevm-vm
c) Change to the scripts directory
cd cC=scripts
d) Call the script to asynchronously create 5 VMs named jboss#
.=add-vms -temp1ame 2$oss%template -$ase1ame 2$oss -um 5
e) After the VMs finish creating, the operator can select any or all the desired VMs and
1', """
Figure 35
press -(n
f) Or if desired, the operator can call the script with the !r(n option which will start
each VM as is it synchronously created
.=add-vms -temp1ame 2$oss%template -$ase1ame 2$oss -um 5 -ru
""" 1'-
11 /elo+in. 4R= =rid Alications in
RHE5 V4s
11.1 &eploy R8 anager in anagement Services
l. Prepare MRG channels
a) Synchronize the satellite DB data and RPM repository with Red Hat's RHN DB and
RPM repository for the required MRG channels
satellite-s<c -c rhel-@;6%64-server-5-mr&-maa&emet-1 -c rhel-
@;6%64-server-5-mr&-&rid-1 -c rhel-@;6%64-server-5-mr&-messa&i&-1
-c rhel-@;6%64-server-5-mr&-&rid-e@ecute-1
1'3 """
Figure 36
b) Clone the above channels under the custom Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 base
channel. Starting at Satellite Home, select the following links for each channel
above: 'hannels !> +anage ;oftware 'hannels !> clone channel
Clone From: (e.g rhel!567%7$!server!:!mrg!management!#)
Clone: '(rrent state of the channel (all errata3
Click 'reate 'hannel
ln the displayed /etails page:
Parent Channel: (e.g., rhel:!:!567%7$!server3
Channel Name: (se "rovided or s"ecify name
Channel Label: (se "rovided or s"ecify label
Base Channel Architecture: 567%7$
Channel Summary: (se "rovided or s"ecify s(mmary
Enter any optional (non asterisk) information as desired
Click 'reate 'hannel
On re-displayed /etails page:
Organizational Sharing: 2(blic
2. Prepare the required Configuration Channels
a) Refer to Appendix A.' for details on each of the files for each channel. Use this
information for access to the files during the channel creation. Using the information
in the Appendix, the files can be downloaded to a holding area and have any
required modifications applied, readying them for upload into the configuration
channels. Another option for all except the largest file which does not have its
contents listed, the file could be created by copying the contents from the appendix.
b) For each channel listed, create the configuration channel by selecting the
'onfig(ration tab -> the 'onfig(ration 'hannels link of the left side of the page ->
create new config channel. After specifying each channel's Name, 8abel, and
/escri"tionF add the file(s) where all non-default values have been specified.
Filename/Path: /etc/sesame/sesame.conf
Filename/Path: /etc/c(min/c(min.conf
Filename/Path: /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
Ownership: User name: postgres
Ownership: Group name: postgres
File Permissions Mode: 600
Filename/Path: /root/mrgde"
File Permissions Mode: I$$
Filename/Path: /etc/condor/condor%config
""" 1(0
Filename/Path: /home/mrgmgr/'
Ownership: User name: mrgmgr
Ownership: Group name: mrgmgr
File Permissions Mode: I$$
Filename/Path: /home/mrgmgr//
Ownership: User name: mrgmgr
Ownership: Group name: mrgmgr
File Permissions Mode: I$$
Filename/Path: /home/mrgmgr/;atellite-emove8ast."l
Ownership: User name: mrgmgr
Ownership: Group name: mrgmgr
File Permissions Mode: I$$
Filename/Path: /var/lib/condor/condor%config.local
Filename/Path: /etc/nt".conf
3. lf not previously configured, create storage area for virtual machines.
a) Create storage volume (e.g., mgmtvirt%dis) of appropriate size (@300GB). See
section 6.3 for greater detail on adding and presenting LUNs from storage.
b) Create the MgmtVirtVG from the disk.
lnitialize the disk for LVM
pvcreate =dev=mapper=m&mtvirt%disk
create VM
v&create 3&mtVirtVG =dev=mapper=m&mtvirt%disk
4. Configure Activation Key
a) Log into satellite as 'manage', select the following links: ;ystems !> Activation *eys
!> create new ey
Description: (e.g., coe!mrg!gridmgr)
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567%7$!server
Add On Entitlements: +onitoringF 2rovisioning
Create Activation Key
b) ln the /etails tab
Select the 'onfig(ration 4ile /e"loyment checkbox
Click @"date Activation *ey
c) Select 'hild 'hannel tab
add -9N Tools and all the cloned MRG channels
Select @"date *ey
1(1 """
d) Select the 2acages tab and enter the following packages
e) Select the 'onfig(ration and ;(bscribe to 'hannels tabs
Select all the configuration channels create in step = and select 'ontin(e
None of the channels had files in common so accept the presented order by
selecting @"date 'hannel -anings
5. Configure Kickstart
a) Log into satellite as 'manage', select the following links: ;ystems !> *icstart !>
2rofiles !> create new icstart "rofile
Label: (e.g. coe!mrg!gridmgr3
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567!server
Kickstartable Tree: rhel::%567!7$
Virtualization Type: *V+ Virt(ali)ation G(est
Click Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Click /efa(lt /ownload 8ocation
Click Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Specify New -oot 2assword, Verify, and 4inish
b) Select the following links: *icstart /etails !> /etails tab
Virtual Memory (in MB): #0=$
Number of Virtual CPUs: #
Virtual Disk Space (in GB): 20
Virtual Bridge: c(m(l(s0
Log custom post scripts
Click @"date *icstart
""" 1(!
c) Select the following links: *icstart /etails !> 1"erating ;ystem tab
Select RHN Tools and cloned MRG Child Channels
Uncheck all Repositories
Click @"date *icstart
d) Select the following links: *icstart /etails !> Advanced 1"tions tab
Verify reboot is selected
e) Select the following links: ;ystem /etails !> /etails tab
Enable Configuration Management and Remote Commands
Click @"date ;ystem /etails
f) Select the following links: ;ystem /etails !> 2artitioning tab
Change myvg to MRGVG,
Click @"date
g) Select the following link: Activation *eys tab
Select coe-mrg-gridmgr
Click @"date Activation *eys
h) Select ;cri"ts tab
This script performs the necessary configuration for the MRG Management
1T3&' *' Se&0ices
ch<c*'6i4 sesa+e *'
ch<c*'6i4 8*st4&esT- *'
ch<c*'6i4 c*'/*& *'
ch<c*'6i4 T8i// *'
ch<c*'6i4 c3+i' *'
ch<c*'6i4 't8/ *'
1P*st4&esT- 63'<i'ess
&+ ;&6 70a&7-i.784sT-7/ata
s3 ; 8*st4&es ;c ?i'it/. ;D 70a&7-i.784sT-7/ata?
se&0ice 8*st4&esT- &esta&t
se&0ice T8i// sta&t
1A// +&4+4& 3se&
3se&a// +&4+4&
6. Provision MRG Management VM
a) On Satellite as 'manage', select the following links: ;ystems !> +onet (+gmt
;erver3 !> Virt(ali)ation !> 2rovisioning
Check button next to the coe!mrg!gridmgr kickstart profile
Guest Name: ra!mrggrid!vm
Select Advanced 'onfig(ration
Virtual Storage Path: +gmtVirtVG
Select ;ched(le *icstart and 4inish
1(& """
b) Speed the install by logging on to monet (Mgmt Server)
Check in with Satellite and watch verbose output
rh%check -vv T
lf desired, watch installation
virt-vie"er ra-2o-vm T
Obtain VM MAC address (for use in cobbler system entry)
&rep Gmac addG =etc=li$virt=Demu=ra-2o-vm.@ml
c) The cobbler system entry for VM is not complete, therefore make changes on
Satellite server
Discover VM's cobbler system entry (e.g., monet.ra.rh.comC=Cra!Mon!vm)
co$$ler list
Remove this entry
co$$ler s<stem remove --ameBmoet.ra.rh.comC2Cra-mr&&rid-vm
Add complete entry
co$$ler add s<stem --ameBra-mr&&
--pro'ileBcoe-mr&-&ridm&rC2Cmaa&emet --macB00C16C3eC20C!5C6!
--ipB1!2.20.12;.46 --hostameBra-mr&& --ds-
Synchronize cobbler and system files
co$$ler s<c
d) The hostname may have been set to a temporary DHCP name, change this to the
new registered name by logging into VM
edit /etc/sysconfig/networ, remove name after '=' in HOSTNAME entry
7. Configure VM as a cluster service
a) Shutdown the VM so that when the cluster starts an instance there is only one
virsh shutdo" ra-mr&&rid-vm
b) Copy VM definition to all cluster members
scp =etc=li$virt=Demu=ra-mr&&rid-vm.@ml de&as-
c) Log into the luci home page and follow links: cl(ster !> ciab !> ;ervices !> add a
virt(al machine service
Virtual machine name: ra!mrggrid!vm
Path to VM configuration files: /etc/libvirt/Gem(
Migration type: 8ive
Hypervisor: A(tomatic
Check A(tomatically start this service box
Failover Domain: ciab%fod
Recovery policy: -estart
Max restart failures: =
Length of time after which to forget a restart: 70
""" 1('
d) Test service migration
clusvcadm -3 vmCra-mr&&rid-vm -m
e) lnvoke the setup script on ra-mrggrid-vm
ssh rootWra-mr&&rid-vm
f) Test access to MRG Manager Console
URL: htt"C//ra!mrggrid!vm.ra.rh.comC$:7I=
Login: admin / <"assword>
8. lnstall Cygwin on the RHEV Management Platform
a) On the ra-rhevm-vm system, navigate to the Cygwin home page,
b) Select the .nstall 'ygwin now link locate toward the top right side of the page
c) Select -(n in the download dialog
d) Select Ne5t int the Cygwin Setup Screen
1(( """
Figure 3": #yg/in -o&e Page
e) Select .nstall from .nternet and select Ne5t
f) Keep the default -oot /irectory (C:\cygwin) and .nstall 4or All @sers, by selecting
g) Keep the default 8ocal 2acage /irectory by selecting Ne5t
h) Select the appropriate internet connection, then select Ne5t
i) Select a download site and select Ne5t
j) During the download, an alert may inform the user that this version is a major
update. Select 1*.
k) After the package manifest download, search for "ssh" and ensure that openssh is
download by selecting ;i" in the corresponding line. ;i" will change to the
version of package for inclusion. Select Ne5t to complete the download.
""" 1()
l) After the packages install, complete the installation by selecting 4inish.
1(, """
m)The cygwin bin directory should be added to the system PATH variable. Start the
'ontrol 2anel -> ;ystem and ;ec(rity -> ;ystem -> Advances system settings ->
0nvironment Variables ... -> 2ath -> 0dit... -> add "C:\cygwin\bin" at the end ->
select 1*
""" 1(-
n) Launch the cygwin shell by selecting -(n as administrator in the right mouse button
menu from the desktop icon.
o) lnvoke the following commands in the Cygwin shell, answering yes and providing
desired user name and passwords
mkpass"d -cl L =etc=pass"d
mk&roup Hl L =etc=&roup
1(3 """
p) The username used by the sshd must be edited. Select ;tart -> Administrative
Tools -> ;ervices. Find 'ygwin ssh and select the 2ro"erties options from the right
mouse button menu. Select the 8og 1n tab. Remove the ".\" preceding the user
name in the This acco(nt field. Select 1*.
q) Start the sshd daemon in the cygwin shell.
et start sshd
""" 1)0
11.2 &eploy R8 8rid in R(E2 .s
l. Prepare the required Configuration Channels (condor_execute)
a) Refer to Appendix A.' for details on each of the files for each channel. Use this
information for access to the files during the channel creation. Using the information
in the Appendix, the files can be downloaded to a holding area and have any
required modifications applied, readying them for upload into the configuration
channels. Another option for all except the largest file which does not have its
contents listed, the file could be created by copying the contents from the appendix.
b) For each channel listed, create the configuration channel by selecting the
'onfig(ration tab -> the 'onfig(ration 'hannels link of the left side of the page ->
create new config channel. After specifying each channel's Name, 8abel, and
/escri"tionF add the file(s) where all non-default values have been specified.
Filename/Path: /etc/sesame/sesame.conf
1)1 """
Figure 3%
Filename/Path: /etc/condor/condor%config
Filename/Path: /var/lib/condor/condor%config.local
Filename/Path: /etc/nt".conf
2. Configure Activation Key
a) Log into satellite as 'tenant', select the following links: ;ystems !> Activation *eys
!> create new ey
Description: (e.g., coe!mrg!gride5ec)
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567%7$!server
Add On Entitlements: +onitoringF 2rovisioning
Create Activation Key
b) ln the /etails tab
Select the 'onfig(ration 4ile /e"loyment checkbox
Click @"date Activation *ey
c) Select 'hild 'hannel tab
add -9N Tools and all the cloned MRG channels
Select @"date *ey
d) Select the 2acages tab and enter the following packages
e) Select the 'onfig(ration and ;(bscribe to 'hannels tabs
Select all the configuration channels create in step = and select 'ontin(e
None of the channels had files in common so accept the presented order by
selecting @"date 'hannel -anings
3. Configure Kickstart
a) Log into satellite as 'tenant', select the following links: ;ystems !> *icstart !>
2rofiles !> create new icstart "rofile
Label: (e.g. coe!mrg!gride5ec3
Base Channel: rhel:!:!567!server
Kickstartable Tree: rhel::%567!7$
Virtualization Type: none
Click Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
Click /efa(lt /ownload 8ocation
Click Ne5t to accept input and proceed to next page
""" 1)!
Specify New -oot 2assword, Verify, and 4inish
b) Select the following links: *icstart /etails !> 1"erating ;ystem tab
Select RHN Tools and cloned MRG Child Channels
Uncheck all Repositories
Click @"date *icstart
c) Select the following links: *icstart /etails !> Advanced 1"tions tab
Verify reboot is selected
d) Select the following links: ;ystem /etails !> /etails tab
Enable Configuration Management and Remote Commands
Click @"date ;ystem /etails
e) Select the following links: ;ystem /etails !> 2artitioning tab
Change myvg to MRGVG,
Click @"date
f) Select the following link: Activation *eys tab
Select coe-mrg-gridexec
Click @"date Activation *eys
g) Select ;cri"ts tab
This script performs the necessary configuration for the MRG Management
chkconfig condor on
chkconfig qpidd on
condor_status -any
chkconfig sesame on
chkconfig ntpd on
4. Deploy scripts on RHEV Manager and MRG Grid Manager
a) On the RHEV Manager as the admin user download
b) Extract the contents of ciabRhevScripts.tar.gz in 'CO2rogram 4iles
(5673O-ed9atO-90V+anagerO-90V+ ;cri"ting 8ibrary
c) Edit the contents of ciab'reateNewVm."s# to match your environments credentials
and configuration
d) On the MRG Manager as the mrgmgr user download
e) Extract the contents of ciabMRGScripts.tar.gz in /home/mrgmgr
f) Edit the contents of to match your environments credentials
and configuration
5. Create VM to be used for template
a) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select New ;erver
1)& """
b) ln the New ;erver Virt(al +achine dialog, General tab provide the following data
Name: (e.g., mrge5ectem"late)
Description: [optional]
Host Cluster: (e.g., dc#!cl(s#)
mrgTemplate: [blank]
Memory Size: (e.g., :#=)
CPU Sockets: (e.g., #)
CPUs Per Socket: (e.g., #)
Operating System: -ed 9at 0nter"rise 8in(5 :.5 57$
c) ln the ,oot ;eG(ence tab, provide the following:
Second Device: Network (PXE)
d) Select 1*
e) Select the 'onfig(re Networ .nterfaces button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide
the following in the New Networ .nterface:
Type: -ed 9at Virt.1
f) Select the 'onfig(re Virt(al /iss button in the G(ide +e dialog and provide the
following in the New Virt(al /is dialog:
Size (GB): (e.g., #0)
the defaults for the remaining entries are adequate
6. Boot the Grid Exec VM
a) ln the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select the newly created VM
b) Select either the -(n button or the -(n option in the right mouse button menu
c) Start console by selecting the 'onsole button when active or the 'onsole option in
the right mouse button menu
d) After initial PXE booting the Cobbler PXE boot menu will display, select the
kickstart that was previously created in Step 2 (e.g., coe!mrg!gride5ecC==Ctenants3.
7. Prepare MRG Grid Exec Node VM for template
a) Prepare the template system (e.g. mrge5ectem"late) to register with the satellite
upon booting
ldentify the activation key to use to register the system.
The Activation *eys page (in ;ystems tab) of the satellite will list existing
keys for each organization
Alternatively, if the system was PXE installed using satellite, the register
command can be found in /root/cobbler.s which includes the key used
&rep rhre& co$$ler.ks
Using the activation key acquired in the previous step, the following will place
commands in the proper script to execute on the next boot:
""" 1)'
cp =etc=rc.d=rc.local =etc=rc.d=rc.localpretemplate
echo Irhre&%ks --'orce --server/rlBhttpsC==ra-sat->3J.*7 --ssl7)7ertB=usr=share=rh=.81-+.G--./,-5D-
,,J-75.- Hactivatioke<B22-a5!0cc62;6!4!0dc:d'44e0335$c1e22K
LL =etc=rc.d=rc.local
echo Imv =etc=rc.d=rc.local.pretemplate =etc=rc.d=rc.localK
LL =etc=rc.d=rc.local
b) Before shutting down the system used to create a template, some level of clearing
the configuration settings should be performed.
At a minimum the hostname should not be hard-coded as this can lead to
confusion when the hostname does not match the lP currently assigned. The
following commands will remove the name that was set when installed, and
DHCP will set the name upon boot
cp =etc=s<sco'i&=et"ork =tmp
&rep -v I8+,-1)35BK =tmp=et"ork L =etc=s<sco'i&=et"ork
Alternatively, a more extensive method of clearing configuration setting is to use
the s<s-uco'i& command. s<s-uco'i& will cause the system to
reconfigure network, authentication and several other subsystems on next boot.
c) lf already not shutdown, shutdown the template model VM
d) At the RHEV Manager Virt(al +achines tab, select the appropriate VM and either
the +ae Tem"late button or right mouse button menu option
Name: (e.g., mgrexectemplate3
Description: [optional]
e) While creating the template the image is locked. Confirm the template exists in the
Tem"lates tab after the creation is complete
f) Remove the network from the template
Select the Tem"lates tab
Choose the created template
Choose the Networ .nterfaces tab it he Details pane
Select eth0
Select Remove
8. Creating a MRG Grid virtual machine resource
a) Login into the MRG Grid Manager as the "mrgmgr" user
b) Execute the following:
.=7ia$7reate1e" PtemplateameL
Which performs the following:
Determining the name of the last MRG Grid execute node running on
Registering a new system hostname, mac address, and lP address with
Satellite via cobbler
1)( """
Creating a new virtual machine in the RHEV Manager
lnstalling MRG Grid on the new virtual machine
11.$ &eploy R8 8rid +pplication
l. Create the 'admin' user on ra-mrggrid-vm
useradd admi
2. Create a job file, /home/admin/Mobfile, in the admin users home directory
1Test R*.
E@ec3ta.-e = 7.i'7//
N'i0e&se = 0a'i--a
1i'83t = test./ata
*3t83t = -**8.*3t
e&&*& = -**8.e&&*&
O*4 = -**8.-*4
a&4s = i6=7/e07He&* *6=7/e07'3--

sh*3-/Dt&a's6e&D6i-es = %ES
>he'Dt*Dt&a's6e&D*3t83t = ONDE]IT
""" 1))
Figure 3(
3. Submit the job as the admin user
codor%su$mit =home=admi=2o$'ile
4. Verify the job is running
codor%status -a<
5. Log into the MRG Management Console,, and
view the job statistics
11.4 Scale R8 8rid +pplication
To be documented.
1), """
Figure 4+
1! Cloud End17ser 7se1Case Scenarios
The following are examples of the types of end-user use-cases that will be implemented to
demonstrate the capabilities of the cloud infrastructure described in previous sections.
Key participants in these use cases are:
Service Provider (SP)
Service Consumers (SCl and SC2)
Use Cases:
l. SP: Create two users (SCl, SC2) via the admin portal: Using the self-service portal,
create two users to mimic two customers accessing the cloud.
2. SCl: Create instance of the Service l: lnstantiate virtual machines that make up the
Service l including lP address and links to storage.
3. SCl: Monitor state of Service l: Observe the state of the newly created VMs.
4. SCl: Scale-out Service l: Add an app front-end VMs and add to load-balance pool.
Test for application scalability.
5. SC2: Create instance of the Service 2: lnstantiate VMs that make up the Service 2
including lP address and links to storage.
6. SC2: Monitor state of Service 2: Observe the state of the newly created VMs.
7. SCl: Terminate an app front-end VM: Remove from load-balance pool and terminate a
VM and observe for results.
8. SP: Add bare-metal capacity to existing cluster: Add a new server to an existing
9. SCl, SC2: Generate utilization reports: End users requesting for resource utilization
report of their usage.
l0. SP: Generate utilization reports: Create reports either via a GUl or by log files.
SP: Balance utilization for power (or other) metrics and adjust workload
placement policy
ll. SCl, SC2: Scale-out Service l, Service 2: Add an app front-end VM and add to load-
balance pool. Test for application scalability on both Service l and Service 2.
l2. SP: Fail a server; Ensure that the cluster is still operational.
l3. SCl, SC2: Shutdown Service l, Service 2: End the application service and remote
access to users SCl and SC2.
l4. SP: Generate utilization reports: Create resource utilization report of SCl and SC2.
""" 1)-
1& References
l. The NlST Definition of Cloud Computing
Version l5
07 October 2009
2. Above the Clouds: A Berkley View of Cloud Computing
Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2009-28
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of California at Berkeley
3. Cloud Computing Use Cases White Paper
(A white paper produced by the Cloud Computing Use Case Discussion Group)
Version 2.0
30 October 2009
4. Configuring and Managing a Red Hat Cluster
5. Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Administration Guide
6. Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - lnstallation Guide
7. Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - APl Guide
1)3 """
Aendi* A: Confi.uration Files
This appendix contain various configuration files and scripts used in the construction of the
infrastructure or of the various use cases demonstrated.
A.1 Satellite ans"ers.t*t
This following file was used to automate the satellite server installation.
1 A/+i'ist&at*&Vs e+ai- a//&ess. ReT3i&e/.
1 M3-ti8-e e+ai- a//&esses ca' .e 3se/, se8e&ate/ >ith c*++as.
1 E@a+8-e"
1 a/+i';e+ai- = 3se&^e@a+8-e.c*+, *the&3se&^e@a+8-e.c*+
a/+i';e+ai- =
11 RN c*''ecti*' i'6*&+ati*'.
1 Passe/ t* &h';&e4iste& t* &e4iste& the s$ste+ i6 it is '*t a-&ea/$
1 &e4iste&e/.
1 O'-$ &eT3i&e/ i6 the s$ste+ is '*t a-&ea/$ &e4iste&e/, *& i6 the
1 V;;&e;&e4iste&V c*++a'/ -i'e *8ti*' is 3se/. N*t 3se/ at a-- i6 the
1 V;;/isc*''ecte/V c*++a'/ -i'e *8ti*' is 3se/.
&h';3se&'a+e =
&h';8ass>*&/ =
1 TTP 8&*@$. N*t ReT3i&e/.
1 E@a+8-e"
1 &h';htt8;8&*@$ = 8&*@$.e@a+8-e.c*+"8080
&h';htt8;8&*@$ =
&h';htt8;8&*@$;3se&'a+e =
&h';htt8;8&*@$;8ass>*&/ =
1 RN P&*6i-e 'a+e. N*t &eT3i&e/. De6a3-ts t* the s$ste+Vs h*st'a+e
1 *& >hate0e& Vh*st'a+eV is set t*.
1 &h';8&*6i-e;'a+e =
11 SSO ce&ti6icate i'6*&+ati*'.
1 O&4a'iHati*' 'a+e. ReT3i&e/.
""" 1,0
1 E@a+8-e"
1 ss-;set;*&4 = Ri.*6-a0i', I'c.
ss-;set;*&4 = Re/ at
1 The 3'it >ithi' the *&4a'iHati*' that the sate--ite is assi4'e/ t*.
1 N*t &eT3i&e/.
1 E@a+8-e"
1 ss-;set;*&4;3'it = I'6*&+ati*' S$ste+s De8a&t+e't
ss-;set;*&4;3'it = Re6e&e'ce A&chitect3&e
1 O*cati*' i'6*&+ati*' 6*& the SSO ce&ti6icates. ReT3i&e/.
1 E@a+8-e"
1 ss-;set;cit$ = Ne> %*&<
1 ss-;set;state = N%
1 ss-;set;c*3't&$ = NS
ss-;set;cit$ = !est6*&/
ss-;set;state = MA
ss-;set;c*3't&$ = NS
1 Pass>*&/ 6*& CA ce&ti6icate. ReT3i&e/. D* '*t -*se *& 6*&4et this
1 8ass>*&/W
1 E@a+8-e"
1 ss-;8ass>*&/ = c5es!O#s
ss-;8ass>*&/ = ]]]]]]]
11 Data.ase c*''ecti*' i'6*&+ati*'.
1 ReT3i&e/ i6 the /ata.ase is a' e@te&'a- F'*t e+.e//e/G /ata.ase.
1 /.;3se& =
1 /.;8ass>*&/ =
1 /.;h*st =
1 /.;si/ =
1 /.;8*&t = 1521
1 /.;8&*t*c*- = TCP
11 The -*cati*' Fa.s*-3te 8athG *6 the sate--ite ce&ti6icate 6i-e.
1 ReT3i&e/.
1 E@a+8-e"
1 sate--ite;ce&t;6i-e = 7t+87satce&t.ce&t
1,1 """
sate--ite;ce&t;6i-e = 783.7c-*3/Dst3667&e/hat;i'te&'a-;5.(.ce&t
11 A8ache c*'6./7ss-.c*'6 0i&t3a- h*st /e6i'iti*' &ec*'6i43&ati*'
1 A 0a-3e *6 ?%? *& ?$? he&e >i-- ca3se the i'sta--e& t* +a<e a '3+.e&e/
1 .ac<38 *6 the s$ste+Vs e@isti'4 htt8/7c*'6./7ss-.c*'6 6i-e a'/ &e8-ace
1 the *&i4i'a- >ith *'e thatVs set 38 8&*8e&-$ t* >*&< >ith S8ace>a-<.
1 The &ec*++e'/e/ a's>e& is %
1 ss-;c*'6i4;ss-0h*st =
ss-;c*'6i4;ss-0h*st = %
1 999 O8ti*'s .e-*> this -i'e 3s3a--$ /*'Vt 'ee/ t* .e set. 999
1 The Sate--ite se&0e&Vs h*st'a+e. This +3st .e the >*&<i'4 PMDN *6
1 the sate--ite se&0e&.
1 h*st'a+e =
1 The +*3't 8*i't 6*& the RN 8ac<a4e &e8*sit*&$. De6a3-ts t*
1 70a&7&h'7sate--ite
1 +*3't;8*i't =
1 Mai- c*'6i43&ati*'.
1 +ai-;+@ =
1 +/*+ =
1 VC*++*' 'a+eV 6*& the SSO ce&ti6icates. De6a3-ts t* the s$ste+Vs
1 h*st'a+e, *& >hate0e& Vh*st'a+eV is set t*.
1 ss-;set;c*++*';'a+e =
1 The e+ai- a//&ess 6*& the SSO ce&ti6icates. De6a3-ts t* Va/+i';e+ai-V.
1 ss-;set;e+ai- =
1 The e@8i&ati*' Fi' $ea&sG 6*& the sate--ite ce&ti6icates. De6a3-ts
1 t* the '3+.e& *6 $ea&s 3'ti- 20(#.
1 ss-;ca;ce&t;e@8i&ati*' =
1 ss-;se&0e&;ce&t;e@8i&ati*' =
1 Set t* V$esV t* a3t*+atica--$ i'sta-- 'ee/e/ 8ac<a4es 6&*+ RN, 8&*0i/e/ the
1 s$ste+ is &e4iste&e/. Set t* V'*V t* te&+i'ate the i'sta--e& i6 a'$ 'ee/e/
1 8ac<a4es a&e +issi'4. De6a3-t is t* 8&*+8t.
1 &3';38/ate& =
""" 1,!
1 999 P*& t&*3.-esh**ti'47testi'4 *'-$. 999
1 &h';8a&e't =
1 ss-;/i& =
1 ss-;se&0e&;&8+ =
A.! Co%%ler settin.s
Cobbler using the /etc/cobbler/settings file for it main configuration parameters. The output
below shows the contents of this file when all the used components were configured.
1 c*..-e& setti'4s 6i-e
1 &esta&t c*..-e&/ a'/ &3' ?c*..-e& s$'c? a6te& +a<i'4 cha'4es
1 This c*'6i4 6i-e is i' %AMO 1.0 6*&+at
1 see htt8"77$a+-.*&4
1 ==========================================================
1 i6 1, c*..-e& >i-- a--*> i'se&ti*'s *6 s$ste+ &ec*&/s that /38-icate
1 the h*st'a+e i'6*&+ati*' *6 *the& s$ste+ &ec*&/s. I' 4e'e&a-,
1 this is 3'/esi&a.-e.
a--*>D/38-icateDh*st'a+es" 0
1 i6 1, c*..-e& >i-- a--*> i'se&ti*'s *6 s$ste+ &ec*&/s that /38-icate
1 the i8 a//&ess i'6*&+ati*' *6 *the& s$ste+ &ec*&/s. I' 4e'e&a-,
1 this is 3'/esi&a.-e.
a--*>D/38-icateDi8s" 0
1 i6 1, c*..-e& >i-- a--*> i'se&ti*'s *6 s$ste+ &ec*&/s that /38-icate
1 the +ac a//&ess i'6*&+ati*' *6 *the& s$ste+ &ec*&/s. I' 4e'e&a-,
1 this is 3'/esi&a.-e.
a--*>D/38-icateD+acs" 0
1 the 8ath t* BINDVs e@ec3ta.-e 6*& this /ist&i.3ti*'.
.i'/D.i'" 73s&7s.i'7'a+e/
1 E+ai- *3t a &e8*&t >he' c*..-e& 6i'ishes i'sta--i'4 a s$ste+.
1 e'a.-e/" set t* 1 t* t3&' this 6eat3&e *'
1 se'/e&" *8ti*'a-
1 e+ai-" >hich a//&esses t* e+ai-
1 s+t8Dse&0e&" 3se/ t* s8eci6$ a'*the& se&0e& 6*& a' MTA
1 s3.Qect" 3se the /e6a3-t s3.Qect 3'-ess *0e&&i//e'
.3i-/D&e8*&ti'4De'a.-e/" 1
.3i-/D&e8*&ti'4Dse'/e&" ??
.3i-/D&e8*&ti'4De+ai-" B V&**t^-*ca-h*stV C
.3i-/D&e8*&ti'4Ds+t8Dse&0e&" ?-*ca-h*st?
.3i-/D&e8*&ti'4Ds3.Qect" ??
1 Cheetah;-a'43a4e <ic<sta&t te+8-ates ca' i+8*&t P$th*' +*/3-es.
1,& """
1 >hi-e this is a 3se63- 6eat3&e, it is '*t sa6e t* a--*> the+ t*
1 i+8*&t a'$thi'4 the$ >a't. This >hite-ists >hich +*/3-es ca' .e
1 i+8*&te/ th&*34h Cheetah. Nse&s ca' e@8a'/ this as 'ee/e/ .3t
1 sh*3-/ 'e0e& a--*> +*/3-es s3ch as s3.8&*cess *& th*se that
1 a--*> access t* the 6i-es$ste+ as Cheetah te+8-ates a&e e0a-3ate/
1 .$ c*..-e&/ as c*/e.
; ?&a'/*+?
; ?&e?
; ?ti+e?
1 i6 '* <ic<sta&t is s8eci6ie/, 3se this te+8-ate FPI]MEG
/e6a3-tD<ic<sta&t" 70a&7-i.7c*..-e&7<ic<sta&ts7/e6a3-t.<s
1 c*..-e& has 0a&i*3s sa+8-e <ic<sta&t te+8-ates st*&e/
1 i' 70a&7-i.7c*..-e&7<ic<sta&ts7. This c*'t&*-s
1 >hat i'sta-- F&**tG 8ass>*&/ is set 38 6*& th*se
1 s$ste+s that &e6e&e'ce this 0a&ia.-e. The 6act*&$
1 /e6a3-t is ?c*..-e&? a'/ c*..-e& chec< >i-- >a&' i6
1 this is '*t cha'4e/.
/e6a3-tD8ass>*&/Dc&$8te/" ?E1E+P867NDE!0@Ic]2t6caBH2*h!@$ac.?
1 c*'6i43&e a-- i'sta--e/ s$ste+s t* 3se these 'a+ese&0e&s .$ /e6a3-t
1 3'-ess /e6i'e/ /i66e&e't-$ i' the 8&*6i-e.
/e6a3-tD'a+eDse&0e&s" BC
1 6*& -i.0i&t .ase/ i'sta--s i' <*a', i6 '* 0i&t .&i/4e
1 is s8eci6ie/, >hich .&i/4e /* >e t&$\ P*& EO 475 h*sts
1 this sh*3-/ .e @e'.&0, 6*& a-- 0e&si*'s *6 Pe/*&a, t&$
1 ?0i&.&0?. This ca' .e *0e&&i//e' *' a 8e&;8&*6i-e
1 .asis *& at the <*a' c*++a'/ -i'e th*34h this sa0es
1 t$8i'4 t* Q3st set it he&e t* the +*st c*++*' *8ti*'.
/e6a3-tD0i&tD.&i/4e" c3+3-3s0
1 i6 <*a' is i'0*<e/ >ith*3t ;;0i&t;t$8e a'/ '* 0i&t;t$8e
1 is set *' the 8&*6i-e7s$ste+, >hat 0i&t3a-iHati*' t$8e
1 sh*3-/ .e ass3+e/\ Va-3es" @e'80, @e'60, Te+3, 0+>a&e
1 FNOTE" this /*es '*t cha'4e >hat 0i&tDt$8e is ch*se' .$ i+8*&tG
/e6a3-tD0i&tDt$8e" Te+3
1 3se this as the /e6a3-t /is< siHe 6*& 0i&t 43ests F5BG
/e6a3-tD0i&tD6i-eDsiHe" 20
1 3se this as the /e6a3-t +e+*&$ siHe 6*& 0i&t 43ests FMBG
/e6a3-tD0i&tD&a+" 2048
1 i6 3si'4 the a3thHD*>'e&shi8 +*/3-e Fsee the !i<iG, *.Qects
1 c&eate/ >ith*3t s8eci6$i'4 a' *>'e& a&e assi4'e/ t* this
1 *>'e& a'/7*& 4&*38. Ca' .e a c*++a se8e&ate/ -ist.
""" 1,'
; ?a/+i'?
1 c*'t&*-s >hethe& c*..-e& >i-- a// each 'e> 8&*6i-e e't&$ t* the /e6a3-t
1 P]E .**t +e'3. This ca' .e *0e&;&i//e' *' a 8e&;8&*6i-e
1 .asis >he' a//i'47e/iti'4 8&*6i-es >ith ;;e'a.-e;+e'3=071. Nse&s
1 sh*3-/ *&/i'a&i-$ -ea0e this setti'4 e'a.-e/ 3'-ess the$ a&e c*'ce&'e/
1 >ith acci/e'ta- &e;i'sta--s 6&*+ 3se&s >h* se-ect a' e't&$ at the P]E
1 .**t +e'3. A//i'4 a 8ass>*&/ t* the .**t +e'3s te+8-ates
1 +a$ a-s* .e a 4**/ s*-3ti*' t* 8&e0e't 3'>a'te/ &e;i'sta--ati*'s
e'a.-eD+e'3" 1
1 -*cati*' 6*& s*+e i+8*&ta't .i'a&ies a'/ c*'6i4 6i-es
1 that ca' 0a&$ .ase/ *' the /ist&i.3ti*'.
/hc8/D.i'" 73s&7s.i'7/hc8/
/hc8/Dc*'6" 7etc7/hc8/.c*'6
/'s+asTD.i'" 73s&7s.i'7/'s+asT
/'s+asTDc*'6" 7etc7/'s+asT.c*'6
1 e'a.-e P3'c;i'te4&ati*'\ This +a<es s3&e each i'sta--e/ +achi'e is set 38
1 t* 3se 63'c *3t *6 the .*@, >hich is a 8*>e&63- >a$ t* sc&i8t a'/ c*'t&*-
1 &e+*te +achi'es.
1 P3'c -i0es at htt8"776e/*&ah*ste/.*&4763'c
1 &ea/ +*&e at htt8s"776e/*&ah*ste/.*&47c*..-e&7>i<i7P3'cI'te4&ati*'
1 !i-- 'ee/ t* +i&&*& Pe/*&a7EPEO 8ac<a4es 6*& this 6eat3&e, see
1 htt8s"776e/*&ah*ste/.*&47c*..-e&7>i<i7Ma'a4e%3+Re8*s
63'cDa3t*Dset38" 0
63'cD+aste&" *0e&-*&/.e@a+8-e.*&4
1 +*&e i+8*&ta't 6i-e -*cati*'s...
htt8/D.i'" 73s&7s.i'7htt8/
1 cha'4e this 8*&t i6 A8ache is '*t &3''i'4 8-ai'te@t *' 8*&t
1 80. M*st 8e*8-e ca' -ea0e this a-*'e.
htt8D8*&t" 80
1 <e&'e- *8ti*'s that sh*3-/ .e 8&ese't i' e0e&$ c*..-e& i'sta--ati*'.
1 <e&'e- *8ti*'s ca' a-s* .e a88-ie/ at the /ist&*78&*6i-e7s$ste+
1 -e0e-.
<s/e0ice" .**ti6
-a'4" V V
te@t" _
1 s(20 s$ste+s &eT3i&e a//iti*'a- <e&'e- *8ti*'s i' a//iti*' t* the
1 a.*0e /e6a3-ts
&a+/is<DsiHe" 40000
1,( """
&**t" 7/e07&a+0
&*" _
i8" *66
0'c" _
1 c*'6i43&ati*' *8ti*'s i6 3si'4 the a3th'D-/a8 +*/3-e. See the
1 the !i<i 6*& /etai-s. This ca' .e i4'*&e/ i6 '*t 3si'4
1 ODAP 6*& !e.NI7]MORPC a3the'ticati*'.
-/a8Dse&0e&" ?-/a8.e@a+8-e.c*+?
-/a8D.aseD/'" ?DC=e@a+8-e,DC=c*+?
-/a8D8*&t" (82
-/a8Dt-s" 1
-/a8Da'*'$+*3sD.i'/" 1
-/a8Dsea&chD.i'/D/'" VV
-/a8Dsea&chD8ass>/" VV
-/a8Dsea&chD8&e6i@" V3i/=V
1 set t* 1 t* e'a.-e C*..-e&Vs DCP +a'a4e+e't 6eat3&es.
1 the ch*ice *6 DCP +a'a4e+e't e'4i'e is i' 7etc7c*..-e&7+*/3-es.c*'6
+a'a4eD/hc8" 1
1 set t* 1 t* e'a.-e C*..-e&Vs DNS +a'a4e+e't 6eat3&es.
1 the ch*ice *6 DNS +a'4e+e't e'4i'e is i' 7etc7c*..-e&7+*/3-es.c*'6
+a'a4eD/'s" 1
1 i6 3si'4 BIND F'a+e/G 6*& DNS +a'a4e+e't i' 7etc7c*..-e&7+*/3-es.c*'6
1 a'/ +a'a4eD/'s is e'a.-e/ Fa.*0eG, this -ists >hich H*'es a&e +a'a4e/
1 See the !i<i Fhtt8s"776e/*&ah*ste/.*&47c*..-e&7>i<i7Ma'a4eD'sG 6*& +*&e i'6*
; V&a.&h.c*+V
; V1#2.20.128V
; V1#2.20.122V
; V1#2.20.1(0V
; V1#2.20.1(1V
1 c*..-e& has a 6eat3&e that a--*>s 6*& i'te4&ati*' >ith c*'6i4 +a'a4e+e't
1 s$ste+s s3ch as P388et. The 6*--*>i'4 8a&a+ete&s >*&< i' c*'Q3'cti*' >ith
1 ;;+4+t;c-asses a'/ a&e /esc&i.e/ i' 63&the& /etai- at"
1 htt8s"776e/*&ah*ste/.*&47c*..-e&7>i<i7Nsi'4C*..-e&!ithC*'6i4Ma'a4e+e'tS$ste+
+4+tDc-asses" BC
6&*+Dc*..-e&" 1
1 -*cati*' >he&e c*..-e& >i-- >&ite its 'a+e/.c*'6 >he' BIND /'s +a'a4e+e't is
1 e'a.-e/
'a+e/Dc*'6" 7etc7'a+e/.c*'6
1 i6 3si'4 c*..-e& >ith +a'a4eD/hc8, 83t the IP a//&ess
1 *6 the c*..-e& se&0e& he&e s* that P]E .**ti'4 43ests ca' 6i'/ it
1 i6 '*t set c*&&ect-$, this >i-- +a'i6est i' TPTP *8e' ti+e*3ts.
""" 1,)
'e@tDse&0e&" &a;sat;0+.&a.&h.c*+
1 i6 3si'4 c*..-e& >ith +a'a4eD/hc8 a'/ ISC, *+a8i a--*>s &ea-ti+e DCP
1 38/ates >ith*3t &esta&ti'4 ISC /hc8/. *>e0e&, it +a$ ca3se
1 8&*.-e+s >ith &e+*0i'4 -eases a'/ +a<e thi'4s -ess &e-ia.-e. OMAPI
1 3sa4e is e@8e&i+e'ta- a'/ '*t &ec*++e'/e/ at this ti+e.
*+a8iDe'a.-e/" 0
*+a8iD8*&t" 64#
*+she--D.i'" 73s&7.i'7*+she--
1 setti'4s 6*& 8*>e& +a'a4e+e't 6eat3&es. *8ti*'a-.
1 see htt8s"776e/*&ah*ste/.*&47c*..-e&7>i<i7P*>e&Ma'a4e+e't t* -ea&' +*&e
1 ch*ices"
1 .3--8a8
1 >ti
1 a8cDs'+8
1 ethe&;>a<e
1 i8+i-a'
1 /&ac
1 i8+it**-
1 i-*
1 &sa
1 -8a&
1 .-a/ece'te&
1 0i&sh
8*>e&D+a'a4e+e'tD/e6a3-tDt$8e" Vi-*V
1 the c*++a'/s 3se/ .$ the 8*>e& +a'a4e+e't +*/3-e a&e s*3&ce/
1 6&*+ >hat /i&ect*&$\
8*>e&Dte+8-ateD/i&" ?7etc7c*..-e&78*>e&?
1 i6 this setti'4 is set t* 1, c*..-e& s$ste+s that 8@e .**t
1 >i-- &eT3est at the e'/ *6 thei& i'sta--ati*' t* t*44-e the
1 ;;'et.**t;e'a.-e/ &ec*&/ i' the c*..-e& s$ste+ &ec*&/. This e-i+i'ates
1 the 8*te'tia- 6*& a P]E .**t -**8 i6 the s$ste+ is set t* P]E
1 6i&st i' itVs BIOS *&/e&. E'a.-e this i6 P]E is 6i&st i' the BIOS
1 .**t *&/e&, *the&>ise -ea0e this /isa.-e/. See the +a'8a4e
1 6*& ;;'et.**t;e'a.-e/.
8@eDQ3stD*'ce" 0
1 the te+8-ates 3se/ 6*& P]E c*'6i4 4e'e&ati*' a&e s*3&ce/
1 6&*+ >hat /i&ect*&$\
8@eDte+8-ateD/i&" ?7etc7c*..-e&78@e?
1 Nsi'4 a Re/ at +a'a4e+e't 8-at6*&+ i' a//iti*' t* C*..-e&\
1 C*..-e& ca' he-8 &e4iste& t* it. Ch**se *'e *6 the 6*--*>i'4"
1 ?*66? " IV+ '*t 3si'4 Re/ at Net>*&<, Sate--ite, *& S8ace>a-<
1 ?h*ste/? " IV+ 3si'4 Re/ at Net>*&<
1,, """
1 ?site? " IV+ 3si'4 Re/ at Sate--ite Se&0e& *& S8ace>a-<
1 A-s* &ea/" htt8s"776e/*&ah*ste/.*&47c*..-e&7>i<i7Ti8sP*&Rh'
&e/hatD+a'a4e+e'tDt$8e" ?site?
1 i6 &e/hatD+a'a4e+e'tDt$8e is e'a.-e/, ch**se the se&0e&
1 ?+a'a4e+e't.e@a+8-e.*&4? " P*& Sate--ite *& S8ace>a-<
1 ?@+-&8c.&h'.&e/hat.c*+? " P*& Re/ at Net>*&<
1 This setti'4 is a-s* 3se/ .$ the c*/e that s388*&ts 3si'4 S8ace>a-<7Sate--ite 3se&s78ass>*&/s
1 >ithi' C*..-e& !e. a'/ C*..-e& ]MORPC. Nsi'4 RN *ste/ 6*& this is '*t s388*&te/.
1 This 6eat3&e ca' .e 3se/ e0e' i6 &e/hatD+a'a4e+e'tDt$8e is *66, si+8-$ se-ect a3th'Ds8ace>a-< i'
1 +*/3-es.c*'6
&e/hatD+a'a4e+e'tDse&0e&" ?&a;sat;0+.&a.&h.c*+?
1 s8eci6$ the /e6a3-t Re/ at a3th*&iHati*' <e$ t* 3se t* &e4iste&
1 s$ste+. I6 -e6t .-a'<, '* &e4ist&ati*' >i-- .e atte+8te/. Si+i-a&-$
1 *'e ca' set the ;;&e/hat;+a'a4e+e't;<e$ t* .-a'< *' a'$ s$ste+ t*
1 <ee8 it 6&*+ t&$i'4 t* &e4iste&.
&e/hatD+a'a4e+e'tD<e$" ??
1 i6 3si'4 a3th'Ds8ace>a-< i' +*/3-es.c*'6 t* -et c*..-e& a3the'ticate
1 a4ai'st Sate--ite7S8ace>a-<Vs a3th s$ste+, .$ /e6a3-t it >i-- '*t a--*> 8e& 3se&
1 access i't* C*..-e& !e. a'/ C*..-e& ]MORPC.
1 i' *&/e& t* 8e&+it this, the 6*--*>i'4 setti'4 +3st .e e'a.-e/ O!EVER
1 /*i'4 s* >i-- 8e&+it a-- S8ace>a-<7Sate--ite 3se&s *6 ce&tai' t$8es t* e/it a--
1 *6 c*..-e&Vs c*'6i43&ati*'.
1 these &*-es a&e" c*'6i4Da/+i' a'/ *&4Da/+i'
1 3se&s sh*3-/ t3&' this *' *'-$ i6 the$ >a't this .eha0i*& a'/
1 /* '*t ha0e a c&*ss;+3-ti;*&4 se8a&ati*' c*'ce&'. I6 the&e is Q3st
1 a si'4-e *&4 i' sate--ite, itVs 8&*.a.-$ sa6e t* t3&' this
1 *' a'/ 3se C*..-e&!e. a-*'4si/e a Sate--ite i'sta--.
&e/hatD+a'a4e+e'tD8e&+issi0e" 1
1 >he' DCP a'/ DNS +a'a4e+e't a&e e'a.-e/, c*..-e& s$'c ca' a3t*+atica--$
1 &esta&t th*se se&0ices t* a88-$ cha'4es. The e@ce8ti*' 6*& this is
1 i6 3si'4 ISC 6*& DCP, the' *+a8i e-i+i'ates the 'ee/ 6*& a &esta&t.
1 *+a8i, h*>e0e&, is e@8e&i+e'ta- a'/ '*t &ec*++e'/e/ 6*& +*st c*'6i43&ati*'s.
1 I6 DCP a'/ DNS a&e 4*i'4 t* .e +a'a4e/, .3t h*ste/ *' a .*@ that
1 is '*t *' this se&0e&, /isa.-e &esta&ts he&e a'/ >&ite s*+e *the&
1 sc&i8t t* e's3&e that the c*'6i4 6i-es 4et c*8ie/7&s$'ce/ t* the /esti'ati*'
1 .*@. This ca' .e /*'e .$ +*/i6$i'4 the &esta&t se&0ices t&i44e&.
1 N*te that i6 +a'a4eD/hc8 a'/ +a'a4eD/'s a&e /isa.-e/, the &es8ecti0e
1 8a&a+ete& >i-- ha0e '* e66ect. M*st 3se&s sh*3-/ '*t 'ee/ t* cha'4e
1 this.
&esta&tD/'s" 1
&esta&tD/hc8" 1
1 i6 set t* 1, a--*>s 73s&7.i'7c*..-e&;&e4iste& F8a&t *6 the <*a' 8ac<a4eG
1 t* .e 3se/ t* &e+*te-$ a// 'e> c*..-e& s$ste+ &ec*&/s t* c*..-e&.
1 this e66ecti0e-$ a--*>s 6*& &e4ist&ati*' *6 'e> ha&/>a&e 6&*+ s$ste+
""" 1,-
1 &ec*&/s.
&e4iste&D'e>Di'sta--s" 1
1 i'sta-- t&i44e&s a&e sc&i8ts i' 70a&7-i.7c*..-e&7t&i44e&s7i'sta--
1 that a&e t&i44e&e/ i' <ic<sta&t 8&e a'/ 8*st secti*'s. A'$
1 e@ec3ta.-e sc&i8t i' th*se /i&ect*&ies is &3'. The$ ca' .e 3se/
1 t* se'/ e+ai- *& 8e&6*&+ *the& acti*'s. The$ a&e c3&&e't-$
1 &3' as &**t s* i6 this 63'cti*'a-it$ is '*t 'ee/e/, *'e ca'
1 /isa.-e it, th*34h this >i-- a-s* /isa.-e ?c*..-e& stat3s? >hich
1 3ses a -*44i'4 t&i44e& t* a3/it i'sta-- 8&*4&ess.
&3'Di'sta--Dt&i44e&s" 1
1 e'a.-es a t&i44e& >hich 0e&si*' c*'t&*-s a-- cha'4es t* 70a&7-i.7c*..-e&
1 >he' a//, e/it, *& s$'c e0e'ts a&e 8e&6*&+e/. This ca' .e 3se/
1 t* &e0e&t t* 8&e0i*3s /ata.ase 0e&si*'s, 4e'e&ate RSS 6ee/s, *& 6*&
1 *the& a3/iti'4 *& .ac<38 83&8*ses. 4it is the &ec*++e'/ SCM
1 6*& 3se >ith this 6eat3&e.
sc+Dt&ac<De'a.-e/" 0
sc+Dt&ac<D+*/e" ?4it?
1 this is the a//&ess *6 the c*..-e& se&0e& ;; as it is 3se/
1 .$ s$ste+s /3&i'4 the i'sta-- 8&*cess, it +3st .e the a//&ess
1 *& h*st'a+e *6 the s$ste+ as th*se s$ste+s ca' see the se&0e&.
1 i6 a se&0e& a88ea&s /i66e&e't-$ t* /i66e&e't s3.'ets
1 F/3a- h*+e/, etcG, >i-- 'ee/ t* &ea/ the ;;se&0e&;*0e&&i/e secti*'
1 *6 the +a'8a4e 6*& h*> that >*&<s.
se&0e&" &a;sat;0+.&a.&h.c*+
1 this is a /i&ect*&$ *6 6i-es that c*..-e& 3ses t* +a<e
1 te+8-ati'4 easie&. See the !i<i 6*& +*&e i'6*&+ati*'. Cha'4i'4
1 this /i&ect*&$ sh*3-/ '*t .e &eT3i&e/.
s'i88ets/i&" 70a&7-i.7c*..-e&7s'i88ets
1 .$ /e6a3-t, i'sta--s a&e 9'*t9 set t* se'/ i'sta--ati*' -*4s t* the c*..-e&
1 se&0e&. !ith Va'a+*'De'a.-e/V, <ic<sta&t te+8-ates +a$ 3se the 8&eDa'a+*'
1 s'i88et t* a--*> &e+*te -i0e +*'it*&i'4 *6 thei& i'sta--ati*'s 6&*+ the
1 c*..-e& se&0e&. I'sta--ati*' -*4s >i-- .e st*&e/ 3'/e&
1 70a&7-*47c*..-e&7a'a+*'7. NOTE" This /*es a--*> a' @+-&8c ca-- t* se'/ -*4s
1 t* this /i&ect*&$, >ith*3t a3the'ticati*', s* e'a.-e *'-$ i6
1 *< >ith this -i+itati*'.
a'a+*'De'a.-e/" 1
1 -*cati*'s *6 the TPTP .i'a&$ a'/ c*'6i4 6i-e
t6t8/D.i'" 73s&7s.i'7i'.t6t8/
t6t8/Dc*'6" 7etc7@i'et/./7t6t8
1 c*..-e&Vs >e. /i&ect*&$. D*'Vt cha'4e this setti'4 ;; see the
1 !i<i *' ?&e-*cati'4 a c*..-e& i'sta--? i6 the 70a& 8a&titi*'
1 is '*t -a&4e e'*34h.
1,3 """
>e./i&" 70a&7>>>7c*..-e&
1 c*..-e&Vs 83.-ic ]MORPC -iste's *' this 8*&t. Cha'4e this *'-$
1 i6 a.s*-3te-$ 'ee/e/ .eca3se a 'e> 8*&t *8ti*' >i-- ha0e t* .e s388-ie/
1 t* <*a' i6 it is '*t the /e6a3-t.
@+-&8cD8*&t" 25151
1 ?c*..-e& &e8* a//? c*++a'/s set c*..-e& 38 >ith &e8*sit*&$
1 i'6*&+ati*' that ca' .e 3se/ /3&i'4 <ic<sta&t a'/ is a3t*+atica--$
1 set 38 i' the c*..-e& <ic<sta&t te+8-ates. B$ /e6a3-t, these
1 a&e *'-$ a0ai-a.-e at i'sta-- ti+e. T* +a<e these &e8*sit*&ies
1 3sa.-e *' i'sta--e/ s$ste+s Fsi'ce c*..-e& +a<es a 0e&$ c*'0e'tG
1 +i&&*&, set this t* 1. M*st 3se&s ca' sa6e-$ set this t* 1. Nse&s
1 >h* ha0e a /3a- h*+e/ c*..-e& se&0e&, *& a&e i'sta--i'4 -a8t*8s that
1 >i-- '*t a->a$s ha0e access t* the c*..-e& se&0e& +a$ >ish t* -ea0e
1 this as 0. I' that case, the c*..-e& +i&&*&e/ $3+ &e8*s a&e sti--
1 accessi.-e at htt8"77c*..-e&.e@a+8-e.*&47c.-&7&e8*D+i&&*& a'/ $3+
1 c*'6i43&ati*' ca' sti-- .e /*'e +a'3a--$. This is Q3st a sh*&tc3t.
$3+D8*stDi'sta--D+i&&*&" 1
1 a//iti*'a- 6-a4s t* $3+ c*++a'/s
$3+&e8*s$'cD6-a4s" ?;-?
$3+/*>'-*a/e&D6-a4s" ?;;&es*-0e?
This script to install the JON software during provisioning.
1 T3ic< V' /i&t$ RON7ROPR7RM i'sta--ati*'7&e i'sta--ati*' sc&i8t
1 6*& Hi88e/ /ist&i.3ti*'s
1sc&i8t /e6a3-t 0a-3es"
IP=Yi6c*'6i4 eth0 U 4&e8 Vi'et a//&V U se/ Vs7.9i'et a//&"77V U se/ Vs7 .977VY
1 RON i'sta--ati*' /e6a3-ts F>hat 3se& 4ets c&eate/, >he&e RON -a'/sG
1 Ra0a /e6a3-ts
""" 1-0
1 RON;s8eci6ic /e6a3-ts
i6 B ECNRRDNSER W= ?&**t? C: the'
ech* ?M3st .e -*44e/ i' as the &**t 3se& t* i'sta-- RON.?
e@it 1
63'cti*' Q*'D3'i'sta-- =
1 6i'/ se&0ice sc&i8t
ech* ? 9 Pi'/i'4 RON7ROPR7RM se&0ice sc&i8t -*cati*'...?
SVCDSCRIPT=Y6i'/ 7etc7i'it./7 ;i'a+e ?9&hT9?Y
i6 B ;H ?ESVCDSCRIPT? C: the'
SVCDSCRIPT=Y6i'/ 7etc7i'it./7 ;i'a+e ?9Q*'9?Y
i6 B ;H ?ESVCDSCRIPT? C: the'
ech* ? ; N* 8&e0i*3s i'sta--ati*'s 6*3'/.?
ech* ? ; P*3'/ RON7ROPR7RM se&0ice sc&i8t at" ESVCDSCRIPT?
1 6i'/ h*+e /i&ect*&$
ech* ? 9 Pi'/i'4 6i&st;/e6i'e/ RON7ROPR7RM h*+e /i&ect*&$...?
6*& i i' ESVCDSCRIPT: /*
6*& /i& i' Y4&e8 RMDSERVERDOME= Ei U se/ Vs7B;a;HA;`0;2DC9=77VY:
i6 B ;a E/i& C: the'
i6 B ;H ?ERONDOME? C: the'
ech* ? ; RON7ROPR7RM h*+e /i&ect*&$ >as '*t /e6i'e/ i' the se&0ice sc&i8t, 3'i'sta-- 6ai-e/.?
e@it 1

i6 B ;H ?ERONDOME? C: the'
ech* ? ; RON7ROPR7RM h*+e /i&ect*&$ >as '*t /e6i'e/ i' the se&0ice sc&i8t, 3'i'sta-- 6ai-e/.?
e@it 1
ech* ? ; P*3'/ RON7ROPR7RM h*+e /i&ect*&$ at" ERONDOME?
1-1 """
ech* ? 9 St*88i'4 a-- se&0ices, &e+*0i'4 se&0ice sc&i8t...?
ech* ? 9 D&*88i'4 P*st4&es ta.-es...?
s3 ; 8*st4&es ;c ?8sT- ;c Z?DROP DATABASE &hT:Z??
s3 ; 8*st4&es ;c ?8sT- ;c Z?DROP NSER &hTa/+i':Z??
ech* ? 9 De-eti'4 RON7ROPR7RM...?
ech* ? ; N'i'sta-- c*+8-eteW?
1 ha'/-e COI *0e&&i/es
6*& i i' E9
case Ei i'
RONDNSER=?Yech* Ei U se/ Vs7B;a;HA;`0;2C9=77VY?
RONDROOT=?Yech* Ei U se/ Vs7B;a;HA;`0;2C9=77VY?
RONDNRO=?Yech* Ei U se/ Vs7B;a;HA;`0;2C9=77VY?
RONDOICENSEDNRO=?Yech* Ei U se/ Vs7B;a;HA;`0;2C9=77VY?
DBDCONNECTIONDNRO=?Yech* Ei U se/ Vs7B;a;HA;`0;2C9=77VY?
DBDSERVERDNAME=?Yech* Ei U se/ Vs7B;a;HA;`0;2C9=77VY?
ADNAME=?Yech* Ei U se/ Vs7B;a;HA;`0;2C9=77VY?
1 3'<'*>' *8ti*'
ech* ?N'&ec*4'iHe/ *8ti*'.?
ech* ??
ech* ?I6 a' *8ti*' is '*t s8eci6ie/, a /e6a3-t >i-- .e 3se/.?
ech* ?A0ai-a.-e *8ti*'s"?
""" 1-!
ech* ?;;Q*';3&- NRO 8*i'ti'4 t* RON /ist&i.3ti*' Hi86i-e?
ech* ?;;Q*';-*ca-3se& Nse&'a+e 6*& -*ca- 3se& >hich RON >i-- .e i'sta--e/ 3'/e&?
ech* ?;;Q*';&**t/i& Di&ect*&$ .e'eath -*ca- 3se&Vs h*+e i't* >hich RON >i-- .e i'sta--e/?
ech* ?;;/.;c*''ecti*'3&- DB c*''ecti*' NRO Fe.4., Q/.c"8*st4&esT-"7712#.0.0.1"54(27&hTG?
ech* ?;;/.;se&0e&'a+e DB se&0e& 'a+e Fe.4., 12#.0.0.1G?
ech* ?;;ha;'a+e Na+e 6*& this se&0e&, i6 3si'4 i4h A0ai-a.i-it$?
ech* ?;;-ice'se3&- NRO 8*i'ti'4 t* RON -ice'se ]MO 6i-e?
ech* ?;;3'i'sta-- O'-$ 3'i'sta-- the c3&&e't RON7ROPR7RM i'sta'ce?
ech* ?;;&ec&eate3se& C&eate *& &ec&eate the -*ca- 3se& acc*3't as 8a&t *6 i'sta--ati*'?
e@it 1
1 c*0e& 3'i'sta-- *'-$ case
i6 B ENNINSTAOODONO% ;eT 1 C: the'
e@it 0
1 i6 s8eci6ie/ RON 3se& is '*t 8&ese't, >e +3st c&eate it
7.i'7e4&e8 ;i ?aERONDNSER? 7etc78ass>/ L 7/e07'3--
i6 B E\ W= 0 C: the'
ech* ? ; S8eci6ie/ RON -*ca- 3se& /*es '*t e@ist: he'ce, it >i-- .e c&eate/.?
1 4et Q*' a'/ 8*8 it i't* a 'e> Q*' 3se& /i&ect*&$
ech* ? 9 P3&4i'4 a'$ *-/ i'sta--s a'/ /*>'-*a/i'4 RON...?
3se&/e- ;6 ERONDNSER
&+ ;&6 7h*+e7ERONDNSER
3se&a// ERONDNSER ;8 ]]]]]
>4et ERONDNRO ;O .7Q*'.Hi8
ch*>' ERONDNSER .7Q*'.Hi8
+0 .7Q*'.Hi8 7h*+e7ERONDNSER
1 sta&t 8*st4&es
ech* ? 9 C*'6i43&i'4 P*st4&es...?
se&0ice 8*st4&esT- i'it/.
se&0ice 8*st4&esT- sta&t
1 &i4 8*st4&es
s3 ; 8*st4&es ;c ?8sT- ;c Z?CREATE NSER &hTa/+i' !IT PASS!ORD V&hTa/+i'V:Z??
s3 ; 8*st4&es ;c ?8sT- ;c Z?CREATE DATABASE &hT:Z??
s3 ; 8*st4&es ;c ?8sT- ;c Z?5RANT AOO PRIVIOE5ES ON DATABASE &hT t* &hTa/+i':Z??
1-& """
ech* ?
1 Z?-*ca-Z? is 6*& N'i@ /*+ai' s*c<et c*''ecti*'s *'-$
-*ca- a-- a-- t&3st
1 IP04 -*ca- c*''ecti*'s"
h*st a-- a-- 12#.0.0.17(2 t&3st
h*st a-- a-- +/5
1 IP06 -*ca- c*''ecti*'s"
h*st a-- a-- ""17128 t&3st
? L 70a&7-i.784sT-7/ata784Dh.a.c*'6
ch<c*'6i4 8*st4&esT- *'
se&0ice 8*st4&esT- &esta&t
ech* ? 9 N'Hi88i'4 a'/ c*'6i43&i'4 RON...?
1 3'Hi8 Q*'
s3 ; ERONDNSER ;c V3'Hi8 Q*'.Hi8V
s3 ; ERONDNSER ;c V&+ Q*'.Hi8V
1 c*'6i43&e Q*'Vs a3t*i'sta--
se/ ;ie ?s7&hT.a3t*i'sta--.e'a.-e/=6a-se7&hT.a3t*i'sta--.e'a.-e/=t&3e7? 7h*+e7ERONDNSER7
se/ ;ie ?s7&;a0ai-a.i-it$.'a+e=7&;a0ai-a.i-it$.'a+e=EADNAME7? 7h*+e7
se/ ;ie ?s7&*''ecti*';
3&-=EDBDCONNECTIONDNRO7? 7h*+e7ERONDNSER7ERONDROOT7.i'7&hT;se&0e&.8&*8e&ties
se/ ;ie ?s7&;'a+e=12#.0.0.17&;
'a+e=EDBDSERVERDNAME7? 7h*+e7ERONDNSER7ERONDROOT7.i'7&hT;se&0e&.8&*8e&ties
1 c*8$ &hT;se&0e&.sh t* 7etc7i'it./
c8 7h*+e7ERONDNSER7ERONDROOT7.i'7&hT;se&0e&.sh 7etc7i'it./
1 8&e8e'/ ch<c*'6i4 8&ea+.-e
ech* ?1W7.i'7sh
1ch<c*'6i4" 2(45 25 20
1/esc&i8ti*'" RON Se&0e&
18&*cess'a+e" &3'.sh
cat 7etc7i'it./7&hT;se&0e&.sh LL 7t+87*3t
+0 7t+87*3t 7etc7i'it./7&hT;se&0e&.sh
ch+*/ #55 7etc7i'it./7&hT;se&0e&.sh
1 &i4 RON as a se&0ice
ech* ? 9 I'sta--i'4 RON as a se&0ice...?
ch<c*'6i4 ;;a// &hT;se&0e&.sh
""" 1-'
ch<c*'6i4 &hT;se&0e&.sh ;;-ist
ch<c*'6i4 ;; -e0e- ( &hT;se&0e&.sh *'
1 i'sta-- RON -ice'se
ech* ? 9 D*>'-*a/i'4 RON -ice'se...?
ech* ? 9 Sta&ti'4 RON 6*& the 6i&st ti+e...?
se&0ice &hT;se&0e&.sh sta&t
1 i'sta-- RON 8-34i's
ech* ? 9 !aiti'4 3'ti- se&0e& i'sta--s the' i'sta--i'4 the 8-34i's that ca+e >ith the RON Hi86i-e...?
s-ee8 EANTOINSTAOOD!AITTIME 1>ait 6*& a3t*i'sta-- t* 6i'ish
-s ;1 7h*+e7ERONDNSER7ERONDROOT79.Hi8 U @a&4s ;iBC 3'Hi8 ;/ 7h*+e7ERONDNSER7ERONDROOT78-34i's7
6i'/ 7h*+e7ERONDNSER7ERONDROOT78-34i's7 ;'a+e ?9.Qa&? U @a&4s ;iBC +0 BC 7h*+e7ERONDNSER7
6i'/ 7h*+e7ERONDNSER7ERONDROOT78-34i's7 ;'a+e ?9.Qa&? U @a&4s ;iBC c8 BC 7h*+e7ERONDNSER7
ech* ? 9 Resta&ti'4 RON...?
se&0ice &hT;se&0e&.sh st*8
se&0ice &hT;se&0e&.sh sta&t
A.' Confi.uration Channels Files
There are six configuration channels that contains a total of ll files.
Sesa#e Channel
This channel contains a single file that will be placed at /etc/sesame/sesame.conf and can be
downloaded from
11 sesa+e c*'6i43&ati*'
11 B&*<e& C*''ecti*'
11 Set the h*st a'/ 8*&t *6 the .&*<e& that this a4e't sha-- atte+8t t*
11 c*''ect t*. The 8*&t >i-- /e6a3-t t* the a88&*8&iate 0a-3e .ase/ *' the
11 8&*t*c*-.
11 P*& 8&*t*=tc8, the /e6a3-t 8*&t is 56#2
11 8&*t*=ss-, 56#1
11 8&*t*=&/+a, 56#2
1-( """
11 A4e't A3the'ticati*'
11 Set the SASO +echa'is+ FPOAIN .$ /e6a3-tG, a'/ the 3se&'a+e a'/ 8ass>*&/
11 t* .e 3se/ >he' a3the'ticati'4 t* the .&*<e&. I6 $*3 >ish t* '*t st*&e
11 the 8ass>*&/ i' this c*'6i43&ati*' 6i-e, $*3 +a$ 3se 8>/;6i-e t* 8*i't
11 t* a' access;&est&icte/ 6i-e c*'tai'i'4 the 8ass>*&/.
11 Data St*&a4e
11 Set the 8ath t* the /i&ect*&$ >he&e sesa+e >i-- st*&e 8e&siste't /ata.
11 O*44i'4
1 -*4;e'a.-e=RNOE
1 E'a.-e -*44i'4 6*& se-ecte/ -e0e-s a'/ c*+8*'e'ts. RNOE is i' the 6*&+
1 VOEVEOBXCB"PATTERNCV Oe0e-s a&e *'e *6"
1 t&ace /e.34 i'6* '*tice >a&'i'4 e&&*& c&itica-
1 P*& e@a+8-e"
1 V;;-*4;e'a.-e >a&'i'4XV -*4s a-- >a&'i'4, e&&*& a'/ c&itica- +essa4es.
1-*4;e'a.-e '*ticeX
Cu#in Channel
This channel contains a single file that will be placed at /etc/c(min/c(min.conf and can be
downloaded from The
addr must be change to the lP of the MRG manager.
""" 1-)
/ata" 8*st4&esT-"77c3+i'^-*ca-h*st7c3+i'
a//&" 1#
ss-" $es
Post.resGl Channel
This channel contains a single file that will be placed at /var/lib/"gsGl/data/"g%hba.conf and
can be downloaded from htt"C//"eo"'/config(ration/"g%hba.conf.
# PostgreSQL Cient !uthentication Configuration "ie
1 ===================================================
1 Re6e& t* the P*st4&eSMO A/+i'ist&at*&Vs 53i/e, cha8te& ?C-ie't
1 A3the'ticati*'? 6*& a c*+8-ete /esc&i8ti*'. A sh*&t s$'*8sis
1 6*--*>s.
1 This 6i-e c*'t&*-s" >hich h*sts a&e a--*>e/ t* c*''ect, h*> c-ie'ts
1 a&e a3the'ticate/, >hich P*st4&eSMO 3se& 'a+es the$ ca' 3se, >hich
1 /ata.ases the$ ca' access. Rec*&/s ta<e *'e *6 these 6*&+s"
1 FThe 388e&case ite+s +3st .e &e8-ace/ .$ act3a- 0a-3es.G
1 The 6i&st 6ie-/ is the c*''ecti*' t$8e" ?-*ca-? is a N'i@;/*+ai' s*c<et,
1 ?h*st? is eithe& a 8-ai' *& SSO;e'c&$8te/ TCP7IP s*c<et, ?h*stss-? is a'
1 SSO;e'c&$8te/ TCP7IP s*c<et, a'/ ?h*st'*ss-? is a 8-ai' TCP7IP s*c<et.
1 DATABASE ca' .e ?a--?, ?sa+e3se&?, ?sa+e&*-e?, a /ata.ase 'a+e, *&
1 a c*++a;se8a&ate/ -ist the&e*6.
1 NSER ca' .e ?a--?, a 3se& 'a+e, a 4&*38 'a+e 8&e6i@e/ >ith ?X?, *&
1 a c*++a;se8a&ate/ -ist the&e*6. I' .*th the DATABASE a'/ NSER 6ie-/s
1 $*3 ca' a-s* >&ite a 6i-e 'a+e 8&e6i@e/ >ith ?^? t* i'c-3/e 'a+es 6&*+
1 a se8a&ate 6i-e.
1 CIDR;ADDRESS s8eci6ies the set *6 h*sts the &ec*&/ +atches.
1 It is +a/e 38 *6 a' IP a//&ess a'/ a CIDR +as< that is a' i'te4e&
1>ee' 0 a'/ (2 FIP04G *& 128 FIP06G i'c-3si0eG that s8eci6ies
1 the '3+.e& *6 si4'i6ica't .its i' the +as<. A-te&'ati0e-$, $*3 ca' >&ite
1 a' IP a//&ess a'/ 'et+as< i' se8a&ate c*-3+'s t* s8eci6$ the set *6 h*sts.
1 METOD ca' .e ?t&3st?, ?&eQect?, ?+/5?, ?c&$8t?, ?8ass>*&/?,
1 ?<&.5?, ?i/e't?, *& ?8a+?. N*te that ?8ass>*&/? se'/s 8ass>*&/s
1 i' c-ea& te@t: ?+/5? is 8&e6e&&e/ si'ce it se'/s e'c&$8te/ 8ass>*&/s.
1 OPTION is the i/e't +a8 *& the 'a+e *6 the PAM se&0ice, /e8e'/i'4 *' METOD.
1-, """
1 Data.ase a'/ 3se& 'a+es c*'tai'i'4 s8aces, c*++as, T3*tes a'/ *the& s8ecia-
1 cha&acte&s +3st .e T3*te/. M3*ti'4 *'e *6 the <e$>*&/s ?a--?, ?sa+e3se&? *&
1 ?sa+e&*-e? +a<es the 'a+e -*se its s8ecia- cha&acte&, a'/ Q3st +atch a
1 /ata.ase *& 3se&'a+e >ith that 'a+e.
1 This 6i-e is &ea/ *' se&0e& sta&t38 a'/ >he' the 8*st+aste& &ecei0es
1 a SI5NP si4'a-. I6 $*3 e/it the 6i-e *' a &3''i'4 s$ste+, $*3 ha0e
1 t* SI5NP the 8*st+aste& 6*& the cha'4es t* ta<e e66ect. %*3 ca' 3se
1 ?84Dct- &e-*a/? t* /* that.
1 P3t $*3& act3a- c*'6i43&ati*' he&e
1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1 I6 $*3 >a't t* a--*> '*';-*ca- c*''ecti*'s, $*3 'ee/ t* a// +*&e
1 ?h*st? &ec*&/s. I' that case $*3 >i-- a-s* 'ee/ t* +a<e P*st4&eSMO -iste'
1 *' a '*';-*ca- i'te&6ace 0ia the -iste'Da//&esses c*'6i43&ati*' 8a&a+ete&,
1 *& 0ia the ;i *& ;h c*++a'/ -i'e s>itches.
h*st c3+i' c3+i' 12#.0.0.17(2 t&3st
1 ?-*ca-? is 6*& N'i@ /*+ai' s*c<et c*''ecti*'s *'-$
-*ca- a-- a-- i/e't sa+e3se&
1 IP04 -*ca- c*''ecti*'s"
h*st a-- a-- 12#.0.0.17(2 i/e't sa+e3se&
1 IP06 -*ca- c*''ecti*'s"
h*st a-- a-- ""17128 i/e't sa+e3se&
4r.delo+ Channel
This channel contains a single file that will be placed at /root/mrgde"
1I'itia-iHe the /ata.ase
1A// the a/+i' 3se&
c3+i';a/+i' a//;3se& a/+i'
1Resta&t C3+i'
se&0ice c3+i' &esta&t
6$P Channel
This channel contains a single file that will be placed at /etc/nt".conf and can be downloaded
from The entries at the bottom of
the file should be adjusted for the user's environment.
""" 1--
1 Pe&+it ti+e s$'ch&*'iHati*' >ith *3& ti+e s*3&ce, .3t /* '*t
1 8e&+it the s*3&ce t* T3e&$ *& +*/i6$ the se&0ice *' this s$ste+.
&est&ict /e6a3-t <*/ '*+*/i6$ '*t&a8 '*8ee& '*T3e&$
1 Pe&+it a-- access *0e& the -**< i'te&6ace. This c*3-/
1 .e ti4hte'e/ as >e--, .3t t* /* s* >*3-/ e66ect s*+e *6
1 the a/+i'ist&ati0e 63'cti*'s.
&est&ict 12#.0.0.1
1 *sts *' -*ca- 'et>*&< a&e -ess &est&icte/.
1&est&ict +as< '*+*/i6$ '*t&a8
1 Nse 83.-ic se&0e&s 6&*+ the 8**-.'t8.*&4 8&*Qect.
1 P-ease c*'si/e& Q*i'i'4 the 8**- Fhtt8"77>>>.8**-.'t8.*&47Q*i'.ht+-G.
1.&*a/cast <e$ 42 1 .&*a/cast se&0e&
1.&*a/castc-ie't 1 .&*a/cast c-ie't
1.&*a/cast <e$ 42 1 +3-ticast se&0e&
1+3-ticastc-ie't 1 +3-ticast c-ie't
1+a'$castse&0e& 2( 1 +a'$cast se&0e&
1+a'$castc-ie't 2( <e$ 42 1 +a'$cast c-ie't
1 N'/isci8-i'e/ O*ca- C-*c<. This is a 6a<e /&i0e& i'te'/e/ 6*& .ac<38
1 a'/ >he' '* *3tsi/e s*3&ce *6 s$'ch&*'iHe/ ti+e is a0ai-a.-e.
se&0e& 12#.12#.1.0
63/4e 12#.12#.1.0 st&at3+ 10
1 D&i6t 6i-e. P3t this i' a /i&ect*&$ >hich the /ae+*' ca' >&ite t*.
1 N* s$+.*-ic -i'<s a--*>e/, eithe&, si'ce the /ae+*' 38/ates the 6i-e
1 .$ c&eati'4 a te+8*&a&$ i' the sa+e /i&ect*&$ a'/ the' &e'a+eFGVi'4
1 it t* the 6i-e.
/&i6t6i-e 70a&7-i.7't87/&i6t
1 Ke$ 6i-e c*'tai'i'4 the <e$s a'/ <e$ i/e'ti6ie&s 3se/ >he' *8e&ati'4
1 >ith s$++et&ic <e$ c&$8t*4&a8h$.
<e$s 7etc7't87<e$s
1 S8eci6$ the <e$ i/e'ti6ie&s >hich a&e t&3ste/.
1t&3ste/<e$ 4 8 42
1 S8eci6$ the <e$ i/e'ti6ie& t* 3se >ith the 't8/c 3ti-it$.
1&eT3est<e$ 8
1 S8eci6$ the <e$ i/e'ti6ie& t* 3se >ith the 't8T 3ti-it$.
1c*'t&*-<e$ 8
&est&ict 10.16.4#.254 +as< '*+*/i6$ '*t&a8 '*T3e&$
se&0e& 10.16.4#.254
&est&ict 10.16.4#.254 +as< '*+*/i6$ '*t&a8 '*T3e&$ Channel
1-3 """
This channel contains five files. The first file will be placed at /etc/condor/condor%config and
can be downloaded from The contents have
not been listed in respect of the length of this document.
The second file will be placed at /home/mrgmgr/' and can be downloaded
from The
hostname/lP and username fields will need to be customized.
15et the -ast 3se/ 'a+e
-ast'a+e=Yssh ;6 Q-a.*c<i^ V7c$4/&i0e7c7P&*4&a+Z Pi-es7Re/at7REVMa'a4e&7REVMZ
Sc&i8ti'4Z Oi.&a&$75etNe@tN*/eNa+e..atV U4&e8 ;i h*st'a+e Us*&t Ua>< ;P? ? V=8&i't E(AV Ua>< ;P?.? V=8&i't E1AV U
tai- ;1 Uc3t ;c 8;10Y:
1I'c&e+e't /i4its t* 4et 'e@t '*/e 'a+e
'e>'a+e=+&4e@ecEFF-ast'a+e X 1GG
1C&eati'4 the 'e@t 0+
0+i/=Yssh ;6 Q-a.*c<i^ ?7c$4/&i0e7c7P&*4&a+Z Pi-es7Re/at7REVMa'a4e&7REVMZ Sc&i8ti'4Z
Oi.&a&$7C&eateNe> E'e>'a+e? U4&e8 V+I/ Ua>< ;P? ? V=8&i't E(AVY
1A// Net>*&< A/a8te& t* 'e> 0+
h3sh=Yssh ;6 Q-a.*c<i^ ?7c$4/&i0e7c7P&*4&a+Z Pi-es7Re/at7REVMa'a4e&7REVMZ Sc&i8ti'4Z
Oi.&a&$7A//Net>*&< E'e>'a+e?Y
1A// Dis<
esca8e0+i/=Yech* E0+i/ Ua>< V=4s3.F7;7,?ZZZ;?GA: 1VY
h3sh=Yssh ;6 Q-a.*c<i^ ?ech* Eesca8e0+i/ L 7c$4/&i0e7c7P&*4&a+Z
Pi-es7Re/at7REVMa'a4e&7REVMZ Sc&i8ti'4Z Oi.&a&$70+i/h*-/e&?Y
h3sh=Yssh ;6 Q-a.*c<i^ ?7c$4/&i0e7c7P&*4&a+Z Pi-es7Re/at7REVMa'a4e&7REVMZ Sc&i8ti'4Z
1Sta&ti'4 the 0+
h3sh=Yssh ;6 Q-a.*c<i^ ?7c$4/&i0e7c7P&*4&a+Z Pi-es7Re/at7REVMa'a4e&7REVMZ Sc&i8ti'4Z
The third file will be placed at /home/mrgmgr// and can be downloaded
from The
hostname/lP and username fields will need to be customized.
15et the hi4hest +&4e@ec '*/e &3''i'4 Fi.e. +&4e@ec112G
-ast'a+e=Yssh ;6 Q-a.*c<i^ V7c$4/&i0e7c7P&*4&a+Z Pi-es7Re/at7REVMa'a4e&7REVMZ
Sc&i8ti'4Z Oi.&a&$75etOastN*/eNa+e..atV U4&e8 ;i h*st'a+e Us*&t Ua>< ;P? ? V=8&i't E(AV Ua>< ;P?.? V=8&i't E1AV U
tai- ;1 Uc3t ;c 8;10Y:
1Tac< *' 8&e6i@
""" 130
1Sh3t/*>' the VM
h3sh=Yssh ;6 Q-a.*c<i^ ?7c$4/&i0e7c7P&*4&a+Z Pi-es7Re/at7REVMa'a4e&7REVMZ Sc&i8ti'4Z
Oi.&a&$7Sh3t/*>' E-ast'a+e?Y
1Sh3t/*>' the VM a&/, &3' it t>iceW
h3sh=Yssh ;6 Q-a.*c<i^ ?7c$4/&i0e7c7P&*4&a+Z Pi-es7Re/at7REVMa'a4e&7REVMZ Sc&i8ti'4Z
Oi.&a&$7Sh3t/*>' E-ast'a+e?Y
1S-ee8 6*& sa6et$ F+a<e s3&e the 0+ is sh3t/*>' .e6*&e >e t&$ t* &e+*0e itG
s-ee8 1
1Re+*0e the VM
h3sh=Yssh ;6 Q-a.*c<i^ ?7c$4/&i0e7c7P&*4&a+Z Pi-es7Re/at7REVMa'a4e&7REVMZ Sc&i8ti'4Z
Oi.&a&$7Re+* E-ast'a+e?Y
1Ca-- Sate--ite &e+*0a- sc&i8t
The fourth file will be placed at /home/mrgmgr/;atellite-emove8ast."l and can be
downloaded from The hostname,
username and password fields will need to be customized.
3se st&ict:
3se >a&'i'4s:
3se P&*'tie&""C-ie't:
+$ EOST = Vsate--ite.c*e.ia/.&e/hat.c*+V:
+$ E3se& = VQ-a.*c<iV:
+$ E8ass = V8ass>*&/V:
+$ ^'e>Oist:
+$ ^test:
+$ ^i/:
+$ Ec-ie't = 'e> P&*'tie&""C-ie'tF3&- =L ?htt8"77EOST7&8c7a8i?G:
+$ Esessi*' = Ec-ie't;Lca--FVa3th.-*4i'V, E3se&, E8assG:
8&i't ?Z'5et A-- S$ste+s"Z'?:
+$ Es$ste+s = Ec-ie't;Lca--FVs$ste+.-istNse&S$ste+sV, Esessi*'G:
6*&each +$ Es$ste+ F^Es$ste+sG =
i6FFEs$ste+;L=V'a+eVA =_ +7+&47G [[ FEs$ste+;L=V'a+eVA W_ +7+&4+4&7GG =
8&i't Es$ste+;L=V'a+eVA.?Z'?:
+$ Es$ste+Na+e = Es$ste+;L=V'a+eVA:
131 """
8&i't ?Z'S*&t A&&a$ a'/ 5et O-/estZ'?:
^'e>Oist = s*&tF^'e>OistG:
6*&each F^'e>OistG =
8&i't ED . ?Z'?:
8&i't ?Z'P&i't Oast E-e+e'tZ'?:
8&i't E'e>OistB;1C.?Z'?:
+$ E-asts$ste+ = E'e>OistB;1C:
8&i't ?Z'5et I/Z'?:
+$ E/etai-s = Ec-ie't;Lca--FVs$ste+.4etI/V, Esessi*', E-asts$ste+G:
6*&each +$ E/etai- F^E/etai-sG =
8&i't E/etai-;L=Vi/VA.?Z'?:
+$ Es$ste+I/ = E/etai-;L=Vi/VA:
8&i't ?Z'P&i't ID *6 -astZ'?:
8&i't Ei/B;1C.?Z'?:
+$ E-asti/ = Ei/B;1C:
8&i't ?Z'De-ete Oast ID?:
+$ E/e-ete = Ec-ie't;Lca--FVs$ste+./e-eteS$ste+sV, Esessi*', E-asti/G:
The fifth file will be placed at /var/lib/condor/condor%config.local and can be downloaded from
1 This c*'6i4 /isa.-es a/0e&tisi'4 t* N!Vs >*&-/ c*--ect*&. Cha'4i'4
1 this c*'6i4 *8ti*' >i-- ha0e $*3& 8**- sh*> 38 i' N!Vs >*&-/
1 c*--ect*& a'/ e0e't3a--$ *' the >*&-/ +a8 *6 C*'/*& 8**-s.
COOOECTORDNAME = 5&i/ O' a C-*3/
SCEDD.PON5INS = EFOIBG78-34i's7M4+tSche//P-34i';8-34i'.s*
COOOECTOR.PON5INS = EFOIBG78-34i's7M4+tC*--ect*&P-34i';8-34i'.s*
""" 13!
NE5OTIATOR.PON5INS = EFOIBG78-34i's7M4+tNe4*tiat*&P-34i';8-34i'.s*
1 P-34i' c*'6i43&ati*'
MASTER.PON5INS = EFOIBG78-34i's7M4+tMaste&P-34i';8-34i'.s*
MMPDBROKERDOST = +&4+4&.c*e.ia/.&e/hat.c*+
13& """

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