Plot Parts of The Most Dangerous Game

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The 6 Parts of Plot

t Plot: The plot is the events in a story.

Directions: Write the appropriate part of plot in the blanks: resolution, rising action,
falling action, climax, exposition

________________________ The series of events or struggles that builds up to the


___________________________The action that works out the decision arrived at during

the climax; it ends at the resolution.

___________________________The portion of the story that solves the problems of the

plot; it is intended to bring a satisfying ending.

___________________________ The turning point that is usually the most intense in the

____________________________ The portion that helps the audience understand the

background or situation of the writing.

The conflict in a story is the _________________________________ in the story.

Internal Conflict-

External Conflict-
Identifying the parts of the plot

1. What did the exposition tell readers?

2. When did the exposition end and the rising action begin?

3. What is the central conflict in the story?

4. What hints are given about the central conflict in the story?

5. What are three key events that build up to the climax? Be specific.

6. The author uses a literary term called suspense which means,

_____________________________________________________ . Describe 1 way the

increases suspense?

7. What is the climax of the story?

11. Why is the story call “The Most

Dangerous Game”?
8. What is the story’s resolution?

12. What new understanding does

9. Does the story have clear falling action. Rainsford gain throughout the story?

10. Why is the resolution effective or ineffective?


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