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1:What is electric traction? Answer:Traction means using the electric power for traction system i.e.

for railways,trams, trolleys etc. electric traction means use of the electricity for all these . now a days, magnetic traction is also used for bullet trains. basically dc motors are used for electric traction systems. 2:How can you start-up the 40w tube lite with !0" #$%&$ without using any cho'e%$oil? Answer:(t)s possible by means of *lectronic cho'e.otherwise it)s not possible to ioni+e the particles in tube. light, with normal "oltage. 3:What is ,pu, in electrical engineering? Answer:-u stands for per unit and this will be used in power system single line diagram there it is li'e a huge electrical circuit with no of componenes .generators, transformers, loads/ with different ratings .in 01# and 21/. To bring all the ratings into common platform we use pu concept in which, in general largest 01# and 21 ratings of the component is considered as base "alues, then all other component ratings will get bac' into this basis.Those "alues are called as pu "alues. .p.u3actual "alue%base "alue/. 4:4peration carried out in Thermal power station? Answer:The water is obtained in the boiler and the coal is burnt so that steam is obtained this steam is allowed to hit the turbine , the turbine which is coupled with the generator generates the electricity 5:Why lin' is pro"ided in neutral of an ac circuit and fuse in phase of ac circuit? Answer:5in' is pro"ided at a 6eutral common point in the circuit from which "arious connection are ta'en for the indi"idual control circuit and so it is gi"en in a lin' form to withstand high #mps. 7ut in the case of 8use in the -hase of #$ circuit it is designed such that the fuse rating is calculated for the particular circuit .i.e load/ only.9o if any malfunction happen the fuse connected in the particular control circuit alone will blow off. 6: what is the diff. btwn. electronic regulator and ordinary rheostat regulator for fans?

Answer:The difference between the electronic and ordinary regulator is that in electronic reg. power losses are less because as we decrease the speed the electronic reg. gi"e the power needed for that particular speed but in case of ordinary rheostat type reg. the power wastage is same for e"ery speed and no power is sa"ed.(n electronic regulator triac is employed for speed "arying the firing angle speed is controlled but in rheostatic control resistance is decreased by steps to achie"e speed control. 7:How tube light circuit is connected and how it wor's? Answer:# cho'e is connected in one end of the tube light and a starter is in series with the circuit. When supply is pro"ided ,the starter will interrupt the supply cycle of #$. &ue to the sudden change of supply the choc' will generate around :000"olts . This "olt will capable of to brea' the electrons inside the tube to ma'e electron flow. once the current passes through the tube the starter circuit will be out of part. now there is no change of supply causes cho'e "oltage normali+ed and act as minimi+e the current. 8:whats is 0#;< $(;$=(T? Answer:(t is used with generators for charging a number of capacitor in parallel and discharging them in series.(t is used when "oltage re>uired for testing is higher than the a"ailable. 9:What is encoder, how it function? Answer:#n encoder is a de"ice used to change a signal .such as a bitstream/ or data into a code. The code may ser"e any of a number of purposes such as compressing information for transmission or storage, encrypting or adding redundancies to the input code, or translating from one code to another. This is usually done by means of a programmed algorithm,especially if any part is digital, while most analog encoding is done with analog circuitry. 10:What are the ad"antages of speed control using thyristor? Answer:#d"antages ::. 8ast 9witching $haracterstics than 0osfet, 7?T, (@7T . 5ow cost !. Higher #ccurate.

11:Why Human body feel *lectric shoc' ?? n in an *lectric train during running , We did nt feel any 9hoc' ? why? Answer:=nfortunately our body is a pretty good conductor of electricity, The golden rule is $urrent ta'es the lowest resistant path if you ha"e insulation to our feet as the circuit is not complete .wearing rubber footwear which doing some repairs is ad"isable as our footwear is a high resistance path not much current flows through our body/.The electric train is well insulated from its electrical system. 12:what is the principle of motor? Answer:Whene"er a current carrying conductor is placed in an magnetic field it produce turning or twisting mo"emnt is called as tor>ue 13:why, when birds sit on transmission lines or current wires doesn)t get shoc'? Answer:(ts true that if birds touch the single one line .phase or neutral/ they don)t get electrical shoc'... if birds touch lines than the circuit is closed and they get electrical shoc'.. so if a human touch single one line.phase/ then he doesn)t get shoc' if he is in the air .not touching - standing on the ground if he is standing on the ground then touching the line .phase/ he will get a shoc' because the ground on what we standing is li'e line .ground bed - li'e neutral/ and in the most of electric lines the neutral is that means that human who touch the line closes the circuit between phase and neutral. 14:what is meant by armature reaction? Answer:The effect of armature flu to main fluA is called armature reaction. The armature fluA may support main fluA or opposes main fluA. 15:what happen if we gi"e 0 "olts dc supply to d bulb r tube light?

Answer:7ulbs Bde"icesC for #$ are designed to operate such that it offers high impedance to #$ supply. 6ormally they ha"e low resistance. When &$ supply is applied, due to low resistance, the current through lamp would be so high that it may damage the bulb element. 16:Which motor has high 9tarting Tor>ue and 9taring current &$ motor, (nduction motor or 9ynchronous motor?

Answer:&$ 9eries motor has high starting tor>ue. We can not start the (nduction motor and 9ynchronous motors on load, but can not start the &$ series motor without load. 17:what is #$9; cable and where we use it? Answer:#$9; means #luminium conductor steel reinforced, this conductor is used in transmission D distribution. 18:What is "accum currcuit brea'er.define with cause and where be use it &e"ice? Answer:# brea'er is normally used to brea' a ciruit. while brea'ing the circuit, the contact terminals will be separated. #t the time of seperation an air gap is formed in between the terminals. &ue to eAisting current flow the air in the gap is ionised and results in the arc. "arious mediums are used to >uench this arc in respecti"e $7)s. but in 1$7 the medium is "accum gas. since the air in the $7 is ha"ing "accum pressure the arc formation is interrupted. 1$7)s can be used upto ::'". 19:What will happen when power factor is leading in distribution of power? Answer:(f their is high power factor, i.e if the power factor is close to one: :.losses in form of heat will be reduced, .cable becomes less bul'y and easy to carry, and "ery cheap to afford, D !. it also reduces o"er heating of tranformers. 20:whats the one main difference between =-9 D in"erter ? #nd electrical engineering D electronics engineering ? Answer:uninterrupt power supply is mainly use for short time . means according to ups 1# it gi"es bac'up. ups is also two types : on line and offline . online ups ha"ing high "olt and amp for long time bac'up with with high dc "oltage.but ups start with : " dc with E amp. but in"erter is startwith : ", 4,dc to !F" dc and : 0amp to :G0amp battery with long time bac'up. 21:What is phase motor?

Answer:# two phase motor is a motor with the the starting winding and the running winding ha"e a phase split. e.gHac ser"o motor.where the auAiliary winding and the control winding ha"e a phase split of I0 degree.

22:#d"antages of """f dri"es o"er non """f dri"es for *4T cranes? Answer::.smooth start and stop. .no Jer'ing of load. !.eAact posiitoning 4.better protection for motor. K.high%low speed selection. F.reliability of brea' shoe. E.programmable brea' control. G.easy circutry I.reduction in controls :0.increases motor life 23:What is the significance of "ector grouping in -ower Transformers? Answer:*"ery power transformer has a "ector group listed by its manufacturer. 8undamentally it tells you the information about how the windings are connected .delta or wye/ and the phace difference betweent the current and "oltage. *@. &L6:: means &elta primary, Wye 9econdry and the current is at :: o cloc' reffered to the "oltage. 24:Which type of #.$ motor is used in the fan .ceiling fan, eAhaust fan, padestal fan, brac'et fan etc/ which are find in the houses ? Answer:(ts 9ingle -hase induction motor which mostly s>uirrel cage rotor and are capacitor start capacitor run. 25:@i"e two basic speed control scheme of &$ shunt motor? Answer::. 7y using fluA control method:in this method a rheostat is connected across the field winding to control the field by changing the current the fluA produced by the field winding can be changed, and since speed is in"ersely proportional to fluA speed can be controlled .armature control method:in this method a rheostat is connected across armature winding by "arying the resistance the "alue of resisti"e drop.(a;a/can be "aried,and since speed is directly proportional to *b-(a;a the speed can be controlled. 26:what is the principle of motor?

Answer:Whene"er a current carrying conductor is placed in an magnetic field it produce turning or twisting mo"ement is called as tor>ue. 27:what is meant by armature reaction? Answer:The effect of armature flu to main fluA is called armature reaction. The armature fluA may support main fluA or opposes main fluA. 28:@i"e two basic speed control scheme of &$ shunt motor? Answer::. 7y using fluA control method:in this method a rheostat is connected across the field winding to control the field by changing the current the fluA produced by the field winding can be changed, and since speed is in"ersely proportional to fluA speed can be controlled .armature control method:in this method a rheostat is connected across armature "arying the resistance the "alue of resisti"e drop.(a;a/can be "aried,and since speed is directly proportional to *b-(a;a the speed can be controlled. 29:what is the difference between synchronous generator D asynchronous generator? Answer:(n simple, synchronous generator supply)s both acti"e and reacti"e power but asynchronous generator.induction generator/ supply)s only acti"e power and obser"e reacti"e power for magneti+ing.This type of generators are used in windmills. 30:What is the -olari+ation indeA "alue ? .pi "alue/and simple definition of polari+ation indeA ? Answer:(ts ratio between insulation resistance.(;/i.e meggar "alue for :0min to insulation resistance for : min. (t ranges from K-E for new motors D normally for motor to be in good condition it should be @reater than .K . 31:Why syn. generators r used for the production of electricity? Answer:synchronous machines ha"e capability to wor' on different power factor.or say different imaginary power "arying the field emf. Hence syn. generators r used for the production of electricity. 32:What is the difference between synchronous generator D asynchronous generator?

Answer:(n simple, synchronous generator supply)s both acti"e and reacti"e power but asynchronous generator.induction generator/ supply)s only acti"e power and obser"e reacti"e power for magneti+ing.This type of generators are used in windmills. 33:: ton is e>ual to how many watts? Answer:: ton 3 : 000 7T=%hr and to con"ert 7T=%hr to horsepower, : ,000 M 0.000!I I 3 4.E:K hp therefore : ton 3 4.E:KM.E4F 3 !.K 2W. 34:why syn. generators r used for the production of electricity? Answer:synchronous machines ha"e capability to wor' on differentpower factor.or say different imaginary pow "arying the field emf. Hence syn. generators r used for the production of electricity. 35:*nlist types of dc generator? Answer:&.$.@enerators are classified into two types :/separatly eAicted d.c.generator /self eAicted d.c.generator, which is further classified intoH:/series /shunt and !/compound.which is further classified into cumulati"e and differential 36:What is #utomatic 1oltage regulator.#1;/? Answer:#1; is an abbre"iation for #utomatic 1oltage ;egulator.(t is important part in 9ynchronous @enerators, it controls theoutput "oltage of the generator by controlling its eAcitation current. Thus it can control the output ;eacti"e -ower of the @enerator. 37:What is an eAciter and how does it wor'? Answer:There are two types of eAciters, static eAciter and rotory eAciter.purpose of eAcitor is to supply the eAcitation dc "oltage to the fiAed poles of generator.;otory eAcitor is an additional small generator mounted on the shaft of main generator. if it is dc generator, it will supply dc to the rotory poles through slip ring and brushes. con"entional alternator/. if it is an ac eAcitor, out put of ac eAcitor is rectified by rotating diodes and supply dc to main fiAed eAcitor is the ac generator whose field winding are stationary and armature rotates. initial "oltage is built up by residual magnetism.(t gi"es the starting tor>ue to the generator. 38:&ifference between a four point starter and three point starter?

Answer:The shunt connection in four point stater is pro"ided separately form the line where as in three point stater it is connected with line which is the drawbac' in three point stater 39:Why use the 1$7 at High Transmission 9ystem ? Why can)t use #$7? Answer:#ctually the thing is "acuum has high arc >ueching property compare to air because in 1$7 ,the die electric strengths e>ual to G times of air . That y always "accum used as inHT brea'er and air used as in 5T . 40:What is the difference between surge arrestor and lightning arrestor? Answer:5# is installed outside and the effect of lightning is grounded,where as surge arrestor installed inside panels comprising of resistors which consumes the energy and nullify the effect of surge. 41:What happens if i connect a capacitor to a generator load? Answer:$onnecting a capacitor across a generator always impro"es powerfactor,but it will help depends up on the engine capacity of the alternator,other wise the alternator will be o"er loaded due to the eAtra watts consumed due to the impro"ement on pf. 9econdly, don)t connect a capacitor across an alternator while it is pic'ing up or without any other load. 42:Why the capacitors wor's on ac only? Answer:@enerally capacitor gi"es infinite resistance to dc components.i.e., bloc' the dc components/. it allows the ac components to pass through. 43:*Aplain the wor'ing principal of the circuit brea'er? Answer:$ircuit 7rea'er is one which ma'es or brea's the circuit.(t has two contacts namely fiAed contact D mo"ing contact.under normal condition the mo"ing contact comes in contact with fiAed contact thereby forming the closed contact for the flow of current. &uring abnormal D faulty conditions.when current eAceeds the rated "alue/ an arc is produced between the fiAed D mo"ing contacts D thereby it forms the open circuit#rc is eAtinguished by the #rc Nuenching media li'e air, oil, "accum etc. 44:How many types of colling system it transformers?

Answer::. 46#6 .oil natural,air natural/ . 46#8 .oil natural,air forced/ !. 48#8 .oil forced,air forced/ 4. 4&W8 .oil direct,water forced/ K. 48#6 .oil forced,air forced/ 45:What is the function of anti-pumping in circuit brea'er? Answer:when brea'er is close at one time by close push button,the anti pumping contactor pre"ent re close the brea'er by close push button after if it already close. 46:what is stepper motor.what is its uses? Answer:9tepper motor is the electrical machine which act upon input pulse applied to it. it is one type of synchronous motor which runs in steps in either direction instead of running in complete, in automation parts it is used. 47:how to calculate capacitor ban' "alue to maintain unity power factor with some suitable eAample? Answer:21#;3 2W.T#6.$49.-:/Oe/- T#6.$49.-:/Od/ / Oe3 *<(9T(6@ -.8. Od3 &*9(;*& -.8. 48:Tell me in detail about c.t. and p.t. ?.$ompany:reliance/ Answer:The term $.T means current transformer,and the term -.T means potential transformer.(n circuit where measurements of high "oltage and high current is in"ol"ed they are used there.-articularly when a measuring de"ice li'e "oltmeter or ammeter is not able to measure such high "alue of >uantity because of large "alue of tor>ue due to such high "alue it can damage the measuring de", $T and -T are introduced in the circuits. They wor' on the same principle of transformer, which is based on lin'age of electromagneticfluA produced by primary with secondary.They wor' on the ratio to they are designed.*.g if $Tis of ratio K000PK# and it has to measure secondary current of G000#.then #693G000MKPK0003G#and this result will be gi"en to ammeter .and after measuring G# we can calculate the primary current.same is the operation of -T but measuring "oltage.

49:There are a Transformer and an induction machine. Those two ha"e the same supply. 8or which de"ice the load current will be maAimum? #nd why? Answer:The motor has maA load current compare to that of transformer because the motor consumes real power.. and the transformer is only producing the wor'ing fluA and its not consuming.. hence the load current in the transformer is because of core loss so it is minimum. 50:what is power factor? whether it should be high or low? why? Answer:-ower factor should be high in order to get smooth operation of the system.5ow power factor means losses will be is the ratio of true power to apperent power. it has to be ideally :. if it is too low then cable o"er heating D e>uipment o"erloading will occur. if it is greater than : then load will act as capacitor and starts feeding the source and will cause tripping..if pf is poor eA: 0.:E to meet actual power load has to draw more current.1 constant/,result in more lossesif pf is good eA: 0.IK to meet actual power load has to draw less current.1 constant/,result in less losses/. 51:What is the difference between (solator and $ircuit 7rea'er? Answer:(solator is a off load de"ice which is used for isolating the downstream circuits from upstream circuits for the reason of any maintenance on downstream circuits. it is manually operated and does not contain any solenoid unli'e circuit brea'er. it should not be operated while it is ha"ing load. first the load on it must be made +ero and then it can safely operated. its specification only rated current is gi"en.7ut circuit brea'er is onload automatic de"ice used for brea'ing the circuit in case of abnormal conditions li'e short circuit, o"erload etc., it is ha"ing three specification : is rated current and short circuit brea'ing capacity and ! is instantaneous tripping current. 52:what is bouchol+ relay and the significance of it in to the transformer? Answer:7ouchol+ relay is a de"ice which is used for the protection of transformer from its internal faults, it is a gas based relay. whene"er any internal fault occurs in a transformer, the bouchol+ relay at once gi"es a horn for some time, if the transformer is isolated from the circuit then it stop its sound itself other wise it trips the circuit by its own tripping mechanism. is

53:What is 98F $ircuit 7rea'er? Answer:98F is 9ulpher heAa 8louride gas.. if this gas is used as arc >uenching medium in a $ircuitbrea'er means 98F $7. 54:what is ferrantic effect? Answer:4utput "oltage is greater than the input "oltage or recei"ing end "oltage is greater than the sending end "oltage. 55: what is meant by insulation "oltage in cables? eAplain it? Answer:(t is the property of a cable by "irtue of it can withstand the applied "oltage without rupturing it is 'nown as insulation le"el of the cable. 56: Why we do types of earthing on transformer .ie:/body earthing D neutral earthing ,

what is function. i am going to install a Koo '"a transformer D !G0 '"a &@ set what should the earthing "alue? Answer:The two types of earthing are 8amiliar as *>uipment earthing and system earthing. (n *>uipment earthing: body . non conducting part/of the e>uipment shouldd be earthed to safegaurd the human beings.system *arthing : (n this neutral of the supply source . Transformer or @enerator/ should be grounded. With this,in case of unbalanced loading neutral will not be that unbalanced "oltages will not arise. We can protect the e>uipment also. With si+e of the e>uipment. transformer or alternator/and selection of relying system earthing will be further classified into directly earthed,(mpedance earthing, resisti"e .6@;s/ earthing. 57:What is the difference between 0$7 D 0$$7, Where it can be used? Answer:0$7 is miniature circuit brea'er which is thermal operated and use for short circuit protection in small current rating circuit. 0$$7 moulded case circuit brea'er and is thermal operated for o"er load current and magnetic operation for instant trip in short circuit condition.under "oltage and under fre>uency may be inbuilt. 6ormally it is used where normal current is more than :00#. 58:Where should the lighting arrestor be placed in distribution lines?

Answer:6ear distribution transformers and out going feeders of ::'" and incomming feeder of !!'" and near power transformers in sub-stations. 59:&efine (&0T relay? Answer:(t is an in"erse definite minimum time relay.(n (&0T relay its operating is in"ersely proportional and also a characteristic of minimum time after which this relay operates.(t is in"erse in the sense ,the tripping time will decrease as the magnitude of fault current increase. 60:What are the transformer losses? Answer:T;#6984;0*; 5499*9 - Transformer losses ha"e two sources-copper loss and magnetic loss. $opper losses are caused by the resistance of the wire .( ;/. 0agnetic losses are caused by eddy currents and hysteresis in the core. $opper loss is a constant after the coil has been wound and therefore a measurable loss. Hysteresis loss is constant for a particular "oltage and current. *ddy-current loss, howe"er, is different for each fre>uency passed through the transformer. 61:What is meant by regenerati"e bra'ing? Answer:When the supply is cutt off for a running motor, it still continue running due to inertia. (n order to stop it >uic'ly we place a load.resitor/ across the armature winding and the motor should ha"e maintained continuous field supply. so that bac' e.m.f "oltage is made to apply across the resistor and due to load the motor stops >uic'ly.This type of brea'ing is called as ,;egenerati"e 7rea'ing,. 62:Why is the starting current high in a &$ motor? Answer:(n &$ motors, 1oltage e>uation is 13*b-(a;a .1 3 Terminal "oltage,*b 3 7ac' emf in 0otor,(a 3 #rmature current,;a 3 #ramture resistance/.#t starting, *b is +ero. Therefore, 13(a;a, (a 3 1%;a ,where ;a is "ery less li'e 0.0:ohm.i.e, (a will become enormously increased. 63:What are the ad"antages of star-delta starter with induction motor? Answer:.:/. The main ad"antage of using the star delta starter is reduction of current during the starting of the motor.9tarting current is reduced to !-4 times 4f current of

&irect online starting.. /. Hence the starting current is reduced , the "oltage drops during the starting of motor in systems are reduced. 64:Why &elta 9tar Transformers are used for 5ighting 5oads? Answer:8or lighting loads, neutral conductor is must and hence the secondary must be star winding. and this lighting load is always unbalanced in all three phases. To minimi+e the current unbalance in the primary we use delta winding in the primary. 9o delta % star transformer is used for lighting loads. 65:Why in a three pin plug the earth pin is thic'er and longer than the other pins? #nswer:(t depends upon ;3rho l%a where area.a/ is in"ersely proportional to resistance .;/, so if .a/ increases, ; decreases D if ; is less the lea'age current will ta'e low resistance path so the earth pin should be thic'er. (t is longer because the The 8irst to ma'e the connection and 5ast to disconnnect should be earth -in. This assures 9afety for the person who uses the electrical instrument. 66:Why series motor cannot be started on no-load? #nswer:9eries motor cannot be started without load because of high starting tor>ue. 9eries motor are used in Trains, $rane etc. 67:Why *5$7 can)t wor' if 6 input of *5$7 do not connect to ground? Answer:*5$7 is used to detect earth lea'age fault. 4nce the phase and neutral are connected in an *5$7, the current will flow through phase and that much current will ha"e to return neutral so resultant current is +ero. 4nce there is a ground fault in the load side, current from phase will directly pass through earth and it will not return through neutral through *5$7. That means once side current is going and not returning and hence because of this difference in current *5$7 wil trip and it will safe guard the other circuits from faulty loads. (f the neutral is not grounded, fault current will definitely high and that full fault current will come bac' through *5$7, and there will be no difference in current. 68:How electrical power is generated by an #.$ @enerator? Answer:8or the generation of elect power we need a prime mo"er which supplies mechanical power input to the alternator, can be steam turbines,or hydro turbines

.When poles of the rotor mo"es under the armature conductors which are placed on the stator ,field fluA cut the armature conductor ,therefore "oltage is generated and is of sinusoidal in nature...due to polarity change of rotor poles.i,e/ 6-9-6-9. 69:Why an ac solenoid "al"e attract the plunger e"en though we interchanges the terminal? Will the poles changes? Answer:Les because the poles changes for e"ery half-cycle of ac "oltage so the polarity of #$ "oltage is continuously changing for e"ery half cycle. so, interchanging of terminals in ac system does not show any difference. That)s why the ac solenoid attract the plunger e"en though it)s terminals are interchanged. 70:What is derating?, why it is necessary, it is same for all means for dri"es, motors,and cables. Answer:The current currying of cables will change depending upon the site temperature .location of site/, type of run .it will run through duct, trench, buried etc./, number of tray, depth of trench, distance between cables. $onsidering this condition actual current currying capacity of cable reduce than current currying capacity .which gi"en to cable $atalogue/ this is called derating. 71:Why temperature rise is conducted in bus bars and isolators? Answer:7us bars and isolators are rated for continuous power flow, that means they carry hea"y currents which rises their temperature. so it is necessary to test this de"ices for temperature rise. 72:When "oltage increases then current also increases then what is the need of o"er "oltage relay and o"er current relay? $an we measure o"er "oltage and o"er current by measuring current only? Answer:6o.We can)t sense the o"er "oltage by Just measuring the current only because the current increases not only for o"er "oltages but also for under "oltage.#s most of the loads are non-linear in nature/.9o,the o"er "oltage protection D o"er current protection are completely different. 4"er "oltage relay meant for sensing o"er "oltages D protect the system from insulation brea' down and firing. 4"er current relay meant for sensing any internal short circuit, o"er load condition ,earth fault thereby reducing the

system failure D ris' of fire.9o, for a better protection of the system.(t should ha"e both o"er "oltage D o"er current relay. 73:(f one lamp connects between two phases it will glow or not? Answer:(f the "oltage between the two phase is e>ual to the lamp "oltage then the lamp will glow. When the "oltage difference is big it will damage the lamp and when the difference is smaller the lamp will glow depending on the type of lamp. 74:How do you select a cable si+e .$u D #l/ for a particular load? Answer:#t first calculate the electrical current of the load, after that derate the electrical current considering derating factor.depending on site condition and laying of cable/ after choose the cable si+e from cable catalog considering derating electrical current.#fter that measure the length of cable re>uired from supply point of load to load poin. $alculate the "oltage drop which will maA !Q .resistance and reactance of cable found from cable catalog of selecting cable/ if "oltage dropR!Q then choose neAt higher si+e of cable. 75:What are H;$ fuses and where it is used? Answer:H;$ stand for ,high rupturing capacity, fuse and it is used in distribution system for electrical transformers. 76:Which power plant has high load factor? Answer:#ll base load power plants ha"e a high load factor. (f we use high efficiency power plants to supply the base load,we can reduce the cost of generation.Hydel power plants ha"e a higher efficiency than thermal D nuclear power plants. 77:0ention the methods for starting an induction motor? Answer:The different methods of starting an induction motor &45:direct online starter 9tar delta starter #uto transformer starter ;esistance starter 9eries reactor starter

78:What is the difference between earth resistance and earth electrode resistance? Answer:4nly one of the terminals is e"ident in the earth resistance. (n order to find the second terminal we should recourse to its definition: *arth ;esistance is the resistance eAisting between the electrically accessible part of a buried electrode and another point of the earth, which is far away. The resistance of the electrode has the following components: .#/ the resistance of the metal and that of the connection to it. .7/ the contact resistance of the surrounding earth to the electrode. 79:What is use of loc'out relay in ht "oltage? Answer:# loc'-out relay is generally placed in line before or after the e-stop switch so the power can be shut off at one central location. This relay is powered by the same electrical source as the control power and is operated by a 'ey loc' switch. The relay itself may ha"e up to 4 contact points within the unit itself. This allows the control power for multiple machines to be loc'ed out by the turn of a single 'ey switch. 80:What is the power factor of an alternator at no load? Answer:#t no load 9ynchronous (mpedance of the alternator is responsible for creating angle difference. 9o it should be +ero lagging li'e inductor.
Electrical interview question:Why most of analog o%p de"ices ha"ing o%p range 4 to 0 m# and not 0 to 0 m# ? Answer:4- 0 m# is a standard range used to indicate measured "alues for any process. The reason that 4ma is chosen instead of 0 m# is for fail safe operation .8or eAample- a pressure instrument gi"es output 4m# to indicate 0 psi, up to 0 m# to indicate :00 psi, or full scale. &ue to any problem in instrument .i.e/ bro'en wire, its output reduces to 0 m#. 9o if range is 0- 0 m# then we can differentiate whether it is due to bro'en wire or due to 0 psi. 81:Two bulbs of :00w and 40w respecti"ely connected in series across a !0" supply which bulb will glow bright and why? Answer:9ince two bulbs are in series they will get e>ual amount of electrical current but as the supply "oltage is constant across the bulb.-31S %;/.9o the resistance of 40W bulb is greater

and "oltage across 40W is more .13(;/ so 40W bulb will glow brighter.

82:What is meant by 'nee point "oltage? Answer:2nee point "oltage is calculated for electrical $urrent transformers and is "ery important factor to choose a $T. (t is the "oltage at which a $T gets saturated..$T-current transformer/.

83:What is re"erse power relay? Answer:;e"erse -ower flow relay are used in generating stations)s protection. # generating stations is supposed to fed power to the grid and in case generating units are off,there is no generation in the plant then plant may ta'e power from grid. To stop the flow of power from grid to generator we use re"erse power relay. 84:What will happen if &$ supply is gi"en on the primary of a transformer? Answer:0ainly transformer has high inductance and low resistance.(n case of &$ supply there is no inductance ,only resistance will act in the electrical circuit. 9o high electrical current will flow through primary side of the transformer.9o for this reason coil and insulation will burn out. 85:What is the difference between isolators and electrical circuit brea'ers? What is bus-bar? Answer:(solators are mainly for switching purpose under normal conditions but they cannot operate in fault conditions .#ctually they used for isolating the $7s for maintenance. Whereas $7 gets acti"ated under fault conditions according to the fault detected.7us bar is nothing but a Junction where the power is getting distributed for independent loads.

86:What are the ad"antage of free wheeling diode in a 8ull Wa"e rectifier? Answer:(t reduces the harmonics and it also reduces spar'ing and arching across the mechanical switch so that it reduces the "oltage spi'e seen in a inducti"e load

87:What are 0otor @enerator 9ets and eAplain the different ways the motor generator set can be used ?

Answer:0otor @enerator 9ets are a combination of an electrical generator and an engine mounted together to form a single piece of e>uipment. 0otor generator set is also referred to as a genset, or more commonly, a generatorThe motor generator set can used in the following different ways: :.#lternating current .#$/ to direct current .&$/ .&$ to #$ !.&$ at one "oltage to &$ at another "oltage 4.#$ at one fre>uency to #$ at another harmonically-related fre>uency 88:What is power >uality meter ? Answer:-ower Nuality meters are common in many industrial en"ironment. 9mall units are now a"ailable for home use as well. They gi"e operators the ability to monitor the both perturbations on the power supply, as well as power used within a building, or by a single machine or appliance. (n some situations, e>uipment function and operation is monitored and controlled from a remote location where communication is "ia modem, or high-speed communication lines.9o we can understand the importance of power measurement through power >uality meters. 89:What is the different between digital phase con"erter and ordinary phase con"erter? Answer:&igital phase con"erter are a recent de"elopment in phase con"erter technology that utili+es proprietary software in a powerful microprocessor to control solid state power switching components. This microprocessor, called a digital signal processor .&9-/, monitors the phase con"ersion process, continually adJusting the input and output modules of the con"erter to maintain perfectly balanced three-phase power under all load conditions. 90:*Aplain the operation of "ariable fre>uency transformer? Answer:# "ariable fre>uency transformer is used to transmit electricity between two asynchronous alternating current domains. # "ariable fre>uency transformer is a doubly-fed electric machine resembling a "ertical shaft hydroelectric generator with a three-phase wound rotor, connected by slip rings to one eAternal ac power circuit. # direct-current tor>ue motor is mounted on the same shaft. $hanging the direction of tor>ue applied to the shaft changes the direction of power flowH with no applied tor>ue,

the shaft rotates due to the difference in fre>uency between the networ's connected to the rotor and stator.The "ariable fre>uency transformer beha"es as a continuously adJustable phase-shifting transformer. (t allows control of the power flow between two networ's . 91:What is the main use of rotary phase con"erter ? Answer:;otary phase con"erter will be con"erting single phase power into true balanced ! phase power,so it is often called as single phase to three phase con"erter .4ften the ad"antages of ! phase motors, and other ! phase e>uipment, ma'e it worthwhile to con"ert single phase to ! phase so that small and large consumers need not want to pay for the eAtra cost of a ! phase ser"ice but may still wish to use ! phase e>uipment. 92:Which type of oil is used as a transformer oil? Answers:Transformer oil, or insulating oil, is usually a highly-refined mineral oil that is stable at high temperatures and has eAcellent electrical insulating properties. (t is used in oil filled transformers, some types of high "oltage capacitors, fluorescent lamp ballasts, and some types of high "oltage switches and circuit brea'ers. (ts functions are to insulate, suppress corona and arcing, and to ser"e as a coolant. Well into the :IE0s, polychlorinated biphenyls .-$7/s were often used as a dielectric fluid since they are not flammable. They are toAic, and under incomplete combustion, can form highly toAic products such as furan. 9tarting in the early :IE0s, concerns about the toAicity of -$7s ha"e led to their banning in many countries. Today, non-toAic, stable silicon-based or fluoridated hydrocarbons are used, where the added eApense of a fire-resistant li>uid offsets additional building cost for a transformer "ault. $ombustion-resistant "egetable oil-based dielectric coolants and synthetic pentaerythritol tetra fatty acid .$E, $G/ esters are also becoming increasingly common as alternati"es to naphthenic mineral oil. *sters are non-toAic to a>uatic life, readily biodegradable, and ha"e a lower "olatility and higher flash points than mineral oil. 93: (f we gi"e !!4 #, K401 on -rimary side of :.: K 01# step up transformer, then what will be the 9econdary $urrent, (f 9econdary 1oltage3:: 21?

Answers :#s we 'now the 1oltage D current relation for transformer-1:%1 3 ( %(: We 2now, 1(3 K40 1H 1 3::21 or ::000 1H (:3 !!4 #mps. 7y putting these "alue on ;elationK40%::0003 ( % !!4 9o,( 3 ::4.K #mps 94:what are the points to be consider for 0$7.miniature circuit brea'er selection? Answers:(.5/M:. K3(.0#</ maAimum current. 0cb specification are done on maAimum current flow in circuit. 95:what is the full form of 21#;? Answers:We 'now there are three types of power in *lectricals as #cti"e, apparent D reacti"e. 9o 21#; is stand for TT2ilo 1olt #mps with ;eacti"e component. 96:What is eAcitation? Answer:*Acitation is applying an eAternal "oltage to &$ shunt coil in &$ motors. 97:(n three pin plug F #mp. two pin? what its purpose ? Answer:7ecause $urrent flow in the conductor is in"ersely proportional to the conductor diameter. 9o if any short circuits occur in the system first high currents bypassed in the *arthling terminal.. ;3-l%a area of the conductor increases resistance "alue decreases/ 98:Different between megger and contact resistance meter? Answers:Megger used to measure cable resistance, conductor continuity, phase identification where as contact resistance meter used to measure low resistance like relays ,contactors. 99:When we connect the capacitor bank in series ? Answers:we connect capacitor bank in series to improve the voltage profile at the load end in transmission line there is considerable voltage drop along the transmission line due to impedance of the line. so in order to bring the voltage at the load terminals within its limits i.e ( or ! "# $of the 0" #$ rating. why earth pin diameter is higher than ohter

rated terminal voltage the capacitor bank is used in series 100:What is Diversity factor in electrical installations? Answers:Diversity factor is the ratio of the sum of the individual ma%imum demands of the various subdivisions of a system, or part of a system, to the ma%imum demand of the whole system, or part of the system, under consideration. Diversity factor is usually more than one. 101:Why field rheostat is kept in minimum position while armature rheostat at ma%imum position? Answers:&n motors at the time of starting the armature resistance is introduced to reduce the high starting current and the field resistance is kept minimum to have high starting tor'ue. 102:Why humming sound occurred in h () transmission line? Answers:)his sound is coming due to ioni*ation (breakdown of air into charged particles$ of air around transmission conductor. )his effect is called as +orona effect, and it is considered as power loss. 103:what is rated speed? Answers:,t the time of motor taking normal current (rated current$the speed of the motor is called rated speed. &t is a speed at which any system take small current and give ma%imum efficiency. 104:What is different between grounding and earthings? Answers:-rounding means connecting the neutral point of the load to the ground to carry the residual current in case of unbalanced conditions through the neutral to the ground whereas earthing is done in an electric e'uipment in order to protect he e'uipment in occurence of fault in the system. Electrical interview questions:Why should be the fre'uency is ./ h* only

why not others like 0., 1. .# or anything , why should we maintain the fre'uency constant if so why it is only ./ ? Answers:We can ha"e the fre>uency at any fre>uency you li'e, but than you must also ma'e your own motors, transformers or any other e>uipment you want to use.We maintain the fre>uency at K0h+ or F0h+ cos the world maintains a standard at K0 %F0h+ and the e>uipments are are made to operate at these fre>uency

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