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Its the year 2146, and a lot has changed for starters there are no wars, no battles and no power struggles between countries. The problem is every government has installed cameras, on every wall, in every house, in every room. There is no privacy to the people of this planet, but with nearly no violence surly that is for the better? Ivy Dillaway is a sixteen years old girl, who has spent every day for the last seven years wishing her brother would turn at her doorstep and ask her to come with her. One day he gets a note to her, asking her to meet him that happens to be on the last day of her education, that day she leaves the city she fears and follows her brother into the world of the unknown. She is told how to fight, she opens up her heart. She sees the ones she cares about fall dead in front of her. She speaks her mind, she saves lifes, and she runs from execution all for one thing. Freedom. She spent her life with eyes at everywhere she turned and now its her turn to fight back. Dystopia|| Romance||Teen Fiction||Sci-Fi||Horror||Adventure||Thriller||Action||Young Adult

By Rosie Burgess


Chapter One............................................................................................................................................. 3 Chapter Two ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Chapter Three ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Chapter Four .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Chapter Five .......................................................................................................................................... 25 Chapter Six ............................................................................................................................................ 30 Chapter Seven ....................................................................................................................................... 38 Chapter Eight......................................................................................................................................... 44 Chapter Nine ......................................................................................................................................... 49 Chapter Ten ........................................................................................................................................... 56 Chapter Eleven ...................................................................................................................................... 61 Chapter Twelve ..................................................................................................................................... 65 Chapter Thirteen .................................................................................................................................... 69 Chapter Fourteen ................................................................................................................................... 75 Chapter Fifteen ...................................................................................................................................... 80 Chapter Sixteen ..................................................................................................................................... 84 Chapter Seventeen ................................................................................................................................. 89 Chapter Eighteen ................................................................................................................................... 95 Chapter Nineteen ................................................................................................................................... 99 Chapter Twenty ................................................................................................................................... 104 Chapter Twenty-One ........................................................................................................................... 108 Chapter Twenty-Two .......................................................................................................................... 112

By Rosie Burgess


Chapter One
Almost everyone lives in cities these days because living in the countryside means you have no money, no food, and no power just each other, and that is not enough to survive. The city can be dangerous, but if you don't break any rules, you will be okay, and honestly a world with no violence isn't that what people want? You cause a fight, you spend the next twenty years behind the bars, your family can see once a week on a Tuesday just before seven in the evening for exactly one hour. It's not the life you want to live, but it happens, most people don't last the twenty years before they end up being found with the bed sheets wrapped around their neck and hanging from the ceiling above, suicide is against the law and if it is an act you fail at, you will be executed. In the end you get that dying wish. Murder is another offense that will end in execution, there's no point in trying to deny that crime they will have proof. Late at night they will come and arrest you. You will have one week to live, when you are family are invited to see you that will be the last time you see them. Each meal you are given the option in choosing. Some people think death is better than living and will go around killing people in the daylight or to get out of this hell hole. Every city has fifty meter walls, and inside the walls it is filled with wiring that with one touch will knock you unconscious and you will spend the next three months being placed in a hospital, if you are found to be a threat to yourself or others you will be locked away for the rest of your life. However, some people manage to get out of this place, the only place I know as home. The rumours that go around about the outside, change every day, but like murder that kind of thinking will end in death. Every family, every route, every building has camera in, every room, but the bathroom and bedroom. That's the only time you are permitted to have privacy, but you are only allowed in your bedroom between certain times, and even then you are expected to sleep. The bathroom is only allowed to have one person in it at a time. Those laws are clear. You break them without a good reason you are expected to be planning to overthrow the government which will end with your death. It's a society which runs on fear and fear alone. Many years ago our people would talk about societies running on fear and that violence was the way to overthrow that thought, but they were just stories, works of fictions, but the name stayed. The name of those places is what we call society now, Dystopia. Say Dystopia out loud is like saying you have a death wish, the word and the stories behind the word is the only hope we have, but it's impossible to have anyone overthrow the power and the government without someone knowing, without being arrested and sent to your death with nothing you can do to stop you from having that fate. With a camera on every wall, the law knows what everyone is doing at every moment in time. They say that it was supposed to help us but I spend every day wanting my life to end, but I will never speak those words out loud. I knew it would tear my already broken family apart. My brother was one of the lucky few who managed to escape from this place, but I haven't seen him since I was nine. I know there is a huge possibility that he is dead, but he managed to get me a note simply stating the word 'Uprising' but that was two years ago, and I now keep it in my bedroom under the floor board. No one knows about it, not even my parents, but them losing their son in the wild in one of the most shameful things out there. My father lost his spot in the Mayor's office; he would be the one who gave out the punishments to everyone who broke the law. It lets us live in the middle of the city, but today we have barely anything, my father still works with the law, but his rank is zero. We can't afford very much and therefore our home is virtually on the walls that surround our city, you can hear the electricity running through the wall, when it's really quiet, but that rarely happens. Someone is always screaming, and no one will go and help. The city is known as a number because the names didn't mean anything and I live in city number 228, it's also the rank of the city in terms of power, rank one being where the government lives. I never really understood it, although the power never seems to change and I knew the government wanted to control everyone and everything, but they were not going to emit that, out loud anyhow. We were simply puppets to

By Rosie Burgess

them all and no matter what I did, there was always someone watching. My thoughts are the only things which are mine and the only thing that I owe and no one knew. It is six o'clock and I have one hour before I must leave my bedroom, I have a small sink in my bedroom where I am allowed to wash my body with soap. It takes twenty two minutes, there or there about, to completely wash myself, and then I got changed. I wear dark colors more time than not because everything about life is dull and boring. I pull on a black dress, it's a little short being placed five inches above my knee, but there is no law against it, it's just frowned upon, but my family couldn't be worse off if they tried so I don't care. I let my legs stay bare, knowing that the high temperature outside will keep them warm anyway. My hair is the next thing I sort out, my hair is blond and is a little fuzzy, but once brushing my hairbrush through the knots and tangles it straightens out. I am not bad looking, I just look a little bland, my skin is also pale and my eyes are a dull grey color, just everything about me is average, but I don't care. Average is a good thing in this type of society because being noticeable means someone will always be watching and I could blend into the background more often than not. I look at the clock on the wall and it flashes 6:52. I have eight minutes so I take that time to look at my brother's note just a little. No letters, no words, no wishers have I heard about him since I got his note. There are a few mentions of him every so often but I find that if people are talking about him, as soon as I enter the room they shut their mouths. I know the letters are from him because the letters SD are at the bottom, standing for Seth Dillaway. His writing hasn't changed much from when he was thirteen, but he would now be twenty, an adult and I hadn't seen him since he was just a little kid with spots and glasses and going through the joist process of puberty. I wonder whether I would know it was him the next time I should see him. I was a girl who remembers eyes more than faces, and thats something I would notice with the first moment I saw him again. Seth had always been a fighter. If you got in a fight before the age of sixteen the worst that would happen is you will be in a cell for twenty days. I can't recall how many times that had happened to him, but on the eighth account he didn't go to prison. He was tortured and when he came back, he was bruised, bloody and battered. His fighting didn't stop and with that his punishments got worse too, each time he would return home with blood across his face and up his back. I knew he would leave, and so I wasn't surprised when he ran away in the first place. I admired him though, but now he was gone and all I had was this letter he wrote two years ago, when he was eighteen and just coming of age. I dream about seeing him again, but I know I have a very small chance of that happening. I look at my reflection one more time before my eyes flicker to the clock and I open the door and slip into the narrow hallway of my house. I walk down the stairs; both my mother and father are already in the kitchen, talking about a dinner party that one of our neighbours expected to host in a few days. My mother sits at one end, my father at the end and I sit opposite an empty chair, the chair my brother should be sitting at, but now it remains empty. I grab a few slices of bread and begin to butter it with the blunt knife I hold in my hand and I get the first bite of it and my mother says. "Ivy, how did you sleep?" This was such a normal question and I would respond with the same word every day, with a faint grin on my face. "Good." She smiles and stands up before going to the stove to make the food. She comes back with three eggs and passes me one; I break the top off and start dipping my bread into the yellow yolk before placing it in my mouth. The kitchen was the second biggest room in the house, after the living room. It had white walls, and blue surfaces, but everything in it was a little run down because frankly my parents didn't have the money to replace it all, so it stayed looking rather bad. My parents have a conversation between themselves, but children are to be seen and not heard unless they are directly asked a question. After we had finished breakfast, my father heads to work and my mother begins to straighten out the place, that's when I know that is' due for me to leave the family and see the school, located at the end of the road.

By Rosie Burgess

I was in my final year of school before I will get to study a career that I wish to have, or look for a husband. The latter would not end very well due to where my parents stand in society and therefore I know I have to make a name for me before a husband can come into frame. These days class was everything, your parents position to the city was the place you would most likely end up. My father was thought to be one of the most powerful people at one moment in time and therefore I know if I work hard enough that I could get that title. I knew my life was already written and there was nothing I could do about that. I knew I would have to follow the path my parents expect me to live; I didnt want to get married because my current boyfriend wasnt something they liked. They would not grant me permission to marry him anyway, and we both knew our relationship had an expiry date. This would be the last week of my last year of school before I spend the next three months choosing and celebrating the end of the first step of life. As it was the last week every day I have an exam and today was no different, it was a Thursday and I had both my English and Math exam, the ones that I had to pass and I really didn't like the fact I had to have them on the same day. As soon as I walk into the school building I head straight for one of the many exam rooms in the school and I am about twentieth into the room and go up and down the rows looking for my name. When I find it I sit down, and on the table lay a book, my paper, some extra sheets, a pen and a pencil. I sit here for another twenty minutes before every seat in the room is filled, the instructions are read and we began. Exams were a strange thing, its strange that a few answers to some question choose your life for you, I wasnt the smartest but I had spent so much time over books that I knew what I had to write and how it should be phased. We werent supposed to talk to one another today and therefore we were all being watched more than ever. I did my three hour exam in the morning before we were all moved to have lunch, and again we were not allowed to talk. After eating we went back into another room and took our two hour exam for math. At the end of school you can pretty much do anything you wish, as long as you go home before eleven, which is curfew. On the weekends and during holidays it lies at two in the morning. On the little streets there are a few blind spots in terms of the cameras, and that's where most people my age will stand while holding a cigarette in their hands. You are allowed to smoke from the age of sixteen, but many did it before and although if you were caught smoking and you were under the age nothing would happen, it was frowned upon and therefore blind spots were used for smoking. I walk out the school and my eyes flicker around the many people and I see many of the people in my grade hugging one another as they say yay for finishing the school ye ar, and that part of their life. I wasnt practically good and connecting with these people because I spent the whole time hating my life, wanting to run, wanting to get out and never to return. I stand here for a little bit of time. At that moment I feel an arm placed around my waist and I turn to look at my boyfriend Aaron, I hadnt seen him all day and then as soon as his lips touch mine I respond almost at once. The kiss was safe, familiar and made me smile but there were no emotions in the kiss. It was a kiss that didnt mean anything, well on my part anyways and therefore it was just nice to know someone cared about me, and thats what you needed in this lifestyle. Our fathers work together, it had been like that ever since my brother had fled the cit y. Aarons family has always been low in terms of power even though they are some of the most loyal people. Aaron has great manners and looks after me, but I know that he wont be the boy I marry because my parents expect something so much more than him. We know we would come to the end as soon as summer is over, and well that wont stop us from living every moment to the fullest. He is wearing a grin on his face, it stretches across the whole of his face, his eyes looking right into mine and I smile back at him. His hair is full of sweat, but once looking at the thick jumper he has on I know that he must be warm from being in the exams all day. His hair is dark, and he normally combs is down, but I gather he has run his fingers through his hair so many times that its going in every direction.

By Rosie Burgess

Well I never have to do math ever again, thank you god. He says looking up at the sky and I feel my lips go into a smile and he presses his lips to mine again and my eyes flicker over his face and he is still holding out that smile he is known for. Aaron is a people person and has been able to go through life with only his charm and smile. You could always fail. I say adding a little bit of sarcasm in there and Aaron holds my face and says against my lips. "Not going to happen and you know that." Math was his strongest subject, even though he hated it with a burning passion, I still like to take the mick out his every day about it. At that moment Aaron says we should go and get ice-cream. One of the things I love about Aaron he is one of the only people I know who doesn't change how he acts because of the camera, he is one of the few who doesn't spend days looking around trying to locate them, like I do. Most couples don't kiss in the street and will only kiss in blind spots, in the bedroom or in doorways, but Aaron says he doesn't care how many people see us kiss, I mean that much to him. I do love him, but I know we will no longer be together by the end of the summer and therefore I stopped myself falling for him. I love him, but I'm not in love with him. Love seems to run everyone life, I guess it lost its meaning but now it seems to be in everyones life. Aaron would turn a friend in; if they committed a crime but he still loves way more than I could ever feel. Love is a four letter word that creates its opposite. Its a funny little thing thats always there and it made your heart go out of control, it made you lose your mind, I wanted to be strong and honestly I think love is the weakness in this world. Being in love means you have something to lose, not something you are fighting for. If you are in love the power in this world can use that to their advantage and you end up broke, thats not something I ever want to feel. I dont want to fall in love because I dont want to ever lose the boy I love. Aaron is just a friend, who I kiss and say sweet things to and thats all he will ever be. We come to the little dinner which sells ice-cream; it's about a block from my house, but it's just down the road from Aaron's. He buys me an ice-cream Sunday, despite the day. When we are sitting a booth I notice someone who I haven't seen for a long time, he was the boy who gave me the letter from my brother and he is staring at me. I feel a little uncomfortable by his gaze so I look at Aaron, but the boy walks past me gave me a look at walks right out to the diner. Aaron notices the gesture, and one thing I hate about Aaron, he would turn his best friend in, if they broke the law. He doesn't know about the note my brother gave me because I knew that I would end up with me dead. "Who's he?" I'm not going to lie to him and simply say. "He knew my brother, but I find him a little bit of a creep." He was a little bit of a creep. I only had a handful of conversations with him, they were conversations of mixed up words, but I knew that it was about my brother, you have to talk in code, but a code which doesn't seem like a code so people don't know what you are going on about. My brother came up with this thing that if you have a conversation the only important words are every seven words, seven being the number of perfection. Only a few people knew the code, and we would wear these bracelets, they each have our name on and due to the fact we are all sons and daughters of once officials in the mayor's office. People thought it was a statement from our families, sadly very few of the houses still have high ranks in society, many of them ran with my brother so talking with every seventh word was simply used as a must. Most of those people were dead, I was one of the few that were still alive and living in the city but I was so young when it came around. My brothers friend I didnt know they name of, he would turn up sometimes but there was something very strange about him, something that I couldnt place. I wanted to ask him questions but I didnt want to have Aaron ask me questions and so I see Aaron nod his head, he doesn't like my brother because he violated the law and therefore I don't mention him very much. After we have finished the ice-cream Aaron walks me back to my house, where I help my mother tidy it up. That night, just as the clock reads eleven o'clock I go to my room, I take my bag with me and tip everything out, it lands on my bed. I pick up a piece of paper and I open it up. On the note it reads the words.

By Rosie Burgess

It's been a long time and sorry. I was hoping that your help could be used. I want a book; you know what is really good, so meet outside the library. And, this is me being selfish, so sorry. At around ten Saturday morning, well I hope. That evening I will buy your dinner and tomorrow I hope to see you. Somewhere at school, but it's okay later on street 14 or maybe even near the river. Lots of love to you Honestly my brother's sentence structure hadn't got much better, but who could blame him when he was sleeping in the wild. I wasnt sure whether I had got anyone but every time I saw that boy something would happen and I learnt something new about my brother. I didnt go and check be cause I knew that someone might have seen it being placed in my purse and I wasn't going to cover it because it would mean nothing to them. Sorry. Could you meet me ten evening tomorrow at Street River? Sure it needs commons and full stops, but I knew what it meant. Street river wasn't a street it was just a path which went along the river, stand in certain situations and you couldn't be seen. I knew Seth would have a hard time getting in, but as the river was so close to the wall he may simply hide in the bushes. I knew thats how people got out of the city, I knew that how they managed to leave this place and get into the wild. I wanted to see him because he was alive and I hadnt seen my brother in seven years, I knew he would change and I sure as hell didnt look the same. Maybe the uprising was working and he wanted to tell me that it was okay. I knew we could hold a conversation because no one knew who Seth was anymore.

By Rosie Burgess

Chapter Two At around half nine I told my parents I was going for a run, I had my communicator in my back pocket. I wore a pair of sneakers and had my hair up in a ponytail. I tend to go running every few days because it kept you healthy and also because there wasnt a lot to do, it was a great way to past the time. My parents simply nod their head and with that I leave my house and go into the narrow street. I guess I should have told them goodbye and kissed them on the cheek but I wasnt close to them and they knew something would have been up, they knew that I was leaving and they would try and stop me, they would waste so much time and I would end up in a cell and most likely end up dead. All the cities, as far as I know have all the house built really close together, you use to be able to fit cars up and down the road but now there were very few roads which were large enough. So if you learnt how to drive you were one of the richest, the rich of the rich normally having family working for the government. I wished I didnt have to be in this city, I would just like to know what the outside really is about. I knew as soon as I left I would be faced with death. That was a given. I remember the day my brother left, he had just got out of a jail and he came to say goodnight to me, because we were in my room, he could tell me anything he wanted. He said he was leaving and wasnt coming back and walked out the room, leaving me to my dreams. I wanted to go after him but he wouldnt let me go and thats why he told me when I was on the verge of sleeping. Im in the street and I am picking up a jog, heading towards the river. It's about a twenty minute jog, but I take a longer route so I end up there just after ten. I jog along the path by the road and I can hear the buzzing of the wall, but I notice that when I pause to stop by a clump of trees the buzzing seems to stop. I knew that there were some parts of the wall which didnt have electricity running through, and thats how people got out but I never had looked because I wasnt the most creative person in the world and therefore I wasnt sure how to get out. Yo, I hear behind me and I look to see I gather is my brother. I look a little close and I see that the boy who stands before me has the same eyes, the same green and I feel the smile on my face as I look into them. His hair is the shame shade, but he somehow doesnt look anything like my brother. His skin is filled with cuts, his skin is tanned, and his hands are wrapped in cloth as he places his first finger over his lips, telling me to be quite and not to say anything. I knew if anyone was watching they would know someone was here and therefore I take that moment to lean forwards and clean out my water bottle and Seth says. Ivy , please can you nod if it is you, I do nod. Okay, look I know I am putting you in a lot of danger but do you still want to come? I tried not to change my body and I stand up putting the lid of my water bottle and I nod my head pu tting it to my lips. Look left, drop the bottle and make sure it goes towards me and then go into look for it, I do as he says and I feel him take my hand and guide me into the trees. I look at him and feel the smile on my face. I thought you would be old enough now, and sorry about the last note, it took a while, and we are creating a distraction to get you out. There is some plastic and rubber in the wall and as long as you do as I say you wont get hurt. I dont say anything and Seth pushes me towards the hole in the wall. He tells me to walk on the red, and I do. When we are through I hear the alarms and Seth grabs my hand and we run, I dont look over my shoulder and I dont have a clue why I am following my brother, a boy I hadnt seen in seven years. We get to a well Im not really sure, it looks like a truck, but there are no windows or doors and the contraption is operated by two people. Seth throws me into the back and jumps in after before picked up a gun and taking a position at the back along with two other boys, both wearing masks covering their faces. Seth put one on and then the shooting beings. The two boys at the front begin to pedal and they get on a narrow path, I hear the three guns being shot and we sped away until the light cannot be seen. I guess it didnt matter now; they had no control of where we were now. Only the government did and I look at Seth, who by now is sitting down opposite me. The boy of Seths right holds out his hand and pulls his mask down before saying. Craig, Seth told me about you and therefore its nice to meet you. I shake his hand and I return his smile. Like my brother his face held many cuts and bruises, and this guy had a very purple area around his eye, like someone had thrown a punch at him, his eyes were a very bright and brilliant blue and the purple mark just

By Rosie Burgess

made them stand out even more. His hair was lined with dirty and he had a piece of rope around his head to stop it from covering his dark hair. Well nice to meet you. Ivy but I gather you know that. I was looking at my brother and I was wondering so many different things, like I would have liked to know who that boy is, the one who has been helping them for the last seven years, but it didnt seem like they were going to tell me, it didnt seem like my questions were going to be answered. He didnt say your name just that he wanted to get his little sister. Known him since the day he turned up and he at least mentions you once a day. Only one of my family out here, my brother got caught trying to get here and was executed. I didnt know what to say to that, I sat there with my mouth hanging slightly open. I knew it wouldnt be safe, but in a way every single one of these people had their freedom, something which I had never had. I knew it was going to be dangerous and I would be running from my death every second, of every day but my brother was still here after seven years and thats all I really wanted. Craig thinks thats a little heavy shes only sixteen. Actually wait you are sixteen now. I havent just lost my mind but I am going to start being a brother and complain about your top. I roll my eyes by this comment and I say. This is actually kind of good for me, you would have hated what I was wearing yesterday but then it was black because everything about life is so freaking boring, He smiles by this comment and I say. At least I am wearing pants. I normally wear skirts or dresses I guess because its summer and its cooler wearing them. I really am going into girl talk, I knew I was rambling so I broke off and look around before saying. Sorry about that. Also, Seth your writing is still as bad as it was when you were thirteen and what you wrote didnt make any sense. Also, do you know how to use commas? Everyone in the back was trying their best not to laugh at Seth and he says. Well you understood, I stick my tongue out of him but before anything else is said he carries on with. Aaron? I look at him a little surprised. Seth didnt even know him when we were little. I met Aaron when I was ten and therefore the fact Seth has said his name surprises me. I was looking at him, my mouth hanging open and I see the corner of his lips turn up and he says. I do my research but really he is the biggest stuck up in the whole damn city. Sure I didnt know him, but I had heard of him and he has been like that forever. Dad wanted me to go on a date with him and it wasnt horrible and so I went on another then another and he is actually a really nice guy as long as I didnt mention you it was fine. Also, I was friends with him for a long time before so I dont hate him, I tell him honestly. Anyways mom and dad didnt even like him with me so it wasnt as if it was going to last. He was something that was there to past the time. God that makes me sound like some evil bitch but hey Seth I am not nine anymore. I am sixteen and therefore I can look after myself perfectly. I say feeling a smile on my face. Do you know how to shoot a gun? I felt whatever we were on stop and the driver looks at me and says. So? I shake my head and he says. Then you wont last very long. We are no t against violence, just against violence with each other. He is not the best looking guy here but I guess it was the wild that had made him look a little rough. His face was a lot messier in terms of cuts and blood. His hair was crop short but he hadnt been cut very well. His clothes were a little ripped but he had a leather vest on. His eyes were green, they were the thing that made me look at him, and they draw you in. Theo, and this is Daniel, He says pointing to the guy next to him. And the last who is still wearing his mask is Oliver. Ivy nice to meet you, I guess but I still dont understand why you brother made u s risk our neck just to get you. You are not even that pretty. He snaps and jumps off the seat, I was just staring at him but he didnt even say anything. Well I can tell you now that he is not going to be someone I get on with. Seth sees my expression and he gives me a smile before saying. Theo is a little bit of a redneck, but I think you can get that. I nod my head and follow th e three boys out the back. They each have a gun on their back but Seth stands behind me pushing me in the direction we are meant to be going. Just then I feel a rush of wind and my back is against a wood surface. I look and see dark

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eyes, dark hair but very pale skin which is again full of cuts and bruises. There is a knife on my throat and I see my brother looking at me. Full name, age and what the hell are you doing here? the voice snaps, and I struggle to get air out to breath, but I manage to cough out my name and say. Ivy Dillaway I am about to say sixteen but a huge amount of pain goes through my cheek and I know he has marked me, my brother looks like Ive said the wrong thing as soon as those words have left my mouth. I knew Dillaway was a powerful surname, even if my parents didnt have the position anymore. These people were all against fighting the law and here I was stating that I was a daughter of someone who worked rather close with them. I was confused though, but maybe my brother had been with them so long that they didnt care. They hadnt known my name, maybe Seth had been hiding his past, and was showing the only what they wanted to hear. My heart was beating fast and I think he is going to cut me again when my brother shouts. Stop, you cant go around hurting people before you know the story. Luke just stop it youre hurting her. His grip had got tighter and I go feel the knife digging in to my neck. Luke looks at my bother and he is wearing an amused expression. Do you know who she is? My brother nods his head and there is a very long and painful pause. I didnt know what to say, the knife to my throat was beginning to hurt but I wasnt about to scream, I didnt want to let this guy have the pleasure that hes hurting me, making specks of blood land on my top. Luke, she is my sister. If you want to know anything about our dad just ask her , The knife is taken away from my throat, but I stay against the wood wall. Luke turns around to face my brother, this clearly stunned him but I guess my brother had a lot of authority in this place and Luke had to follow the rules. No one seemed to know that piece of information but now there were four guns on Seth. He is looking right at me and says. Just tell them anything you know about dad. He got de-promoted. Hes nobody in the mayors office. When Seth ran away they didnt want him near the law encase he came back and he would have to charge him so him and another four were all move down to the bottom. Our dad just does the paper work now. Nothing that interesting, we moved houses because we couldnt afford the one we did have, Luke is looking right at me and I bite my lower lip and I end up spilling out the words that I havent even emitted to Aaron. I hate my life and have nearly killed myself a number of times, my brother s note two years ago were the only piece of hope I had. I wanted to come with him seven years ago but he wouldnt let me, thought I was too young. So he left me with my parents and that was the last time I saw him until today. So I dont want him dead because I only got him back. I dont wish to go through any other pain. Dont you only have violence to the ones who despise you and wish you were dead or betray you, I dont think any of those ways and nor does my brother so I dont like the fact that a gun on him. I didnt like a knife at my throat. The guns all went down and my brother mouthed the words thanks before he slides a knife on the floor. I didnt know anything about weapons or fighting but I bet this was just to protect myself. I bend down and wrap my fingers around the knife and slip it in my pocket. Alright for those who showed up late, my sister Ivy, and if you hurt her you are dead, simple as that. So, how many? He says turning to Luke. I was confused by that statement but people went around saying names and I saw Seth add them up and he groaned a little. He looks up towards the sky and mutters a pray before making a cross over his heart. I guess they were the names of the dead or captured, who would end up dead. My eyes were looking around and I was trying to see if any of the faces I recognized but no one stood out and I wondered about the people my brother left with, we had all been so close and it looked as if they were all dead. Alright lets go on foot. I notice that much of the people here were male, there was the odd female between them and I had a funny feeling that my brother got me because they were doing a raid.

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I hear about raids all the time, it normally ends up the next day with a huge story, no names of the people who attacked are mentioned, but the ones on the governments side who are found dead tend to have a little message to them. They make it a huge deal, with all the prisoners captured and there is statement after statement about them all dying. Very few get executed in front of the public though. Only the ones they have been chasing for years, it seemed my brother would make that list. I didnt think there would be so many people here but so many people live that are true, how well it must have been like I did today. My brother leads the group with Theo and Craig flaking him and Luke making the four. They looked to be the strongest out of the group and some of the youngest but no one looks over thirty here. I found myself in the middle and there was a girl who caught up with me before saying. Jenny. Its so nice to meet you. Your brother really does care about you. Im kind of new compared to him as he has been here for seven years and I stand at two, but getting more people is good. By the way pass me your communicator, I did as she said and she throws it. I am about to say something. They have a tracking device in them and therefore it is better if you didnt have one. There is also no power so its not as if you could charge it up, Her hair was tied back in a high pony tail, much like mine. She was wearing a gun on her back; she was dressed in black, yet covered in bloody clothes. She says. So, what do you think of Luke, Craig and Theo? Put your brother on that and well they run the military side of us. They are all really narrow minded. That sort of means they cant really lead the whole thing but they do have a huge amount of power. Well Craig seems nice, Luke and Theo I break off unsure how I am going to end that sentence. First impressions never leave but they were clear close with my brother. I didnt want to hate on them for that reason, and I didnt know anything about them other than they were fighters and rude. She seemed to understand where I was coming from though because she lets out a laugh and shrugs her shoulders before saying. One insults all the time and the other just wants to spill a bit of blood. Your surname didnt do much favours, how Seth managed to hide that all those years I have no clue. You are not going to betray us? I wasnt sure if she was kidding but I took it like that and feel a smile on my face appear. It was nice I hadnt felt real for the last few years living in the city and now I was enjoying myself by this. I wanted to follow my brother when I was nine. Seven years didnt change how I felt, I want to be out here because living the city you felt so enclosed and there is so much more. The feeling of wanting to escape hasnt changed in any shape or form. She smiles and shrugs her shoulders. I cant see very far ahead, just a few feet but I can make out the figures in front of me and so I can manage to go in and out of the trees. Its dark, pitched black with not a star in the sky. Jenny keeps the conversation going, I dont have a clue what she is babbling on about, I dont even really know what she looks like, her skin looks a little darker though and her eyes look black but its not until we get to the location do I see her dark skin, black hair thats in a ponytail but braided all the same. She like me looks a little bland but I didnt mind it showed that we were all the same. He face didnt look so messy compared to my brothers all the people around. At that moment Seth walks over to me and mutters something to Jenny and she says later. A little too bubbly, He says looking from my expression before looking over to Jenny and I nod my head and see him lips turn into a smile. At the moment he takes my arm and drags me over to one of the houses. Its a little hard to see everything, but here there are more lights, I see them coming from the windows of the houses. The place almost looks like a small village; I guess that when everyone was moved out the towns and villages they didnt bother to everything with them. Seth opens the door to one of the many houses and says. This house has seven people in, so youll have to bunk with someone. Its not the most glamours place in the world but it has no cameras. Theo, Luke, Daniel, Craig, Oliver, Myself and then Theos sister all live here. So youll be in with Theos sister, she only two years older than you and has been here about five years. She nice and youll get on with her fine. She is nothing like Theo. She doesnt have that temper that he is famous for, so dont panic.

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We use solar lights, which is fine just making sure when you get up you put them in the sun so they can charge. As you are new, youll spend the next few weeks training with , well unfortunately with Theo. He a good teacher though just doesnt do those sarcastic comments you are famous for , I look at him and I am about to open my mouth and he cuts across me and says. Photocopied most of your file while we were in and had a little read but I didnt have it all Yes, because that is not creepy. I say rolling my eyes and seeing Seths lips turn into a smirk as he pulls me into a one arm hug before he says. Shut up and go to bed or something like that, I pout at him and flutter my lashes and he smirks and rolls his eyes before saying. You really havent change, have you? I shake my head and I said. Being nine meant I had you. Why would I change? Bed see ms like a good idea, are there any rules though. No fighting anyone or hurting anyone in our group without a good reason. We only kill traitors and you can get up whenever you want. There are no cameras anywhere so youll fine. Food, well sometimes you can have a lot and other times its not much. It depends but we grow crops and everything. We have been here for six months. Its the meat which is hard to keep, sometimes its fine and other times we dont have anything. Its not safe here so just be careful. There is no power or electricity and so thats a little strange and can take some time to get use to but its all fine and there is always something to do. Theos sister is called Camilla and I think she will be in the room already, make sure you knock on the door and she will let you in. I smile and Seth shows me where to go, I walk up the stairs and down the hall before knocking on the door. The house was very narrow, but it was actually nicer than the house I had in the city. A girl, looking rather similar to Theo stands there, same hair, same eyes. She was wearing a smile and kisses me on both cheeks. She didnt have too many scars and I guess she didnt tend to fight. I have been dying to meet you, its Ivy right? I nod my head and she pulls me into the room and I see the two twin beds, there is a small desk and sheets of paper as well as books. There is also a pile of clothes and a needle and thread. Well I kind of act like the boys mother, most their parents are either dead or in the city still. So could do with some help, although I hear my brother is going to teach you how to shoot. He failed with me hence I do the tidying and mending everything. We dont have a huge amount of clothes and so we try and make them last as long as possible. God I am babbling. Let me get you something to wear. Camilla went through the clothes and found me an oversize t-shirt for me; she also sorted me out some underwear, all clean and a dress for tomorrow. She went around tidying the room up before she turns the light off and we both fell asleep.

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Chapter Three
I didnt know the time when I woke, Camilla was no longer in here bed but sitting at the desk fixing the pile of clothes. I see her holding thread and she is sewing what looks like a green dress. She moves at quite a pace and I watch the needles go in and out of the material. She uses her teeth to break the thread and thats when she notices me and sends me a smile. I decide to slide out from under the covers and I look around a little confused what to do. Camilla sees this and she says. If you want a shower there is a pump in the bathroom, pump it forty times and that will give you some time to have a shower. The water isnt very warm though. The boys re -did all the pipes so that we could use it, even if everything is manual. Its the room to the right. She passes me a towel and I pick up the clothes she sorted out before walking into the hall. I walk to the right and go to open the door, only to find it locked. I rest my back against the wall and I stand here waiting for the person to leave. The door opens and Theo comes out I go to slip past him but he puts his arm, stopping me from entering. So my sister, what do you think? he says, resting his hand so he is leaning against the wall, his body is leaning closer to mine than what I would have liked. I look up at him and honestly I didnt want to say I hate Camilla because I didnt, but I knew if we were in the city she wouldnt be the first person I would be friends with. So I reply with the answer. Bubbly, everyone but you seems to be rather bubbly. He smirks by this comment and I see his eyes flicker down to my bare legs and he says. Well your legs look better than your face. He walks past me and I slide into the bathroom. It looks rather strange, everything has been stripped out and replaced, I can see where the bath and the toilet would have been before they came along but now it was very stripped back and everything was connected to pumps. I followed the one that went to the shower which was in the comer behind a little plastic curtain. It was just a head, connected to the pump. I pump it counting up ever one. A little bit of water comes out after every one, lasting slightly longer as each pump goes. I strip my clothes off and slide under the water. It was cold but I managed to stay under enough to use the soap. I tried my best not to let the water touch my hair by holding it away from the water. When the water stops I slide out of the shower and wipe myself dry before pulling on the clothes Camilla had given me. The dress was red, a color which I didnt normally wear. It was also shorter than the black one I had worn three days before. I didnt have any shoes but I would ask Camilla about that. I walk into the hall and straight into Craig. Sorry Ivy, I think your brother may kill every guy that looks at you. I smile by his comment. I only knew Craig for a tiny bit but he was one of the nicest people here. My brother has some problems so I knew he wouldnt be nice about every little aspect. Craig on the other hand, just had this vibe that made you want to hug him and he treat him like a teddy bear. I thought you werent allowed to hurt each other without a good reason. I say with a smile and Craig roll his eyes before he walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. I walk back into the bedroom and Camilla has changed, she looks at me and smiles before passing me my shoes and saying. Knowing my brother running shoes is always useful. God you are so skinny I love that dress but it just doesnt fit me and it would be too short anyway. Camilla was a good four inches taller than me, she was wearing a skirt and a white V-neck top and her hair hangs around her shoulders. She says about breakfast and we walk down the stairs and into a dining room. My brother was already there talking to Luke. Luke smirks and I see his eyes go down my legs and its only when my brother coughs does he look away. I sit down next to Seth and he passes me some bread. When Theo comes into the room he sends me a glare before he sits down between his sister and Luke. Camilla is talking to Daniel and I know he looks a little uncomfortable. So, have you ever shot a gun? I shake my head and he smirks. Fine knife throwing first because then I doesnt have to waste bullets on you. Seth looks at Theo who simply shrugs his shoulders like nothing has happened. I didnt understand why that boy had t o be so rude to me, Luke was a little harsh and violent

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but at least I would know where he stands and he seems rather close with my brother. Theo I just couldnt figure out, and thats what made me so mad about him. Once we have all eaten I follow Theo to a field. In the field lie three targets. The area looks rather pretty; it has long grass and showed the evidence of the wild, with having no one looking after it. There were a mix of purple, blue and pink flowers and I knew Theo wouldnt even consider that. It looked pretty, but in the city it would have been seen as a mess. Everything in the city had been made to look perfect, but everything that looked perfect had cracks. This pretty was the aspect of having your freedom, and thats the beauty of the wild. Theo has twenty or thirty knives with him and we walk closer towards the targets. He turns around to face me and passes me a knife. I throw it once he asks me to and it misses the bored. When I say I miss the bored, we it seemed that is seem to have hit the grass some thirty of forty meters away. Theo seems to find this rather amusing because as soon as the knife hit the ground he has let out a snigger and I turn to face him. So you have always been amazing I gather. I say hinting sarcasm. And he takes three knives throwing one straight after another hitting the bored right in the middle. I am so glad that you think I am amazing. I am really surprised you are Seths sister. You and he are total opposites, I just stare at him not sure what to say. His eyes flicker to me and he is wearing a smile. I look at him my mouth hanging open. I bite my lower lip wanting to put one of the knives through him. I may not be good at throwing knifes but hand on hand I was pretty aright. Thats when I snapped and grabbed his arm and tried to dig it in to his skin, I failed because he flipped me over making me land on my back with a crunch and his body lay on me stopping me from standing up. Okay you are hand on hand. I can deal with that. Just like my brother. I guess. Seth cant throw a punch without him hurting himself more than the person. I look at him, he still had his body pressed on mine and I say. You clearly dont know him very well. He has always been a fighter, he use to have a fight every chance he got and he did it so much that he uses to get tortured for it, that laste d for two years. He cant punch someone without him hurting himself because the torture must have done what it was mean to do. Cause him pain so he couldnt hurt anyone. He still has the scars on his wrist, of when they use to tie him up and run blades up and down his body. And you? he asks, still holding me down. I didnt like the question but a part truth would be better than nothing so I say. A few fights here and there but the cells dont really do much and I never caused that much trouble so I stopped. I stopped hurting people. Do you mind if you get off me you are a little heavy? He moves his weight off my body and I sit up. Id rather you didnt mention that I got in a few fights. I dont think Seth would like that very much. I guess I grew up too fast for his liking, but then again I was nine when he disappeared so being sixteen means Im an adult or there about. Theo why did you leave, if you dont mind me asks? You can ask but I wont say, I just look at him biting down on my lower lip and his eye flicker to me and roll his eyes before he lies down on the grass. This isnt secret for a secret. I dont want you here because I dont want my sister here. You think I like the idea that I have to watch her all the time. I dont like girls being out here unless they are trained, because one wrong move could make them dead. I train the girls because I dont want them being weak; I want them being able to fight for themselves out. I dont like the idea that my sister cant shoot, cant fight and cant throw. I didnt mean to get her when we did a raid. She saw me and begged me to come, and I let her. When Seth said he wanted to get his sister I knew I was going to hate you because youre the girl who cares too much about how she looks, and how she acts. I didnt see anything of Seth in you and therefore until you can show me something that can protect you, I wont like you. He sits up and I stand up then.

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I do have one questions, seven years ago my brother left with four other boys what happened to them, I think they are all dead but I thought as you a little more honest and wouldnt spare make me upset Im going to get a straight answer. Theres a long pause and Theo sits down. Declan, traitor. Nathan ended up in another country, trying to spread the uprising, I havent heard anything from him, he left pretty much as soon as he got her, he couldnt face living how we did. Peter and Johan dead, mess your brother up pretty bad. The five of the all turned up and if you dont mind I would rather I didnt talk about this subject, I have a past with some of the boys and I dont wish to share it with you. Ivy I dont like you and therefore I am not telling you anything. We may not be blood here but its the only thing I know as family. I see a little bit of water by his hand and help him stand up before I look at him and say with a smile on my face. So hand on hand then? the corner of his lips turn up and he nods his head. That day, Theo taught me little tricks, of how to fight, we did everything in slow motion and he would put me in grips and then tell me how to get them out. It would have been nice to have known this sort of information, so I didnt feel so helpless when Luke had me pinned against the wall. He told me more about the theory of how to do each move rather than the actual process of doing it. I guess he would show on m, doing his best no to harm me and when I tried on him it would be a little difficult. He was so much stronger than me and I knew that I needed to learn a bit better. I knew wearing a dress wasnt the best idea in the world but honest he didnt make one comment about it, I didnt know if that was a good thing or not, he noticed it and it went up my thigh but he didnt take any notice. I guess because I still had my underwear on and I bet living in these conditions would make it seem rather normal for seeing people wonder wound in their underwear. I think Theo had been living out here the longest amount of time, I guess I found him the most distant from everyone else, and I thought that he had forgotten how to interact with people. He had become rather heartless and that was something you need a little out here but not enough to run your life. He was a good teacher, I would give him that. He made me feel a lot stronger than I was, I learn more about my straight, and he told me I would have a better chance if I aimed low and made the person trip before stabbing someone. The way he said those words made me think of Aaron, he wanted to join the government but in the military side of things. I knew he was strong and could shot a gun and I had this bad feeling that maybe I would have to fight him and Im not sure I could do that yet, I hadnt become heartless yet. I still cared about him even though it wasnt love. With Theos help I could become a fighter I didnt want to be a weak little girl who would go down the moment someone hit me across the face. I guess I needed to become fearless, but being fearless meant you didnt care if you lived or died. If I was to be fearless it means that I would walk into city one and shot down everyone and everything that got in my way and I would be one of the many people who ended up on the ground. I would be the one who hurts my brother even more, and I honestly think he was a lot weaker than he put out to be, I dont think the death of me would make him be able so nonchalant. I needed to b fearless but in the terms of facing my fears, fighting for everything worth fight for. I didnt want to be dead, but I knew that my life would end up a lot sh ort than I would if I stayed in the city, the city that I hated, and the city that made me a scarred girl who wanted to fight. Being fearless is not the absent of fears. I didnt come out looking perfect as my dress had spilt, up my thigh, the dress was al ready short and it was that movement that sparked Theo to tell me, that was enough for the day. I had a few purple marks up my legs and a few along my arms. I didnt even notice that I had missed a meal; it seemed that I had been so focus on getting stronger that nothing else seems to have mattered. He made me carry some knifes back to what I thought would be the house, but instead we went in a different direction. He opens the door to something that looked like a barn. Where I lived we didnt have many in the city and I had only seen them on pages in books, in the city they were used to keep animals and food but you werent allowed to go near one because the food had to be monitored.

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When we walk I watch Theo as he takes the knives from my arms and throws them down on a shelf. I look around the area and I knew they were using it for storage. There were so many different things in here. Theo then went between the shelves; this sparks me to look up at the shelves. It looks rather strange but I dont say anything. There were weapons, clothes, some grain, some seeds and a bunch of other rather strange items and I didnt know the names. Theo comes back holding some clothes, it was a pale blue dress which once on came to just above the knee. I was thankful that he turned around while I change, and thats when we walk back to the house. In the dining room, there are a dozen people, six of the faces I know, theres my brother, Craig, Luke, Daniel, Oliver and Camilla there but the other six I dont know, although th ey look a little older than the rest of us. I think they must by the ones who control and make sure everything runs in order. There were paper in front of them and I looked at where my brother was sitting, it seemed everyone was facing him. I gather you are Ivy. I nod my head and look at the man who spoke. He looks around forty maybe a little younger, his hair in thinning and his eyes have little wrinkles by them. He is wearing a light t-shirt and his build is rather strong. Theo is the one to speak. You have got to be kidding me. You think he is a traitor; you might as well arrest me as well. God you guys are fucking thick. Everyone is looking at Theo, but their eyes seem to go to me straight after and the same mind says. Okay Theo what have you been doing today. That man asks and Theo eyes flicker to me before he says the words. Well, I tried to teach Ivy how to throw knives but she couldnt hit the bored, then she attacked me but that didnt go very well for me and then I learnt something about the Dillaway siblings that makes them get out of this situation. Ivy is a very open person and she will tell you anything you want to know. She talks a little too much for my killing but I dont wish to see Seth dead so I am willing to help out both of them. There is another long pause, causing the air around me to feel a little tenser. I didnt want to live in another place when we were just control by men behind desk, thats not something I wanted nor wished to happen. T he man speaks again. Are you going to tell me? Theo looks to me and I look to Seth and he somehow knows what I am going to say and so I look to Theo who beings to talk. You know Seth does have a past, a past which none of you wanted to know. So Ivy was telling me that the reason he hates hand to hand conflict. You see Seth; according to Ivy was the type of ten year old who would have a fight every day. You see he spent a lot of time in the cells there but it turns out he was too uncontrollable to the law and he would be tortured. Everyone looks to Seth and he nods his head before rolling up his sleeves to show the marks which were permanently there. I remember the day he came home with it, I was only eight years old, and my brother was covered from head to toe in blood. His face didnt lo ok like him; glass had been pressed into his skin, that glass which had belonged to his glasses. He didnt look like my brother that day, I couldnt see him through all that blood and all that pain, I just didnt know where he was. He didnt cry though, he never cried, he would have a knife going down his chest and along his arms and he didnt make a sound. He was the reason I wanted to live, I wanted to be as strong as my brother, and I wanted to be able to go through that type of pain without reacting. He was the person I had always looked up to and therefore those seven years without him was like a big and empty hole. Ive had this since I turned up and only one person asked what they there, I never said anything. I hate them because the tied me up and would run blades over my body causing me to scream. I was eleven the first time, and what made me run was when the carved no violence in to my skin, its faint now but its still there. I have no reason to betray you. They wanted me dead but I wasnt sixteen and therefore I couldnt just be killed, they were waiting and so I knew I had to get out and run.

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But your sister does. The man continues to say and I feel a little awkward standing there, with everyone looking at me. I just felt a little over exposed standing here having everyone look at me, I didnt like drawing attention unless I was causing havoc. Actually I wasnt going to say anything, but I had been in a cell a few times, I tried to kill a few people and I got in a few fights. The only reason I straighten up was because of my ex-boyfriend who would tell everyone if I was breaking the law. I followed the rules because I had to not because I wanted to. My favourite time of the day was between 11pm and 6am because they were the hours I didnt have cameras watching me. I wanted to get out when I was nine and that stayed the same when I was sixteen. Theo was looking at me and I didnt like it, it felt uncomfortable and before anything else was said. He pulls a knife out of me and asks for my hand. I look at him confused and he says. Um Ivy you made me promise not to tell anyone that, I didnt know why the words left my mouth I was simple just thinking about that I didnt want to tell my brother because he looked a little upset that I seemed to have a same life about that. You dont blurt that out, look Ive being hearing a few rumours and therefore I need to your blood. I look at him and hold my hand put. Seth looks a little confused but I let a mark be made. Theo is holding on to my wrist very tightly so I dont move it. I make a small sound when the blood begins to pour out. Theo puts the blood to his lips and he says. Ivy asks me something you want to know? I knew the question and I look at him and I say. Why did you run from the city? Everyone is looking at him and with the looks going around I gather no one knew this piece of information. Theo looks at me and I see his face as fallen as he says the words. My dad killed a young boy and got away with it, Camilla didnt know this because she looked as if she was going to cry from the information. Its in her blood which must mean its in the food. It makes you tell the truth and thoughts were the only thing the people had themselves; it now looks as if they want that as well. I saw some plans a few weeks ago and when she started being too open I knew something was up. No person is that honest. Sure she can be sweet but no person is that honest. I look to him and pretend that I didnt hear a single word to him and I look to the rest of peo ple. Fine we all better go. We need to think about moving over the next few weeks, so I want you boys to be looking around where we could go. They nod their head and the room becomes a little emptier, but I feel myself being pushed towards the sitting room. I get around and Theo is staying back I go over to him. So you think I am sweet but I talk way too much. I didnt say that. I think the whole room heard you. What happened to hating me? You are still someone I hate okay. Now Ill just help with your fighting. I smile at him before walking into the sitting room. On the floor the boys sit with a map between them. I sit down on the arm chair and Theo sits down next to my brother. Seth says something to him and I look at Theo as he shakes his head.

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Chapter Four The next day I had another training session with Theo, and both of us were still telling the truth to everyone, and so I knew I could ask any question I like and he would answer it with the truth. Sure, sometimes he could fight it off as he only had a mild part of it in his system but I think I knew more about him than anyone else here. I was currently pinned to the ground as he had thrown me to the ground and I ask him. Whats your opinion on sex? I look at his face as he pulls me to my feet and he is wearing a smirk on his face. Why do you ask that? he seemed rather amused by the question and I look up at him and I can almost hear my heart beating in my chest. Well its a nightmare in front of the cameras; I would expect people would do it all the time here. I say honestly to him and he smirks before shaking his head and saying. No, as most people share bedrooms. I share with your brother after all. My sister could have had anyone she wanted in there because it was only for her but no it tends to be rather awkward here, normally in fields of sheds. I guess we dont get the opportunity to be hormonal teenagers. Is this way of asking me to sleep with you? He says with a wink and I push him away from him before throwing a punch at him. He grabs my hand and begins to twist my arm. I kick at his legs and he trips over landing on his front, and so I lay on him, holding him down and say into his ear. Nope just asking as I have you being open to me. Next question would you have sex with me or do you still think Im not very pretty. I say and I am still sitting on his back, his arms are either side of his body and his face is to the side and pressed against the ground. You are not pretty Ivy; sorry if you thought you were but you have to be of the blandest people I have ever met. Shame because your personality is not awful the whole time. I already know that I am bland, but you are fighting against yourself. So what is your real answer without talking about my looks or my personality? He grabs my legs and spins me over, his body pressing down on mine and he looks into my face, I feel my cheeks flush with red. Do you think you should be asking that? You didnt break up with your boyfriend before you left, I push him off me and sit up and he says. You are getting better at fighting, but I am the best in the town so I guess getting me on my front is a good thing. You are a jerk. I know that. Come on lets get you some food, He pulls me to my feet and we walk back to the buildings and I ask more question to him. Theo wasnt a bad guy but he did feel the need to insult me every step of the way. It wasnt like he was lying, he just points out all my flaws something which I didnt like but I wasnt about to complain. I choose to be offended and therefore it was my only personality which would be affected, I should take it out on anyone else.

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We walk into the kitchen and I sit on the surface. Theo is going through the cupboards and he pulls out a tube and says. Yes we have cream, god I love cream so much. He pulls it to his chest and cradles it as if it was a baby. I couldnt help but laugh by the gesture, even though I would most likely do the same thing if I didnt see cream very much. I watch him as he squirts some into his mouth and a load of the cream comes back out of his mouth. I laugh at him and I jump down and grab a towel before wiping it from his mouth. I hold out my hand taking the cream before I copy what Theo did and he glares at me before grabbing me around the waist. I hold the cream out so he cant reach it before I kick him in the leg making him let go and I run away from him and in to the hall. I then trip over my own feet and fall face first hitting my head against the wooden floor and I hear Theo say my name, so I turn around and look up at him. He is looking at me a little concerned as bends down before pulling me to a sitting position. He looks at me and says. Well you are bleeding come on lets get you cleaned up. He stands up and pulls me to my feet. Still holding my hand he drags me to the stairs and pulls me up, we past Craig and he looks at me before noticing my hand in Theos. Well what happened to her? She took the cream. The way he says this is just so serious, like it was the end of the world or something and I felt my cheeks heat up and I smile by the words. Craig rolls his eyes and Theo pulls me into the bathroom. He lifts me up, so Im sitting on the counter and he goes though the draws pulling out cloth and toilet paper. He begins to pump the sink before he dabs at my forehead. The door is open and the next person to walk past is my brother. I dont notice him until he coughs because Im looking right at Theo, who is making rather funny faces causing me to laugh. Theo turns around and says. Seth she just tripped. There is nothing to worry about. But why did she trip? his tone wasnt very pleasant, and I knew he didnt want to see me hurt. I bite my look my eyes flickering to Theo, but he is the one who answer, and I am glad because he cant see Theos expression which is almost like he is hurt that I was the one with a bleeding head. She ran off with the cream, I followed she tripped and landed on her face. She will be fine. Its just a little bit of blood. Seth looks at me and I say. Im fine. Like Theo said its just a bit of blood, He doesnt look convinced but he leaves the room and I look at Theo. Thanks for tidying me up though. Kind of my fault though. So do you like cream? I nod my head and I see his lips go into a smile and he says. We dont get it much just to give you a heads up, normally after a raid because it doesnt last. Oh and try not to take it all because frankly its the best thing in the world. I kind of got that part. How is my head looking now? he pulls away from me and I watch him put a band aid over the cut and he says. Fine. So now I can add clumsy to the list of things I hate about you.

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How much is on the list of things you like about me. There is a long pause and I watch his face, it looks like he is counting but when he opens his mouth is just says. Nothing. I smile at him and walk past him and into the hall before walking down the stairs and back into the kitchen. By this time Craig and Luke are in there trying to cut some bread but the pieces looks rather uneven. I walk over them and take the knife from Craig before I slice the bread for him. Do we have any cream or did you guys use it up? I mean its funny that we finally found someone who shares Theos passion of cream. Hows the head? Craig asks and I say. There wont be much. Sorry but my mom hates cream so she wouldnt let me keep it in the house so I would only have it when I had ice cream sundaes. Yeah Theo fixed me up. Im all good; it was just a bit of blood already. Craig seems a little shocked by this phase but doesnt say anything. Theo gets the plates out and some meat and we pass it around before we all go into the dining room. I sit down next to Theo, but opposite Craig who is next to Luke. Sure, if felt weird that there were so many guys but I didnt mind so much. I guess they wanted to train me before I could go around and fit into their lives here. My brother came into the room. He sends a glare to Theo, what I had learnt about Seth and Theo is they were both best mates and worst enemies all at the same time. He was holding a sheet of paper and I sort of expected him to sit next to me, like he normally did but he sat at the other end and looks over the sheets of paper. I look at him and Theo leans closer to me and says. Doesnt like the fact you covered for me. What happened to the honestly? I did wonder that, I dont know how I got away with lying to my brother. I guess that maybe I could start lying again, not that I would all anything. There is no reason to lie while you out here because there is so few people, and it runs on trust and you able to get on with each other. Without any of that, it would just be a blood bath and this whole system wouldnt work. Think it is running out, or at least weakening, I mean I am already an honest person. So you always go to get the honest answer from me, unlike some people. I say and Theo rolls his eyes when he catches my gaze. I dont really lie, I just hide the truth. I say to him and he nods his head before taking a bite of his sandwich. The conversation is mainly about them looking for new land. I didnt say anything and after lunch Theo and I went back out to the field. He went soft on me, I think he didnt want me to come off with any more cuts or bleeding because my brother would not be very happy. He would throw a punch at me and I would have to protect myself. I became rather sweaty and I was glad that I was wearing a pair of shorts and a V-neck t-shirt today rather than a dress. Theo said running is a good way to gain stadium and so we spent the rest of our training sessions running around the town. Theo did say he was impressed that I could keep up and when we did have a little race I beat him, but only just. I kind of thought he would let me win, but then I remember that he didnt like me and was just trying to get on because we lived together and he was close to my brother. When the sun started to set we went back to the house. I went straight up stairs to get changed into a green dress and to wash the sweat off my body. Theo was waiting outside the

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bathroom for me and he caught my arm and pulled me close to him, I could smell the sweat coming of him and I look right into his eyes. He felt threatening whenever he was this close to me and I didnt really like it, after a short pause he says. Please dont say you beat me. I was surprised by this phase and maybe I had actually beat him with the running race. To be honest I was the type of girl who went running every few days, Theo was more focus on strength than stamina and so I had an advantage over him. Ill use if for blackmail so you are fine for the moment. He smirks and I st ick my tongue out at him before going in to my bedroom and throwing down my clothes. Camilla is again sewing, I know I wouldnt be able to do it and I guess I may love my dresses but Im a fighter rather than a stay at home kind of girl. I did hate the thing that men seem to have got a hold of the planet again, I know that it was all becoming rather equal but now women were thought to stay at home, if they were married and they would clean the house and look after the children. Even the situation I was in, most of the people in charge were male, and all the military side were male. It was just sexist and thats why I wanted to fight, I wanted to be a part of the uprising even if I ended up dead. That dress looks great on you. God I so wish I was you, well minis the bit about hanging out with my brother all day. Heard about your head, he is such an idiot. She begins to swear under her breath and I smile by the words before cutting across her and saying. Hes really not that bad, but the truth thing doesnt work anymore. So I cant get straight answers anymore. Well I guess its nice its worn off because I dont like asking him question and actually getting what he thinks. I bet you had fun with it though. He dodges most the things by answering it, but not in the way I wanted. Also he spent the whole of this morning insulting me, so that wasnt great. Although I got him to rant a few times which was rather funny? About what? Himself, I throw my clothes in the basket, ready of Camilla to wash tomorrow and go out the room and down the stairs. Seth is trying to light the fire for some light in the room. Daniel and Oliver were both trying to jigsaw, but by the looks of it they had done it many times because they look at the pieces and put them in exactly the right place. Luke and Theo were playing Chess and Craig was reading a book, but the looks of it, it was a romance book. I took the seat next to him and place my legs to the side before I say. You know that is a romance book right? That explains a lot, I just thought it was a really bad Sci-Fi book, I let out a laugh and he passes me a book before saying. Youre a girl maybe you would enjoy it. Thanks for the stereotype. I hate romance books they make me want to throw up. I mean really why whine about some guy when he just going to break your heart again. I say and this causes everyone to look at me and Theo says. My sister is a hopeless romantic and so I wouldnt say that to her. Saying that it is kind of hard to date in this situation but I thought you would love that kind of stuff.
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Nope, hate it. One of the two reasons why I hated Aaron, but it cant be perfect all the time, that is. He did buy me anything I wanted so that was always a plus. I didnt mean to say this out loud but Seth looked at me a little concerned and I watch him speak. Here I was hoping that my sister would have turned in to a sweet girl. Well that didnt happen. We dont need another girl like Camilla though. Having one is fine so the fact that Ivy doesnt care if she acts like a bitch is fine for me. Theo says and I actually feel some warm go up my neck towards my cheeks with his words. Seth stands up grabbing Theo by the shirt and walks out the room. I look around the room and Craig says. Try not to flirt with Theo, I was friendly towards Theo, I wasnt flirting with him, and well I didnt think I was. We were just similar minded and I look at Craig, feeling the confusion cross my face and he says. Yes you are before you saying anything. Also , its like the little gestures you have for each other. Like when you banged your head tripping over. Theo didnt just give you a band aid; he took your hand and dragged you up the stairs before lifting you on the counter and tidying you up. Seth still sees you as nine. I knew it would take some time for Seth to see me as sixteen rather than a nine year old who couldnt do very much. I was rather pathetic at nine because I had Seth looking out for me and making sure I didnt mess up. That doesnt mean anything. I know you are just trying to create something out of nothing. I say honestly to him and his lips go together and look towards Luke who says. Ill do all the pumps in the next house if Theo and Ivy dont show some sort of feelings towards each other, anything more than a kiss on the cheek. At that phase Luke stands up and walks out the room and Theo comes back in and looks at me before saying. Do you know how to play? his eyes flickering to the chest bored and I bite my lip before saying to him. A little but I havent played in a few years. I take the seat that Luke held just moments ago and Theo takes a black and a white piece and put them behind his back before putting them out in front of me. I pointed to the right one and it showed the white pawn. We then began to set up the pieces I kept looking over to Theos side because I couldnt remember the order of the pieces. Theo thrashed me, not one, not two, not even three but four times. I just didnt stand a chance. I look at him confused about how badly I was messing up. On our fifth game I had six pieces on the bored, Theo has ten. I am biting my lower lip and I can feel his gaze on me. I look up and he is wearing a smirk before saying. Why dont you just give up? Giving up doesnt get you anywhere. I am surprised you dont know that but then again youre not exactly the most athletic person on this planet, He glares at me and I move my bishop before I say. Check, He moves the king one space to the right and so I move my knight before saying. Check and mate. He looks at me confused and his eyes went over my face before he says.

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You have been letting me win havent you? I had but I thought I would play it off a little bit and I wear a smile before saying. Maybe. Come on you can help me make some food; I guess you all want to eat, They all nod their heads and Theo follows me out the room and grabs my wrist. The first one I didnt but the rest of them I did. You are really sneaky; I thought you said you were an honest person. He says leaning a little bit closer to me and I look it to his eyes and to the whole innocent girl by biting my lower lip and saying. You never asked me if I let you win, until just now. I walk into the kitchen and get some rice out one the cupboard. The meal is just going to be chicken, rice and peas because we didnt have a lot and it was a meal that they would all like, I pour enough out for all of us and Theo starts the gas before slighting a match and it bursting in to flames. Gas was something they had to steal in raids but they had got a lot on the one a few days ago. It was only used for cooking because it wouldnt be enough to do anything else. We didnt really talk but it was only twenty minutes before the food was done, Theo puts it on to the plates and I go and find everyone. Everyone actually has a meal today but it seems that Camilla and I switched from our normal places, my brother was now sat next to her and I was sat next to Theo. Everyone just said thanks for the food and we begin to eat. Theo is the first to speak. By the way, you will be glad to know that I can stop telling the truth. Aw shame I liked you being honest, I mean sure you were ruder than normal but at least we knew what was going through your mind, Camilla said and I smile at her and she looks at me and says to her brother. Okay, so Ivy is a pretty open person anyway, but there must have been some questions that were a little strange and you ended up just having to say the truth. So you are asking what? Do you want to hear the weirdest, the strangest, or the most random? He says and I see his eyes flicker to me, knowing that it be one of my questions for all three. Lets go with random. She says. Theo swallows the food before saying. Ivy asked me what my opinion is on sex. My brother has the biggest reaction out of everyone spluttering and spitting, Camilla hits him on the back and he straightens up and he looks at me and before anything else was said. Look do you expect me to ask boring questions? Like, how old are you? Whats your favourite color? Where are you from? I said the first thing that came in to my mind and it just happened to be that. Its not like you could have sex in the city without is being caught on camera at some point in time. Thats why I wanted to know. I just happen to b e a really open person and there shouldnt be any subject that I would avoid like Theo tried and well he didnt really ever answer the question, so I guess it was a success. He is eating and says, with food still in his mouth. I said you dont have the option of being a hormonal teenager. Think that is an answer, I shake my head and he mutters. Tell you another time then, I look at him and he
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says. I dont know my answer so I cant tell you know before you begin ranting because god your voice is annoying as hell a lot of the time. I nod my head and the conversation goes from the subject but it was strange sometimes Theo and I got one like we were friends and other times he would snap and insult me. There was something about this boy I couldnt place, I didnt know why but honestly I liked spending my time with him, I liked hearing him talk. I liked the little banter that we have between us and honestly he seemed to be the only person on my wave length.

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Chapter Five After we had finish dinner I walk up the stairs and to my bedroom but Theo pulls me back once I reached the top of the stairs. I, being on the top and Theo being on the step below put us as the similar height with him still standing just a tad taller than me. Okay I h ave a sister and I know when she gets mad at me so Im guessing you hate me right now. Look I am sorry. I havent been the best person today have I? I shake my head and rest my hands on each one of his shoulders. Theo was really hard to understand, I hadnt known him very long yet sometimes I saw him as a really good friend and other times I just wanted to kill him. I knew I wouldnt stand a chance in a fight with him but honestly he had changed my opinion on him over the past twenty four days. At least we would have a normal conversation and he was at least coming to me and wanting to talk, he wanted to say sorry or at least make me feel better about the whole situation. I look at him and bite my lip again before saying. You are a real dick you know that? He nods his head and I smile by this gesture. Okay well Im going hunting now, to get some meat. Anyways I would like you to tag along, but only if you want. I kind of need someone to carry some stuff. I would ask your brother but he and I are going for the enemy part of our relationship at the moment. I kind of like my face so I thought I would ask you instead. Go change, wear something dark and meet be down in five. I nod my head and pull myself away from him before going into the bedroom. I look through the clothes and find a dark dress, sure its a little short but I didnt mind. I pull my hair up and let it hang high on my head. I slip on my pair of running shoes and go out the room and down the stairs. Theo is talking to my brother, in the middle of the hall. At first they dont notice me so I just stand there but Theo looks over to me and smiles, before he mutters something to Seth and gesturing for me to follow. We go back to the shed that contains all the storage, including the weapons. Living out here in the wild I felt like society had gone back so many of thousands of years. We were living in fields, we didnt have power, and we had to hurt to get food. We had to fight to live, and we had to use fire to keep warm. I hadnt let the thought of my parents come into my mind, I did miss them and I did miss my house, but over all I had missed Seth more when he left and I was just glad I was back with him. I was putting my life in danger every day, but if I had freedom from the government, from the cameras then surly that was better. I was free and thats all I ever wanted. Theo passes me a basket and I put it upside-down on my head while he is getting some bullets. When he turns around to face me he lets out a laugh and puts the basket in my hands before going a tad to close and saying. You are one really weird girl. I shrug my shoulders before leaning closer to him, again I feel the warm coming from his body and smile up at him I say. Being normal is overrated. Surly you should know that. I mean its you for Christ sakes. He smiles by my words and he grabs a torch and a gun and a long bow, before we walk towards a little clump of trees. It was dark so I made sure I stayed close to Theo, I was a little scarred about being in the unknown. I wasnt scared of the dark, but I was scare on the

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unknown, I was scared of dying without making an impact. I was scared of my brothers death and anyone else who had been nice to me. So I didnt like being out in the trees when I couldnt see very well, so I stayed a little too close to Theo. I see Theo is a really good shot, we may have little lighting but whenever he shots an arrow it hits the animal his aim is at each time. I stay really close to him because I know that I would lose him, and I didnt know the place well enough to get back to the house. Theo shoots three birds, one deer and a couple of rabbits before we go back to the storage room. Theo explains to me that you only shoot in the same area once a month because otherwise you will be left with no food; he also says that you shouldnt have more than ten items because again it means that you will run out of food. In the wild we didnt have any fridges so you could only keep the food for a short period of time before it would go off. Theo says he will keep the deer but give the rest out. We walk through the dark town, Theo is holding the basket and I walk rather close to him and sometimes the basket would brush my arm making and it felt a little rough and I expected to end up with a red mark there. Theo gives me the basket once we reach the path of one of the house and takes a few steps before he knocks on one of the doors. Jenny stands there and she says. Hey Ivy, hows living with the boys going? I smile at her and my eyes flicker to Theo and he is looking a little bored that we want to talk. Could be worst, but my brother thinks Im still nine though, which is a little awkward. She smiles and I see Theo is getting impatient even though he has only been standing there a few seconds. Jenny three birds or two rabbits, there is always a lot of people with you. Theo is very blunt and rude with this phase, almost as if he wants to get back to the house. Rabbit is nicer, so Ill take them. Thanks Theo. Whatever. Before I can say bye to Jenny, Theo grabs my arm and pulls me away. Theo knocks on the next door but it turns out they have enough food and tell us to go three doors down because they are struggling. We do and hand over the three birds, the women looks a little older than anyone else I have seen but I can hear the screams of children so when the door closes. I say. So people do have sex here then? I say really interested by what his answer really would be, he had an opinion yet it was clear sex happened because there were children, although maybe they had been brought from raids, like me and so many others. I never said it didnt happen. You see there is actually a lot more of us but last yea r we divided the group in half. There are a lot of children because we need the children if this way of life is going to continue. Although, when we do a raid we collect people there to, but we try not to get anyone under the age of sixteen. That was enforced last year because its fine if you are born in this way of life because you dont know anything else, but a lot of the younger ones who got brought here end up getting lost and eating the wrong food so they die. If we find people younger we help them out and make sure we train them as soon as possible. Your brother wanted to get you at fourteen but he was made to wait, hence he sent you that

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note, I look at him, still holding the basket and he says. We are not on good terms now, but we are normally okay. Why? I mean sure you are pretty rude, irritating and annoying most of the time but put that aside and you are actually pleasant to talk to. He smiles by those words but his face suddenly drops and he looks at me before saying. Your brother is protective over you. I know you are sixteen and he knows that to but you still missed seven years of your relationship and therefore he thinks he needs to look after you. He doesnt like the idea of me training you and we actually get on. I told you the reason why I hate most girls. Jenny is fine because she is a good fighter, hand to hand like you. Although, her shooting is getting better, anyways the thing at dinner. Its just he didnt expect you to be that open, he sees you as nine and a nine year old talking about sex is a little strange, He takes the basket from my hand without a word and holds it in one arm. We walk side by side and I stop, he turns around to face me and says. What? So I have an over-protective brother? Yep have fun dealing with that, out here. He says with a wink before leading me back into the house. Craig is in the kitchen and he is trying to make some tea, without milk of course but he couldnt get the gas working. He looks in the basket and takes it from Theo saying. You suck. Is this all you got because Two rabbits and three birds but gave them away, they only last a few days so that can be for tomorrow. Theo takes the gun and long bow at the basket and opens a little door in the kitchen putting them down on the floor before he grabs my hand and pulls me into the sitting room. Seth, Daniel and Oliver are throwing a ball around the room. Camilla is reading the same book that Craig had the day before. Luke had a map in front of him, and I see certain areas were in colors. I let go of Theo, and walk over to sit right in front of Luke and I ask him. So whats that? Map of the area, just trying to figure out where we should go. The grey is city walls and the white is places we havent been and I think we should check them out. You can come if you want. Im about to open my mouth and say sure that sounds fun but Seth says. It depends if her fighting are good enough. He looks to Theo and he nods his head. Theo takes the sit next to me and his eyes go over the map. She has only got me on my front once, but thats more than any of you can do. B y the way one of the cities had it camera taken out, so I think we should go there, Everyone looked at him and he said. It was a rumour. The raid that we picked Ivy up in, well they were talking about it. They said something about it getting destroyed and a lot of people died and its just a place left in ruins. Although then they started talking about the uprising, we havent done much in two years. Just jumped from town to town and trying to stay alive. If there is a place that has turned its back on the government surly we want to find it. They may have power and want I would give for a warm shower well its a lot. I know its a city around here and we normally say away from the walls. If just us eight go then we will be able to go in and out just to check.

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Im not coming Theo, I dont like the idea of raiding though. Camilla says and Seth looks at me before he says. Its going to take a few days to get to any of them though. So go to one, and then we come back for a few days and then go back. Theo nods his head and with that Seth picks up the sheets of paper and walks out the room. He just goes to ask for permission. I think if we get another four people, it should be enough. Luke nods his head. I found that my first impression of Luke was wrong. He wasnt that harsh and with the few conversations I had shared with him I had learnt that he tends to put that when he is in fighting mode. Out of all the boys he seems to be hurt the most in terms of trust. He was a nice guy who liked a little bit of fighting and violence. Nothing is really said until Seth comes back saying they think it is fine, he also says that because it is not the most dangers think in the world than Im allowed to come and they can bring some people who arent as well trained with us. Daniel and Oliver are both going to stay with Camilla as they dont want all the best fighters to be wondering around the wild and leave the town with very little protection. Theo says Jenny, and I know thats for my benefit. They choose another girl; she a good shot but her hand to hand is not as great. Then another other two are male, so Seth, Luke and Theo go and find them to tell them what is happening. Daniel and Oliver, along with Craig are sorting out the food. Camilla and I are left on our own and I sit on the sofa next to her chair and she says. Well have fun. By the way I have a question for you about my brother. Shoot. I say as I pull at my jumper than Im wearing before my eyes flicker up to Camellia before she says the words. Do you like him? I mean more than a friend. Just the way you guys act like, just little gestures makes me think that if this was the city you would be dating, but to you dont really have dating in here. I look at her knowing what she said but trying to find the question in those words. I shake my head before adding on. Feel like that is a rant more than anything else. I think I would if he didnt insult me every chance he got but at the moment it is a no. Really? she doesnt seem very convinced about the whole situation and I bite on my lower lip before I say the words. I dont see the point in lying so that is my answer. At that moment Theo comes back into the room and sits on the sofa. He ends up pushing me off the sofa and lying across it and Im standing there looking down at him. I dont take too much time before I sit on his stomach making him struggle to breathe. He tries to get me off and looks to his sister who shakes his head and goes out the room. As soon as the door closes he flips me by grabbing my legs and making me roll off the sofa. He holds my arms down, and his legs are either side of my body and his body his against mine and I can feel his heart beating a little fast than normal. Okay I guess you win. I say my eyes looking right in to his. I bite my lower lip and I dont even attempt to struggle from his grip. He leans in and presses his lips to mine.

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The gesture takes me off guard but I move my lips against his. His lips are soft, but at the same time they feel familiar. His weight from my body goes and I sit up placing my arms around his neck still kissing him. There nothing forced by this, it just sweet and simple with the passion increasing every second we stay like this. Its like we want to do this every second of every day since we lay our eyes on each other. I didnt think the kiss would look pretty, if anyone was to walk in because I knew it was rough. Im the one who pulls away and I look up and him and say. I just told your sister I didnt like you like that because you insult me far too much. I think I may have lied. He smiles by the comment but he says rather quietly. Well its only an insult because you choose to take it as an insult, He says pulling me to my feet and gives me a smirk before he sits down on the sofa. My eyes flicker over him before I sit down next to him. Okay sorry about saying you talk too much. Your voice is annoying; youre not pretty and well whatever else I have said to you thats kind of hurtful. That is kind of hurtful, dont you think? I say with a smirk and he rolls his eyes before saying. Fine hurtful, but you are really not that bad at least you do sarcasm which is more than anyone else does around here. I smiled by his words and I look at him before turning my body to face him and bite down on my lower lip and say. Now can we talk about what happened two seconds ago? Im a girl after all. I say smiling at him and he leans closer to me and I feel his breath against my skin. I look right at him and he says. No because your brother would kill me. I just had to do it otherwise I would go insane. Sorry. I am still a guy and I havent had sex in like a year so I was a little bit sexual frustrated. I shrug my shoulders and rest my head against him before closing my eyes. Theo was hard to understand, that was sure of but I didnt mind if it was just a kiss to him I didnt have any feelings towards him and I was fine with the friendship I had with him. I had only known him a matter of days and the way they lived would be hard to have any kind of relationship. I didnt mind if all he would ever be is a friend. He was opening up to me which am more than he has done to anyone else. I just wanted someone I could rely on they didnt have to be anything more than a friend. Theo was that and for now he was exactly want I needed.

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Chapter Six The next day I didnt train, as we were planning to look for new land the following day my brother told me that I should get a real feel for this type of living and I should watch people and learn everything I could about how they live now. Honestly I wasnt going to listen to him because I ended up in the field Theo had been training me in. Jenny found me when the sun was high in the sky, she had a few more cuts along her arms but I thought I would be better not to ask anything. Jenny was a nice person I could tell that almost at once; I didnt know why people were so positive because I wanted nothing more to complain about everything and everyone. The conversation between Jenny and I was very girly, there was something about her that I felt that I could talk to her about Theo, I didnt know why but honestly I just wanted to tell someone something. Theo had been running around my mind, in my dreams and while I sat here trying thinking about everything else, it was almost impossible. I had just gotten through about descripting the kiss and she didnt even seem to mind that I had gone into so much detail; she didnt mind that I was telling her more than I should. You clearly like him but Ivy I know I havent known you very long and well he may hurt you a lot. He doesnt seem to have a heart, Ive only seen known him crazy about one girl and that didnt end very well, My eyebrows went together and I was a litt le confused about what she was saying, I knew I had only known Theo for a short time and we didnt really talk about deep meaningful things, well on his part. I had told him every situation of me ending up in jail, there was something much darker in my past, something which I brought upon myself which I didnt even like thinking about and therefore the story behind that remained enclosed in my brain and wasnt something I would trust Theo would. He will tell you when you mean something to him. Its strange what words can do to you, how some bring so much joy, so much happiness and others feel as if a knife has gone through your heart and its ripping apart. I dont know why that hurt me so much, I didnt mean anything to Theo, which must be it. I shared an attraction with Theo, I knew that whether it was strong or weak I wasnt sure, but I knew I had that attraction. Attractions were always such a strange thing, I think it was harder for a teenager to know whether it was attraction or just the feelings of getting use to someone. I had been surrounded by guys my whole life and many of the girls were scarred of me at school. They didnt like the fact that I seem to have this army of guys around me. When I was growing up Seth meant everything to me and he had four best friends Declan, Jonah, Nathan and Peter, out the five of them I think only two of them were alive, but I couldnt be sure. I didnt follow their lives, I didnt show any interest in them because frankly my brother was the only one I seemed to care about them. All you need to know is, one of them was a traitor to my brother.

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I still had the bracelet on my arm, the one my brother made of me when I was nine years old but it seemed that everything from the words he told me as a kid didnt seem to be in place any more. It seemed that they had got in to the role of being a leader and everything they were fighting for seem to have been gone, I loved him but I wanted to fight. I wanted to make a difference to the world. I wanted it to go back to how it once was. I wanted to be able to visit other countries and see the world, seeing what it had become. I had a map in my room, not many people had one but my father was given one due to his role in the government and he gave it to me. It hands in the inside of my wardrobe, hidden from view and he and I were the only people who knew of its existence. I had stars on it, of every country I wanted to go. History had always been my favourite subject, the stories and what happened to the world is interesting. I had spent sixteen years living in a bubble, a bubble where I was told how to think and told what to do. I had spent every day of my life following the route that was already down before me and I think my first choice I made was the moment I decided to leave the walls of the city and run into the wild. I was now feeling true emotions, but they were mixed up. I had an attraction but how did I know that anything else could come from it. Theo, his name was four letters but honestly he was so much more than a name, I had heard stories about a boy called Theo even from inside the walls. At first meeting I didnt believe he was the Theo so many stories come from but I knew he was the moment he began throwing knifes at a bored. It was a dangerous thing having emotions for him but I didnt care about it because I knew it was too late. I most likely said too much. Jenny says breaking the awkward silence that was now between us. I guess it was my own fault for letting him get too close to me, Ive known him a matter of weeks yet Ive told him plenty of stuff nobody else knows. My life hasnt been greatest since Seth left and I guess I see more to Theo, I guess I want him to open up to me but that doesnt seem to be happening. I tell him my life story but he doesnt wish t o share anything else. Theo, Luke, Craig, and Seth are all very enclosed people. Daniel and Oliver maybe so awkward talking to but you can learn about them if you ask questions, their lives are not too complicated, they just didnt like where they were. Theo is the hardest to get to open up, no one knows where he was from because Camilla had said they moved after Theo left. She doesnt say what city they are from and thats because Theo doesnt want people to know. His past is clouded and the fact he told the reason he left is a step. Seth didnt say who his family are but everyone knew his life apart from the jail aspect of it, everyone knows h cares about you and he loves you more than anything else. Luke and Craig are both really nice but you just have to walk to them a little bit longer and they are more likely going to open up if they think they can trust you. Jenny thanks for telling me that. I hope we can be friends because you seem like such a nice person. You have such a heart to you. I say and she smiles, she may always seem to be happy but I think that was her dealing with living out her and thats why I didnt mind her.

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Jenny was a fighter and thats why I knew I was always going to get on with her better than Camilla. Well, let me tell you my story, She pauses, its not a long pause but long enough to make me curious of what she is going to say. Well I am seventeen and I left my city just after my fifteenth birthday. You see its not that anything bad happened to me, okay thats a lie. My father beat me, he hit me every day and he thought that I shouldnt have born. Told me every day of my life that I was a mistake and I was fine when it was just me, but then he hit my little sister and thats when I had enough. I killed him and it was on camera and therefore I ran before they caught me, I went through the city walls and ran, running into a guy called James. James is a friend of Seths and last year the group spilt in two as it was hard to maintain but he brought me in and therefore thats how I ended up in the world. I dont regret what I did, and I know my family are okay as I have watched them plenty of times. Every day I fight its for my mother and my sister. You are a lot braver than I could ever be. Its not so much as being brave its finding that one thing that keeps you going. I have been shot a few times but I just think about how much my mother and sister mean to me and I get back up and go again. I know there will be that day when I dont get back up and I will be dead but by then I know Ive done all that I can. The way she behaves is far beyond her years and I wouldnt have said she was seventeen I would put her mid-twenties because she knows who she is, and knows what she wants which is very unusual for someone of her age. The wild changes people and sometimes they make them stronger and this was what I was witnessing here and now. I guess my brother is the only one I had at the moment, thats worth fighting for. My family werent too please when my brother left I doubt they would have been too fond of me going as well, I say honestly to her and bite my lower lip before I mutter the words. Though he can fight better than me and therefore I guess Im the one hes fighting for. You can fight with him rather than for him. You are the type of person I expect to fall her, as in fall for and therefore you will fight for whoever that shall be, youll fight for friendship, your brother and love and that are three of things which I think you value beyond anything else. She had guessed me rather perfectly, although my parents and I had never seen eye to eye, family was something which I held rather close to me, my brother being at the top of that list. Friendship had always been a hard one, and even though Aaron was supposed to be the guy I loved, because I valued his friendship more than anything else about him. Being out him was making me learn how much people mean together, my brother had known this people for a long time and I was fitting in to there perfectly little friendship group which my heat on my sleeves and waiting to make some of the hardest things to do, fall, fight, and kill. Three words which will change my life, three words that will ensure that nothing ever stays the same.

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Today is the first day where I know that I need to stand up to what I believe it, fight for every single person who is here. I am not alone, which is something that I hadnt felt for the last seven years, I had friendships forming and that means a lot to me. Jenny and I stayed here until I felt hungry and we hugged one another before I go back to the house, seeing people running around and loud banging. I think that was one aspect which was taking me some time to get used to, that fact that I was living with a bunch of guys who were very laddish and I honestly believe that if they lived in the society we which to create they would be sleeping through girls like there is no tomorrow. I just wanted the world to go back to how it was, before the war that seemed to end everything, the war that ripped the world apart causing the need for cameras to monitor everyone and everything in this world. I loved the fact that I had freedom for the first time ever. I guess my mind just felt so lost and therefore I wasnt really sure what I wanted to do about my life, I went to bed early which was most likely a good thing because the following day my brother woke me up a little after the sun rise. Seth leads the way with Luke at his side, both of them have knives on their belts, which is placed around there middles, and a gun on their backs. Theo and I took the rear, Theo kept looking over his shoulder every few steps we took and the conversation between us wasnt all that there. When the sun was high up in the sky we decide to rest for a little bit. Seth and Theo stood away from the group looking around for anything and anyone that may attack us. It wasnt until we had packed the food up did anything unusual happen Theo and Seth were the first to react both their guns pointed in the way we were planning to go. Luke was soon to follow and everyone else but me and the other girl, who name Id learnt to be called Hannah. She was a little shy thing but Theo said she was one the best shooters so I was surprised she didnt hold her gun up. Well isnt this funny. The voice said walk through the trees and coming into view. As soon as we saw him Seth brought his gun down and I looked at him. He looked a lot more groomed than the rest of us. His clothes looked to be made of cotton and there was not a single cut on his face. He wore a pair of jeans and on the belt held a gun, but it wasnt a long one like we had it was a small one. His eyes flicker over the people and they stay on me a little longer than the others before he says. New person. Seth is the one to talk. Yep, my sister. Ivy. Ivy this is James, I believe Jenny told you that our group split in half, I nod my head, remembering the conversion I had shared with her the day before and my eyes flicker to Theo remembering the kiss. A kiss was such a strange thing and honest I just wanted to kiss him again, I didnt care our relationship would never get more than kissing, but honestly sexual frustration was not something that I dealt with well. Seth says to James. What you doing over here? Looking for you actually, been following your route for a few weeks now. Your plumbing hasnt got much better. If you have Luke doing it then I understand. James seem s to be a lot more relaxed than the rest of them. His blonde hair looked rather clean compared to

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everyone else here, actually compared to most people in the city, and I could see because the sun was reflecting off it. Well Im currently on a bet and at this rate it looks like Im going to have to do the pluming for the next place. No need, that what I actually was trying to find you about. You see one the cities around here was destroyed, when we got their only about fifty people were there or something which is pretty pitiful for a city meant for eight thousand. Anyways, sure the plumbing didnt work, the buildings were half broken but we found it not long after we parted and have been building it up for the last year and a bit. Every family have their own house, and you can double up if you want. We tend to use the centre of the city because then we are close together. We got the power working, solar and wind. Its just the base and well its only a six day walk to city number one. We just watch it now, because going in means you are going to end up dead. Why I say that is because the uprising is growing. Sure at the moment we only have a few hundred but thats what we do now. We go around finding people and taking them with us. I knew I needed to find you lot before we had a chance. Although its a good idea. City 228 is aware of the uprising. They want to get rid of it. I know about the place you speak of and I thought that we will be there for a few weeks and go because its not safe staying in one place. How is the security? And are the cameras gone? Seth states and I know from the tone from his voice that he has gone into command mode. All cameras go back to the government so we got rid of them all. We could be there by sundown. James replies with the same tone of voice that my brother seemed to us. Theo, Luke and Ivy you come with me and we go check it out. Guys can you go back and say we have seen James. Craig nods his head and they end up going the back we came and Seth shouts. Make sure you say who I have and whats happening. Craig turns around and raises his arm before the walk away. Why do you want me here? Because I am not letting you out of my sight. Thats why I let you come on this trip in the first place. Ivy you are not use to it so you might as well be with the strongest fighters. He walks ahead of me and I feel as if I am spending the whole time glaring at him. Seth talks to James the whole way there, with Luke jumping in the conversation every now and again. I hand back with Theo who spends the whole trip trying to keep my mind off what my brother has said. Seth hadnt seen me fight and I knew I wasnt as weak as he thought I was, but then again he sees me as nine. Something which I didnt like. A couple of times, Theo lets be hold on to him and he would pull me through the trees and the paths. When the sun is just dancing above the horizon thats when we come to a wall, or a broken wall. James leans the way and Theo takes the back supporting me so I dont trip over the uneven ground. We get in to the place and at first sight its very dark, what is left of t he buildings around block out the sun so we are left going through the shadows. I wasnt scarred of the dark but it was how these buildings looked that made me scarred, they made it look as if people were standing behind the windows, waiting for you to past so they could break your neck. The shapes of the roofs looked like peoples faces and hands, ready to grab you and

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break your neck. Then I see the light and I feel that my grip around Theo loosens up. He still holds my hand though, and Im glad my brother isnt looking. We follow James right in to the middle. People are standing in the streets talking, drinking, laughing and dancing. It felt so different from the home Id known. The people who passes would sometimes say hey to Seth, Theo and Luke, before they asked me my name, girls sending me death glares once they saw I was holding on to Theo and he didnt even mind. When we were right in the middle James opened the door of a glass building, there had been a similar one to the one where I lived, it was where my father worked, the mayor lived and all the important things were dealt with. It was also where all the screens for the city were kept, and looking past the empty rooms filled with screens it seemed this city had a similar layout. Theo drags me up the stairs, and my feet are begin to become a little swollen. I didnt like the idea that I had to carry so much food on my back either, as I could feel the straps digging in to my shoulders. James opens the largest door at the top of what seemed to have been an endless flight of stairs. The door is beautifully carved, with animals and flowers being made from the wood. James walks in and the room is filled with people, some are not much older than me, around my brothers age, others were in their forties, fifties. They must run the place like my brother and his friends do with their group. Theo lets go of my hand and I know that everyone looks around to see us. So look who I ran into today. Well them plus Seths little sister Ivy and for those who dont know them. Its Seth, Theo, and Luke and like I said Ivy. Theo was looking around the room and his eyes were going over the ceiling rather than anything else. I didnt know how long he had been in the wild, it wasnt a question I wanted to know because thats when he dad got away with murder, a subject I didnt want to talk about because I knew it hurt him ever so much. Seth, Luke, Theo welcome back to us. Ivy welcome to us. I smile at the man at the desk and he gestures us to come close. I stay behind Theo but before we reach the desk something catches Theos eye and he is holding his gun up and point right at someone. I couldnt see them but I knew I needed to make him think. Everyone in the room was staring at him and following the gun point. The man standing there was wearing a pale blue shirt and black trousers. His hair was the same shade as Theos and as I look between to two people me knew the same blood ran between them. Theo looked like a younger version; there was no doubt about it. I knew if I wait too long he will shoot. He hated his father with a burning passion. No one said anything, and I was the closet to Theo. I kicked him causing him to trip over and I grabbed his gun before slipping it over my shoulder just in time to pull Theo back, by this time Seth and Luke had notice and were holding both his arms. Violence is not the answer you cant just go and shoot someone. Theo turns to face me and says so only I, Luke and Seth can hear. Ivy I dont think you understand that he is my father and if I want to kill him I should be able to, He shouts the last bit out though. So give me my fucking gun back. This is why girls shouldnt be living in the wild they have too many fucking emotions and its all about friendship, its all about family and its all about love. Now Ivy I swear I will hurt you, if you dont give me my gun back so I can shoot the fucking bastard.

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You wont hurt her because you wont live long enough if you do. Seth snaps at him and James is the one who is confused and says. What the hell is going on? Theo I know you have anger problems but this is a little bit much even for you. Are you really just a blood thirsty killer now? That man is Theos father, I say and the man walks towards us. Theo tries even hard to get out of Seths and Lukes grip but the struggling just continues. The man looks at his son and Theo is just sending him death glares. Theo just calms the fuck down. He is not going to kill you because he is here and I doubt they will let a murderer in the mist unless he has proved that he is worth it. Theo relaxes a little bit and looks at me before saying. Youre right and sorry for threatening you and I promise you I am not going to hurt or kill my dad unless he does something to piss me off, other than exiting. Seth looks a little shocked by the statement but he lets go of Theo who doesnt move and I past him his gun back and he slips it over his shoulder. I think we should just put them in a house and hear what they have to say tomorrow. The man said. With that James leads us out the room and Seth walks at my pace and once we are out of ear shoot from Theo he says. How did you get him to give up? His dad should be dead by now. Look you try talking to the guy and youll be fine. You need to stop going between him being your best friends and then you hating him in the same minute. Like you should get on you are really similar and I dont like the whole over-protective brother thing. You havent been in my life for seven years and you have no right to have that over me. Okay I am sorry. Ivy I know you are sixteen but I dont want you to get hurt. You are my little sister after all now you and Theo. He wont do anything because of you. So there is nothing going on between us. I say honestly to him, we go right and thats when James opens a door and lets us in. We drop all the weapons on the kitchen table and James says there are three bedrooms, one twin, one single and one double. Luke and Seth take the twin, Theo has the single and I get the double. They say I being the girl mean that I should have the nice bit; the deal being is I am the last to shower the next day. I nodded my head and they smile by this. Thats when I went around the house looking for clothes; I found a huge amount in the double room and gave some to Seth and Luke before going to see Theo. He was sitting on the bed, and I knock on the door, he looks up and I say. Are you okay? he shakes his head before saying. I was eight when I ran away, coming up to eleven years now and thats the first time in all those years that I have seen him, I shut the door and walk over to sit down next to him. He doesnt look at me but just looks down at his hands. I told you why I ran but why did you follow your brother. I knew that if I stayed any longer I would be another girl to commit suicide, I hated my life because I had no freedom, everything I did or said was being monitored and now Im happy. The first time I have been in a long time. Its strange to say that because I dont have everything I did but I have freedom and thats whats important. Theo at least your dad is on the same side as you, my parents will either end up dead or in a jail cell whichever way this goes.
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I guess that is one way of looking at it. Right go and get some sleep I have somehow got to explain myself tomorrow. He kisses me on the forehead and says night and I stand up leaving the clothes on the bed and going back to the double room. I shut the door and slide off my clothes slipping on some shorts and a tank top, before turning the light off.

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Chapter Seven I was the last to have a shower that morning but I didnt care because seeing how the boys felt with the warm water made me laugh. I had only gone a few days most of them hadnt had a warm shower in years. So I didnt mind it. Also that by the time I got down the breakfast was ready. It was bacon and the boys were nearly done by the time I sat down in the only reminding seat which was next to Luke. Saying that I did have to wash up all the dishes and put them away, but I didnt mind. After we were all ready and once grabbing the weapons we walk back out the house. Theo walked with me and I knew it was because out the three other people I was the only person who would stop him from attacking his father. We walk back into the building and the man from yesterday seems to be waiting for us. Sorry we didnt have a proper hello yesterday, but Im George. I know the boys rather well and its nice to finally meet Seths sister, He shakes my hand and I smile. His eyes flicker to Theo. I see you havent changed. Why would I? Im fucking awesome. Whatever you say Theo. So what are figures at the moment? George opens the door and we walk into one of the many rooms filled with screens, but this one has some working and the screens look a little different front the ones in the other rooms. I notice that they are all showing outside the wall, I guess they did need to look who was coming in and out. Seth goes through the figures, saying how much food we have, how many people, how many families, how many people under the age of sixteen. I have to say I am pretty impressed that he knows this all by heart, yet he struggled with math. I dont know how long we stay there but it seems like a lifetime. Okay well we have plenty of room, and I hear it is only a day walk. Well if you all go back, two take the families and anyone younger than sixteen, in the first lot with some of your fighters. The next day meet about midday where James ran in to you and you can do that until everyone is here. I would expect two groups of people and then another group for supplies; I think your military should carry the supplies. Seth and Luke you are in charge of transport the people. Ivy and Theo you make sure you have all the clothes, books, weapons than you need. I think it would be better if you go now. Luke and Seth I will see you tomorrow. With that we all stand up and depart for the road. The day seems to go rather fast, and we get back to town just as the sun has disappear, leaving a very faint light in the air. Everyone seems to be outside around a huge bonfire, the head of this group along with Craig are talking to the crown. I still didnt know the othe r guy name but names were not the important thing. We walk over and Seth says in a loud voice. Im not sure what you have been told but we have some very good news, and some not so good news. The good news is that we will be leaving this place over the next few days and moving to a city, I know what you are thinking but this city has no ties to the government and the other half of us are all living there. It is a place with power, hot water and plenty of food but if you do come you are expected to work to have your keep as power and water does not just appear. The bad news is, city 228 knows about this place and well we are expecting to go in to combat with them. Everyone capable of fighting will, anyone between the ages of eighteen and thirty will have to fight, unless you have children, or you look after the young or we really feel that you should be doing something else. Sixteen & seventeen year olds its down to you and you alone if you want to train or not. Same with people between the ages of thirty and forty. Families and anyone under sixteen will leave tomorrow along with Luke and

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I, and some of our military. The rest of you will be brought by Theo and Ivy to meet myself and Luke before we take you to the city. Anyone who does not come on the first trip and is part of the military you will stay around here and will collect anything and everything that you think is important. You may all return to your houses because that is all. The next day my brother, Luke, Craig, and Camilla were the ones leaving, both Daniel and Oliver were not in the house because they were put on watch, a job which they didnt normally do unless they had to but because half of the fighters would no longer be there, they wanted someone with good shooting ability. They had a little sleep during the day before they took the night watch. Theo and I were just going around checking that the people for the next day of travel were all here and ready for an early morning start at sun rise. Most the people going on this trip were the young adults, plus the ones who kept the peace between everyone, there were a few military, which would include Daniel and Oliver but they would come back with s the following day so we could pack up the supplies. The sun had just gone down and Theo and I were sitting on the sofa, my head was rested on his shoulder and he had his arm wrapped around me gently. I could hear, or at least feel his heart beat and it was this moment that I noticed how tired my body was. I had walked more than I had never walked before in such a small space of time. I feel my body is heavy but I didnt have the energy to move. So I stay lying on Theo waiting for him to say something that would cause me to have to get off him, but he didnt seem to mind because as we talked his hands went through my hair and I kept throwing looks at him and he was wearing a smile the whole time. When the dark came we didnt set up the lights, but I did sit up because I couldnt see Theo. My body was turned towards him and due to the fact I was so close I could feel his breath against my skin and he held my hand. I knew what Craig and Camilla had been saying. I wasnt this touchy feely with Aaron and he had been my boyfriend yet I let Theo hold my hand, hold me close and kiss me without words between us said. I didnt know why but then again when its just you and the wild your emotion looks higher than they actually are, we are in a middle of a war, the fighting may not have started but the planning on both sides had. Yet he I was letting Theo get under my skin. His lips brush over mine, again its not forced it just feels safe and nice and sweet and perfect. My cheeks flush with color and I feel Theo places his hands around my waist pulling me closer to his body. My hand is over is heart and I notice that my kissing is speeding up as his heart gets a little faster. We didnt need to talk and we didnt need to kiss but we had spent the day talking and spent the evening kissing. Its when I could forget about everything wrong on this planet and have all my attention on Theo. Kissing him seem to make my mind fuzzy, something Aaron had never tone. Theo, once breaking apart let me in a state of confusion and my breathing heavy before he kisses me on the nose and mutters the words. I think we need to get some rest. I nod my head and he kisses me between the eyes before I slide off his lap. His hand takes mine and he pulls me in, for a brush of the lips before he drags me up the stairs. I notice how scary the house feels with no one but our selves here. Theo pulls away from me, heading across the room but I pull him back. This is going to make me seem winy but do you mind if we share a room. Its just I find it kind of scary here and I dont like it very much, you see. He smirks and kisses me, just a little one before he mutters against my lips.

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If you wanted to sleep with me, you just have to ask, Im glad that I couldnt see him very well because I knew he would be wearing a smirk. Fine Ill just get change and Ill come in, He says kissing my forehead and disappearing. I feel my way to the door and open it before I trip over one the lights and I turn it on. Camilla has some clothes out for me and I dont wait before pulling them on. Theo comes back in the room, wearing some lose pans and a white top and he looks a little disappointed. Damn it I was hoping you were still getting changed, I throw a pillow at him and he catches it before it hits him and walks around the bed, giving me the pillow and I smile at him. Youre a girl and I didnt expect you to ta ke forever to get change. Like my sister does. I glare at him and I say to him. Okay so is the room you share with my brother a mess, He nods his head and I say. Okay so thats a stereotype but not all of them are true. Like you are not pretty but I dont mind hanging out with you and doing this, He says pressing his lips gently over mine and I feel the smile on my face as my eyes flicker over him and feel the color in my cheeks. Dont go for looks because they get worst as you get older the person themselves is the important part. I thought those words were sweet and I didnt know what to say other than return his words with a smile. I look at him and stand on my tip toes putting my arms around his neck. I know he thinks Im going to kiss him, but I dont I just say. That was almost nice. Anyways we have a hell lot of walking tomorrow so lets get some sleep. You can take your sisters bed or he sits on my bed and pulls me down with him and kisses me on the forehead. He leans over turning off the light and I slide under the covers, feeling him put his arms around me, pulling me close to his body and our eyes close, but our noses touch as we slowly fall asleep. My dreams were filled of home, Theo and everything I thought was right before I met him. I knew that my life had one way before my brother came back for me. It was to live life, go to school, study a career, get married, have children and watch them do the same thing before you die. Theo didnt know that life because he had run away, his father, the same man he saw yesterday got away with murder. Murder was one of the most unaccepted things in society and therefore I found it rather strange he got away with it. There was a story behind it, but I honestly believe that Theo didnt know. I knew we were close and I felt that I could trust him a hell of a lot but there was something that made me nervous around him, it wasnt the fact that I was developing feelings for him but it was something about him that made me think that he is hiding his real self because he is scarred of what it could be. He has anger problems, thats clear and I knew that if he had stayed in society he would most likely be dead or in a mental hospital, thought to be unstable, but he tones himself back and I didnt know why. My mind was racing and my dreams made me wake up, missing my home something which I didnt think I would ever feel because society was crumbling and the people in those walls didnt even know. When I woke the next day its not because my body felt that it had enough sleep, it woke because I heard banging, screaming and gun shots. Before my mind had notice those sounds I saw Theo was already up pulling on a shirt on and throwing a green dress in my direction. I didnt care that I went down to my underwear in front of him because I was in the state of panic. I was passed a gun and a knife and Theo told me to follow. We walk down the

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stairs and he opens the door, I see Jenny and Hannah, both are hiding behind some rubble and shooting through holds and a forces of thirty men, with protection causing the bullets to knock them off. I saw the bodies on the floor, blood from both sides and Theo took my hand and began shooting before we end up next to Hannah. How long? Just got here, Daniel spotted them and gave me a warning, we were just about to get you but it seems you heard. Had the closest house, Im glad that most the people here can at least shoot but we have lost Oliver. Jenny says and Theo looks a little pissed off by this and he bangs the gun against his head and he looks at me and says. Ivy dont leave my sight, you brother would kill me if anything happened to you and well honestly I think I would kill myself if you ended up dead. I was shocked by his words and he took my hand and we ran across hearing the guns shooting. Theo pushed me in doorway and he goes around the door and is shooting. Thats when I hear my name. I look around and see Aaron standing here point a gun to me. Theo sees him and says. You shoot you die. I gathered that. Aaron puts his gun down and holds his arms up walking over to me. Theo is still pointing a gun at Aaron but I put my hand over the gun and look at him before I say. Thats Aaron, Theo puts the gun down and I pull Aaron in the room and say. You are actually with them. You realize that the food is spiked and makes us tell the truth. My brother picked me up and well I couldnt say no. Im sorry, He shakes his head and I say. Aaron, please choose the right side for me. I say. I knew Aaron like me more than I liked him. So I just hoped that it would work. But my dad, my mum I mean your parents are in jail Ivy. I dont want that to happen to mine. I know you are not close to yours but I am. So Im not turning my back on them or the government Ivy I am really sorry. Thats when a huge amount of pain hits my shoulder and I crumple down, I didnt know why my shoulder was hurting, but both Theo and Aaron were around me. Theo supported me in a sitting position. He ripped the bottom of his shirt and presses it hard against my shoulder. Aaron you need to get her out of here. I dont care what side you are on but if you care about her enough you are going to get her out of here. If you take her back home the next time I see you will put a bullet through your head and her brother would be on my side he wants to kill you a hell lot more than I do. I heard those words but there was so much pain going through my shoulder than I didnt know what the hell was happening. When we did stop Aaron placed me on the ground and I feel tears falling down my face. Aaron pulls out a knife and says. This is going to hurt, but I need to get this bullet out. He puts the cloth in my mouth and tells me to bite down. I feel the knife piece my skin and I feel a moan come out my throat. Aaron kisses me in-between my eyes trying to calm me down. He pulls out the bullet and Im trying not to scream. I see the bullet in his hand and his slips it in to his pocket. He takes off the bullet proof vest and then his jacket before he wraps it around my shoulder. I was still crying and I still wanted to scream, the pain was almost unbearable. The cloth came out my
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mouth and I just whimpered, not sure what to say. I saw Theo run over to me and he holds my face and says. Jenny is dead, but it seems that everyone still alive has fled now. Aaron I dont care if you are against us or not but I want you to help me carry Ivy. Aaron doesnt say anything against and helps me stand up. I rest my weight against Aaron but Theo is the one who supports me around my waist and we walk. Im not sure how long we walk before I see people I recognised. As soon as we come in to view a gun is pointed at Aaron, Theo shouts about him being okay for the moment. Seth is standing there and he runs over as soon as he sees me and takes me away from the two boys. What the hell happened? I got shot, I think thats clear. Aaron got the bullet out though, My brother mutters thanks but he tells Luke to tie him up, something which Aaron expected because he holds his hands behind his back and they are tied. He wasnt the only one against us who was there, I could see at least six other people with them being tied to tress. Theo says close to me and I look to him but he doesnt say anything. Seth it hurts so can you stop pulling me , I say and Seth mutters sorry. You need to lead, Theo can take my weight. Seth looks at him and Theo nods and lets is support myself on him and he supports me by putting his hand on my waist. We walk slightly slower than my brother, Luke, Daniel and Craig but we stay behind them and Hannah is limping behind me, she looks a little upset and I didnt know her but it was clear Jenny and her were good friends. Aaron had two people holding him, as did the other six so they didnt break out. Every time I saw Aaron he seemed to be glaring in my direction. Theo kept a slow pace and kept talking to me just to take my mind off my shoulder. It had gone dark by the time we got to the walls. Aaron and everyone else tied up were taken to the cells and I went right to the hospital where they were going to clean my shoulder. It hurt a lot, I keep crying and screaming and I bite down on my lower lip so hard that blood began to pour out of it. Seth and Theo was the first person to come see me when visitors were allowed. I was lying on the white sheets with a white sling on, preventing my shoulder from moving; they had given me so much pain medicine that I didnt even notice that it was in any sort of pain what so ever. What happened? I saw Aaron, and thought if I talked to him maybe he would switch sides. He wont because of his parents. Mom and dad are in jail, I think thats better than I thought would happen. If we win, we can let them out, Seth says and turns to Theo before saying. Thanks. I know I havent seen you as a friend since Ivy got here but you pulled through and looked after her even if she did have a bullet go through her. I just need to go and announce the dead. With that Seth left and Theo moved down seat before saying my hand that belongs to the good shoulder. He put his lips to my hand and I feel his touch brush gently across them.

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I can tell you want thing, it seems everyone thinks we are together. So I would like to ask you rather than to just not sure where we stand. So not sure I can ask you to be my girlfriend because frankly dating seems kind of weird. Theo I want to say yes, but with Aaron here I should go and talk to him at least. Theo nods his head but that didnt stop him from leaning over and pressing his lips to mine for a small a simply but ever so sweet kiss. I would have expected it to last longer but there was a cough and I look up to see Craig and Camilla there. I guess letting them have a house to themselves for a night really does change t hings. We thought we see you to cheer you up but I guess that isnt needed. Saying that I do need to take Theo away. Theo kisses me on my temple before he walks away with Craig. Camilla takes the seat that Theo had just a few seconds ago and Im kin fog glad Im not left on my own, even though she began to ask me every question she could think of. Camilla and Theo didnt act like brother and sister in the way Seth and I did. She didnt want details, so that part of the brother sister relationship was there but she was still asking everything and anything. Though once she asked me about all she could she joked about sex, knowing we hadnt had it yet and said she loves kids and she would be an epic aunt but knowing the two of us, she doesnt want to be the one looking after the kid. Camilla then went to go and talk about her dad. I was kind of glad but I knew the real reason was she wanted me to get Theo on good terms on him. A lifetime seems to pass before Theo and my brother came back. They both looked rather annoyed, and so Camilla moved a seat down to let my brother take it, Theo taking the other side. I look to Theo before my brother and sit up slightly and knowing the pain medicine is doing its job. Marcus is dead; no one wanted to tell me, Theo said and I look a little confused. He was head of our little group along with Seth, he was like a father for me, I knew him ten years and he brought me up. They thought I would snap. I did but thats not the point , There is a long pause and Theo just buries his head in his hands. Sure he was going to make Seth go down for treason at one point but he saw the truth. God why does he have to be dead. Thats Oliver and him, life freaking sucks. I put my good arm around Theos shoulder and let him rest his head against me. It felt like this embrace was rather strange but I let him lean against me. I didnt like seeing him like this and so a hug is bound to make most people feel better. Nothing was said for a very long time. We all sat there was are thoughts, Seth stands up and says. Ive got a few errors to do. Theo when Ivy falls asleep come and finds me and I dont want you going straight in to action now that Marcus is gone. Theo just nods his head and looking at him I know he is fighting the tears. Camilla leaves soon after and Theo is trying not to cry but I know he wants to. I move over a little bit and let him push himself on to the bed. He puts his arm around my middle and kisses me on my lips. I feel the tears coming from his eyes as our kiss deepeners as we lay here our lips moving together. It felt safe, and it want I wanted at the moment. I knew I was becoming the type of person who needed Theo but I got shoot today and Theo lost the person he saw as a father, whether he was going to say it or not. When I do fall asleep I am still wrapped around Theo, but when I wake I know he is no longer there.

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Chapter Eight The next day, the doctors stated that I could leave, and Theo took me back to a house. It turns out Camilla had moved in with their father, while Seth and Theo were sharing a house. I was given the main room because both boys wanted me to recover without having to worry about me sliding out the bed. Theo said that clothes, pain medicine, shampoo, and anything else a girl needed. I sat on the bed, Theo took a sit next to me and I felt my body weak so all I did was curl up to him and rest my head on his chest. His heart was slow and steady, he held his arm around my waist and out faces were so close, his lips brush over my lips a few times every minute. Thats when a knock on the door spoilt the moment. Theo went to open it and Seth stood there passing him a small bottle and muttering something before leaving. I knew Seth wanted to punch Theo every chance he got but at the moment he hadnt. Theo came back over and I sit up looking at the bottle. I knew what it was, it was skin re-growth, every city had a huge amount of it but here I think they were spending the time figuring out what was in it. Theo is very careful taking my arm out the sling. It wasnt so the sling was doing much for the arm, but it was stopping me from moving my shoulder. Theo pauses when he notices the type of top Im wearing, its a high v neck and there is no way he could get to my shoulder without causing a lot of pain. He slips the sleeve down my arm before he pulls it over my head to look at my shoulder. Sitting here topless wasnt strange but I had never been the kind of person to hide myself, Theos eyes kept going down but he use my top to dab on the medicine. It burns and made me flinch with pain as soon as the liquid touches my skin. Theo just spread it across my shoulder and I know its work. Im not allowed anything on it for the next ten minute and although the skin will be fixed I wont be able to use it normally for another week, it just spends up the whole thing. Im a guy and I find this oddly uncomfortable, I smile by the words, careful not to let my shoulder gaze him as I kiss him. Though that makes me feel a little better, He leans in to kiss me but I put my first finger over his lips before smiling at him and putting my lips to the same finger. You are tease. You clearly dont know about the fact that when two people are together its the girl who controls everything in terms of sex and sexual activity. Theo tries to go around my finger to kiss me but fails as I fall back on the bed. My shoulder is still stinging but Theo is distracting me so I dont think about it too much. Oh really because it seems youre the one without a top, With those words I let my fingers go under his shirt and I rip it off him. As soon as the shirt had broken from his body Theo begins to kiss me. He is perched above my body, with a hand by either side of my head and I kiss him back and move my good arm down his chest. I hadnt seen him topless before but I knew he had muscles and he did his best not to disappoint. Its over ten minutes we keep this up because although my shoulder is no longer stinging a numb pain is going through it and I wedge Theo over pushing him away from me. Theo rolls over so hes on his side and kissing me on the nose before saying. Did I hurt you? I shake my head and mutter against my lips before pressing mine to his.

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No my shoulder just went numb. When we break apart from out kiss Theo sits up and pulls me up. His eyes go to my shoulder and I feel him brush his fingers over them. I didnt feel pain but I could feel his touch I smile at him and Theo, puts his hand on my waist and we kiss again. This time we get interrupted by a voice. We did have a room before you came in, as anyone heard of knocking. I snap at him, I didnt mean it to sound so harsh but I guess living with a house full of boys I was never going to get the alone time that I needed. I was a girl who was sixteen and had far too many emotions and therefore I wanted to have the time when it was just me and Theo and that seemed as if it was never going to happen. Luke just smiles by my comment. First impressions never leave but frankly I had got that totally wrong. Luke wasnt a bad guy he just wasnt very good at trust, none of these boys seemed to be very good a trusting. I see his eyes flicker to my shoulder and he says. Shoulder looks better. I stand up and pull my top on before pulling one out for Theo and he does the same. We had some skin re-growth. Still cant use it for another week though, so no lifting no fighting or anything so that pretty much puts me as useless. By the way you may want to lock the door next time, Seth would kill you Theo and you know that you would both end up dead if you were to fight against each other. Luke says like there has already been words said about the whole situation. I did get the vibe that my brother didnt like the idea of Theo and I together but I knew that would come with time. Time was such a strange thing but sometimes it was a good thing and maybe with time this messed up world would get better. I know. Ivy, you should go and talk to Aaron This confused me but Theo took my hand and we walk down the stairs and out the house. It wasnt a very long walk, our house being in the centre and the cells not being too far off the middle. When we get to the cells we have to fill in some forms, it turns out that because Aaron is a prison of war you have to be a certain rank to be able to see him. Theo has the rank and because the rule of families can know, I hold a rank due to my brother. We pass them back across and the guard reads them before opening the gate and letting us in to the cells. My eyes flicker over them all, most of them are empty. I see Aaron, he has his back to the cell door and is throwing a ball against the wall and I look to Theo, who holds back a little. I tap Aaron on the shoulder and he turns around and smiles when he sees me. Hey Ivy see your shoulder is better, He looks to Theo and I see his face fall but say. Its Theo right? Theo nods his head and I bend down so Im the same level as Aaron and Im looking at his face while sitting on my knees. Aaron sounds happy and I wanted to smile at that but I guess that the whole situation was hard. You wont be allowed out until this is over, He nods his head and I say in no more than a whisper. I wanted to talk to you about something. You are with Theo I gather. Come on Im not blind and Im not dumb. You broke up with me pretty much the day you followed your brother. Sure I expected it to be longer than a week so thats the bit that hurts but I was never going to be good enough for you. Sure I have the honest but I dont have much more, Im a rule follower and youve never been that t ype of

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girl. Just promise me one thing, I nod my head. Try and come see me every few days its bloody boring down here, and book would be good. Also, I met you brother he seems nice, not, I smile by those words and let out a giggle. Is he always like th at? God I felt like he was going to kill me on the spot, though I got a thanks so it wasnt all that bad. He just spent like twenty minutes insulting me. That wasnt the nicest thing in the world. He means good but Aaron, Seth has been in the wild for the last seven years, he doesnt know how to control himself very well. He is a dick a lot of them time but he means good. Anyways Ive got to go and Ill bring you book or something next time. He smiles at me and I walk to Theo and he takes my hand and we walk off and out the building. He doesnt seem to bad maybe I miss judged him. His lips touch mine and I feel a smile come on to my face and he puts his arms on my waist. I didnt think Theo would ever say those words; Aaron and Theo were very different people. Aaron was the rule follower. Theo was the rule breaker. Aaron was sweet and would tell me Im pretty, while Theo was more likely to insult me than anything else. I guess I couldnt get much different from Aaron, but honestly Theo is what I needed at the moment. I had a strong attraction for him and I now was able to act upon that feeling. Hes not a bad guy, its just he doesnt want to go against the law. He is too good for his own good. He would rather be on the wrong side and follow laws than be on the right side that is against. He fine being in the jail cell because it means he doesnt have to choose and we both know that it wouldnt be this side. He just a rule follower and he guessed that we were together but we were going to break up at the end of the summer anyway. I say and Theo nods his head but I dont know if he agrees with the words I have said. I have this feeling that Aaron may like Theo at one point in time but it wont be the other way around. Theo cant have someone switching sides as a friend; I knew he had some trust issues. I think thats why he couldnt deal with seeing his father after such a long time. Okay come on we have to go to the main building and sort out the military and everything. He smiles at me and takes my hand before we walk to the building at the end of the street. We walk into the building stating our names and then being taken to the same room as the one Theo saw his father. In the room there is a long table containing six people, including James and George and Theos father, who name I still have yet to learn. Camilla is sat next to Daniel on the front row with Luke on the other side. My brother is standing up with Craig next to him, and Theo is just staring at his father. I take his hand and slip in the seat behind Camilla, there must be about thirty people in the room but I dont really pay attention. George begins to ask questions and my brother answers them, and then I hear my name followed by Theos I look up. I hear both of you went to go and see a prisoner, may I ask why? I didnt like how he addressed me, I felt as if he was talking down to me like I was just a little girl who didnt mean anything. The tone of his voice was rather sharp and I felt as it was slightly threatening. Aaron is his name. Sure he is a prisoner but it doesnt make him a bad person. I mean you must know the crimes of everyone on your table. I say and stand up so I can see them a little better. George eyes are one me and he doesnt seem very happy about the words Im saying. Miss Dillaway is there a reason you feel the need to disrespect me.

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Respect is not a thing that you automatically have just because you have the age; its something which needs to be earned. What makes what you are doing anything different from what you are fighting against? Just because there are no cameras, that doesnt make it different, the society still lives in fear whether you know it or not. You cant just go around killing people without being seen as the same. You know this is going to end in d eath. I dont know how long youve been out of society but the way you seem to be running things is not much different. Ivy you are a firework waiting to burst. I see you are better. Now what city did you come from again? 228, I say and George looks at some paper on his desk and I say. Yes its the one that did the shooting the other day, and no I didnt tell them where to go but I honestly think you see to find some more people, there will be loads and loads who have turned their back. You just dont bother finding them because you are selfish. Every human is selfish, do you think I would take a bullet for anyone, of course not because my life is the most important thing. George my brother left seven years ago and two years ago I was given a letter saying the word uprising. In those two years nothing has happened. You understand that your idea of an uprising is just an idea. I know everyone in the room is staring at me, I feel the eyes going over me and I slide out the row and walk to the desk. I see a map of city 228 and notice a few things are wrong. I take the pen and scribble out a section before placing it just below the mayors house. Is that right? its one the only places that doesnt have any cameras and goes right into the back of the Mayors house which hold cameras at the front, but not in. I use to sneak in every so often because I know pretty much all the blind spots in the city. The rank may not be low but you can get around the whole city without being seen. I take the red marker, and I draw xs on the blind spots I then use the blue to show that its hard to see in the dark, but still have cameras, I write this down and George looks at it and says. We are missing a seat for this operation due to Marcus and it seems that you are a bright girl and maybe you would want to be the twelve member of the council. I was a little taken aback by what he had said but I nod my head. But may I ask who the others are that make up the six. Your brother is a member of course, along with Luke and Theo for the military operation, and then Damon and Carla. He says pointing to two people I recognized but only just. They had been in the old house when people thought Seth as a traitor. Carla must be in her thirties, but she looked a little on the scary side. Her hair was thick and hands are dark curls around her shoulder to match her dark skin that made her look young and fresh. Jason looked even older, his hair thinning on the top and it was turning from black to Grey, he had tanned lines on his arms, but his face looked a little too pale compared to the rest of his skin. But you need to make sure your plan is good because honestly I dont want to see any more blood spilt. George smiles at me and I go back and sit down next to Theo who takes my hand between the two seats.

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I let the conversation go over my hand as I stayed next to Theo, holding his hand, once everyone was cleared Theo still held my hand but I stopped him from leaving the room. Camilla was talking to her father and I looked at him and Theo groans before pulling me over to him. Theo glares down at his father and doesnt say anything so I go to shake his hand and say. Im Ivy its nice to meet you. Jonathan. You have a lot of opinions for such a young girl. When you spend sixteen years being told what to think and little bit of freedom goes to the head. Theo you should at least try and be nice. I say turning my attention to him. He flickers his eyes so they are now on me and I hold his glare and he looks back to his father and simply says. Why? I couldnt give you an answer because I have no clue and as soon as you left, I knew I had lost you because frankly why would anyone want to be related to a murder. It wasnt that you killed him, its that you got away with it. This surprised me; I though Theo would be against cold blooded murder and now I was seeing that there was another side to him, a side which I seemed to want to get closer to. He had so many walls up and I just wanted to break down one at the time. He was thought to be committing treason and I was the one sent to kill him. Theodore I dont really want to talk about this in the open, why dont you can Ivy comes around to mine in about an hour and Ill answer any question that you want to know. Theo nods his head and takes my hand before dragging me out the room and building. He doesnt say anything until we are entering my room and he falls on the bed and says. You suck Ivy. What now? And dont you think that is a rude way of asking. I say and he sits up before rolling his eyes and pulling me down next to him. I lay on my side, my eyes flickering over him and he kisses me on my nose before saying. You love your innuendos. I nod my head and he places his arms around my waist and touches his lips to my cheek before saying. You dont have to come, you know I know but as you cant meet my parents as they are in a cell then I should try and get on with your dad. I say and he smiles before kissing me again. Your parents are in a cell right? I nod my head and there is a long pause between us. Im supposed to look after you for the next week while you recover and I should get you to practice knife throwing, There is another pause while I just look at him confused by what he is trying to get at. I would like to sneak in again.

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Chapter Nine I made Theo put a shirt on, when we were getting ready to have dinner with his father. He wasnt happy about the whole idea, but he was making an effort. I wore a pale blue dress, and I got Theo is a white shirt, with dark blue strips, he really wasnt very happy about it but held my hand and kept his mouth shut. I knock on the door and Camilla is the one who opens it, she smiles at me before sending a glare at Theo, opening the door and letting us in. I still hold Theos hand pulling him after me. We follow Camilla into the sitting room and their father is sat on a chair reading a book. He smiles when he sees us both. He hands up to shake Theos hand but he stare at it before saying. We share blood, nothing else, I look towards him and his eyes flicker back to me and he knows he has hurt me and pulls me into a hug and says. Look I know your parents are in jail and I still have one parents out here but that doesnt mean anything to me. A parent is someone looks after you and Marcus is the only one who ever did that. He shares blood but doesnt make me want to like him. With that he walks out the room and I hear the door slam, making me jump. I look toward Jonathan and Im about to open my mouth when he says. Ivy there is no need for you to apologize. He seems to have inherited my t emper. Just go and calm him down and if you dont come back its nice to know that my son has someone like you in his life. I smile by his words and run out the house, finding Theo around the corner throwing knife at a wall. I look at him and cough. He turns around and says. So come to get me back in the house, not going to happen Ivy. Have you ever thought that the reason you dont get on with your dad is because you clash from being so similar. I didnt expect the next action to happen. Theo pushed m e against the wall banging my head against it and held a knife to my throat. Ivy I dont want to hurt you but if you dare compare me to the low life ever again I will. I looked at him, terrified and unsure what to say. Theo let go. My eyes flicker to Seth who is pointing a gun at Theo and he does as he is told before muttering sorry to me and leaving me to look at my brother. I let him wrap his arms around me and he pulls me close to his body and says. Are you okay? He really doesnt like his dad. I say and Seth wipes the tear from my face and I look at him. I am an idiot. Ivy you are not, just Theo can do that to people but he can also snap and make them hate themselves. I said if he hurt you I will kill him, so just let him calm down and he will come crawling back. Lets take you home. I walk with my brother back to our house and I return to my room to have a lie down, Im not sure how long Im asleep before Im being woken up. I roll over and come face to face with Theo. He is covered in blood but he doesnt seem to be bothered by that. I look at him and he says. Hunting before you say anything, its animal blood, I just felt kind of shit about how I treated you.

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You know my brother would want to kill you. Theo pulls up his shirt and I see a fresh knife cut on the side of his body. I move over on the bed and pat him to sit down next to me before I got get some cloths. I take his shirt off and being cleaning the won before I use the last of the skin re-growth and rest my head against his shoulder before snuggling down next to him. You are an idiot. I know. He says pressing him lips to mine. God this stuff really hurts. I smile and put my hand on his chest letting my fingers run over the many scars he has. The one my brother gave him has nearly healed but I know a scar will be left there. I kiss him on his lips, gently and he smiles at me pulling me close to his body. Sorry for my bad behaviour its just I hate being compared to him. I didnt mark you. A bit of blood on my head, but that was just re-opening from the cream indent from a few days ago. Sorry. I feel pretty shit about the whole thing, but Ive never done well with my anger. I kiss him on his lips and wrap my arms around him and our lips move together, its not just a small sweet one because our lips move with such forces against each other that I felt as if he was going to rip me apart. I didnt mind the feeling but our lips moved at a very fast pace and the whole experience was rather fast. Well at least its only one of you who are shirtless this time. I pull away from Theo and groan when I see Luke. I need to get a lock on that door, or you need to learn some manners and knock. I snap at him and he just shrugs his shoulders and says. Oh well, better me than Seth. Anyways Seth wants to speak with you Theo but he is currently cooking so sent me up. Theo kisses me on the forehead before following Luke out the room and shutting the door. I slide out the bed and decided to get change due to the fact my clothes now have blood on them. I strip off my dress and put it in the corner before going to get a pair of shorts. I slide on my shorts just as the door opens and I come to face Craig. Do you guys ever knock? I mean for god sake, I am getting changed. Im gay. I look at him a little shocked by this. Im open about it just it didnt come up in a conversation with you yet. So I am really not bothered about you get change in front of me. That doesnt turn me on or anything. Anyways Theo said something about your head opening again, let me have a look. I sit on the bed still stunned by his comment. Craig pulls my hair back and I feel his touch the cut a bit. There are only a few drops of the growth medicine left but Craig managers to get it out before making my head sting. Thank you and you are not lying? Theo has a death wish by chasing after you. I dont and therefore Seth wont care because he knows I am gay. You saw what your brother did to him. I nod my head. If he broke you and made you cry for him, Theo would end up dead. He knows he has to be careful and honestly I dont think he will mean to hurt you but he still has an anger problem. Craig leaves the room and I pull on a white tank top before sitting on the bed. Theo comes back into the room with another shirt on and sits down next to me before passing me a plate of food. Its chicken in some sort of sauce. I sit against my head bored, with Theos arm around my waist and I eat. We dont talk to each other but we dont need to.
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I fall asleep in Theos arms but when I wake he is no longer there. I guess thats understandable we had just got together and although we were kissing, that was it. We werent going to rush anything because we were in an unusual situation and I knew that we didnt want to just screw me over because my brother surly wouldnt be happy about that. I stand up and my fingers fine a pair of shorts and a lose top with a pair of boots, I knew it was very cowgirl, not that I have ever seen one, movies werent made any more, but books and stories were still told but you would never see the authors who wrote those magically tales. TV shows did come around, most cities had at least one, and it would be broadcasted cross the country but you would only ever see the stars your city produced. When I pull a top over my hand the door opens and I see Theo standing there, with a gun on his back and knifes around his waist. He is wearing a thick jacket and a pair of low hanging jeans, I open my mouth to talk but he walks over and puts his lips to mine giving me a quick kiss before he mutters against them. So how would you like to break your parents out of prison? I smile by these words. Look I am bored as hell and Seth is not letting me do anything and I thought we have the house to our self we could very easily sneak off and pretend we are going hurting or something. are you sure that would work? Thought the number one rule about a relationship is Im supposed to meet your parents. I look at him ready to laugh at his words and he kisses me and he says. I know its a risk so I told Luke and if we are not back tomorrow he is going to come at get us. Sure, just dont do the alpha male thing in front of them. My father wont appreciate it and due to the fact he had a government position Im not sure they will side with us to easily. Its fine they will have to be monitored for a while. Just so we know they are safe. If we leave now we will get there at sunset and well then we can sneak in. I got this for you. He says pulling out a small gun and a belt. He wraps the belt around my waist and he slips a gun and a few knifes on to it before pressing his lips to mine and I smile at him. Okay because I dont want them to be harmed. Great, anyone asks Im hurting and you are watching and then Im going to help you with the knife throwing, I smile at him and let his lips press to mine and kiss him gently and wrap my arms around his neck standing on my tip toes as I look right into his eyes. I bite down on my lower lip and he says. You know that really turns me on when you do that. He says in no more than a whisper as his lips take mine once more. This kiss was a little deeper than our others but I felt as if we really wanted me. I didnt know time because it wasnt important and so I dont know how long past from when Theo broke apart from me before putting his lips on my forehead and taking me out the room and down the stairs. We walk through the small streets with Theos hand in mine and I look around and see people laughing and enjoying their lives, they say hi to us as we past but they dont ask we were doing. Theo holds my hand rather tightly as we past the guards at the entrance at the city, I recognized some of them and they all seem to know Theo, they ask we were are going and Theo explains the lie and they let us past. As soon as we are out of sight, Theo pushes me
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against the tree and kisses me with so much passion that I feel as my heart will exploded with the among of emotions I am feeling at his very moment. Well that I was nice. I say breathlessly to him and he kisses my check before we make our way through the trees. Theo doesnt hold my hand because he is holding a compass and a map and it figuring out the direction we need to go, it turns out we had to go around the city because we were facing east and we had to go south. I follow Theo staying close to him and every few steps he looks over his shoulder to see that I am still there. We dont talk much a few comments here and there. When I see the city walls, it was still light and so Theo and I walked back into the tree cover and sat down, behind tree. Theo wraps his arms around my waist and holds me close. We dont talk because we dont want to give our position away. When the sun has nearly gone behind the horizon Theo stands up and holds out my hand. We walk around in silence and I see him look on the ground. He walks towards the wall holding my hand. I see a little crack in the wall and Theo walks over to it and he pushes me through it, following me and holding me on the side and we crawl through and I feel the rubber underneath me. We get out and my eyes flicker over the sky and I look for the camera, seeing one and hiding behind the trees. Just four hundred feet away is a house, bright lights coming off it. Theo puts his lips to mine and we smiles before we across the yard, there is only one camera in the back yard of the Mayors house and I keep my eye on it at all times making sure we dont get caught. At the door were two guards and Theo hides behind a wall and I watch hi m throw two knifes at hit both of the guards right in the middle of their chest. A little squeak of pain is let out from them but it doesnt last long. We go through the door and just then a main comes into the room and screams at the sight of the two guards. Theo pulls me into the bathroom and locks the door. We use the two glasses to listen to the conversation. I hear a familiar voice but I couldnt place him. I want you all to search my house because I have a funny feeling they are still here. It didnt sound like the mayor, but I do remember that his term had been coming to an end and the council would be electing a new mayor. I had forgotten the piece of information. Theo and I pull back and he looks at me. Crap, Ivy I think I put you in trouble. Just then the door rips open and I come face to face with a boy that would be impossible to forget. Declan Harrison. He stands at six foot five inches and as far as I knew he was a traitor to my brother. I was a good friend of Declans younger brother, he was a year older than me and when I was growing up I had a huge crush on him but when he was ten he died, well he was killed and Declan and my brother ran off the next day. He came back two years later and gained a government position like nothing had happened. He smiles at me and his eyes go to Theo whos whole body is tensed and he is holding the dun right at Declan. Theo its been a long time and Ivy how could I forget you? Theo and I look each other not sure what to say to one another. Declan was apart of our pasts but for every different reasons, I didnt know the fall story behind Declan with Theo and he didnt know any of mine which was strange for once. We both had a history with the boy that stood in front of us. I have to say I didnt think I would ever see you two in the same room. Theo I could put your gun down if I was you. Theo put the gun down before putting his knifes down and I did the

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same. There was something about Theo and I knew he was actually scared of him. Guards hold them and put them in the dining room I will be there shortly to talk to them. Declan disappears and both Theo and I are taken to the dining room, we are each tied to a chair and Theo look at me and says. Ivy Im sorry I didnt mean to get caught I should have thought about it but well I didnt. I should have moved the bodies. How do you know Declan though? Ivy and I go way back. Dont we? I nod my head and he carries on saying. You see Theo, Ivy had a huge crush on my little brother when we were growing up. Our dads worked together and so Seth, Ivy I and my little brother were always pushed together. You know we were the four that came up with the seven word thing. After my brother died I followed Seth into the wild, but at the time you didnt know the government was monitoring you and I was there to spy. You need to fuck die after what you did to all of us, my sister, my mom, Dana, Connor you fucking hurt every single one of them. Dana, well you seem to have got over her. Theo, who is Dana? I ask feeling a little bit of jealousy through my body. Jenny had mentioned him about being hurt before, but her words seemed to be so distant. I may remember her telling me that the moment he opens up is the moment he trusts me. I knew little bits of his life but I didnt know it all, I could ask but I had to wait until he was ready. Dana is my ex; she is the only serious relationship I have ever had. Declan killed her, along with my mom and my best mate Connor. He also broke Camillas heart and did this all in twenty four hours. Your brother has a huge scar on his back which came from Declan. Ivy I am sorry for getting you in to this position. Theo says and my eyes flicker to him and he looks broken, he looks scarred he looks as if he is going to fall apart. I didnt know what to say I was just watching him trying not to cry. Havent seen you in years Ivy and youve turns our quite beautiful, watching you on a screen is not the same though. He walks towards me and his hand holds my face. Let go of her. Theo shouts and he no longer looks broken, he looks as if he wants to kill Declan. I see the anger boil in him and I see Declan smile by this moment, or whatever a change in expression was called. Just had to check. So you ran away from this city Ivy and ditched Aaron and you already have another guy, I expected something a lot more from you. I look at him and bite my lower lip and I say. Aaron isnt dead; with have him in a jail cell along with six others. We dont kill traitors unless we have to, but Declan why did you have to go bad? You were such a nice guy I mean I use to follow you and my brother around all the time. I mean you must have seen him as a close friend. The law is power and without the law you have nothing. Guards take them to the cells I would like to put them next to Mr and Mrs Dillaway I think Ivys parents should spend her last week on this planet together. They nods and we are taken away.

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I had been to the prison many times before, I spent many Tuesdays here seeing my brother, as he sat on one of the beds and would talk to me about how much life sucked, but I had never had to be in here for more than a few hours, I wasnt a fan of enclosed places. A cell door opens and both Theo and I are thrown in it. The one good thing about the Prison cells is that there are no cameras here; most people who end up here spend there last days here. There are four guards on each of the door leading down to the cells. Its underground and is nearly pitch black with only a little light for each cell. My parents are in the cells next door, I could recognize them from anywhere, but they look a lot rougher, huge bags under their eyes. Hair is mattered and greyer but they dont seem to notice it is me. Mom, dad. I say trying hard not to cry and thats when my mom comes over to me and I let my fingers wrap around the bars, I look at her and she slips her hands through the bars to give me a hug. I look at her and I am crying. Im sorry for leaving its just I had enough and when Seth turned up I just thought I better go with him. Who was with you? Sorry Mr and Mrs Dillaway Im Theo. Im seeing your daughter and Im a friend of your sons most the time. Its nice to meet you both but it sucks about the situation. You seem kind of happy. I expect both you are heading for execution. You think I would come here without a backup plan. I expect your son will be here to let us out sometime tomorrow or the next day. Its my fault we are in here, but I promised Ivy I would get you out. I intend to keep that promise. Im sorry you both ended up here, I mean you didnt do anything wrong. Theo says and I feel my tears coming down. My father is the one who speaks. They have been waiting for a reason ever since Seth left. I always knew th at there would be a day when Ivy had had enough and disappears without a trace. I expected to end up in a cell at some point in my life. Theo Im sure you are a nice guy and thanks for looking after her for how every long but I doubt youll be able to get out of here. Many people have tried. Trust me we will be out in a few days, It will be our strongest people. Time was nothing here. I didnt know when the sky went dark to light and light to dark. I just seemed unless. I lay on one of the small beds with Theos arms wrapped around me and he was string up a conversation with my parents. My dad was just talking about rubbish but Theo didnt seem to mind. Those two days lasted forever in my mind, we did get anything we wanted and Declan came to see us soon after we ended up in the hell hole but he didnt say much and I knew Theo wanted to rip his head off. My parents had a small conversation with him but Declan said that it was there parenting abilities that made their children run away and therefore you are second classed traitors, which is life in prison. Theo, Ivy. I had been asleep but I look up to see Luke standing there with a torch. You guys are fucking stupid. Seth is here in a bit he just making sure we can get out. Dont really want to lose someone today. Luke opens the door and he slides it across I look to where my parents are sleeping and say.

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Luke its my parents in the next one and I think you should let everyone out here. No Ivy, its only Seth, James, Craig and Myself we havent got enough protection. I can take your parents but that is it. You understand. I nod my head and he opens the door and lets me in before I walk over to my mom and shakes her awake. She opens her eyes and looks a little confused when she sees me. She wakes my dad and I tell them to follow. Luke introducers himself and both my parents thank him before we slide out the cells. Seth, James and Craig stand there. Seth hits Theo around the head and says. You are lucky she is still alive otherwise I would have killedum right well this is awkward. He says looking at our parents and Theo says. Lets get out of here first. Seth passes Theo a gun and I see my parents look a little scared by it. We run up the stairs and the shooting beings. Theo pushes me and my parents in to hiding and beings to shoot. My parents are shaking but Theo leads us across the place. He keeps us covered and I watch the bullets go around. I see a few people lie dead and we are not too far from the wall. My parents go first and I look at Theo and in the second I hear a scream and see Craig full down. My brother is the one near him and looks at him before shouting. Just go. I follow my parents and feel Theo behind me. When we get out he hugs me and I feel the tears come from my eyes again. He kisses me on the forehead just as James, followed by Seth and Luke comes through. Hes dead. Seth does a cross over his heart and mutters something before looking up to the sky. Twenty fucking one, Ive known him six years and now him dead. Seth shouts and I know he is pissed. My parents are looking around everyone and I walk to Seth and give him a hug and I hear him say. Thanks sis, I have been a crap brother. Its alright its not like two weeks can make up for seven years. I know that. We better get out of here; I mean youll all okay walks at night. I want to get back by sunrise and Ill tell George. Everyone nods and Seth leads the way with a flash light in head. My parents follow James and Luke and Theo and I take the rear. Theo holds my head and drags me through the tress. No one really talks and I feel so much tension in the air as we walks. I didnt know what to say to anyone. Seth was strolling along leading the way.

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Chapter Ten My parents took my room to have a lie down and I stay with Theo for the night. He promised me he was going to try and talk to his dad tomorrow and see if he can get some stuff sorted out. I feel asleep with Theos arms around me, we didnt sleep the whole day, getting up about one in the afternoon. My parents and brother were sitting at the table talk and Seth stands up giving Theo and me some food. So how long have you been here? my dad asks and he looks a little bit weak, and I knew he had been struggling with the aspect of being place in a prison. He gave me a smile though so that was something, something good and thats what we needed at the moment. We have been here a few days. We spent the last seven years running pretty much, there are about seventy of us here, Seth replies and I know there is a lot of tension between him and our parents. He hasnt seen them in seven years and well I doubt he would go back to calling them mom and dad in a heartbeat. Its not safe living this life, Craig was the fourth friend we lost this week and the eighteenth companion. Son, you know you could have come back at any time and said you were kidnapped or something, thats what Declan did. Our dad said. Declan was never on our side. Theo says. He is a cold hearted murder and is the only person I know I would lose a fight to. He didnt get kidnapped he was placed as a spy to watch as all and left, killing my mum, my best mate and girlfriend at the time. He has it out for me more than anyone else. So I will promise you think I dont care if you are Seth and Ivys parents Declan is one guy that needs to be killed in cold blood. My parents look at him and with that Theo walks out the room and I hear the door slam shut. Well thats Theo for you. I say and my parents look a little concerned by him and my father looks at me and he says. Ivy I thought he seemed a good guy but his temper seems to be uncontrollable. There was my farther judging me, he may be with us but I knew he would spend the whole time thinking I could do better, thinking that there were better guys out there for me and he thought my life would have stayed good if I had stayed in the city. Theo is my best mate, sure I dont like the idea of him with Ivy but she knows how to control him. She brings out the best in him and as long as you dont compare him to his dad or mention Declan youll be fine. Theo is not very protective over his sister but when it comes to Declan he would take a bullet for her. He hates him that much. Ivy I would go and find him. I nod my head and before I live my dad says. Whos his father? Seth shrugs his shoulders and he looks at me and I say. Jonathan Simpson. My father looks a little concerned by the name and he says. No wonder the boy is messed up; although its clear they are still alive, I look at him confused. Im going to tell you because I think you should both know. Ivy you clearly care for the boy and I think family is important I mean you came to get us so I think its the least I can do for you. There is a long pause. Jonathan use to work in the government, I mean not just what I did I mean the government, city one. He had three children, two girls and a boy, Theo was the second child as far as I know and his sister is Camilla I believe. I nod my head.
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The oldest boy was named Grayson; he was sixteen when the family seemed to spiral out of control. I dont know the exact events but Grayson ended up dead on the eve of his graduation. Throat was ripped apart and he was bleeding blood, Theo was the one who found him. Then stuff about the family came out, his mother suffered with depression, his father beat his children and then Theo was gone. Most people thought his father killed him but there was no proof. Two years later it was said that his wife had killed herself and their daughter had run away, scared by her father. I understand his mood. I would just talk to him and try not to make him angry. Ivy I want to know you are happy and you think living out here is not a waste. No cameras, I am happy because of that reason. Ill stop by and see Aaron as well so Ill be back later. Aaron? Not burst your bubble mom and dad but once I tell George, you are likely going to end up in a cell with him. You see we cant deal with treason, and due to your position dad we just need to make sure. I hope you understand. Aaron said he is not changing side and therefore he will be in the cell until this is all over. They nod their heads and I slide out the house. Theo is not very far away and is sitting against the wall staring at the ground. I walk over to him and I sit down next to him. I wait for him to speak and he says. Well do your parents hate me? I shake my head and he looks a little stunned by the comment. I bite my lower lip and say. Why didnt you tell me about your brother? You can trust me. I want you to know that. He takes my face in his hand and presses his lips to mine; kissing me roughly and I grab hold of his T-shirt and feel the color in my cheeks increase as well as the heat. I do trust you, but I dont want to talk about that. It makes me sad. He was my idol and seeing him there is not exactly pleasant for a nine year old, I see a tear come down my face and our foreheads stay pressed together as his wishers the words. I trust you a hell lot more than I should. I havent told anyone that, not even Seth but I guess he kn ows now as well. I nod my head and my eyes flicker over his face seeing the tears leaving his face. He was so broken, I knew why he acted the way he did, he was scared and he had seen so much pain in the world. Declan was someone he was close with and he turn his back on him; his father messed up his life from a very young age. My parents mentioned about Jonathan beating you. Only me, Camilla didnt know. I believe he has changed as I dont think he would still be alive if he hadnt. Camilla can trust him again because she is nave, she always has been. Also he never did anything bad to her, so I just took her away with a few simple words. She doesnt know it all, she just knows about our brother dying but she doesnt remember him that well. She had an accident and her memories are not all there so the whole thing its a little fuzzy. I look at him and press my lips over his before murmuring to him. Im sorry that your life has sucked. Im sorry about your mom. Im sorry about your dad. Im sorry about Connor, Im sorry about Dana. Im sorry that I try and control you. Im sorry for everything.

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Why do people always apologize for things that are not your fault? Also what else did you parents say? Does anyone else know what city you are from? I doubt it, as far as I know Jonathan hasnt told anyone, but most the people here have never worked in a government position and therefore I dont think they would know. I thought your dad would know who he was and I kind of wanted to tell you but I didnt know how so I kind of thought that maybe your dad would bring it up so I didnt have to tell you. Ivy I care about you, a hell lots more than I should. Ive only known you a few weeks but I trust you a lot. I need you here because you make me smile and I am on the edge. Ivy I dont know what I am doing anymore. I spent ten years hearing people talk about an uprising but what progress have we made none. None what so ever and I know its not good. He is crying again but he hides his face so the people walking past dont see him. I wrap my arms around him and his head rests on my shoulder. I hear his sobbing and I say. Theo you dont have to hate yourself. Everything happens for a reason. He pulls away and his eyes are red and I smile at him. You look cute when you are crying. I say and Theo sends me a glare and I feel my smile on my face. Dont call me cute. I hate that word. I let out a giggle and press my lips to his, I feel the water against my lips and its only a quick kiss. I place my arm around his n eck and I pull myself closer before I mummer. So do you think I am cute? He nods his head and I smile by hi respond and tease him by going closer to him but only brushing my lips against his, not letting him respond. So you cant hate the word cute if you think Im cute. Just stop being smart. I shake my head and kiss him before standing up and holding my hand out for him, helping him stand up. Ill give my dad another go. Just for you. He wipes his eyes and kisses me on the cheek before he takes my hand and leas me through the street. What I found strange was Theos mood swings, one moment he would be sweet and nice, another time he would be running on adrenalin and determination and other times well how could I put it nicely he treats everyone like shit. Today was another day I was finding out more about a boy known as Theo Simpson? I knew more about his life than the stupid little things, like his birthday day, his favourite color, favourite TV show, and favourite book. I didnt know any of that. I didnt mind because with the life I was living at the moment it didnt matter because life changed every day. It could go from being perfect to being the worst day of your life. Today had been a bitter sweet day. We lost Craig, I didnt know him well but out of everyone in this place he was the only one who had been nice to me all the time. He had been the one making jokes and what hurt the most is I would never see his goofy smile again. Here another joke about Theo and me. I just would never get that again. Although Seth and Theo I know better, Craig felt to be the first friend I have him. I didnt know why he ran but I didnt care. His heart was as gold, his memory will be forever burnt in my mind and I remember him being oh-so nice. The look he gave when he found out he had been reading a romance book. The expression on his face

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when he saw Theo and mine cream incident. I was said about Jenny, I was upset about Oliver. I felt for Marcus and the ones he left behind but Craig was the one who hurt the most. He was the one person I knew would let me rant without hating on everything I said. His body would be burnt and I would never get my chance to my goodbye. Theo seems to notice my mind wasnt really in the world and although I could see his fathers house from where we stopped. Theo looks at me and mummers in no more than a whisper. Ivy is something the matter? I nod my head and thats when I break down. In the middle of the street tears come down my face and I begin to whimper and cry all at once. I did nt know what the matter with me was. Theo just holds me close. Not many people were walking around at this time because the sun was so hot in the sky. Its Craig. He was the first person that I got on with and I only knew him a few weeks. I cant believe he is gone. I know this is bad but can we go see Aaron instead. I would just like to talk to him. He knows how to deal with me being an emotional wreck. Okay well I will still go sees my dad and I promise you Im not going to get mad at him or shout or attack him and Ill come and find you later. I nod my head and he kisses my forehead and we part from each other. I walk the other way and walk to the cells; I again fill out all the paper work making sure I have my new rank. I didnt have a book for Aaro n but I hope he is doing each other. When he sees me I notice he is holding a pack of cards. He sends me a smile and slides across the floor; I set down with my legs across the bar. I hadnt bothered to look around the rest of the people here but Aaron was the only one I cared about here. No book. Sorry I forgot. Who gave you the cards? Luke actually. He seems alright; he came here a few days ago and told me that you and Theo went to get your parents. How did that go and well hows your brother dealing with that? Well Seth and our parents seem to be getting on rather well. Its a little awkward but when they havent seen each other for seven years I guess it would be kind of strange. Well I ran in to Declan, Im not sure if you know him or not. He is the mayor I think everyone knows him. Wait do you know him? I nod my head and bite down on my lower lip before I say. Declan and Seth goes way back. They ran way together and Declan betrayed him, but mainly Theo. So Theo wasnt exactly happy about coming face to face with him. Declan dated his sister and kind of left her broken, so another reason they hate them. Declan put us in prison and Seth, Luke and well Im not sure if you met James and Craig but they came as well andand Craig died. The tears came and Aaron put his arms through the bars and gives me a hug. He was with your brother. He seemed alright, were you close. Well I only knew him two weeks, but other than Theo and Seth he was the first one who seems to know me. I mean I guess it did help he was gay. God that makes me sound like I just wanted a gay best friend. He was just nice, and caring. It was just his personality he was
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one of the nicest here and he just made me smile. Aaron gives me an awkward hug and kisses me on the head and I smile by the touch. I dont know how long I sit here just talking, but it makes me feel better being able to talk to Aaron. I just wanted someone to rant to without spreading it around and I knew Aaron would be that guy. He kisses me on the cheek when I stand up to leave and I smile at him before waving as I go. I hear him shout about bringing a book next time and I simply reply with I know. I hear a chuckle and climb up the stairs, to see Theo standing there. His body is relaxed and he gives me a hug before saying. Though I would give you space. His lips brush over mine and I feel a weird look from the guard who is just standing a few feet away from us. Theo slips his fingers through mine and leads me out to the air and I see the sitting sun through the tall, but slightly broken looking buildings.

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Chapter Eleven The next day I ended up in the council room. Theo was by my side; his hands were around my right hand as it lay on his leg. We were all looking at George, although Seth was the one standing up. It had taken me a while to learn everyones name but I was finally getting to the grips of it. The council was made up of twelve people. George clearly was the overall head not that my brother was pleased about that, it seems that him and Marcus had a mutual agreement that they would help people side by side, but it seems that all the boys seem to be closer with Marcus than George and thats how they got spilt up. James was a little annoyed that he had to part from his closest friends but it seems that he has become a stronger person, from the little conversation I had with him this morning he told me that he had spent five years living in Seths shadow and he said being away from them all made him a stronger person. He was the second in terms of Military position, Seth still holding the first. The other two members of the military side were called Harris and Freddie. Harris looked a little threatening but it seemed he was just the big joker because since I walked into the room. Harris had shot but blonde curly hair and honestly his whole look made you want to laugh. Freddie seemed a little quite compared to the rest of the people here, he sat down first and his hair went over his face and it seem to be longer than the rest of the guys here. He had his head down and looked a little upset about the whole thing. George was the one to oversee the whole power of our now city, he sat in the middle of the table with Jonathan on his right. On his left was the only other person I didnt really know. His name was Ben, I think he was the oldest on the table but he seems to have more knowledge than anyone else. His hair is a little thin, but its curly and still has a dark colour that matches his dark completion. Seth had just told the room about the little incident of Craig being killed. James seems to be the most uncomfortable out of everyone on the table but thats because he was closer with George as the others were. I was looking at George and his eyes flicker to Theo where he says. Theo you have to understand that you are a threat to everyone around you. That was rather carless of you to be quite honest. You put yourself and Ivy in danger. You got Craig killed Theo and I dont want you going around not thinking. Look George I know we are new here but you see when we had Marcus it be Seth dealing with me and not you. Sure he is pissed at me because I did drag his sister and put her at risk. He is pissed because I got Craig killed but in the end we are all going to die. We dont have a plan. We are all going to die so a little blood here and there is not going to change anything. You want to know the truth? There is a silence. Myself and Jonathan both come from city one and therefore if you want to know the ins and outs of that place we will more than likely help you. George you dont know a single thing you are doing here do you? You are going to get us all killed. With that Theo lets go of my hand and he walks out the room. The door doesnt slam and I feel the eyes all on me and I mutter. Hes right. When my brother sent me that message two years ago about an uprising. Well I thought it would be more than this. All you do is sitting here talking about what you are going to do. Sure what Theo and I did was reckless, but at least we got our goal done even

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if we coasted a life. Lives have to be lost if you are going to make any sort of impact. I stand up and I do slam the door behind me and run down the stairs. I dont see Theo when I leave the building and begin to walk back to my house. It felt weird saying my house, but it sort of was now. My parents were both sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. I pour myself one before taking a seat next to them and putting the cup to my lips before taking a long gulp of coffee. Sweetie is everything alright. I shake my head and rest my head on my hands and feel the tears come down my face but they dont get too far before the tears are get trapped on my jumper. I feel a hand on shoulder, the relationship between me and my parents has been strained for the last few years. Now my mother was trying to make me feel better, but I couldnt stop crying. Even when she hugged me and told me that she loved me. The tears just continued to fall down my face. I didnt know what I was doing, I was living the life I wanted but then why did I feel so horrible and messed up. I was getting everything I wanted. Theo came through the door, hours later he saw me curled up on the couch, my hand in my hands and he sat down next to me putting his arm around me and kissed me on the cheek before saying that I shouldnt be crying. He pulls me on to his lap and wraps his arms around my middle and we lay there together. I can hear his heart beating below his thin t-shirt as I lay against him. His lips go to my temple and I spin myself around, so Im sitting on his lap facing him. I put my lips to his and he kisses back almost at once. His lips feel rough against mine and I feel his hand move to face me and he begins to kiss me harder. His other hand is on my lower back and I feel it move across it as he holds me close to his body. The kisses were fast and I expected that if anyone walks in they would think we were attacking each other faces. It didnt sound pleasant but honestly kissing Theo just felt so good and he managed to make my mind distracted. I wasnt thinking about regret, I was thinking about this moment and how close I wanted to be with him. His hand moves from my face and I feel his hand begin to stroke my leg and I feel the tingling going up my spine. My mind was becoming clouded and then I hear a voice say. Mom and dad said you I heard Seth voice and I broke apart from Theo and felt the color flush to my cheeks. I slip off Theos lap and I look at my brother and I can see him fuming. I was going to come in and be a concerned brother, Mom was saying you were crying but it seems that was a lie to get her to leave you alone. I bite my lower lip and Theo says. I think I prefer Luke walking in. With that Theo stands up and moves past Seth. I see a glare follow Theo but its not long before Seth walks over to me and sits down next to me and he says. I still get use to the fact you are six teen and not nine. You think I want to walk in and see my sister making out with my best mate. I know but can you tell your stupid friend to knock before the walk into my room. Seth smiles at that comment and say. Mom and Dad are allowed to stay in the house; I think we just need to get them healthy. As they get your room, you are going to have Lukes who is going to move in with Daniel and James. Theo is going to stay here until him and his dad is on good terms. You understand that if this was normal society mom and dad wouldnt have even let you stay in

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the same room as Theo last night. Now after seeing that little displace I kind of agree with them. Also be safe I dont want to be an uncle. I pick up the pillow and whack him around the head. What was that for? We havent had sex. Seth Im not that sort of girl. I had to become very independent without you there for me. Also I think you know Im the only person who would willingly whack Theo is he keeps being an idiot. Okay thats very true and I do trust him. Theo and I may not always get on but he is like my brother to me and sure Im kind of glad you are with him because it gives him an excuse to hang around. Did you talk to him about what dad said yesterday? I nod my head and he says. Kind of explains his out roar. Starting next week we are going to go and look for more people. You are both right about this uprising, its not going anywhere. You, Theo and James will be in one group. Daniel, Harris and myself in another. Freddie, Luke and well it looks like Hannah, she the only other one who seems to be capable. George only seems to have his three people and doesnt really have anyone else who has power. So Luke said Hannah because she is honestly the only person he gets on with. You are gone a few days and try not to get yourself killed because I just got you back and I really dont think I can lose you yet. Youre my little sister and I care about you. He kisses me on my forehead and with that I stand up and walk out the room and up the stairs. Lukes bedroom door is open and I walk over to him and see him packing up some weapons and clothes up and he looks at me and smiles. Hey Ivy. I feel really bad making you move out. I knew as soon as Theo said he was going with you to get out of your parents. I mean I know family is important to you. I can see that in your eyes. Ivy I really dont mind. I mean what I would give to see my parents another time, well without them trying to kill me that am. I look a little confused by that. He pats his bed and I sit down. I should trust you because I think since you got here the trust between people has grown. Im kind of new compared to everyone else; Im also one the youngest. Seventeen. So only tad older than you. I joined the rest of them four years ago, but I was in the wild for a year, I was actually the one who knew Dana, I believe you know who she is. Dana and I knew each other from birth but we saw how corrupt the government was and left. We were only young; Marcus was the one who found us as brought us in. Blood is the only thing we bring in now without doing a back background check. Whoever you find Theo and James will ask a bunch of questions. I smile at him and with that he throws the bag on to his back and walks out the room. By the way all the clothes you were using are in the cupboard. He shuts the door and leads me here. It still felt strange being able to sit in a bedroom and whatever time I liked. There were little things which I wasnt use to. I had spent my whole life being told what to do and having to sit quietly because I wasnt supposed to speak or draw attention to myself. Now I cold pretty much do anything I liked but everything was broken. Craig, Jenny, Oliver and Marcus were four of the people who had died since I turned up. Aaron was in a cell, something which I thought would never happen to him. Id seen Declan, a boy I didnt like for so many reasons. Life was out of control and there was nothing I could do.

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Sometimes I wish I could have the fairytales story, the ones where you meet your prince charming and falling in love with them that same day. In a few short weeks you would have joined together in marriage and you get to live your happy ever after with them and everything is perfect. Its the year 2146 and so much has changed. I remember learning about the world before the laws, the ranks and the cameras. It was a place of war, nuclear war, millions of people dying all over the place. Families being ripped apart and there was nothing they could do. The century before had world war one, world war two and the cold war alone, and it was the years when the nuclear bomb was created. I wish so many times that time travel was a thing, that I could go back and change it. I didnt care if I wasnt born I just didnt want Nuclear weaponry to have come into the world. I dream about a place when it was never here. War may still happen but at least people werent killed in cold blood. The following century, had all the terrorist attacks, the first one I learnt about was the events that took place at nine oclock on September eleventh 2001. It was said to be the first major attack. Since that day, wars seem to get worst, people fighting about such stupid things as religion and oil. In the year 2088, the world was nearly ripped apart put the explosion of five nuclear bombs simultaneously. They were placed in American, England, Australia, Russia and China. At the time they were five of the six greatest powers in the world. Now England is a waste land, no one can breathe there air, no crops can grow because the bomb dropped their killed ninety four million people. Nearly the whole of the UK and much of France would be covered with dust. The government of every country installed cameras, to prevent fighting, to prevent wars to stop the world from becoming even more broken. So many people had died in America that everyone had to depart from the east coast and move to the centre or the west, of far south. The population had dropped by just over fifty million people and well the population these days its exactly growing at a huge amount. America or at least that was want it was called holds just under two hundred million people. Two thirds of what it held at the start of the twenty first century. They wanted the world to stop from breaking but this I the first time that I realise that all anyone is ever doing is making it worst and I doubt the human population could last any more than a few more centuries, we just become a thing of the past, like the dodo, like the tigers. Just a thing of the past and at one point in time we will be forgotten.

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Chapter Twelve The next day we set off and sun rise, James was the one who was the best at map reading and so the three groups planed which way we would go and see if we could pick some people up. We each had a few pens and a notepad and this little trip would last seven days, we had to make sure we stayed away from the city walls and we would be fine. James was rather light hearted and he and Theo were total opposite. James was a lot nicer that was a start but he kind of acted like I was a little sister, with the comments. Theo held on to my hand was we walks through the trees. My feet crunch against the floor as we move in and out the trees. The sun was shining through the canopy of the trees, but it didnt feel hot because the trees were creating shade for us to stay under. We didnt stop walking until we were out the trees and by this time the sun was way in the sky. We stopped and James looks around and he is the one that sees something. I expect for us just to rest but James walls right across the field and he stops suddenly and holds his hands up, I cant really seem him very well but Theo and I run over to him. Theo sees them first because he points a gun to them. On the ground are two guys and one girl. Their faces were covered with dirt, they all had bruises and they were sitting behind a fire, cooking what looked like rabbit. Theo was pointing the gun at the strongest looking one. He had more cuts than the other two. He looked stronger. His hair was darker and his skin more tanned and he looks as if he wanted to rip Theo and James apart. The girl on his left had similar features to him, but she looked a lot younger. The other guy was fair, blue eyes. He was looking at us and was the first to talk. So are you going to kill us now or not? Name, and which city you are all from. Theo said pulling out another gun and holding at the other guy. I didnt Theo like this very much whenever I had seen him with a gun he seemed to be trying to protect me but now he was getting ready to shot him and I didnt want to see any more blood spread in front of me. Too many people had died and I didnt want another pointless death. Im Jason; this is Xander and his sister Elle. City 34, its about a two week walk. Your names would be good. He seems kind of friendly and I smile at him, not wanting anything bad to happen Theo Simpson. My girlfriend Ivy Dillaway and this is our friend James Night. We are not going to kill you just tell me what you are doing out here. His tone was not as welcoming of that of Jason, he seemed a little pissed off and it was hard to keep up with all his emotions. He seemed to be happy sometimes and other times its as if he wanted everything to die. Runaways. Jason simple states and Theo looks at me and passes me the other gun before he puts it on his back and sits down. I do the same and so does James. Well then I guess its alright. You see we live about four hours in the direction. Theo says pointing over his shoulder and I bite my lip and look at Theo. On the run for ten years. James six and Ivy well she pretty new to this life but her brother been on the run for
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seven years. We were actually going around get some new people because are number are falling because well the government have a shoot to kill thing when it comes to us. Ivy and I both have rather well-known names and we have huge numbers on our heads along with our families. There is a pause and he says. I need your surnames. Duncan. Jason mutters and Theo writes it down and then Elle says. Why? Sorry I tend to ask a load of question but why should we trust you? Cause you will be dead if you dont. So surname. Millar-McCoy. Elle says and she looks to her brother and he is staring right at Theo. Theo has tighten up. I see him glare at Xander and I take his hand to calm down. Elle carries on talking. So it was Theo right? His head nods. Youve heard of us then? His head no ds. If you were on your own we would be dead. Theo nods his head another time and he looks at me and leans in and says. My dad killed there little brother because Xander killed my brother. Theo said and stands up and walks away. I look at the three off them and catch James eye he stands up and goes to get Theo. So how long have to know Theo? Xander asks. I dont answer I just glare at him. I never really liked him. He was always such a spoilt brat although I thought he was dead if I was quite honest, I didnt like those words and I didnt know what was going through my mind but I got up and put a knife to his throat holding him in place. Elle screamed but Jason held her down and looked at me and Xander said. Wow his girlfriend is a psycho. I guess thats understandable. You know these last few weeks I have had a really hard time. I got shot, my parents were in prison, and I got arrested and had an execution date. I saw one of my friends die in front of me. I found out that a childhood friend betrayed my brother. So Xander I have lost my mind a little bit, but whatever you did to Theo and his family everything that boy has lived through is your fault. Im sorry about your brother but you shouldnt have made the first move. Ivy it is fine. I think maybe I shouldnt go around looking for people because my life is a little messed up. Good thing Xander is if you want to punch my dad you can see him in a few hours. We wont kill you but you will be expected to be questioned. James you dont mind coming back. Less likely to die. Sure. Ill lead and Theo and Ivy take the back you three go in the middle. Thats when they get up. Its very awkward between the six off us, even Theo follows me, and I feel a little hurt that he is not holding my hand then again that will make me seem like a clingy girlfriend. James seems to remember the route we took because I dont seem him glance at the map very many times. I hear the breathing of everyone more than everything else, everyone is tired, and everyone just wants to sit down and the hot sun that was making my clothes stick to our bodies didnt help the situation any more. We walked straight into the city, not being stopped or anything but then most people seem to have learnt Theos and my name by now and James was already pretty well known. Xander, Jason and Elle were all looking rather confused about it all. James walked right to the centre of the broken city and in to the building
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that we used for meetings. Every time I came in, it somehow seems to change in a little aspect. This time the floor had just been polished as I could see my reflection in the floor as my boots create a brown mark on it, with that I take a step back and wipe my feet. We walk up the stairs. George and Jonathan are the only ones in the room when we slide in. They are standing over some paper and George looks up and Theo says. You know I am not going looking for anyone ever again. The first people I came across I would very be happy about slitting their throats. Xander looks at Theo and I k now that these two boys are never going to get on. I take Theos hand and Jonathan looks at James and says. I think you better take the three in the other room while I took to my son. With those words Xander goes to run at Jonathan but James seems to be expecting that and grabs him, holding him back and he is trying to fight out the grip but James manages to hold him. And who might you be. You killed my fucking brother. You need to die you fucking bastard. Reactions everyone has them, some you can control and others you just cant, sometimes a reaction you make over the top to get people to notice you but those words werent anything like that. Xander seemed to have more hate for Jonathan than Theo, I thought that would be impossible but his reaction was so much more than I expected. Xander seemed to be a rather calm but with that movement I knew that wasnt true. I knew the wild had got a hold of him and made him rather bloodthirsty. They were all bloodthirsty, some more than others. Thats something I didnt want to happen to me, I didnt want to be able to kill someone without thinking about it, I didnt want to become that person but maybe with time I would turn into exactly something I didnt want to be. Xander I gather. Well I am sorry about your brother but remember he spilt my sons blood. Now James lock them in the next room and Ill call you back when I want them. James holds Xander and they walk out the room. Elle shuts the door and I hear her mutter sorry about her brother. With that Jonathan points to two seats and Theo and I take them. Theo takes my hand and we look between Jonathan and George. Okay I understand you have had a difficult past Theo and if you want to stay here instead of looking for more people that is understandable. Those people you have a history with. Only Xander, we were in the same year at school. We didnt get one. When his brother died he and his family moved out the city and to a different place. Elle I dont really know and their friend, well I only met him today. Look George I think its pretty clear I dont like you. Youve changed way too much for my liking and I dont like it. I dont like the fact you seem to trust my father more than me even though you have known me a hell lot longer. Okay Theo thanks for being honest about it. Why dont you and Ivy go and disappear and I think between James, Your father and myself we can decided what to do with those three. Theo nods his head and grabs my hand. He pulls me quickly after him and we run down the stairs and out the building. Theo turns around and pulls me into a hug before saying. Sorry for being a shit boyfriend. I smile by this comment, sure he wasnt perfect. Sure I wanted to hit him most the time but I cared about him and he cared about me. His lip

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brush over my cheek and slips his hands into mine. I thought we would go back to the house but Theo takes me in the other direction. I let him go in and out of the buildings and we come to one of the walls. Most the houses around here are pretty much destroyed, though a few still have the walls and roofs, its just the windows and doors are no longer there. Theo pulls me into one of the ones which seems to look alright. Everything in the house has been brunt and stripped out, the stairs have huge gapes and we walk up them. Every step we take is carful and I hear the whole house shake and creep. We walk into the first room and the bed is still there but the sheets are covered with ash. Look I know this is weird but I just want to be away from everyone. I smile. I sit down on the bed and the ash sticks to my clothes but I lie on the bed and rest my head on Theo. This house was broken but for some reason the bed was still here. I didnt need to say anything to him. His heart beat made me drift in to the world of dreams. I dreamt of the life before. The day I dream about it was my sixteenth birthday. It was the one day of the year that it didnt matter what you did on your birthday because most the time they would let it slide because it was that special day. My sixtieth birthday was only four months ago, and it was two months after I began dating Aaron. We were in my bedroom, now because it was my birthday I was allowed to get ready even knows I wasnt allowed in my room until it was eleven at night. I was trying a bunch of dresses and Aaron sat on my bed letting me go in and out of every dress. It was the day that I knew I really liked him, although I know I never fell for him he was a sweet guy and was something that I needed. That day was also the day I first had sex with him and our relationship became stronger, and everyone else was more open. Yet I had Theos arms around me and I was dreaming about someone else. Was it because I knew Theo and I would never having that perfect relationship because we would face people wanting to kill us every second of every day? I woke up covered in sweat, Theo was still sleeping next to me and his breathing was deep and heavy. I slide out from under his arms and I begin to cry. I was becoming pathetic and I knew that, I thought living in the world would make me stronger but truth be told living away from the life I had known was just making me weak.

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Chapter Thirteen Growing up I didnt have a lot of friends, its not that people hated me, its just I tend to push them away. After my brother left me, I found it hard to trust people and therefore I didnt let many people in my life. Aaron was one the only friends I ever had, but my father thought us dating would be better and honestly it was good for those six months but we knew it would never last. Now I was living with my boyfriend, okay that was a lie after Jonathan and a conversation with Xander, Xander came around and said sorry to Theo and told him that he would give anything to have his dad here. With that Theo walked out the room and came back six hours later saying that him and his dad have made up and he was going to move in with him and he felt that this house should be for my family. He didnt go straight away because we curled up on his, well old bed and just talked. The week of my brother not here passed very quickly. Every morning I would have breakfast with my parents before I would head over and see Theo, who would normally be washing up plates. Camilla and I would have a quick conversation before she went off to do whatever the hell she did. I didnt really see her very much but I guess she could go and talk to whoever she likes. I think we were very different she need a girls girl and I would rather hang out with Theo and practice fighting than have the oh-so annoying girl talk that she tried to have every single day with me. Sure I did talk to her about my relationship with her brother because she asked and she was nice enough. I just knew we were never going to be close. I think the only girl I could have been really close with was Jenny. I think Hannah could be another person I could get on with because frankly she was rather similar minded with me. At the moment Theo was helping Elle, Xander and I practise knife throwing. Their friend Jason seemed to be rather skilled so he was simply sitting there watching, every now and again throwing a comment, he just came because Theo said he would help with him and guns. That was one thing he wasnt very good at. Elle was struggling with this style of life, but I could see she wanted to be a fighter. She was only thirteen so it was understandable. She throws a knife at the bored and it misses. Elle you are trying too hard, you need to focus on the bored not the knife, Theo says, his eyes flicker to me and he nods. I throw at the knife at the bored and it hits the bottom left hand corner, but it doesnt stay in and just drops to the floor. Well better but you still fucking crap. Theo says with a smirk. Xander throws and he hits the second ring from the centre. Theo just nods his approval but doesnt say anything. Elle tries again and she fails. This time its miles from the bored, Theo walks over to her. I see her cheeks flush red as Theo wraps his hand around her wrist. Theo was good looking and so I didnt mind with Elle got a little nervous in his present. Theo turns her to face side on to the board. He holds her wrist and shows the motion she needs to do. Her eyes are on Theo and him murmuring what to do to her. He lets her go and I see her whole body fall but she looks at the bored and throws the knife and it lands just off the centre. Her mouth falls open and she hugs Theo who pushes her off straight away and says. Dont acts like a stupid teenage girl because they are fucking annoying. Theo walks to me and rolls his eyes and he goes to help me but I push him away and look at Elle before saying in no more than a whisper.

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Theo could you just say sorry to the pull girl. She clearly thinks you are hot and you are going to hurt her. Theo looks at Elle and says. Sorry, but good shot. He turns back to face me and he puts his hands on my stomach keep my posture straight before he holds my arm, holding his arm around my middle. He kisses me on the cheek and his body is removed from touching mine. I throw the knife and it hits the third ring. Theo rolls his eyes and says in my eye. You are faking being that bad. Whats the fun in being good at everything? Well as long as you are good at sex I dont care about the rest of it. He mummers into my ear and steps back away from me. We throw knives for another hour and we only stop because my brother walks over, holding a gun on his back. He shakes Jasons hand first then Danders before kissing Elle on each cheek and I hear here say a little bit dizzy. Is every guy here really good looking? I dont think I am meant to he ar that but I turn to face her and I say. Yes, its incredibly annoying, She lets out a laugh and Theo takes my hand and Seth states his name and says that we all need to get back into the city. While Xander, Theo and Jason pack up the stuff I go over to Seth and give him a hug. So did you find anyone? Fourteen. I heard Theo got a little pissed and so you just stayed here. Well I wont have it any other way, he moved in with his dad though, so thats a start. Elle came over and she looked a little shocked by everything. Elle you okay. We need to find some people about your age. We are just training you so you can protect yourself. Theo tends to help anyone he can. Seth is my brother so I always have him on my side. Im not really that close with my brother. He doesnt exactly treat me like a little sister. Elle I hadnt seen Seth for seven years he is just making up for lost time. Most guys are total dicks, I mean look at Theo for example. You guys are really good together. I mean sure I can see he is an ass but its like you can control him. Not going to say anything. Ivy why dont you walk Elle back to the city, I would introduce her to Hannah, as she has a little sister about her age. I nod my head and I lead Elle back to the city. She was a sweet girl and there was something about her that made me like her, I didnt care if she would eye up my brother or my boyfriend because they were both too old for her. Elle try and be a little more suttee when you eye up Theo. Her mouth falls open and I smile before I say. Its fine, he is a nice piece of eye candy. I would just say he will most likely be really harsh to you. Hes not really a fan on girls in general; I think he can on ly deal with me because Im the only girl here who can flip him. I was being honest you look really good together, how long have you been together?

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Only a few weeks. Theo just has this horrible past and well my parents know it and so with a little bit of information from everyone I probably know him better than anyone. I dont trust well and he doesnt trust well. I really hope you like it here, but if you want to get on with me Im with Theo on the teenage girl thing. If you are like that you may get o n with his sister well, I mean she is about the grisliest person ever. Saying that she eighteen and well thats kind of a big gap. How old is everyone? Theo is nineteen, my brother is twenty. James is twenty, then the other of my friends well there is Luke who is seventeen and Hannah is eighteen. There are a few others but I am just not very close with them. Im sixteen by the way. So the young one out of all of them. Well apart from me, I mean Jason and Xander are both Nineteen but I think you could have guessed that. I nod my head. Elle explains to me her life back before she left. She didnt tell me why she left just that it got too much for her. I found it strange that her life was a lot dark than mine but after they had moved it was rather similar to mine, well without the brother disappearing, but having one dead. She did talk that was for sure and I didnt even mind. When we got to the centre of the city I was a little confused by the amount of people there. Luke and Hannah were the first people who came over and Luke rested his arm on my shoulder and says. So where are your brother and Theo. Packing up the targets. Luke this is Elle, Elle this is Luke and Hannah. She one the people we picked up before Theo went a little mental and decided he didnt want to get anyone else. So we heard. Hannah says and she looks at Elle and says. Youve been taking fashion advice from either a guy or Ivy. So why dont I get you tidied up and find you something to wear. Hannah drags her off and I see a smile come on Lukes face and he pulls me throw the crowd of people and into the building. I look at Luke a little confused and he says. Im trying to get George let us have a party. Your brother managed to get some booze you see and so we might as well celebrate the fact that we are all here and everything. It turns out Jonathan has been tidying up, what was the Mayors house and so we will get so speakers but up in there and have a party. A party would be nice, it sucked that I missed my graduation party. Luke smirks by this comment and we walk in to the main hall. George is in the centre and he passes paper to Luke and Luke passes me it and says. We need to get names; we picked up thirty eight in total, oh plus your three so forty one. We go back out and Luke and I go around every single person and asks there name and age, and the city they came from. After we had done them we sent them in the direction of George telling them that they would all be sorted. It was so nice to have more people here because frankly our numbers were getting a little low and we wouldnt stand a chance. To each few people we told who we were and that although you could pretty much do anything you liked here, there were certain you had to respect and you had to do you bit to keep this city from dying. They all understood and were just glad that

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they had a place to stay, and could eat food and have heat instead of sleeping out under the stars. Theo found me when there were only four people left to talk to. I stopped him from talking and Luke said to the four people. Sorry about this, its just we have betrayed before and therefore we are just checking everyone. Im Luke third in military, and this is Theo and Ivy who are also on the council. Do you guys know each other well? Luke says getting ready to write and the oldest of the four people spoke, well he looked the old rest and honesty he didnt look much older than the rest of us. Only a few months, our paths crossed and we thought it would be better if we were in a small group and our own. This is a nice place you got here. Im Brad Craig. City 345. He says holding out his hand for Luke to shake. I shuttered when I heard his name and Theo put his arm around my waist and he kisses on my cheek. Brad wasnt the tallest out the bunch but he had a lot more cuts that the rest of them, he looked mental stronger than the rest of them. His hair was matted and it looked like a knife had been used to cut it. His eyes were dark and he was wearing a smile. His eyes flicker to me as soon and I shuddered. I dont believe I have done anything wrong to you. I dont think my family has committed anything that would make me a traitor to you. The way he spoke was beyond his years and I open my mouth to speech by Theo cut across us and he says. Your surname. You see last week a friend of ours by the name of Craig died and well Ivy has been struggling to deal with it. Well Ive known him a few years and it all hit us rather badly. Theo says and he slips his fingers in with fine. You didnt know and therefore I doubt Ill kill you today. Ivy. Theo just a second you are an ass at the moment so let me just finish up and then Ill come with you. Theo nods his head and I look at the other three. The other guy stands taller than Brad, he looks a little lost about the whole situation. His blonde hair his shinning from the sunlight that is now hiding behind the buildings. Charlie. He mutters and then says. Stark and city 8. Luke writes the info down and then turns to the girls. Something stops him from asking a question. Are you alright. Lukes eyes are on her hand, which is clearly trying to hide something. She shakes her head and Luke passes the paper to me. He walks to the girl and he moves her hand from wrist and I see her skin has turned purple. How long. I dont know, I woke up with him a few days ago. I didnt want to tell anyone. Im Lindsey Sandler from city 176. Luke sits her down and pulls the clock she wears a pretty girl thats for sure. Her brown hair is pulled up in a band. Her eyes are a dark blue and they complement her face. Her eyes look at Luke and I watch his eyes flicker over his brushes. Ivy. Who got that bullet out of you? Aaron, is it a bullet? He shakes his head and he bites on his lower lip. It was dart and it has poison in it. Aaron does he have any medical training, its just thats one thing we lack here.

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He wanted to be a Doctor and Im pretty sure he would help. Theo takes the last girls name and takes them to George. I knew this was an order because as soon as it was said Theo took the paper and began to ask more questions about the three people. I lead the way to the cell and when the guard asked me to fill in paper work I simply said. Look this girl has been poison can you just give me the key to Aarons cell. I beg and he looks at the girls arm and passes it over sending me a glare. I hear her mutter something he is a prison and I turn around to face her. Look Im helping you here, Aaron wouldnt help unless I ask him so I would shut your mouth if I was you. Aaron is her ex-boyfriend do Ill give you a piece of advice dont dis him. She looked a little stunned by this and I lead the way to Aarons cell. I came to see him a few days ago and gave him a pile of books, he is already on the third one so I have to cough for him to look up. He smiles at me and turns the book over before coming to the cell. I open it and Aaron looks a little confused and just stands there staring at me. Hey Aaron so I guess Ivy told you about getting more people. We need a favour one the girls seem to be poison. Well we think anyway. Luke pushes her forward and Aaron goes to sit on the bed and says. So I gather Ivy said I wanted to be a Doctor. Luke nods his head and the girl looks at Aaron and she doesnt look very happy about it. Alright Im not going to kill you. I dont have a reason to. So whats your name. He says as she holds her arm out. I shut the cell and lock it back again and she looks to me before looking at Aaron and saying. Lindsey. Okay well Im Aaron, Ivy knife. He says looking at me and I slide one across the floor. Aaron picks it up and he says to her. Im not going to lie this is going to hurt. He picks up the sheets and says. Bite in to this, try not to rip them. She looks a little scarred by the whole thing. I watch her have the sheet being placed in her mouth. Her scream comes out muffled and everyone in the cells around is looking at us. I see Aaron dig the knife into her skin and pull something out. His finger goes over the wrist and her blood is pouring out, I see it seems to stay blood and Aaron looks at me and says. She is fine. She just needs to lie down. Someone had got monoxide in her system which can kill but she had a small part and so in a few days it is fine. Thank you why are you here. I mean being Ivys ex doesnt put you here. I wont turn my back on the government so they put me in here. I understand so I dont really mind. Luke I would take her to have a lie down. She may become a little light headed and get something to wrap around her wrist. I open the door and the girl is still clutching her wrist before she leaves the room. I slip in after and give Aaron a hug and he looks a little surprised by it. I might as well give you a hug, while the cell is open. He smirks and I walk away from him giving him a way before shutting the door and locking it up. I walk back up the stairs and give the key to the guard before walking out the building. Theo has his back against the wall and he looks at me and pulls me into a hug. Saw Luke, I guess you had to go because Aaron actually likes you, I think he hates me. I stand on my tip toes and press my lips to his before pulling away a second later.

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He doesnt hate you, he just feels threatened by you, same with my brother. So what are we going to do today? Well we have to go to what was originally the Mayors house, which is now Georges. Asshole. I smile by his comment and he carries on saying. We are going to have a party. You brother seem to have got some beer, but Im not really going near any because I am a lightweight. I let out a giggle by this, I think when you meet Theo you wouldnt expect this, you would expect him to be drinking all the time but I guess they didnt get it very much. I have only had alcohol six times in my life, and each time I have got plastered. And are you sure you hate the word cute. I say wrapping my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer before simply murmuring against my lips. Yes. He captures my lips with his and holds my face with his hand.

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Chapter Fourteen It was strange that was for sure, how we could just have something so normal when every day of our lives we spent running, running from people who wanted to kill us. At the moment I was sat in Camillas room, Elle and Hannah were both here, but Camilla was the one dealing with me. Hannah said its not that my fashion sense was bad I just looked like a stripper most of the time which is probably why most of the guys try their best to stay away being scared that my brother or Theo would hit them. I sat in front of a mirror. Camilla was running her fingers through my hair and I saw that she was braiding it. Hannah was going through the dresses and heeling Elle out. Elle was such a sweet girl, she had the potential of becoming a good fighter but I knew that because she was so much younger than the rest of us, she was a little nervous about everything. Hannah was treating her very well, and I learnt that Hannah sister was still in the city and therefore she kind of liked having Elle around. It made her remember her more. I saw Camilla shake a can and sprayed it over my hair. Yeah I got this a few months ago. Theo messed up so when they did a raid he got my hair spray. I roll my eyes by the comment. Im thinking red. She says looking at me, she and Hannah go through the pile of clothes which lie on her bed and she pulls out a red number. I dont mind taking my clothes off because frankly I wasnt use to privacy and therefore it wasnt something I would be ashamed by. I pull the dress over my head, its made of lace and looking at myself I see my face is only covered by a thin sheet of red see-through lace. The dress is tight to my thighs but it has a high neckline. So Hannah does s he look like a stripper anymore? I roll my eyes and Hannah shakes her. I know you spent a lot of time on her hair, but Camie I think its better down, or just keep some of the braid in her hair. Camilla bits her lower lip and she looks at me before she pushes me back down on the seat. She loosens my hair and it slightly frizzes out but it looks nice. My face looks a little plain by the whole thing and I look at Camilla in the mirror and she says. Thats much better. Hannah you are so right. How come we are not friends? I always thought they were friends they get on with one another so well, but then Hannah had been more Jennys friend than anyone else, and her death hit her hard but Hannah was one of the nicest people here and so I wanted to be a good friend to her. You are a little too much of a girl; at least I dont mind killing someone. Hannah says like shooting one day doesnt mean anything. I had only spoken to her a handful of time and I didnt really know anything about her, she was in a different group to me but I think the guys knew that Hannah needed friends because of what had happened with Jenny. True, Elle you are up next. By the way your brother is so hot. Camilla says and I watch as Elle roll her eyes, I look at Hannah and she looks a little upset about something. I remember that she had a sister but I didnt know anything about that, I think she felt a little left out because she didnt have any of her family here, I had my brother who meant the world to me and thats all that really mattered. Lets just say that most the guys seem to be hot. How do you all think straight? Elle asks and I stand up letting her take the seat and walk over the bed.

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Well due to the fact that most of them wouldnt even think of a girl more than sex object unless she is a fighter. Like the only reason my brother had any interest in Ivy was because she could beat him in hand to hand comeback, and the fact that her brother actually told her no. Theo is the type of guys who wants to break as many rules as possible. She was out of bounds and so he went to chase Ivy. Your say your relationship is not perfect as you still have to deal with his temper. Theo is not that bad as long as you know what you can talk about and what you cant. Glad that he has moved in here though. I felt that whenever we had breakfast my brother wanted to kill him, my dad kind of as well. Also, Im glad Theo is trying at the whole family thing. Its important, There is a pause and I say. But he is an ass and I spend half the time wanting to whack him with a wooden plank. I would be all for that. Camilla says and she brushes Elles hair and I smile. Hannah beings to take her clothes off and slips on a dark dress that goes to the knee. She lets her hair down which I find rather strange because I dont think I can remember her having it down before, well at least not when Ive seen her. Hannah had become a lot more confident since I had known her; I think it was the loss of Jenny which made her stronger. Hannah put red lip stick across my lips and a little of eye liner. For once I was kind of glad that Camilla had such pointless requests whenever her brother would raid cities. When Camilla pulled out a pair of heels I couldnt stop smiling. I hadnt worn a single pair of heels since I got here, and I was known for my shoe collection back home. Whenever I had a birthday or at Christmas everyone I knew would give me shoes and so looking at these just made me happy. They were white, and I didnt know the material but they felt really soft. I pull them on just as there is a knock on the door and I hear Theos voice. Can you fucking hurry up, I would actually like to go, Camilla is doing Elles make up and I know I need to go with him. Hannah mutters about seeing me later and I go and open the door and slide out. Theo just looks at me a little stunned and he says. Well you clean up nicely. I smile by the comment and he pushes me against the wall and runs his lips down my neck. I felt tingling sensation going through my body and I grabbed hold of his shirt. Theo wasnt in to compliments and therefore I knew that comment would be the best I would get. Well that was nice. I say feeling the smile come across my face and my heart is beating just a little fast than normal. I guess I felt as if I had a goofy expression across my face but I didnt care I was with Theo and he made me happy. Well you dont look as bland as normal so I thought I should kiss you like that. The kiss left traces on my lips. I smile at him and slip my fingers through his and we walk down the stairs and out the house. The sun has gone and all the people are walking in the same direction as soon as we get out the house, Theo pulls me back and he says. Can you dress like this but with the short outfits? He says placing his arm around me and crashing his lips on mine. So you want the makeup, the hair and me to look like a stripper. I tried to sound a little playful and a smile is across my face and I kiss him quickly before he mutters. Yes, He leans into kiss me again and I pull away and whack him around the head and he says. What was that for?

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So Im a stripper then? I ask trying to sound mad at him; I knew he was just playing. He was a nineteen years old I was expecting perverted comments and I wouldnt want them to disappear because that is who he and I shouldnt want to change that part. Im not going to complain if you do that, He says and I pout at him and bite my lower lip and look at him and he looks at me and says. Sorry babe. Come on lets go. He holds my head kissing my cheek and we walk towards Georges house. We slide through the front door some ten minutes later, we went the long way because Theo was incredibly touchy feely, sure it wasnt the best thing that he saw me as plain and when I do add a little make up he couldnt keep his hands off me. There goes the whole aspect that you dont need make up to look pretty. Theo was shallow so in some ways he was clearly with me for something more than my looks. In the house, there are lights everywhere, fairy lights mainly and the cross the main hall. I see my brother holding a plastic cup and talking to Luke and Xander. I walk over and I see the disapproving look from my brother before I give him a hug. He gives me a hug back and I see him look over me and he clenches his lips before I say. Well at least I dont look like a stripper. I say sounding rather sarcastically. My brother looked a little upset by those words. What I had learn about Seth was he couldnt control himself very well, he was a very angry character and I often felt as if I was missing apart of him, but a part he wasnt ready to emit to himself let alone the rest of the world. Who said that? I mean you do but thats not the point. Seth says and his eyes were on Theo expecting him to be the one who said that but I simple rely with the word. Hannah. Seth looks a little confused by those words and I looked at him and send him a smile. I thought she was the nice one out of all you lot. Xander mutters and I send him a smile and shrug my shoulders. Theo puts his arm around my waist put I see him looking around the room, he spots something and disappears leaving me here, he only gone a minute before he is back and is holding a drink. I look at him and say. Thought you said you were a lightweight. I say towards Theo I am but it tastes so good. I laugh by this comment knowing that its more the fact they dont get alcohol very much and therefore he would bond to have a taste when they had some in hand. I smile at Theo as his lips went to mine and I felt my cheeks heat up a little. Theo didnt go more than tipsy because he someone managed to convince me to take a drink. There wasnt really a set age limit for drinking alcohol these day but in the cities you had to be at least twenty one to buy it and its not like you could fake that. The thing is I wasnt the parting type of girl and just like Theo, just like the most people here; I was a little bit of a lightweight. I did control my actions though; the problem is I just felt ever so side after I had downed by fourth cup of beer. Seth was still pretty much with in and although Theo was complaining about the room moving he managed to get me home. Well back to his house. My parents were here, but it seemed as the teens had one half of the house and the adults and the other, which was the kitchen and most of the upstairs.

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Theo leads me into his room, he had a huge bed in the room and I let out a giggle before wrapping my arms around him. I put my lips on his and he responds at once and I jump up and he pushes me against the door. Its a way to get rid of all my frustration. His lips are rough and I can feel my heart beating a lot faster than normal as he holds me against the door. My legs are wrapped around him and the only thing that is holding me again the door is Theos body as his hands are running through my hair. His lips ran down my neck and thats when he pushes me harder against the door before lifting me away from the door and placing me on the bed. His lips become rushes and my mind is mixed, confused by the action happening, my body is weak and I know I am tired. I kiss him back because I want to, even though I was so tiered and my body was weak. I move my lips with his and I struggle to be the rhythm. Theo notices this and he mummers against my lips. Youre tiered, Its not a question but a statement and I just let out a groan to conform it. He smiles and he pulls me to sit up. I go into kiss him and he stops me before saying. Babe I want to but I think we are both so out of our minds that youll probably end up trying to kill me when we get up tomorrow, I go into kiss him and his lips brush over mine for a second before he pulls away and pulls the covers back. He slips my shoes off and slides me up the covers. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. When I wake up the next morning my head is spinning and Theos arms are around me. He is snoring quietly in my ear, but thats not what wakes me up, it the hurtful pain in my head. I slip out from under Theos arm and notice Im still wearing that red dress. Theo grabs my hand and pulls me on top of him and holds me against his body. So hows your head? He mummers and I know he is really tired due to the tone of his voice. Shit. Thanks for keeping me well normal. I hope I wasnt too bad. Well the make-out session was pretty crap because you were so sleepy. I hit him on his shoulder and press my lips to his before rolling off the bed. I stand up and Theo is still lying on the bed looking up and I and I say. Can I have some clothes? Just ask my sister. I roll my eyes and out into the hall, my feet creek on the floor as I go to Camillas room. I knock on the door. I dont hear an answer and so I push it open. I see Camilla and Luke lying on her bed and I rolled my eyes before saying. Camilla, Her eyes flicker open and she looks at Luke before flickering her eyes to me and I say. Not going to say anything, although I thought you were chasing after Daniel. She picked up her dress from the floor and slides it over her head before saying. I gave up. Shut the door I really dont want Theo to know he will freak out and kill me. Luke will be classed as awesome and I will be the one dealing with the hurt. Ivy what do you want. Im about to open my mouth and Luke looks a little confused when he sits up, I notice he is shirtless and his body looks pretty damn amazing. Why are you here? I need something to wear, now if I was you. I would wait until I leave the room and you sneak out. I could always tell Theo, I think he would love rearranging your face.
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Shut up Ivy. You dont look like you had sex. Camilla pulls me over to the wardrobe and she goes through her clothes and I say. Thats because unlike some people I dont carve sex. Camilla you know he is underage right? She glares at me before passing me clothes. I mean that kind of breaking the law. I say trying to make it sound like a joke. Luke acted a lot older than he was, I would place Camilla at sixteen and I would say Luke was well into his twenties, but it wasnt like that Luke was still in his teens and so he would end up getting really messed up even if he didnt show that emotion. Just go, and thank you for helping me get Luke out. I will tell Theo but Ill just wait until Luke is out the house, I smile at the both and go back to Theos room. He has a bowl of water on his bed and he is beginning to wash his face. He is wearing a pair of jeans, but is shirtless. I look at him and shut the door before walking to him and turning around and say. Can you undo the dress? He kisses me on my neck and I feel his hand slide down on my body and hear the zip come down. I step out my dress and slip the shorts and top on. Sure I looked like a stripper again but it was easy to run around in and good to train in. Theo hadnt taken his eyes off me since I asked him to unzip my dress. He presses his lips to mine. I think I should tell you something, He sits on the bed and looks at me a little confused. So it turns out your sister likes Luke, He shrugs his shoulders like he doesnt care. And they had sex, He stands up and looks and I grab hold of him. He gone there is no point. Look if I wasnt so tired we would of, so why should you hate on them. I just thought she liked Daniel. I just got really confused. He says and I smile by his expression. Everyone knows girls are really hard to read, I think its more the fact if you like a guy you tend to flirt with everyone, giving off mix signals. She gave up on him. So please dont go and kill either of them. Your sister is okay most of the time and Luke is just a bit older than me and I find him really easy to talk to. I thought he liked Hannah though so I guess we were totally wrong with them. Okay but I still need to talk to him; I cant scare him because both Luke and I are rather evenly matched. He kisses me on my forehead and grabs a T-shirt before sliding his fingers through mine and we walk down the stairs. Jonathan and Camilla are both in the kitchen and Camilla catches my eye and I nod my head but she just sighs and puts a plate of food in front of Theo and then myself. Please dont hurt him. Camilla blurts out. Just be glad Ivy gets on with him, but be careful. He says and Camilla smiles at me and sits down next to me where we begin to eat.

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Chapter Fifteen some days were good and some days were bad. A week following the party I was training again. It was Theo and I and I liked it better like that. I love everyone around us but honesty sometimes it was annoying sometimes they would be judging us because we were both trying to fall and this world was difficult but its real. I like being away from everyone, I like Theo training me because then when its just about us and no one else. The problem about not having anyone else here is there wasnt anything stopping us from making out instead of trying to get me to become a better fighting. Theo had me on the ground and there was huge amount of pain going up my back, he didnt seem to mind hurting me when we were practising now. Thats a lie as soon as he throws me on the ground, making my back collide with the hard ground he sees if Im okay. My pain resident has improved I just felt a little broken still. He pulls me up to sit up and sits down so his legs are either side of me letting me lean in and press my lips to his. These were the moment where I could forget everything bad, and they all seemed so perfect, they all made me happy and thats all I really needed. I was becoming stronger but I still didnt know if I could really kill someone in cold blood. I think that does where I never going to be able to understand Theo, I am never going to full understand that side of him. He was opening up to me and now that he hurts me I see that there is pain hiding behind his eyes. Instead of pulling me up with him, he just lay on the ground wrapping his arms around me and kissing me on the nose. Im sorry, He says, his voice low and in no more than a whisper. I didnt mean to hurt you. I smile by his words and I know that the walls are breaking down and he is letting me in. Theo Im fine, I managed to be okay with a bullet through my shoulder why would this be anything different. Theo there are things in both our lives that we dont want to talk about, I have that one thing that no one but myself knows and therefore I understand you keeping things from me but you have to let me in because I dont want to be wit h someone when Im with for the sake of it, thats kind of Aaron and Is relationship. Did you go see him? Theo asks and I know he is trying to change the subject and I look at him and bite my lip before saying the words. Yep yesterday, I got him a book. Do you know everyones story here? Theo pauses for a long time before he says. Well no but I know more than you. Who do you want to know about? Hannah, I just feel like she is trying so hard to fit in with everyone but she seems to spend the whole time pulling away. Her story is not pretty. Shes been out here with us for nearly four years. She was in a jail cell when we got her in a raid, she was covered in blood, she was crying all the time but the day we got her she killed about six people. She didnt even think about it, just shot them down like they didnt mean anything. She and my sister never got on while Jenny was alive because Hannah is a cold hearted murder. She knows that and so she puts up the act of being all girly, there are only a few people who know the full positional of her. Seth, Luke and I are
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the only ones left who know. She is sweet sure, but if you piss her off she will kill you in a heartbeat. Look the thing is Hannah has a kid. My eyes had been looking down but this phase made my eyes flicker up and look at him. She had a kid at fifteen, three years ago but her parents look after him, in the city and thats why Hannah is heartless because she wants a better life for everything and she doesnt want to love because she will break down. Um does she know who the father is? I ask a little stunned by what had been said and Theo nods his head and I say. Do you know? Nathan, so you know him as well. Nathan ran off when he found out and no one has seen him since. I told you that stuff about him a different country because it wasnt something I wanted you to know at that moment in time. I would like to know if he was okay though, I mean he was a good friend for everyone. Now we have lost Craig it be good to get him back here, he is the only one that could ever control anyone. He would talk to anyone about an issue and he just seem to have to much and finding out a girl you had sex with once was pregnant with your kid. I dont understand though I mean you said you got her out the cell. Nathan is the least known out of every one of us, he was the person who could go in and out of the city and no one would notice him. He went into the city once; met Hannah had sex with her and then came out. A month later he went in again to find her but learnt she was in jail and made us all go and get her. She knew she was pregnant at the time so when someone tried to attack her she shot them down. Nathan was a little unsure of her and well lets just say when we woke up the next morning he was go ne. It took another month for us to learn the reason. Then another seven months and you have a kid, she said that she couldnt look at the kid and didnt want him out here so I went in and gave him to her parents. She is one of the most messed up people I know. She has a kid she cant see and she kills everything to protect him from the horror that is out world. I was so stunned by the words he spoke that I didnt know what to say. This world has lies and secrets and every person did as well. Well, have you ever thought about looking for him? Nathan will come back when he is ready. I am not going to look for some who doesnt want to be found. I think he is most likely trying to find us more than anything else, we dont tend to stay in the same place for very long. I hope he can follow our bad pluming though, I laugh by this and lean over him a little bit pressing my lips gently to his. Come on lets go back to mine we are not going to do any more training. He stands up pulling me up to my feet after and he gives me a quick kiss before sliding his fingers through mine and we walk back to his house. Hannah, Elle and Camilla were all in the sitting room when I pushed open the front door and saw them lying across the ground. Theo didnt look at Hannah once he almost pretended that she wasnt there and he said he needed a shower and be back in a bit. I took that time to walk in the living room and Hannah gave me a smile but I could return it. Everything about her was fake and thats why she didnt like many people, which are why she was so shy because she had a messed up life and wouldnt care if she killed someone. Camilla and Elle were talking to one another but Hannah was looking at me and it seemed that me sitting here not a good idea. I couldnt lie very well I knew that and she seemed to guess that something was wrong. She came to sit next to me and she said.

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I thought a month, so he lasted longer that I though. What side did he take though? Youre a heartless bitch. I mutter and she rolls her eyes and hugs me and I feel a little caught off by the action and she says. I want to go find him but I know the others are not so sure. I doubt he would have gone too far and he wouldnt have gone back to the city. He walked away but I still want him you know? I nod my head and she pulls away from me before kissing me on each cheek and doing the same to Camilla and Elle. She walks out the room muttering bye to all of us. Its not long before Theo comes back down and he takes my hand dragging me to his room. I lie on the bed, feeling his arms wrap around my waist and I feel his lips touch my neck as he kisses me slowly and softly up the jawline and I say to him. Hannah wants to fine Nathan. I say and with those words Theo spins me around and I turn to look at him my eyes flicker from being so close to his face, his face was a little blurry and so I move back away from him a little before I say. She told me know, there must be someone that would be willingly go after him and look for him. Ill talk to her about it, Ivy she may want that but Nate will come back on his own terms. She needs to understand that and it doesnt matter what she wants this time but it matters because they people who would go are the stronger ones of us and we cant lose anyone else, we cant because we need everyone. I try and be strong for you, for my sister but the people who keep dying are like family to me. If anything ever happened to you I am not sure I would be able to get through it, you mean too much to me and I care a lot about you okay? I nod my head and his lips take mine for a small little kiss. There are these moments in life that you hate and there are these moments that you love, this was one of the ones that I loved. He holds me tight and he kisses me. I love being out here sometimes because I didnt have anyone looking down at me. Our kisses were perfect; perfect was just a word that makes you feel so much. Our kisses we perfect because they were with a boy I knew cared about me. He didnt say a lot, but sometimes the words that he whispers are exactly what I need to hear. I feel more for this boy than I ever felt for Aaron my heart beats so much more when I lie here with Theo. My world had changed and it was for the better even though death seemed to be running around my mind, I just knew that someday sometime that it would all end out for the better. The world was cruel and it would always be cruel even if we sorted this all out, got rid of the cameras, and made everything come undone. I didnt know what I wanted but I knew freedom would be something that Im fighting for, the thing that every human should have. Compulsion, fixation all are things that you need to have your mind set on whatever you are focused on. You need the mind and thats not something I had yet, and all I knew that I wanted Theo. He made me happy and at this moment in time thats what I needed and it made me smile like nothing else ever mattered. I left the house rather late, returning to my house. My house that felt weird, I had been here a while but everything felt so strange, okay I guess the city wasnt ever something I had called home and for once I felt like I had a house, but it all felt strange and out of place and I

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didnt know what to say about everything because it was all changing and Im not sure I could keep up with that. My bed was not as nice as Theos because it didnt have him in it. I guess even though nothing had gone further than kissing with a few pieces of clothing off me did somehow like him holding me. The days may be involving much of the same thing but I knew everyone had to become stronger before any actions were to take place. By being here I was going to get in a retinue and there was nothing I could to get out of it until we were ready to fight, ready to unwrap the perfect world the government tried to create, but in turn it wasnt anything near that, this world was broken and I was just walking along a never ending room waiting for it to be my time for a bullet to go through me, killing me. I dont know how many hearts I would break with that action but I knew that my life had changed over the past month and I would never live the same life ever again because frankly I had made a mess leaving but it was a mess that I would do over and over again. I was happy now and thats what mattered. I went into the world of dreams and for the first time in a long time nothing bad seemed to creep into them and I woke up rather happy and full of life. I was getting into a pattern and there was nothing that was going to change that.

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Chapter Sixteen Days went and I was getting used to living in the little bubble that had been created. It was supposed to be freedom but sometimes it seemed as bad just without the cameras. October came and the days were getting shorter, the air was getting colder and Theos Twentieth birthday was just around the corner. It felt strange that he would be turning twenty and I was still at the age of sixteen. I know if we were in society not many people would approve of our relationship, but I was falling for him and there was nothing else I could do. The days were getting shorter, but the heat still stayed pretty strong as summer was slowly turning to fall. It was strange seeing trees all around us having their leaves go from green to the red, and the browns. The population in the city now stands at 189, with twenty of those people under the age of ten. Theo and George still didnt see eye to eye but as the population of the uprising was growing a little bit every week they werent fighting all the time. Every week we would send a group of people, and when they came across people they would come straight back. He didnt send the strongest now because the rumours of the nearby cities were being thought to be about us. Theo would some time slip in and out of cites just to see what they were talking about, he would be gone a maximum of three days. We needed Theo, Seth, Luke, Daniel, James, Freddie and Harris here. Hannah and I had been struggling to talk since I had learnt about her secret, and she didnt seem to like that much. Theo had to keep telling her that Nathan would be back on his own terms and no one elses and he had told her so many times that she didnt even seem like that. She didnt seem like herself I could count the number of times she had smiled at me, and well generally. Xander and Jason seem to have fit in to our little group of friends rather well and Elle was becoming a lot more independent and her fighting skills were improving every day. Sure Theo and Xander still had their problems but they were trying to get on. They were never going to be close with each other. My parents still found it weird that there children held so much power, and honestly the bond of the family seem to be getting weaker every day. Its not that we hated each other, its just the conversation didnt seem to go anywhere. Seth just tried to stay out of my way, I dont think he means to, its just he was spending his days over paper trying to come up with a plan about what we were going to do. He was very stressed about the whole thing and I knew he needed his space. As for Luke and Camilla well it was still on the down low but most people could guess they were together, and it turns out Luke did like Hannah but once she shown no interest Hannah did like him but there was the problem of Nathan, her child and everything else in her life. Her story was like a bad fictional romance story, it belonged on the pages of books, stupid romance books. She liked Luke but she was still into Nathan and I think thats what hurt her even more. Luke now longer had those feelings and was forgetting about her. So on the day before Theos birthday I was resting my head on his lap and he was playing with my hair. Theo hadnt snapped very much over the past few weeks and he seem to have changed his attitude. I think he knew he couldnt go around beating up people because honestly he did want to over throw the government and had to be in the right frame of mind.

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No one had died recently and I would pray every day for it to stay like that but I knew at one point that would no longer be true. Theo and I werent the normal couple because honestly I lying here on his lap was so not like us. Most the time we would be hurting, practicing fighting, or shooting guns and arrows at targets, and the odd time when it was a knife. So Theo was trying to be romantic and he wasnt doing a bad job. We were actually at the house James, Daniel and Luke shared together. It had sort of become the house we all ended up because normally it would be either mine or Theos but it think because we had our parents there we couldnt be so open and honest. The door opens and Xander and Jason come in. Jason is holding someone water and I watch him walk into the kitchen as Xander comes into the sitting room. He nods and Theo and I and gives us a smile in my direction. I go on my side so I can see Xander a little better when I say. What you doing here? Your brother said to come here. He is not the nicest person in the world. Well I guess none of you are really that nice. I roll my eyes by his comment and feel a slight smile come on to my face and I say. Thats because we all get so pissed off at each other. Well hey its Theo Birthday tomorrow so we can try and be nice to each other then. With this phase I sat up and Theos eyes go straight me and I see his lips curl in to a smile. His arm is along the back of the sofa and I go and curl up to him. Jason hows the shooting going? I ask trying to change the subject knowing that Theo doesnt like the attention on him when its about his life. Okay, still not as good as you guys but I can just throw knifes at them if anything fails. He shrugs his shoulders and says. It fills weird being here and all. No camera yet still in a city and everything. I mean been here just over two months and Im not really use to it. Ive been in the wild ten years and honestly it takes forever to get used to it. I understand that. I think Seth wants some more in the military I know he is planning a raid. Seth been a little distant lately and I guess he is trying to sort everything out. There is a pause and Xander nods his head. Theo says in my ear. Babe you okay, I feel like you are really tiered. Thats because I spent like twelve hours having to try and pin you down, He smirks by this comment and he kisses me on the top of my head. My brother hasnt really talk ing to me much so, I have no idea what he wants, Xander nods his head and I say. I can make you some food for you all. They mutter thanks and I walk into the kitchen and begin to go through the cupboard. I end up finding a fish and I find some peas, which are half frozen and some newly picked potatoes. I put the food on and sit on the counter before I hear a giggle and see Luke and Camilla in lip lock in the hallway. I roll my eyes and Luke spots me and pushes Camilla off him before walking over here and looking around the kitchen. Thought Theo would be in here.
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He is in the sitting room with Xander and Jason and my brother, when he turns up. I thought I would put some food on for you all. Thanks you are the best. Luke says pulling himself next to me and he says. So how is Aaron? he asks changing the subject. Other than Theo and my brother I would put Luke and the next closest person to me. He was not like my first impression of him, he was young and therefore was a little bit stupid but he was kind and tried to do his best he could to bring happiness on to the world and they life we were living in. Annoyed, pissed off, bored, and hating life, oh and about to go insane, I see the smirk on his face and I say. I feel really bad for him. I mean sure I try and go and see him every few days but it must be really dull there. I know Im with Theo and everything but Aaron was the only friend I had in the city so I still care about him so I really dont like him being shut up you know? Ivy thats understandable. Ive been speaking with George about the prisoners, you know there are six in total and they have all been locked up for a few months. We will just put a tracker in them and well if they go out the city we shot them down, no questions asked. Keep them in prison makes us seem just like the people we are against. I think nearly three months in a cell would make anyone go insane. I didnt want to tell you because I wasnt sure it would go through. Oh and once Aaron is out he is more than welcome to stay here. I doubt youll parents or Theo would want him at yours. Luke thank you, thats really sweet of you. I give him a hug just as my brother opens the front door he smiles at me and I slide off the surface before walking over to him. Guess Luke told you. Um Ivy we doing a raid for information next week, so you can come with us but I just want you to know that its not going to be the safest thing in the world. Theo will come and so I just want to know if you want to tag along. I would like to come. Where are we going? I ask. I knew the raids are dangerous but honestly I was getting a little bored living here that I wanted something to happened, something different even if it was a problem, even if some people wouldnt come back. I just wanted to be like I was worth something and thats what I raid would be and I guess I loved a little bit of adrenalin. One, My mouth falls open and he says. Look I know it is crazy, but I finally have enough people who are strong enough for us to get the information. Look we need to do it Ivy. I have been trying to get around it for the past month but its the only thing Ive got. I dont want you to come but I know you wont listen to me. He walks into the sitting room and I follow. Seth throws papers down on the table and says. Xander, Theo you know one pretty well, I need you to mark the cameras on the map. The boys exchange looks and I think Theo is the one who notices what my brother is planning. Its a suicide mission. Seth is you crazy, Theo stands up and he looks pretty threatening. I look between them and Theo says. Im not come Seth I dont want to fucking die. What are you thinking? You think I like the idea, Ivy wants to come and I know youll come because its the only thing we can do. We are clueless, Ivy is the last person who lived in the city, everyone
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else has been running for years or months, and her knowledge is not going to help. We need a raid and we need to get a list of prisoners, so we can let them out. You think I like the idea, no but we have to. Ivy are you fucking kidding me. He just stands up and walks out the room and I hear the door slam and I sit down on the sofa and I look at Seth before resting my head on my knees and wrapping my arms around them, letting a tear come down. Im not going to chase him because thats what he wants. Seth sits down next to me and I feel his arm touch my back and he pulls me into a sitting position. He wipes the tears and says so me. Ivy you are the only one who can calm him down, please can you just go and talk to him? I nod my head and Seth hugs me before I stand up and walk out the house. I couldnt see him when I got out the room so I decided to walk back to Theos house, when I knocked on the door Jonathan opened it and simple said upstairs. I walk up the stairs and knock on the door of his bedroom before sliding in and see Theo on the bed throwing his clothes at the walls. He stops as soon as he sees me. He knows Ive been crying because he stands up and lifts me up before putting me on the bed. I know its stupid. I know you dont want me to go but I dont want to sit here and wait until you come back or not. Theo you mean a hell lot to me and me just I let out a hiccup and he smiles before pressing his lips to mine. His hand goes on my face and kissing my nose before lying down on his bed and holding me close to him. My eyes are flickering over his face and Theo says. Ivy I knew you would come and I cant protect you all the time. If you died, well I think it would rip me apart. He pauses and I feel my smile by his words. He presses his lips to mine, and I feel my cheeks increase in heat and Theo and I share a very slow but deep kiss. Theo places his arm on my waist and my eyes are on him. We dont talk just look at each other. I watch Theo open his mouth a few times before a sound come sound. Ivy I smile at him and he kisses my nose and he says. Youre cute, I let out a small giggle as he kisses my nose again. But honestly I just want to tell you that I love you. Thats why I dont want you to come because I think you would rip me apart and Im not sure I can go through that again, I smile by his words; I wrap my arms around his neck and pull my body closer to him pressing my lips to his. He responds but after a dozen or so kisses he pulls apart. You never actually gave a responds. I thought I would slowly crush your ego. I say honestly to him. He smirks by these words but when I go in for a kiss he doesnt let it last. I pout and then I look at him and know that by not saying it back Id hurt him. I did love him but me kind of liked being in this position of having these words to myself. I didnt want to tell him, but I knew I should and at least I will get the words back. Love you too. I whisper. As soon as those words have left my mouth, Theo has his lips on mine again. He beings to kiss my lips before going up and down my neck. His fingers went under my top and his hands grabs the material and he begins to tug at it as his kisses became rougher and deep, along my jawline and up the collarbone. His body is lying on top of me but he had one hand holding him up so he couldnt crush me. I have my hands on his shoulder as his lips move against mine fast, and rough.

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I didnt know why but every time we go to this part would I push him away, maybe there was something from Theo that I really thought he would just screw me over. I knew that wasnt true now but up until this moment I didnt know how strong emotions really were. If we were in society he would just be one of my brothers friends, because the age gape of three and a bit year would be unacceptable. It thought to be wrong but right here right now all those moments didnt matter. When our bodies combined I know that it was the right time. That he does care about. That maybe once all this is over we can get the happy ever after. I love him and he loves me and thats all I need right now.

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Chapter Seventeen Theo and I didnt bother to get up, and sure I did wonder whether the boys had burnt the kitchen down because I had left the food in the oven for them. When I woke up my body was covered in sweet and it was wrapped around Theos. He was still sleep and so I got out from under his grin and pulled on his t-shirt before going under his arms again. I wrap my arms around his middle and rest my head on his shoulder. This movement seem to wake him because he turned around to face me and brush his lips over mine. I knew we had both fallen asleep rather early last night, but it seemed alright. The first things I say to him when we break apart from are kiss is. Happy birthday, He smiles by the comment and he kisses me again. I look at him and say. I made a cake for you. I mean you cant really give a present out here. Victoria Sponge so it has loads and loads of cream in, he smiles by this and his hand touches his top now on me and I say. Encase someone walked in. I mean its easy for a guy, but it would look pretty obvious with me. He smiles and says. You really do ramble dont you? Well lets get up then and you can give me that cake, Theres a pause and I smile at him. He brushes his lips over mine and our lips move against each other. I pull away from him and slide out the bed, but only to have Theo pull me back and he says. Love you. Love you too. I say kissing him and walk to the wardrobe. In the bottom draw contain some of my clothes, my parents do get annoyed every time I say over at Theos but we really didnt have the parent/daughter relationship, it was almost like they were just people I lived with. They wouldnt be happy but they didnt tell me off if did though, it was strange and weird. I slide on a pair of jeans and a top and Theo just pulled on his boxers and is looking for something to wear. He ends up going for shorts and a plain blue T-shirt and once he had slides the top on he pulls me in to a hug and lifts me up before putting me on the bed. Come on lets go get that cake. Theo says taking my hand and pulling me out the room. We dont run in to anyone while we walk back to my house, Theo holds my hand. We walk into my house and my dad is sitting at the kitchen table with a coffee in hand and a book on the table. Normally he would be reading a newspaper, if we were at home but he seems to be going through books at a huge rate. I go to the counter and I see a towel which is over the cake. Ivy I think you should have some proper breakfast before you eat the cake and wouldnt you rather do it with everyone around. Ill get your mom to heat it up. But I want the cake now, I say acting like a little girl and my dad holds my stare and I roll my eyes before I say. Fine, Ill make breakfast and we go over to Dans, Lukes and James house. By the way Aaron is getting out today, My dad looks at me a little confused by this. Luke said he feels bad that they havent shown any sort of thing that they would return to the government and say our location. So they are got trackers and they are injecting with a tracker and if they live the city walls without permission they get shot down, no questions asked. Aaron is going to move in with him and the rest of them there. They get on rather well, well for a friendship that has one person in a cell.

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Okay, well I do feel bad for the boy. He just ended up on the wrong side. I doubt his parents would forgive him even if he did return, I put a few eggs in a saucepan and sit on the counter. He hasnt lost his mind yet? Not yet. I do remember going to see Seth in the cells all the time and that was horrible and they are not much better here. Theo is standing there awkwardly and I sit the spot next to me and he walks over and sits down on the counter. My dad says that he was going to help George and I nod my head and here the front door close. Theo slides down and he stands in front of me before leaning pressing his lips to mine. Not exactly what I want to see when I wake up. I hear Seth say and Theo pulls away from me, leaving my cheeks flush a red color. I look at Seth and he says. What you making? Eggs, there is not much in the kitchen. Do you think you can get some more food? Seth nods his head and Theo goes away from me before sitting down next to Seth. Happy birthday mate. Ivy after I have eaten Im going to let Aaron out, Luke said he mentioned it to you yesterday. You can come if you want. Luke and I are sorting them all out and I thought you would want to see him. Yep, thanks for this. I think because I spent so much time in a cell when I was younger. I knew it wasnt pleasant so Luke kind of pushed it and I backed him. Cant say George is happy about the whole thing, but he seems to hate us at the moment. We are a little unpredictable. I think because we have all been out here since we were young, I think he knows that we are not normally young adult. Ivy youll end up as ruthless as we are at one point or another. Sure I was upset when Craig died but most of us just have to move on because it happens all the time. Ivy you have to keep the thought that you are fighting for yourself. Seth had his moments of wisdom that was for sure and this happened to be one of them. After we ate, Seth, Theo and I made our way to the cells. Luke was already there and he was holding a weird contraption. I watched as he put the needle looking thing into someone skin. I guess she had been one of the people he caught. I heard him say that if she lives the city she will die. When she smiles Seth goes over to her and drags me alone. Theo looks a little out of place so just leans against the wall. Seth holds his hand out for the girl and says. Hey Im Seth Dillaway, and this is my sister Ivy. I hope Luke explains what the tracker is meant to do and once everyone is out I will take you to a house. You wont live together Im afraid as it would a security problem but over the last few weeks we didnt think it was healthy for living in a cell. Anyway questions? Im just confused why you are letting us out. I mean if the roles were reversed I would have shot you. One of the girls says. Oh thats another thing the only reason we kill people is if they harm one of the members in here, and in your case if you leave. She nods her head and smiles and says. Thank you. I kind of hope you win. I mean you are actually all really nice and Ivy I think its really nice that you came to see Aaron a lot, even if you are on opposite sides. I

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smile by this and I see Luke putting the needle into Aaron skin. Luke says some stuff to him and I go over to hug Aaron. His arm is on my lower back and he says to me. You knew I gathered. I nod my head and he smiles and Theo comes over and I look at him and he is sending a glare at Aaron. So Luke told me that Im staying with him. I thought you just lock us all up. Well just stay within the walls and youll be fine. Shit Theo I left your cake at my house. Do you think you could get Aaron to Lukes without killing him? Theo nods his head and I smile Theo gives me a quick kiss mummers he loves me and I walk away from the two boys. I end up jogging back to my house, which was a little hard in jeans but I still managed to keep a good pace. My mom was in the kitchen and she pasted me the cake, but now she had put it in a box, I thank her before walking out the room. I end up walking rather slowly to the boys house and I knock on the door unable to open the door. Elle stands there and she smiles at me and I go in and into the sitting room. Seth is the only one missing from the room. Luke and Aaron are in deep conversation and I see Camilla looking a little bit left out. I go and sit on the floor next to Theo and put the cake on the table. I take the lid off and pass the cake to Theo. He looks down at it and I see him smile and he says. I didnt know you can bake. He sounds a little surprised by that little bit of information. I think that made me think that I had known him for like three months yet sometimes I didnt feel I know him at all. He loved me and I loved him but sometimes we were just having conversations with little white lies. I didnt tell him everything about my life but there was only one aspect which I was hiding from him, one part that I didnt want anyone to know. Its easier than cooking. Let me light the candles. I say and jump up to go and get the candles but Theo holds me back and he says. Babe its fine, the cake is fine. I havent had a cake since I was nine, I smile at him and take the candles out. One the cake it reads Happy 20th Birthday Theo I had drawn a heart on it and Theo kisses me on cheek and sits down next to me. See its possible making a cake. Theo you never made me a cake. Camilla said and he says. Well thats not important right now. He says and I let out a laugh. At that moment Seth comes into the room and is holding a stack of plates and gives them to me muttering something about making sure Theo shares. I let Theo have the first slice and tell him to make a wish in which he rolls his eyes to. I then pass the cake around and everyone seems rather happy about it. No presents were exchanged and I understood that I guess that they would very rarely get luxury gifts, Theo would normally try and get his sister make-up but the rest of them would rarely get anything. I wasnt the girly girl and so I knew I wouldnt get anythin g for my birthday which was three months away. We all pretty much sat in here, eating cake a talking for the rest of the day. It felt normal and I have no idea why. George said they didnt have to do anything and it was nice. Aaron got on with both Xander and Jason and they thought he was badass for ending up in the prison, although they didnt know at the time what it was for. He ended up telling the reason

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but he did say he was responsible of getting the bullet out of me. I think Aaron would fit into the life very well because frankly he just didnt want to fight against the law he just didnt want to be against the law. I stay sat next to Theo and I could actually see he was enjoying the time. When the sun had disappeared from the sky, we got up and said goodbye to everyone. I started hugging Aaron saying I would come see him tomorrow and he mummers thanks to me. I say goodbye to Camilla and Luke, followed by Daniel and Hannah. Xander, Jason and Elle think it is better to leave as well and so we all walk down the street together before saying goodbye to each other. Theo holds my head and when we get to my front door he sa ys to me. Thank you Ivy. I never expect much on my birthday because we I havent had a gift in a very long time. Thank you for caring and thanks for putting up with me. I dont want us to do the raid but I know deep in myself that it is the only thing we can do and I dont want to lose you. I stand on my tip toes and press my lips gently to mine and I smile at his words. I love you. Thank you Ivy. Love you too. Now try and think before you lose your temper next time. I see putting my hand on the door handle. Theo pulls me back to face him and he says. Ill try, but its not like it had a bad solution. I smile by this words and kiss him on the cheek before sliding in the room. My parents are sat at the table with George and Im a little stunned by this and I actually jump by this. George stands up and greats me and says. Nice to see you again, I guess Theo dropped you off, I nod my head and shut the door before turning back around to face him and he carries on saying. I gather Seth told you the plans. As much as I agree with Theo thinking it is a suicide mission I do think it has to be done. I say honestly to him and I look at him and he is a little unsure. Your friend Aaron is he thankful of being out, I nod my head. I came around here because I wanted to talk to Seth but I dont really have much time to hang around. Things to do, anyways I thought I would give you a list of people that I would like to go with the group. Sure I have to keep a few of the military here, Harris and Freddie I will keep here; I think the rest of the boys are capable of going in without them. I dont want you to send everyone at once in case they get caught. You have twenty four hours to get in and out. I know you will pass this on to your brother. If you see the president, shoot him as soon as you see him. Oh and I did manage to get this. Its a list of the names of the council, although it was about a year ago. I thought it may help. I mutter thanks. He shakes my fathers hand and kisses my moms hand and disappears out the door. I smile at my parents before going up the stairs and into my room. I had moved the other bed in and I know had the two bed pushed together to become one. I sat down on it and pulled out the piece of paper. My eyes went over it, I mean of course I knew the presidents name, you learnt about that in school, and it wouldnt be for another two years until we would get another one. I wasnt very familiar with the government and so I didnt know the names very well. I read the sheet as followed. President- Andrew Norris (age 38)

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Vice President- Jemima Franks (Age 45) The 12 members of the council in charge of law enforcement Penelope Carter Max Devin Brett Elliot Francesca Finn Harriet Norris Rupert Olga Violet Rabin Peter Roberts Lucas Skye Justin Taylor Francis Tate Lucy Wilson-Smith My eyes flickered down the names and I was just hoping that one, other than the first two would stick out. In class as soon as the government was be mentioned I would turn my brain off because I didnt want to hear about the people who were making this world ever so bad and they were the last people I wanted to know anything about. Members of importance in Security Section Head- Gareth Cage (Age 30) Liam Collins Sam Kennedy Britney Denver I dont recognize any of the names, so I fold up the piece of paper just as there is a knock on the top and Seth pops his head around the door I stand up and pass him the list and he opens it up and looks over it before saying. Know any of the names? I shake my head and he looks a little annoyed by that but shrugs his shoulders before saying. Well thats not helpful but oh well, He sits down next to me on my bed and I smile at him and he says. Ivy I know we are rather distant and for that I am sorry but I am glad here. You bring out the best in everyone here; I want you to know that. Theo is actually being pleasant most of the time for starters. Luke is a lot more open and well Im not wishing you were here the whole time.

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Im glad Im here. God that sounds strange, but really I missed you so much and therefore I know its kind of crazy being out here but everyone is so nice and I really do feel like Im a part of something, something that will work. By the way you know Freddie and Harris are not coming, Seth nods his head. But I dont really know them so its fine. He smiles and kisses my forehead and he says. Ivy how did you calm Theo down because he seems to be the happiest he has been in a long time. Well since Dana and Connor were here. I dont think I should tell you but Cake always helps. You slept with him didnt you? I think waiting three month was perfectly acceptable. He told me he love me so its not like he doesnt care about me or anything. He never actually told Dana he loved her. I mean I thought he did but he never actually said it. I just dont think he got there with her. So Ivy Im glad you are happy with him. You making him good again and he is my best mate most of the time. I smile by this comment and Seth leaves me alone, shutting the door behind him. I had a part of him that no one else seemed to have, he loved me. I knew that the stories about Dana were never going to disappear and I would always be compared to her and there was nothing I could do about that, but I guess I was glad that he trusted me with his heart and I did love him. He was the first boy I have ever been in love with me and thats never going to away, I dont think Im going to end up perfect through this but I want to fight and stand up against the government who are bringing more bad than good in this world.

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Chapter Eighteen The next week was hectic because I spent every day with Theo as he was training me. We would spent a good twelve hours every day, throwing knifes at board, shooting tin cans and having a hand on hand fight with wooden stakes. We were pretty evenly matched when it came to hand to hand, which Theo didnt like so much. My knifes would hit the centre about nine out of ten times and my shooting had become pretty decent, if I didnt hit the heart then I would injure them enough so they couldnt move and that was the important thing. The night before I went to bed rather early wanting to have plenty of sleep for the walk ahead, it was about a seven days there, and seven days back. Seth, Daniel, Xander & James made up the people who would be actually getting the information. Hannah, Theo, Luke and I would be covering them. There would be another ten people coming into the city and they had to cause a scene so we could get into the building and out without being killed. On the outside about seven people would sit there, if we didnt get out by the time the sun rises they would come in and see if we were in the cells and try and get out if it was possible. Camilla had made my outfit, I had to emit that she was become rather good and making clothes and as far as I know she was still patching up clothes and washing everything, and now Elle was helping her. She wanted to come with us and she was a decent fighter but her brother wouldnt let her, as he thought she would end up dead and that was understandable. She was only fourteen and Xander love his sister a lot, Seth knew I could take care of myself. Due to the fact Aaron was still a prisoner he had to stay in the city. Camilla and Elle were both going to move in to the boys house because honest I dont think Theo or Xander wanted their sisters to be on their own. Jonathan was spending so much time working that he was barley at home. The uprising was really coming along and this was the first moment. The outfit Camilla had made was black, I knew my brother wouldnt be very happy about it, but it was made so I could hold as many knifes and other weapons as possible, it was similar to a body suit but this is Camilla we are talking about and therefore it had a lot more style. It has so many pockets and places for me to slip knifes in. I also had a belt around my middle, and I had a few guns placed in it, this was a lot more dangerous than anything they had ever done before. Theo and Camilla were the only people to have escaped from the city, all the others who knew the city had move to another before heading towards the wild. Seth knocks on the door as I am tidying up my shoes when I stand up straight and go and get the door. He looks at me and says. I need to talk to Camilla about needing you to look like a stripper the whole time. I smile by the comment and that phased seemed to be a running joke about us, I didnt mind it was just a little irritating about the fact that the guys were just seeing me as some who didnt leave much to the imagination. He looks at me and I say. Yep but I have like so many weapons on me. Also, if we do get caught I have some weapons which well cant be scene. Okay, fine lets go around and pick up Theo. I smile at him and follow my brother out the room.

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Camilla is the one who opens the door and my brother begins to have ago at her and she simply stands there smiling and pretending that she wouldnt here a single word he was saying. I didnt know how Camilla has dealt with the boys over the last five year, I would have expected her to lose her mind of something but she still stayed the girly girl she was when Theo pulled her away from her home, away from her family. Theo stops dead when he sees I and I see his eyes flicker over me, sure this outfit pointed out every fault in my body, but it made my hips and boobs look good and thats where his eyes kept looking to. He had two guns on his back, a belt full of knifes, and two larges swords under the guns on his back. He wore a leather jacket, and a pair of think cord pants. He walks over and leans in brushing his lips over mine, its a kiss that doesnt last for more than two second I knew that he would strip it back whenever anyone else was around, I just knew he didnt want my brother to hate him. He wouldnt ever say it out loud but I knew my brother meant a lot to him, it was as if they were brother, they fight and make up like nothing happened. Theo slips his hand into mine as we walk out on to the street, its still rather early and so Im not surprised that we dont run into anyone, we go around seeing Xander and Jason. They are both dressed with Swords on their backs, knife tied around their legs and guns on their belts. Elle was standing in a blue dress and she kisses me on each cheek before taking up the rear. We dropped Camilla and Elle with Aaron and I gave him a hug he said that he wants her to get it and doesnt want me dead. I kiss him on his cheek and thats when we leave with Luke, Daniel and James. Seth leads the way and we make it to the middle of the city, Hannah rushes over when she sees us and gives me a hug. Seth beings to call out names and people say yes, Theo holds my hand and I feel the tension in the air, although we wouldnt be fighting for another seven days I knew everyone was nervous. George approached Seth when he was near the end and he wished everyone luck. I smile by this and thats when we head off. The first few hours, very few people said a word, Theo held on to my hand as we walked over roots, through the trees and across the grass. Theo and I somehow ended up in the middle of the group, although I could see my brother ahead of us, whos leading the way Luke to his side. At the back were Daniel, Hannah and James. I didnt know where Xander or Jason was but I gathered they were behind me as I couldnt see them in the people in front of me. We only rest for a short period of time and people didnt really talk, James and Luke manage to shoot down a few birds and get some deer and that was shared around the group of people, we stay in the tree, the sun too hot with all our weapons and water we were carrying. When the sun had gone down, we found an area near a stream, the current wasnt fast and it looked more like a lake in terms of the moment of water. Seth and Luke took the first watch and they were the only ones out the key players who watched that night. One the important things were tents, Theo was the one who had been carrying ours, it was a four man tend, Theo, Jason, and Xander and I would be sharing it. We didnt put up the compartments and so we had more room. Jason and Xander were a footway from each other, and Xander was a foot away from Theo and me, who took the right side. We had all the weapons in the middle and it was covered with one of the sleeping bags. Theo and I use the sleeping back to keep warm; his arms were on my waist as I feel asleep.

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Everyone knew the plan and thats why everyone was distant, people didnt want to talk to one another because someone would want to go back. We were all here for one thing and we knew that not all of us would make it. The following day was much like the day before, although there was no friendliness, everyone was bitter, and focus and the day before held laughs and smiles, this one had none of that, we all moved as one. Left, right, left so focus on what we were planning that nothing else would come into our mind. I didnt like it, Theo may have held my hand while we walk, and he may hold me at night in his arms. His lips may brush mine twice that day but we didnt talk, he didnt say he loved me and thats because he didnt want to lose me and I didnt want to lose him, but we knew there was a chance that could happen. We knew we could both end up dead, and the uprising would be nothing but a stupid story that was never goin g to work. So we werent ourselves, we were just empty shells walking as if we were machines, focus on killing, staling, and causing pain. Humanity had become twisted and although I had always been told two wrongs dont make a right, one wrong put people in pain, the other caused pain but in the end everyone would turn out for the better. I just had to hope that all the actions I make on this trip turn out for the best, I couldnt let killing someone stop me. I had to become ruthless, like Seth, like Theo. Emotions are what hold you make and thats why Theo wouldnt say those words. He may love me but while we were in the field he couldnt let that cloud his judgment because if I ended up dead he had to keep going, and I would if he was the one bleeding on the ground. Those days past slowly and I was glad because I felt as if I was prolonging my life just a little bit longer, the sun was high up in the sky by the time we came to the city walls. We all stayed in the tress, making sure no one could see us, what I always found strange is that fact that they didnt have cameras on the outside. You could go around the walls sometimes without being seen. Theo and Seth were speaking in whispers and the pulled out the rubber from the bags. They were talking about how to get in, Xander join in the conversation helping them come up with the best place to get in. we would come from two sides, the right side was the group I was in and we had to go and get the information, we had to plan our route to the seconds so the cameras didnt see us. The other side were the ones who were in more danger, there soul mission was to kill anyone with a gun, or some sort of weapons, they had to draw the people to them and make sure we had enough time to get in and out. It was the middle of October and therefore the days were about twelve hours dark and twelve hours lights, we had twelve hours before the rest of our group come and get us. Each minute of those hours were planned out and we should be in and out in four, but nothing in this world ever went to plan. The motto was shoot to kill and if one of our own is shot, you have to get them out, unless there is no hope for them. You get captured, and then the rest know you have just four days to live and promise to come and get you before the execution date. Xander said it had always been shorter in this city because it held so much power and four days wasnt long, it took three to get Theo and me out when we were caught and that wouldnt have anything think like the security this place had. When the sun began to set, Theo was sitting next to me, and he held my hand before putting his lips to them. He then kisses me before resting his forehead on mine and muttering

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the words. I love you. I returned those words and then he pulled me to my feet and let me go. I saw him flick a switch, or thats what it might has been because the moment we stood up, he had seem to become empty, the group departed in three and I followed Theo. He didnt hold my hand he didnt even look at me as we tried to move through the trees as quite as possible. Seth and Luke are the ones who begin to cut the wall, they do it silently and I know they must have done this many times before. My brother slips in the sheets of rubber, and I see him slip in and push the cables away, to form a path. Thats when he comes back out and looks at James who nods and leads the way in.

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Chapter Nineteen I went second last, just before Theo and as soon as we were in the city walls we went against the wall, I could hear the buzzing of the cables trying to past electricity around the wall. My brother makes a few motions with his hands telling us the direction that each of us has to go, the sun has nearly gone, but just a glimmer of light it still coming from the sky. Theo and I take the far right, following the wall as we walk silently, I hear screams coming from the nearby houses and it makes me want to go and help them. Theo goes behind me, making sure I dont run in to camera view, we are both wearing black and therefore can blend into the night rather well. We pause for a few seconds as I see a camera moving to where we would be standing, after it moves Theo and I run across the gape and walk a little further, I can see my brother who has Luke by his side and he smiles when he sees Im okay. Thats when I hear distant gun shots. It was a little early and so we pick up our pace to get out from these houses and walk a little fast, we get to a building and all eight of us stand in the shadows and Seth looks at a camera, waiting for it to move away from the shadows and he runs across a space. I hear many voices from around us, I knew that most people who lived by the wall didnt like the government and so I was hoping that if anyone saw us they would let us pass, they wou ldnt have weapons so we knew we would be fine from them, unless they went straight to the government. The gun shots hadnt stopped; it was bullet after bullet after bullet. Thats when Theo took my hand and pulled me after my brother. We were all running the knives and guns hitting against our bodies making a small sound. We werent paying attention to the cameras and I knew that was a mistake but we got to the government building without a single gunshot aimed at us. One the door were four males, each dressed in blue, with a helmet on, body armour and each holding a gun. Jason, James, Theo and Seth were the best shots and I watched them each aim at one of the guards and the guns drop to the floor. Theo is the one go gets out first and I watch him dig his sword in to one while another guard picks up his gun only for James to shoot him in the head and Seth to shoot another with an arrow. Theo kills the last before he leads the way into the building. The gun shot from James gave use away because when we walk into the building Theo pushes me again a wall and I see the bullets firing from everywhere, Hannah is on my other side and I see her shaking, she may be a good fighter but I knew this was getting too much for her. Her hands were shaking and Xander holds her stead. Theo and Seth look at each other and know they have to look for another way. James is the one who has a quick look, missing a bullet by just a tad, he mutters about a door. Seth and Theo look at each other and they go down on the floor, and I watch them do a roll from out of the hiding place and here a scream. James seems to be able to see and he says. Your brother in the shoulder, they got to the door and he is fine. I smile by this and James looks around a little lost, like he is trying to think of something to do. He was the strongest fighter out of all of us and I think he will fire at them but he points to the door handle and shoots a bullet at it, I see it bound off and goes through the gap between us, James smiles and I guess he hit someone. Just then a huge crash happens and Xander peers around the corner and he beings to shoot, at a dusk cloud. We run over to the door and slide into a very narrow stair case. Hannah stays close to Luke who is up first and we see Theo and Seth.

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Seth is around the other side, and James, Xander and Jason go and join him. I look down and the dusk has nearly cleared, the men look up, well the ones who havent been hit by the light falling and they shoot, but Theo is faster and I watch as they all go down. I look at my brother and his shoulder is strapped to his body and I see the blood making its way through his clothes. We walk along the upstairs and Theo keeps looking down as we move at a fast pace, we go up another set of stairs, but we go past a door and I hear talking. Come on we need to go and help them man. Ive heard stories and its never been good, they are bloodthirsty killers and I dont really want to die. I hear another voice say, Theo rolls his eyes and he and Luke each shoot one down without even saying something. Hannah looks a little scarred and I knew Theo had this side to him but I didnt think it would be so blood thirsty. Theo pulls me along and he pushes open another door just an inch. I then hear screams from the other side as Theo and Luke begin to shot through the door. When the door is nearly destroyed I know I need to help. I see someone go for a gun and I throw a knife and watch them fall to the ground. The ones who try to escape get a sword through them and thats when Theo looks at two doors. Hannah and Luke take one and Theo and I take the other. We go into a small corridor and there doesnt seem to be anyone there. We take a few steps and the floor bored creek. Thats when Im grabbed and I let out a scream making Theo turn around and points his gun to the person holding me. Theo so nice to see you again, I hear a voice and a knife is put to my throat and I look at Theo, feeling scarred but I cant move if I wanted to leave. You and your friends are going to get out now before I dig this knife into her and kill her, Theo doesnt move and I feel the knife go into my skin deeper, causing pain to run through my body. Aw you actually care about her. What happened to the guy who wasnt going to open his heart again? Let her go. Theo says trying to keep his voice calm and steady but I could see the anger was building up and I was hopeless because if I moved towards him I would be killed and there was nothing I could do about that. No, I dont think I will. You see little ms Ivy here is ranked at number five on the most wanted list. I think there are plenty of people who want to meet her. Her brother is number one though and you are number two. I think holding her would bring both you to her. I might even go and get her killed, which would be rather tragic. I die she dies. I didnt know who this guy was but I was just looking at Theo, he puts the gun down and swords and knifes and looks right at me. I see him mouth the words sorry and I look at him and feel pain at my neck. Theo just go, Ill be alright, I say barely getting the words out. I look at him and say. I remembered what you said, Theo just looks at me and he shakes his head. The knife goes to my throat deeper and I let out at scream and I say. Theo, please just go. Ill be fine. I say and I feel the tears coming down my face. I knew he didnt want to leave me here but he says. I promise Ill come and get you. He says and runs out the room and slams the door shut. As soon as it does the door opens and four guards come in and point a gun at me. The guy holding me lets I go and I go to turn around to face him but he keeps me facing away. I

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feel his hands move over my body and I feel his take every single one of my knives and guns out my outfit. He takes my wrists and pulls them behind my back and I feel his tie me up. He then says. I want a gun on her all the time. If anyone goes to get her, shoot her. Thats when he turns me around and I look at me. He must be a similar age of my brother, he looks pretty polished and clean though, there are scars on his face though and I feel my tears on my face as he holds me tightly. The president wants to meet you. I thought Theo would go for someone prettier. When I heard Seth had a little sister and she was with Theo I expected something more. You are a little bland princess. Dont call me that. Dont look at me and just leave me alone and never touch me again ever again. I snap at him, knowing that it is the wrong thing to say to him. He smirks by these words and he says. So you are a bitch, I guess you are perfect then. Come on, we have to go. I hope your friends are out the building now. They left a lot of blood and I really am annoyed about that because Ill be the one tidying up. He runs his hair through his brown hair, its combed back and I bite my lip at him and say. May I know your names? I ask trying to be sweet by the whole thing and he smirks by this and says. Lets just say Theo and I go way back. You may be able to guess. I am confused by this statement but the guy holds me tightly and the ropes being to dig in to my skin as he holds me and we walk through plenty of doors. We walk up a sit of stairs and along the corridor, when I freeze. In a pool of blood is James, lying there motionless, his eyes open and looking at the ceiling. When the guy tries to pull me along I stay standing over his body. I liked James, he was always so nice to me and now he is lying in a pool of blood and I was on the road to death. I saw the hole, where the bullet was and it was around about where his heart would have been, the guy finally gets me to move but Im crying by this point. I cant be heartless like Theo, Seth or Luke. I will cry because I want my emotions, James is dead and Im got caught. Im still crying when he knocks on the door and pushes me through the door. I recognize him, the president I mean but everyone else in the room is a blur. He is sitting at his desk, his hair on the grey side, dressed in a suite and wearing a smirk when he saw me. Well done. She is crying I hope you didnt kill Theo because I would quite like him alive. Nope, we just walked past one her friends and became like this. I thought she would be a little more heartless than this. Guess she is just weak. He says this quietly and it sends shivers up my spin, I shake my body and pull myself away from the guy as I look at the president. Just leave me the fuck alone. You can kill me for all I care. I dont want to live in a world when I dont get a say. Those cameras, you lot stopping everything we do. I just want freedom. I just want my family and I just want Theo. I dont care about the rest of the world. Thats all I want. I fall to the ground and cry and I hear a chuckle and I look up to see the president right in front of me.

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You have a lot of passion, so I wont kill you yet, I look up at him and he says. But I want to make the world think you are dead and so we are going to do a very public execution. You will be injected and it will look like poison but will just knock you out for a few hours. But whats the point? You are the most powerful person to have interims of your so -call uprising. Shall I tell you why? I nod my head and he smiles before he says. Your brother is the most wanted, your boyfriend is the second. Its known you have a close bond with the fourth and well you cried over the third. So in that way you are now number four. Everyone in this country and you are public enemy number four. The public want to see you dead, but you little group would hurt the most if you were gone. You would ripe them apart. You think Theo could go through another girl he loves. Do you think your brother would fight if he didnt have his little sister anymore? Do you think your friends would be able to be strong enough without that support and losing yet another friend and the two strongest would both be ripped apart. Ivy you dont realise what your death would do. They will get me out. Theo promised me he wouldnt let me die. He wont believe Im dead. He knows me far too well. He loves me and would know you are all lying. I dont really know why I say these words; I think its for me more than anyone else. The president lets out a laugh and looks at the guy before saying. Well she has lost her mind. Put her in the cells, dont give her much food. He nods his head and I feel myself pulled to my feet. He pulls me out and my eyes are just clouded with water and so I dont know what is right and want is wrong, well everything is wrong. I am taken right down, step after step after step. It gets colder and it gets darker and below I know it is pitch black. It last just a few seconds but we get around the corner and the guy is given some keys and I am thrown in to a cell. I hit the wall and slide down it, he undoes the rope and I see the blood around my wrists. I hear the cell door shut and I place my head in my hands and let out a small crying sound. I hear a voice and its a guy. Will you shut the fuck up. I see a figure next to me and I look at him. His hair is blonde, his face is bloody and I stand up and say. No I wont shut up. Let me give you a little lesson. Im going to die, I am going to be executed in front of everyone in this city because the government think that my death is a point. My boyfriend had to leave me at the hands of them because he didnt want me to die right in front of me. One of my closest friends died today and I dont think I will ever see my brother again. Now you tell me to shut up and I promise you that I will shove a knife through your chest and let you bleed dry. He looks at me a little stunned and I see his face go into a smile. Well you must be Ivy Dillaway then. Its nice to meet you then. I am in for steeling but I know who you are and I doubt youll end up dead. Sorry for shouting at you. The girl who was in that cell before killed herself and it wasnt pretty so I didnt want that to happen to someone else. Im out tomorrow though, so maybe Ill help you get out. I gather your brother and boyfriend are still here. He says this in a whisper and I look at him. Look I have been trying to get out for years but well Im still in a cell and Im still in this city.

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Far right and far left. I say to him and I see his face pull into a smile and he mutters thanks before he says. Youll be fine. So how are Theo and Seth then? You know them? I ask a little confused by this statement, I was letting my eyes go over him and I bite my lower lip wanting to know more and he lets out a laugh. How could he be so happy when he was in such an awkward position? Theo from when we were kids, in his brothers year. I gather you know the story. I nod my head and slide down the bars before I feel the cold bars on my hand. So tell me the truth. I will let your brother and Theo knows you are fine. That means a lot. Just tell them that I am not going to die. I say, I dont look at him. I have whispered these words and he doesnt say anything but I know he has heard me.

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Chapter Twenty That night my dreams are about losing my friends, losing my family and losing Theo. I dont believe they will let me live my life. I get woken up, I thought I thought I would at least get to sleep when I want to but that doesnt seem true. That guy, I still dont know his name but for the time being Ill just call him that guy. He pulled me by my clothes to my feet and wrap the rope around my wrist, it beings to dig into my skin and the pain it let from the day before seems to increase. He then covers my mouth, making it hard for me to breath and holds my arms before pushing me out the cell. He shuts the door and three guns are on me as I walk down the dark hall, I thought I would be going into the sun but we seem to be getting deeper underground as we walk down another flight of stairs. He opens a door and inside, is a bored, and I see metal straps clipped on to it. He pushes me towards it, the guns still on me and I dont struggle I know I would be dead if I do. So I let him strap me, its tight around my arms, strapped around my middle and tight around my legs. The pain it pretty unbearable but I dont show that Im in pain. His footsteps echo around the room and my eyes flicker around the place. Apart from the five people there is no one else, there is nothing in this room apart from cold walls. I dont let my heart race out of control as I stay against the cold metal. That guy comes closer to me pulling a knife out, I know flinching wouldnt stop him from getting closer and he puts the blade on my arm, it doesnt dig in and I hold his glare, I wet my lips still holding his stare and I see the corner of his mouth turn up. So may I ask where you are currently staying? That guys asks and I know that he wants to know are position so that he can send people after the rest of us, shooting us down and I didnt want my parents to be caught in the gun fire. They were only in this situation because my brother and I ran away from a world we never felt a part of. Honestly I dont know. I just followed my brother. He didnt like this because the knife went in, sending a huge amount of pain to it, it may just graze my arm but it still hurts a lot. I try not to scream or let out a noise and I bite my lower lip making blood seem to produce from there. There was nothing I could do to stop him from hurting me and I think if I do end up dead he would be the one to hurt me, to kill me. I was told Hannah was heartless but she had shown emotion, the guy in front of me didnt even know what emotion was, he would kill me without regretting it, I could see the hate and the lust to kill in his eyes and it made me scarred, it terrified me. That was the wrong answer. Have to say you didnt flinch so this may be rather entertaining, There is a pause and I stay looking at him and he then says. Okay, the people you took as prisoners are they in jail or are they dead? Neither, they were in jail until last week, but we put a tracker in them and as long as they dont get too far from us we let them live. My ex-boyfriend was one of them and therefore I didnt have any hope of hurting them because I knew he would be hurt as well. I say honestly to him and I see the smile on his face grow and he says. Well thats a good answer. Now Ivy can you tell me how far away from here you are currently staying. I shake my head and he smirks even more, taking a step closer to me and the knife goes into my arm again, its deeper and this time blood pours from it, falling to the ground and creating a small pool of red. I try not to let out a sound but I fail, its not a scream,

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more of a whimper. I wasnt the best when it came to pain, I didnt have the hard skin that my brother had built up living in the wild. I was still a city girl in terms of my body and so this knife was hurting me a lot more than I thought would be possible. My whimper made him smile and I knew I would never get his face out from my head. That was another wrong answer. Ivy if I had to kill your brother or your boyfriend who would you let me kills. Im not answering that. I love them both why should I say, youll just go and kill them both anyway. My tears are falling, I dont want to think about my brother dead, I dont want to think of my boyfriend dead and he was playing with my mind. This phased made him push his body against mine and thats when I begin to wriggle, the knife tip to my nose. Its not making a mark its just resting there and my eyes are crossed so I can look at it and he says. You have a lot of heart. I understand why Theo is with you. I didnt really like his exgirlfriend. I actually dont even know why they were together, maybe it was the sex I mean she was a bit of a slut, and she let me do her once. Of course Theo doesnt know that and you are never going to see him again so I guess he will continue you to never know. Oh and then there is your brother. I didnt really know him very well but he never shut up about you. His sweet little sister but you were always going to be nine in his mind. I have to say that I think you would actually look pretty if you didnt wear those outfit. Not that Im against the whole stripper look. Guards I think I will be fine handing Ivy now. They walk out leaving me with him. The knife went away from my face and he put it in his belt. His hands went to the middle clam which was holding me down, I think it was simply stopping me from wiggling but he undoes it, I still cant move away from the metal. He leans close to me and his hands go to my cheek, he moves his hand down my neck and along my collar bone. He breaths against my skin and thats when a huge amount of pain goes to my arm, he is digging the knife up my arm and thats when I let out a scream, I couldnt control myself, it hurt so much. My mind is messed up, it screaming as well as my lunch as I see the blood dripping from my arm. He pulls away and smiles. Im still in my tight outfit, but he doesnt seem to like that because the knife begins to piece holds into it, going into my legs and my whole body becomes limp from the pain. I feel the knife is on my lips now, he cuts my lips making more blood appear but my body is screaming so much that its just numb. He unstraps me then and I fall to the ground, my eyes clouded with tears and my mouth still producing a scream. Im on the ground, and I feel something hit my body, fight in my spine and I let out a piecing scream. My tears are falling and I couldnt describe how much I wanted to die right here, right now. He kicked me again, this time in my bleeding leg and I wanted to die, I just hoped that if he hit me enough I would die. I couldnt go through his, but he stopped, he pulled me to my feet, wrapped a rope around my arms, and dragged a knife down my face, my mind screams out with pain as well as my voice. Im still on the floor, and I couldnt let myself be quite. I hoped that my voice would go and I could suffer in silence, but that didnt happen. He pulled me up by my hair and I knew my face and body is covered in look, I couldnt see because my tears had clouded my vision. The pain was unexplainable and my only reaction was to scream. He took me back to the cells and I remember his words. Anyone who commits treason will have the same fate as Dillaway, she is screaming because of the pain.

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I dont know how anyone heard though because I was still screaming, still in pain, but when he throw me in the cell and locked the door, I fainted. The blood kept leaving my body my head had become lighter and I had lost too much blood. When I woke, I couldnt move, I heard talking but my body was still in pain, I didnt have a voice so I didnt make a sound, I just could scream. No one gave me food and I knew that they may not say it, but honestly they did want me dead but they didnt want to die at the hands. I just stayed here, crying silently, no sure how long but when my name was called I try to move, but I couldnt without letting out a whimper. At the door was the present, he smiled when he saw me, wearing a smirk. He said something but none of it seems to stay in my head. I was just a ball on the floor, and I couldnt move one little bit. My body was bleeding and it wouldnt stop, they were saying words that I couldnt hear. I wasnt crying but I wasnt making a sound. I didnt have the energy. I always wondered what made people kill themselves and I could, but they didnt give me a sheet, I didnt have anything that I could wrap around my throat. I couldnt move and I had no food, no water and I didnt want it, I wanted to die because nothing was worth feeling this bad. My clothes were ripped and I might as well be naked because I could feel the cold air wrapping around my body, as I lay on this hard cold ground, my heart beating in my chest, it was out of control, and I couldnt shut my mind off because it was screaming too much. I thought I would be left here, for the rest of time, but I didnt know if it was day or night as I lay on the ground in a crumple mess. He took me out again, this time it was just him, no guards because he knew I had no energy to attack him. This time he tied me to a chair and he didnt ask me any questions. He ripped my clothes off displaying my bra and pants to him. The knife then went to my skin, going over my stomach, but the pain was already so much that it didnt seem to make a different, I did scream and the blood dripped to the floor, creating a massive puddle of red there. I didnt look at him, I just let my eyes clouded over, the blackness finally getting a hold of me and pulling me away. When I woke, I was dressed in a grey, dress but it looked more like a sack. I was on the little bed in the cell and my eyes were covered with water. Every part of my body was wrapped in white bandages, well thats a lie they are red with just white specks. My mind had the loud thumping of my heart in it, and I couldnt move without feeling unexplainable amount of pain. I didnt say a word but there was a time when I would be thought to be dead and they would do a lot worse to me, they wanted every last drop of information because they wanted to get rid of my brother, they wanted to get rid of my boyfriend. They wanted to get rid of Luke, Daniel, Hannah, Xander and Jason. They had already killed James and they would find me no use at one moment in time and so I would just be someone lying on the ground, in a pool of blood. Another beating and I might as well be dead. I would want to be dead, but they were going to torture me because Im still alive and I can still feel the pain. When they came up to me and said I was going to be killed that day, I nod my head. It was just some random guard and maybe they were trying to fall more than just my friends, my very public death was going to be a message and I knew it would help the wrong side. If

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people thought I was dead many people would lost hope, including my brother, including Theo, including all my friends and lastly including my parents who wouldnt know for days. I was transported out the cell, they had put on a red dress, they said it was to mark the face I was danger but honestly it was just to hide the blood which was still leaking from my veins and clinging on to my clothes. I knew two sessions of torture is something I was surprised by, when he took me away the first time I thought I would be until this moment and in continue after I was supposed to be dead. He was the one who held my arms, pulled behind my back in metal locks, they were digging in to my skin and felt worst after every step I took, it didnt really matter because my body was so numb from pain that I could be ripped apart and I wouldnt feel anything more. I was told to walk up some step, public executions were rare, the last people to have been public executed was about thirty years ago. They tried to blow up the country, the four men that are and they were caught and shot to death in front of a crowd of two hundred people, it was also displayed in every city and the clip is used in school to get you to control your behaviour. I was made to kneel down and I couldnt see a single face in front of me. It was all clouded but I heard Andrew say. Welcome, I know we try to keep the executions behind closed doors but this is a statement which is aimed at two people. If they come forward now she will still die but you can die alongside her. Ivy Dillaway has committed one of the highest crimes which punishment is death. She has planned to over throw the government and today she will be killed in public to show you that treason still happen and they still pay. Do you have any words you would like to say? That if I disappear, it doesnt mean this war ends along with me. A death doesnt do anything because it happens all the time, if you honestly believe that getting rid of me means that you are going to have who you really want in your hands you have got to be kidding. To most people you will be scene to be a monster, what guy and kill a sixteen year old girl who only ended up in this situation in the first place because she thought family was the most important thing in the world. You may try bleed me dry but me gone wont stop anything it will make it worst. Remember one thing Andrew my memory will be known as sweet little Ivy who was killed by a monster and thats all Ill want on my grave. A gun shot sounds at the same time I am injected with the knockout fluid and my body falls limp.

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Chapter Twenty-One My mind was going towards the darkness and I felt a hand on my face and they words. Ivy are you still there, please tell me you are still there you cant die. I knew who it was and I wanted to answer but my mind wouldnt produce any words and then I heard enough voice. Im guess Theo, she not dead and shes not dying. It was staged to get you to step back. Ethan I was in the cell next to her and she told me. I would take her and Thats when the darkness got hold of me and pulled me in deeper making my mind go blank. When I woke, I notice my body was in a lot of pain, it wasnt pain like I felt before but it was stinging, I was still wearing the red dress but someone had wrapped bandages around my body, covering up any skin on my arms and legs that was exposed. I was in a small tent; it was smaller than the one I had be staying as we got here. I heard my brother and Theo talking. She looks a little messed up. Thank god for Ethan. Theo we both know that you would have brought her back and just cried over her if we thought she was dead. Did Ethan tell you the reason? He said something about the fact that her death would rip both you and me apart. I think thats why he saw us. I dont know why Ivy trusted some random guy, I know he helped us and all but I dont know anything about him. I tried to sit up but my body hurt, I sat up slowly and could feel my body trying to rip apart. I did manage to stand up and I held my arms out trying to keep my balance. I step out the tent and I walk a little bit. Both Seth and Theo had their back to me and I made a little cough and they turn around. They sky is dark and I gather they are taking the watch. Ethan said he was in the same year as your brother. I mutter and Theo nods his head and walks over to me. I flinch as Theo brushed his hand by my arm and he notice and looked at me. Ivy do you want to talk about anything? I shake my head. Are you sure? I nod my head and he doesnt seem convinced and so I bite my lower lip, feeling as if blood is about to boil out of it. Can I have some help, I want to change. Theo looks at my brother who nods his hand. Theo doesnt touch me but leads me to another tent. I see that the two beds are empty and I look at him, he begins to go through a pile of clothes and he pulls out a large t-shirt. I turn around and I feel his hand go on my back, I flinch with every second he holds on to the zip and he stops when its about half way down my back. He pulls the arms off and he then stops. Ivy, I didnt know it was this bad. Babe, can you please talk to me? I shake my head and take the shirt from his hand before letting my dress drop. I see his face fall as he looks at me, my eyes look over my body and I see the dried blood, I see the purple marks, and I see that my skin is ripped apart all up my legs, around my stomach. I couldnt lift my arms up and Theo slips the top over my head and he goes in to kiss my forehead but I take a step to the side and say. Dont touch me. I dont want you fucking touching me. Now please go, Ill take t his tent, I gather it was with ours or Seths.

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Mine, Seth had yours but I thought you would want your brother more than me. I will be back in a few hours. Try and get some sleep. He snaps these words and I hear him shut the tent. I fall down and pull the sleeping bag over me. I dont sleep that night, I couldnt shut my brain off because my body just hurt too much. I heard Theo come in and although he didnt slip next to me, I could hear his breathing very quickly and after some time I know he is still wake. Theo, I love you but I dont want to talk about it. He hurt me, he really hurt me and I dont even know his name. Its Connor. I know what I said but I honestly thought he was dead. Ivy Im sorry about what happened to you and I love you too. I know you dont want to talk to me about it and thats understandable. I want to know but Im not going to force you to tell me. I inch myself a little closer to him, if I just stretched my arm out a little more it would brush Theo s body. He stays with his arms across his body, but he looking at me, lying on his side. Well he ran a knife over my body trying to get me to tell him where you were. He pulled my clothes off and it went over my body and it really hurt. Theo how could you be friends with him. You said he was your best friend. I am crying now, Theo takes my hands and moves over putting his arms around my waist. I flinch by his touch and he pulls me in to a hug. I cry into his shoulder and he moves his hands so he is no longer brushing his skin against mine. It helped a little, but I still felt unsafe with his arms around me. I push Theo off me and I know he is hurt but rolls away from me and he says. Whenever you are ready just talk to me and Ill try my best to make you feel better. He gives me a smile and rolls over turning his whole back so Im now just looking at his bare back. I roll over making a small sound as I do and close my eyes before I drift off to sleep. Seth wakes me up the next morning and passes me some clothes to wear; he says that we need to leave. As our hands brush when he passes the clothes I flinch and Seth looks at me and I try and give him a fake smile. I pull off my currently clothes, he my brother why should I feel embarrassed by stripping. I knew it wasnt the smart thing to do though because when I pulled the top over my head I saw his face. He looked scared, he looked angry and he looked as if he wanted to kill. Ivy. I know, Theo had the same reaction, now my body may cuts and it hurts a lot but Ill be fine. I have to be fine, I was crying again but as soon as Seth came to hug me I flinched and he pulled away and I said. I dont really want anyone touching me. I was terrified when Theo tried to hug me. I dont know what is wrong. You were hurt and you feel a little sensitive. If you are going to trust anyone its going to be Theo. He cares about you a lot, and he will help make you feel better, just remember he has his anger problems still so I think he already thinking of ways to kill Connor. I want to know why before though. You go and sit outside and Theo will talk with you, I doubt youll keep up on the pace with you limping and the blood and the bruises, also take this it will ease the pain. He
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holds out a few pills and I take them sliding out the tent and putting them in my mouth. Theo is talking to Luke, not very far away from me, Luke smiles and I try to return it but it fails. I dont walk to them but go and sit on a log and watch everyone pack and do something. The numbers have done down, there must have been thirty of us to start with but it seemed that we were in the teen figures now. Hannah came over to me and sat down passing me a beacon of water. Thank you Hannah, She smiles but doesnt say anything; I know both my brother and Theo are looking at her, waiting for something to happen. You can tell my brother that Ill be fine. He got through torture I sure in hell can get through it. Theo, well Im not going to change his mind. Ivy, that night when Theo said that you got caught by Connor, I have never seem ed him so upset, he actually cried and he never does that, I dont think he has even shown that sort of emotion in all the time I have known him. I know you are scarred of people touching him, but just give him a kiss and he will feel a lot better and your brother will leave you alone as well. She leaves me here and walks over to Daniel, he looks a little distant from them all, I didnt know him very well and I had only had a handful of conversations with him. I stand up and walk over to Theo; as soon as I get there Luke makes up an excuse and goes over to someone else. I put my hand on Theos chest and my fingers wrap around the material, my eyes stay on my hand but I know he is looking down at me. His arm goes to my waist and I flinch but it makes me look up, and he is just inches away from me. I knew he wasnt going to kiss me so I took the time to go on my tip toes and brush my lips over his. I feel the smile on his lips as he kisses me back but I pull away, feeling my heart beat a little too fast. He pu ts my hair behind my ear and he mutters. Baby steps, you dont have to push yourself for me. Hannah said you cried and I thought that I need to let you know that its nice you care about me enough to know that you would cry over me. I say trying to make it seem like a joke, I just wanted everything to go back to normal and sacrum would be one of my steps to that direction but my tone was so serious that I think Theo just looked scared by the whole thing. Um yeah. Ivy I love you and if you dont want holding your hand saying I love you, kissing you, hugging you. Thats fine just make sure you dont leave me because the last four days has been hell for me as well. I know I didnt get hurt like you do but the thought of you dead ripped me apart and I love you just so damn much. He made me cry by these words and even though I didnt want him holding me I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his shoulder, my whole body is flinching so I pull away, my fingers are still brushing over Theos though. I love you too but I dont want you to end up dead because of me. Ill try my best to stay alive for you, I put my finger over his lips and give him a smile and he says. Ivy I really do care about you, I know I am not perfect. I have a lot of hang ups but I dont want to lose you and seeing you with a knife to you broke my heart. Seeing you come back and those cuts and bruises makes my heart want to break.

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You know for someone who loves a good fight you do say some of the mushiest things in the world. He smiles by this comment and kissing me on the nose before muttering about us going. Theo walks with me, he doesnt hold my hand but I know he is just trying to be careful. We hold a conversation but I know he is just waiting for me to fall over and hurt myself. It did hurt nearly every step I took and Theo notice and gave me more pain medicine. We were at the back and I knew I was walking a lot slower than I would normally, Theo really want going to let me out of his sight and that means a lot to me to know that he cares me. We were still walking when the sun was high in the sky, because we were trailing behind everyone by quite a distant; I knew Seth wouldnt take off again without seeing us. There were not as many people, and I knew some of them were annoyed that we hung around an extra four days just to wait for me, but they had someone back home saying we were on their way. They didnt say the reason because I knew my parents wouldnt be happy. Theo and Seth wouldnt leave me without knowing, if I had been killed they would take the body back. All the other people have been friends, not family. Even though Theo and Camilla didnt have the best relationship I knew that if Camilla died Theo would want to bury her. I didnt like thinking about death but it seemed to be surrounding me like a whirl pool and that wasnt about to change. My eyes kept flickering to Theo and he wasnt smiling, he was just looking blank. We caught up with everyone and I sat down next to Hannah who was in deep conversation with Luke. At that moment I was past some food and Theo sat down next to me. Everyone had pretty much finished their food but we hang around here for what felt like an hour. This time Seth made the past slower, sure I still kept losing them from sight, but when they stop for the night they were still setting up the tents. Both Seth and Theo knew that I should either be on my own or with Hannah. Hannah said that was fine and she shared one the tents, it was enough for three people so there was a little gape between us. Hannah was trying to cheer me up as we sat in the tent, she didnt say anything about my business when I pulled my clothes off, Theo did come around to say he loved me and he kissed me on the forehead. It made me flinch but I knew it was for him and so I gave him a faint smile and he went out. Hannah didnt say anything else before she turned the torch of and I heard her going into the sleeping bag and fall asleep.

By Rosie Burgess


Chapter Twenty-Two Those days seem to go rather fast, we were all sitting around having some lunch and we were just a few hours away from the base. Theo and I werent perfect and I still would flinch whenever he brushed me, but if I expected it, it was as bad, its amazing how six days can change you. I was sat next to Theo, he held my hand in his, and his eyes were looking down at me. I did feel a smile on my face, something which didnt seem to be there as much as normal. I lead closer to him and kiss him on the cheek. We hadnt had a proper kiss since I had been tortured, but he seems to understand me, and thats what was important. I did share the same tent with him last night, and I feel asleep with his hands on my waist, and facing him. He kissed me on the nose to wake me up. It was sweet and made a smile appear on my face, even though I gave a little shudder. I had managed to keep up with them walking today, but Theo made sure I didnt have to carry anything, so he took twice as much as normal. Out of everyone still here I was the only one badly injured. Everyone else has a few cuts and all but that was all. Theo held my hand as we walked on the way to the city walls, although they were really all there, it was just the front that seem to still have walls. Theo held my hand and we walk on the little paths, the route covered with trees, flowers and I could even hear the birds chirping away. Seth seems to stop, when I could just see the walls. He looks at Theo, and he drags me to where he is standing, I look to the walls and see there are no guards there. Seth looks to Theo and he nods and puts down the bags before looking around for Luke, Daniel, Xander, Jason, and Hannah. Whats that matter? George made is clear that there would always be guards on the gate, even if there was a meeting someone would always be there, well at least two people. The fact no one is there is not a good thing. Weapons. Theo passes me a gun and smiles at me before kissing me in between the eyes. He holds my hand loosely and we follow behind Luke. Seth walks through the gates first and even though the city didnt look very good before, it looked even worse. Seth and Luke were the ones looking around and I saw the broken glass across the floor, it seems to be a mess of metal, the buildings were in rubble. I stopped the moment I saw a pile of bodies, I didnt look at them very long. Theo pulled me into a hug and tried to calm me down. You sure take your time. I break away from Theo and there is a guy sitting on the ground, next to the bodies, and Seth doesnt hold his gun to him but Luke does. Theo rolls his eyes when he sees him and lets goes of me before pulling him to his feet and muttering something. He looks towards me and I hear my full name leave Theos lips. The guy nods his head before saying. Im Michael, Georges son. He got me a message a few weeks ago and I thought I would show my face. So its Luke, Daniel, Hannah, Xander, Jason and Ivy of course. He says pointing to each of us. Luke doesnt seem to like the idea of him here and the guy notices this. I could see he was Georges son, he had the name nose and the same shaped eyes, and his hair was a dark color while his eyes remain to be green. He looked rather bloody and was wearing a thick green coat, even if he had been here before the mess course he didnt get cleaned up.

By Rosie Burgess


And why should we trust you. We just got screwed over by another one of a so call friend. Luke says looking at me and Michael notices this and he says. I wasnt expecting you to be pretty, but you look a little bit of a mess, Theo glares at him and I hear him say the word Connor, and torture is a mix of unaudible words. Then I am sorry about that. By the way I think I should say that your friend Aaron went home. Theo your sister is somewhere here. She didnt want to leave until she saw you were all back. It seems you are missing one though and I dont know who you are. He says pointing to Ethan, who was hanging back slightly behind the main of us. Thats Ethan, and James is dead, in cold blood, Ivy can confirms it she saw the body. Theo mutters and Michael nods his head. He does a cross and mutter a pray. I still a little confused and I dont understand why Theo and Seth know him and the others dont. I am about to open my mouth but Luke says it before. So what happened? Attacked, I have a list of the dead, I stayed a long with Camilla to wait for you to get back, of course I didnt stay here in the woods for three days and got back a last night and went through the bodies this morning. The ones you should know about. He looks at Seth and me before he says. Your mom. Seth doesnt show any emotion but just nods his head. Theo looks to me and I know by his expression that I am crying. He looks down at me and puts his hand on my shoulders and Im looking down. Babe try not to cry. He had lost his mom, he had lost his girlfriend he had a right to say the but I didnt know what to say. These days had been some of the worst days of my life and now I had found out that my mother was dead and there was nothing that could be done to bring her back and it ripped me apart. But my mom, and then there was James and I know, it all turn out for the best. Theo says trying to sound happy, but I could see by his eyes that he doesnt mean those words, that he really doesnt believe that we are going to get through this alive. George knew which is why he was pushing you to get out the city. He called me because he knows want needs to happen. I want you guys to disappear for Theo. I heard Camilla voice and she runs over to her brother and hugs him. Theo seems a little shocked by the whole thing but hugs her back. I see tear mark down her face and her hair is sticking to her face. I look at her and she smiles at me before pulling away from her brother. I knew they didnt have the strongest bond in the world. She went to hug Luke after and he kissed her on the head and slips his fingers with hers. As I was saying you need to disappear for ninety days. You should be in twos or threes. Luke I know I dont know you and you dont know me or trust be very much but I will need you to come with me, along with Seth. Hannah, Daniel and Camilla. Ethan, Xander and Jason. By the way your sister is fine; she went with Jonathan and Lawrence. I thought she just needed the parent type and thought it would be the best for her. Thanks, Xander says and I knew this made him happy, he really did care about his sister and I could see that in his eyes. She got out fine.
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Aaron did well protecting her, but in the end he chose the law. I didnt understand him very much I have to say. Its like he wants to be on your side Aaron stands for the law, but he cares way too much. He got be arrested once but he also got me out. He stands with the law but he will try his best to help us as he sees you as friends. I say trying to stop more tears from falling down my face. Theo holds my hands and he squeezes it to make a smile at me. Well thats nice to know that. Ninety days you need to be gone, and then turn up at where you were half a year ago. The rest of you in twos or three. Lets hope I see you all in ninety days. I didnt move straight away and Theo knew there was something wrong. Seth came over and gives a high five with Theo before he hugs me and wipes the tears from my face and says it will be okay. Luke gave me a hug and I wished him luck and he smiles at me. I hugged everyone apart from Michael because I didnt know him very well. Theo said goodbye and with that, everyone went into different directions, holding weapons, taking bags and having rocks and everything to make fire. We walk off in to the distant, my eyes still holding tears and Theos hand in mine.


By Rosie Burgess

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