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Sources for the Initial Evidence Discussion:


Gerald J. Flokstra, III

Initial Evidence was the distinctive theolog that was !asic to a "evival #ove#ent$ At least that is the c%lt%"e that I ca%ght g"owing %&$['] It is a doct"ine disc%ssed th"o%gho%t the '(th cent%" $ )he"e have !een ti#es that the iss%e ca%sed disc%ssion within a deno#ination$ *s%all a +low o+ w"iting +ollowed$ In the Asse#!lies o+ God the"e has !een a stead &"od%ction o+ t"acts, &a#&hlets, and a"ticles on initial evidence$ It will !e clea" that this st%d +oc%ses on -o"th A#e"ican so%"ces, &a"tic%la"l on #ate"ial +"o# the Asse#!lies o+ God, *$S$A$ )his a"ticle is divided into th"ee &a"ts$ )he +i"st &a"t is a disc%ssion o+ !asic so%"ces when sta"ting a st%d on initial evidence$ A !i!liog"a&hic essa %& the second &a"t +oc%sing on wo".s that a"e not #entioned in the va"io%s a"ticles o" !oo.s cited in &a"t one$ )he last &a"t lists wo".s on initial evidence with so#e annotations$ )he goal is to &"ovide the #ost co#&lete

list in &"int$ It is not #eant to inde/ the s%!0ect o+ initial evidence in all &e"iodical lite"at%"e$ Paraclete, Enrichment, Pneuma, Advance, and Pulpit a"e inde/ed in the !i!liog"a&h $[1]

Sources to Start a Study


A +ew so%"ces a"e vital at the sta"t$ )hese wo%ld incl%de Initial Evidence edited ! Ga" 3cGee 4Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son, 16789: the July 1998 iss%e o+ the Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies,[;] the a"ticles ! <la%de Kendrick and Ben Aker on initial evidence in the Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic ovements 4G"and Ra&ids5 =onde"van, 1988!" and >$ Go"don elton?s Encyclopedia of American #eli$ions, 1"d ed$ 4@et"oit, 3I5 Gale Resea"ch, 16769 and the siste" set #eli$ious Creeds% Anothe" wo". that ha"dAtoA+ind doc%#ents availa!le is #eadin$s on the Doctrine of Initial Evidence co#&iled ! Ga" B$ cGee 4S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Asse#!lies o+ God )heological Se#ina" , 16689$[8] )he"e a"e a +ew histo"ical st%dies o+ initial evidence in these so%"ces$ Ha"old H%nte"?s BAs&ects o+ InitialA Evidence @og#aC in Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 15' 4>%l 16679 is an ove"view that "eveals iss%es that a"e still !eing dealt with toda $ )he !i!liog"a&hic data is so%nd and the"e is good !"eadth to the a"ticle$ 3cGee cove"s a sho"t s&an with BEa"l

Pentecostal He"#ene%tics5 )ong%es as Evidence in the Boo. o+ ActsC in Initial Evidence% )he"e a"e &lent o+ "e+e"ences to doc%#ents #ost "esea"che"s can onl wish to see o" handle$ Othe" histo"ical st%dies in these wo".s a"e on Pa"ha# and Se #o%" ! Goff and !o"eck "es&ectivel $ )he theological a&&"oaches to initial evidence a"e #o"e co#&le/ and ha"de" to #anage in an a"ticle o" a !oo.$ A.e"?s a"ticle in Dictionary of the Pentecostal and Charismatic ovements !lends va"io%s stances$ Both Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 4>%l 16679 iss%e and Initial Evidence ! 3cGee &"ovide a &lat+o"# +o" a n%#!e" o+ inte"&"etations$ Societ o+ Pentecostal St%dies 4SPS9 &a&e"s and Pneuma have done the sa#e$ )he"e has !een a vigo"o%s e/change o+ w"iting in the a"ea o+ Pentecostal he"#ene%tics and how it "elates to initial evidence$ Go"don Fee, Ro!e"t en#ies, Dillia# en#ies, and Roge" Stronstad a"e well &%!lished as to thei" %nde"standing o+ he"#ene%tics and initial evidence$ Ha"old H%nte", Howa"d E"vin, and >a#es @%nn a"e i#&o"tant o%tside the Asse#!lies o+ God$ Pneuma and Paraclete also have a se"ies o+ a"ticles on Pentecostal he"#ene%tics$ )his a"ticle cannot inte"act with all o+ the#, !%t lists so#e o+ the a"ticles in the !i!liog"a&h $

>$ Go"don elton &"ovides e/cellent tools in &he Encyclopedia of American #eli$ions andAmerican #eli$ious Creeds% )he a"e !ased on the #ethodolog o+ A"th%" $ie%korn?s Profiles in 'elief( )oliness and Pentecostal, vol$ 1 4-ew Yo".5 Ha"&e" E Row, 16F69$ 3elton e/&anded the cove"age and incl%ded #o"e in+o"#ation on o++icial &%!lications and statistics$ Pie&.o"n gave !ette" !i!liog"a&hies$ #eli$ious Creeds !"ings togethe" the so%"ce doc%#ents o+ a #%ltit%de o+ Pentecostal g"o%&s that a"e va"io%sl called c"eeds o" a"ticles o+ +aith$

&he Essay
)he"e a"e #an !i!liog"a&hies on Pentecostalis# and the Hol S%irit$ Onl one 4Schandorff9 %ses BInitial EvidenceC as a s%!heading +o" BBa&tis# in the Hol S%iritC$ Beca%se o+ this, !i!liog"a&hies a"e %se+%l onl in &ointing to a la"ge !od o+ lite"at%"e leaving the so"ting into those dealing with initial evidence as a second ste&$ )he !est so%"ces +o" .ee&ing c%""ent a"e the SPS *e+sletter and A)LA?s inde/es$ )he"e has et to !e a !i!liog"a&h s&eci+icall "e+lecting Pentecostal inte"ests$ S%ch s&eci+ic inde/ing o+ all wo".s a!o%t, ! , o" on a g"o%& wo%ld necessitate a s&eci+ic heading li.e initial evidence$

)wo wo".s ! Edwin Jones, A ,uide to the Study of the Pentecostal ovement, ' vols$ 43etch%en, ->5 Sca"ec"ow, 16719 and &he Charismatic ovement 4Lanha#, 3@5 Sca"ec"ow, 166;9, a"e vital to those st%d ing an as&ect o+ Pentecostalis# and I send hi# # g"atit%de +o" s%ch wo".$ *se this inde/ to +ind the doGens o+ wo".s on glossolalia and !a&tis# in the Hol S%irit$ )he"e a"e also wo".s %nde" the deno#inational headings that can !e di"ectl "elated to initial evidence$ )he +i"st #a0o" atte#&t at a !i!liog"a&h o+ the Hol S%irit is the wo". ! Esthe" Schandorff, &he Doctrine of the )oly Spirit 4Lanha#, 3@5 Sca"ec"ow, 166;9$ )he"e a"e s%!Adivisions %nde" BBa&tis# in the Hol S%iritC entitled BEvidenceC$ B"owsing th"o%gh the 1( &ages on the BBa&tis# in the Hol S%iritC will !e !ene+icial as will going to the BS%!0ect Anal sis Inde/C in the !ac. o+ vol$ ' and "%nning down so#e o+ the deno#inational st%dies$ One needs to e/e"cise ca%tion, howeve", when cons%lting the !i!liog"a&hies ! Datson ills$ )he inte"esting s%"ve ! @avid !eed, BH"o# 3ove#ent to Instit%tionC in Summary of Proceedin$s 4)o"onto5 A#e"ican )heological Li!"a" Association, 16619 is o+ten ove"loo.ed$ B dealing with &eo&le in th"ee g"o%&s 4c"isis e/&e"ience, second c"isis e/&e"ience, and second c"isis e/&e"ience acco#&anied ! tong%es9 he &"ovides an inte"esting gli#&se into !ehavio" clai#s that we"e +"eI%ent in ea"l Pentecostal ci"cles$ Othe" s%"ve s o+ tong%eAs&ea.e"s have !een

done witho%t te"#inolog that wo%ld eI%ate it as easil with initial evidence$[F] )he )h$@ thesis ! 'essels in 1688, &he Doctrine of the )oly Spirit amon$ the Assem-lies of ,od see#s to !e ove"loo.ed in the +ootnotes o+ the !oo.s on initial evidence$ His st%d ca#e at a ti#e when the a"g%#ent +o" and against initial evidence #a have c" stalliGed$ Since that st%d is ove" 1( ea"s old, it #ight !e ti#e +o" a "e&lication to see i+ the t"ends he notes and the concl%sions$olo(a d"ew in 1677 contin%e to !e a &a"t o+ the Asse#!l o+ God cle"g wo"ldview$[7] One o+ the t"acts that is not disc%ssed in an wo". a!ove is @onald Gee?s$ in &on$ues( &he Initial Evidence of the 'aptism in the )oly Spirit 4S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, Evangel )"act -o$ 6819$ )his t"act was also &%!lished in Canada and &"o!a!l in G"eat B"itain in the 161(s$ Gee %ses #ani+estation and evidence th"o%gho%t and sign is %sed onl once$ Gee %ses a classical Pentecostal he"#ene%tic when de+ending the doct"ine$ >ohn R$ Rice?s$ in &on$ues4Dheaton, IL5 Swo"d o+ the Lo"d, n$d$9 devoted a cha&te" entitled B)ong%es -ot the Bi!le EvidenceC to "e+%ting Gee?s t"act$ In so#e wa s "eading these two t"acts is a #ic"ocos# o+ the PentecostalJnonAPentecostal #onolog%e that still shows %& occasionall , !%t was the "%le %ntil the ea"l 168(s$

An e/a#&le o+ ove"si#&li+ication that can occ%" in this de!ate o+ initial evidence is the t"act &he 'aptism of the Spirit ! A$ D$ <o"t.a#& in BDhat the Bi!le Sa s A!o%tKC se"ies &%t o%t ! Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se$ Even the title shows that the Asse#!lies o+ God had not lea"ned +"o# ea"lie" e/&e"ience that !a&tis# in, +ith o" Spirit 'aptism was #%ch #o"e co""ect than !a&tis# o+$[6] )he"e a"e "eg%la" t"eat#ents o+ initial evidence in the c%""ic%l%# o+ the Asse#!lies o+ God$ )he )eache"?s 3an%als entitled /undamentals of the /aith, 0ur /aith and /ello+ship, and )oly Spiritcontain lessons o" e/&ansions o+ the sho"te" t"acts and state#ents o+ the Asse#!lies o+ God$ One lesson is entitled BInitial Evidence o+ the Ba&tis#C +"o# H"an. 3$ Bo d?s )oly Spirit% -one a"e as tho"o%gh as @onald Gee?s anal sis$ )he latest addition to this o++icial g"o%& o+ lite"at%"e is a &a#&hlet w"itten ! Richa"d @"esselha%s with a title that +ills the +"ont &age called &he Assem-lies of ,od, 0ur Distinctive Doctrine( &he 'aptism in the )oly Spirit% An i#&o"tant as&ect o+ the ea"l de!ate on the !a&tis# in the Hol S%irit was the %nde"standing that the Bi!le gives othe" na#es to the e/&e"ience !esides Bthe !a&tis#C$ 3an nonAPentecostals we"e !"o%ght into Pentecost when the we"e challenged ! the !i!lical &h"ases li.e the B&"o#ise o+ the Hathe"C$ One o+ P$ C$ )elson?s ea"l w"itings that sta ed in &"int +o"

decades was &he 'aptism that Christ ,ives% He closes with B o% will "eceive 0%st as the did, and have the sa#e evidenceC$ )he in+l%ence o+ s%ch t"acts is ha"d to dete"#ine$[1(] )he can still !e +o%nd in the t"act "ac.s o+ Asse#!lies o+ God ch%"ches and in Bi!le schools a"o%nd the wo"ld$ )he Asse#!lies o+ God &"od%ced its o++icial &osition in #an +o"#ats, and so did its #iniste"s$ So#e e/a#&les incl%de 'e /illed +ith the Spirit ! C$ 3$ 'ard 4S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Revivalti#e, 16F;9: /illed +ith the Spirit( 1hat the Scriptures say a-out the Pentecostal 'aptism ! Ro!e"t*unnin+ha( 4S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 16F'9: &he 'aptism in the )oly Spirit ! Ha"old ,orton 4London5 Asse#!lies o+ God P%!lishing Ho%se, n$d$9: &he 'aptism in the )oly Spirit! >i## Swa++art 4Baton Ro%ge, LA5 >i## Swagga"t 3inist"ies, 16F'9: &he 'aptism of the )olySpirit and$ +ith ,od in the &on$ue( 1hat Is It3 Is It for Everyone3 1hat Is the Evidence3 ! Dilla"d *antelon 4S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 16;1: "evised ed$ Plain+ield, ->5 Logos, 1941!" and &he 'aptism in the )oly Spirit( &he Doctrine, the E5perience, the Evidence 4va"io%s &%!lishe"s and titles +"o# 1616A162'9 ! P$ C$ )elson$ )hese !oo.s +ollowed the sa#e +o"#at in dealing with the "ece&tion o+ the S%irit in Acts, +ollowed ! a disc%ssion o+ the di++e"ence !etween +"%it, gi+ts, and

!a&tis#$ )hen a wa"ning that initial #eans at the !eginning and that the"e sho%ld !e onAgoing evidence o+ the S%irit$ )he"e is a %nive"sal &asto"al and theological conce"n that gi+t #ight !eco#e #o"e i#&o"tant than the Gi+tAGive"$ )he o"al nat%"e o+ Pentecostalis# shines th"o%gh these w"itings as va"io%s anecdotes, ill%st"ations, analogies, and co#&a"isons a"e a&&lied to the a"g%#ents +o" initial evidence and the !a&tis# in the Hol S%irit$ )he healing evangelists in the +i+ties &"od%ced vol%#es o+ &a#&hlets$ 3an o+ these evangelists sta"ted in the Asse#!lies[11] and +o" the #ost &a"t, thei" theolog o+ initial evidence shows thei" "oots$ Go"don Lindsa , A$ A$ Allen, <enneth ,a+in, Leste" Su(rall, <enneth *o%eland, and othe"s s&ent va" ing a#o%nts o+ ti#e as c"edential holde"s in the Asse#!lies o+ God$ [1'] )hese we"e ve" &o&%la" w"ite"s and thei" &e"iodicals and &a#&hlets can !e +o%nd in all &a"ts o+ the glo!e$ )he see# to !e igno"ed in #ost o+ the schola"l lite"at%"e and in li!"a"ies$ )hese w"itings we"e +o" the &o&%la" a%dience$ And the we"e &o&%la"$ So#e titles we"e &"inted in the tho%sands and dist"i!%ted whe"eve" the #ail went$ Ove"la&&ing this &e"iod was the &"od%ctions o+ the H%ll Gos&el B%siness#en?s Hellowshi& Inte"national 4HGBHI9$ Altho%gh the &e"sonal testi#onies alwa s s&ea. o+ tong%es, the do not &"o#ote the doct"ine o+ initial evidence$ Awa"eness o+ and &%!lishing a!o%t the

!a&tis# in the Hol S%irit we"e hall#a".s o+ the FG-FI$ )went ea"s late" the sa#e wo%ld hold t"%e +o" Logos Inte"national &%!lications that &"od%ced #an titles on the !a&tis# in the Hol S%irit$ One o+ the #ost &o&%la" wo".s was &he )oly Spirit and 6ou ! @ennis and Rita -ennett 4Plain+ield, ->5 Logos, 16F19$ A second wo". to "each the h%nd"eds o+ tho%sands in &"int +"o# this ti#e &e"iod was @on -asha(?s A )and-oo. on )oly Spirit 'aptism% Basha# answe"s two I%estions on the evidence iss%e$ One is &"o and the othe" nonA co##ittal$ In the 16F(s, classical Pentecostals we"e +a" eno%gh "e#oved +"o# the st"ict%"es o+ deno#inational c%lt%"e to "ethin., "eview, and "enew thei" stance on initial evidence$[11] )he"e a"e a +ew a"ticles in the SPS &a&e"s and Pneuma that a"e histo"ical$ So#e o+ these a"e inde/ed in the !i!liog"a&h &o"tion o+ this a"ticle$ 3an o+ the histo"ies o+ Pentecostalis# o" the Asse#!lies o+ God deal with so#e o+ the initial evidence cont"ove"sies$[12] )he !i!liog"a&h that +ollows is #eant to &"ovide a !"idge +"o# the &ast %nde"standing o+ initial evidence to the &"esent g"a&&ling with the sa#e to&ic ! &ointing to a"ticles in eve" decade o+ the '(th cent%" $ It is also #eant to s&an schola"l w"itings and &o&%la" w"itings as !oth w"ite"s and "eade"s a"e !i!lical t"%ths$

3ost o+ all it sho%ld #a.e "esea"ch on the to&ic a !it easie" ! &"oviding a%tho" inde/ing to a &o"tion o+ the wo".s al"ead &"od%ced on initial evidence$

A"ra(s, 3innie H$ &he 'aptism of the )oly ,host and /ire% 'nd ed$ <edgaon, India5 3%.ti 3ission P"ess, 16(8$ A"ra(s, 3innie H$ BHow the Recent Revival was B"o%ght A!o%t in IndiaC$ 7atter #ain Evan$el4>%l 16(69$ P&$ 8A11$ Aker, Ben C$ BInitial Evidence, A Bi!lical Pe"s&ectiveC$ Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic ovements% G"and Ra&ids, 3I5 =onde"van, 1677$ P&$ 2;;A;6$ Anderson, Go"don L$ BBa&tis# in the Hol S%irit, Initial Evidence, and a -ew 3odelC$Paraclete 'F52 4Hall 16619$ P&$ 1A2$ Arrin+ton, H"ench$ B)he Indwelling, Ba&tis#, and In+illing with the Hol S%irit5 A @i++e"entiation o+ )e"#sC$ Pneuma 8(9 4Hall 16719$ P&$ 1A1($ Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 15' 4>%l 16679$ )he enti"e iss%e is devoted to the to&ic o+ initial evidence$

-asha(, @on$ A )and-oo. on )oly Spirit 'aptism% Reading5 Gatewa O%t"each, 1686$ 4P%!lished in the *$S ! Dhita.e" Boo.s9$ His answe"s to I%estions 17 and 16 on initial evidence sa es and then #a !e$ )his !oo. is still in &"int$ -asha(, @on$ inisterin$ the 'aptism in the )oly Spirit% 3on"oeville, PA5 Dhita.e", 16F1$ Cha&te" 1 deals with initial evidence$ Hoc%ses on &asto"al as&ects$ -er+, A$ and 3$ -er+$ BHel&ing Believe"s ReceiveC$ Advance 9(8 43a"ch 16889$ P$ 1'$ -lu(hofer, Edith$ BAle/ande" Bodd and the Rise o+ Pentecostalis# in G"eat B"itainC$ Pneuma157 4S&"ing 16789$ P&$ 11A2($ Read this in con0%nction with Lan de" Laan?s a"ticle$ -lu(hofer, Edith L$ :Pentecost in y Soul;( E5plorations in the eanin$ of Pentecostal E5perience in the early Assem-lies of ,od% S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 1676$ )he testi#onies %s%all co#e a"o%nd to the !a&tis# soone" o" late"$ -osworth, H$ H$ Do All Spea. +ith &on$ues3 -ew Yo".5 Ch"istian Alliance P%!lishing Co#&an , n$d$ )his a"ticle can !e +o%nd in #eadin$s co#&lied ! 3cGee$ Scando"++ gives an edition o+ '2 &ages &"inted in @allas$

-oyd, H"an. 3$ )oly Spirit% )he Ch"istian Haith Se"ies )eache"?s 3an%al$ S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 1681$ One lesson on initial evidence$ -oyd, H"an. 3$ &he Spirit 1or.s &oday( A 'i-lical Study of the Person and 1or. of the )olySpirit% S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 16F($ )his is a "evision o+ the 1681 wo".$ See cha&te" 7 +o" his disc%ssion o+ initial evidence$ -randt, R$ L$ Charismatics Are 1e issin$ Somethin$3 Plain+ield, ->5 Logos, 1671$ See#s to !e the sa#e !oo. as !elow$ -randt, R$ L$ &on$ues the ,reatest ,ift3( Charismatics Are 1e issin$ Somethin$3 So%th Plain+ield, ->5 B"idge, 1671$ Cha&te" 2 BDh not Dind and Hi"eC deals with initial evidence$ -raswell, Ro!e"t @$ BPassing @own PentecostC$ Paraclete '751 4S%##e" 629$ P&$ 1A11$ S%"ve o+ !elie+s that an Asse#!lies o+ God S%nda School g"o%& hold$ Initial evidence ente"s the &ict%"e slightl $ -resson, B$ L$, Studies in Ecstasy% -ew Yo".5 Lantage, 1688$ -rewster, P$ S$ &he Spreadin$ /lame of Pentecost% London5 Eli# P%!lishing Ho%se, 16F($ Cha&te" 2 is on the initial evidence$ Dea.ness o+ the !oo. is the I%otes +"o# va"io%s a%tho"s witho%t an

+%ll !i!liog"a&hic in+o"#ation %se+%l to +inding the so%"ces$ -rid+es, >a#es <$ BPentecostAA -ew E#&owe"#ent +o" Ditness and 3inist" C$ Enrichment 25' 4S&"ing 16669$ P&$ FFA71$ -ru("ack, Ca"l$ 1hat eaneth &his3 S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 162F$ P"o!a!l the #ost I%oted !oo. &"od%ced ! a Pentecostal on the !a&tis# in the Hol S%irit$ -urdick, @onald 1% &on$ues( &o Spea. or *ot to Spea.% Chicago5 3ood , 1686$ *ses the wo"d BevidentialC th"o%gho%t, !%t is antiAPentecostal$ -ur+ess, Stanle 3$ BEvidence o+ the S%irit5 )he Ancient and Easte"n Ch%"chesC$ In Initial Evidence% Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son, 1661$ P&$ 1A 16$ -ur+ess, Stanle 3$ BEvidence o+ the S%irit5 )he 3edieval and 3ode"n Deste"n Ch%"chesC$ InInitial Evidence% Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son, 1661$ P&$ '(A2($ *aldwell, Dillia#$ Pentecostal 'aptism% )%lsa, O<5 H"ont Line Evangelis#, 1681$ *a(%"ell, Bo!$ 'aptism in the )oly Spirit( Command or 0ption3 3on"oeville, PA5 Dhita.e", 16F1$ Cha&te" 2 is on the evidence$ He also %ses the te"# witness$

*arlson, G$ Ra #ond$ B)his Is )hatC$ Paraclete 75' 4S&"ing 16F29$ P&$ ''A';$ *arothers, D$>$, &he 'aptism in the )oly ,host and$ in &on$ues% =ion Cit , IL5 n$ &$, 16(8$ Ro!ec. states this was also &%!lished in Ho%ston in 16(8$ *han, Si#on$ B)he Lang%age Ga#e o+ Glossolalia, o" Sense o+ the MInitial Evidence?C$ InPentecostalism in Conte5t( Essays in )onor of 1illiam 1% en<ies% Eds$ D$ 3a and R$ 3enGies$ She++ield5 She++ield Acade#ic P"ess, 166F$ P&$ 7(A 6;$ *hristenson, La"" $$ in &on$ues% 3innea&olis, 3-5 @i#ension, 1687$ )hi"t ea"s and still in &"int$ @isc%sses the Msign? o+ tong%es in a ve" !"oad sense$ *lark, 3athew S$ BInitial Evidence5 A So%the"n A+"ica Pe"s&ectiveC$ Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 15' 4>%l 16679$ P&$ '(1A1F$ *ottle, Ronald E$ B)ong%es as EvidenceC$ Paraclete 115' 4S&"ing 16F69$ P&$ 12A18$ *otton, Roge", =enas, and Benn Aker$ BDhat @oes It 3ean to Be PentecostalNCEnrichment 151 4Dinte" 16689, P&$ 66A 1(1$ A"ticle o+ sa#e title +i"st &%!lished in Paraclete '751 4S%##e" 16629, &&$ 1'A1F$ *o., Ra #ond L$ BInitial Evidence o" S&i"it%al @evelo&#entC$ Paraclete 4(= 4Hall 16F19$ P&$ 11A1F$

*rawford, 3attie$ 'aptism of the )oly Spirit( &he ,reatest *eed of the Church &oday% Los Angeles5 3attie C"aw+o"d, 16'8$ S%!stantial &ages and good a&olog +o" tong%es$ *unnin+ha(, Ro!e"t C$ /illed +ith the Spirit( 1hat the Scriptures Say a-out the Pentecostal 'aptism% S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 16F'$ Cha&te" on evidences$ Da("oriena, P"%dencioi$ &on$ues as of /ire( Pentecostalism in Contemporary Christianity%Dashington, @C5 Co"&%s Boo., 1686$ See cha&te" 8 BS& with )ong%esC +o" concl%sions that Pentecostals do not hold$ Dela *ru#, Roli G$ BSalvation in Ch"ist and Ba&tis# in S%irit5 A Res&onse to Ro!e"t 3enGies, MEvidential )ong%es5 An Essa on )heological 3ethod?C$ Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies15' 4>%l 16679$ P&$ 1';A2F$ Dorries, @avid D$ BEdwa"d I"ving and the MStanding Sign? o+ S%irit Ba&tis#C$ In Initial Evidence% Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son P%!lishe"s, 1661$ P&$ 21A;8$ Duffield, G$ P$ and -$ 3$ van *leave$ /oundations of Pentecostal &heolo$y% San @i#as, CA5 LIHE Bi!le College, 1671$ Faul%el, @avid D$ &he American Pentecostal ovement( A 'i-lio$raphical Essay% Societ +o"

Pentecostal St%dies, 16F'$ A !it dated, !%t the annotations a"e good$ Fee, Go"don @$ BBa&tis# in the Hol S%irit5 )he Iss%e o+ Se&a"a!ilit and S%!seI%enceC$Pneuma F5' 4Hall 167;9$ Fee, Go"don @$ B)owa"d o+ Pa%line )heolog o+ GlossolaliaC$ In Pentecostalism in Conte5t( Essays in )onor of 1illiam 1% en<ies% Eds$, D$ 3a and R$ P$ 3enGies$ She++ield5 She++ield Acade#ic P"ess, 166F$ P&$ '2A1F$ Flower, >ose&h R$ B)he Pentecostal Patte"nC$ Paraclete 751 4S%##e" 16F29$ P&$ ''A'8$ Flower, >ose&h R$ BS& with )ong%esOSign o" St%#!ling Bloc.C$ Paraclete '5' 4S&"ing 16879$ P&$ 18A16$ Frodsha(, Stanle H$ )ave 6e #eceived the )oly ,host3 S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, n$d$ )"act n%#!e" 12A2'87$ *ses the &atte"n a"g%#ent o+ Acts$ Frodsha(, Stanle H$ 1ith Si$ns /ollo+in$% S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 16'8$ At least +o%" di++e"ent editions o+ this !oo. have !een &"inted: 16'8, 16'7, 1621, 1628$ )he"e is a +ai" a#o%nt o+ change +"o# one to anothe"$ Frost, Ro!e"t C% A$lo+ +ith the Spirit% -o"th"idge, CA5 Loice o+ Ch"istian, 168;$ Cha&te" +ive

disc%sses the initial evidence o+ Sc"i&t%"e, !%t does not a&&l it to toda $ Frost, Ro!e"t C$ A$lo+ +ith the Spirit% Rev$ Ed$ Plain+ield, ->5 Logos, 16F1$ Gee, @onald$ B>es%sO )he Ba&tiGe"C$ Paraclete 1;5' 4S&"ing 16719$ P&$ 8A 6$ Gee, @onald$$ in &on$ues( &he Initial Evidence of the 'aptism in the )oly Spirit%S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, n$d$$ )"act n%#!e" 6;1$ Goff, >a#es R$, >"$ /ields 1hite unto )arvest% Ha ettevile, A<5 *nive"sit o+ A".ansas, 1677$ Goff, >a#es R$, >"$ BInitial )ong%es in the )heolog o+ Cha"les Ho/ Pa"ha#C$ In Initial Evidence%Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son P%!lishe"s, 1661$ P&$ ;FAF1$ Goodwin, >ohn D$ &he iracle of Pentecost o" &he Evidence -y$ +ith &on$ues% <ansas Cit , 3O5 Pentecostal -aGa"ene, n$d$ Goss, Ethel E$ &he 1inds of ,od( &he Story of the Early Pentecostal ovement 19>1?191= in the 7ife of )o+ard A% ,oss% HaGelwood, 3O5 Do"d A+la#e, 16;7$ Graha(, P$ Edwa"d$ B@o the @ea+ S&ea. in )ong%esNC Paraclete 9=(= 4Hall 166(9$ P&$ '1A'F$

,ackett, Cha"les$ BLeading Peo&le into the Hol S%irit Ba&tis#C$ Advance 175; 43a 167'9$ P$ 2$ ,a+in, <enneth E$ &he 'i-le 1ay to #eceive the )oly Spirit% )%lsa, O<5 <enneth Hagin 3inist"ies, 1671$ ,a+in, <enneth E$ 1hy &on$ues3 )%lsa, O<5 <enneth Hagin 3inist"ies, 16F;$ ,all, >$ L$ BA Oneness Pentecostal Loo.s at Initial EvidenceC$ In Initial Evidence% Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son, 1661, P&$ 187A77$ ,a(ilton, 3ichael P$, Ed$ &he Charismatic ovement% G"and Ra&ids, 3I5 Ee"d#ans, 16F;$ ,artwick, A$ Re%!en$ BS& in )ong%es5 )he Initial Ph sical Evidence o+ the Ba&tis# in the Hol S%iritC$ Paraclete '651 4S%##e" 166;9$ P&$ 6A 1;$ ,ayford, >ac., &he 'eauty of Spiritual 7an$ua$e( y Journey &o+ard the )eart of ,od% @allas, )P5 Do"d, 166'$ ,o, 3elvin$ BA Co#&a"ison o+ Glossolalia in Acts and Co"inthiansC$ Paraclete '(5' 4S&"ing 16789$ P&$ 1;A16$ ,od+es, 3elvin L$ B)he Ba&tis# in the Hol S%irit Identi+iedC$ Paraclete ;52 4Hall 16F19$ P&$ ''A'8$

,od+es, 3elvin L$ BA @istinct E/&e"ienceC$ Paraclete 85' 4S&"ing 16F'9$ P&$ ''A '7$ ,oldcroft, L$ )ho#as$ BS%irit Ba&tis#5 Its -at%"e and Ch"onolog C$ Paraclete 1 4Hall 168F9$ P&$ 'FA 1($ ,orton, Ha"old$ &he 'aptism in the )oly Spirit( A Challen$e to 1hole?)earted See.ers After ,od% London5 Asse#!lies o+ God P%!lishing Ho%se, n$d$ )he co& I have sa s 1681, !%t I thin. it is a "e&"int$ ,orton, Stanle 3$ BI Believe $ $ $ In the Ba&tis# in the Hol S%iritC$ Advance ''58 4>%ne 16789$ P$ 2$ )o%ches on the s%!0ect as he does so +"eI%entl $ ,orton, Dade, edito"$ &he ,lossolalia Phenomenom% Cleveland, )-5 Pathwa , 1688$ ,oy, Al!e"t L$ BDhat @oes It 3ean to Be H%ll o+ the S%iritNC Paraclete '(51 4S%##e" 16789$ P&$ 8A 6$ ,oy, Al!e"t L$ BSeven *ses o+ )ong%esC$ Paraclete 115' 4S&"ing 16F69$ P&$ 7A11$ ,unter, Cha"les and H"ances$ 1hy Should :I; Spea. in &on$ues333 Ho%ston, )P5 H%nte" 3inist"ies P%!lishing Co#&an , 16F8$ A !oo. o+ testi#onies with an int"od%ction that deals with initial evidence as Bthe onl &"oo+C$

,unter, Ha"old @$ BAs&ects o+ InitialAEvidence @og#a5 A E%"o&eanAA#e"ican Holiness Pentecostal Pe"s&ectiveC$ Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 15' 4>%l 16679$ P&$ 17;A'('$ ,unter, Ha"old @$ Spirit?'aptism( A Pentecostal Alternative% Lanha#, 3@5 *nive"sit P"ess o+ A#e"ica, 1671$ P"e+ace states that a !i!lical evidence o+ the wo". o+ the S%irit is a "eason +o" the wo".$ ,unter, Ha"old @$ BS%iritABa&tis# and the 1768 Revival in Che" Co%nt , -o"th Ca"olinaC$Pneuma ;5' 4Hall 16719$ P&$ 1A1F$ ,urst, @$ L$ B)he Evidence Points to the EvidenceC$ Paraclete 9(1 4Dinte" 16879$ P&$ ''A11$ E/&ands so#e o+ the &oints o+ Gee?s logical a&&"oach$ ,urtado, La"" D$ B-o"#al, !%t -ot a -o"#5 Initial Evidence and the -ew )esta#entC$ InInitial Evidence% Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son P%!lishe"s, 1661$ P&$ 176A'(1$ B)he Initial Ph sical Evidence o+ the Ba&tis# in the Hol S%irit 4Position Pa&e"9C$ Paraclete185' 4S&"ing 167'9$ P&$ 1AF$ Also &%!lished in t"act +o"# ! Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se$ Johns, @onald A$ BSo#e -ew @i"ections in the He"#ene%tics o+ Classical Pentecostalis#?s @oct"ine o+ Initial EvidenceC$ In Initial

Evidence% Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son, 1661$ P&$ 12;A8F$ Jone, Cha"les Edwin$ A ,uide to the Study of the Pentecostal ovement, ' Lols$ A)LA Bi!liog"a&h Se"ies, -o$ 8$ 3etch%en, ->5 Sca"ec"ow, 1671$ @oes not %se Binitial evidenceC as a s%!0ect o" s%!heading, !%t it will &oint to #an wo".s not listed he"e$ Kelsey, 3o"ton &% &on$ue$( An E5periment in Spiritual E5perience% Ga"den Cit , -Y5 @o%!leda , 1682$ P%!lished in &a&e"!ac. in 1687$ Has one cha&te" on BBi!lical EvidenceC and disc%sses va"io%s inte"&"etations tho%gh o%t$ Kendrick, <la%de$ BInitial Evidence, A Histo"ical Pe"s&ectiveC$ Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic ovements% G"and Ra&ids, 3I5 =onde"van, 1677$ P&$ 2;6A8($ Kerr, @$ D$ B)he Bi!le Evidence o+ the Ba&tis# with the Hol GhostC$ In &he Phenomena of Pentecost% S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 1611$ A !oo. o+ +ive essa s ! di++e"ent a%tho"s$ )itle co#es +"o# the +i"st essa ! @onald Gee$ @$ D$ <e"" states that the Acts '52 is the sa#&le that the othe" Acts &assages a"e to inte"&"eted ! $ Kortka(%, A$ 1% &he 'aptism of the Spirit% S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, n$d$ )"act n%#!e" 12A2'7;$

Krister, Stendahl$ B)he -ew )esta#ent EvidenceC$ In &he Charismatic ovement% Ed$ 3$ P$ Ha#ilton$ G"and Ra&ids, 3I5 Ee"d#ans, 16F;$ P&$ 26A8($ /a-er+e, Agnes -$ 0% 1hat ,od )ath 1rou$ht( 7ife and 1or.s of rs% A$nes *% 0% 7a-er$e, *ee iss A$nes *% 0<man% Chicago5 He"ald, 16'1$ /avan+, Ra #ond <$ B)he Content o+ an *tte"ance in )ong%esC$ Paraclete '151 4Dinte" 16769$ P&$ 12A '($ /awrence, B$ H$ &he Apostolic /aith #estored% St$ Lo%is, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 1618$ /ederle, Hen" I$ BInitial Evidence and the Cha"is#atic 3ove#ent5 An Ec%#enical A&&"aisalC$ In Initial Evidence% Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son, 1661$ P&$ 111A21$ /ee, Edga"$ BA++i"#ed5 )he Ba&tis# in the Hol S%iritC$ Advance '658 4>%ne 16619$ P$ 8$ /i(, @avid S$ BAn Evangelical C"itiI%e o+ MInitial Evidence? @oct"ineC$ Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 15' 4>%l 16679$ P&$ '16A'6$ /indsay, Go"don$ )o+ to #eceive the 'aptism in the )oly Spirit% @allas, )P5 Ch"ist +o" the -ations, n$d$ /in#ey, S$ BReceiving the Ba&tis# in the Hol S%iritC$ Advance '658 4>%ne 16619$ P$ 6 and '651'8 4@ece#!e" 16619$ P$ 17$

/it#(an, Da""en$ Pentecostal &ruths% Daco, )P5 LitG#an Pentecostal Ca#&aigns, 16;8$ One o+ the t"%ths is initial evidence$ /owery, )$ L$ ,ifted to Serve% Cleveland, )-5 Pathwa , 166F$ Es&eciall , &ages1'FA2($ acchia, H"an. @$ BG"oans )oo @ee& +o" Do"ds5 )owa"ds a )heolog o+ )ong%es as Initial EvidenceC$ Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 15' 4>%l 16679$ P&$ 126AF1$ acchia, H"an. @$ BSighs )oo @ee& +o" Do"ds5 )owa"ds a )heolog o+ GlossolaliaC$ Journal of Pentecostal &heolo$y 1 4166'9$ P&$ 2FAF1$ acchia, H"an. @$ B)ong%es as a Sign5 )owa"ds a Sac"a#ental *nde"standing o+ Pentecostal E/&e"ienceC$ Pneuma 1;51 4S&"ing 16619$ P&$ 81A F8$ acDonald, Dillia# G"aha#$ BBi!lical GlossolaliaO)hesis ;C$ Paraclete 'F52 4Hall 1998!% P&$ 1;A''$ cDonnell, <$ and G$ )$ 3ontag%e$ Christian Initiation and 'aptism in the )oly Spirit from the /irst Ei$ht Centuries% Collegeville, 3-5 Lit%"gical, 1661$ -o"#ative is the wo"d$ cGee, Ga" B$ BBa&tis# o+ the Hol Ghost and Hi"eQ )he Revival Legac o+ 3innie H$ A!"a#s o+ IndiaC$ Enrichment 151 4S%##e" 16679$ P&$ 7(A7F$

cGee, Ga" B$ BEa"l Pentecostal He"#ene%tics5 )ong%es as Evidence in the Boo. o+ ActsC$ InInitial Evidence% Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son, 1661$ P&$ 68A117$ cGee, Ga" B$ BInitial Evidence and S%!seI%ent 3edioc"it C$ Advance 'F5F 4>%l 16619$ P$ 8$ cGee, Ga" B$ BPo&%la" E/&ositions o+ Initial Evidence in Pentecostalis#C$ In Initial Evidence%Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son, 1661$ P&$ 116A1($ cGee, Ga" B$, co#&ile"$ #eadin$s on the Doctrine of Initial Evidence% S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Asse#!lies o+ God )heological Se#ina" , 1668$ cGee, Ga" B$, edito"$ Initial Evidence( )istorical and 'i-lical Perspectives on the Pentecostal Doctrine of Spirit 'aptism% Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son, 1661$ c$herson, Ai#ee Se#&le$ &he )oly Spirit% Los Angeles5 Chall&in, 1611$ -ot "e+e""ed to #%ch toda $ en#ies, Ro!e"t P% Empo+ered for 1itness( &he Spirit in 7u.e?Acts% She++ield5 She++ield Acade#ic P"ess, 166;$ Es&eciall cha&te" 11$ en#ies, Ro!e"t P$ BEvidential )ong%es5 An Essa on )heological 3ethodC$ Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 15' 4>%l 16679$ P&$ 111A'1$

ichaels, >$ Ra#se $ BEvidences o+ the S%irit, o" the S%irit as EvidenceN So#e -onAPentecostal Re+lectionsC$ In Initial Evidence% Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son, 1661$ P&$ '('A17$ iller, El#e" C% Pentecost E5amined% S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 198@% Standa"d Asse#!lies o+ God +a"e$ )elson, P$ C$ &he 'aptism &hat Christ ,ives% S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, n$d$$ )"act n%#!e" 12A2'8($ )elson, P$ C$ BConce"ning the Ba&tis# in the S%iritC$ Advance 18(@ 4>%ne 1944!% P% 98% )elson, P$ C$ Did &hey Spea. +ith &on$ues in Samaria3 Enid, O<5 So%thweste"n P"ess, n$d$ Late 161(s and ha"d to +ind, !%t good to "ead$ )unn, @avid$ Pentecost% @allas, )P5 @avid -%nn, n$d$$ )"act$ 0rfila, Ansle $ B)he P%"&ose o+ )ong%esC$ Paraclete 9(= 4Hall 16F;9$ P&$ ';A'F$ 0ss, @o%glas A$ BIs Ba&tis# in the Hol S%irit S%!seI%ent to SalvationN A Bi!lical )heological Anal sisC$ Enrichment 152 4Hall 16689$ P&$ F'AFF$ $al(a, Anthon @$ BAnothe" Loo. at Acts '52C$ Advance 1(56 4Se&te#!e" 16629$ P$ ''$ $al(a, Anthon @$ BBa&tiGed B and In the Hol S%iritC$ Advance 1(57 4A%g%st 16629$ P$ 18$

$al(a, Anthon @$ BHilled with the S%irit Pa"t '5 S%!seI%ence in Relation to the Ba&tis# in the Hol S%iritC$ Enrichment 8(= 4Hall 16679$ P&$ 7(A 7;$ $al(a, Anthon @$ BHilled with the S%irit Pa"t 15 Is Glossolalia a -ecessa" Co#&onent o+ the Ba&tis# in the Hol S%iritC$ Enrichment =(9 4S&"ing 16669$ P&$ 6'A6F$ $al(a, Anthon @$ B)he P"o#ise o+ the S%iritC$ Advance 185; 43a 167(9$ P$ 2$ $arha(, Cha"les H$ A Aoice Cryin$ in the 1ilderness% Ba/te" S&"ings, <S5 A&ostolic Haith Bi!le College, 161($ Go++ entitles this !oo. <ol <a"e Bo#ida" when sel+A&%!lished in <ansas Cit in 16(' and so#e o+ the "e&"ints do have that title on the +"ont cove", !%t not on the title &age$ 3cGee gives the 161( date as a "e&"int o+ the 'nd edition$ )he"e a"e #an "e&"ints s%ch as the one in 1622 ! >o&lin P"inting Co#&an $ $arha(, Sa"ah E$ &he 7ife of Charles /% Parham( /ounder of the Apostolic /aith ovement%>o&lin, 3O5 )"iAState, 161($ Re&"inted a n%#!e" o+ ti#es: the #ost e/&ensive was the one ! Ga"land in the late 167(s$ $earl(an, 3 e"$ Bno+in$ the Doctrines of the 'i-le% S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 161F$ Re&"inted #an ti#es and in &a&e"!ac.$ -othing %ne/&ected he"e$

$erkins, >onathan Edwa"d$ &he 'aptism of the )oly Spirit% Los Angeles5 >onathan Pe".ins, 162;$ One o+ his late" w"itings$ $l1ss, >eanA@aniel$ BA%Ga and Othe" 3 ths5 )he Long and Dinding Road +"o# E/&e"ience to Stated Belie+ and Bac. AgainC$ Pneuma 1;5' 4Hall 16619$ P&$ 176 '(1$ $olo(a, 3a"ga"et 3$ &he Assem-lies of ,od at the Crossroads( Charisma and Institutional Dilemmas% <no/ville, )-5 *nive"sit o+ )ennessee P"ess, 1676$ !ainey, Ch"is$ BHa"old Ho"ton 41771A168(95 His Liews on Initial EvidenceC$ Paraclete 98(94S&"ing 16629$ P&$ '1A'F$ One o+ the +ew &a&e"s on Asse#!lies o+ God w"ite"sJtheologians and thei" views on initial evidence that was &%!lished$ 3an we"e &"od%ced ! Asse#!lies o+ God )heological Se#ina" st%dents and can !e +o%nd in the Hlowe" Pentecostal He"itage Cente" and Asse#!lies o+ God )heological Se#ina" li!"a" $ !eed, @avid A$ BH"o# 3ove#ent to Instit%tion5 A Case St%d o+ Cha"is#atic Renewal in the Anglican Ch%"ch o+ CanadaC$ In Summary of Proceedin$s /orty /ifth Annual Conference of the American &heolo$ical 7i-rary Association% )o"onto5 *nive"sit o+ )o"onto and )he )o"onto School o+ )heolog , 1661$ P&$ 1F1A162$

!ice, >ohn R$$ +ith &on$ues% Dheaton, IL5 Swo"d o+ the Lo"d, n$d$ Cha&te" against initial evidence$ !i%ley, >i#$ B3iniste"ing the Ba&tis# in the Hol S%iritC$ Enrichment 25' 4S&"ing 16669$ P&$ F6$ !o"eck, Cecil 3$, >"$ BDillia# >$ Se #o%" and Mthe Bi!le Evidence?C$ In Initial Evidence%Pea!od , 3A5 Hend"ic.son, 1661$ P&$ F'A6;$ !owlands, Ge"ald and >oAnne Se.ows. $ &he )oly Spirit and )is ,ifts( A Study of the Spiritual ,ifts% L nnwood, DA5 Aglow, 1672$ One cha&te" is on initial evidence$ Schandorff, Esthe" @ech$ &he Doctrine of the )oly Spirit( A 'i-lio$raphy Sho+in$ Its Chronolo$ical Development, ' Lols$ A)LA Bi!liog"a&h Se"ies, -o$ '7$ Lanha#, 3@5 Sca"ec"ow, 166;$ Hi"st wo". that %nde"stands the need to s%!divide !a&tis# in the Hol S%iritwith initial evidence$ I onl wish the Li!"a" o+ Cong"ess wo%ld +ollow$ Howeve", onl a hand+%l o+ ite#s #atch the s%!heading$ Shu(way, C$ D$ BA C"itical Histo" o+ GlossolaliaC$ Ph$@$ @isse"tation$ Boston5 Boston *nive"sit , 1616$ D"ote othe" &e"tinent ite#s that a"e ha"d to +ind$ Hootnotes do not ag"ee on titles and &%!lishe"s on his othe" ite#s$ Stein"er+, Ha"d D$ BInitial Evidence o+ the Ba&tis# in the Hol S%iritC$ Conference on the

)oly Spirit Di$est% S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Gos&el P%!lishing Ho%se, 1671$ Lol$ 1$ P&$ 1FA21$ Also &%!lished in Advance 165; 43a 16719$ St"ong state#ent +"o# a st"ong &"o&onent$ Synan, Linson$ B)he Role o+ )ong%es as Initial EvidenceC$ In &+enty?&hird Annual eetin$ of the Society of Pentecostal Studies Conference Papers on :&o the Ends of the Earth 4G%adala0a"a, 3e/ico5 SPS, 16619$ P&$ 1A'1$ Also &%!lished in 1orld Pentecost C9 4S&"ing 166F9, &&$ 6A1(, 1;A1F$ Also in Spirit and #ene+al( Essays in )onor of J% #odman 1illiams% Ed$ 3a". D$ Dilson$ She++ield5 She++ield Acade#ic P"ess, 1662$ P&$ 8FA7'$ &an 3a Ling$ BA Res&onse to H"an. 3acchia?s MG"oans too @ee& +o" Do"ds5 )owa"ds a )heolog o+ )ong%es as Initial Evidence?C$ Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 15' 4>%l 16679$ P&$ 1F;A71$ &aylor, Che" l$ B@ea+ and the Initial EvidenceC$ Paraclete '651 4S%##e" 166;9$ P$ 1F$ &edeschi, E$ BEve" oneN A"e Yo% S%"e, >oelNC Advance 75; 43a 16F'9$ P$ 2 &urner, 3a/$ B)ong%es5 An E/&e"ience +o" All in the Pa%line Ch%"chesNC Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 15' 4>%l 16679$ P&$ '11A;1$ 2alentine, Ha"" $ Pentecost in the 7i$ht of the 'i-le% S&"ing+ield, PA5 Ha"" Lalentine, 168;$

States that one o+ the &%"&oses o+ the !oo. is to show what the initial evidence is$ 2an der /aan, Co"nelis$ B)he P"oceedings o+ the Leade"s? 3eetings 416(7A16119 and o+ the Inte"national Pentecostal Ch%"ch 4161'A 16129C$ Pneuma 1151 4S&"ing 16769$ P&$ 2(A21$ Good histo"ical st%d with &lent o+ "e+e"ences$ 2an#andt, >$ C%,$ in &on$ues% Po"tland, OR5 >$ C$ LanGandt, n$d$ Hai"l ea"l st%d $ 2ivier, Lincoln 3$ ,lossolalia% >ohannes!%"g, So%th A+"ica5 *nive"sit o+ Ditwate"s"and, 168($ )his thesis is an o+tenAI%oted st%d that is si#&l ha"d to +ind$ 'alker, Pa%l H$ &he 'aptism +ith the )oly ,host and the Evidence% Cleveland, )-5 Ch%"ch o+ God, 168'$ Anothe" &"inting ca#e o%t in 16F'$ 'ard, C$ 3$ 'e /illed +ith the Spirit% S&"ing+ield, 3O5 Revivalti#e, 16F;$ 'ayne, Stanle 3$ BGlossolalia as EvidenceC$ Paraclete 1152 4Hall 16F69$ P&$ 11A11$ 'elch, >$ BDhat the Ba&tis# Reall IsC$ Advance ';57 4A%g%st 16769$ P$ 2$ 'essels, Roland$ B)he @oct"ine o+ the Ba&tis# in the Hol S%irit a#ong the Asse#!lies o+ GodC$ )h$@$ @isse"tation$ Be".ele , CA5 Paci+ic School o+ Religion, 1688$

'essels, Roland$ B)he 3eaning o+ S%irit Ba&tis# and How to Receive It as )a%ght in the Asse#!lies o+ GodC$ Society for Pentecostal Studies Papers, 1661$ 'essels, Roland$ B)he S%irit Ba&tis#, -ineteenth Cent%" RootsC$ Pneuma 125' 4Hall 166'9$ P&$ 1'FA ;7$ 'ie"e, P$ H$ B)he Pentecostal Initial Evidence @oct"ineC$ Journal of the Evan$elical &heolo$ical Society 94(= 4@ece#!e" 16729$ P&$ 28;AF'$ 'illia(, >$ Rod#an$ #ene+al &heolo$y% G"and Ra&ids, =onde"van, 1668$ Latest state#ent see#s to advocate initial evidence$ 'illia(s, E$ S$ BAs at the BeginningC$ Advance ';58 4>%ne 16769$ P$ 2$

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