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Groaning in the Spirit

his next manifestation that is possible to receive from God through the Holy Spirit may be the one that may considered to be the most unpleasant. To have God manifest His love, joy and peace to you through the Holy Spirit are very nice and pleasant manifestations to receive from the Lord. However, when God decides to manifest His sadness or His pain to you, this can be very uncomfortable. Some of you have already had these sadness manifestations from the Holy Spirit. This is where God will manifest His sadness, not your sadness, on a particular issue that you may be dealing with. gain, the way that you !now that it is His sadness and not your own sadness, is that His sadness is much deeper and much more intense than your own natural sadness. fter you receive a few of these sadness manifestations, you can usually become "uite adept in discerning when these manifestations are coming in from the Lord and when they are just coming in from your own natural emotions. However, this next manifestation # groaning in the Spirit # is not as easy to handle. $n this manifestation, you are not only feeling God%s sadness on a particular situation, but also Hispain. This pain is so intense, that you can actually feel a groaning within the actual manifestation itself. This manifestation is definitely not for everyone. &hen this manifestation comes in on you with any !ind of intensity, it will flatten you. &hat happens is that when your human body comes into physical contact with God%s manifestation of pain, it seems to overwhelm the circuits in your body. 'our energy levels will immediately decrease and your ability to focus or concentrate will be impaired. $f you are lying down when it occurs, you will not want to get off of the couch. 'ou will just want to lie there until the manifestation subsides. &hen God does allow you to experience His pain on something, He will respect your limits and He will pull the manifestation off of you if you as! Him to do so. &hen you as! Him to pull it off of you, it will disappear in ()*( seconds. $t can come off of you that fast. So if anyone of you receives this manifestation anytime in the near future, remember, God will pull it off of you the second you as! Him too. 'ou do not have to worry about God overwhelming you past your own personal limits.

1. This first Scripture verse, where God is showing you that He can manifest some of His emotions to you through the Holy Spirit, is the one $ stated in the last article on +Laughing in the Spirit., -or the purposes of this article, $ will go ahead and restate this verse for you. +He who has .y commandments and !eeps them, it is he who loves .e. nd he who loves .e will be loved by .y -ather, and $ will love him and manifest Myself to him / and &e will come to him and ma!e our home with him., 01ohn *234*5 gain, $ believe the words manifest Myself to him is literal interpretation, and shows that God can manifest Himself and some of His emotions to us through the Holy Spirit if He should choose to do so with anyone of us. 2. This next verse shows us that 1esus Himself had this groaning in His Spirit when He came upon the death of La6arus. s you already !now, 1esus ended up raising this man literally from the dead once he arrived on the scene. Here is the verse3 Then when .ary came where 1esus was, and saw Him, she fell down at his feet, saying to Him, +Lord, if 'ou had been here, my brother would not have died., Therefore, when 1esus saw her weeping, and the 1ews who came with her weeping, He groaned in the Spirit and

was troubled / Then 1esus, againgroaning in Himself, came to the tomb. $t was a cave, and a stone lie against it / now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, +La6arus, come forth7, nd he who had died came out /, 01ohn **384)225 La6arus had been dead for 2 days by the time 1esus arrived on the scene. $f you will notice when He first arrives on the scene, La6arus% sister .ary is weeping along with the other 1ewish people who were with her. They were all crying and weeping over the death of this man. &hen 1esus sees all of these people crying over this man, He then starts to get the groaning in His Spirit. He obviously was feeling their pain to the same degree that they were and it was causing Him to groan with this severe and intense pain. $t also says that 1esus groaned in Himself a second time when He actually entered the tomb that La6arus had been buried in. $ believe what was happening was that both 1esus and the Holy Spirit were feeling and experiencing severe and intense pain over the death of this particular man. &hen 1esus saw La6arus% sister and friends crying and weeping over his death, $ believe God the -ather allowed 1esus to raise this man from the dead through the power of the Holy Spirit just due to the fact that 1esus was feeling such intense sorrow and sadness for the grieving they were all going through. This dramatic story right here shows us that God can and does actually feel our pain, our sadness and our sorrow when we are faced with a real sad or traumatic situation. .any of the times when we are crying, God is crying right along side of us. However, most of the time, we cannot see or feel God crying with us on a sad situation unless He decides to manifest His sadness and His pain to us through the Holy Spirit. $n my opinion, when God does decide to manifest His sadness and His pain to you on a particular situation where you can actually feel what He is feeling # this is an incredible privilege, blessing and honor # because God is sharing with you His feelings on the matter, even if it is feeling of sadness, sorrow and pain.

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