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Luis Lobos Dr.

Griffin English Communications 12 23 September 2013 Baseline assessment 5 The presidential inauguration speech of 1933 by president Franklyn D. Roosevelt was intended to establish a national plan to restore the economy. President Roosevelts speech also included his belief in regards of the way he would lead the country in the upcoming years. The United States of America was at the time in one of the most critical moments in its history. The great depression had left millions of citizens unemployed and the stock market crash on that Tuesday, the 29th of October, provided a critical scenario in Wall St. Presidents Roosevelt speech was persuasive to the public opinion. First, the nation was facing a hard time because of the instability of the economy. The president said, Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. In this quote, president Franklyn wanted to let the nation understand that even in hard times; America had the power to succeed. Fear only symbolized the struggles that ordinary citizens believed to be the greatest amongst the nations issues. In reality, President Roosevelt wanted citizens to acknowledge the power of unity amongst the American people and that together the country could restore the economy. In his speech, many solutions were proposed to the country in order for problems to be resolved. One of the greatest topics that were of importance and concern to the people was unemployment. Citizens wanted to have the opportunity to work and as a result support their families. President Franklyn said, "It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing greatly needed projects to stimulate and

reorganize the use of our natural resources." He believed that one of the best ways to fight against unemployment was by using the army. Young men could join the military to make the American army stronger and more powerful. President Roosevelt also wanted citizens to use what the country had to offer in order for a true change to occur. At the time most ordinary citizens worked in factories, some were farmers, and others were part of the industrial American society. Many critics insist that president Roosevelt was not only persuasive but a strong leader. As he finalized his speech he said, We do not distrust the future of essential democracy. The people of the United States have not failed. He was connecting with the general public. He gave hope to farmers, factory workers, poor, and middle class that made the citizens of the nation. By using his creative language, he crafted his words, and used the depression to his benefit. Franklyn was the first president to be inaugurated in January instead of March. The national congress had just passed the 20th amendment that also changed the new dates for the congress members. At the height of the speech, he insisted that the American democracy was the most intelligent form of government that the world had seen. Americans of the time period needed that encouragement to believe that tomorrow would bring them a solution. It is more than evident, his speech was persuasive to the public opinion in many ways. The American political culture was nourished by the promises that Roosevelt made. The political efficacy of the citizens was almost neutral throughout the nation. As the country prepared to lift itself from a depression, the American people believed in their president, because for many it seemed that their hope had disappeared.

Citations Author or editors name: (No author) Title of webpage: (Chronology of Inaugural Addresses) (The presidential inauguration) Webpage address: ( Date published or last revised. (January 21st 2013) Publishing organization: (Joint congressional committee) Dates retrieved: (23-26 September 2013) Other: ( Outside knowledge of U.S history)

Luis Lobos Dr. Griffin English Communications 12 23 September 2013 Baseline assessment 4 The presidential inauguration speech of 1933 by president Franklyn D. Roosevelt was intended to establish a national plan to restore the economy. President Roosevelts speech also included his belief in regards of the way he would lead the country in the upcoming years. The United States of America was at the time in one of the most critical moments in its history. The great depression had left millions of citizens unemployed and the stock market crash on that Tuesday, the 29th of October, provided a critical scenario in Wall St. Presidents Roosevelt speech was persuasive to the public opinion. First, the nation was facing a hard time because of the instability of the economy. The president said, Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. In this quote, president Franklyn wanted to let the nation understand that even in hard times; America had the power to succeed. Fear only symbolized the struggles that ordinary citizens believed to be the greatest amongst the nations issues. In reality, President Roosevelt wanted citizens to acknowledge the power of unity amongst the American people and that together the country could restore the economy. In his speech, many solutions were proposed to the country in order for problems to be resolved. One of the greatest topics that were of importance and concern to the people was unemployment. Citizens wanted to have the opportunity to work and as a result support their

families. President Franklyn said, "It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our natural resources." He believed that one of the best ways to fight against unemployment was by using the army. Young men could join the military to make the American army stronger and more powerful. President Roosevelt also wanted citizens to use what the country had to offer in order for a true change to occur. At the time most ordinary citizens worked in factories, some were farmers, and others were part of the industrial American society. Many critics insist that president Roosevelt was not only persuasive but a strong leader. As he finalized his speech he said, We do not distrust the future of essential democracy. The people of the United States have not failed. He was connecting with the general public. He gave hope to farmers, factory workers, poor, and middle class that made the citizens of the nation. By using his creative language, he crafted his words, and used the depression to his benefit. Franklyn was the first president to be inaugurated in January instead of March. The national congress had just passed the 20th amendment that also changed the new dates for the congress members. At the height of the speech, he insisted that the American democracy was the most intelligent form of government that the world had seen. Americans of the time period needed that encouragement to believe that tomorrow would bring them a solution. It is more than evident, his speech was persuasive to the public opinion in many ways. The American political culture was nourished by the promises that Roosevelt made. The political efficacy of the citizens was almost neutral throughout the nation. As the country prepared to lift itself from a depression, the

American people believed in their president, because for many it seemed that their hope had disappeared.


Luis Lobos Dr. Griffin English Communications 12 23 September 2013 Baseline assessment 3 The presidential inauguration speech of 1933 by president Franklyn D. Roosevelt was intended to establish a national plan to restore the economy. President Roosevelts speech also included his belief in regards of the way he would lead the country in the upcoming years. The United States of America was at the time in one of the most critical moments in its history. The great depression had left millions of citizens unemployed and the stock market crash on that Tuesday, the 29th of October, provided a critical scenario in Wall St. Presidents Roosevelt speech was persuasive to the public opinion. First, the nation was facing a hard time because of the instability of the economy. The president said, Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. In this quote, president Franklyn wanted to let the nation understand that even in hard times; America had the power to succeed. Fear only symbolized the struggles that ordinary citizens believed to be the greatest amongst the nations issues. In reality, President Roosevelt wanted citizens to acknowledge the power of unity amongst the American people and that together the country could restore the economy. In his speech, many solutions were proposed to the country in order for problems to be resolved. One of the greatest topics that were of importance and concern to the people was

unemployment. Citizens wanted to have the opportunity to work and as a result support their families. President Franklyn said, "It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our natural resources." He believed that one of the best ways to fight against unemployment was by using the army. Young men could join the military to make the American army stronger and more powerful. President Roosevelt also wanted citizens to use what the country had to offer in order for a true change to occur. At the time most ordinary citizens worked in factories, some were farmers, and others were part of the industrial American society.

Luis Lobos Dr. Griffin English Communications 12 23 September 2013 Baseline assessment 2 The presidential inauguration speech of 1933 by president Franklyn D. Roosevelt was intended to establish a national plan to restore the economy. President Roosevelts speech also included his belief in regards of the way he would lead the country in the upcoming years. The United States of America was at the time in one of the most critical moments in its history. The great depression had left millions of citizens unemployed and the stock market crashed on that Tuesday the 29th of October provided a critical scenario in Wall St. Presidents Roosevelt speech was persuasive to the public opinion. First, the nation was facing a hard time because of the instability of the economy. The president said, Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. In this quote, president Franklyn wanted to

Luis Lobos Dr. Griffin English Communications 12 23 September 2013 Baseline assessment 1 The presidential inauguration speech of 1933 by president Franklyn D. Roosevelt was intended to establish a national plan to restore the economy. President Roosevelts speech also included his belief in regards of the way he would lead the country in the upcoming years.

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