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Geometric Aspects of Black Holes

in Geometric, Topological and Algebraic Methods for Quantum Field Theory

Bruno Carneiro da Cunha

Departamento de Fsica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Villa de Leyva July 15-27 2013


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Black Holes
Newtons Gravity: Fermi electronic pressure can support a body against its own gravity if (c = 1):

( )3/2 1 M M G m2 B


In GR, metric ds2 = e2(r) dt2 + h(r)dr2 + r2 d2 . Perfect fluid (static) Tab = ua ub + P(ua ub + gab ). ua = e t . Einsteins Equations:

Gtt :

) r 2m(r) 1 h(r) = 1 , m(r) = 4 (r )r2 dr r 0 m(r) + 4r3 P d Grr : = dr r(r 2m(r))


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Remaining components give the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation:

m(r) + 4r3 P dP = (P + ) dr r(r 2m(r))

A greater (r) needed for equilibrium in GR. For R


1/3, or R 9M/4 theres no equilibrium for constant density.

Assuming a reasonable equation of state (P = P()), the existence of a superior limit for M can be proved. Taking 0 nuclear densities and a plausible behavior beyond 0 , one arrives at

Mmax (2 3)M
Extremely hard to show the existence of collapsing solutions. Cf. D. Christodoulou, The Formation of Black Holes in General Relativity.


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Endpoint of collapse: Birkhoffs theorem: Schwarzschilds metric:

) dr2 2M dt2 + + r2 d2 ds = 1 M r 1 2r

The problem at r = 2M may be either because of physical singularities, or just the failure of the coordinate system chosen.


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Endpoint of collapse: Birkhoffs theorem: Schwarzschilds metric:

) dr2 2M dt2 + + r2 d2 ds = 1 M r 1 2r

The problem at r = 2M may be either because of physical singularities, or just the failure of the coordinate system chosen. Preamble: Rindlers metric:

ds2 = x2 dt2 + dx2

problem at x = 0 may be solved by changing coordinates:

T = x sinh t,

X = x cosh t

ds2 = dT2 + dX2

Q: how to find a change a coordinates which solve these singular points?


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In the Schwarschild case, null trajectories (geodesics) satisfy:

dt =

dr 1
2M r

r 2M x = t r + 2M log 2M



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Writing the metric in terms of x :

) 2M ds = 1 dx+ dx + r2 d2 , r

2M er/2M (x+ x )/4M = e r r

The exponential terms can be absorbed by a redefinition of coordinates: X+ = exp(x+ /4M) e X = exp(x /4M):

ds2 =

16M2 er/2M 32M2 er/2M dX+ dX + r2 d2 = (dT2 + dX2 )+ r2 d2 r r

which shows no problem at r = 2M (or T = X): metric can be continued down to r = 0 (Rabcd Rabcd = 48M2 /r6 ).

)1/2 ( ( t ) 2M er/4M sinh , T= 1 r 4M

( )1/2 ( t ) 2M er/4M cosh X= 1 r 4M


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The horizon in the place where the time translation symmetry ta = t becomes null: gtt = (1 2M/r) = 0. Working with X , the metric is given by

ds2 =

32M3 r/2M e dX+ dX + r2 d2 r ) dX+ dX dt = 2M . X+ X (


In terms of the Kruskal coordinates:

4M2 r/2M dr = e (X+ dX + X dX+ ), r

At the horizon X+ = 0 or X = 0, we have null norm and

( ) 8M3 r/2M 2M 16M3 r/2M a tb = 3 e 1 e dX+ dX . (dT)[a (dX)b] = r r r3

The quantity , computed at r = 2M:

1 M2 2 = (a tb )(a tb ) = 4 2 r


1 , 4M

gived the acceleration of the horizon. Numerically, it is equal to a force (per unit mass) exerted at infinity, to keep a particle at the point r = 2M.
. . . . . .


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From the expression of the time translation field:

( ) 1 t = X+ X , 4M X+ X

ta =

4M2 r/2M e (X dX+ X+ dX ), (4) r

We define the acceleration of the time translation by:

b = ta a tb =

4M3 r/2M e (X+ dX + X dX+ ), r3


with b b = 2M3 /r5 er/2M X X+ . The surface gravity can be defined by 2 = b b /tc tc , so = M/r2 . On the horizon,

a =

1 1 X dX+ = ta = 2Mer/2M X dX+ . 2e 4M


So, on the horizon, the Killing vector field is also geodesic.


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Kruskals Extension
From the coordinate transformation:

) ( r X T = 1 er/2M , 2M
2 2

( ) t T = arc tanh 4M X

r > 2M only covers X > T, X > 0. What are the other regions?


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Kruskals Extension
From the coordinate transformation:

) ( r X T = 1 er/2M , 2M
2 2

( ) t T = arc tanh 4M X

r > 2M only covers X > T, X > 0. What are the other regions? The trajectory of null geodesics is unchanged by a conformal transformation of the metric: gab gab = e2 gab , a kb = (2kc c )kb ka a kb = 0 ka

So the causal structure is the same. Through the scale transformation, we can study the infinity structure.

ds2 = dt2 + dr2 =

1 dpdq + 4 sin2 (p q)d2 cos p cos q


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Causal Diagram for Kruskal Coordinates


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Black hole with mass M and electric charge e.

) 2 M e2 dr2 ds = 1 + 2 dt2 + M r r 1 2r +

e2 r2

+ r2 d2

using the same methods as before, we can introduce null coordinates x = t r where

r =

2M r

e2 r2

= r+

r2 + r+ r

log(rr+ )

r2 log(rr ), r+ r

e2 < m 2

with r the roots of gtt = 0. Defining new coordinates

r r + X = exp x 2 4r+
. . . . . .


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We arrive at the form of the metric

(r r )r /r+ e ds2 = (r+ r )2 r2 4r4 +

With r defined implicitly:

r+ r r r2 +

dX+ dX + r2 d2

r r + X X+ = exp r 2 r+
in terms of the new variables, X can be continued beyond r = r+ (X+ = 0 or X = 0. Metric can be continued beyond r = r by another set of transformations.


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And, again, the covariant derivative of t

a tb =

2 (Mr e2 )(dt)[a (dr)b] r3

results a constant at the horizon r = r+ :

2 =

(Mr e2 )2 r6


(M2 e2 )1/2 2M[M + (M2 e2 )1/2 ] e2

Once more, the singularity at r = 0 is physical:

Rabcd Rabcd =

8(6M2 r2 12Mre2 + 7e4 ) r8

Problem: Verify that a a b = b at the horizon and find .


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Causal Diagram for Reissner-Nordstrm


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Near the Horizon

Making r = r+ + y, y 1, the r t part of the metric changes to:


r2 r2 r+ r 2 r+ r 2 2 dy2 + + ydt = x dt + dx2 2 r r y r r r2 4 r + + + +

Rindler! Part of Minkowski space!


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Near the Horizon

Making r = r+ + y, y 1, the r t part of the metric changes to:


r2 r2 r+ r 2 r+ r 2 2 dy2 + + ydt = x dt + dx2 2 r r y r r r2 4 r + + + +

Rindler! Part of Minkowski space! When r+ = r , however, have a different behavior:


2 x2 2 r+ 2 dt + dx x2 r2 +

AdS2 ! This is a space of constant negative curvature! Its isometries include a


a = t

+x t x
. . . . . .


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The causal structure of AdS2 can be obtained through a series of coordinate changes:

] x[1 2 t +1 , X0 = 2 x2

X1 = xt,

] x[1 2 X2 = t 1 2 x2

And one arrives at the isometric embedding of AdS2 in R1,2 :

2 2 ds2 = dX2 0 + dX1 dX2 2 2 With X2 0 X1 + X2 = 1. Now we make:

X0 = cosh r cos T,

X1 = sinh r,

X2 = cosh r sin T

And arrive at the global metric of anti-de Sitter (cosh r = 1/ sin X):

ds2 = cosh2 r dT2 + dr2 =

dT2 + dX2 sin2 X

This space can be now continued to all T. Causal structure is curious: light rays arrive at X = with finite affine parameter!
. . . . . .


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The geometry close to the horizon:

Rindler AdS 2


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Solution for a black hole with charge and angular momentum.

) 2a sin2 (r2 + a2 ) a2 sin2 ds = dt2 dtd+ [ 2 ] (r + a2 )2 a2 sin2 + sin2 d2 + dr2 + d2

2 2 Aa = er [(dt)a a sin (d)a ], and

= r2 + a2 cos2 ,

= r2 + a2 + e2 2Mr

a = J/M is a measure of the angular momentum of the Black Hole.


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Horizon at r = r = M (M2 a2 e2 )1/2 . Gravity at the horizon:

(M2 a2 e2 )1/2 2M[M + (M2 a2 e2 )1/2 ] e2

constant at the horizont, as well as the angular velocity:

H =

r2 +

a + a2

Complicated causal structure. Physical (curvature) singularity at

= r2 + a2 cos2 = 0
with a ring topology S1 . Problem: Work out the near horizon geometry for chargless e = 0 Kerr-Newman in the extremal case a = M.


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Diagram for Kerr


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What do the Black Hole solutions teach us?

Curvature singularitys hidden behind event horizons. Horizon at r = r+ are stable by small metric pertubations. There is no bifurcation. Horizon is defined by the region where an isometry generator becomes null.

and H are constant at the horizon.

Near horizon geometry Rindler (except in the extremal case).


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