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All redactions made pursuant to

exemptions (b)(6) and (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)


September 8th, 2006

Jennifer Houghton, Assistant Director
Designation Investigations Division
Office of Foreign Assets Control
Department of Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20220


Dear Ms. Houghton:

Please be advised that I have been retained by j

in an effort to obtain her removal from OF AC'S SDNT List and in order to initiate this
request, I would begin by stating that my client's date of birth is M H H H H H N I and
her Cedula Number is H J H l H ' *n o r ^ e r t 0 assist you in identifying my client, I am
enclosing herewith the following:

1. A copy of her latest United States Visa;

2. A copy of her previous Colombian Passport;
3. A copy of her current Colombian Passport;
4. A copy of her professional 0 1 0 card;
5. A copy of her Cedula De Ciudadania.

Additionally I am obtaining for you information regarding the liquidation of

Intercontinental Airlines which I believe was the initial reason why she was placed on

Please contact me upon receipt of this letter and advise what additional
information you will require in order to assist me to remove my client from your SDNT

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Very truly yours,


Withheld in full pursuant to exemptions (b) 000704
(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)
Withheld in full pursuant to exemptions
(b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

Withheld in full pursuant to
exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C),
and (b)(7)(F)

All redactions made pursuant to (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)

BOCXBWPES : B60,009,51 fi **

Boeotl Agosto 30 de 2.006 £r-i ssssssvrrsr isr* •

K£ta ' 2006/08/30 Ho** . 1V.10-.42

Superinteiideiicia de Sooiedade^.
Ato. Dra.j
Grupo de Iiquidaci6n 2
La Ciudad.

Comedidamente solicito a usted, expedir copia del auto que orden6 la

Iiquidaci6n de la sociedad Intercontinental de Aviaeion en Noviembre de
2.004. Dicho auto debe ir debidamente certificado, pues serS Iegali2ado
ante el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores para tramitar asuntos legales en
los Estados Unidos de Norte America.

Soy H ^ H ^e pi'ofesi6n y pertenecia a ^ H H H H ^ ^ ^ H H ^ ^ ^ I

Intercontinental de Aviaci6n, motivo por el cual hago esta peticion.

Para notificarme lo pueden hacer a mi oficioa ubicada en ^a^ggggggg^

K o en mi residencia ubicada en la ^ggj^^^gg^^^ en | a cjU(ja(j ^ e
De igual manera el numero celular es|

Agradezco la atenci6n prestada a la presente,



Withheld in full pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C),
and (b)(7)(F)

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