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Sex and breathlessness - new template - Feb 07.




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The woman kneeling on the floor, bending over with her chest resting on the bed.

The British Lung Foundation

One person in seven in the UK is affected by a lung disease. Whether it's mild asthma or lung cancer, the British Lung Foundation is here for every one of them. This is what we do: We support people affected by lung disease through the individual challenges they will face. Support is the focus of many of our activities, including Breathe Easy, our nationwide support network. We help people to understand their condition. We do this by providing comprehensive and clear information on paper, on the web and on the telephone. And we work for positive change in lung health. We do this by campaigning, raising awareness and funding world-class research.

British Lung Foundation

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Sex and breathlessness

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The woman sitting on the edge of the bed, feet on the floor, with the man kneeling on the floor in front.

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Same-sex couples can try these positions too. And finally, remember that holding, hugging, kissing and caressing can also be fulfilling expressions of love and affection.

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Last updated Nov 05

British Lung Foundation 2006
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Sex and breathlessness - new template - Feb 07.qxd



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Sex and Breathlessness

For many people sex is, or has been, an important part of their lives. But people with lung disease may worry about sex because they are afraid that they will become too short of breath, or need to cough up phlegm. This leaflet aims to help you to enjoy a fulfilling sex life. Sexual activity includes expressing affection by talking, hugging and touching, as well as intercourse. Both partners need to take responsibility for the sexual relationship and express their concerns and wishes to each other. You must communicate with each other, and be open-minded. Sexual activity needs energy and makes demands on your heart and lungs. You breathe more and your heart rate and blood pressure go up for a short time. This is the same for everyone. They return to normal levels quickly. The energy you use during orgasm is similar to the energy needed to climb stairs or take a brisk walk.

The following are some suggestions for you:

1. Have sex when you feel rested and your 1. breathing is normally best. This might be 1. when your medication is most effective and 1. your energy is not at a low ebb, so you may 1. need to plan ahead. However, don't change 1. your habits if this is stressful for you. 2. Be comfortable and relaxed. If you are too1. 1. cold or too hot, you won't be relaxed. If1 . 1. you're feeling stressed or tired, having sex 1. could increase these feelings. All of this could 1. make your breathing more difficult. 3. You might want to cough up phlegm before 1. sex, or avoid having sex in the morning, when 1. you will probably be producing more phlegm. 4. Avoid sex after a heavy meal, or alcohol. Your 1. breathing might be more difficult if you have 1. a full stomach and feel bloated. And alcohol 1. can decrease your sexual function. A small 1. drink, however - if it's allowed under your 1. medical regime - may help you to relax. 5. Remember that some changes in your sex life 1. are just part of getting older - not because of 1. lung disease. Slower erections and delayed 1. orgasms are normal in middle and later life. 6. Taking one or two puffs of your prescribed 1. bronchodilator (blue) inhaler before starting 1. sexual activity may relieve shortness of

1. breath or wheezing. Some people also find 1. that oxygen increases stamina. 7. If you use oxygen at home, using it before 1. and after, or during sexual activity will help 1. stop you getting too short of breath. It may 1. be useful to ask for a nasal cannula for this, 1. rather than using a mask. 8. If you become very short of breath during 1. intercourse, try pausing to take some slow, deep 1. breaths from your diaphragm, rather than 1. stopping altogether. 9. Some medications may cause a decrease 1. in sex drive or sexual function. If you have 1. any problems in this area ask your doctor 1. about the side effects of your medicines. 1. There are various methods and devices that 1. may be able to help you with this. 10. All intimacy should be for your enjoyment 11. and fun. Laugh and talk about any 11. difficulties that either of you are 11. experiencing. Be prepared to try different 11. ways to express your affection and tell each 11. other what feels nice! 11. Ask your nurse or GP for advice if you 11. have problems. .

You could try:

Both partners lying on their sides, either facing toward each other (fig. 1) or with one behind the other (fig. 2).

Supporting the British Lung Foundation

There are several ways you can help us:
Become a member - by joining the British Lung Foundation, you are adding your voice to ours, and helping us to speak out on behalf of everyone affected by lung disease. For more information, please fill out and return the form overleaf. Regular gift by direct debit - regular donations are great - they help us to plan for the future. Sign up for regular cash and raffle appeals keep up-to-date with our work by receiving regular appeals and taking part in our raffle. Payroll giving - an easy and tax-effective way of making contributions directly from your salary. Take part in events - fun and challenging, you can take part in one of our events or organise your own with our support. Get your company involved - your employer can support you, and us, in lots of ways - from charity of the year, to matching whatever you raise. In honour gifts - donate an in-memoriam gift or open a Breath of Life tribute fund - donations in memory of a loved one are a very personal way to remember someone special. To acknowledge this we have set up the Breath of Life funds as a lasting tribute that allows you to continue to support us in your loved ones memory. Become a major giving sponsor - please contact the Head of Fundraising on 020 7688 5587. Leave a legacy - when you make a Will, not only do you have the chance to provide for your loved ones but you can also help to create a better future for those living with a lung condition. Donate now - you can donate now by completing the form overleaf. SAB-07

fig. 1

fig. 2

If you prefer a top/bottom position, sometimes the less active underneath position is better for the person with lung disease. But make sure there's no pressure on their chest:
The man on his back with the woman on top.

12. Positions: the key is to keep the diaphragm 11. free and not to weigh down on the chest. 11. The person with lung disease should 11. probably try to use positions that require less 11. energy to maintain.

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