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Jamboree Programmes

Global Development Village (GDV)

G DV will b e an o n-s it e m o dul e p r o gramme, which tries to raise awareness over the global issues such as peace, environment, development, human rights and health among participants. As 23WSJ is held in Japan, GDV will focus on the disaster mitigation. We will ask for active involvement of the UN agencies, NGOs and NP O s. G DV pr o gr amme will b e distributed to the world for pre-event materials, as well as the part of the Join-inJamboree programme.

Peace Programme
Community Services
There will be a day for community services. Participants can compare their own community by seeing the other community. This programme would include practical implementation of the Reaching Out strategy in the local community. Participants will be able to experience real Japan by working with local people. One-day of f-site programme to Hiroshima will bring opportunity for all the participants to learn from the history in 1945. Participants will visit Hiroshima P e ac e M e m o r ial Par k inc lu ding t he museum.

Cross Road of Culture (CRC)

C RC will b e an ac t ivit y t o p r o mot e exchange of cultures, and learn respect to the cultures of own and the others. Also in the CRC programme, we will try to have a programme aims to deepen the c u l t u r a l u n d e rstanding of Japan from traditional to pop culture among the participants.

Peace Memorial Ceremony

As 2015 is the 70th anniversary since the atomic bomb had been dropped, we are seeking possibility to some representative Scouts - possibly one from each NSOs - to attend the Peace Memorial Ceremony in Hiroshima.

Water Activities
Water activities will be carried out, such as sailing, wind surfing, sailing, snorkeling, rafting and fishing, at lakes, rivers or the nearby coast.

Exploring Nature
A full day module programme that will foster better understanding of the surrounding nature will also bring appreciation to the environment. This programme will be held in Yamaguchi City where the Kirara-hama is.

City of Science (COS)

COS, which will be one-day programme in Kirara-hama, will deepen understanding of advances in science and technology and the benefits and problems associated with science. This programme provides a venue for learning about the development of fuel cells and other energy sources of the future, ecological problems, and robotics and automotive technologies.

Scout Association of Japan

Osawa 4-11-10 Mitaka Tokyo 181-0015 Japan

23rd World Scout Jamboree Office

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