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AIL redactions made pursuant to

exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and


Cali, November 27th, 2003

Office of Foreign Assets Control

U.S. Department of the Treasury
ATTN: International Programs Division
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20220

Dear Sirs,

I respectfully address myself to you in order to request you that my name be removed
from the SDNT list, I make this petition as I consider that an injustice occurred maybe
due to lack of information and knowledge on your part, as I intend to explain in the

Birth date: Cali,|

1. I, ^ H H H H H H ' sta rted my work life when I was a student, when I was
17 years old, as I finished my high school studies in the evening schedule,
therefore I was able to work in the afternoon^nswenngthe^Ton^calls and
doing sales for a small company c a " e d H H H H H H H R I H I H H I which
runs the business of crushing stones. In this company I worked from the year

Later I was accepted at the in the

faculty of studied all the time in the
evening schedule.

When I was still a student, Representatives of the |

H H H ^ H H H M came to the University to select personnel. One of the
professors recommended me specially to this company and so I started to work
with them from [~

was offered a better opportunity with J

^wTfFTeT better salary, better conditions and the opportunity of permanent
training in Colombia as well as in Mexico and in the United Stated. In this
company I had a good performance and after H H H H H in H H H
was appointed M B ^ B position which I also held inthesame
company in riBBMBBBI^M^worked for this Company J r o m J f l H H ^ o
i.e. for a b o u t P ^ ^ ^ ^

Official Translator Hngllsh-German-Spanlsh

Resolution Nr.2329 of Oct./85 from the Ministry of Justice
Registered at the Embassy of the United States in Bogota
T]t)t Ho 232S a'e Cctubra VMS
Avda. 4B Oeste No.3-02, Normandla
T e l . H H H Cali-Colombia doc.general Ingles 001309
All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and
Simultaneously with my work in I I, I was appointed in|
' - C a l i and at
the H H H H ^ H H H " , institution where I had studied.
Before completing one year of work in the]
|" I was appointed ________|_________________M'position
which I held until _ _ H H H B _ 8 ' ' e ' *or more or e
' ^ f l H ^ H M ' work ' n 9 'n
evening hours, while 1 attended my other normal assignment during day hours.

was offered an excellent opportunity as _ _ _ _ _ H H _ H H °f

Company of Carbonated drinks, which among other
products manufactured Ginger Ale.
simultaneously as
I worked for ___________ until | ^ H when I carried
to the _________________________•_____ which became the new owner.

When the this company, Mr.

was at the same time]
institution which together with the
developed new projects and promoted the creation
of new companies. Mr. _____j__j promoted the creation of a __£_____!
|, on a big scale in order to substitute imports. I personally
collaborated in the creation of this new Company called ___________}
When I finished myin

a nments in H H H H I I was appointedJ|^MJHHMHHHHI

| Company in which I was until p|_HBE_^H^e^JMring^_______This
company had as main shareholders: ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

I personally was also"a

this Company with a minimum percentage _______ When I
i II n _______________________|, niy li'lliiw workeratthe H____________HI of the
asked me to give a work
opportunity in the ^y^^s^^^^^^^^^^^KKHKKKKKKtM' wn0 was
single and had finishing his _ H H B H B ^ B M s t u d i e s and he appeared to be
a person with good values and aptitudes. In fact I gave | _ | H H _ l H H H I the
job in the | ~

7. As


Official Translator English-German-Span,

Resolution Nr.2329 of OcU85 from the Ministry of Justice
Registered at the Embassy of the United States In Bogota
Avda. 4B Oeste No.3-02, Normandia
Tel._____[ Call-Colombia doc.general ingles j^, M« ^343h>rjli:iirlu* )/BJt

All redactions made pursuant to
exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and

same purposes of the company mentioned in item 7, except for the

The initial capital of this company amounted only to I (at present it
is equivalent to approximately £ H H H H H °f which I on I contributed with |
(at present it is equivalent to approximatel; and
doctor £ ^ g £ j £ 0 contributed with 60%, i.e. (at present it is
equivalent to approximately ^ H H H H I met
when I worked in the while I was
__ he was the
When ^creating this new Company, we took advantage of I
of business. Simultaneously my
chance asked me to
raduated as
could y who
continued interests, as £
several of Cali. issues in

I did not hesitate to accept the proposal of I as when I was the

manager of VH-__-_M-_-HMHHHHHHi was working for some time in the
distinguishing himself for being an intelligent, serious, correct and
very responsible persc^rUnfortunately f H H I resigned to take advantage of a
better opportunity in ^ B | m i H I - Cali. Then|HHHHH resigned from
to work w i t h ^ ^ ^ B a n d a f t e r w a r d s I lost contact with him until he
returned a s £ ^
In H H - H H w e a l w a v s worked around the breakeven, we never distributed
dividends, we only capitalized a small profit. During all the time of the company's
existence the corporate capital only increased from H H - M H ^ - _ H _ _ _ _ _ 8 ' n
that Company I received only my salary, almost always overdue and no things
more. This situation happened also to H H H H H < w n o o n ' v received his
salary normally overdue and no additional penny. We always had difficulty
paying the salary to the employees, we worked hard to collect and pay first the
salary to all employees and then we paid ourselves. At the beginning of t h e \ (&\AAM
year I presented to P H H H H R m v irrevocable resignation letter and because / J.-
it was irrevocable he had to accept it. From that date I wholly cut of my **
relationship with this company and even to this date I have not received my
benefit payments. I knew that the economic situation was very difficult and
maybe it was insufficient to cover this outstanding amount.

9, During the time^wa^ngaaedwith M B _ r e t i r e d f o r a few months to accept

the offer as the HH-_H_—HHI °f _________________! ' n th ' s company it was
necessary to travel a lot, its economic situation, because they were in bankruptcy
was very stressing and I was not able to cope with this due to my health
conaWonsand age, since when I was t h e £ | | £ o f | |
m , therefore I had to leave this company, which was a tv
and business unknown to me.

ffictal Translator English-German-Spanish

Resolution Nr.2329 of Oct./85 from the Ministry of Justice
Registered at the Embassy of the United States In Bogota
Avda. 4BOeste No.3-02, Normandla
Tel. ^ ^ ^ 1 Call-Colombia P«* #_ 2228 l i t GCUIJI--B i / « J
doc.general ingles
All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and

CIVIC ACTIVITIES: Among the civic activities I can mention among others:
have been a I

attach a sheet entitled DETAILS OF MY WORK HISTORY, which is official and

I sent it to the Social Security Institute in order to legalize the number of quoted
years (weeks) paid to such Institute. > 4>
Asi^ar^eseenfrommycumculum I have continuously worked for over f/^
H H ^ H H H H B H H R H H i 'n c'ear'v established activities and positions
and^witnCompanie^anahnuepreneurs of known prestige and honesty.
Likewise I have cooperated with the community where I live in civic activities
targetedto improve the weilbeingof all. When I started to work with
H H H H *ne a 9 e °f H H I and
afterwards with
consolidated my moral and professional education. I worked during 15 years in
these two companies until the age of 36, In this phase of my life I developed a
pro American feeling and a rejection of all kind of illegal activities. I really and
honestly state that I am a defendant of the majority of the American Policies
applicable within and outside the country. In occasions I might not be in
agreement with the procedures applied, as in my case, but I am in agreement
with the general objectives sought.

All the information stated herein may be verified.

I am at your disposition to supply and or answer any additional information,

inquiry or question .

Official Translator English-German-Spanish

Resolution Nr.2329 of Oct./85 from the Ministry of Justice
Registered at the Embassy of (he United States in Bogota
Avd^J3OesteNo3-02, Normandla
Tel H H H k Cali-Colombia doc.general ingles
All redactions made pursuant to
exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and



1. m H H | : As you can see from my work history, after having

contiruiousiyworkea for approximately 38 years in Companies and with
Entrepreneurs of known prestige and tradition, even helping to create new
companies, 1 finally agreed to create a Society with an honest person (at least
he is recognized as such by all persons knowing him), t h e H H M H l H H
whom I met as already stated in my work history in the
academic world.

When I m e t B H ^ B B , approximately in the y e a r £ H H H H < h i s H H B M H i

H H H I i < w h o in rea''ty m a y De considered by you as the main originator of
the present problem, at this time might have beenf"
he w a s
In the year m , H M H M M might have b e e n B M H H R > single
and I am nearly sure that he had no girl friend, because he always was really a
quite shy, respectful and very reserved person (personally I qualify him as an
intelligent and responsible individual, who knows how to handle people, which
added to his modesty makes that all people like him. In the y e a r j J M B B B I
H H naa< already finished his professional s t u d i e s a s J B B H B j J | | ^ J f a n d
at the r e q u e s t o f j H ^ B I I i gave him the job in flHI^of which
I was t h e l M B ^ s e e i t e m 6. of myWorkHistory). After approximately two
yearsHHHHM 'S n e d from£Hfl| because he was offered a better
opportunit in the multinational company I

At the end of the /ear L, we started conversations with to

create a In that way early in the year was
established^ This was a ompany created with wholly lei [al purposes and to
attend mainly the
___n was not working any more as
^cbuld be of great help as
J., and additionally represent the 60% share of

The commercial part of • H H w a s managed by the undersigned person, by the

Sub-Manager and by the respective vendors. I can guarantee you that during al
the time I worked for M B I only and exclusively attended the followinc

[minor sales to friends and relatives duly

recognized, who do not appear nor have appeared in any delinquency
Sub-Manager attended the work required by the National Registry Office

Official Translator English-German-Spanish

Resolution Nr.2329 of Oct./8S from the Ministry of Justice
Registered at the Embassy of the United States in Bogota
Avda. 4B Oeste No,3-02, Normandia
T e f . H H I Cati-Colombia doc.general IngISs
flu MB 78&i> ri» t " g
All redactions made pursuant to exemptions
(b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)

Likewise he and the vendors were in charge of other relatively minor sales
compared to the total sales volume. The Sub-Manager was also in charge, some
times alone or in occasions with the help of a Technician or specialized engineer
to attend the technical and accounting part, (I am not ashamed to confess that I
am from the old guard and that

In summary ! can guarantee to you and I can prove it against the accounting
records and documents, that for example during the last three years, the sales
carried out by me to the Companies stated in the previous paragraph are fully
identified, added with the sales made by the Sub-Manager to the National
Registry Office add over 90% of the total sales carried out by Company.

Personally and neither in the name of flHHH-' n e v e r visited nor established

commercial nor social contacts with Companies or persons included in the SDNT

Due the analysis made now (November 2003) I have to admit, that in the
Company some minor equipment and services sales, included as part of the 10%,
stated as minor sales, were made to Companies which appear in the SDNT list as
I just became aware.! can assure you that I personally neither realized any of
these sales nor I made any effort to get them. Likewise I acknowledge that only
due to the newspaper I learned of the existence of these Companies. Anyway
all the equipment and service sales correspond to normal transactions. I can
assure you that our sales were a minimum compared to the total purchase
volume which this companies included in the SDNT list might have made. I admit
that even if our sales were minor, they should not have been made and even if I
personally did not make any of them, I consider that they were made in good faith
due to unawareness. I state this on my part.

Work History: Reading my work history you shall determine, that I am a

working, honest person and related as to business issues with decent people with
similar moral conditions as mine.

Real Pro American Feeling: With sincerity I can manifest you my deep
admiration towards this great country, which is the United States, .such as it can
be seen from my work history, I worked flHH u n t '' the age of B i n the most
importantandprestigious of North American companies: H M M f l l H H anc '
H H H H i H H H - After having worked with this companies, my moral principles
were structured for all my life. I only have feelings of admiration, respect and
appreciation for North America, the times I have gone there I have received
excellent attention and my travels have strictly been related to:

Official Translator English-German-Spanlsh

Resolution Nr.2329 of Oct./85 from the Ministry of Justice
Registered at the Embassy of the United States in Bogota
A v d ^ J ^ C e s i e No.3-02. Normandia '.',i7s^CTo«A OHSI*I turns?.
Tel . • M M Call-Colombia doc.general ingles
All redactions made pursuant to
exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and


followed the motto of relating myself personally and professionally with honorable
persons. Therefore never any person can state to have seen me with either
persons or companies of bad reputation. I have neith ever visited or talk
personally or by phone with any of the Companies appearing in the SDNT list.
Inclusive I don't know, even where they operate, nor which work they perform nor
who the managers are.

5. IN RESPECT TO MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS: The respect and love I feel for
my children, my family and friends, in addition to my personal conviction do not
allow me to carry out any activity which may go against my healthy moral


Under oath I express my sincere intentions to loyally comply with the OFAC
regulations and to not have any type of commercial relationships with absolutely
no person or company included in the SDNT list.

1 hope to have supplied you clear, accurate fully verifiable information on what my
work and commercial activities have been during my whole life. Any additional
information or any other issue which may not be sufficiently clear, I will be glad to
surrender it.

I kindly request you to attend this request as soon as possible, as its effect on
my moral and health is of great proportions, my children included.

Any information here supplied can be fully or partially verified by you. If you want
me to send you certifications of the Companies or of the persons evidencing any
of the previously stated manifestations, please let me know which one yen need
and I will be pleased to send them to you.

fficial Translator English-Garman-Spanish

Resolution Nr,2329 of OcU85 from the Ministry of Justice
Registered at the Embass> of the United States In Bogota Rfljf KBi23E9 iicOGU<krftl/S;*
Avda, 4B Oeste No.3-02, Normandia
Tel • M M Call-Colombia doc.general Ingles
All redactions made pursuant to exemptions
(b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)

Finally, 1 think its worthwhile to mention you that I am a person who lives in an
apartment bought 10 years ago, through a credit from the WKKtKKKKi
HHHHHHHHHHHHHl which I still continue to pay with great
difficulties. Likewise the automobile which I own has 11 years of use (Model
1992) and I purchased it in 1994 of second hand, paid through a 5 years leasing.

From the time at which I learned of the special situation of B B B M L j .

irrevocably resigned before theHHHHHHHHHHHHHHflHMHH^^^HII
H H f l a n d I never returned to this Company, without neither claiming my small
share nor my social payments. Fortunately I just started to receive my old age
pension, for having worked and paid quotas to the Social Security Institute during
so many years. I earn my living at present from this small pension.

Address: _ ^
T e l e p h o n T ^ H ^ f C a l i - Colombia.

This is a true and correct translation from the original in the Spanish Language.

Official Translator English-German-Spanish

Resolution Nr.2329 of Oct/65 from the Ministry of Justice
Registered at the Embassy of the United Stales In Bogota
Avda. 4B Oeste No.3-02, Nomiandla
Tel B | Call-Colombia doc.general ingles
All redactions made pursuant to
exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and
^W/o /,

Cali, December 1,2003

To Whom It May Concern:

I have known personally for approximately ten years.

For the have both served on the j
has been an active member of the
Society for more than | H H and has held the Posi]^onofJBHHHfor
the past 8 years. We have also served together on t h e m | [ m ^ H £ H
in Cali during the past 5 years.

In addition to our professional relationship, | H R H an<^ ^ n a v e en J°y e d a

personal friendship participating together in such activities as tennis and
other social activities.

m i has been a good friend and a person of trust. I look forward to

many more years of continued friendship.


Hesoluclon No. 0042 del 8 de Enero de 1,970 NIT. 890.305.138-7

Withheld in full pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)
(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)
All redaction made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6),

Cali, February 25 of the 2003


Being you and I who we conformed the meeting of partners o f £ £ m | ' m u s t

answer his letter of the 20 of February of this year, in which you present
resignation to the position f~

Given the irrevocable character of its resignation I see myself in the obligation of
accept it.

The employees, the Company and my person we thank for to you its invaluables
services throughout the time in which, from the M B B B B B M B I you oriented


)rfginal Signed

All redaction made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6),
(b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)

Call, febrero 25 de 2003


La Ciudacl

Siendo usted y yo quienes conformamos la Junta de Socios ^ H J I debo contestar

su carta del 20 de febrero de este afio, en la cual presenta renuncia a) p t i e s t o H M H M

Dado cl caracler irrevocable de su renuncia me veo en la obligation de accplarla.

Los cmpleados, !a empresa y mi persona agradecemos a usted sus invaluables servicios

durantc todo cl tiempo en que usted, desde ^^ggggggg^ oriento yj


Av 4Nte No. 6-67 Edificio Siglo XXI Ofc. 610 PBX: 660 7020 Fax: 660 2639
Cali - Colombia 001320
[All redaction made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and


All redaction made pursuant
® to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)
A-1EX A-1 EXPRE (C),and(b)(7)CF)

'nc-rnft^r-^wH ?o«.t 409400 nOCJaVtfcfKl^ ^_i

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m%.\Qh.t ^ASH«WfifftKI i
I Certify ttat UHS sh^mex dam not conum any tMuuthonari cipliiowfl, deBtructiw devices ex- tara-dotM
meunais. 1 consent to • torch d thetfupotvnc,I «m avnrs that ehra endnreameift »nd ongnal dgmture,
wit berttxnedonH^atawitti othar s h l p p m o d u i i a i n u n d t l « tlupiwintaj d«*vor«d. •I ? ' * , < ( •

PHDN6/TH. EXTRA W E I G H T / P B 0 " B H t * "

PAIOt^aj^jjf^lfOUffir • | X|


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VALDflSBSURO OECLftRA"nOPJ Stupor certMw dot tit* nature of guoiis TS a k u«icatBd wi th« a r t * The shipper ajjfttB to
and acccpcs ttte contract coi»*M(w an tfw rtverse sxfe O( S h w « - B Copy #nd acknowfuUges tlmt the fitupmeot
doscribed twrwi ts accapted by A-1 EXPRESS fur tr^tisportBUon subject to s«d concmW conditions

Name: OFSf3#OF FO'



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