Listening Workshop Memorable Meetings Kai Spies Past Continuous

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Practice Guide


Memorable Meetings
Taken and adapted from English nlimited! "1 Pre-intermediate coursebook! #ambridge

Aim: $dentif% general and specific information about a spoken te&t through multiple choice statements! 'c(uire ne) *ocabular% related to the topic +Meeting ne) people during a trip,! Material: Printable Guide Pre-Listening: These are some )ords )hich )ill come up in the te&t! Match the )ords to the corresponding definition! -uddenl% "eard -car% 'ctuall% To fall asleep $mmediatel % '*ailable Pen friend . /a sentence modifier to add slight emphasis . /a person %ou kno) b% fre(uent friendl% correspondence . / -omething happens une&pectedl% . / the hair gro)ing on the lo)er part of a man0s face . / )ithout dela% or hesitation1 )ith no time inter*ening . / con*enient for use or disposal . / pro*oking fear or terror . / change from a )aking to a sleeping state

2. Complete the following text with the corresponding words taken from above. T)o %ears ago2 $ )ent on a trip b% plane to the -'! 3hen $ )as about to44444444 2 a 4444444-looking man )ith a 4444444 arri*ed ne&t to me! 5e asked me if the seat ne&t to me )as still 444444444! 3e started to talk2 and $ found out that he )as 4444444444a (uite nice gu%! 3hen 44444444 )e got into some hard turbulences2 )e stopped talking for a )hile! 5o)e*er2 )hen these )ere o*er2
#op%right 6 7010! ni*ersidad de La -abana2 8epartment of 9oreign Languages and #ultures! English Language Program! ! Memorable Meetings. #reated b% -pies2 : and 5ernande; L .7010/! 'll Right Reser*ed2 <o part of this material shall be reproduced2 transmitted2 distributed or commerciall% e&ploited2 e&cept )ith e&press )ritten permission from the cop%right holders! En(uiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to fld=unisabana!edu!co

)e444444444 continued to talk and ha*e kept contact until toda%! <o)ada%s2 )e are good 444444444! Activit !. ": "efore %ou start de*eloping this listening )orkshop> Read all the (uestions carefull% and understand )hat %ou ha*e to do2 then listen to the te&t once to get familiar )ith the information in it! 8o not ans)er an%thing until %ou listen to it for a second time2 take notes in order to de*elop the listening comprehension e&ercises! 1! #sman was travelling from: a/ -'

b/ German% c/ $tal% 7! $e was travelling to: a/ -'

b/ German% c/ $tal% 3! %ho did #sman meet d&ring his flight' a/ a tall gu% )ith a beard b/ a big gu% )ith a beard c/ an old gu% )ith a beard ?! (he man #sman met was wearing: a/ sunglasses2 black denim @acket2 black leather trousers and a tattoo b/ sunglasses2 black biker @acket2 black leather trousers and a tattoo c/ sunglasses2 black biker @acket2 black leather trousers and man% tattoos A! $ow did #sman find o&t what kind of work )ernd has' a/ "ernd told him during the flight b/ Bsman asked him in one of his letters
#op%right 6 7010! ni*ersidad de La -abana2 8epartment of 9oreign Languages and #ultures! English Language Program! ! Memorable Meetings. #reated b% -pies2 : and 5ernande; L .7010/! 'll Right Reser*ed2 <o part of this material shall be reproduced2 transmitted2 distributed or commerciall% e&ploited2 e&cept )ith e&press )ritten permission from the cop%right holders! En(uiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to fld=unisabana!edu!co

c/ 5e sa) him on tele*ision

Annie is talking abo&t the time she went to Montpellier. *ill in the gaps with the correct information. +he travelled +he was looking for a Month ears ago. to eat.

(he weather was +he sat at a table for people.

(he man who approached her was from +he started teaching him:



(hink abo&t a time in o&r life when o& met someone interesting. (hink abo&t these ,&estions: 1! 3here )ere %ouC 3hen )as itC 7! 3hat )ere %ou doingC 3! 3hat )as the person likeC ?! 3hat did %ou talk aboutC A! 're %ou in contact no)C

#op%right 6 7010! ni*ersidad de La -abana2 8epartment of 9oreign Languages and #ultures! English Language Program! ! Memorable Meetings. #reated b% -pies2 : and 5ernande; L .7010/! 'll Right Reser*ed2 <o part of this material shall be reproduced2 transmitted2 distributed or commerciall% e&ploited2 e&cept )ith e&press )ritten permission from the cop%right holders! En(uiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this material should be directed to fld=unisabana!edu!co

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