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Medical Astrology

This article is directed to vedic astrologers or jyotish students who are familiar with the basic Jyotish concepts and terminology, and it can be too difficult for beginners to understand. Part 1





Astrology can be a very helpful tool to assess health matters on a individual, and a great help for doctors and medical practitioners to diagnose, prevent and treat diseases. Since diseases are related to Karma, and the Grahas are the instruments trough which the law of Karma operates, we can asses the general health of a person, the organs areas of the body which can be prone to diseases, injuries or wea!nesses, the different periods of time when those diseases or injuries are more li!ely to occur, the time they may last and the prescription of the best medical treatment and astrological remedies. There are many factors in a birth chart that can indicate wea!ness of a particular organ or area of the body. There are also protective factors which help or counteract the negative effects. Therefore, the jyotishi"s job is to loo! at the different signs and determine the weight of them on the overall situation. Just a single affliction to one part of the body can show some inconvenient situation regarding that organ. #f there are benefic influences on that organ, the problem could show only occasionally or with only little repercussions, or the problem can be healed, whereas when we see many indications showing a wea!ness on a particular organ of the body and without protective influences, then a more difficult or incurable disease or injury of that part of the body will occur. $et"s analy%e the more important health significations to loo! for on a chart&





'ach planet is a (Kara!a( o (significator( meaning, it represents certain body parts and functions. #ts condition, placement, dignity, aspects and strength will be one of the factors to determine the health situation. )The following underlined significations are the ones mention by *. +arashara ,ora Sastra or +haladeepi!a-



The Sun is a general significator for health, strength and vitality on a chart. .ore specifically, it relates to the bones, right eye, sight, heart and stomach. Afflictions of the Sun can cause headaches, fever, +itta diseases )which can manifest in the liver and gall bladder-, bone problems, baldness, deficient blood circulation, heart problems, eye disease or stomach disease. /n a psychological level the Sun rules the Self and personality and its affliction can cause low self esteem, wea! personality, ego conflicts or irritability.



The .oon is also an important significator for health and vitality and general strength of a chart. #t is considered the most important Graha in vedic astrology. The moon represents the mind and emotions, it is related with Kapha dosha )and 0ata- and is very much related with the fluids of the body, the mucus and phlegm, the blood, the left eye, the sense of taste, the female reproductive organs, the breast and mil!, the chest area, the longs. Afflictions to the .oon can be cause mental, psychological and emotional problems, psychiatric diseases, e1cess or lac! of sleep, dullness or la%iness.

.ars represents the muscles, head, testicles, virility, bone marrow, sight, bile, blood pressure, hemoglobin, injuries, accidents, violence, as well as general vigor and vitality. The afflictions and influences of .ars on other organs can cause cuts, wounds, surgery, injury by weapons, itching of the s!in, bone fractures, hemorrhoids, miscarriages and abortions. #t rules the +itta constitution, aggravation and type of diseases. #n the psychological level it can create an aggressive or violent nature and even crime.


.ercury has a combination of the 2 ayurvedic doshas& vata, pitta and !apha. #t rules over the s!in, sense of smell, memory, intelligence, speech, consciousness, respiratory canal, intestines, throat. #ts afflictions can be a cause for mental aberrations, defective speech, nervous brea!down, lac! of discrimination, s!in diseases, impotence, ear diseases, deafness, and bad dreams.


Jupiter is a Kapha or phlegmatic planet. #t rules over fat of the body, the liver, gall bladder, spleen, sense of sound, ears. #ts afflictions can cause liver disorder, diabetes, obesity, ear disorders, la%iness, feet and hips problems. *eing Jupiter a great natural benefic planet, if it is well placed and strong it can be a great protection against diseases. Jupiter strong in an angle house is said to protect from a great number of afflictions. *eing it a slow moving planet, its related diseases tend to last for long time or may become chronic.


0enus is a 0ata and Kapha planet )wind and phlegm#t rules semen and seminal fluid, sense of taste, se1ual organs, reproductive system, se1uality, face. #ts afflictions can be related with se1ual problems or aberrations, diseases of the se1ual generative urinary organs, venereal disease, eye disease, !idney stones and ailments, la%iness and endocrinal diseases.

Saturn governs mainly the 0ata or airy humor. #t rules over the muscles, sense of touch, nerves, joints, legs, !nees, an!les. *eing the slowest moving planet and naturaly related with suffering and pain, it rules over chronic, incurable and long lasting diseases. #ts related afflictions can be& 0ata disorders, cancer, tumors, stomach troubles, e1cess of gas, joint problems, paralysis, e1haustion and fatigue, and mental disorders li!e depression, melancholy, fears or even suicidal tendencies.

The scripture says 3Shani vat 4ahu5 meaning that 4ahu acts li!e Saturn, and can be related to the same !ind of afflictions. 4ahu afflicting the .oon can create several mental and physical disorders 4ahu in particularly rules over poison, into1ication, addictions, compulsive behavior, worries, fears, phobias, most psychological and psychiatric disorders, intestinal worms and sna!e bites.


3Kuj vat Ketu5 means that Ketu behaves li!e .ars, and it can cause injuries, accidents, cuts, wounds, surgery, fevers, viral infections, intestinal worms, and mysterious or hard to diagnose diseases. ,e is also a general significator for disease.





Affliction to the planets can cause wea!ness, disease or injury of the respective organ or body area. A planet can be consider as afflicted when&

+laced in its debilitation sign +laced in the dushtana houses& 6th, 7th or 89th )unless in its own house or e1altation signAspected or conjoined by malefic planets or planets ruling the dushtana houses or the 2rd or88th lords ,emmed in between two malefic planets. :ea! or badly placed in the 0argas )divisional charts;ombusted )too close to the Sun-

<efeated in planetary war #n close conjunction with 4ahu or Ketu *eing 3sandhi5 with less than one degree of the beginning or end of a sign.

The aspect or conjunction of a benefic planet or the lord of the trikona houses on the afflicted planet can help a reat deal to neutrali!e or reduce its da"a e and indicates a possibility of healin #

Significations and


the Bhavas


(signs) (Houses)

The 0edas and other ancient scriptures describe the s!y as the 3Kala +urusha5 the 3<ivine cosmic being5, personification of time, being the %odiac a representation of his different body parts. There is a correlation between the houses with the same concept. The 8st house represents Aries, the second house represents Taurus, and so on with the other houses and signs, being Aries the first house of the =odiac, Taurus the second and so on. The following underlined significations are the ones mentioned in +arashara ,.S and .antreshwara"s +hala <eepi!a. Aries and the 1st house represent the head Taurus and the $nd house represent the face, nec!, throat, and mouth %e"ini and the &rd house represent the upper limbs, arms and hands )+arashara- chest)upper)phaladeepi!a-, shoulders, 'ancer and the (th house represent the heart )ph.d.-, chest )bphs-and breast )eo and the *th house represent the stomach )bphs-, the belly )ph.d.-, upper abdomen and liver Vir o and the +th house represent the ,ips, )*phs.-, the loin )ph.d.-, umbilical region, intestines, and lower bac! )ibra and the ,th house represent the waist )ph.d-, the space below the navel)bphs.- lower abdomen, reproductive and urinary organs, !idneys Scorpio and the -th house represent the private parts, e1ternal genitals, anus and rectum Sa ittarius and the .th house represent the thighs and hips 'apricorn and the 1/th house represent the !nees A0uarius and the 11th house represent the calves)ph.d.and an!les)bphsPisces and the 1$th house represent the feet and sleep


1st house: head, brain, hair, body appearance, birth, infancy The 8st house represents the body and its strenght, and it is one of the most important houses to anali%e in order to determine the general strength and health of a person. $nd house: face, right eye, nec! throat, teeth, tongue, mouth, eating habits, nose, speech, nails &rd house: ears, right ear, lungs, shoulders, arms, hands, esophagus )upper part-, clavicles, physical fitness (th house: ;hest, lungs, heart, breast, mil!, diaphragm emotional wellbeing. *th house: the upper abdomen, stomach, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, duodenum, mind, thin!ing, learning process, pregnancy. +th house: intestines, digestion, absorption, appendi1, lower bac! The 6th house is the house of diseases and health in general, and rules over injuries, wounds, accidents, surgery, ulcers, and mental suffering and struggle. ,th house: urinary tract, !idneys, se1ual organs, se1uality, uterus, ovaries, testicles, semen, prostate gland, lower intestine -th house: e1ternal genital organs, anus, perineum, chronic or incurable diseases, pain, mental pain or disease, form of death. The 7th house is also very important in medical astrology as it is the house of longevity and death. .th house: ,ips, thighs 1/th house: Knees, joints in general, legs. 11th house: left ear, calves, an!les, lower legs. Alternate house for disease )6th from the 6th 1$th house: feet, sleeping disorders, se1ual pleasure, mental imbalances, hospitali%ation, losses.










A house can be considered as afflicted and the corresponding body parts will suffer when&

There is a debilitated planet on that house. The ruler of a dushtana house or the 2rd or 88th lords is placed on that house. )some e1ceptions occur when the a dushtana lord is placed in another dushtana house creating a vipareet yoga, which tends to destroy the negative implications. Anyway, the native may have to undergo some pain or disease related to those houses but it is usually overcome and turned into something goodThe house is hemmed in between two malefic planets. The ruler of the house is placed in its debilitation sign, wea! in the vargas combusted or defeated in planetary war There is a combustion or planetary war on that house The ruler of the house is placed in a dushtana house )with the same e1ceptions of vipareet yogaThe ruler of the house is aspected by a malefic or a dushtana lord. The ruler of the house is hemmed in between two malefic planets The ruler of the house is in close conjunction with 4ahu or Ketu The house is aspected by malefic planets or dushtana lords. A retrograde planet is placed on that house. 4etrograde planets are not necessary malefic to all the significations of the house, they are actually strong, but they seem to have a malefic influence on the house they are located.

The aspect or conjunction of a benefic planet or the lord of the trikona houses on the afflicted house can help a reat deal to neutrali!e or reduce its da"a e and indicates a possibility of healin #




Nakshat as

The 9> stars or constellations are used by vedic astrology since the ancient times and they are very relavent to many aspects of life including health and each ?a!shatra can be related with certain part or organ of the physical body. There is a "ention in the Va"ana Purana about this si nification: 1# As1ini $# 2harani &# Krittika (# Rohini *# Mr ashira +# Aridra ,# Punar3asu -# Pushya"i .# Aslesha 1/# Ma ha 11# Pur3aphal uni 1$# 4ttaraphal uni 1&# 5asta 1(# 'hittra 1*# S1ati 1+# Vishakha 1,# Anuradha 1-# Jyeshta 1.# Moola $/# Pur3ashada

The knee Head Waist Legs the two eyes Hair fingers mouth nails nose sexual organs sexual organs the hands forehead teeth the upper limbs heart tongue both feet both thighs

$1# 4ttarashada $$# Sra3ana $&# 6hanishta $(# Satabisha $*# Pur3abhadra $+# 4ttarabhadra $,# Re3ati

both thighs the ears back both sides of the chin the two sides of the body the two sides of the body The armpits



ayu veda

Ayurveda is the 0edic healing method or medical system, also originated from the ancient 4ishis, who taught the science of Jyotish. Ayur means life and 0eda means !nowledge or science, therefore Ayurveda can be translated as 3The science of life5 or the science of health. .ost traditional ayurvedic doctors in #ndia wor! together with Jyotish as a tool for diagnose and for determine the most suitable treatment for diseases. The principle of ayurveda is based on the 2 3<hatus5 humors, also called 3<oshas5 literally meaning 3faults5 which constitute the body and must be !ept in balance for perfect health. #t is their imbalance or aggravation that causes the diseases.

The & 6oshas are: Vata

The Air ele"ent )and ether#t is seated on the low intestines and is related with the gases in the body. 0ata imbalances tend to create e1cessive gas and disturbed digestion, rheumatic and joint problems, mental agitation and nervousness.


The fire ele"ent @ire is the element that allows the processes of digestion and assimilation, transformation and chemical reactions in the body. #ts imbalances can create e1cessive gastric acids and bile, which can create ulcers, liver and gall bladder disorders, s!in rashes, infections, irritation and an aggressive temperament.


is a co"bination of earth and 1ater ele"ents #t is the phlegm element which lubricates and protects the body and provides stability and strength. +hlegm is produce on the respiratory system but it gets seated mainly on the stomach. #ts imbalances can cause e1cessive phlegm and mucus, respiratory ailments, asthma, sinusitis, obesity, e1cessive fat, la%iness or lethargy. 'very person has a different combination and proportion of the 2 doshas which forms his or her inherent nature what is called the ayurvedic constitution or +ra!ruti. The first thing an ayurvedic practitioner will do is to determine that proportion of the doshas in the individual constitution by several means. Some of them are& /bservation of the body shape, si%e, height, form of the eyes, nails, tongue. /bservation of the pulse and temperature of the body. /bservation of the eating preferences, sleeping, defecating, and other daily habits as well as mental trends, behavior and personality. The ayurvedic constitution can be seen on the birth chart. Astrology can also help to determinate which of the doshas is more li!ely to become aggravated, and when, in which periods of life, and what organs it can affect. The nature of the doshas will be related with the cause of a particular disease and that will be very important to determine the appropriate treatment. @or e1ample, a few people may suffer from head aches, but the cause of them could be very different in each of them depending on which dosha is the culprit. 7ach planet has an ayur3edic constitution or dosha associated# Accordin to Parashara: Sun is +itta Moon is 0ata and Kapha Mars is +itta Mercury has a blend of the 2 humors

7;a"ple 1 is a case of a typical Jupiter is Kapha 0ata Type. She is very thin, never Venus is Kapha and 0ata gain weight, always cold, with a lot Saturn is intestinal gas and digestive 0ata of Rahu is 0ata problems. .ind is very agitated. Ketu is 0ata. )since Ketu behaves li!e .ars it also has a +itta :e can see componentthe strong influence of a very strong retrograde Saturn on The si ns the ascendant )Saturn is also the Aries8 )eo8 Sa ittarius 9fire si ns: and 'apricorn are ns );apricorn highest in Pitta shadsi bala strength- has a mi1 of +itta and Kapha because its an earth sign, but being ruledanother by Saturn is li!ely to aggravate 0ata as 4ahu, 0ata planet is wellconjunct the e1act degree of the Taurus8 'ancer8 Scorpio and Pisces are Kapha si ns )Scorpio has a mi1 of Kapha and +itta ascendant. because it is ruled lord Jupiter is by .arsThe lagna conjunct %e"ini8 )ibra8 A0uarius 9air si ns: and Vir oKetu)vataare Vata si ns )0irgo in has a Kapha and mercury 0irgo )a component toovata signShe lost al lot of weight and was physically very wea! during the 5o1 to deter"ine the ayur3edic constitution moon .aha dasha, which is by the birth chart# aspected by Saturn and 4ahu The influence of .ars on the 6th house the .oon in 8st Sagittarius The most important place to see the body and and its nature is the house or ascendant. show her secondary nature as of a planet The Sign of the ascendant, the strength of its ruling planet and the nature +itta,influence but only in constitution. a smallerStrong planes placed on the ascendant will be an important on the percentage. aspecting the ascendant can also be a strong influence. ?e1t to the ascendant, the Sun is the Kara!a or significator of the 8st house and an important influence on the constitution. $oo! at the Sign it is placed, the strength of its 7;a"ple case the of Sun. Kapha lord, as well as planets in conjunction with the Sun or $ aspecting constitution. The .oon is the ne1t important factor, more so in the case of woman, but also in man, The native has a big body, big especially if the .oon is strong on the chart. have to to consider the .oon sign, bonesAgain with we a tendency obesity, conjunctions or aspects to the .oon. e1cess mucus and sinusitis. <uring The 6th house is the house of health and disease its Sign, planets located here or the Jupiterand <asha she started to aspecting or conjoining its lord are also important factors for determine the dosha and part gain a lot of weight. of the body which is more li!ely to become aggravated and create disease. :e can se the strong @ull .oon on the ascendant. The 7th house is related to severe or chronic diseases and its Sign and planets located 0enus and the here can indicate the dosha and body parts li!ely to causeJupiter troubles. are strongest planets in shad bala. Any +lanet which is very strong and tends to dominate the chart can be the giver of the The Sun is in +isces, ruled by main constitution, more so if it is aspecting or related with the houses mentioned before. Jupiter who is aspecting the Sun. This will be easier to determine when there are more than one planet showing the same 0enus is on the 6th house. ayurvedic dosha. She gains weight easily and has a difficulty to control the eating habit )the lord of the 9nd house of eating is on the 6th houseThe ruler of the 6th house is debilitated and aspecting the 9nd houseShe has some 0ata derangements too, due to the position of Saturn debilitated on the 7th house.

7;a"ple & is a typical +itta type. ,e is physically strong, competitive and very fond of physical e1ercises. ,e is prone to anger, frustration and irritability. The Sun is conjunct the lagna degree in Sagittarius. .ars is aspecting the Sun, the lagna and the lagna lord Jupiter, plus the fiery energy of Ketu. ,e suffered from !nee injuries, which can be seen on the affliction to the lagna lord in the 8Ath house by .ars and Ketu and aspected by Saturn and 4ahu

7;a"ple ( is another typical +itta type, strong body, white hair, fond of physical e1ercise, competitive,

personality and desires, li!es to eat but doesn"t put on weight. .ars is the lagna lord, strongly placed in Aries, the 6th house, aspecting the lagna in tight orb. .ars and Sun are the strongest planets in shad bala, dominating the whole chart.





,ealth and disease are caused by the effect of benefic or malefic planets. Some planets are naturally benefic in their inherent nature of e1pansion, vitality and blessings but they can become malefic and give negative effects for health and other areas of life when the rule difficult houses or even when they are conjunct by malefic planets. Therefore, it is important to determine which planets behave as benefic or malefic for each ascendant and actually for each indi3idual chart. There are general rules set by +arashara and other classical authors, but those rules need to be applied carefully and without dogmatism, as there are always e1ceptions and multiple factors wor!ing at the same time. <atural "alefic planets:

The natural "alefic planets are: Saturn, .ars, Sun, 4ahu, Ketu, the waning .oon and .ercury when associated with another malefic.

According to some authors and researchers, and in my own e1perience in observation of charts, the mere presence of any of those natural malefic planets on a house can be enough to harm somehow the body part related to that house or sign. #f the planet is strong or e1alted it helps the house it rules but it actually damages more the house it is located. This is not always truth in some other significations of the houses, where an e1alted malefic planet can still bring success in certain areas of life, but it shows malefic effects from the medical point of view, always afflicting somehow the body organs involved. #f that malefic planet is a functional benefic by ruling a benefic house li!e tri!onas, its malefic influence will be diminish very much, and there may not be a disease related, but it will still cause at least some minor discomfort or injuries, especially during its .ahadasha or bhu!tis. =unctional "alefic planets *esides their inherent benefic or malefic nature, the planets can behave as benefic or malefic according to which houses they rule.

As a general rule, the lords of the 2rd, 6th and 88th houses act as malefics, harming the organs indicated by the houses they are located, unless their moolatri!ona house is a 3good5 house, li!e the trines The lords of the 9nd 7th and 89th houses are considered neutral by +arashara, but still they are great malefics from the medical astrology point of view, they always tend to harm the organs related to the houses they are located The ruler of the ascendant is consider as always benefic, even if it rules another malefic house, but e1perience has shown that in case of Taurus ascendant, 0enus being the moolatri!ona lord of the 7th house, has shown malefic health effect on the houses it is placed. The same situation has been observed in Scorpio lagna, where .ars rules also the 6th house being that the moolatri!ona house. That view is supported and documented by +rof. 0.K ;houdury and his 3system"s approach5 4ahu and Ketu are always malefic from the health point of view and will tend to harm the organs of the houses they are placed or they aspect. That may not be always truth from the more material life point of view, where they can bring certain amount of success, but they are definitely harmful for the health. Their <ashas and transit usually wea!ens or afflicts the part of the body related to the house they are placed or transiting.

<atural benefics:

Jupiter, 0enus, wa1ing .oon, and un afflicted .ercury This planets tend to bless and protect the houses they are located or they aspect, unless they become functional malefics by ruling difficult houses.

=unctional benefics

As a general rule, the rulers of the tri!ona houses )8,B,and C- are benefic

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