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Chapter 4 Approaches to Systems-Building

4.1 The Traditional Systems Lifecycle Systems lifecycle is the oldest method fo i!fo m"tio! systems de#elo$me!t% es$eci"lly fo those medi&m o l" 'e "!d com$le( systems $ o)ects* It di#idi!' systems de#elo$me!t i!to fo m"l st"'es th"t m&st +e com$leted se,&e!ti"lly -ith " #e y fo m"l di#isio! of l"+o +et-ee! &se s "!d i!fo m"tio! systems de#elo$e s . s$eci"lists* /s&"lly% tech!ic"l s$eci"lists " e systems "!"lysts "!d $ o' "mme s% -ho " e es$o!si+le o! the systems "!"lysis% desi'! "!d im$leme!t"tio! t"s0s* E!d &se s . &se s " e limited to $ o#idi!' i!fo m"tio! e,&i eme!ts "!d e#ie-i!' the tech!ic"l st"ff1s -o 0* The lifecycle is em$h"sis o! fo m"l e,&i eme!t "!"lysis% $ edefi!ed s$ecific"tio!s "!d ti'ht co!t ols o#e the systems2+&ildi!' $ ocess "!d l"stly $ e$" e -ith its doc&me!t"tio!* It is time co!s&mi!'% costly "!d i!fle(i+le* 3&t% it is m"i!ly li0e " 4-"te f"ll5 "$$ o"ch i! -hich " t"s0 i! o!e st"'e is com$leted +efo e "!othe -o 0 fo the !e(t st"'e +e'i!s* Acti#ities c"! +e e$e"ted* 6he! e,&i eme!ts "!d s$ecific"tio!s !eed to +e e#ised% ste$s !eed to +e e$e"ted "!d " !e- doc&me!t m&st +e 'e!e "ted* 4.1.1 Overvie of Systems !evelopment Ne- i!fo m"tio! systems " e "! o&t' o-th of " $ ocess of o '"!i7"tio!"l $ o+lem sol#i!'* Ne- i!fo m"tio! is de#elo$ed -he! $ o+lems " e $e cei#ed* The $ o+lem m"y +e the o!e -he e m"!"'e s o em$loyees e"li7e th"t the o '"!i7"tio! is !ot $e fo mi!' "s -ell "s e($ected* F"cto s of Systems 8e#elo$me!t9 I!te !"l 2 To$ m"!"'eme!t e(ec&ti#es 2 /se e,&ests 2 IT de$" tme!t 2 E(isti!' systems E(te !"l 2 Soft-" e "!d H" d-" e #e!do s 2 Tech!olo'y 2 C&stome s 2 Com$etito s 2 The eco!omy 2 Go#e !me!t

Re"so!s of Systems 8e#elo$me!t Red&ced costs Im$ o#ed se #ice 3ette $e fo m"!ce :



Mo e i!fo m"tio! St o!'e co!t ol The "cti#ities th"t 'o i!to $ od&ci!' "! i!fo m"tio! system sol&tio! to "! o '"!i7"tio!"l $ o+lem o o$$o t&!ity " e c"lled systems de#elo$me!t* It is " st &ct& e 0i!d of $ o+lem sol#i!' -ith co!sists of systems "!"lysis% systems desi'!% $ o' "mmi!'% testi!'% co!#e sio!% $ od&ctio! "!d m"i!te!"!ce* /s&"lly "ll the "cti#ities " e i! se,&e!ti"l o de % +&t some of the "cti#ities m"y !eed to +e e$e"ted o some m"y +e t"0i!' $l"ce sim&lt"!eo&sly* Ho-e#e % it is de$e!d o! systems +&ildi!' "$$ o"ches*

Systems Systems analysis analysis

Systems Systems !esign !esign

"rogramming "rogramming

Test-ing Test-ing "roduction and "roduction and #aintenance #aintenance Conversion Conversion

$igure 4.1

The systems de#elo$me!t $ ocess

A. Systems Analysis It is the "!"lysis of the $ o+lem th"t the o '"!i7"tio! -ill t y to sol#e -ith "! i!fo m"tio! system* It co!sists of defi!i!' the $ o+lem% ide!tifyi!' its c"&ses% s$ecifyi!' the sol&tio! "!d ide!tifyi!' the i!fo m"tio! e,&i eme!ts th"t m&st +e met +y " system sol&tio!* Some othe systems "!"lysis $h"se "cti#ities9 G"the i!fo m"tio! 8efi!e system e,&i eme!ts P io iti7e e,&i eme!ts P ototy$e fo fe"si+ility "!d disco#e y Ge!e "te "!d e#"l&"te "lte !"ti#es Re#ie- ecomme!d"tio!s -ith m"!"'eme!t The systems "!"lyst c e"tes o"d m"$ of the e(isti!' o '"!i7"tio! "!d systems% ide!tifyi!' the $ im" y o-!e s "!d &se s i! the o '"!i7"tio!* All these $eo$le "lso c"lled st"0eholde s% -he e they h"#e " di ect i!te est i! the i!fo m"tio! "ffected +y the !e- system* The!% systems "!"lyst -ill desc i+e det"ils of the $ o+lems fo e(isti!' systems% +y e("mi!i!' doc&me!ts% -o 0 $"$e s "!d $ oced& es "!d collecti!' d"t" ;f"ct2fi!di!'<*



Systems "!"lysis $h"se -o&ld i!cl&de " fe"si+ility st&dy to dete mi!e -hethe th"t sol&tio! -"s fe"si+le o "chie#"+le f om " $e s$ecti#e of fi!"!ci"l% tech!ic"l% "!d o '"!i7"tio!"l st"!d$oi!t* > m")o ty$es of fe"si+ility st&dy9 Technical Feasibility ? C"! the -o 0 fo the $ o)ect +e do!e -ith c& e!t e,&i$me!t% e(isti!' soft-" e tech!olo'y% "!d "#"il"+le $e so!!el@ If !etech!olo'y is e,&i ed% -h"t is the li0elihood th"t it c"! +e de#elo$ed@ Economic Feasibility ? A e the e s&fficie!t +e!efits i! c e"ti!' the system to m"0e the costs "#"il"+le@ O % " e the costs of not c e"ti!' the system so ' e"t th"t the $ o)ect m&st +e &!de t"0e!@ Operational Feasibility ? 6ill the system +e &sed if it is de#elo$ed "!d im$leme!ted@ 6ill the e +e esist"!ce f om &se s th"t -ill &!de mi!e the $ossi+le "$$lic"tio! +e!efits*

The!% " - itte! $ o$os"l e$o t% c"lled P elimi!" y I!#esti'"tio! Re$o t -ill desc i+e the costs "!d +e!efits% e($ected es&lts "!d +e!efits% st e!'ths "!d -e"0!esses of e"ch "lte !"ti#e* Fi!"lly% it is de$e!d o! m"!"'eme!t decisio! to dete mi!e the "$$ o#"l of the $ o$os"l*

Est"+lishi!' I!fo m"tio! Re,&i eme!ts It is efe to " det"iled st"teme!t of the i!fo m"tio! !eeds th"t " !e- system m&st s"tisfy "!d "chie#e* It ide!tifies -ho !eeds -h"t i!fo m"tio!% -he!% -he e "!d ho- the i!fo m"tio! is !eeded* Th&s% e,&i eme!t "!"lysis defi!es the o+)ecti#es of the !e- of modified system "!d de#elo$s " det"iled desc i$tio! of the f&!ctio!s th"t the !e- system m&st $e fo m* F"&lty e,&i eme!ts "!"lysis -ill c"&se of system f"il& e "!d hi'h systems de#elo$me!t costs "!d othe eso& ces to +e i!#ol#ed* B. Systems !esign It det"ils ho- " system -ill meet the i!fo m"tio! e,&i eme!ts "s dete mi!ed +y the systems "!"lysis* It is the o#e "ll $l"! o model fo the system* The systems desi'!e det"ils the system s$ecific"tio! th"t -ill deli#e the f&!ctio!s ide!tified d& i!' system "!"lysis* The s$ecific"tio! sho&ld co#e the "dd ess of the m"!"'e i"l% o '"!i7"tio!"l "!d tech!ic"l com$o!e!ts* I!fo m"tio! systems m"y h"#e m"!y $ossi+le desi'! st &ct& es*




Ho-e#e % the desi'! sho&ld +e +"sed o! the c ite i" s&ch "s sim$le% e"se of &se% effecti#e!ess "!d efficie!cy "!d eli"+le th"t is f&lfills &se 1s &!i,&e e,&i eme!ts -ithi! " s$ecific set of tech!ic"l% o '"!i7"tio!"l% fi!"!ci"l "!d time co!st "i!ts*



Output 2 Medi&m 2 Co!te!t 2 Timi!' %nput 2 O i'i!s 2 Flo2 8"t" e!t y &ser %nterface 2 Sim$licity 2 Efficie!cy 2 Ao'ic 2 Feed+"c0 2E o s

"rocessing 2 Com$&t"tio!s 2 P o' "m mod&les 2 Re,&i e e$o ts ;doc&me!t"tio!< 2 Timi!' of o&t$&ts #anual "rocedures 2 6h"t "cti#ities 2 6ho $e fo m them 2 6he! 2 Ho2 6he e Controls 2 I!$&t co!t ols ;ch" "cte s% limit< 2 P ocessi!' co!t ols ;co!siste!cy< 2 O&t$&t co!t ols ;tot"l% "cc& "cy< 2 P oced& "l co!t ols ;$"ss-o d< Security 2 Access co!t ols 2 8is"ste Pl"!s 2 A&dit t "ils

!ocumentation 2 O$e "tio!s doc&me!t"tio! 2 Systems doc&me!t"tio! 2 /se doc&me!t"tio! Conversion 2 T "!sfe files 2 I!iti"te !e- $ oced& es 2 Select testi!' method 2 C&t o#e to !e- system Training 2 Select t "i!i!' tech!i,&es 2 8e#elo$ t "i!i!' mod&les 2 Ide!tify t "i!i!' f"cilities

Organi'ational Changes 2 T"s0 edesi'! 2 Bo+ desi'! 2 P ocess desi'! 2 O '"!i7"tio! st &ct& e desi'! 2 Re$o ti!' el"tio!shi$s

!ata(ase !esign 2 Ao'ic"l "!d model 2 Col&me "!d s$eed e,&i eme!ts 2 File o '"!i7"tio! "!d desi'! 2 Reco d s$ecific"tio!s

Ta(le 4.1 C ite i" of systems de#elo$me!t

The Role of E!d &se s E!d &se s . &se s " e the $e so! -ho -ill m"0e &se of the system i! f&t& e* /se i!fo m"tio! e,&i eme!ts d i#e the e!ti e system2+&ildi!' effo t* D



/se m&st h"#e s&fficie!t co!t ol o#e the desi'! $ ocess to e!s& e th"t the system eflects thei +&si!ess $ io ities "!d i!fo m"tio! !eeds% !ot the +i"ses of the tech!ic"l st"ff ;H&!to! "!d +eele % :997< /se i!#ol#eme!t i! desi'! $h"se i!c e"ses thei &!de st"!di!' "!d "cce$t"!ce of the system% ed&ci!' $ o+lems c"&sed +y $o-e t "!sfe s% i!te ' o&$ co!flict "!d &!f"mili" ity -ith the f&!ctio!s "!d $ oced& es of the !e- system* I!s&fficie!t of it -ill c"&se m")o $ o+lem ? system f"il& e*

Com$leti!' the Systems 8e#elo$me!t P ocess This is to t "!sl"te the sol&tio! s$ecific"tio!s est"+lished ;systems "!"lysis "!d desi'!< i!to " f&lly o$e "tio!"l i!fo m"tio! system* It co#e s the ste$s of $ o' "mmi!'% testi!'% co!#e sio!% $ od&ctio! "!d m"i!te!"!ce* C. "rogramming Com$&te c"! o!ly &!de st"!d the m"chi!e l"!'&"'es* It is &sed to comm&!ic"te "!d o de com$&te o! its o$e "tio!* P o' "mmi!' is the $ ocess of t "!sl"ti!' the system s$ecific"tio!s $ e$" ed d& i!' the desi'! st"'e i!to $ o' "mmi!' code* The soft-" e $ o' "ms c"! +e eithe - itte! +y i!te !"l st"ff o $& ch"se "$$lic"tio! soft-" e $"c0"'es*

!. Testing It is the $ ocess to "sce t"i! -hethe the system $ od&ces the i'ht es&lts "!d meet &se 1s s$ecific e,&i eme!ts* Testi!' "!s-e s the ,&estio!* 46ill the system $ od&ce the desi ed es&lts &!de 0!o-! co!ditio!s@5 Test d"t" m&st +e c" ef&lly $ e$" ed% es&lts e#ie-ed "!d co ectio!s m&st +e m"de "cco di!'ly* 8& i!' testi!'% if e o s " e ide!tify% ce t"i! $" t of the system m"y h"#e to edesi'!ed "!d it is time co!s&mi!' "!d is0y* > ty$es of testi!' "cti#ities9 ;i< /!it testi!' Is "lso c"lled $ o' "m testi!'% co!sists of testi!' e"ch $ o' "m se$" "tely i! the system* It is to '&" "!tee th"t the $ o' "ms f ee of e o s* ;ii< Systems testi!' It tests the f&!ctio!i!' of the i!fo m"tio! system "s " -hole* It dete mi!es those disc ete "!d se$" "te mod&les -ill f&!ctio! to'ethe "s $l"!!ed* ;iii< Acce$t"!ce testi!' It is the fi!"l st"'e +efo e system is se!di!' fo i!st"ll"tio!* It $ o#ides the fi!"l ce tific"tio! th"t the system is e"dy to +e &sed i! " $ od&ctio! setti!'* Ge!e "lly% it is tested +y &se s "!d e#ie-ed +y m"!"'eme!t* E



The systems de#elo$me!t te"m -o 0s -ith &se s to de#ise " system"tic test $l"!* Test $l"! ? it is $ e$" ed +y the de#elo$me!t te"m i! co!)&!ctio! -ith the &se s* It i!cl&des "ll of the $ e$" "tio!s fo the se ies of tests to +e $e fo med o! the system*

$igure 4.) S"m$le of Test Pl"! to Test " Reco d Ch"!'e A. Conversion It is the $ ocess of ch"!'i!' f om the old system to the !e- system* Sometime is c"lled 4c&t2o#e 5* Fo& m"i! co!#e sio! st "te'ies9

;i<* 8i ect Co!#e sio! It e$l"ces the old system e!ti ely -ith the !e- system o! "! "$$oi!ted d"y* Ad#"!t"'es S"#e time S"#e cost 8is"d#"!t"'es Ris0y Costly ;if se io&s $ o+lems e(ist i! f&t& e< Time co!s&mi!' ;ii<* P" "llel Co!#e sio! 3oth the old "!d its $ote!ti"l e$l"ceme!t " e &! to'ethe fo " time &!til e#e yo!e is "ss& ed th"t the !e- o!e f&!ctio!s co ectly* Ad#"!t"'es S"fest "$$ o"ch 7



Act "s " system +"c0&$ 8is"d#"!t"'es Ce y e($e!si#e Time co!s&mi!' Reso& ces e,&i ed

;iii<* Pilot Co!#e sio! It i!t od&ces the !e- system to o!ly " limited " e" of the o '"!i7"tio!% s&ch "s " si!'le de$" tme!t o o$e "ti!' &!it* 6he! $ilot #e sio! is com$lete% it is i!st"lled th o&'ho&t the est of the o '"!i7"tio!% eithe sim&lt"!eo&sly o +y st"'es* Ad#"!t"'es 6hile $ o+lems e(ist% )&st the selected " e" . &!it -ill +e "ffected A+le to ide!tify e o s "t the e" ly st"'e 8is"d#"!t"'es E(ce$t the selected &!it% the othe &!its still h"#e to &se +"c0 -ith the old system Othe &!its h"#e to t"0e time to -"it

;i#<* Ph"sed Co!#e sio! It i!t od&ces the !e- system i! st"'es% eithe +y f&!ctio!s of +y o '"!i7"tio!"l &!its* Ad#"!t"'e 6hile $ o+lems e(ist% )&st the selected f&!ctio! -ill +e "ffected* 8is"d#"!t"'e Time t"0e! if to co!#e t the e!ti e system* Mo#i!' f om "! old system to " !e- o!e e,&i es th"t e!d &se s +e t "i!ed to &se the !e- system* 8et"iled doc&me!t"tio! m&st +e est"+lished i! o de to sho- ho- the system -o 0s "!d c"! +e &sed i! t "i!i!'* A"c0 o im$ o$e doc&me!t"tio! co!t i+&tes to system f"il& e* B. "roduction and #aintenance Production ? the ste$ "fte the !e- system is i!st"lled o &sed "!d co!#e sio! is com$lete* 8& i!' this st"'e% the system -ill +e e#ie-ed +y +oth &se s "!d tech!ic"l s$eci"lists to dete mi!e ho- -ell it h"s met its o i'i!"l o+)ecti#es* Me"!-hile% they "lso to decide -hethe "!y e#isio!s o modific"tio!s " e to co!side * /s&"lly% " post-implementation evaluation -ill +e co!side ed to "ssess the o#e "ll ,&"lity of the i!fo m"tio! system "!d doc&me!t -ill +e $ e$" ed* The e#"l&"tio! #e ifies th"t the !e- system meets s$ecific e,&i eme!ts% com$lies -ith &se o+)ecti#es "!d "chie#es the "!tici$"ted +e!efits* 3y $ o#idi!' feed+"c0 to the de#elo$me!t te"m% the e#"l&"tio! "lso hel$s im$ o#e IS de#elo$me!t $ "ctice fo f&t& e $ o)ects* F



A $ost2im$leme!t"tio! e#"l&"tio! sho&ld e("mi!e "ll "s$ects of the de#elo$me!t effo t "!d the e!d $ od&ct% the de#elo$ed i!fo m"tio! system* The s"me f"ct2fi!di!' tech!i,&es &se i! systems "!"lysis c"! +e &sed i! $ost2 im$leme!t"tio! e#"l&"tio!* Maintenance ? is the $ ocess of i!#ol#i!' ch"!'es i! h" d-" e% soft-" e% doc&me!t"tio! o $ oced& es to " $ od&ctio! system to co ect e o s% meet !ee,&i eme!ts o im$ o#e $ ocessi!' efficie!cy* Ty$es of m"i!te!"!ce9 Corrective 2 I!#ol#es co ectio! of e o s i! "! o$e "tio!"l IS* Adaptive 2 I!#ol#es "ddi!' !e- fe"t& es% c"$"+ilities o f&!ctio!s to "! o$e "tio!"l i!fo m"tio! system "!d m"0e the systems e"sie to &se* Perfective 2 I!#ol#es ch"!'i!' "! o$e "tio!"l i!fo m"tio! system to m"0e it mo e efficie!t% mo e eli"+le o mo e m"i!t"i!"+le* Preventive 2 I!#ol#es ch"!'es m"de to " system to ed&ce the ch"!ce of f&t& e system f"il& e* A$$ o(im"tely "+o&t =G $e ce!t of the time is dedic"ted to de+&''i!' o co ecti!' eme 'e!cy $ od&ctio! $ o+lems* The othe =G $e ce!t is co!ce !ed -ith ch"!'es i! d"t"% files% e$o ts% h" d-" e o system soft-" e* A!othe EG $e ce!t of "ll m"i!te!"!ce -o 0 co!sists fo $ ocessi!' efficie!cy*


Alternative System-Buliding Approaches Systems " e diffe i!' i! thei si7e% com$le(ity% "!d its o '"!i7"tio!"l $ o+lems* Th&s% the e " e some methods th"t c"! +e de#elo$ed to +&ild systems*



"rototyping It co!sists of +&ildi!' "! e($e ime!t"l system "$idly "!d $ o#ide -ith "! i!e($e!si#ely method fo e!d &se s to e#"l&"te the system* 3y elyi!' o! $ ototy$e% &se s c"! 'et " +ette ide" of thei i!fo m"tio! e,&i eme!ts* The $ ototy$e s&$$o ted +y the &se s "!d c"! +e &sed "s " tem$l"te o model to c e"te the fi!"l system* P ototy$e ? is " -o 0i!' #e sio! of "! i!fo m"tio! system o $" t of the system% +&t it is me"!t to +e o!ly " $ elimi!" y model* O!ce o$e "tio!"l% the $ ototy$e -ill +e f& the efi!ed &!til it co!fo ms $ ecisely &se s1 e,&i eme!ts* O!ce the desi'! h"s +ee! fi!"li7ed% $ ototy$e c"! +e co!#e ted to " $olished $ od&ctio! system* The $ ocess of +&ildi!' " $ elimi!" y desi'!% t yi!' it o&t% efi!i!' it "!d t yi!' "'"i! h"s +ee! c"lled "! ite "ti#e $ ocess of systems de#elo$me!t +ec"&se the ste$s e,&i ed to +&ild " system th"t c"! +e e$e"ted "'"i! "!d o#e "'"i!* Ste$s i! P ototy$i!' :* =* >* 4* Ide!tify the &se 1s +"sic e,&i eme!ts 8e#elo$ "! i!iti"l $ ototy$e /se the $ ototy$e Re#ise "!d e!h"!ce the $ ototy$e
!evelop a or+ing &se the prototype

%dentify (asic re*uirements

Operational prototype


&ser &ser satisfied satisfied No ,evise and enhance the prototype

$igure 4..

The $ ototy$i!' $ ocess

T-o diffe e!t ty$es of $ ototy$i!'9



Analysis :G







SYSTEM PROTOTYPE $igure 4.4 T-o diffe e!t of $ ototy$i!'

%mplementatio n 1 1

%mplementatio n )

System Prototype - The end product of prototyping is a working model of the information system, ready for implementation. Desi n Prototype - The end product of throwaway prototyping is a userapproved design prototype that documents and benchmarks the features of the finished system.

Ad#"!t"'es of $ ototy$i!' /sef&l -he! &se e,&i eme!ts " e &!ce t"i!* F&!ctio!"l i! desi'!i!' i!fo m"tio! system1s e!d2&se i!te f"ce ;d"t"2e!t y sc ee!% e$o ts o 6e+ $"'es<* E!co& "'es i!te!si#e &se i!#ol#eme!ts* 8is"d#"!t"'es Time co!s&mi!' d&e to "$id &se ch"!'es* Not s&it"+le fo l" 'e systems de#elo$me!t -he e systems m"y !ot e"sily "ccommod"te -ith l" 'e ,&"!tity of d"t" "!d " lot of &se s i!#ol#eme!t* Application Soft are "ac+ages ::




A. "urchased Applications 8& i!' the systems "!"lysis $h"se% systems "!"lyst sho&ld i!#esti'"te -hethe " comme ci"lly "#"il"+le soft-" e $"c0"'e co&ld s"tisfy system e,&i eme!ts* O!ce the e,&i eme!ts of "!y !e- system h"#e +ee! s$ecified% the "!"lyst c"! the! loo0 "t "#"il"+le soft-" e $"c0"'es to see -hich o!es most closely fit the &se s1 !eeds% "ll -itho&t "ct&"lly 4desi'!i!'5 th"t system* 6hy P& ch"sed@ No-"d"ys% most of the soft-" e $"c0"'es " e -ell desi'!ed "!d e"sily "#"il"+le "t the m" 0et -ith the e"so!"+le $ ices* Th&s% this "ct "s the m"i! e"so! fo com$"!y to $& ch"se soft-" e $"c0"'es is to s"#e thei de#elo$me!t time* Ste$s i! $& ch"si!' e"dy2m"de soft-" e :* E#"l&"te the i!fo m"tio! system e,&i eme!ts Ide!tify the 0ey fe"t& es of the system Estim"te #ol&me "!d f&t& e ' o-th S$ecify "!y h" d-" e co!st "i!ts P e$" e " e,&est fo $ o$os"l =* Ide!tify $ote!ti"l soft-" e #e!do s >* E#"l&"te soft-" e $"c0"'e "lte !"ti#es E(isti!' &se s Testi!' 3e!chm" 0i!' 4* M"0e the $& ch"se D* I!st"ll the soft-" e $"c0"'e Ad#"!t"'es of $& ch"si!' Fe-e "!"lysts "!d $ o' "mme s e,&i ed Ao- Cost Ao- m"i!te!"!ce costs E(celle!t doc&me!t"tio! F"st im$leme!t"tio! Co!ti!&"lly &$d"ted P& ch"si!' is0s Not meeti!' the e,&i eme!ts Aess efficie!t A"c0 of #e!do s&$$o ts P& ch"ses m"y $"y fo fe"t& es they do!1t !eed P o+lems of m"i!te!"!ce :=



B. Customi'ation of pac+age A $"c0"'e sol&tio! -o&ld !o m"lly !ot meet "ll yo& e,&i eme!ts% $e h"$s o!ly 7D $e ce!t of the e,&i eme!ts* Fo the em"i!i!' =D $e ce!t% yo& m"y h"#e to "d)&st the -"ys of doi!' +&si!ess to m"tch the $"c0"'e soft-" e o % mo e e($e!si#ely% to c&stomi7e% o "lte % the $"c0"'ed soft-" e to meet yo& !eeds* Th&s% c&stomi7"tio! c"! +e defi!ed "s the $ ocesses of modify the soft-" e $"c0"'e to meet "! o '"!i7"tio!1s &!i,&e e,&i eme!ts -itho&t dest oyi!' the $"c0"'e soft-" e1s i!te' ity* Ad#"!t"'es S"tisfy &!i,&e e,&i eme!t Meet co!st "i!ts of e(isti!' systems "!d tech!olo'y 8e#elo$me!t time sho&ld +e m&ch ,&ic0e % 'i#e! th"t most of the system -ill +e - itte! "l e"dy 8is"d#"!t"'es Costly M"y c"&se time del"y Not meet the e,&i eme!ts M"y i!t od&ce +&'s th"t do !ot e(ist i! the st"!d" d #e sio! Ne- s0ill "!d e($e tise !eeded P o+lems of m"i!te!"!ce

C. Outsourcing Is the $ ocess of t& !i!' o#e "! o '"!i7"tio!1s com$&te ce!te o$e "tio!s% telecomm&!ic"tio! !et-o 0s o "$$lic"tio!s de#elo$me!t to e(te !"l #e!do s* Me"!-hile% o&tso& ci!' m"y "lso co!side i! the -"y -he e com$"!y hi e "! e(te !"l #e!do to desi'! o c e"te the soft-" e fo its system% +&t the com$"!y -o&ld o$e "te the system o! its o-! com$&te * Th&s% o&tso& ci!' is the &se of o&tside com$"!ies to h"!dle " $o tio! of " com$"!y1s -o 0lo"d* No-"d"ys% o&tso& ci!' is the most $o$&l" method +ec"&se it $e cei#es "s mo e cost effecti#e th"! m"i!te!"!ce "cti#ity* Ad#"!t"'es of o&tso& ci!' Cost Red&ctio! Co!ce!t "te o! Co e 3&si!ess Access to Ne- Reso& ces "!d Tech!ic"l E($e tise Elimi!"ti!' 8 &d'e 6o 0 :>



Ris0s of o&tso& ci!' Co!t "ct Ae!'th Com$etiti#e Ed'e Co!t "ct Re!e-"l Co!fide!ti"lity 8is"' eeme!ts &ser Application !evelopment


/se "$$lic"tio! de#elo$me!t is the de#elo$me!t of i!fo m"tio! systems +y e!d &se s -ith little o !o fo m"l "ssist"!ce f om tech!ic"l s$eci"lists* 4.4.1 $actors encouraging user application development

;i< Ch" 'e2+"c0 Systems I! o '"!i7"tio! -he e the IT de$" tme!t ch" 'es +&si!ess &!its fo e#e y se #ice% m"!"'e s sometimes e!co& "'e thei em$loyees -ho 0!o- ho- to &se " $ o' "mmi!' tool to de#elo$ sm"ll "$$lic"tio!s i!ste"d of -"iti!' "!d $"yi!' fo it* ;ii< The 6ides$ e"d /se of PCs 6ith the -ides$ e"d "ccess to PCs "!d f ie!dlie soft-" e de#elo$me!t tools% it e!co& "'ed #" io&s &se s to e($e ie!ce -ith "$$lic"tio! de#elo$me!t* ;iii< The Eme 'e!ce of 4GAs "!d Cis&"l P o' "mmi!' A"!'&"'es /se 2f ie!dly #e sio!s of fo& th2'e!e "tio! l"!'&"'es% s&ch "s Cis&"l 3"sic% "lso co!t i+&ted to self2 eli"!ce* Some of these $ o' "mmi!' s0ills "!d tools " e el"ti#ely e"sy to le" ! -ithi! d"ys* E'* Mic osoft F o!tP"'e is " de#elo$me!t tool -ith m"!y fe"t& es th"t c"! +e em$loyed +y e!d &se s to c e"te 6e+ $"'es "!d 6e+ sites -itho&t - iti!' $ o' "m code* ;i#<I!c e"si!' Po$&l"tio! of Clie!t.Se #e A chitect& e "!d i!t "!ets A m")o $& $ose of the "do$tio! of clie! #e " chitect& e "!d the est"+lishme!t of i!t "!ets is to em$o-e e!d &se s i! thei d"ily d"t" $ ocessi!'* These ty$es of e!#i o!me!ts m"0e "dditio!"l tools "#"il"+le to &se s fo the de#elo$me!t of "$$lic"tio!s o! thei o-! des0to$ com$&te * Other $actors/ /!ce t"i! &se e,&i eme!ts R"$id &se e,&i eme!ts ch"!'ed 4.4.) #anaging user-developed application




I! o de to "ssist o '"!i7"tio!s m"(imi7e the +e!efits of &se 2de#elo$ed "$$lic"tio!s% m"!"'eme!t sho&ld co!t ol the de#elo$me!t +y e,&i i!' cost )&stific"tio! +y est"+lishi!' h" d-" e% soft-" e "!d ,&"lity st"!d" ds* Ce t"i! o '"!i7"tio!s &sed i!fo m"tio! ce!te s to $ omote st"!d" ds of h" d-" e "!d soft-" e so th"t e!d &se s co&ld !ot i!t od&ce too m"!y dis$" "te "!d i!com$"ti+le tech!olo'ies i!to the fi m* The e($losio! of &se 2de#elo$ed "$$lic"tio!s "lso $oses ch"lle!'es to m"!"'e s% +oth i! IS &!its "!d othe +&si!ess &!its* Th&s% m"!"'eme!t m&st de"l -ith the follo-i!' ch"lle!'es9

;i< M"!"'i!' the e"ctio! of IS $ ofessio!"ls IS $ ofessio!"ls ofte! e"ct !e'"ti#ely to &se de#elo$me!t +ec"&se they see it "s &!de mi!i!' thei o-! d&ties "!d "&tho ity* To sol#e this% m"!"'eme!t m&st set cle" '&ideli!es desc i+i!' -h"t ty$es of "$$lic"tio!s e!d &se s m"y "!d m"y !ot de#elo$* ;ii< P o#idi!' s&$$o t To e!co& "'e &se s to de#elo$ "$$lic"tio!s IS m"!"'e s m&st "ssi'! " si!'le tech!ic"l co!t"ct fo &se s* This eso& ce is " f&!ctio! of the hel$ des0 i! the i!fo m"tio! ce!te * ;iii< Com$"ti+ility To e!s& e com$"ti+ility -ith othe "$$lic"tio!s -ithi! "! o '"!i7"tio!% the o '"!i7"tio!1s IS $ ofessio!"ls sho&ld "do$t "!d s&$$ly st"!d" d de#elo$me!t tools to i!te ested &se s* /se s sho&ld !ot +e "llo-ed to &se !o!2st"!d" d tools*

;i#<M"!"'i!' "ccess of d"t"+"ses 6he! de#elo$i!' "! "$$lic"tio!% &se s m"y !eed to "ccess o co$y d"t" f om o '"!i7"tio!"l d"t"+"ses* Access sho&ld +e ti'htly co!t olled +y the IS st"ff to m"i!t"i! d"t" i!te' ity "!d sec& ity "s the "ccessi!' m"y "'"i!st the o '"!i7"tio!1s $olicy* Ad#"!t"'es Allo-i!' &se s to s$ecify thei o-! +&si!ess !eeds Im$ o#e e,&i eme!ts '"the i!' S"#i!' de#elo$me!t time Hi'he le#el of &se i!#ol#eme!t "!d s"tisf"ctio! Red&ce ch"!ces of e o s2f"ced "!d edo Ris0s No fo m"l de#elo$me!t methodolo'y 8iffic&lt o! testi!' "!d &$d"ti!' doc&me!t"tio! 8iffe e!t . hi'h dem"!d of &se e,&i eme!ts :D



Additional ,eference/ System Re,&est

Ph"se : System Pl"!!i!'

P elimi!" y I!#esti'"tio! Re$o t Ph"se = System A!"lysis

Sto$ P o)ect 8e#elo$me!t

System Re,&i eme!t 8oc&me!t Sto$ P o)ect 8e#elo$me!t

System Sto$ > Ph"se 8esi'! P o)ect :E System S$ecific"tio! 8e#elo$me!t 8esi'!



Ph"se 4 System Im$leme!t"tio!

Com$lete F&!ctio!i!' IS Ph"se D System o$e "tio! "!d S&$$o t

O$e "tio!"l I!fo m"tio! System


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