UPBC Annual Report 2013

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Unley Park Baptist Church Inc. ABN 76 544 192 208

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Sunday November 17 2013 am Page11:45 |1

Senior Pastor Report - Neil Ryan Interim Pastor -Youth Seth Emery Pastoral Care Pastor Allan Stanley-Smith Childrens Pastor Kathy Heath LifeChurch Pastor Gavin Jones Ministry Appointments List of Ministries at UPBC Overseas Missions Local Mission & Ministries MLT Report VTT Report Link Ministries Skylight Playgroup Worship and Advocacy Spirituality Leisure Club Prayer Ministry/ Basketball Community Administration Finance Report UPBC Balance Sheet Profit & Loss Sheet Auditors Report Page 3 Page 5 Page 7 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 16 Page 17 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 29 Page 31+3 Page 33 Page 34 Page 39

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Neil Ryan - UPBC I took Eli to the Royal Adelaide Show for a few hours. What a reminder of what life looks like through the eyes of a 4 year old! He loved every minute. He was amazed at the rides, he loved watching the racing pigs, he played all the games in the Scout Hall, he laughed at the clowns and he jumped over shadows as we walked around. Of course he wanted to buy everything, ride on everything and touch everything, but he is 4 after all! The word that kept coming to me as I watched him was wonder. The Oxford Dictionary describes wonder as: a feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar. Thats a good definition but a better one is to look into the eyes of a 4 year old at the Show! All this made me think about UPBC in 2012/2013. As I look back on every decision, every change, every challenge, every opportunity, every problem, every frustration and every joy; and then as I reflect on every mercy, every kindness, every comfort, every supply of grace that has come from God and from you, there is wonder! This is a wonder-ful place. When I consider the amazing ministry to our children and to our Youth; the care of our elderly, the mens and womens ministries and the wonderful times we have had to connect socially. When I think of Playgroups, Small Groups, Munchiez Groups and Basketball teams; when I reflect on the commitment of those who welcome us each Sunday, who prepare morning tea or look after sound and data; when I think of those who have worked so hard to make our worship times meaningful and honouring to God; when I remember those who count the money, mow the lawns and put out the bins; when I think of those who are in leadership, those who are in the public eye and those who do so much that will never be seen; when I think of those who lead a team, who sacrifice their time, who give so generously and who care so graciously..this is a wonder-ful place to be. This year we changed the way we meet together on Sunday morning. Thank you for the wholehearted manner in which you embraced this. Even those of you who had reservations! It is the sign of a healthy Church that we are willing to try things that may enhance the ministry of the gospel. It was a privilege to be part of the Mission Exposure Trip that went to Vietnam in May. It was hugely beneficial to the whole team, to me personally and I am sure to the Church. Seth and a team of our young people are well prepared and excited as they get ready to head off to PNG to lead a youth camp in October. What wonderful opportunities! In June I had the privilege of travelling to Halls Gap to speak at a Mancamp organised by ESA Country. What a great time with country men from all over Victoria. I was moved as these men shared what is happening in their lives. I have enjoyed the role of Chaplain to our Basketball Teams again this year. Apart from attending as many games as I can on Saturday, I have had the opportunity to share a brief devotion in between the mens and womens training sessions on Thursday nights. I want to thank the leaders on the MLT and VTT as well as the leaders of all the ministries at UPBC. I understand that there are so many things competing for our time and yet you have served God sacrificially and faithfully. There is a cost to this and I want to thank you for paying that cost so willingly and with good heart.

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Thank you to the staff at UPBC. We see each other every day and we get to see each other as we really are. You are a wonderful group to work with. The diversity of age, experience, personality, passion, interests [and political views], make this a great place to be. Put simply, I thank God for you all. As I look ahead to another year, I can only wonder! God Bless Neil

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Seth Emery Interim Pastor - Youth I would like to start off by saying thank you to all those who have been faithfully praying for the work that God is doing in the youth of Unley Park. He is at work and has been for many year, I feel so privileged to play part in shaping this time of the students lives. So thank you for your faithful prayers, and please continue to intercede on behalf of the youth. Youth Leaders Team: Over this last year I have been able to build a team around me of youth leaders, who have all taken part in CACET training. The youth leader team, including myself, is Ross Henderson, Em Sanders, Daniel Hillan, Chelsea Leembruggen and Christian Waldron.1 This team have been a great help to the ministry as we almost double in size at the beginning of the school year, with year 7 and 8s joining the youth group. Youth Ministry Programs: 1. Friday Nights - open for year 7 to year 12s, an informal bible discussion based ChristCentred community. We have been focusing on 3 over all themes this year; knowing Christ, loving neighbours and remembering the nations. Baptist Worlds Aid - With the money raised in one semester we bought School books for kids in Bangladesh, Clean water for kids in India Fishing resources for village in Cambodia Seeds for farmers in Kenya We have also done teaching on a. Understanding and sharing our faith with other Religions - Hindu, Buddhism, Islam, JWs and SDAs. b. Jesus in the Old Testament - Prophecies, Types, Events, Titles, Christophanies, Like services. c. How to read the Bible and Understand it d. Celebrations Nights - Dodgeball, Laser Skirmish, Movies nights, Dress up nights... e. We are just starting the greatest story ever, The Story of God - from Genesis to Revelation 2. Deep - a 17+ aged group that meets on Wednesday nights at the church. It is a deeper look into how we can be followers of Christ in our day to day lives. Also building into the youth that Friday nights can be a great space for them to serve the younger youth, so they are no longer going to get, but to give. There is great discussion and learning happening and an encouraging group growing. 3. Unley High - I have also been involved with a Breakie Club every fortnight (7:30-9am), supporting the work Jodi (CPSW) is doing there. 4. PNG Trip - I am taking a group up to PNG to run a camp (for MKs) and 3 of the youth leaders2 are joining! We have spent many nights preparing as a team and I believe they will be well equip. This will be an amazing experience for the team.

We meet together every friday night for 40 minutes before Youth Group, to run through the night and pray for the youth. Then after youth group is finished and we pack everything up, we take some time to reflect on the evening and discuss what worked and what didnt. This has been a great way to disciple the team in how to practically run an evening. 2 Dan, Chris, Chelsea, plus myself, Michelle and 2 others who dont attend Unley Park Baptist.

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The youth have once again astounded me at their desire to get into the bible and their eagerness to have meaningful conversations. I believe that we should expect our teenagers to be able to grasp the gospel and to be excited about Gods plans and purposes for this world. Therefore I am committed to disciple, model, train and equip the youth of this church to become followers of Christ who take part in His plans. Seth Emery

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Allan Stanley-Smith - Pastoral Care

Communicating Gods Love and Care to You.

There are many and varied aspects to Pastoral Care ministry; in fact it covers ministry right across the spectrum of the church. Pastoral Care involves counseling, hospital and home visitation, identifying and following up new people, small group Bible teaching, organizing meals and meetings and many coffees in various places as this is often the most suitable place to meet people and hear their stories. Sometimes Pastoral Care is just being there for people and listening to their concerns and stories. It also involves working with and cooperating with the other members of the pastoral team. Other activities that I am involved in on behalf of the Church include The Leisure Club I lead this worthwhile activity for people in the retired age group and older. This allows me to keep in touch with people in the church for Pastoral Care reasons. My role in evangelism includes teaching English as a second language to international people. These days this includes migrants and many refugees. I teach English with a Bible base which often leads to questions regarding Jesus and opportunities to explore Christianity.

All this has been most rewarding for me and I trust to those with whom I have worked. I now mention specifically some of the areas that have come under my area of Pastoral Care. RESIDENTIAL CARE We have eight people in Residential Care. I believe it is my responsibility on behalf of the church to ensure that all feel loved and included. They like to receive information about happenings in Unley Park Baptist Church. To this end I send them a copy of the Link and a personal letter each week. The letter often contains items of interest and people for whom they can pray. SPECIAL NEEDS PEOPLE - There is a flexible 17 people at the moment that I put under the title of Special Needs. These include; Families with short term needs Sickness and operations. New babies into families. The Prayer Chain for emergency and urgent prayer requests. Meals, house cleaning, house moving, and gardening are organized for short term support. There are also many people Caring Angels - who support Special Needs people on a short and long term basis. A number of house bound people are included in the Link and personal letter posting mentioned in the Residential Care section above. This number has increased in recently months. CARE CARDS A Care Card Box was introduced to streamline and safeguard the Care Cards written by church folk mostly after a service. I collect the cards and distribute them to the Pastor to whom they are written. As the Care Card Box is locked it is possible for people to put letters or cards for the pastors in the box during the week. This is checked during the week. Much communication is also forwarded direct to pastors via email and text messages.

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NEW PEOPLE / WELCOME PACKS It is my responsibility along with the door stewards and the congregation in general to locate new people and visitors to the congregation. Quite an awesome task! This has been met with mixed success over the past twelve months. There are gift packs available for new comers but while people in the UPBC are very good at welcoming newcomers few go to the next step of giving them a WELCOME / GIFT PACK so the new people escape without completing the special Care Card that would record their visit and allow follow up where appropriate. PASTORAL CARE TEAM I must acknowledge my faithful Pastoral Care Team. Cherene Slater Prayer Chain Prayer Chain use varies in its business but it is a significant means of communicating the needs of people in need of prayer. Robyn Waldron Meals This is an important ministry of encouragement and support for people in short term need. Garry Gooden Garry helps with locating new people and following up people who have been absent for a time. Garry also supports me with general visitation of people in need and also helps integrate people into the congregation. Noelene Hunt Prayer is a vital part of Pastoral Care both for individuals and for the church as a whole, to say nothing of the need of the team members for prayer. Noelene is enthusiastic in encouraging us to pray and praying for the team. Monica Toelken Monica has become a vital part of the team particularly in the clerical support she gives. Gisela Toelken Gisela is the newest member of the team who support me as Events Coordinator. Gisela organizes and prepares meals for a number of events that we have to encourage and integrate people in the church. MEANS OF SAYING THANK YOU It is important to show appreciation to the many volunteers who work in the church. This has been done in a variety of ways. Mostly verbally and in writing but thank you luncheons have been conducted as a means of saying Thank You to the many perhaps a hundred or more people who serve their Saviour and the church. CHANGE OF CULTURE Part of my initial brief as Pastor Pastoral Care was to change the culture of the church. This was understood to mean Change the expectation of Unley Park Baptist Church that all Pastoral Care matters, except non critical matters, were to go through the Senior Pastor. Encourage those with issues to seek help directly from other Pastors not just the Senior Pastor. Encourage the established people in the Unley Park Baptist Church to discover new people and give them a Welcome Pack. Also to encourage the new people to complete the Special care card so that follow up is possible. Realizing who had been absent for some time and both follow them up and mention these people to the Pastor Pastoral Care for follow up. Has the culture changed? While there are many good things happening visitors from Victoria commented on the genuine welcome that came from the door stewards / welcomers and by many in the congregation there is always room for improvement in locating new people and giving welcome packs , locating absenteeism and people in need and mentioning them to the Pastor- Pastoral Care. I must say thank you to the many people who have encourage and prayed for me. This is indeed needed and greatly appreciated. Allan Stanley-Smith Pastor Pastoral Care

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Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Saviour, my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25 vs 4&5 This verse has become very precious to me this year. These beautiful words written by the Psalmist so long ago, clearly and simply capture the heart of the Childrens Ministry. As mature Christians we know our God is faithful and true to His promises and that He is the giver of hope and truth. So what a joy and privilege it is to teach our children here at Unley Park that God loves them and desires to save them, guide them and be their hope all day long. The past twelve months has been a wonderful time of learning and growing as the Childrens Ministry team has worked happily together at Play Group and UPbc Childrens Church on Sunday mornings. I wish to thank the team for their support, enthusiasm and commitment. It has been exciting to see the many blessings that have been ours as we have prayed for our children, shared our love for Jesus and watched the childrens relationship with Him deepen. The Traineeship Progam for young women who wish to develop their skills in our childrens work continues to be a positive ministry. This year we have seven trainees who work with the little ones in Creche, Little Tots and the Kindy/Reception Small Group. It is great to see their enthusiasm and to know that we are preparing for the future of Gods ministry. It has been a delight to work with the Playgroup teams on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Our Playgroup has a real heart for children and has actively sought opportunities to demonstrate the love of Jesus through building relationships with the parents, carers and their little ones. This is a very significant outreach program in the church and I ask that you continue to pray for its ministry. I wish to thank Marlene Salmon and Lyn Hill who lead this team of dedicated women. The Childrens Ministry continues to have a small and positive interaction with the Theatre Bugs who use our facilities during the week. It has been a joy to greet many of the parents and to have an opportunity to invite them to join Playgroup or to just generally chat and make them feel welcome in our Church. God has given us an amazing number of young lives to nurture, cherish and instruct in His ways. A responsibility but a great and joyous privilege! It has been inspirational to be a part of a pastoral team who has such genuine love, authentic commitment to and vision for our church community. The support and prayerful bonds that have brought us together have made this year a time of growth, challenge and exciting future possibilities. Jesus said, Suffer the little children to come unto me! Once again May this be our prayer, may this be our reality. Kathy Heath

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Gavin Jones LifeChurch
You never can be 100% sure what you are getting yourself in for when you join a new church community, and as a church you are never 100% how your new minister is going to go! This past year I have really enjoyed getting to know LifeChurch. They are a fantastic bunch of people, and it's been a nice surprise to find just how much of a good fit we are for each other. So this year has been a year of discernment. We have spent a lot of time reflecting on who we are and how God calls us to participate in his mission in the world. Many thanks go to the congregation, the LLT and the Strategic planning steering group, for running and participating in this process of discernment. It has clarified a lot of things for us: That as a church we are highly relational - our focus is on relationships rather than events. We value authenticity and informality. We place a high value on God's word. We encourage participation in leadership, and have a passion for discipleship and evangelism. We believe that God has brought us together as a church community for a purpose - we have a role to play in his mission to reach the world. And after much thought and prayer we believe that our calling is to reach those we are already in relationship with - our friends, colleagues and acquaintances. We believe that God has brought LifeChurch together to grow one another into authentic followers of Jesus as revealed in the bible, and to invite people we know and encounter into relationship with Him. We have a vision that as a church we would have a faith that affects the whole of our life. Together we will: share life with each other, develop relationships of accountability and trust, be prayerful, and be generous with our gifts, time and resources. As a church we will raise people up, provide opportunities to grow and develop, take risks, be generous and send people out. And we aim to create safe places for our friends to experience the fantastic community that exists at LifeChurch, and to invite them to ask questions and learn about Jesus. This is a vision that we are really excited about pursuing in the coming years. The year ahead is about working towards this vision and running with the vision we have discerned - so please pray for as we go about pursuing this dream we believe God has placed on our hearts. It is already starting to happen. This year we have seen 2 baptisms, and numerous child dedications. We have had lots of new people join LifeChurch. Our camp this year was the biggest we have ever had, and half of the people there had been at the church less than 12 months. We have started up a number of new small groups, lots of people have joined small groups and we've run bible studies for non-Christians and new Christians. Richard Watson runs a soccer ministry that connects with over 40 people - many from refugee backgrounds. People are growing, and developing their gifts. At the same time, some of the 'old faces' are heading off overseas and to other places. Megan McLaughlin and Marilyn Clarke have stepped down from the LLT and Luke Howard has joined. We have been behind budget, but have shared openly with the church about our finances and the call for us all to be good stewards and our giving is increasing. On the whole it has been a great year. There are always challenges to face, but this year we have been laying a foundation for the years ahead by clarifying who we are, putting in place good programs, and addressing practical issues. I can't wait to see what the year ahead brings as we seek to follow God and build on this foundation. By his grace he is at work in us! Yours in him, Gavin Jones Minister of LifeChurch Page | 10


Senior Pastor Pastor - Pastoral Care Interim Pastor - Youth Associate Pastor LifeChurch Childrens Pastor Link Ministries Rev. Neil Ryan Allan Stanley-Smith Seth Emery Gavin Jones Kathy Heath Carl Collins

Ministry Leadership Team

Neil Ryan Peter Battersby (Chair) Allan Stanley-Smith Gavin Jones LifeChurch Darren Humphrys Joe Young Christine Gould Garry Gooden Noelene Hunt Heather Waldron Ken Leembruggen Carl Collins (observer) Kathy Heath (observer)

Vision Trustee Team

Robert Waldron (Chair) Neil Ryan Peter Battersby Douglas Castle

Treasurer Administrator Human Resource (HR) Office Staff Office Staff/CACET Church Auditor Wedding Coordinator/MYOB Property Officer WH&S Officer Ben Taylor Heather Waldron John Dewhirst Garry Gooden Robyn Waldron Ben Sanders Trish Hall David Healey Vacancy

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Playgroup Childrens Ministry Youth Mens Ministry Small Groups Leisure Club (Seniors) Womens Ministry Worship and Advocacy PA Audio/Sound Multimedia & CD Ministry Overseas Mission Basketball Club

Kathy Heath Kathy Heath Seth Emery Rohan Kimber/Carl Collins Neil Ryan Allan Stanley-Smith/Doug & Sandy Castle Margie Stevens, Rosie Harris Christine Gould Vacancy Andrew Waldron Robert Waldron Peter Battersby

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OWEN AND SARAH AMES Missionaries to Japan

Owen, Sarah, Rachel (18), Jessica (15) and Joshua (3) AMES
Church Planting in Tokyo, Japan Taking the Risen Son to the land of the Rising Sun

We are OM (Operation Mobilisation) missionaries seconded to work with TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission) in Japan. Our team the Tokyo Metropolitan Ministry Initiative opened the SonRise Caf in Tokyo in October 2009. SonRise Church is a church plant, started in the caf. After recently completing an 11 week home assignment in Australia, we returned to Japan in late August. We are back into participating in the various ministries of SonRise Caf and SonRise Church. It is a good chance to reflect on the last year that has seemed to fly past so quickly! A number of ministries that started last year are continuing to gain momentum:
We have had a great response from the local orphanage to sending volunteers there once a month. Through one of our supporters, we were also able to take handmade clothing for each child, and at Christmas we were able to donate a monetary gift. All of these things have helped to strengthen our relationship with the staff and children. Sarahs mummy and me English class has also taken off with the class expanding quickly. After a number of children graduated to kindergarten in April, it wasnt long before 6 new children and their mums joined the class! One of the highlights of this ministry was having the children participate in our Christmas service, which encouraged many of the parents, siblings, and even grandparents to attend. The class also was the catalyst to start a parenting circle, which started in June. The university outreach continues to thrive and its been great to have our co-worker David finding opportunities to create ways to meet the students outside of uni, as well as Owen being a regular attendee at their English club. The Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas social and summer BBQ are all considered not-to-miss events and provide a great opportunity to share the gospel with these young people.

This year has also seen some big changes at the caf, with Midori, our long term staff worker, moving on to other employment in April. As we wondered how we would be able to keep the caf open and staffed each week, a local pastor gave us the name of a Christian lady in his congregation who had experience as a pastry chef. Mahoku joined us in May and has been a wonderful asset to the caf. At the same time God provided 4 other part time people who could help to fill in one day a week and assist on busy Friday Night Live events. We marvel at Gods provision! We have less than one year of our lease remaining, so we are earnestly praying for Gods guidance and provision for the future of SonRise Caf. SonRise Church has now moved back to the caf as it was becoming too difficult to guarantee rental of the community centre. Sunday services and weekly bible studies continue to include a number of seekers. We look forward to seeing lives transformed by the message of salvation in this spiritually dark nation. We covet your continued prayers and support!

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Annual Report 2013

serving those reaching the lost for Christ in the Philippines

We want to express our sincere thanks to everyone at UPBC for your continued financial and prayer support of our family and ministry with OMF Inter-national here in the Philippines. With many expanding opportunities for UPBC, we trust that our work here can continue to be an effective extension of UPBCs ministry across the globe. Since arriving in 2007 weve been involved in both hosting and managing OMFs Manila guest house / conference centre and providing IT and administrative support for the Philippines field. Prior to all of this we spent two years at the Bible College of Victoria, so we have now been away from Adelaide for 8 years! Tim has been of great help to many of our colleagues with the various issues they experience with their computers as well as assisting with IT issues in the OMF Manila office. After consolidating computer and phone networks (including installing and programming a new PABX phone system) he has continued to implement a comprehensive on and off-site backup strategy for each office computer. Both our Field Director and Field Administrator constantly echo their gratitude for his help in these areas. Tim is also on the Field Finance Team and trains other guest-house managers to use the cash-sheet application he developed. Bronwyn continues to enjoy managing the household, spending more time with our children. In particular she has prepared Annalise for school, both socially and academically and is now helping both Annalise & Kaitlyn be ready for school in Australia. Shes also walked Kaitlyn through the adjustment of being the only one at home when Annalise did start school. Being freely available to assist the children with their homework has also been enjoyable for her. Annalise now joins Stephen, Joshua and Amie at Faith Academy, travelling an hour each way for an early, 7am start! Stephen (Year 8) loves playing music and sport whilst Joshua (Grade 5) is developing his artistic skills and Amie (Grade 3) enjoys reading books and all things girlie. Annalise (Reception) is clearly a bright young girl and Kaitlyn remains the talkative youngest sibling who doesnt like to be left behind in anything. We are really enjoying getting to know our friends at Union Church of Manila better by attending a weekly small group. Tim attends Mens Fraternity at church and has also started a discipleship group with other missionary men, which is proving helpful for all involved. We hope it wont be too much longer before we finally return to Adelaide and we are very much looking forward to catching up with old friends and making some new friends at UPBC. It is our long term goal to continue serving those reaching the lost for Christ in the Philippines, and we also hope to be able to encourage you to be a part of what God is doing all over the world, including in your own neighbourhoods and communities. God Bless Tim & Bronwyn, Stephen, Joshua, Amie, Annalise & Kaitlyn e-mail: thebadgerfamily@omfmail.com

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Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow! The Ministry Leadership Team formally carries the responsibility for the day to day management and oversight of Unley Park. However, we are aware of Gods equipping and enabling and the provision of many saints who join together to do His work. As a Team we are very conscious of the responsibility and privilege it is to serve, and this is evident as we commence each MLT meeting spending time with God seeking His wisdom and guidance. As I write this report and look back over the past year, I can see how God has answered our prayers and how He has been so faithful to us here at Unley Park Baptist. We give thanks to Him, from whom all blessing flow. At the beginning of each year, we set aside a morning to listen, pray and plan for the year ahead. In 2012 we established our goals based on the feedback received from the Congregation survey. In 2013 reflecting on the results from the National Church Life Survey we agreed that the 2012 goals continued to be a helpful way to focus our efforts. These goals assist us plan and allocate the resources that God has entrusted to us, in order to be the Church we believe God has called us to be. Below are our goals and some of the undertakings chosen to achieve them; 1. Commit to the word of God and prayer with an emphasis on our small group ministry We have intentionally partnered with City Bible Forum where prayer and the reading/discussion of Gods word is encouraged through networks of small groups primarily in and around our city. The teaching from the pulpit remains a vital way of revealing what God is saying to us through His word - Many of Neils sermons are available on the Church website for further reflection, often with questions to help us think further about what God could be saying to us. The MLT remain committed to prayer. Each week prior to the morning service and regularly after services, people are praying, as are many others in our small groups. Throughout 2013 we have continued to support and encourage our small group ministry, including the establishment of several new groups. Encourage authentic expressions of faith and worship One of the most obvious changes in the past year was changing the morning service time to 10am and commencing with fellowship together. We are confident this has helped build authentic community, as we enter into worship together. During our worship times we have intentionally encouraged members of the church family to tell their story of how God has shown Himself in their life. The Mission Exposure Trip to Vietnam was another significant way in which people were encouraged to step out in faith, beyond their comfort zone and trust God. Authenticity is also encourage at UPbc where our Children show Love in Action supporting those who dont have the resources that we have access to. Pursue intentional connections with the wider community The Play Group continues to be a great connection with the local community The MLT has agreed to financially support our local schools chaplaincy program demonstrating our commitment to this vital ministry Support of the Munchiez Van ministry has continued throughout this year, as have some groups serving at WestCare. Several Link Events were held over the last 12 months which provide a unique opportunity for us to meet during the week and invite friends to listen to high profile guest speakers/presenters. Increased use of our premises by other groups also provides valuable links with our local community. Many of our regular ministries, whether Youth, Men, Women, Basketball all have elements where people from the wider community are included. Page | 17




Build church community through integrating newcomers, and practicing hospitality Regular Church community events have been programmed during the year to give space for the church family to be together. Events such as the Christmas Street Party, Church Picnic, Entertaining Angels, Hobbies Night and Grand Designs all provide a way for the Church family to serve, care and love one another. Regular New-comer morning teas have been a great way to welcome new church family members, help us identify one another and make it a little easier to fit in. Revitalised Mens and Womens ministry have also provided increased opportunities for us to be with one another, integrating new-comers and building our church community. Stimulate key ministries to children, families, youth and young adults. Kathy Heath (Childrens Pastor) together with her leadership teams have continued to provide an amazing place for our children to learn and grow. There are approximately 100 children on the UPbc roll! Within UPbc a Traineeship Program has been designed this year for teenage girls to develop their skills in the Early Childhood Ministry. Seth Emery (Interim Youth Pastor) has continued to be great leader of our Young People. Not only have the groups, Friday Night Youth and Wednesday Night DEEP grown in size but more importantly the growth in spiritual maturity has been evident.


The Ministry Leadership Team is continually thankful for the many people, individuals and teams that give of themselves to the work of the Church at Unley Park. We are aware of many who graciously and generously serve in ways that are seen and unseen on a regular basis. We have seen God at work through one another serving together as one body. The MLT were tremendously encouraged by the entire churchs support of the Administration Upgrade Project where over $25,000 was raised in a few weeks to improve technology and freshen up the place. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to each member of the MLT (refer list at the front of the report) for their dedication and great heart in which they sacrificially serve. It has been great to welcome Heather Waldron, Darren Humphrys and Ken Leembruggen to the Team. Heather Waldron was also warmly welcomed to the MLT in her capacity as Administrator. Darren provides an invaluable link between the LifeChurch Leadership Team and the MLT. Ken has accepted a new portfolio within the MLT of Spiritual Growth and Development, an area identified requiring greater emphasis. As I have written in previous reports, this whole team continues, with Gods grace, to have a great sense of purpose and unity and desire to serve Him with integrity and humility. This is not something we take for granted, but which we pray for regularly. Finally, to our Pastoral Team, thank you the sacrifices you have made for the work of Gods Church. We know that you have gone above and beyond. We are grateful for the enthusiasm and integrity in which you serve, but more so for the focus you have on Jesus and the desire you have for all of us to share in His love. May God continue to bless, guide and nurture you and your families as we serve Him together.

Peter Battersby MLT Chair

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The VTT has met regularly over the last 12 months and has addressed various issues pertaining to the Church. Of particular note has been the decision by the team to offer Neil the opportunity to take 3 months sabbatical leave next year. This was an initiation by the team, exclusive of Neil, in recognition of the many years of service he has given us but more importantly to allow Neil, and hopefully Lyn, the time to pursue further study and become involved in other areas of service. We are still working closely with him with respect to this and no final decision has yet been made as to the exact timing next year or which areas of study or service he will pursue. The challenge for all of us will be to do what we can to take up responsibilities and service created by his absence. We have also been working closely with our mission families. We have been encouraged by hearing first hand from the Ames and hearing of how God is working through the Cafe ministry in Tokyo. With the imminent return of the Badgers we have been working with OMF and the Philippine team with respect to their homecoming and their immediate future. We are looking forward to their return after such a long period on the field. We are encouraged by the way we see God at work in our Church. We continue to be highly supportive of Neil, as our Senior Pastor, and we are looking forward to all that God will do through us as we continue to serve him in the coming year. Rob Waldron VTT

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One day per week equivalent: The Link and Associated Ministry role throughout year three has continued to develop and take shape in accordance with identified and changing needs. Initial responsibilities related to the coordination and delivery of community based Link events, designed to help us as a church better connect with our surrounding community. The success of such a model relies heavily upon those within the church being prepared to invite those who do not normally attend, or even associate with UPBC to Link events. The recent Euthanasia (Link Event) information evening presented by Dr Graham Grove was very well attended. Link events are at all times designed to provide information of real value, addressing key social issues that impact us all at some level. Whilst we will continue to conduct such events, a major focus will be on the ongoing development of Link Ministries through a range of alternative programs offered via an already extremely well established womens ministry program, thanks to Margie Stevens and Rosie Harris. By the end of 2013 the establishment of a mens ministry leadership group, headed up by Rohan Kimber and I will be in place. This group will be responsible for the coordination of a range of mens ministry events to be conducted throughout 2014. MET (Mission Exposure Trip) A real highlight of 2013 was after eight months of coordinating, planning and conducting team preparation sessions the Vietnam MET finally came, but far too quickly passed! It was a fantastic and challenging time, and that for those who were a part of the team Im sure will never forget the experience. The next MET is scheduled for 2015. Associated ministries that have evolved within my initial role under the leadership and accountability of Neil (Senior Pastor) include: Chairing and coordination of weekly ministry team meetings. Connection with team members in order to provide support on an informal level outside of weekly team meetings. Coordination of ministry team retreats. Coordination of team development/conferences Conducting staff /team reviews. Coordination and leading of Mens Biz Attend worship team fortnightly meetings Coordination and leading of Vietnam Mission Exposure Mission Trip (May 2013) Coordination of the next MET - 2014/15 Provide support to the senior pastor in relation to a wide range of ministry and sensitive pastoral matters.

I want t take this opportunity to thank Neil for the privilege of serving under his incredible leadership and example, as well as the MLT and all members of the UPBC. It would be remiss of me not to thank and affirm such a great ministry team consisting of Neil, Allan, Seth, Heather, Kathy, Garry, and Gavin (Lifechurch), who serve with such great commitment, dedication and passion! We should also never forget those who serve so faithfully behind the scenes as well! God bless & regards, Carl Collins Page | 20


Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name. 1 Chronicles 29:13 It is with thankful hearts that we reflect on the blessings God has given us during the past year as we have seen many exciting changes in our Sunday Morning Childrens Ministry Program. In October 2012 we decided to implement the 10 oclock Church Coffee time and to call our Sunday morning Childrens Program Upbc. Upbc has continued to minister each week to approximately 100 children from birth to the 12 year olds. We have fostered a program that provides opportunities for our children to develop meaningful friendships during Coffee Playtime where they share a variety of activities that stimulate conversation and co-operation. We have established a Childrens Church where we are encouraging our children to actively engage in Praise and Worship. This time is then followed by age appropriate Small Groups where the children have the opportunity to study Gods Word and through interactive experiences establish a deepening relationship with Jesus and a growing biblical understanding. Our leaders and helpers have continued to work with the Scripture Union Curriculum, Bubbles, Splash and Xtreme, to teach and encourage their Small Groups using related discussion, drama, quizzes and craft activities. We have developed a Little Tots Program based on Andrew McDonoughs Lost Sheep Series which provides a visually colourful power point for each of the Bible stories. The Little Tots love to hear these stories and as each story is able to be repeated several times a year they are beginning to recognise the characters and know Jesus loves them. Zone 67 Bible study presented by the teams of Kim and Rosie Harris, Lindsay Crowe and David Healey have been assisting the transition of these early teens towards becoming active members of our Youth Program. Upbc s Love in Action program has grown from a desire to show Gods love to those whose lives are challenged by poverty. Love in Action has two aspects an At Home in Adelaide focus and Overseas People in Poverty. The children have embraced Love in Action with enthusiasm and great excitement. During winter 2012 they collected many cans of soup and then pairs of warm socks in 2013 for Westcare. The Busy Womens Bible Study joined us and helped us give beanies and gloves as well. Between December 2012 and June 2013 we have provided 6 home water filtration units for families in Kenya, 23 pairs of chickens for families to develop a home industry and 3 goats for farmers in Nepal. Currently we are organising Operation Christmas Child for the Samaritans Purse and on September 8th the children in Upbc experienced packing 8 shoe boxes, ably lead by Zone 67. We wish to thank the Church community for supporting us in these ventures and we are looking forward to continuing to show Gods love to others in this way. I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the many leaders and helpers who have been involved with Upbc this year. Thank you for your commitment, enthusiasm and genuine desire to share the love of Christ with each child. (Thanks for wearing the yellow tabards and T-shirts too.) I wish to thank the Church fellowship for your prayers, encouragement and amazing support during the year. Please continue to pray for our children and the Childrens Ministry and to praise God for His wonderful faithfulness and His amazing blessings. Kathy Heath Childrens Pastor

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In 1 Thessalonians 2 verse 8 we read We love you so much that we are delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you have become so dear to us. This has been the focus of Playgroup as we have reached out to others throughout this year on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 in the Tinsley Hall. Playgroup is a wonderful way of being in contact with the wider community as it is a great place for meeting parents, grandparents and carers and of course their little children. During the year our Playgroup has provided over fifty families with an opportunity to spend time playing with their children and a chance to make new friends in a safe and nurturing environment. Many of our families have no family members living in Adelaide and so we are able to offer them support and companionship. Recently we have been really excited by the number of non-English speaking, Asian mothers, grandparents and even fathers who have joined us. This is a special ministry for Playgroup as we provide a point of regular contact which enables each of these families to feel welcome, comfortable and loved. Once again Playgroup has provided a program for children from newborn until they are school age, offering a wide range of toys, crafts and both indoor and outside activities and play. We have had lots of different playing and themed learning experiences for the children as we believe that free-play and discovery are very important in the growth and development of each child. The children have been encouraged to make choices, investigate, experience, learn and have fun. They enjoyed Snack time and loved to be involved in the weekly themed craft activities. At the end of each session the parents and children have enthusiastically engaged in an interactive Story-telling and Music-singing time where they have enjoyed learning little songs and doing fun actions. All our leaders and volunteers are trained in line with our Child Protection Policy and are committed to providing a friendly and caring environment and to being relational and intentional in outreach and purpose for Christ. Our Playgroup volunteers have encouraged those who attend to share issues and situations happening in their lives so that as leaders and helpers, and as Gods children, we have been able to offer support, encouragement and prayer. I wish to thank all those who have faithfully and enthusiastically supported Playgroup each week with their time, energy and prayers. We thank God for the leadership and blessings of Marlene Salmon and Lyn Hill and for the commitment and joy given each week by Lorraine Badger, Sandy Castle, Glenda Congdon, Eleanor Harding, Lyn Ryan, and to Kerryn Coffrant who has helped us when weve needed an extra pair of willing hands. Thank you also to John Badger and Bob Hill for once again being Playgroups Mr Fix Its. We recognise that all children are a precious gift from God and it is a wonderful privilege to share in their early developing lives and to be able to be witnesses of Christs love to these precious families. Kathy Heath Childrens Pastor

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The last twelve months have been challenging and encouraging. What a privilege to continually find ways for our church family to connect with other, to grow in their relationship with God and to live authentic and God glorifying lives. We live in a crazy world that tells us we need to look after number one and demands that we have the latest gadgets and that our material possessions and wealth somehow determines our status in society. Over the past year our worship services have included testimonies, interviews and personal challenges to encourage us to consider looking out for others and to realise that we have a responsibility to be faithful to share what we have with others. The worship team has again included some new faces whilst others have chosen to step down for a while. Each person that has a connection with our team is committed, enthusiastic and valued on the team. A big thankyou from me to Neil Ryan, Mark Ryan, Annette Lawrence and Carl Collins for their regular input into our Worship leaders meetings. They are a wonderful team to meet with and to thrash out the challenge of fronting up each week and putting together a meaningful service that connects, involves and encourages people in their faith. It is also a privilege to have such faithful and inspiring teaching from the pulpit each week. At each of our Thursday night rehearsals we have been working our way through the Psalms. The leader shares a thought each week, which has been a blessing for the team on so many occasions. It has been great over the past year to see new members join our tech team. Whilst some have not had a great deal of experience their willingness to learn, get experience and be a part of what we are doing has been great. The new part of my role within worship has been advocacy. What a privilege to consider ways we can speak out for those who cant speak out for themselves, to provide practical and financial support where it is needed and to seek God in knowing what direction he wants us to be going in relation to showing His love to others. One of the ways we gave people the opportunity to give was through our Be Love Sunday. It was a wonderful time of sharing and response. Many people in our church family sponsor children but many others have now also signed up. For some it is the first time they have sponsored a child whilst for others it was an opportunity to sponsor another child. How wonderful that communities in Cambodia have now been given more opportunity to become self sufficient and provided for. Its Gods love in action. I guess in wrapping this up I can see our worship services in the next twelve months again being challenging, encouraging, sacrificial, unique, authentic, helpful, faithful to Gods word and hopefully times together that make us want to connect with each other and to go out in to the worlds we live in and be great representatives of our Lord Jesus Christ. Christine Gould

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The spirituality portfolio is new to the MLT this year, and reflects the leaderships desire to not only ensure that the administrative functions and the vision of the church are well managed, but also that the MLT is engaged in the spiritual side of church life at UPBC. The aim of this portfolio is to help us to define, as individuals and as a church, what it is that we believe what things are fundamental to our faith. In addition, we want to learn how these fundamental beliefs play out in practical terms in our daily lives. In order to answer these questions, the MLT has decided to conduct a number of in-depth surveys in the coming year. Participation will be completely voluntary and survey respondents will have the option to remain anonymous if they wish. Each survey will focus on only one topic, starting with Prayer Life as our first survey topic, to be followed with Bible Study, the Holy Spirit, Worship, and Faith at approximately 3-month intervals. The aim is to examine each topic in some depth, but with simple-to-answer multi-choice type questions. Our goal is that we will all be challenged to think about our own faith and wrestle with our beliefs, and that we will all be stimulated to discuss elements of our faith with our fellow believers at UPBC. The MLT will use survey-analysis tools to assimilate individual responses, to give an overview of our churchs belief patterns. This data can then function as material with which the leadership of UPBC can continue to grow the church vision, and to direct areas of teaching and group discussion. The first of these surveys will commence in late September. The early months of the spirituality portfolio have been consumed with developing the structure and the details of this survey process. It is hoped that the next annual report from this portfolio in twelve months time will be able to focus on the outcomes of this process and the impact that this has had on the spiritual life of our church. I look forward to seeing what we can learn from this process in the coming twelve months, and where this exciting portfolio can take us in the years to come. Ken Leembruggen

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The Leisure Club is a worthwhile monthly activity of the Unley Park Baptist Church. It caters for people in the retired age group and older. The club has welcomed a number of younger members in the last two years. The Leisure Club reaches people outside the church and for all people it supplies an interesting and varied programme of activities that takes the members out and about as well as utilizing different sections of the church property. The Leisure Club has an active and enthusiastic committee comprising Allan Stanley-Smith, (Coordinator) Suzanne Stanley Smith, Marlene Salmon, Cliff Parken, Helen Marsland, Meg Theel, Val Park, (Treasurer) Frank Park, Doug Castle and Sandy Castle. The Program for the last twelve months follows 2012 20/7/12 Christmas in July. 17/8/12 Air traffic Control Whats it all about - with Jamie Milner. 19//9/12 Were going on a Bear Hunt. 2/11/ 13 - Glass blowing. 16/12/13 Celebrate Christmas with the Cantorae Singers 2013 15/2/13 A Cutting Good Time Stamp Trimming. 15/3/13 The Maritime Museum and a cruise on the MV Archibadenoch. 26/4/13 Gods provision as told by three chosen people. 17/5/13 Travel Quiz. 21/6/13 - Movie Afternoon. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen.

Included in the years activities was the purchase of a goat from TEAR Australia and a goat from Global Interaction. It was interesting to note that the stamps that we sent to Queensland, via the Adelaide Baptist Office, contributed to the $50,000 raised from the sale of used stamps from 1st July 2012 and sent to Global Interaction. God has greatly blessed us as we attempt to honour His name in all that we do. Allan Stanley-Smith Pastor Pastoral Care and Leisure Club coordinator.

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Just a brief report to thank all those who have joined in the encouragement to pray in our church family. Thank you to all who have set time aside individually or in small groups, or when one or two people meet together to pray. In prayer at the church whether before the Sunday morning service, or on those special times in the church lounge after the service about every 6 weeks or so, have been particularly encouraging. I am conscious that many are praying at small group times, and we have been encouraged by prayer two or three times each month in the Thursday Prayer Group at Margie Stevens home. Let us keep encouraging one another in our busy lives to set aside time to wait on the Lord and see His answers to prayer. Noelene Hunt

2012/13 was another successful year in the Unley Park Basketball Ministry. We had seven senior teams in the competition four mens and three womens. Weekly trainings were held on Thursday evenings, with games being played Saturday afternoons. We were excited to welcome back Neil as the Club chaplain, and his weekly devotions at training provided the opportunity to share our hope and faith with other members of the Club, and to encourage and support each other. It was awesome to have regular spectators out at games and to know we have regular prayer support, and we are thankful for the support our church community provides this ministry. All teams were part of finals last year, which was a great effort by everyone involved. The mens C1 team (coached by Jon Dyer) won their grand final! A special thanks must go to all our volunteer coaches for the time and effort they put in to attending trainings and games, and to supporting their teams and fostering a positive basketball community. Thanks must also go to the Basketball Club Administration Team of Pete Battersby, Brett Humphrys, Joe Hutchinson and Susan Dyer. We look forward to continuing the basketball ministry through 2013, and to sharing Gods love and care to those in our sporting community. Kylee Humphrys

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Once again this year we have continued to be strategic in planning events so that we are inclusive, particularly focusing on new comers trying to make it easier for them to integrate into our church community. We have also endeavored to foster the building of relationships with another and have encouraged the church family in offering hospitality to newcomers and folk we do not know so well. In order to achieve these goals we have: and Organized community events in which the church family could participate in a relaxed atmosphere Arranged Newcomer Morning Tea/ Information Sessions

Arranged Newcomer Morning Tea/ Information Sessions In order for newcomers to know who the church leaders are, what our ethos is and to answer any questions about our fellowship we arranged Morning Teas to which these folk were invited. However when we changed our starting times to commence with Morning Tea at 10.00am we then changed our format to holding Information Sessions in the Church Lounge after the morning service. Over the past 12months we have held: Morning Tea on Sept 30th 2012 when 16 newcomers attended. Information Sessions on May 2013 when 5 newcomers attended Information Session on August 11th 2013 when 6 newcomers attended

Another Information Session is planned later this year. To enable the church family to get know each other better Community Events were organized with an emphasis on family. These included: November 2012 Entertaining Angels Hospitality lunch where 8 Families hosted 48 folk. This was a great time to meet and get to know folk from the church. December 9th 2012 Street Party & Christmas Concert This was a wonderful night, very cold but with scores of families in the local community attending. Again the music was great with many of our folk involved. April 7th 2013 Church Picnic at Concordia College On a bright sunny day we enjoyed a happy family fun time with folk chatting and engaging in various activities and sports and the children expending heaps of energy. April 2013 - Hot Cross Buns Easter Morning Tea After the Good Friday Service we shared a community time of fellowship over delicious hot cross buns and a cuppa. June 30th 2012 - Entertaining Angels hospitality weekend This time 12 families hosted over 50 folks for lunch. Once again this proved a great way to get to know folk better. August 31st 2013 Grand Designs family fun night This event was a great time for families and friends to display their designing and building skills and at the same time to interact and have some fun. A Quiz was conducted and each correct answer gave the group points which were then used to purchase materials to build the dream home. Peter Hillan was the Adjudicator and the Buckland/Hirst team won the prize for the best design with their Queenslander. Page | 27

In order achieve our goals and to make the community events such a success many folk have graciously given of their time and effort. I am unable to name everyone but I do wish to acknowledge those who have been on the various organizing committees and to thank them for their assistance. They are: Tam Battersby, Heather & Andrew Waldron, Dan Page, Doug & Sandy Castle, Annette Lawrence, Suzanne Stanley Smith and Chris Gould. We have received encouraging feedback that we as a church are a welcoming and caring community. On behalf of the MLT may I convey our appreciation to you for Demonstrating Gods Love and Care to others. Let us continue to continually be on the alert to take every opportunity to grow and build relationships with newcomers and with each other. Garry Gooden MLT Member Community

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The last twelve months has seen the Administration Team continue to work through the many and varied challenges and opportunities facing church communities at this time. We live and work in an increasingly regulated environment. As a result we need to ensure we are aware of our obligations and work through how we can best continue to serve and care for those in our community. WH&S With new WH&S legislation we are obliged to look at what we need to do to be compliant and to keep people safe as they use our facilities. Baptist Churches of South Australia are working on a document that will guide Baptist Churches through these changes. FINANCE - Ben Taylor advised us earlier this year that he would not be continuing as our Treasurer after June 30 so we would like to acknowledge and thank him for all the work he has done in this role. Thank you to John Dewhirst for keeping the accounts in order. There are many hours spent every week to achieve this. We would also like to acknowledge Ben Sanders and his company for their generosity with helping us set up MYOB. Trish Hall has spent many hours with Mark Greiger from Sanders Accounting learning the ropes. We appreciate the time and effort that has gone into this crucial training. Trish is now able to record all budget items, salaries, GST, BASS and keep our accounts up to date. PROPERTY Jason Pruszinski was asked by the MLT to look at our facilities and produced a Strategic Facilities Review document which includes a Heritage Assessment, recommendations for - (1) Heritage Management (2) Building Safety and (3) User Needs. This document will be the basis for any future redevelopment/renovations of our buildings and property. This comprehensive document took many days possibly weeks to put together so thank you Jason for your generosity with your time. At the time of writing this report a committee has been formed to look at future renovations (Neil Ryan, Jason Pruszinski, David Healey, Kathy Heath, Gavin Jones and Heather Waldron). The MLT has asked Jason to develop a Master Plan for the Unley Park Baptist Church property that will provide a clear direction, staging options and indications of likely cost to inform decision making around future site maintenance and development priorities. New street signs once again designed by Jason have been erected on Northgate Street. Quotes have been sought to paint the exterior woodwork of the church buildings and the painting is due to start late this year. New carpet was installed in the meeting room and Gavins office renovations were completed. PEOPLE - A special thank you to Robyn Waldron, Monica Toelken and Garry Gooden for their help in the office. David Healey, Andrew Healey and John Badger continue to work behind the scenes whenever there is a building maintenance need. One phone call or email and it can be considered done. Thank you. This being the first year as Administrator a role new and somewhat daunting to me - I would also like to thank Neil Ryan and Peter Battersby for their patience and time as they have guided me through so many areas of the job. Thank you to all those in the administration teams looking after finance, WH&S, police checks, child protection training, kitchen maintenance, all those on rosters, assembly delegates, property & maintenance, IT, Insurance, compliance and office staff. These are the people who on a very practical level enable us to function within the confines of being a voluntary organization. I am continually amazed by their willingness to offer their time, hard work and generous spirit to our church family. Heather Waldron

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The financial statements for the Unley Park Baptist Church Inc. for the 2012/13 financial year are attached. The statements show a net surplus for the year of $25,120, following the surplus recorded in the prior year of $7,195. Whilst the surplus might indicate a healthy financial result, the surplus in the current year is largely attributable to the income received from renting the manse following Neils move to his own home, and increased financial contributions from groups using our facilities, rather than a strong uplift in offerings or major cost savings being achieved. Disappointingly, offerings fell year on year, as they did in 2011/12, despite the clear support and commitment from members for a budget which anticipated increased offerings over the prior year. It is critical that all members look at their level of financial contribution to enable the valuable work being undertaken here at Unley Park to not only continue but to grow. We also have significant ongoing requirements in terms of the church premises of long overdue improvements to facilities. Maintaining and improving these important roles and facilities will simply not be possible without an increased level of offerings. The response to the appeal to fund equipment and upgrades was pleasing and shows what can be achieved. The church continues to hold a reasonably strong net asset position, with an improvement in cash reserves over the prior year. Offerings fell short of budget by $41,000 or 13%. The offerings budget was set at this level in light of the expenditure budgets set. The expenditure budgets were set at the levels they were, in order to appropriately resource areas of need identified by the MLT and broader church membership. The windfall gains in terms of manse rent, hall donations from the groups using our facilities and expenditure savings, merely hide the underlying core issue that we are simply not giving enough financially, for what the church is looking to achieve for/provide to, its community. I ask that you prayerfully consider your personal contributions to assist in improving church finances so as to enable the ongoing vibrancy and spiritual growth of the church.

Heather Waldron

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Unley Park Baptist Church Inc. Balance Sheet As at 30 June 2013 NOTE Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Receivables Other Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Property Plant & Equipment Total Non-Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS Current Liabilities Creditors & Borrowings Provisions Monies Held in Trust Other Total Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Provisions Total Non-Current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS EQUITY Accumulated Funds Reserves TOTAL EQUITY 68,922 208,497 277,419 43,081 208,497 251,578 2,908 2,908 134,580 277,419 2,452 2,452 140,718 251,578 2 3 -3,878 92,684 42,865 131,672 989 89,696 47,581 138,266 1 214,366 214,366 411,998 215,862 215,862 392,296 197,632 197,632 176,020 414 176,434 2013 2012

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Unley Park Baptist Church Inc. Statement of Income & Expenditure Financial Year Ended 30 June 2013 NOTE Income Offerings - UPBC Interest Life Church Contribution Other Total Income Expenditure Leadership, Teaching & Pastoral Care Youth & Families Outreach Work of the Wider Church Administration Property Total Expenditure NET SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) 5 6 7 8 9 10 102,154 71,659 142,298 13,500 42,555 74,390 446,556 25,120 106,040 49,613 95,289 13,500 59,872 61,212 385,526 7,195 4 289,427 6,876 77,352 98,021 471,676 299,210 7,906 40,438 45,168 392,722 2013 2012

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Unley Park Baptist Church Inc. Notes to the Financial Statements Financial Year Ended 30 June 2013 2013 1. Property Plant & Equipment Land & Buildings Office Equipment Furniture & Fittings 209,250 3,382 1,734 214,366 2. Provisions Professional Development Building Maintenance - Church Building Maintenance - Manse Furniture & Equipment Remove/Relocations Senior Pastors Travel Annual Leave - Pastors Annual Leave - Laypeople Audiovisual Ministry Other Payroll Liabilities 5,104 12,918 12,027 21,515 1,120 9,092 17,162 6,105 3,227 4,414 92,684 5,104 12,918 12,027 21,515 1,600 10,038 17,162 6,105 3,227 89,696 209,250 5,073 1,539 215,862 2012

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Unley Park Baptist Church Inc. Notes to the Financial Statements Financial Year Ended 30 June 2013 2013 3. Monies Held in Trust Basketball Club Creative Ministries Fellowship Fund Seaman Legacy McKnight Legacy E Theel Legacy PE Theel Memorial Fund Mens Fellowship Life Church Unley Big Week Out Kids Club Special Gifts Community Program Special Gifts Building Fund Special Gifts P Nazary Visit 2,388 3,086 6,346 522 4,729 10,000 10,000 133 575 2,000 3,025 60 42,865 4. Other Income General Donations Hall Donations/Hire Specific Missionary Giving Missionary Fundraising Manse Rent/Fundraising Special Appeal - Equipment Sundry 2,551 13,576 15,628 7,494 32,346 24,570 1,856 98,021 460 3,848 17,247 2,623 14,400 6,590 45,168 7,825 3,086 5,319 522 4,729 10,000 10,000 252 510 575 2,000 3,025 247 47,581 2012

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Unley Park Baptist Church Inc. Notes to the Financial Statements Financial Year Ended 30 June 2013 2013 5. Leadership, Teaching & Pastoral Care Pastoral Salaries - UPBC Superannuation and On-Costs Pastoral Care Allowance Preaching Fees Training & Development Worship & Music Senior Pastors Travel Other 73,631 17,930 5,460 298 1,348 2,140 1,200 147 102,154 6. Youth & Families Pastoral Salaries - UPBC Superannuation and On-Costs Skylights Childrens Programs Youth & Families Ministries 59,355 7,913 3,906 485 71,659 7. Outreach Community Outreach Missions Pastoral Salaries Life Church Contribution to Life Church Missionary Families Support Link Ministry Other 6,439 3,843 67,584 8,674 35,193 19,481 1,083 142,297 333 2,053 39,405 35,633 17,503 360 95,289 41,587 4,347 3,284 395 49,613 73,186 18,097 5,636 200 3,086 2,651 2,219 965 106,040 2012

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Unley Park Baptist Church Inc. Notes to the Financial Statements Financial Year Ended 30 June 2013 2013 8. Work of the Wider Church SABU SFI 8,000 5,500 13,500 9. Administration Admin Salaries & On-Costs Bank Charges Copyright Internet Kitchen Supplies Office Equipment Organ & Piano Printing & Stationery Telephone Sundry 30,255 656 1,164 1,033 757 900 4,147 3,193 450 42,555 10. Property Cleaning Gas & Power Rates & Taxes Repairs & Maintenance - Manse Repairs & Maintenance - Buildings Insurance 7,802 7,303 7,714 1,431 37,064 13,076 74,390 6,896 6,332 6,922 7,846 21,382 11,834 61,212 34,418 551 (68) 1,996 1,150 200 1,132 3,835 4,050 12,608 59,872 8,000 5,500 13,500 2012

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