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Guidelines for Formulation of Project Proposals for Hand Made Paper

Guidelines for Formulation of Project Proposals for Hand Made Paper

Introduction Ever since man has been on earth he has made use of the materials around him. As numbers increased the need to communicate became apparent and language was born. Inevitably people began to look for ways both of preserving their ideas and culture and of passing information to others without having to meet face to face. The written word had arrived. The Egyptians started with papyrus in 4000 B.C . but true paper made from indivudual fibres did not appear until about 105 A.D. when the C hinese made some from mulberry flex, hemp and cotton, Tsai Lun who made paper from mulberry is considered the father of paper. However there archeological evidence shows that people were writing letter in India on paper made from cotton that has been well beaten together in 327 A.C . Handmade paper making is one such village industry that originated before independence when all village industries took part in swadeshi movement under the inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi. Handmade paper units can be as small as of 50 kg per day. It would be within the reach to set up such unit at many places. This would not only help in increasing the production of paper but also bring uplift of the weaker section of the society. The raw material for making hand made paper could be cotton linter, tailor cuttings, hosiery waste, bast fiberes (jute/ hemp etc), wheat straw, rice straw, bagasse, cotton stalk, grasses, waste paper etc. These raw materials are easily available in villages. The technology for making handmade paper includes simplicity of operation, low cost of installation and the same equipment can produce any and many varieties of hand made paper. This industry has the privilege or exemption from excise duty and have no restriction on the use of electric power What is paper and board? Paper is generally defined as a single ply, flat material, varying in density and material content according to end use. Paper is a cellulose material amended with different additives, which form a cohesive sheet with desirable paper qualities. Paper can be made from many different plants, which contain adequate amounts of cellulose fibres. Board is defined as a multiply bound material, which normally has a greater density than the paper. The cellulose, in the strong and durable form of elongated tubular fibres is the basic substance of paper. Paper can be made from many different plants which contain adequate amount of cellulose fibres. How paper is made? In paper manufacturing the fibrous portion of the plants are reduced to pulp by chemical or biological action followed by mechanical process of grinding. Paper is made by deposition, from a dilute water suspension of pulp, an even layer of cellulose fibre on fine screen that permits the water to drain through but retains the intermingled particles of cellulose. This layer of fibres, removed from the screen and finally pressed and dried, becomes a sheet with cohesive strength and associated properties that we recognize as paper. The characteristic quality of the paper produced depends on the colour, length, diameter, flexibility, strength and other related properties of the fibres used. Fibres used in paper making Seed hair fibre- cotton, silk-cotton, hemp, jute, flex etc. Stem fibre - corn, sugarcane, bamboo, straw etc. Leaf fibre aloe fibre, pineapple leaf fibre, palm etc. Fruit fibre coconut Wood fibre spruce, cedar, maple etc. Waste papers shredded currency waste, office records, press cuttings etc. The principal factors that determine whether a plant shall or shall not be used in manufacture of paper are suitability of fibre, dependability of supply, cost of collection, transportation and preparation and tendency to deteriorate in storage. Paper Characteristics & Paper products The range of paper and board products can be classified into types and grades: types relate to the paper or board machine design, and the grades are the function of the end use of the product and the choice of materials. The types, grades and uses of papers manufacture depending on its fibre characteristics such as strength and optical characteristics, processing methods and type of paper machines and their configuration. The types of paper or board can vary according to end- use. There are four distinct grades of paper and board. Machine glazed (M.G.) paper and Board This grade of paper or board is obtained by pressing the moist material firmly against the surface of a drying calender. The moist paper adheres to the cylinder surface until it is dry enough for separation. Creped papers The M.G. machine can be used to produce creped paper. This can be done with addition of a scraping blade, which removes the paper from the cylinder before it is dry enough for natural separation. The most important area of paper application are as writing paper, cards, boards etc. (Newsprint, coated printing & writing, un-coated printing & 1/4


Guidelines for Formulation of Project Proposals for Hand Made Paper

writing, tissue & sanitary, packaging & industries and boards etc.) The social, intellectual and industrial progress of a modern society is interwoven with the usage of paer and paperboards. The global paper industry is capital intensive and resource based. Paper manufacture is one of the most energy intensive industrial processes. In India, total indigenous production of paper and paper products are 4.1 million tons in 1999-2000 by 380 paper mills. The current per capita consumption of paper in India is 3.8 kg. and is expected to more than double at 7.9 kg paper and paper products will increase at a rate of 5% at every phase of human development. The hand made paper production is an age-old process in India. At present there are about 435 units producing 12,000 MT of paper, board and paper fancy items by providing employment to 7000 persons. The usual paper making process in a mill is highly polluting. The black liquor generated by pulping, bleach and boiler emission are great problem for the paper industry, while hand made paper (HMP) making is based on a clean process with negligible or very litter pollution. Thus HMP industry is a sunrise industry with a remarkable increase of about 150% in annual production. The Holistic Approach In Paper Production By MCRC Shri AMM Murugappa C hettiar Research C enter (MC RC ), C hennai was established in 1977 with a division engaged in research on photosynthesis and energy at Tharamani, C hennai 600 113. MC RC has developed energy efficient papers from alternative cellolosic material. MC RC paper technology aimed to bridge the gaps in conventional paper making processes. It is environment friendly; pollution free and does not lead to depletion of natural resources. Thus paper as a product essential to provide literacy, education and information, which in turn demands the process of technology development and this development centres on environment issues like deforestation and pollution problem. Thus there is a great demand to develop new technologies to produce paper without disturbing trees, forests and environment. MC RC use various raw materials like Banana stem, waste-cotton, matgrass, bagasse and other agricultural residues like palmarosea grass. No sodium hydroxide is used in manufacture and natural dyes are used for colouring. Thus MC RC eco-friendly paper technology has been experimented successfully as commercial enterprises. The paper produces is being used for different purposes by converting the paper into paper products. Objectives The main focus of the project should be Motivation, Training, Information dissemination, Technical and Financial assistance for setting up of eco-friendly paper processing centres in the rural areas. Eligibility Voluntary Organisation working in rural areas with a legal status of a society registered for 3 years under Societies Registration Act XXI, 1860 or any corresponding state Act or a Trust registered under Indian Trust Act, 1882 or the C haritable and Religious Trusts Act, 1920 will be eligible for financial assistance subject to the condition that: The The The The VO VO VO VO should should should should have a nationalised Bank or Post Office A/c for last three years. be working in rural areas, even if the Hqrs. are in urban area. possess Permanent Account Number (PAN) of Income Tax Department. not be under funding restriction.

Preparation and submission of project proposal The project proposal should be prepared on the lines of the format prescribed by C APART. The objectives of the proposal should be precise and well defined indicating the likely benefits to be derived and specified the category of beneficiary. The action programmes and method of implementation of the activities should be as detailed as possible and clear outlining the work allocation and time schedule of each activity. Two copies of the project proposal complete in all respects with organizational profile, certified photocopy of Memorandum and Bye-laws and Registration C ertificate, Audited Statement of Accounts, Annual Report, Bank/Post Office Accounts of last three years and Permanent Account Number of the Organization should be forwarded to C APART Regional C ommittees for project costing upto 20 lakhs and projects with a budget above this are to be forwarded to the Head Quarters in New Delhi. Service requirements 1. Water 1000 lit./ day 2. Power 80 H.P. 3. Building 2,000 sq. ft. 4. Drying shed 3000 sq. ft. 5. Employment 20 persons/ shift Methodology and process of manufacturing Hand Made Paper C ellulosic materials like waste cotton, waste banana stem, mat grass, Palmarosa grass and other agriculture residues are to be collected. These materials have to be collected from different villages. Mixed fibres raw materials 2/4


Guidelines for Formulation of Project Proposals for Hand Made Paper

are sorted out to remove any non fibrous and metallic portion. Cutting Sorted fibrous raw material is cut into small pieces (1-3 cm). A handmade chaff cutter can be used for this purpose. Dusting/ washing The cut pieces are dusted and washed to remove dust and dirt particles. The dusting can be done by mechanical duster or by beating the material by hand. Digestion The fibrous raw materials are cooked with caustic soda for 2-3 hours in mild steel vessel (Digester). The pulp is then washed thoroughly with water to get rid of traces of alkali and dissolved matter Pulping The strips are then put into a treatment vessel and processed with microbes. The bio treated strips are then fed into a beater along with water and sized additives to form a pulp type mixture. This unbleached pulp may need to be treated with non-polluting bleaching agents. The chemicals (rosin and alum) and colour may be added to improve the pulp quality as per requirement. VAT processing The pulp mixture is spread on a net, which enables the water present to settle down and form a paper sheet. These paper sheets are blotted on a woolen/ gada cloth. Similarly other paper sheets are also mounted and eventually all the sheets are collected in a heap. Cylinder Mould Processing C ards and boards are processed through cylinder mould machine for pulp formation on to the wire-mesh and then in cylinder mould drum. Sun light drying Water is drawn out from these sheets with the help of a hydraulic press and then these sheets are detached for the cloth and left to dry in sun light. Calendering After drying these sheets are passed through two heavy rollers or and calendering in between two metal sheets for polishing the papers or boards. Cutting Lastly the sheet is cut to the required size and shape as required for marketing. The paper thus made can be further converted into bags, box, files and pads etc. depending on the order to be received to the unit. Three production units can supply 25% of paper and cards to the conversion unit. Depending on the market order the unit can operate on converting paper into various products. Equipments The equipments and machines required includes (i) Rag C hoppers (ii) Beaters (iii) Pulp tanks (iv) calendar machines (v) Agitators (vi) Hydraulic Press (vii) C ylinder mould, vat power driven machine etc. Economics For producing, 40 tonnes of hand made paper annually the capital investment required is about Rs. 4 lakhs and the working capital Rs. 1.25 lakhs. The unit is expected to earn a profit of Rs. 1 lakhs per year and employ 20 persons. The project proposal may be submitted under ARTS format to the Regional C ommittees of C APART. C ollection of cellulosic material Sorting out for quality control Beater pulping processing with water (30 minutes) Sizing with natural additives (rosin, Alum, C hina clay, Talcum power) C ylinder mould processing Vat processing (VAT/ AUTOVAT method) Paper boards/ sheets Blotting on C loth Sun light drying Screw pressing Paper cutting C alendering/ polishing 3/4


Guidelines for Formulation of Project Proposals for Hand Made Paper

Packaging Market supply Production conservation Market supply Advantages of MCRC s Process in Paper Making In conventional paper making process, cellulose is obtained from trees (deforestation) after chemical and mechanical treatment with the result that only 30-40% of the stating material is useful for paper making, whereas in MC RC paper process 85-90% of cellulose is obtained from tree usufructs, followed by microbial/ mechanical pulping by using non polluting additives and dyes from natural sources. The advantages of MCRC s paper making technology is outlined as below: Technology Souorce Raw material Percentage of raw available for paper Treatment Energy Water (M)/ tonne Effluent PRODUC T C onventional papers Tree C ellulose 35 Mechanical/ chemical High 1000 Pollution C hemical treated MC RC papers Tree usufructs C ellulose 85-90 Microbial/ mechanical Low 25 Pollution free Green Product


Project Viability/ Cost Benefit Analysis Production capacity 100 kg/ day (3 ton/ month) Employment (regular) 20 women/ shift E.B. Power 80 HP Water 1000 L/day Project cost Rs. 100,000 Building 3000 sq. ft. drying shed & 2000 sq. ft. working space with thatched roof are required. Expenditure Raw material (a) (Banana stem, cotton, agri residues Rs. 1300.00 130 kg / day @ Rs. 10/ kg.) (b) Additives (True wax, Talcum powder, Rs. 260.00 Starch & Alum:(for 130 kg. raw material @ Rs. 2 kg. (c) Labour; skilled (trained) 6 persons @ Rs. 60) Rs. 360.00 (d) Power charges (80 HP, 40 units @ Rs. 5) (e) Transport, maintenance, overheads & administration Rs. 100.00 Total production cost / 100 kg. paper Rs. 2,200.00 100 kg. paper. Expected sale (Rs. 40/kg.) of 100 kg. Rs. 4,000.00 Net income day Rs.1,780.00

Depending upon the hand made papers design and thickness the sale value may increase. If the conversion of paper into products like greeting cares, visiting cards paper bags and office files may add the sale value of the papers produced. Contact Agencies 1. Any of KVIC units in the region. 2. Dr. Vatsala, MC RC , Turanani, C hennai 3. Dr. H. Sudershan, VGKK, BR Hills, C hamraj Nagar (Distt.), Karnataka. 4. Aurobindo Ashram, Auroville, Pondicherry.


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