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Energy Carta Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010

Inspire. Innovate. Cultivate.

Event Report

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 Event Report


Energy Carta ( is a non-profit organization founded by a team of young adults who want to make a positive impact on the world. We bear the vision of becoming the platform connecting youths and sustainable development ideas, stimulating dialogues and action, through awareness programs and tangible opportunities.

Event Details

The Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 was a full day conference held on the 15th of October 2010. The event, themed "Inspire. Innovate. Cultivate." consisted of two main components:
Conference 3 thematic panel discussions which engaged the audience over the issues of sustainability, clean tech and entrepreneurship. The Cleantech Open Global Ideas Competition 5 teams competed to pitch their clean tech ideas and present their business plans and research to a judging panel on the event day.

Target Participants: The audience we focused on reaching are youths who are passionate about the clean tech industry. They consisted of
200 of future young leaders from universities across Singapore Young entrepreneurs who will be competing in the finals of the Singapore leg of the Global Ideas competition.

Energy Carta: ROS Ref: 2081/2008 Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator, 8 Prince Georges Park, Singapore 118407

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 Event Report

Themes Inspire. Innovate. Cultivate.

The conference program of the Asian Youth Energy Summit (AYES) 2010 is to provide a step by step approach to appreciating the prob problems lems and solutions of energy, climate change and resource security issues. The audience e comprises of mainly undergraduate students who are currently uninitiated to the issues mentioned above. Inspire This theme is about laying down the groundwork of why we are in need of innovation and solutions, to meet our energy and climate challenge challenges. . The inspire panel is also a matter of passion and delivery to stroke heart strings while not deviating too far from difficult realities. In short this is the why panel. Innovation This is theme to show opportunities and examples in providing innovative solutions in a structured and incentivized way. It is a brief display of some of the various Cleantech technologies out there, along with their context a and markets. In short this is the what panel. Cultivate is about providing the means to taking significant steps in creating a business that ultimately results in or aids in emissions reductions. The panel deals with some of the basics of high tech entrepreneurship and avoiding iding the pitfall of merely being tech and not Cleantech. In short, this is the how panel.

What are our climate change or energy problems. Why should we care?

Examples of businesses and technologies providing solutions to these problems .

Practical things to consider on how to start a cleantech business or any business that reduces or aids in reducing emissions.

Energy Carta: ROS Ref: 2081/2008 Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator, 8 Prince Georges Park, Singapore 118407

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 Event Report

The audience comprised mainly of students from the tertiary institutions such as the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, SIM and various polytechnics. Industry stakeholders were also part of the audience (<10%) including managers from some incubators, project officers, academic professors and lecturers. Postgraduate students made up about 10% of the audience. We polled our current registrants on their level of knowledge with questions such as Tell us why would you be interested to join Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010. Sample replies include: 10% - Active involvement student leaders - entrepreneurs Budding student entrepreneur. Competition Director at Start-Up@Singapore, Singapore's biggest business plan competition. An Entrepreneur who graduated from NUS. Currently started my Solar Thermal company focusing on building multi-use, multi-source Solar Thermal Systems with low payback. 40% - Interested well read passive involvement Interested in sustainable energy development in the ASEAN region; exploring the business opportunities within the bio energy and waste to energy. Been actively participating @ EU youth conferences, EU youth forums and ASEAN 100 Leadership Forums. I am a person who has passion for application of technologies. I have read about clean technology and its bright future. However, I also see where it need improvement to get more involved in the global community. I would like to attend this summit to get a better idea of what the edge-cut technology is available and how it gets improved. 55% - Passionate would like to learn more I'm an Engineering student in NUS. However, I'm really interested in renewable energy field, especially wind and solar energy. Hope I can learn more about these two throughout the summit. I would like to know more about the energy and climate change. Also taking this opportunity to network with like minded youths. I am a final year student at SMU, majoring in OBHR and Psychology. I am interested in how businesses can build strong organizations that address the triple bottom-line of profits, people and planet.

Energy Carta: ROS Ref: 2081/2008 Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator, 8 Prince Georges Park, Singapore 118407

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 Event Report


Time 0900-0930 0930-0940 0940-1000 1000-1100 1100-1230 1230-1330 1330-1430 1430-1445 1445-1600 1600-1630 1630-1700

Program Registration Opening Speech Guest of Honour Panel #1: Inspire The Clean Tech Opportunity Lunch Panel #2: Innovate Small Ideas, Big Dreams Panel #3: Cultivate Grow Your Own Idea! Break Cleantech Open Judging Finals Break + Networking Prize Presentation + Closing

1 Hour each panel. 15 minutes presentation for each speaker. 15 minutes Q&A. Panel Discussion format with casual three sofa arrangement.

AV and Equipment Two LCD screens dropped from the ceiling, facing the stage. Projection behind to a large screen. Two microphones amongst three panelists. Pen and paper on the table as well as water bottles.

Energy Carta: ROS Ref: 2081/2008 Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator, 8 Prince Georges Park, Singapore 118407

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 Event Report

Speakers and Panels
Panel 1 - Inspire 1000 to 1100 hours The Inspire Panel: The Clean Tech Opportunity About 20% of Denmark's electricity is powered by wind farms. And since 2000, 730 buildings in the U.S. have been certified as green buildings, with nearly 5,800 more in the pipeline. Indeed, clean tech is neither just an "alternative", nor is it only for the altruists. It is an economic imperative. Driven by the six C's - costs, capital, competition, China, consumers, and climate, clean tech has been pushed to the forefront of technological innovation. Clean tech is a necessity for rapid growth and expansion for both developed and developing countries alike. Welcome to our future.
Chris Tobias Founder and Lead Strategist Forward Chris has a passion for innovation and leadership. Originally hailing from Chicago, he has been active since 2003 around issues of sustainable development. His specialty is transforming the challenges of our time through forward-focused strategies. Rather than seeing obstacles, he is a lateral thinker who focuses on opportunity. The future will be about creating thrivability rather than making existing systems less bad. Chris has consistently pushed this tangent by inspiring his clients, and also be influencing public opinion on and Chris areas of expertise include design, communications, business development, project management, and systems thinking. A confident public speaker, Chris has given talks on green buildings, permaculture, energy issues, and green tourism. He has also contributed to numerous publications and websites, and is a published author. His client work has involved numerous projects for SMEs, MNCs, NGOs, community groups, as well as government agencies. Benjamin K. Sovacool Associate Professor Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Dr. Sovacool has a PhD in Science and Technology Studies from Virginia Tech. He has worked as a researcher, professor, and consultant on issues pertaining to energy policy, the environment, and science and technology policy. He has served in advisory and research capacities at the U.S. National Science Foundations Electric Power Networks Efficiency and Security Program, Virginia Tech Consortium on Energy Restructuring, Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Semiconductor Materials and Equipment International, U.S. Department of Energys Climate Change Technology Program, and the International Institute for Applied Systems and Analysis in Austria. Dr Michael Quah Cheng-Guan Chief Scientist Energy Technology and Systems, Principal Fellow Energy Studies Institute Dr. Quah has a PhD (1980), MPhil and MSc, in chemical engineering from Yale University and a BA (magna cum laude) in chemistry and physics, from Harvard. He worked for the DuPont Company from 1979 to 1999, including stints with DuPont Japan and Singapore (1990-1993). At DuPont, Dr Quah held positions in R&D, product and business development, and management. His technical work revolved around membrane technologies for reverse osmosis, gas separations, and electrochemical processes, the last area stimulating his interest in alternative energy innovations. When Dr. Quah worked for DuPont in North Carolina (1993-1999), he also served as Adjunct Professor in Chemical Engineering, at North Carolina State University. After early retirement from DuPont, he held management positions in several small commercial companies and in non-profit organizations, including a stint with the US Army.

Energy Carta: ROS Ref: 2081/2008 Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator, 8 Prince Georges Park, Singapore 118407

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 Event Report

Speakers and Panels
Panel 2 Innovate 1230 to 1330 hours The Innovate Panel: Innovating Solutions & Systems Thinking It is no secret that creativity spurs tech growth - Innovation is central to success. From inception to development to implementation, gain insights into how current clean tech technologies are being developed and the tremendous potential in the clean tech market. Hear from industry experts on how things work in systems - how should clean tech entrepreneurs work their way around potential entry barriers like scale and cost? How can we bridge clean tech entrepreneurs and the industry? Let's be part of the innovative solutions in this global clean tech movement.

Dean Stanton Director, Head of Strategy BrandGreen Strategy Consultants Pte. Ltd. Dean has 17 years international experience in strategy, innovation and private equity. Over the past 6 years, he has been intimately involved in the successful creation and launch of a series of low carbon ventures. From February to August 2010 he led the detailed proposition development work for the new Singapore Carbon Label, the first of its kind in the region. He has collaborated with the UKs Carbon Trust since 2006, creating valuable new businesses in sectors as diverse as Green IT, Renewable Energy, Low Carbon Buildings, Sustainable Change and Carbon Footprinting, including the initial ideation work which led to the worlds first Carbon Label ( Formerly, Dean has worked at senior levels with The Boston Consulting Group, OC&C Strategy Consultants and Arthur Andersen. Per Dahlen Partner and Director, PWB One/Portelet Asia Per is primarily engaged in deal sourcing and investment management in Portelets sustainability and cleantech investment initiatives. He has over 15 years of experience in business development and man-agement across many industries including automotive, electronics, IT, software, internet, printing, imaging and logistics both as an executive and an entrepreneur. He is a regular speaker at high profile bio-energy events and chairs the Globalization Committee of the Sustainable En-ergy Association of Singapore (SEAS). He lived and worked in Sweden, Spain and Holland and is now residing in Singapore.

Darrell Zhang Founder, Optiras Pte. Ltd. Mr. Darrell Zhang graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor in Engineering (Honors) and a Minor in Technopre-neurship. Upon graduation, he co-founded a local Cleantech Startup - Soleil Water Pte Ltd which deals with Solar-Assisted Heat Pump Hot Water Systems. The industrial experiences gained during the tenure at Soleil Water has propelled him further and inspired him to start an-other Solar Thermal Cleantech Venture funded under the Technology Incubation Scheme (TiS) with Small World Group Incubator Optiras Pte. Ltd

Energy Carta: ROS Ref: 2081/2008 Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator, 8 Prince Georges Park, Singapore 118407

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 Event Report

Speakers and Panels
Panel 3 Cultivate 1330 to 1430 hours The Cultivate Panel: Investing for the Future Do you know that Tesla, a start-up selling luxury electric cars, is a venture-backed company? And did you know that the Singapore government pumped in S$700 million into the clean energy industry? Even more recently, U.S. venture capital investments in cleantech totalled more than $1.2 billion, and China is not missing out either. The clean tech sector has definitely captured the worlds imagination. Surely, with a multibillion-dollar, multiyear clean tech fund, we can cultivate a cool culture of creating clean tech.

William I.Y. Byun Managing Director Asia Renewables William is a co-founder of Asia Renewables as well as a principal of a US$100 mil. PE fund focused on industrial policy driven infrastructure. He has over 20 years experience in infrastructure and investments across Asia including over 10 in senior merchant banking roles, across sectors from upstream chemicals, electric power generation and carbon offsets. He has published and lectured in both industry and academic conferences, and has served as an advisor to various Governments in Asia. He has also been with the Ministry of Finance in Korea (as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar) and with US OPIC, and has degrees from the University of Chicago, University of Michigan and the University of London (LSE and SOAS).

Dinesh Babu CEO The Carbon Rating Agency (IDEAcarbon) Dinesh has over 16 years experience in the field of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change and has specialized in biomass-related technologies and applications. He has degrees in Mechanical Engineering and M.Tech in Energy Engineering. He was the Group Director of Asia Carbon Global, where he managed over 125 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects, the Asia Carbon Asset Development Facility and the global carbon trading activities of the Asia Carbon Exchange. He has also worked in the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency, an Indian Public Sector Energy Financing organization, besides running his own energy consultancy firm and biomass densification equipment manufacturing facility. He has served The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), a world-renowned non-profit, scientific and policy research organization, in the fields of Renewable Energy and Climate Change. Dinesh has participated in various international conferences, expos and has delivered presentations on carbon trading and finance. Kristav Childress Advisor - NUS Entrpreneurship Incubator Kristav is an executive advisor assisting early-stage startup companies across a range of technology fields. He has more than 25 years of ex-perience in marketing and sales for startups in advanced analytical in-strumentation, computer software and consulting services. Kris was the Technical Director for GEV Corp. in Chicago (USA). Kris is currently an advisor to various startups both in and out of the NUSs Entrepre-neurship Incubator.

Energy Carta: ROS Ref: 2081/2008 Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator, 8 Prince Georges Park, Singapore 118407

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 Event Report

Speakers and Panels
Closing Keynote 14:30 hours
Frank Levinson Managing Director Small World Group Frank is the founder and managing director of Small World Group, PTE LTD, with offices in Singapore and Syracuse, Indiana, USA. He was the founder, CTO and chairman of Finisar Corporation, a technology leader in fiber optic subsystems and network performance test systems. Frank lead the team to build Finisar from a startup to ~$350 mil-lion in annual sales by 2006. Franks interests range from astronomy and fiber optics innovations to global ecology and tropical rainforests. He founded Small World Group to help advance world awareness of a number of scientific issues and new technologies that may help improve our quality of life.

Energy Carta: ROS Ref: 2081/2008 Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator, 8 Prince Georges Park, Singapore 118407

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 Event Report

Shaw Foundation Alumni House, Auditorium (2nd Storey), National University of Singapore 11 Kent Ridge Drive Singapore (119244)

Energy Carta: ROS Ref: 2081/2008 Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator, 8 Prince Georges Park, Singapore 118407

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 Event Report

Cleantech Open Global Ideas Competition

The Cleantech Open Global Ideas Competition aims to inspire innovation and originality in students who are passionate about the clean tech industry, and to grant young innovators and future entrepreneurs a platform to exhibit their ideas. We received over 40 entries (about 120 participants) for the competition. As the Singapore host, Energy Carta invited entries from among students, academics, scientists, industry as well as entrepreneurs in Singapore. All participating teams or individuals were invited to attend the Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 (AYES2010) and to interact with various industry stakeholders and professionals. For the competition itself, 15 semi-finalists were selected, and invited to a day-long workshop-cumsemifinals, where they interacted with experts and learnt how to develop their ideas into businesses, and how to interest investors in their ideas. This was followed by a judging session, where 5 teams were selected to pitch their ideas on-stage, in front of a live audience and a judging panel at the Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 on 15th October 2010. The winner of the Singapore leg was flown to the USA for the annual Cleantech Open Awards Gala on November 17, 2010 in San Francisco, where they pitched their ideas to a live Global audience, and stood a chance to win up to 100,000 USD in support services.

Energy Carta: ROS Ref: 2081/2008 Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator, 8 Prince Georges Park, Singapore 118407

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 Event Report

Cleantech Open Global Ideas Competition

Competition Details
Event Prelims

Dates 1 5 Oct

Description Participants will be required to submit answers to 5 entry questions online, concisely presenting their clean tech ideas. Semi - finalists will attend a one-day workshop, where coaches will speak on a wide range of relevant topics and help them fine-tune their pitch. Finalists will be selected on the same day. Finalists will make a 5-minute pitch of their clean tech idea onstage in front of a live audience and a judging panel at Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010. The winner will be flown to San Francisco, USA for the Global competition.

Workshop + Semifinals

9th Oct


15th Oct

Workshop & Semifinals Programme Time 0830-0900 0900-1030 1030-1100 1100-1300 1300-1400 1400-1500 1500-1600 Program Registration & Introduction to Cleantech Open Session 1 - Transforming an Idea into a Business : Business Plans Tea Break Session 2 Transforming an Idea into an Investor-friendly proposition : Pitching Lunch Participants refine presentation & pitch Judging

Finals Programme Time 1445-1500 1500-1615 1615-1645 1645-1700 Program Introduction to Cleantech Open Judging Break + Networking + Deliberation for Judges Prize presentation

Energy Carta: ROS Ref: 2081/2008 Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator, 8 Prince Georges Park, Singapore 118407

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2010 Event Report

Sponsors AYES 2010 was made possible by

Energy Carta: ROS Ref: 2081/2008 Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator, 8 Prince Georges Park, Singapore 118407

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