Karl's News Prints: Summer Kickoff Program 2009

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Karl’s News Prints

Kid Safety to Pet Care Tips

Our mission is to educate

SUMMER KICKOFF PROGRAM 2009 children on safety topics; to

assist a child in having a good
quality of life; and to promote
family and community values
Palatka Library Summer Kickoff Program through various means including
Saturday, June 13, 2009 but not limited to the natural
Palatka, FL bond between a child and an
Refreshments: Candy, Ice cream, animal, primarily that of the dog.
Orange drink, Water
Entertainment: Volume 1, Issue 4
Games and Prizes
Katherine Archer, Songwriter & July 2009
Story Readings
Inside this issue:
Humane Society of 2
Northeast Florida, Inc

HS Dog Wash & Yard 3

The event, overseen by Darlene Walker, Sale

Youth Services Coordinator of the Pool Safety Checklist for 4

Palatka Public Library, had Kids
approximately 75 people participating in Swimming & Boating in 4
the activities. Karl's Kids was part of the Open Water
kickoff with Pool & Open Water Safety
Volunteer Highlight - 5
Tips, Fun-in-the Sun Safety, Deann Jennings
Hurricane Emergency Preparation for
Tom Sawyer is Coming 5
families and pets, and Basic Care,
to Putnam County, FL
Training, and Fun with the Family Pet
Did You Know? 5
Thunderstorm Facts

Questions & Answers 6

“No-Kill Shelter”
Clarification of the 6
Purpose of KsKs

Ask a Trainer — House 7


Ochwilla Fire & Life 8

Safety Classroom Series

Fun With Food 10

Karl’s Kids Program, Inc.

The CyberTipline was mandated by Congress as a means for reporting crimes against P.O Box 1119
children. Reports may be made 24-hours a day, 7 days a week online at Hawthorne, FL 32640
www.cybertipline.com or by calling 1-800-843-5678.
A 501 ( c)(3) Public Charity

If you know someone who would enjoy our newsletter, please forward to them.
Victoria Warfel,
To be added to the subscription listing and receive future e-newsletters, CLICK HERE Newsletter Editor
Page 2 Karl’s News Prints

Humane Society Of Northeast Florida, Inc.

Located in Hollister a short
distance from Palatka, FL


Email: shelterstaff@gbso.net

Adoption Center is open to the

public Tuesday thru Sunday, 8
a.m. - 5 p.m.

One of the stops for the Humane Society

Poker Run fundraiser Putt'in for Puppies
was at the shelter on Saturday. The ride
started in East Palatka at the Cheyenne with
stops in Hollister at the shelter, Salt Springs
at the Frontier, and Interlachen at the Snaque
Shaque. The ride ended in Palatka with a
cook-out at the Hi-Level.

Also on Saturday, June 6, the S.H.A.D.O.

Riders (equestrian) held a fundraiser benefit
ride and cook-out where they raised over
$1,000. for the Humane Society. (No pictures

Adoption Fees: Dogs & Puppies $65/$75 -- Cats

& Kittens $50

Adoption fee includes: spay/neuter, shots,

rabies, heartwork, feline leukemia/aids tests,
and microchip.


HSNEFL Website

Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 3


The Humane Society of Northeast Florida held a dog wash
and yard sale at their Hollister, FL shelter on Saturday,
June 20. Karl's Kids had an information table at the event
highlighting our pet topic projects. The LifeSouth
Bloodmobile was also on hand.

Deann Jennings,

KsKs Board of
Directors and
Community Activity

KsKs Jr. Volunteer

Mitchell Adams

Karl’s Kids Information Table

Bobby (HS Director) in line for lunch while Heidi (HS Shelter
Employee) grills hamburgers and hot dogs for the fundraiser
LifeSouth Bloodmobile
Page 4 Karl’s News Prints


Only go into a pool when an adult is watching you.

Learn how to tread water, float, and get out of the pool.

Learn how to swim.

Stay away from pool drains.

Never run around the pool.

Never push others around the pool or into the water.

Never dive in water less than nine feet deep.

Use sunscreen to protect your skin.


Obey the same rules as swimming in a pool plus ….

Always wear a life jacket (also called personal flotation device or PFD) approved by
the U.S. Coast Guard when you’re on a boat, in or near an open body of water or
when participating in water sports. The life jacket should fit snugly and not allow
your chin or ears to slip through the neck opening.

Swimming in the ocean — Learn how to tread water, float and swim out of a cross-
current (“riptide”).

Never drive a personal watercraft (such as jet skis).

Only swim in areas designated for swimming.

Don’t dive into a lake or river unless an adult has checked to make sure the water is
deep enough to dive safely. Also, they must look for objects such as rocks that might
be hidden under the surface of the water.
Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 5

Volunteer highlight
Deann graduated from Santa Fe Business Administration with a
College with an A.A. in Business Concentration in Management
Administration. While at Santa Fe Applications and a Certificate in
she belonged to the Student International Business.
Leadership Activities group working
with community service projects Deann has served on the KsKs
which included local schools. Board of Directors since 2005.
Besides serving on the Board she
She is currently attending Flagler assists with general office duties,
College where she is starting her working at community activity
final year on a B.A. in Business booths, and acting as a
Administration with a Minor in photographer for the KsKs website
Advertising. and newsletter.

Upon graduating from Flagler, Deann

plans on earning a Masters in Deann M. Jennings
Karl’s Kids Board of Directors


The KsKs Rayne's Reading Room One Book One Putnam has Activities are now being planned
Project is gearing up to begin our received a Big Read grant from for October and November.
next activity with the literary the National Endowment for the
To learn more about the Big
group One Book One Putnam. Arts to help with this large
Read go to http://
The classic chosen this time is undertaking and once again we
Mark Twain's Tom are very proud to be invited to
Sawyer. Previously KsKs was a participate with this worthwhile
community partner for the and fun project. We’re on the web!
books The Call of the Wild and www.karlskidsprogram.com
The Barefoot Mailman.


Interesting Facts on cause significant bodily injuries such signs, and remove roofs from
Thunderstorms as broken bones and even blindness structures.
if wind blown. • Downbursts can cause damage
• Severe thunderstorms produce • Severe thunderstorms produce similar to that of a strong tornado,
hail the size of a penny (3/4 inches) straight wind called downbursts of and cause loss of life or significant
or larger. 58 mph or greater. Downbursts have bodily injury from wind blown debris
• Penny-sized hail or larger can been measured in excess of 100 and toppled structures.
cause significant damage to the mph.
exterior surface of your vehicle, • Downbursts can cause significant From the Florida Division of
break windows and damage roofs of damage even to well-constructed Emergency Management
homes and businesses. homes, topple or snap large trees, FloridaDisaster.org
• Penny-sized hail or larger can blow down road and commercial
Page 6 Karl’s News Prints


Q. What does a "No-Kill Shelter" limiting the numbers and types of times with donations dwindling and
mean? animals that can be taken in often more owners turning their pets into
then leads to misunderstandings shelters this problem becomes more
A. When a shelter is designated no- and hard feelings within a noticeable. No-kill Shelters are being
kill it means the shelter, while it will community. forced to more severely limit the
euthanize for reasons such as number of incoming pets, many are
aggression issues or medical need, During these current economic turning away from their no-kill
will not put down an adoptable pet policy, and more are finding
due to lack of space, Many times themselves with no choice but to
in the community, individuals do make the decision to shut down.
not understand that because of
this policy, often times a shelter Have a question about KsKs itself
needs to limiter the number of or concerning a topic that we are
animals it can take in. A shelter involved in?
can not effectively take in more Please send your question to:
animals than it has space and Karl's Kids Program, Inc.
available funds for care. This P.O. Box 1119

Clarification of the purpose of Karl’s kids program

A series of articles to explain the 14 venues in the community in which Missing and Exploited Children, and
parts of the Program Purpose we give talks, workshops, and other agencies and organizations.
presentations on various topics such From time to time we also pass on
Part #4. To promote through
as safety issues for children. At our timely information received from the
education of the community by
booths, we disburse handouts for CDC (Centers for Disease Control
various methods including but not
parents and other members of the and Prevention) and the USFA (The
limited to workshops, websites,
community to look further into these U.S. Fire Administration). KsKs
forums, and newsletters, ways in
issues. Some of our material is put volunteers are also encouraged to
which the community can assist in
together by the KsKs staff while we work in partnerships with other
the care of a child's basic needs.
also use materials given to us by organizations to assist them on
Karl's Kids has activities in various FEMA, the National Center for community projects.

Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 7


I just adopted a nervous about the crate at first, In addition, you can “umbilical cord”
dog, she isn’t make it fun! Do not close the door your dog. To do this, leash her while
potty trained and on her. Instead, have some toys in the house, and attach the leash to
keeps having inside, with a small blanket or t-shirt your belt. Your dog will be within six
accidents in the that you have slept with. Explore it feet of you at all times. If she starts
house. Help! with her, praise her when she goes to circle, or sniff the ground, hurry
into the crate. To help her explore, outside!
feed her inside, either from the bowl
When bringing a new dog into your TAKE your dog outside, don’t just let
or scatter her meal inside, or toss
house, whether puppy or adult, if your dog out on her own. If you just
some yummy treats inside. She will
the dog is not house-trained, you let your dog out, it doesn’t
look forward to entering her crate,
will have some work ahead of you. accomplish much. However, if you
If you start out correctly, this go outside with your dog, observe
By TAKING your dog outside to
process is quick and easy, and you her potty routine, and praise her
potty, you can learn her signals when she is done, you could put
will soon have a dry house.
and monitor her habits. that on cue in the future and have
To begin with, you must keep your her potty on command! Don’t rush
dog in sight. Do not give her the run inside afterwards, but play a bit, so
of the house. Instead, keep her If you reward her with play after your dog understands that play
confined to one room, with you in it. she potties, she will learn to comes after potty.
You will gradually be able to let her
potty quickly for the good things If she does have an accident inside,
in additional rooms, slowly, as she
proves trustworthy. to come! clean it up with an enzyme cleaner
found at pet supply stores; regular
If you cannot directly supervise your soap and water will not remove the
what yummy treat or fun toy awaits
dog, crate her. A crate can be a smell and your dog will be drawn to
her this time! Once she will enter
“secret hideaway” for your dog, that spot to do her business. Do
the crate on her own, and is
where she can escape to. If she is NOT rub her nose in it, that will just
comfortable in it, you can close the
door. You will want to vary the time make her hide from you when she
the door is closed, maybe a quick goes potty.
one second, or a longer 6 seconds.
If she whines to get out, do NOT let
her out! You do not want her to Victoria is the owner of
learn that whining, or barking, DarkSaber Dog
scratching, or other undesirable Training & Behavior
behavior, leads to her release. Modification, APDT &
Instead, when she is happy and CGC Evaluator
relaxed, you can let her out. Do not
make a big production out of having
Do you have a question about dogs
her come out of the crate, you want
you would like answered next
to keep it low-key. You will also
month? Email Victoria!
want to have her in the crate
whenever you are in the house, not
Wear your support!
just when you leave.
Karl’s Kids items available online,
click on the photo to purchase!
Page 8 Karl’s News Prints


The 2008-2009 Ochwilla Safety 4 Kids Pre-K Classroom Series ended

along with the school year. Karl's Safety 4 Kids Project is for children
from three to twelve years of age. Classes can range from one time to one
or two sessions a month throughout the school year. At Ochwilla
Elementary this past year some of the topics covered with Tandra Eames'
Pre-K class were: Firefighters Are Our Friends; Bad Air - Good Air; Stay
Low and Go, Go, Go; 2 Ways Out; Get Out - Stay Out; Smoke Alarms; 9-1
-1 Calls; Swimming Safety Rules; Meet A Dog Safely; and Bad Touch from
Others and Stranger Danger. Topics in this series also include Health
Safety such as the need for washing hands and brushing teeth properly for
the youngest children and Internet Safety for the older students.
Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 9


Pictures showing some of

the students and their fami-
lies were taken during the
Pre-K Graduation Party.
Page 10 Karl’s News Prints


How to get an avocado pit to

Wash off the seed and dry it with

Avocado Salsa a paper towel. Stick toothpicks
2 Haas avocados, chopped into three sides of the pit. Place
the fat, round end of the seed
1 small onion, chopped
into a container of water. The
1 tomato, chopped
bottom third of the pit should be
5 stems cilantro, chopped in the water. Set the container in
Juice of 1 lime a warm area, but not in direct
1 teaspoon salt sunlight. Check every few days to
see if you need to add or change
water. When you start to see
Mix together all ingredients in a large bowl. Serve roots and the sprout is sever
with tostado chips, fajitas, etc. inches tall, it
can be
Kids, make sure you have an adult chop up the transplanted to
ingredients. a pot.


Thank you!
Dennis & Kristina Adams Lance & Theresa Jennings Richard & Victoria Warfel

If you’d like to advertise here and become one of our

sponsors, please contact us today!


THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING Karl’s Kids Program, Inc. cannot guarantee any services or prod-
ucts of businesses listed. We will, to the best of our ability, only
APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. list those who are keeping with the values of our organization.

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