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Parts of the Story

Plot. Basic form of the story. includes rnajor incidents and encounters. Decided by the G -" 1. Subplots can be partially or totally the work cr players. O. Conflict and Strate y. !ow do the P"s o about sol#in their problems$ O. Character. %he GwI pro#ides lots of characteri&ation' players still pro#ide the bulk of all characteri&ations. O. Dialogue. (ointly the job of players and G)' thou h mostly the players* job. O. Setting & Thenle. %he G-"l*s job. %hose who ar ue a ainst storytellin within rp s seem to say the G)*s only jobs are settin and character +and maybe dialo ue, and plot isn*t important' ---uch like slice of life writers ar ue with more traditional writers o#er the proper structure of Sh.-- stories. /ith this 0 hope to lnake the job of writtin a plotted ame that allows for free actions by player characters not only possible1 but simple.

The Basic Plots

2ach short plot description starts with the title of the plot pattern. 3fter a hyphen the main characters to be found in the plot are i#en' separated by commas. O. Supplication - Persecutor' Suppliant' a Power in 3uthority O. Deli#erance - 4nfortunates' %hreatener' 5escuer O. 5e#en e - 3#en er' "riminal O. 6en eance by 7amily upon 7amily - 3#en in 8insman' Guilty 8insman' 5elati#e O. Pursuit - 7u iti#e from Punishment' Pursuer O. 6ictim of "ruelty or )isfortune - 4nfortunates' 19:aster or 4nlucky Person O. Disaster - 6an;uished Power' 6ictorious Power or )essen er O. 5e#olt - %yrant' "onspirator+s, O. Darin 2nterprise - Bold <eader' Goal' 3d#ersary O. 3bduction - 3bductor' 3bducted' Guardian O. 2ni rna - 0nterro ator' Seeker' Problem O. Obtainin - %wo or more Opposin Parties' Object' maybe an 13rbitrator O. 7amilial !atred - %wo 7amily )embers who hate each other O. 7amilial 5i#alry - Preferred 8inslllan' 5ejected 8insman' Object

O. )urderous 3dultery - %wo 3dulterers' the Betrayed O. )adness - )adman' 6ictim O. 7atal 0mprudence - 0mprudent person. 6ictim or lost object O. 0n#oluntary "rimes of <o#e - <o#er' Belo#ed' 5e#ealer O. 8insman 8ills 4nreco nised 8insman - 8iller' 4nreco nised 6ictim' 5e#ealer O. Self Sacrifice for an 0deal - !ero' 0deal' Person or %hin Sacrificed O. Self Sacrifice for 8indred - !ero' 8insman' Person or %hin Sacrificed O. 3ll Sacrificed for Passion - <o#er' Object of Passion' Person or %hin Sacrificed O. Sacrifice of <o#ed Ones - !ero' Belo#ed 6ictim' =eed for Sacrifice O. 5i#alry Between Superior and 0nferior - Superior' 0nferior' Object O. 3dultery - Decei#ed Spouse' %wo 3dulterers O. "rinles of <o#e - <o#er. Belo#ed' theme of Dissolution O. Disco#ery of Dishonor of a <o#ed One - Disco#erer' Guilty One O. Obstacles to <o#e - %wo <o#ers' Obstacle O. 3n 2nemy <o#ed - Belo#ed 2nemy' <o#er' !ater O. 3mbition - 3n 3mbitious Person' "o#eted %hin ' 3d#ersary O. "onflict with a God - )ortal' 0mmortal O. )istaken (ealousy - (ealous One' Object of (ealousy' Supposed 3ccomplice' 3uthor of )istake O. 7aulty (ud ment - =listaken One' 6ictim of )istake' 3uthor of )istake'
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O. 5emorse - "ulprit' 6ictim' 0nterro ator O. 5eco#ery of a <ost One - Seeker' One 7ound <oss of <o#ed Ones - 8insman Slain' 8insman ?6itness' 2@ecutioner

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