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Constitutional Law 1 - Course Syllabus

1st Semester, School Year 2008-2009



- Peo&le '( Per$ecto, )* Phil( 88+

- ,acariola '( !suncion, 11) SC-! ++

./ P.ILIPPI0/ CO0S I 1 IO0

0ature o$ the Constitution



3ualities an% essential &arts o$ a 4oo% written Constitution

-ati$ication 5 Political 's( 6usticiable 3uestion

- 6a'ellana '( /7ecuti'e Secretary, 80 SC-! **

Constitutional Construction

- Per$ecto '( ,eer, 88 Phil( 882

- /n%encia '( #a'i%, 9* Phil( 999

- 0ita$an '( Commisioner o$ Internal -e'enue, 182 SC-! 28)

Sel$-e7ecutin4 &ro'isions

- ,anila Prince .otel '( :SIS, :- 122189, ;eb( *, 199+

Constitutional .istory

Pre-19*8 Constitution

Schurman Commission2 a$t Commission2 S&ooner !men%ment2 Phili&&ine <ill o$ 1902

6ones Law o$ 19192 y%in4s-,c#u$$ie !ct o$ 19*)

19*8 Constitution

#eclaration o$ ,artial Law

- !=uino '( /nrile, 89 SC-! 18*

19+* Constitution

- 6a'ellana '( /7ecuti'e Secretary, 80 SC-! **

1989 Sna& Presi%ential /lection

- Phili&&ine <ar !ssociation( '( Comelec, 1)0 SC-! )88

Peo&le Power -e'olt

Proclamation 0o( 1, ;eb( 28, 1989

Proc( 0o( *, ,ar( 28, 1989

- Lawyers Lea4ue '( !=uino, :- +*+)8, ,ay 22, 1989

- In re> <ermu%e?, 1)8 SC-! 190

;ree%om Constitution

198+ Constitution

- In re> Letter o$ -eynato Puno, 6une 29, 1992, 210 SC-!

/$$ecti'ity o$ the 198+ Constitution

- #e Leon '( /s4uerra, 18* SC-! 902

!men%ment Process

!men%ment 's( -e'ision


1( Pro&osal

a( <y Con4ress

b( <y a Constitutional Con'ention

heories on Position o$ Constitutional Con'ention

c( <y the Peo&le thru Initiati'e

-! 9+*8

- #e$ensor-Santia4o '( Comelec, :- 12+*28, ,arch 19, 199+

2( -ati$ication

#octrine o$ Pro&er Submission

olentino '( Comelec, )1 SC-! +02

6u%icial -e'iew o$ !men%ments

- 6a'ellana '( /7ecuti'e Secretary, 80 SC-! *0

- Sani%a% '( Comelec, +* SC-! ***

Power o$ 6u%icial -e'iew

- ,arbury '( ,a%ison, 8 1S 1*+, 2 L(/%( 90

- #e$ensor-Santia4o '( :uin4ona, :- 1*)8++, 0o'( 18, 1998

- ;rancisco '( .ouse o$ -e&resentati'es, :- 190291, 0o'( 10, 200*

6u%icial Su&remacy 's( Constitutional Su&remacy

Political 's( 6usticiable 3uestion

- <a@er '( Carr, *99 1S 189

- 0i7on '( 1S, 809 1S 22)

- :ol%water '( Carter, ))) 1S 999, 92 L(/%(2% )28

- Sani%a% '( Comelec, +* SC-! ***

- /stra%a '( !rroyo, :(-( 0o( 1)9+*8, ,arch 2, 2001

- <rillantes '( Conce&cion, :- 19*19*, 6une 18, 200)

Presum&tion o$ Constitutionality

- Lim '( Pac=uin4, :- 1180)), 6an( 2+, 1998

-e=uisites o$ 6u%icial -e'iew>

1( !ctual Case or Contro'ersy

- <oar% o$ O&tometry '( Colet, :- 1222)1, 6uly *0, 1999

- ,ariano '( Comelec, 2)2 SC-! 211

- ;ernan%e? '( orres, 218 SC-! )89

- La <u4al-<Alaan ribal !ssn( '( #/0- Secretary, :- 12+882, 6an( 2+, 200)


- City o$ Los !n4eles '( Lyons, )91 1S 98, +8 L(/%(2% 9+8


- #a'i% '( ,aca&a4al-!rroyo BPP101+C, :- 1+1*99, ,ay *, 2009

- La <u4al-<Alaan ribal !ssn( '( #/0- Secretary, :- 12+882, #ec( 1, 200)

- #e;unis '( O%e4aar%, )19 1S *12, )0 L(/%(2% 19)

2( Pro&er Party

Con'entional Stan%in4

- "arth '( Sel%in, )22 1S )90, )8 L(/%(2%( *)*

-e&resentati'e Stan%in4

6us ertii stan%in4

- Crai4 '( <oren, )29 1S 190, 80 L(/%(2%( *9+

ranscen%ental im&ortance to the &ublic

ata% '( :arcia, 2)* SC-! )*9

- Dilosbayan '( :uin4ona, 2*2 SC-! 110

- Dilosbayan '( ,orato, 2)9 SC-! 8)0

- Dilosbayan '( ,orato B-econ(C, :- 118910, 0o'( 19, 1998

Stan%in4 o$ members o$ Con4ress

- Philconsa '( /nri=ue?, 2*8 SC-! 809

- <a4atsin4 '( Committee on Pri'ati?ation, :- 112*99, 6uly 1), 1998

Stan%in4 o$ Inte4rate% <ar o$ the Phili&&ines

- I<P '( Eamora, :(-( 0o( 1)128), !u4ust 18, 2000

Stan%in4 o$ the :o'ernment to =uestion its own laws

- Peo&le '( Fera, 98 Phil( 89

a7&ayerAs Suits

- <ayan '( Eamora, :(-( 0o( 1*88+0, October 10, 2000

- :on?ales '( 0ar'asa, :(-( 0o( 1)08*8, !u4ust 1), 2000

*( 3uestion must be raise% at the earliest &ossible o&&ortunity

)( Constitutional =uestion must the 'ery Glis motaG o$ the case

#octrine o$ Pur&ose$ul .esitation

- #rilon '( Lim, :- 112)9+, !u4( ), 199)

;unctions o$ 6u%icial -e'iew

/$$ects o$ #eclaration o$ 1nconstitutionality

#octrine o$ O&erati'e ;act

- -e&ublic '( C!, :- +9+*2, 0o'( 8, 199*

CO0C/P O; S ! /

1( Peo&le


#istin4uishe% $rom nationality

,o%es o$ !c=uirin4 citi?enshi&

Citi?ens o$ the Phili&&ines

- ,oy Ya Lim Yao '( Commissioner o$ Immi4ration, )1 SC-! 292

- #Humantan '( #omin4o, 6an( *0, 1998

/lection o$ Phili&&ine citi?enshi&

- In re> Ficente Chin4, <ar ,atter 0o( 91), October 1, 1999

#octrine o$ im&lie% election

- Co '( .-/ , :(-( 0o( 92191-92, 6uly *0, 1991

0atural-born citi?ens

- <en4son '( .-/ , :(-( 0o( 1)28)0, ,ay +, 2001

ecson '( Comelec, :(-( 0o( 191)*), ,arch *, 200)

#ual citi?enshi& I %ual alle4iance

- ,erca%o '( ,an?ano, :- 1*808*, ,ay 29, 1999

-es Hu%icata in citi?enshi& cases

#octrine o$ In%elible !lle4iance


- -e&ublic '( #e la -osa, 2*2 SC-! +88

Loss o$ citi?enshi&

- <y naturali?ation in a $orei4n country

- ;ri'al%o '( Comelec, 1+) SC-! 2)8

- Labo '( Comelec, 1+9 SC-! 1

- <y e7&ress renunciation or e7&atriation

- Yu '( #e$ensor-Santia4o, 199 SC-! *9)

-eac=uisition o$ citi?enshi&, -! 81+1

-etroacti'ity o$ -e&atriation

- ;ri'al%o '( Comelec, 28+ SC-! +2+, 6une 28, 1999


- !@bayan Youth '( Comelec, :(-( 0o( 1)+099, ,arch 29, 2001

- ,a@alintal '( Comelec, :- 18+01*, 6uly 10, 200*



Phili&&ine !rchi&ela4o2 !rchi&ela4o #octrine2 10 Con'ention on the Law o$ the Sea

*( :o'ernment


Constituent 's( ,inistrant

Laisse?-$aire 's( "el$are State

#octrine o$ Parens Patriae

- :o'Jt( o$ Phil( Islan%s '( ,onte %e Pie%a%, *8 Phil( +28

- Cabanas '( Pila&il, 88 SC-! 9)


- #e 6ure

- #e ;acto

- Lawyers Lea4ue '( !=uino, :- +*+)8, ,ay 22, 1989

)( So'erei4nty

/$$ects o$ Chan4e in so'erei4nty

- Peo&le '( Per$ecto, )* Phil( 88+

- ,acariola '( !suncion, 11) SC-! ++

/$$ects o$ <elli4erent Occu&ation

#octrine o$ 6us Postliminium

#ominium 's( Im&erium

#ero4ation o$ Phili&&ine So'erei4nty2 he Fisitin4 ;orces !4reement

- <ayan '( Eamora, :(-( 0o( 1*88+0, October 10, 2000

#octrine o$ State Immunity


- 1(S(!( 's( -eyes, ,arch 1, 199*

Immunity o$ ;orei4n States I #i&lomats

Princi&le o$ &ar in &arem non habet im&erium

Process o$ Su44estion

he .oly See '( - C, :- 1019)9, #ec( 1, 199)

#etermination o$ Immunity by the #e&artment o$ ;orei4n !$$airs

- Lian4 '( Peo&le, :(-( 0o( 128898, 6anuary 28, 2000

Immunity o$ International Or4ani?ations an% !4encies

- S/!;#/C '( 0L-C, 2)1 SC-! 880

- Calla%o '( I--I, 2)) SC-! 210

- #;! '( 0L-C, Se&t( 18, 1999

Immunity o$ :o'ernment !4encies


,unici&al Cor&orations

- ,unici&ality o$ San ;ernan%o '( 6u%4e ;irme, 198 SC-! 992


I$ &rinci&al $unction is 4o'ernmental

- ;arolan '( C ! 21+ SC-! 298

I$ &ro&rietary suable

Suits a4ainst Public O$$icers

- City o$ !n4eles '( C!, !u4( 28,1999

- Feterans ,an&ower '( C!, 21) SC-! 289

- "ylie '( -aran4, 209 SC-! *8+

Consent to be sue%

/7&ress Consent

- -e&ublic '( ;eliciano, 1)8 SC-! )2)

:eneral Law

- C! *2+2 P# 1))82 !rt( 21802 !ct 0o( *0*8

S&ecial Law

- ,eritt '( :o'Jt( o$ the Phil( Islan%s, *) Phil( *11

Im&lie% Consent

"hen State commences liti4ation

- ;roilan '( Pan Oriental Shi&&in4, Se&t( *0, 198)

"hen State enters into a business contract

- 1S! '( -ui?, 1*9 SC-! )8+

Suability not outri4ht liability

- ,eritt '( :o'Jt( o$ the Phil( Islan%s, *) Phil( *11

- ;ontanilla '( ,aliaman, 19) SC-! )89

Consent to be sue% %oes not inclu%e consent to e7ecution

- -e&ublic '( Fillasor, 8) SC-! 8)

- ,unici&ality o$ San ,i4uel '( ;ernan%e?, 1*0 SC-! 89

- ,unici&ality o$ ,a@ati '( C!, 190 SC-! 209

Immunity cannot be use% to &er&etrate an inHustice on a citi?en

- ,inisterio '( C;I o$ Cebu, )0 SC-! )9)





1( 0emo est su&ra le4es

- Filla'icencio '( Lu@ban, *9 Phil( ++8

2( -ule o$ maHority

*( !ccountability o$ Public O$$icials

)( <ill o$ -i4hts

8( Le4islature cannot &ass irre&ealable laws

9( Se&aration o$ Powers

Princi&le o$ <len%in4 o$ Powers

Princi&le o$ Chec@s an% <alances

he Steel Sei?ure case, *)* 1S 8+9, 99 L(/%( 118*

- <owsher '( Synar, )+8 1S +1)

- Senate '( /rmita B/(O()9)C, :(-( 0o( 199+++

+( 0on-%ele4ation o$ &owers

- Phil( Interislan% Shi&&in4 !ssJn( '( C!, :- 100)81, 6an( 22, 199+

Potestas %ele4ata non %ele4are &otest

Permissible #ele4ation


ari$$ Powers to the Presi%ent

b( /mer4ency Powers to the Presi%ent

- ;irst /mer4ency Powers cases, 8) Phil( *98

- Secon% /mer4ency Powers cases, 92 Phil( 90*

c( #ele4ation to the Peo&le

%( #ele4ation to Local :o'ernment 1nits

e( #ele4ation to the !%ministrati'e <o%ies

Power o$ Subor%inate Le4islation

- ,iners !ssociation '( ;actoran, :- 98**2, 6an(

19, 1998

Princi&le o$ Sub%ele4ation o$ Powers

#octrine o$ 3uali$ie% Political !4ency

ests $or 'ali% %ele4ation

a( Com&leteness est

b( Su$$icient Stan%ar% est

- Ynot '( I!C, 1)8 SC-! 989

- #e la Llana '( !lba, 112 SC-! 29)

Le4islati'e stan%ar% nee% not be e7&resse%

- .irabashi '( 1nite% States, *20 1S 99

- Chion4bian '( Orbos, 2)8 SC-! 28*

8( State Immunity Bsu&raC

9( /lection throu4h &o&ular will

!ct o$ State

Incor&oration Clause

Con$lict between munici&al law an% international law

- Ichon4 '( .ernan%e?, 101 Phil( 118

Ci'ilian Su&remacy

- I<P '( Eamora, :(-( 0o( 1)128), !u4ust 18, 2000

:o'ernment to ser'e an% &rotect the &eo&le

Peo&le to %e$en% the State

Se&aration o$ Church an% State

In%e&en%ent ;orei4n Policy

0uclear ;ree Phili&&ines

6ust an% %ynamic social or%er

Social 6ustice

- Calalan4 '( "illiams, +0 Phil( +29

-es&ect $or human %i4nity an% human ri4hts

;un%amental /=uality o$ men an% women

Promotion o$ health an% ecolo4y

- O&osa '( ;actoran, :- 101018*, 6uly *0, 199*

Priority to e%ucation, science an% technolo4y

Protection to labor

Lan% -e$orm

- !ssJn( o$ Small Lan% Owners '( Sec( o$ !4rarian -e$orm, 1+8 SC-! *)*

-e4alian #octrine

- -e&ublic '( C!, CCP Inter'enor, :- 10*882, 0o'( 28, 1998

- Cru? '( #/0- Secretary, :(-( 0o( 1*8*88, #ecember 9, 2000

- La <u4al-<Alaan ribal !ssn( '( #/0- Secretary, :- 12+882, 6an( 2+, 200)

Inalienable Lan%s o$ the Public #omain

- Cha'e? '( P/! I !,!-I, :- 1**280, 0o'( 11, 200*

In%e&en%ent Peo&leJs or4ani?ations

;amily an% Youth

- ,eyer '( 0ebras@a, 29* 1S *9*

- Pierce '( Society o$ Sisters, 298 1S 810

- "isconsin '( Yo%er, )0 L" ))+9

- Cabanas '( Pila&il, 88 SC-! 9)

Sel$-reliant an% in%e&en%ent national economy

aKa%a '( !n4ara B:!

caseC, :- 118298, ,ay 2, 199+

Communication an% in$ormation in nation-buil%in4

!utonomy o$ Local :o'ernments

#ecentrali?ation o$ !%ministration 's( %ecentrali?ation o$ Power

- Limbonas '( ,an4elin, 1+0 SC-! +89

- <asco '( P!:CO-, 19+ SC-! 82

!utonomous -e4ion

- #isoman4co& '( #P". Secretary, :- 1)98)8, 0o'ember 28, 200)

In%i4enous Cultural Communities

- Cru? '( #/0- Secretary, :(-( 0o( 1*8*88, #ecember 9, 2000

.onest &ublic ser'ice an% $ull &ublic %isclosure

L/:ISL! IF/ #/P!- ,/0

Le4islati'e &ower

Initiati'e, re$eren%um an% -ecall

- #e$ensor-Santia4o '( Comelec, :- 12+*28, ,arch 19, 199+

In%irect Initiati'e

- S<,! '( Comelec, Se&t( 29, 1999


- :arcia '( Comelec, Oct( 8, 199*

Loss o$ con$i%ence, a &olitical =uestion

- /'ar%one '( Comelec, 20) SC-! )9), )+2

<icameralism 's( 1nicameralism

Senate BCom&osition2 3uali$ications2 erm o$ o$$iceC

.ouse o$ -e&resentati'es

Com&osition B#istrict -e&resentati'es2 Party-list -e&resentati'esC

Party-list -e&resentati'es

- Feterans ;e%eration Party '( Comelec, :(-( 0o( 1*9+81, October 9, 2000

- !n4 <a4on4 <ayani-O;" Labor Party '( Comelec, :(-( 0o( 1)+889, 6une 29, 2001

!&&ortionment o$ Le4islati'e #istricts

- <a@er '( Carr, *99 1S 189

- ,ariano '( Comelec, 2)2 SC-! 211

- ,onteHo '( Comelec, :- 118+02, ,ar( 19, 1998


#octrine o$ /=ual -e&resentation


- ,arcos '( Comelec, 2)8 SC-! *00

- !=uino '( Comelec, Se&t( 18, 1998

heory o$ le4al im&ossibility


- <en4son '( .-/ , :(-( 0o( 1)28)0, ,ay +, 2001

erm o$ o$$ice


;ree%om $rom !rrest

Parliamentary Immunity

- /astlan% '( 1S Ser'icemenJs ;un%, )21 1S )91

- .utchinson '( Pro7mire, ))* 1S 111

- 6imene? '( Caban4ban4, 1+ SC-! +1)

#is=uali$ications an% Inhibitions

/$$ect o$ Im&risonment

- Peo&le '( 6alosHos, :(-( 0os( 1*28+8-+9, ;ebruary *, 2000

Sessions2 !%Hournment2 O$$icers

- Santia4o '( :uin4ona, :(-( 0o( 1)+889, 6une 29, 2001


- !'elino '( Cuenco, 8* Phil( 1+

-ules o$ Procee%in4s

- !rroyo '( #e Fenecia BSin-ta7es caseC, :- 12+288, !u4( 1), 199+

#isci&line o$ members

Sus&ension 's( Pre'enti'e Sus&ension

- Santia4o '( San%i4anbayan, :(-( 0o( 128088( !&ril 18, 2001

/nrolle% <ill heory

- ,abana4 '( Lo&e? Fito, +8 Phil( 1

- Casco Chemical '( :imene?, + SC-! *)+

Le4islati'e 6ournal 's( /nrolle% <ill

/lectoral ribunals


- <on%oc '( Pine%a, 201 SC-! +92

- !bbas '( Senate /lectoral ribunal, 199 SC-! 981


- !=uino '( Comelec, Se&t( 18, 1998

- Sam&ayan '( #a?a, 21* SC-! 80+

6uris%iction o'er Proclamation Contro'ersy

- Caruncho '( Comelec, :(-( 0o( 1*8999, Se&tember *0, 1999

Commission on !&&ointments


- :uin4ona '( :on?ales, 21) SC-! +89


- Sarmiento '( ,ison, 189 SC-! 8)9

Powers o$ Con4ress

:eneral Le4islati'e Power


Substanti'e Limitations

Proce%ural Limitations

One <ill, one subHect

- :u?man '( Comelec, :(-( 0o( 129118, 6uly 19, 2000

Su$$iciency o$ itle

- Phil( 6u%4es !ssociation '( Pra%o, :- 108*+1, 0o'( 11, 199*

- Chon4bian '( Orbos, 2)8 SC-! 28*

<ills that must ori4inate e7clusi'ely $rom the .ouse

28, 199)

olentino '( Secretary o$ ;inance, :- 118)88, !u4(

- #ecision on ,otion $or -econsi%eration, Oct( *0, 1998

hree rea%in4s on se&arate %ays

<icameral Con$erence Committee

Le4islati'e Process

!&&ro'al o$ <ills

Presi%ential 'eto

Poc@et 'eto

Item 'eto

- <en4?on '( #rilon, 208 SC-! 1**

Le4islati'e 'eto2 One-.ouse Feto

- Immi4ration Ser'ice '( Cha%ha, )92 1S 919, ++ L(/%(2% *1+

- Phil( Constitution !ssociation '( /nri=ue?, 2*8 SC-! 809

Power o$ the Purse

Im&lie% limitations on a&&ro&riation measure

- :uin4ona '( Cara4ue, 199 SC-! 221

Constitutional limitations an% rules


Sub rosa a&&ro&riation

Prohibition a4ainst trans$er o$ a&&ro&riation

- Phil( Constitution !ssociation '( /nri=ue?, 2*8 SC-! 809

Power o$ a7ation

- ,cCulloch '( ,arylan%, 1+ 1S B) "heat, *19C

Power o$ Le4islati'e In'esti4ation

- Senate '( /rmita B/(O()9)C, :(-( 0o( 199+++

- <en4?on '( Senate <lue -ibbon Committee, 20* SC-! +9+

Power to Punish contem&t

- !rnault '( 0a?areno, 8+ Phil( 29

- !rnault '( <ala4tas, 9+ Phil( *88

Power to %eclare e7istence o$ state o$ war

he Pri?e cases, 9+ 1S 9*8, 1+ L(/%( )89

- ,ora '( ,c0amara, *89 1S 9*), 19 L(/%(2% 28+

/L/C1 IF/ #/P!- ,/0

Presi%ent an% Fice-Presi%ent


0atural-born Citi?en

ecson '( Comelec, :(-( 0o( 191)*), ,arch *, 200)


Con4ress as can'assin4 boar%

Su&reme Court as /lectoral ribunal

- #e$ensor-Santia4o '( -amos, P/ Case no( 001, ;eb( 1*, 1999

erm o$ o$$ice


O$$icial resi%ence


Presi%ential Immunity

- In re> <ermu%e?, 1)8 SC-! 190

- <eltran '( ,a@asiar, 19+ SC-! *9*

- 1S '( 0i7on, )18 1S 98*, )1 L(/%(2% 10*9

- 0i7on '( ;it?4eral%, )8+ 1S +*1

- Clinton '( 6ones, 820 1S 981, ,ay 2+, 199+

- /stra%a '( !rroyo, :(-( 0o( 1)9+*8, ,arch 2, 2001

- #ecision on ,otion $or -econsi%eration, !&ril *, 2001

Prohibitions an% inhibitions

-ules on Succession

Facancy at be4innin4 o$ term

Facancy %urin4 the term

em&orary #isability

-emo'al o$ the Presi%ent

- /stra%a '( !rroyo, :(-( 0o( 1)9+*8, ,arch 2, 2001

- #ecision on ,otion $or -econsi%eration, !&ril *, 2001


/7ecuti'e Power

- Planas '( :il, 9+ Phil( 92

- ,yers, !%ministratri7 '( 1nite% States, 2+2 1S 82

Le4islati'e Powers

- ,unici&ality o$ San 6uan '( C!, Se&t( 29, 199+

- O&le '( orres, :- 12+988, 6uly 2*, 1998

-esi%ual Powers

- ,arcos '( ,an4la&us, 1++ SC-! 998

Power to #etermine 0ational Policy

he Steel Sei?ure case, *)* 1S 8+9, 99 L(/%( 118*

Prosecution o$ Crimes

- "ebb '( #e Leon, 2)+ SC-! 982

Creation o$ Pre&aratory Committee on Constitutional -e$orms

- :on?ales '( 0ar'asa, :(-( 0o( 1)08*8, !u4ust 1), 2000

!&&ointin4 Power

#iscretionary &ower

- ;lores '( #rilon, :- 10)+*2, 6une 22, 199*

- :or%on '( 6u%4e Santos, C!-:- S& 0o( )8**9, !u4( 21, 1998

- :or%on '( C!, :- 1*)900, Se&t( 1, 1998

- Lue4o '( Ci'il Ser'ice Commission, 1)* SC-! *2+

Classes o$ !&&ointment

- :amin%e '( CO!, :(-( 0o( 1)0**8, #ecember 1*, 2000

!&&ointments subHect to con$irmation o$ Commission on !&&ointments

- Sarmiento '( ,ison, 189 SC-! 8)9

- ,analo '( Sisto?a, :- 10+*99, !u4( 11, 1999

Limitations on the !&&ointment Power

Power o$ -emo'al

Power o$ Control

Control 's( Su&er'ision

- #rilon '( Lim, :- 112)9+, !u4( ), 199)

!lter-e4o Princi&le or #octrine o$ 3uali$ie% Political !4ency

- Car&io '( /7ecuti'e Secretary, ;eb( 1), 1992

he /7ecuti'e Secretary

- Lacson-,a4allanes '( Pano, 21 SC-! 898

,ilitary Powers

Comman%er-in-chie$ clause

- /7 Parte ,illi4an, +1 1S 2

- #a'i% '( ,aca&a4al-!rroyo BPP101+C, :- 1+1*99, ,ay *, 2009

- !=uino '( ,ilitary Commission 0o( 2, 9* SC-! 8)9

- Ola4uer '( ,ilitary Commission 0o( *), 180 SC-! 1))

- Car&io '( /7ecuti'e Secretary, su&ra

Callin4 Out the !rme% ;orces

- I<P '( Eamora, :(-( 0o( 1)128), !u4ust 18, 2000

#eclaration o$ State o$ -ebellion

- Lacson '( Pere?, :(-( 0o( 1)++80, ,ay 10, 2001

#eclaration o$ martial law

- !=uino '( /nrile, 89 SC-! 18*

Sus&ension o$ the &ri'ile4e o$ the writ o$ habeas cor&us

- <arcelon '( <a@er, 8 Phil( 8+

- ,ontene4ro '( CastaKe%a, 91 Phil( 882

- Lansan4 '( :arcia, )2 SC-! ))8

- :arcia-Pa%illa '( /nrile, 121 SC-! )+2

Par%onin4 Power

- Peo&le '( Salle, 280 SC-! 881, #ec( ), 1998

- ,onsanto '( ;actoran, 1+0 SC-! 190

- :arcia '( Chairman, CO!, 229 SC-! *89

Par%on 's( !mnesty

#i&lomatic Power

- #ames I ,oore '( -e4an, )8* 1S 98)

reaties 's( /7ecuti'e !4reements

Power to Im&oun%

- Philconsa '( /nri=ue?, !u4( 19, 199)

61#ICI!L #/P!- ,/0

6u%icial Power

/7&an%e% Huris%iction

/$$ect on the &olitical =uestion %octrine


- #ia? '( C!, #ec( 8, 199)

- ;irst Le&anto Ceramics '( C!, Oct( +, 199)

Constitutional Sa$e4uar%s to insure in%e&en%ence o$ the 6u%iciary

6ustices5Hu%4es may not be %esi4nate% to any a4ency &er$ormin4 nonHu%icial $unctions

;iscal !utonomy

Power o$ 6u%icial -e'iew

!&&ointment to the 6u%iciary

Proce%ure $or !&&ointment

6u%icial an% <ar Council

Su&reme Court


/n <anc I #i'ision cases

;ortich '( Corona, :(-( 0o( 1*1)8+, !u4ust 19, 1999


Su&er'ision o'er the 6u%iciary

- #olalas '( O$$ice o$ the Ombu%sman, #ec( 2), 1999

-ule-ma@in4 &owers

- ,ania4o '( C!, 28* SC-! 9+)

,an%atory -e'iew o$ #eath Penalty Cases

- Peo&le '( /s&aras, :- 1200*), !u4( 20, 1999

"rit o$ !m&aro

/=ui&oise #octrine

#ecisions o$ the Court

- 0icos In%ustrial Cor&( '( C!, 209 SC-! 12+

- Pru%ential <an@ '( Castro, 188 SC-! 9)9

Power to control e7ecution o$ %ecision

- /che4aray '( Secretary o$ 6ustice, :- 1*2901, 6an( 19, 1999

enure o$ 6ustices56u%4es

- #e la Llana '( !lba, 112 SC-! 29)

-emo'al an% #isci&line

- ,ace%a '( Ombu%sman, :- 102+81, !&r( 22, 199*

- Peo&le '( :acott, 2)9 SC-! 82


- Per$ecto '( ,eer, 88 Phil( 882

- /n%encia '( #a'i%, 9* Phil( 999

- 0ita$an '( Commisioner o$ Internal -e'enue, 182 SC-! 28)

I0#/P/0#/0 CO0S I 1 IO0!L CO,,ISSIO0

Sa$e4uar%s to insure the in%e&en%ence o$ the Commissions

Prohibition on a&&ointment in an actin4 ca&acity

- <rillantes '( Yorac, 192 SC-! *88

#is=uali$ications an% Inhibitions

#ecisions - Certiorari to the Su&reme Court

- :ali%o '( Comelec, 6an( 18, 1991

- -eyes '( - C, 2)) SC-! )1

- :arces '( C!, 6uly 1+, 1999

SC -e'ise% !%min( Cir( 1-98

1( Ci'il Ser'ice Commission

Sco&e o$ the Ci'il Ser'ice

- #O. '( 0L-C, 281 SC-! +00

!&&ro'al o$ a&&ointments

- Lue4o '( Ci'il Ser'ice Commission, 1)* SC-! *2+

- -amonte '( CSC, 2)) SC-! )98

2( Commission on /lections

/n <anc an% #i'ision cases

- Sarmiento '( Comelec, 212 SC-! *0+

Powers an% ;unctions

- -elam&a4os '( Cumba, 2)* SC-! 990

- Loon4 '( Comelec, :- 1**9+9, !&r( 1), 1999

/7clusi'e Ori4inal 6uris%iction an% !&&ellate 6uris%iction

- :uieb '( ;ontanilla, 2)+ SC-! *)8, !u4( 1), 1998

S&ecial -e4istration o$ 0ew Foters

- !@bayan Youth '( Comelec, :(-( 0o( 1)+099, ,arch 29, 2001

*( Commission on !u%it

- Commissioner o$ Internal -e'enue '( CO!, :- 1019+9, 6an( 29, 199*

!CCO10 !<ILI Y O; P1<LIC O;;IC/-S


Im&eachable O$$icers

:roun%s $or Im&eachment


- -omulo '( Yni4ue?, 1)1 SC-! 29*

Im&eachment an% Criminal Prosecution

- /stra%a '( !rroyo, :(-( 0o( 1)9+*8, ,arch 2, 2001

- #ecision on ,otion $or -econsi%eration, !&ril *, 2001



- Lacson '( /7ecuti'e Secretary, :(-( 0o( 128099, 6anuary 20, 1999


Su&er'ision an% control

- !co& '( O$$ice o$ the Ombu%sman, 2)8 SC-! 899

Prosecutorial Powers

- Camana4 '( :uerrero, :- 12101+, ;eb( 1+, 199+

Power to issue sub&oena2 ;orm o$ com&laint

- !lmonte '( Fas=ue?, 2)) SC-! 299

Power to In'esti4ate !%ministrati'e Char4es

Concurrent with the O$$ice o$ the Presi%ent

- .a4a% '( #a%ole, 2)1 SC-! 2)2

Concurrent with the #O6

- .onasan '( #O6 Panel o$ In'esti4atin4 Prosecutors, :189+)+, !&r( 1*, 200)

Power to in'esti4ate cases o$ ill-4otten wealth a$ter ;eb( 28, 1999

- -e&ublic '( San%i4anbayan, Se&t( 2), 199)

Ombu%sman $or the ,ilitary

- !4bay '( #e&uty Ombu%sman $or the ,ilitary, :(-( 0o( 1*)80*, 6uly 2, 1999

S&ecial Prosecutor

- Eal%i'ar '( :on?ales, 190 SC-! 8)*

Commission on .uman -i4hts

Powers an% ;unctions o$ the Commission

- CariKo '( C.-, :- 99981, #ec( 2, 1991

Ci'il -i4hts 's( Political -i4hts

- Simon '( C.-, 229 SC-! 11+, 6an( 8, 199)

;iscal !utonomy

- C.- /m&loyees !ssn( '( C.-, :- 0o( 188**9, 0o'( 28, 200)

Presi%ential Commission on :oo% :o'ernment

- Cha'e? '( PC::, :- 1*0+19, #ec( 9, 1998

- CoHuan4co '( -o7as, 198 SC-! +9+

- -e&ublic '( San%i4anbayan, 288 SC-! 988

- -omual%e? '( San%i4anbayan, 2)) S 182


- -e&ublic '( San%i4anbayan, :- 1092)), 6an( 22, 199+

Or%er si4ne% by only one commissioner

- -e&ublic '( San%i4anbayan, :- 11*)20, ,ar( +, 199+

Im&rescri&tibility o$ -i4ht o$ State to -eco'er Ill-4otten "ealth

- Presi%ential Committee on <ehest Loans '( #esierto, :(-( 0o( 1*01)0, October 28, 1999

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