The Nyaya Bindu Tika of Dharmottara Acharya With The Nyaya Bindu - Peter Peterson

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/ zarafaezdtar | \_ i. THE NYAYABINDU-TIKA OF DHARMOTTARA ACHARYA TO WHICH IS ADDED THE NYAYABINDU % rED BY f PETER ; ETERS Elphinstone Projess: , MA, of Sanskrit, Bombay. PRINTED AT THE BAPTIST MISSION PRESS, PUBLISHED BY THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, CALCUTTA, NOTE TO THE REPRI ISSUE. The late Peter Peterson’s edition of the Nyayabindu-Trka in the Bibliotheca Indica, 1889, has been out of print for some considerable time and the paper of the surviving copies in India has so badly deteriorated by the passage of forty monsoons that it has become brittle to breaking point and generally unfit to be handled. The importance of the work, the growing interest taken in it, and especially the publication of a new edition by Th. Stoherbatsky, Bibliotheca Buddhica, VIL, (Petrograd, 1918) make it imperative to have Peterson’s editio princeps again available for purposes of comparison. ‘he brief preface to Stcherbatsk: ‘s edition of the Sanskrit text, like that of his edition of tue Tibetan translation, being in Russian, is unfortu- nately of no help to most Indian scholars. Furthermore, the Bilingual Index to the Nyayabindu by the late S. C. Vidya- bhusana (Bibliotheca Indica, 1917) refers in its Sanskrit portion to the page-numbers of Peterson’s edition, For these and other reasons, not the least being the wish to perpetuate Peterson’s memory in connection with his work on this text, it has been decided to re-issue his edition. This re- issue is made without any revision whatever and is solely intended to place the editio princeps in its original form again in the hands of scholars for whatever use they may wish to make of it. It is a re-issue only and not anew edition. If any further MSS. of the work should be discovered and if further independent work on the text continues to be published this re-issue will be indispensable as copies of its first edition have become almost unobtainable. The revised text edited by Stcherbatsky contains as yet no varietas lectionum, which has been promised for a further fascicle still to be published, though now for already more than ten years announced as “ in the press,” and of which it has not been stated whether the deserip- tive portion will be in English or in Russian. ‘This present ue implies however a sincere tribute to Stcherbatsky for his fine labours on this text It has been attempted to make the reprint a diplomatically true copy of the first edition The reproduction of the Sanskrit portions has been attended to, with his usual eare, by Mahamahopadhyaya Kamalakrsna Smrtitirtha, whilst the undersigned has taken responsibility for the reprint of the En that Peterson’s Dedi duced without modification. The reprint has the same page-numbering as of the original issue to which it has been made to correspond line by line me for both lish portions, and it goes without saying cation and Preface are faithfully repro- so that references, even in detail, remain the issues, Cancurra, Jonan YY Mawes June 15th, 1929. § 1 The correction in the re-issue of a few misprints such ai for ‘ columns” in line 4 of the footnote of p. VI of the Pref seem to call for detailed mention, DEDICATED TO HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF SWEDEN AND NORWAY OSCAR II. PATRON OF THE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ORIENTALISTS BY HIS MAJESTY’S MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT PETER PETERSON. eurafaez stan | WARMTATaSAT | THE NYAYABINDU-TIKA, BY DHARMOTTARA ACHARYA. PREFACE, The circumstances under which this ancient treatise on logic is now for the first time published, as a number of the Calcutta Bibliotheca Indica, should interest even the general reader. The first to make known to us so much as the name of the author, the Acharya Dharmottara, was the Russian scholar W. Wassiljew. During a ten years’ resi- dence at Pekin (1840-1850) Wassiljew devoted himself to the study at first hand of Buddhism, fired, as he tells us, with the hope of affording proof that the “Russians too could do something for learning.” Wassiljew did much. He would appear to have already mastered both the Chinese and the Tibetan languages; and with these keys he unlocked the vast stores of Buddhist tradition in Northern Asia. That tradition is not indigenous, and the books in which it is preserved are for the most part translations from Sanskrit. Tf we can conceive a state of things in which the whole of the New Testament, lost for ages, and perhaps for ever, in the original Greek, should have been suddenly recovered, in the form of a translation into old Gothic, we shall appre- ciate the service Wassiljew did to the study of Bud- dhism, In his first publication « Buddhism, its Dogmas, History and Literature’? Wassiljew bad a good deal to tell us of the Buddhist acharya or teacher, Dharmottara. The Dhar- mottariya school, so called after its founder Dharmottara or Uttaradharma, was one of eleven schools into which the great Sthavira sect of Buddhists was ultimately subdivided (pp. 253, 256). Along with three of these schools the follow- seine Dogmen, Geschichte und Literatur. St. Poters. Germen translation. 1 Der Buddhism burg, 1860. I use thi xii PREFACE. ers of harmottara asserted that “ it was possible for those who had been saved again to fall” (p.279). Lastly,in a very important passage, which can only be generally referred to here, Wassiljew brings together the names Dignaga, Dhar- makirti, Santideva and Dharmottara in a way which has special significance for our book (p. 318). One of the Tibetan works used by Wassiljew, and of which he had already in 1860 prepared a translation into Russian, was Taranatha’s history of Buddhism,known pretty generally now from Max Miiller’s references to it in his ‘India: what can it teach us?’ (Note on the Renaissance of Sanskrit Literature.) . Schiefner, the translator into Ger- man of Wassiljew’s first work, published the Tibetan text of Taranatha in 1868: and independent translations into Russian and German, by Wassiljew and Schiefner respec- tively, appeared in 1869. In his book Schiefner was able to use the greater part of Wassiljew’s notes ; and at p. 330 of the German work it will be found that Schiefner corrects from Wassiljew his own translation of a passage in which, according to Wassiljew, Dharmottara is referred to. Schief- ner adds theinformation that the Tibetan Tandjur!contains, among other works by Dharmottara, oneentitled the Nyfya- bindutika. Now this Nyaya-bindu-tika of Dharmottaracharya is the book which I have the good fortune to offer here to scholars in its lost Sanskrit original form. For the circumstances under which the then unique MS. of the work (written Samvat 1229=A.D. 1173) was discovered among the palm-leaf MSS. preserved in the Jain temple of Santinatha, 1 “The Tibetan Tandjur is » compilation in Tibetan of all sorts of literary works, written mostly by ancient Indian Pandits and some learned ‘Tibetans in the first centuries after the introduction of Buddhism into ‘Tibet, commencing with the seventh century of our era. The whole makes 225 volumes.” Csoma Kérdsi, quoted in Weber's History of Indian Literature, p. 209, note. | PREFACE. xiii Cambay, I may be permitted to refer to my Third Report.” The publication of the hook is due to the liberality of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Observing from the Annual Address of the President of that Society that it was intend- ed to publish some of the Tibetan texts collected by Csoma Kérési and Hodgson, side by side with their Sanskrit ori- ginals, I offered to edit in that way Dharmottara’s book. This has unfortunately not been found practicable; but the search for Dharmottara’s work in its Tibetan form has at least revealed the fact that the Society possesses a work of the same name by the better known author, Dharmaktrti.2 Both books are of course commentaries (tikas) on a work entitled the Nyayabindu, and it is to be hoped that Dharma- kirti’s books will ultimately be made available, if not in Sanskrit, at least in a translation from the Tibetan. 1«No, 215i8a Buddhist work, the only Buddhist book in thi my colleagues in these studie: is library and if I may per- mit myself that expresson, will sympathise Dharmottaracharya’s com- mentary on the Nyayabindu. with the feelings with which eame uponit. Thave already tried to convey to the reader something of that sense of ruin and desolation which must flow into the mind of him who, in this empty temple, turns over these buried records of human faith and love and sorrow. Here in the midst of it all is one solitary survival of a still older faith, of a yet greater religion, I turn the page and read: Jayanti jati-vyasana-prabandha- prasiti-hetor jagato vijetuh ragidyarateh Sugatasya vacho manas-tamas-t@navam adadhingh. «The world breeds nothing but achain of evils that begin with birth : but He has overcome the World. It is He that fighteth for us. His words lighten the darkness of our souls. Glory to Buddha.” ‘A Third Report of operations in search of Sanskrit MSS. le, Tribner & Co., 1887. 2 For this Buddhist writer see Aufrechtin the Indische Studien, XVI, (the passage is given in Eng’ ‘sh in Peterson and Durgaprasid’s Subhas avli of Vallabhadeva, Intr., 1ction, p. 46). in the Bombay Ci PREFACE. The first of the three chapters into which this book is divided had already been printed from the Cambay palm- leaf MS. (A), wher I was very unexpectedly put in posses- sion of a second MS. For this find I was indebted to Mr. Bhagvandas Kevaldas, the well-known agent for the search for Sanskrit MSS. in the Bombay Presidency. Mr. Bhag- vandas noticed that the Bhao Daji collection of MSS. be- longing to the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society contained a work styled, in the Catalogue, Laghu-Dharmot- tara-Sitra. We sent for that book and found to our delight that itcontainedasecond copy of Dharmottara’scommentary on the Nyaya-bindu, and a copy of the text of the Nyaya- bindu itself (B). This discovery has very greatly lightened the task of editing the book. I have also, through it, been able to present at the end of the commentary the work to which it refers In reviewing my Third Report, Dr. Biihler was disposed to think that the Nyayabindutika of my Cambay MS. must be identical with a Dharmottara-vritti which he saw in Jesal- mir, and of which he had a copy made for the Bombay Goy- ernment collection. This has not turned out to be the case but the Jesalmir MS. is nevertheless of great importance to us. It is not Dharmottara’s book, but a commentary upon that by a writer whose name is not given. Unfortunately it isa mere fragment, extending only to p. 20 of this edition of the Nyéyabindutika. Ina paper, read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, I have put together the information contained in the Jesalmir fragment, and have shown in particular that, according to the anonymous commentator, Dharmottara had three predecessors in his task of commenting on these old sitras, Vinitadeva, Santi- bhadra, and Dharmakirti. As this last writer is known to have written a commentary on a work by Dignaga, who is supposed to have been a contemporary of Kalidasa’s, we PREFACE. # So i x obtain from this statement something in the nature of & clue to Dharmottara’s date. But for this, and some specu- lations as to the authorship of sitras held in such high honour by a succession of famous Buddhist writers, I must take leave here to refer to my paper, which will appear in the forthcoming number of the Society’s Journal. The two MSS. on which this edition is thus based have been very carefully collated by me in collaboration with my Shastri, Mr, Syamji Valji, whose assistance I desire cordially to acknowledge. We cannot hope that our text is abso- lutely correct. But we have spared no pains to make it as correct as we could I had intended to furnish this edition with full notes, but I soon found that the only satisfactory way of ex- plaining a text, which is in places very obscure, would be to attempt acompletetranslation. [had made considerable progress with a translation when an unexpected opportunity of attending the Stockholm Orientalist Congress rendered it advisable to lay that undertaking aside for the time. The book itself will, I am confident, have great interest for students of Buddhism and of Hindu Philosophy; and I have ventured to solicit permission, which has been kindly given, to dedicate it to the august and learned Patron of the Assembly. JI cannot refrain from adding that to me, the son of a Shetlander, it is as great a pleasure as it is an honour, to present this venerable relic of old-world thought to the Sovereign of Norway and Sweden. P. PETERSON. Bombay, July 24th, 1889. safaeaetan | weaafrac: | safa sifaarranaar- Tataeaisnra fasq: | THETA: GTA AAT AAA ATATSaT AT I aamarag ar eaarfeatse vaca farses wae i fafa fe raced wediseaiia | aa raze warfitanfiaredaa sets | ara | aa ETA | afiaa a afe freeitad araet anfarna me<- aevitsta arcantta: ary | sar arene TATATATA aattarcar@tar Reraar | qarse FaTETTAre aa clansfaandiaaaadtaa | aera faaT wgurifefgearnaterifaen = Tyas l arrafaeetart | (a ufeste: 1 ara: | 9a a patra wT BAGRUTE- fafgiad eisrgaa | afeigr sera daa- waitsrarraaTaAT Ts wafa i at fe qeardtqety aaa arare fauna waRtafa Aaa ARTA we mdse agate wats wT Fe qaret manana wath | aera frtenrmatsat faurauraaidaarelyaria wafer | a facta are daamfiad seta = ah TTT | UH ae araaigiafa | aa afeafitaren | zeraa fa + witmafaer | vat TS TR TRCUATTRTTTS fara sta sacerace | ae fe aa Reva: gefamiaantee vada | aa Ararat ace fare wa aitefirg fat aaa ofa ameerared seta i faded | wera BEaTaaTaaTs Bah ae } vacufad ai fregqrernqararat qafateta: ! weacafae yaa x fA FAUT Ba: vats BraT~ gaa daametaad qa fad) arated q a afa- ure | daraat fe wer aTAyeTTeATS WACO CATTA aaisaaataredt ave fram | wa va aralfenfata caren 1 afi ‘ wa safe: ges: arfdagr: | aer = waratfemar Ser ieee ea eee aarafareetat | (& wfesse: | ATA: TATU: | Ra Waraferafaed mare 1 aaa fe waa cemafiedisiaaa afi ge mrfaeara: | asad fanaa starfire 1 adtsfarafaeaamrey | aa ated? eeaq ara: a «eda vatafaedien: | aarefaral sere arar- aritearant faa ae neva ware | aeTEeAa wie: Terapia: |, weATA | feng fafanetafed arefa i ger a sad after art fra aia waar = fegdaad fraaai te giefl | wa ud framerde veda | Aa maa) areas | ary waRaTeeaTe | TATE TATE | Anat FATT YHA Tefaidtse: affearmfarie: | aa acfearg seat | a arene agama: | afyeftadt wanna: | qer rears: 1 Was aranranat gated? smrarfia | aa: aryrora— wren: | dau arfayaa faata frearraager saa | wranraatctraa varet aif: | wa arya: | aaTeTETIMRET ad wraTTafaed wi ra erMassray | afar frarifaaraaatearfa- ve fafa wri at aq ada aga ma fears Tishaa TA | aE At ae fila aza aramlad | vaifemarears fe arena | q ufesse: 1] aa sefiareaeg frat fraes faa a1 fagunigead | tnrararanicy facgul- aah) qareararcaaaate | arareraai | Tafa maT | wear Tlamgarte wa mR | Smaweanhe 34 Sma mwa am afaarfaacemerat afwarat oafterfe ari arvatazrg at | arearatgamte @ ay areata sais FATE | ws wareareagahs aA aaa wats waa | aq @uftacararcirad = srafed wel cen aq Uitimet amare a me safe | atea afeaa are oftfeaa afea are ora- facafafa | seit fe ciearetoey arfrare 1 fa a ware ofthat aa mamta | wereaarare darned zeatata | wera Yared ger ar ait | aratey wae EM! aCe | UeaTafag: STATA Taal wae q aaraa | fafad «aa vara | sifmarfaater | wifmeareaa a mada | aatdaada afee woheea | ae VaATaH! A UT STeRT— varafareetart | wa) wars fe afa aesenu | aca fare: |e sfiararnefa: | seve arf: | adt a ararge: | we farts @ safe ararmeferearfe aq abate | € arrafarqetat 1 (2 ufesee: | aaa fe Deraaisfia: armereatiega | sprite fata aaa afa fag: gears: | Fa aaa arg we Sra) wera Uta | aT hae aTeH TTT wersrrarenfay arcaned oftesy wae aaa | 4 RMee: | wala ces | area Tha ara | Sets soreat ar! Bat wat wrathad | ToreatsaureraT| a9 Raiareaneraah facie | staat qqarea- arga vai ae fafgeinquerd a1 tafaanr fe fafgenfesa! safer 4 fafgcaera | Sara te SAE | SITeae Sore | at Sata S at vitturermauratef: fatgitqea | wat wrat qearefeigafa | whee ce zEaTER art a wearer | aat area: | fawnrarsta fatg: weararafraeartta | af aeae: 1 ar arfefetg: ar wal wea aeemafaaata 1 frearsrarts | araaratarsta areqafatg: | ae fe afe vefiiaai | mrad adit waefaty: | vefia = areearsra- Fai sefid aorqafaearsraq 1 aaraa yA fafgitaead ar. aerated a adteifatg: | co agrifafgaaerarada | aa va aad gaat aerestad | aaeta qearafafgiiae | at TaRITRNTfaig: waa aTagH wat \ 2 ufesee: 1] sarafareetant | at aensragtaata | Aenratepiscrmarnesist wean adisqreia | yafia Sa vepreereroatiaratas | aergatdte | adara arauefartfaaere | wer va aetaaTeaT R ufeseer | ] aarafarqetat | ay aaanatagad | waa aaueia: waa & dferreurar | aer afagran ariafagaisti aata- ‘ aaatarat faanaarfaget faagi Saat er | afar @ arercoriarfaan: | dfenfaqceretaa: afer saifagatatat at ari wnarfa @ aafagare- ararcoraarferat wafa | adtsararcersarfaraer- aarfaad fazed aifaqare | a fa aerat aad area: | feragren ara aeaTa farara: | aver aera ufaeta | faerit gari aque: orarfe- aaa | aad aabiafa amet: | PATE TATE | WaT Sha: AR_rat aa- Sa sraanat we ao: daeratstacg | aa R ufese: 1] varatarectar | sy TreaTaaaae UA ATA a SA: ART ae frepista! arafy cnt war a ada mrarfedeg wet | aaarriita aia s@araza ara 1 AAR a efatraet arctead: | aera) araaaarsara- aan ar fain oF ofag fates wat mrier 4 fagcrarfaaistatarer | atanerarcoe wafer Rar feernd arqmeenfarfeaar | Way wad: arar_ Taiseeredt aT aaa ia: | mATgUETeTsa weeded alata | aarfearfea Sasetice daa? weed tee: | wareitaariy 4 frafafiqa- v- wararat a afar | wert fe wagerfidt: sardtas fae aqrat fafga: garcrnerfaadia | aa ware 1 ara RISATHATS BAMA MaAAAT ISA | arate wraqaaeetetien val aad uaraeaard me te ararretaarer faadt from 1 aaary faerit arated | adt a qafag fate: | aaarseiog weitfeifea care | a aa araacar_ wa a Serearerfe: | ga care! vara armas aTfag: area] | aaa aatdeitas + aT aaa ceafea: arerfed q arara ua fara wa at ada ofa gatsvataee: | aa oy oofaarfasdt a 6 az varafaqetar | [a ufee: fifreraaafea | adtsw Beit rasa 4 afta cansafitadonaty: | aa a Ft agradma Tare | Ata STRATES TUT STAT afatatcarateaa: | aria a fares | areraT— . carearfefa a weet afatameetaeat Zea | amraaaaaaiaaeay sare | wae afatae at atenafea dtsace fedtee 41s genre eararra ree soa TA TATA ATC are | wruafitadtierecerarieia | ait- ae Beaders: F va SU aateataiaed aT arg) saaafatat ararati aan 3 uo WeRSeet | we saeed aafthead an aafterte zafert | enaeaeea a ara oft feead | aaregniraaaseea oat aafeas: | warat & Met ae fata cfs: | tera «aa fea comraraaftteat | cat 3 sarrararat <- afatat afatannagraa: | adtcvana fated afatat fad wafa 1 afatanra « fafaasat fataet vata aerate ara araranay frat 3 2 ufese: |] arratareetat | ag ania a aat morecaaafataaivrairga: | waaganagat 9 gaagrararafattard | aaiqara- fagardtng | a 3 afaareactarerararaat Tat wea fH a varoratterfeas afer 1 aceeit: murfeaae aaa: | aa va afeeraafit- aa wrafaget areenafaqead warreafataat: ae afe q afacusaafatadttaeraafaga: are va fade wafaya tesaaiitadize va a eq) aag a afegrarrafgedd varsaafa- Raat dee | deeraraariers: | waredatin: | areata = faagera: dfe- Taraafatarfagannad | waist aca aeza arze a faage fate 1 a a arqararaar— wi aoa wart daafa i aa murfzargiafa Past de: | sapraarzatfeasar fern: gre feftfa | aaret eqrerafagt dee = Bagtorqy- qratvdecare | wafwaaentta maT ET UH eu azfag dferd at wafa | @ % arfag dfea ar waa: | aaisfaga fegaraarferag @ Baran: | aariafata | verfagt de ar at Sannat que a aarfag: dterq aaeaa fa ge ga aa Ga ait aaratafata | Ps se varatareetart | (a ufese: 1 at wea fagrafrerify dmaeqen | varurfure fag awa afraca a faegrafa- wet afe at faagat aaenfage wie fegaereatrert © aararafirerfaegr- afr | wage area war fae ata 1 aatfeere | waarae fave: sarofag Fee 1 oat @aaraagr: distarre fage: | garafagrs FeUIeaHAag ARTA: | aT a faagraftrarittes: | sarefagt fe Seq aaa a ° Ua Barama: wwafa ae sarofag eu 1 a 4 fagrafrarfte: sarafagafa euq | wat a tea | aditserat ata: | arareda Tare | a Sf aaa teatsfer faegara: | areal @ Tay qateneae_ aR | ara aU ae | MTA a argarad aR | aaa ae Ta: w eATaTATTAH ara 3 ward oftesy aada fag: aI aa Gea datanelia | qaqa | vera = aararafrerftera faagada: ard | Uedicnt ufsediare | a aay uMaisafrect ° faatsr va Waa BaaA | & aaiarefegriara Sqaty SH sere | aeATEeG- qa Gwafa | aetTeTAATAATATA- 3 ufesz: i] sarafargetat | aie Regia: | amafag fe verge faysen aera | aq ammafagate Fei sarofagiaere | waG- ginaediata | aaa sid fas aa ae ara | ona: semamarerfzacarargated Feu amafagaqarme | 4 aq sar | anedaraarafagsesi arfueataare | ata qr «aisitsatfea: saaraaranarafagatan: amararicea arty sara Safa | aerret Regret arate 1 RATATAT STATA daa Tare | wraaat fate aafaage auraetadert daly ae wmarfeagatrates: | arafa faratea: faa- wer fe maa: aanart aaraaritreatia | afe mraenista ara aaafa getg a are rare a Sif a Fay ae Vqaesarfa q wefan | adt anafearatafraraarataraaiaea teat aria | wate acareaag acter aar- afear agfafaaaer aati A aarafearafeaa: | 4 fe aarngiad afar a aeurarsceig a wareata- alist aa faagrafiraitiaa: ar) aa faegr- afrarftgereay aedferaisaten: adatatraa i xe arafaeatat | (2 afew: i! uehriaad aaiematentiaaaad TTATTETET Ht | ware faated | 84 qriefiraarad aanaa fra i aa ard eat | Te aTATA Trane fafa | guaa vay | qnvg aa: | @: dafafic gases | . aage | aa tqta amine afg afncieay / 3 tq ara fed arafad saroficquera | ee waratatafa | arfaneiafaget gered | ararm- Kt afi fe aiemafandertet: addtfatrdaatir Hi damn aad afin 6) ade afiea: re t edafatritta Gat: wewienatag | . we matda wiisfaaare | aaiatfa) Aur t waematearat garet daa ware ware a Ua adafaauraarad | azaaygratfa aeaafertt | arsatfaere 1 ae u dfafeneraa | ast daft @regman dfa- fea warat ae aveudfafeaaard ae wraerat | we fe Gat waat euraaiaaaa tei tT dfafed wafa | amadafrerqafaat atmafateaar BTAT aE | t ta | mat dae erat a a aen dfafea- } mara: erat | ae daharnenafaare | a Vtfa | at aa en arf a em ge a aemd 4 arate 2 afeez: | | sarafagctat | aT aetm | Te aA aaa YT wAATaaaa: daar | aafisemaita | ta aa aaaad aera a eta ateiqauaarfeuen arard faanafa i aemeutaamaaa aeqrslacag | aaeAATE: | TwTE- aa and ange argaeraar ae dfafed wafa | aeaae: | dames aed ACTA Bw | eT HATATS ATTA OTTAU: THAT TAN A ATT | af 3 ama | sawn dfafeaafafa 1) acd BATA: | Gawati etaare | featatsatfa 1 agraaeg— wat faqaat ard gzafaed: | uaa parser manaredigagaerda fate | adt aeesaraqaaa- ater fie) agit. afacareet ger | yaad gifagare | atumad Ufa) acre ae ¥ afmel wan gaafa aeifagat ait- wreRraiey aamty ofa wart doeaa | vara teetifa wed | wee: wing mara: werfaagt araat aat: arearaaafafife dm aaa: | a ats: weregenrat waste | Ua a amaty af wari aa | agta wqeiaas aaa | a Faaeda aaa @ co < rarafaeetanr | [2 ufese: | aa watfatterd | aemmfage arava adaaars— wae: avait fegrefirarfett ardti aa: ararerane qed earafeaac daar smaaar gma Ui a: adafereimad gwar MTSU | aa: MRAATU faRgarnaoAT faagart waigar fegrafrardaant ca , B fafag, 1. 20, gaa wafa, B gea vata. NOTE. aR p. 40, 1. 1, Bomits a=. —gyz:, B qua’. 1. 2, ufamena, B ufatewra.—safwa:, B usafaa: 1. 3, ram, B aa. 1. 8, fafsrari, B fateia; so also in 1. 10.—B omits aq. 1. 18, A oma (sic), B and. 1. 21, 2m, B u2u:. 1. 23, B omits Dawsiteaitaa. p-41,1 1, ofsitagme, B ofetaqagme. | 2, dtreaitee, Biaede. 1.5, a5, Aaa. |. 7, afaett, Bee. 1.8, yaatam g, A omits q. 1. 10, B omits fata; A omits a. 1. 13, esataran, A vateta ic), B yaiat. 1. 16, aare, A are (sic).—B omits afa; cf. next line. 1. 19, eae urmeretme, B eaaeuterecae, p. 42, 1. 3, safeefaditentz, MSS. adiacfadtfa.—nfa- tunreuteuiace, B ufadenediace. 1. 11, uatadea des, 1. 12, wea, B ueeeq. |. 13, onfearat. B ufeafzarat. L 16, B sataitzraa a2: B omits, xfa wee. 1. 20, farm, B frre, p. 43,1. 1, wa a aarere, Bagaeiea. 1. 4, squeal, B adds wai. 1. 5, gatas B ewatrnta—B omits =, 1. 22, M A the words wa 4, to and including sa14, 1. 23, are supplied in the margin. p. 44, 1. 3, fazta:, B adds =. 1. 10, oudtdtuata:, B omits wate. 1. 14, aa 7 af, B dai 4 afa. 1.17, duta atte, B dufaan. p. 45, agrarguatey:, B adds q.—B omits 4.1.9,B omits asm, A writes agar | 7 att. 1. 17,44, Baa. p. 46, 1. 3, afag, A fas. 1. 6, A omits 4.1. 9, oWaaT, are CRITICAL B ewraat. 1. 12, sttwarfea, A sitearen. 1.17, ufaurted, B adds wafa. 1. 18, ara, By aay, Pp. 47, L. 3, B omits afgfaufafa. 1. 3, 4 arawiag fang. qafs. 1. 9, waise; A writes 7a (sic) for 7a; B ware. 1. 12, B omits a line here, writing araqafiaa zeq a auegafaay. 1 14, A writes 1%) a. 1. 20, B ard: water weatad varsfzaal aq vfeg. 1. 21, A warafaaaaer. - —saat:, B aaah: p. 48, 1. 15, sareeq, B serecageteg. |. 17, B omits faz. 1.18, odie, Bata. 1 21, anf, A anfire. \ 1. 22, =, A at. * p. 49, 1, 6, oaTa0, B oats: Ma p. 50, L 1, wait: afaitea, B satire fattaa. |. 3, 7a, B \ 4 7a.—A repeats the pratika agafuafefa after a wutwaq. 1. 4, ofa, B ofafr, 1, 11, A afaaaa. — p. 51,1. 4, 4, B adds u.—fattad, B fateane. 1.8, B . omits % 1. 9, vaatetene B, yates. |. 16, B Bs omits second ang. |. 19, eyata, B oat. L. 20, waa, B wazt, Pp. 52, L. 2, ware, A aHarq. |. 6, B omits xfa— B omits arg. 1. 12, B omits fe, 1. 15, aaa, B aaayia, p. 53, 1. 6, e¥, Baa. 1. 8, maT eaa:, Bomgqayaig a. 1. LL, argeraadt, Bargarme. 1. 18, sqaaaa, B wavs yw. 1.19, A a afreraataane arse 1 ; p. 54, |. 10, Sg! A Tay aT | aay fagarqae, Ba: NOTE. Are ama: a vas angeya: fagataae. |. 11, qutataz, B wont quragaa:, |. 13, at, B afte. |. 18, arazat, B aragat. 1.19, ardaraete, Bataan. p. 55, 1. 6, A omits Sqefu. |. 9, faaa:, B fara: 1.12, faaa:, B fran. 1. 16, from, B faada. 1. 17, deaoati, B Fudaaata.— 1. 20, aradafa afata:, B aradafata:. p. 56, 1. 1, B omits ef. 1. 2, B earaqaamrataaia. 1, 3, Aafatarc. |. 4, B. qzafaag. |. 10, B omits %. 1. 13, A angad. |. 19, B ada sfaree. p. 57, |. 4, B omits aq. 1. 5, B @attad ofaraituea atarqaatd. |. 9, faaafaaaae, B faadifradaat:. |. 11, aq, B adds afa. 1. 14, A efaaxat Bat. 1.17, B omits a. 1. 19, saa, B gaa. p. 58,11, A anfasfaagara. 1.3, A omits sata. 1. 5, B is corrupt, or has a lacw ~~ from yatwat: to ae efa wafe. 1. 9, aquafaaaamef 3, B aguas aataeaa fa. p. 59, 1.5, A angaaateatata. L. 7, a, Barat a. 1.10, : war afar ary arerg ufavar, B weary fataarey ary] wera Sfaafauar. 1. 15, afew, B acne. 1.19, B omits 4. 1. 20 sarecfa, B adds aafa. p. 60, 1. 5, edtarranet ade, B edtarnenaa gar. 1.7, B omits za. 1. 10, B omits afa. 1. 13, B omits was. 1.15, araae, B anyae.—aé, B Faq. p. 61, L. 2, B omits second a@ |. 17, B omits aa. 1. 18, B omits 4. 9 Azo CRITICAL p- 62,1. 1, B omits agar. 1. 5, wanaatteg, A waaticg. 1. 6, A, aravtaa sfax: (omitting aqa: ). 1.7, B werd aaa. 1. 9, B omits wee. 1. 14, afacraa:, A afrerar. 1. 16, vestara, B sfaureara. 1. 19, 4 4 wer, Bea a aa.— yaafactaa:, B omits yara. p. 63, 1. 8, faaeufasrafauzaa, A faaeafrerta. 1 9, efaneraraurel, A saqre. 1. 23, attfafa afm, B adtfa afm. p. 64, 1. 1, A writes agax. 1. 2, A saan, 1.5, vet, A war. 1. 8, anewtaar, A sneuifaar. 1.9, wre, Bue, |. 10, B waa arg, A aaa are. 1. 12, weeueatig. A wea. p. 65,1. 2, wewat:, B omits the next two lines, going on to ydawa; the copyist’s eye has wandered from the one w=y2ta: to the other. 1. 3, we, A writes em, |. 6,ad;B adds 4. 1. 9, saactanaa, B aa- wittaat atm. |. 16, wars, A adds the figure 2. 1. aa at, A adds the figure 4.—faeraa:, A adds the figure 5. p. 66, L 2 waa, a%. 1. 3, ufaena, B ufaed. 14, A writes faaa. 1. 11, ww, B weane.—at fae, A avai. 1, 17, afer, B faa. 1. 18, B writes eateatefa. 1. 22, aa, B adds aa fasta (sic) wattle afaa (sic). p. 67, L 1, B writes atafanrd L 2, B writes sai. 1.3, argfee | cai, Bang) ve Gat. 1. 6, aduatq, B aaatq. 1. 10, fastaeaat, A fastaenrat, so also in NOTE. J RRR next line. 1, 11, aa, A aa. 1. 14, Squad. A writes 3q- ‘ard (sic). p. 68, L. 1, aera} fe, B weraif. 1.5, sami, B vata. LG zara, B adds aat. |. 14, A writes ararfegart. l. 17, A writes 1%. p- 69, 1. 1, A writes azara. 1. 5, Hanfraraafean:, B aattaararafage fern: 1. 6, aaa, B area. p. 70, 1. 2, B omits faa. 1. 4, wera, Bareia. 1.8, A writes frazrarmaeaq. |. 9, ararmét, B omits what follows down to the second arataet, by a copyist’s error. p. 71, 1. 4, afznn, B dferie. 1. 7, B omits =. 1. 9, wa- aiatae, Badadtaaa. 1. 11, dataq:, B dzeBa: (sic). 1. 13, a43, Bafera. 117,a eam, Baaara. 1.18. araanaa, B aragaraa. 1. 20, frgfa, Badds efa. 1. 22, Wife | waa, B ferara | p- 72,118, saa, B arataaq. |. 21, sara, A writes aaa, B aaa. p. 73, L 2, waarmee, Bo saprcractaarad: (correct sarmreracaaaraat:). |. 3, xeaataate, B war- waiver. 1. 5, daraat:, A writes daaat:. |. 12, afeasfaa: A afeattia:. |. 14, apnea, A writes airatcraratarat. 1, 15, e@qaa B e@qmad. 1. 16, waat, A B waa. p. 74, 1. 14, ahh, B fata ae. 1.21, faa, A B fama. p. 75,1, wequifeetta, Bo ucata. 1. 3, vqan, A ARR ORITICAL writes qaa. 1. 13, Bomits vefa. 1 14, wertaeis o, B aera. |. 16, fafa, A facta. p. 76, 1. 2, fattara, Bomits. 1. 6, faaaio, A fadaic. L 10, awarfze, Baate. 1. 17, aaneadseafardarferarg & _ B ameadaaitamatantarg (sic) faaradsat- Atacunifeaara fers: &e. p. 78, 1. 23, ware A Wea. p. 80, 1. 8, aarat, A ara. 1. 11, avremtaartern, A aranamaantate.—eatefan:, A adds the figure 2. p. SL, 1. 7, ware , A wag aa. p. 82, 1. 9, amanafaate, A omits faa. p. 83, L 2, faesaratang, B faaaatard. 5, urattee, A gaumf>. 1. 11, B drops a line, writing area ate (sic). L. 13, fafa, B afafe:. 1. 18, B omits a. 1 21, A omits one 4. p. 84; L 2, faxd aq, B afeag |. 18, arg, Barefa aq. p. 85, 1.7, Aomits az fa. 1. 11, A writes saTarerat. p. 86,14, va, Bua. datate, Beadafaty:. 9,4, Bat. 1. 1, awaraeam:, A waatraaae 1. 2,44, Bara. 1. 4, aaitete, Basta. 1 6,aemennn’, Bataan ara. 1.12, anes, A saws, Bawa. 1 11, afar, A aa. 1, 21, B omits aanty. p. 88,11, acmafage,A acuraatae (sic), Bawizmae. L Qadnaqrednaaat:, B adaaaat:. 1. 3,artueafee, B srfa- daaa |. 6, var faego, B sat ee fags. |. 7,1 WII, B «aera Sat. 1. 10, Bomits sm. 1 11, avaafa, A NOTE. ae i avaat fa. 1. 12, wa, Baa. 1. 13, aewi, B aaa, 1. 18, B omits zfa. p. 89, 1. 2, A omits wi. 1. 3, aa@at, B wmaa2s. |. 5, B omits vq. 1. 9, fast’, B @. 1. 12, Baw, B ataqatae@. |. 18, c¥ B adds 7. p- 90, l. 1, axa, A adds xfa. 1. 5, atasqe, B area.’ 1, 8, azar, A adds the figure 2. 1. 17 arysie, Barge. L 21, germafatea, B geraaata. |. 22, B puts the 4 before Sat. p. 91, 1. 5, uzsier, A writes uefa, (as it always writes zufaat), B eufa:.—ucfara, B . 1. 17, a xfa, Ba xdte. 1. 20, aatfaet, B aatfae:. p. 96, 1. 9, cdtwa, A awee.—faefa. from B. A g, the line breaking off. p. 97, 1. 2, ~@rfaa:, A warfaa:. — B omits =f. 1. 14, geraa fax:, Be gerdatfas:. |. 18, wa, Ba. p. 98, 1. 3, B daraia.—uataa, B uataa. 1. 12, oueui- ara, B ovedat fe. 1. 19, ovata®, B oufaqaa, p. 99, 1. 6, afe, B adds wa. 1. 7, gamaq, B guataq. 1. 9, B omits efa. 1. 17, aavaa &e. B avaeraataene- facfearat arafagetarat edta: ufesee: SATH: | A

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