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Name: Tara Singh Sethi Class: XII-B School: Gautam International School Year: 2012-2013








Certified to be the bonafide work done b !r" in the 0ate

Tara #ingh #ethi

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C)E!ISTRY *A( 2,-2.2,-/

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S+b3itted for CBS

E4a3ination he%d in
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at Ga+ta3 Internationa%


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I wo+%d %ike to e45re## 3 #in$ere gratit+de to 3 $he3i#tr 3entor !r* +ee,a- (ggar.al6 for hi# 7ita% #+55ort6 g+idan$e and en$o+rage3ent . witho+t whi$h thi# 5ro8e$t wo+%d not ha7e $o3e forth" I wo+%d a%#o %ike to e45re## 3 gratit+de to the %ab a##i#tant !r* Sushant for hi# #+55ort d+ring the 3aking of thi# 5ro8e$t"


S*No* I* II* III* I/* /* /I* /II* /III* IX*

Conten ts Ob8e$ti7 Introd+$tio n Theor E45eri3ent E45eri3ent 2 E45eri3ent / Re#+% t Con$%+#io n (ib%iogra5 h

#age No* : ; < -, --2 -/ -9 -=


The Ob8e$ti7e of thi# 5ro8e$t i# to #t+d #o3e of the $o33on food ad+%terant# 5re#ent in different food #t+ff#"



Ad+%teration in food i# nor3a%% 5re#ent in it# 3o#t $r+de for36 5rohibited #+b#tan$e# are either added or 5art% or who%% #+b#tit+ted" Nor3a%% the $onta3ination?ad+%teration in food i# done either for finan$ia% gain or d+e to $are%e##ne## and %a$k in 5ro5er h gieni$ $ondition of 5ro$e##ing6 #toring6 tran#5ortation and 3arketing" Thi# +%ti3ate% re#+%t# that the $on#+3er i# either $heated or often be$o3e 7i$ti3 of di#ea#e#" S+$h t 5e# of ad+%teration are @+ite $o33on in de7e%o5ing $o+ntrie# or ba$kward $o+ntrie#" It i# e@+a%% i35ortant for the $on#+3er to know the $o33on ad+%terant# and their effe$t on hea%th"


The in$rea#ing n+3ber of food 5rod+$er# and the o+t#tanding a3o+nt of i35ort food#t+ff# enab%e# the 5rod+$er# to 3i#%ead and $heat $on#+3er#" To differentiate tho#e who take ad7antage of %ega% r+%e# fro3 the one# who $o33it food ad+%teration i# 7er diffi$+%t" The $on#$io+#ne## of $on#+3er# wo+%d be $r+$ia%" Ignoran$e and +nfair 3arket beha7ior 3a endanger $on#+3er hea%th and 3i#%eading $an %ead to 5oi#oning" So we need #i35%e #$reening te#t# for their dete$tion" In the 5a#t few de$ade#6 ad+%teration of food ha# be$o3e one of the #erio+# 5rob%e3#" Con#+35tion of ad+%terated food $a+#e# #erio+# di#ea#e# %ike $an$er6 diarrhea6 a#th3a6 +%$er#6 et$" !a8orit of fat#6 oi%# and b+tter are 5araffin wa46 $a#tor oi% and h dro$arbon#" Red $hi%%i 5owder i# 3i4ed with bri$k 5owder and 5e55er i# 3i4ed with dried 5a5a a #eed#" The#e ad+%terant# $an be ea#i% identified b #i35%e $he3i$a% te#t#" Se7era% agen$ie# ha7e been #et +5 b the Go7ern3ent of India to re3o7e ad+%terant# fro3 food #t+ff#" AG!ARA . a$ron 3 for agri$+%t+ra% 3arketing" Thi# organiBation $ertifie# food 5rod+$t# for their @+a%it " It# ob8e$ti7e i# to 5ro3ote the Grading and StandardiBation of agri$+%t+ra% and a%%ied $o33oditie#"


To detect the presence of adulterants in fat, oil and butter.

" 01I" ! NTS Te#t.t+be6 a$eti$ anh dride6 $on$" )2SO96 a$eti$ a$id6 $on$" )NO/" #"$C +1" Co33on ad+%terant# 5re#ent in ghee and oi% are 5araffin wa46 h dro$arbon#6 d e# and arge3one oi%" The#e are dete$ted a# fo%%ow# C DiE Adulteration of paraffin wax and hydro ar!on in "e#eta!le #hee )eat #3a%% a3o+nt of 7egetab%e ghee with a$eti$ anh dride" 0ro5%et# of oi% f%oating on the #+rfa$e of +n+#ed a$eti$ anh dride indi$ate# the 5re#en$e of wa4 or h dro$arbon#" DiiE Adulteration of dye$ in fat )eat -3* of fat with a 3i4t+re of -3* of $on$" #+%5h+ri$ a$id and 93* of a$eti$ a$id" A55earan$e of 5ink or red $o%o+r indi$ate# 5re#en$e of d e in fat" DiiiE Adulteration of ar#e%one oil in edi!le oil$ To #3a%% a3o+nt of oi% in a te#t.t+be6 add few dro5# of $on$" )NO/ and #hake" A55earan$e of red $o%o+r in the a$id %a er indi$ate# 5re#en$e of arge3one oi%"

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To detect the presence of adulterants in sugar

" 01I" ! NTS Te#t.t+be#6 di%" )C%" #"$C +1" S+gar i# +#+a%% $onta3inated with wa#hing #oda and other in#o%+b%e #+b#tan$e# whi$h are dete$ted a# fo%%ow# C DiE Adulteration of "ariou$ in$olu!le $u!$tan e$ in $u#ar Take #3a%% a3o+nt of #+gar in a te#t.t+be and #hake it with %itt%e water" P+re #+gar di##o%7e# in water b+t in#o%+b%e i35+ritie# do not di##o%7e" Adulteration of hal& powder' wa$hin# $oda in $u#ar To #3a%% a3o+nt of #+gar in a te#t.t+be6 add few dro5# of di%" )C%" (ri#k effer7e#$en$e of CO2 #how# the 5re#en$e of $ha%k 5owder or wa#hing #oda in the gi7en #a35%e of #+gar"


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To detect the presence of adulterants in samples of chilli powder, Turmeric powder and pepper
" 01I" ! NTS Te#t.t+be#6 $on$" )C%6 di%" )NO/6 AI #o%+tion #"$C +1" Co33on ad+%terant# 5re#ent in $hi%%i 5owder6 t+r3eri$ 5owder and 5e55er are red $o%o+red %ead #a%t#6 e%%ow %ead #a%t# and dried 5a5a a #eed# re#5e$ti7e% " The are dete$ted a# fo%%ow# C DiE Adulteration of red lead $alt$ in hilli powder To a #a35%e of $hi%%i 5owder6 add di%" )NO/" Fi%ter the #o%+tion and add 2 dro5# of 5ota##i+3 iodide #o%+tion to the fi%trate" Ye%%ow 55t" indi$ate# the 5re#en$e of %ead #a%t# in $hi%%i 5owder" DiiE Adulteration of yellow lead $alt$ to tur%eri powder To a #a35%e of t+r3eri$ 5owder add $on$" )C%" A55earan$e of 3agenta $o%o+r #how# the 5re#en$e of e%%ow o4ide# of %ead in t+r3eri$ 5owder" DiiiE Adulteration of !ri & powder in red hilli powder Add #3a%% a3o+nt of gi7en red $hi%%i 5owder in beaker $ontaining water" (ri$k 5owder #ett%e# at the botto3 whi%e 5+re $hi%%i 5owder f%oat# o7er water" Di7E Adulteration of dried papaya $eed$ in pepper Add #3a%% a3o+nt of #a35%e of 5e55er to a beaker $ontaining water and #tir with a g%a## rod" 0ried 5a5a a #eed# being %ighter f%oat o7er water whi%e 5+re 5e55er #ett%e# at the botto3"

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X#T* N$* 1*

X# "I! NT $BS "/(TI$N Ad+%teration of 5araffin wa4 and h dro$arbon in 7egetab%e ghee

#"$C +1" bri$k 5owder in $hi%%i 5 o w d e r 7* Ad+%terat ion of dried 5a5a a #eed# in 5 e 5 5 e r )eat #3a%% a3o+nt of 7egetab%e ghee with a$eti$ anh dride" 0ro5%et# of oi% f%oating on the #+rfa$e of +n+#ed a$eti$ anh dride indi$ate the 5re#en$e of wa4 or h dro$arbon" )eat -3* of fat with a 3i4t+re of -3* of $on$" )2SO9 and 93* of a$eti$ a$id" To #3a%% a3o+nt of oi% in a te#t t+be6 add few dro5# of $on$" )NO/ G #hake" Take #3a%% a3o+nt of #+gar in a te#t t+be and #hake it with %itt%e water"

2* 3*

Ad+%teration of d e# in fat Ad+%teration of arge3one oi% in edib%e oi% # Ad+%teration of 7ario+# in#o%+b%e #+b#tan$e# in #+gar





Ad+%teration of $ha%k 5owder6 wa#hing #oda in #+gar Ade+%teration of e%%ow %ead #a%t# to t+r3eri$ 5owder Ad+%teration of red %ead #a%t# in $hi%%i 5owde r Ad+%teration of


To #3a%% a3o+nt of #+gar in a te#t t+be6 add a few dro5# of di%" )C%" To #a35%e of t+r3eri$ 5owder6 add $on$"

)C%" To a #a35%e of $hi%%i 5owder6 add di%" )NO/" Fi%ter the #o%+tion and add 2 dro5# of AI #o%+tion to the fi%trate" Add #3a%% a3o+nt of gi7en red $hi%%i 5owder in a beaker $ontaining water" Add #3a%% a3o+nt of #a35%e of 5e55er to beaker $ontaining water and #tir with a g%a## rod"

A55earan$e of oi% f%oating on the #+rfa$e"

A55earan$e of 3agenta $o%o+r No e%%ow 55t"

A55earan$e of 5ink $o%o+r" No red $o%o+r ob#er7ed

P+re #+gar di##o%7e# in water b+t in#o%+b%e i35+ritie# do not di##o%7e"

No bri#k effer7e#$en$e ob#er7ed"

(ri$k 5owder #ett%e# at the botto3 whi%e 5+re $hi%%i 5owder f%oat# o7er water" 0ried 5a5a a #eed# being %ighter f%oat o7er water whi%e 5+re 5e55er #ett%e# at the botto3"
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Se%e$tion of who%e#o3e and food i# e##entia% for dai% %ife to 3ake #+re that #+$h food# do not $a+#e an hea%th haBard" It i# not 5o##ib%e to en#+re who%e#o3e food on% on 7i#+a% e4a3ination when the to4i$ $onta3inant# are 5re#ent in 553 %e7e%" )owe7er6 7i#+a% e4a3ination of the food before 5+r$ha#e 3ake# #+re to en#+re ab#en$e of in#e$t#6 7i#+a% f+ng+#6 foreign 3atter#6 et$" Therefore6 d+e $are taken b the $on#+3er at the ti3e of 5+r$ha#e of food after thoro+gh% e4a3ining $an be of great he%5" Se$ond% 6 %abe% de$%aration on 5a$ked food i# 7er i35ortant for knowing the ingredient# and n+tritiona% 7a%+e" It a%#o he%5# in $he$king the fre#hne## of the food and the 5eriod of be#t before +#e" The $on#+3er #ho+%d a7oid taking food fro3 an +nh gieni$ 5%a$e and food being 5re5ared +nder +nh gieni$ $ondition#" S+$h t 5e# of food 3a $a+#e 7ario+# di#ea#e#" Con#+35tion of $+t fr+it# being #o%d in +nh gieni$ $ondition# #ho+%d be a7oided" It i# a%wa # better to b+ $ertified food fro3 re5+ted #ho5"

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