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LSC Insights

2013/2014 Term Issue; Volume 5

November 2013

LSCs student workshop, Advanced Writing Skills for CXC Examination, would be happening next month, November 24th at the Vistabella Regional Complex, 3pm. Parents, allow your CSEC Exam children the much-needed opportunity to equip themselves with advanced critical writing skills. The workshop sets out reinforce CXC writing standards , the proper structuring of sentences, and your children would discover new brainstorming techniques that would enhance their writing, to that of examination requirements. The admission fee is only $100. Please call 384 7860, 786 -9335 between 8am and 3pm to book your seat today!

Upcoming Student Workshop

Dates to remember
November 02 A public holiday, no classes except for January 2014 Exam classroom students & the office is closed. November 24 Student workshop December 15 Test week begins December 21 Test week ends December 28 Tutors Conference December 24 26 Community Outreach: Preventing Lifestyle Diseases December 29 Charity Dinner in Concert

Holiday time is a season for giving, sharing and spending time with family and loved ones. In the spirit of the season, LSC Tutoring invites you to join us for an elegant evening of fine dining and artistes from various musical genres. On Sunday 29th December, 6pm, at the Vistabella Regional Complex, the event unfolds. Tickets are to be purchased in advance and cost $150. Dress code is formal attire. For ticket or other information call 384 7860 786 -9335 8am to 3pm.

LSC Tutoring presents, Charity Dinner in Concert

Contact Us
If you require further information about any detail herein, please contact us using any of the following options:


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Technology Corner



Phone 1: 384-7860 Phone 2: 786-9335


A focus on blindness and visual impairment

BE AWARE Do you take your vision for granted? There are many persons around the world living with loss of sight or visual impairment. Good vision allows us to interact freely and independently with our environment, and can play a great part in the quality of life. Loss or impairment of vision can affect learning, development, communication, health and work. It can limit a persons opportunities for education, employment and enjoyment of life.


In Trinidad & Tobago approximately 1% of the population is functionally blind and 3% who have low vision. However, organizations exist which assist in educating and training persons to adjust to a life with impaired sight: The Trinidad & Tobago Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired The School for the Blind PAVI Persons Associated with Visual Impairment

TIPS TO PREVENT VISION PROBLEMS TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE ON VISUAL IMPAIRMENT? Most of us are living with some degree of visual impairment or knows someone who has lost their vision. Do you know that there are many levels of vision disability? There are varying degrees of visual impairment including: Partially-Sighted some form of visual disability that may require special education. Low-Vision more severe loss of vision not limited to distance vision. Persons may be unable to read fine print with eyeglasses or contacts, and may need large print of Braille. Legally blind persons have less that 20/200 vision. Totally blind persons are unable to see and often use Braille or other non-visual forms of media Preventative eye care is the first line of defense against vision problems. Early detection of problems may offer more effective treatment options. Have periodic eye exams (every 2-3 years) Know your familys history for any eye problems Follow a healthy lifestyle Eat a nutritious diet for eyesight Wear durable eye protection when involved in activities that could cause traumatic risk to your vision such as sports or dealing with firearms. Occupations where hammering, cutting sawing, drilling, or working overhead are other examples. Avoid hazards such as fireworks

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