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Governors Election a Political Bait and Switch: New Jersey, Meet Your Real New Governor:

When you cast your vote on November 5, 2013, if you vote for Chris Christie you are not really voting for Christie at all. You are actually voting for Kim ua!agno as the ne" # overnor$. While formal announcements have not been ma!e, %olitical committees have in!ee! alrea!y been forme!. Christie has not & an! if he %lans to run for 'resi!ent can not ( vo"e! to com%lete his term as overnor if re(electe!. )a*en together, one nee! not be +herloc* ,olmes to see the evi!ence that, starting at 12-01 a.m. on November ., 2013, Chris Christie "ill be running for 'resi!ent of the /nite! +tates. )hat some citi0ens may thin* that this is a goo! thing, some citi0ens may thin* that this is a ba! thing, an! most citi0ens %robably !o not care one "ay or another is not the issue. )he issue is that, "hile Chris Christie "ill be out of +tate virtually full(time cam%aigning for 'resi!ent an! atten!ing fun!raisers in 1o"a an! Ne" ,am%shire an! other %laces, "ho "ill actually be running the 23ecutive 4ranch of Ne" 5ersey +tate overnment on a !ay to !ay basis6 Sure, hristie will be getting paid to run the State Govern!ent, "ut who will actually be running the State Govern!ent# )he ans"er to that very im%ortant 7uestion is 8ieutenant overnor Kim ua!agno, still a com%lete un*no"n after almost 9 years in %ublic office. What !o "e *no" about Kim ua!agno, a relative ne"comer to the %olitical scene6 $ho is she# We *no" that ua!agno is not a #5ersey irl$ so to s%ea*. +he "as born an! raise! in 1o"a, atten!e! College in 'ennsylvania an! 8a" +chool in Washington :.C. We *no" that ua!agno has a%%arently been a %ublic em%loyee her entire %rofessional an! %olitical life, having never once "or*e! in free enter%rise. )o!ay, in her most recent %ublic ;ob as 8ieutenant overnor, she is being %ai! <191,000.00 %er year by the ta3%ayers to !o #"hatever it is that the 8ieutenant overnor !oes=. )his

a%%arently is little more than "ait aroun! for those moments "hen the actual overnor leaves the +tate for vacation or business or %olitical %ur%oses. We *no", too, that, at least, ua!agno>s husband is from Ne" 5ersey, but he, too, a%%arently has never been anything but a %ublic em%loyee his entire %rofessional life ( never once "or*ing in free enter%rise to earn a %aychec*. We are tol! that he !rives an e3%ensive fancy foreign car "ith s%ecial Ne" 5ersey license %lates, all in the en! %ai! for by the ta3%ayers. ?t his %resent %ublic ;ob as a +tate ?%%ellate Court 5u!ge, #@r.$ is %ai! <1A5,000.00 annually by the ta3%ayers. 4et"een the t"o of them, the ua!agno househol! collects annually <31.,000.00 in ta3%ayer(fun!e! salary, "hich number !oes not inclu!e the full health benefits an! %ension cre!its that are com%letely unavailable to those of us "ho live in free enter%rise an! "or* for a living ( "ell over <1 million in the last three years alone.

Good wor% i& you can 'et it, ( 'uess)

+everal years ago, the insi!er %olitical "is!om "as that, for Christie to "in as a Be%ublican in a +tate"i!e election, reality an! statistics man!ate! that he "in @onmouth County. )he best "ay un!er the circumstances then "as to choose someone from @onmouth County as his running(mate. We *no" Christie chose ua!agno %rimarily because she "as from @onmouth County, an! because she "as one of the fe" Be%ublican electe! officials in @onmouth County at that time that ha! not been arreste! or in!icte! or other"ise im%licate! in the several #4i!(Big$ %ublic official corru%tion investigations run by Christie>s o"n /nite! +tates ?ttorney>s Cffice. )he #4i!(Big$ corru%tion investigation curiously sto%%e! at the @onmouth County 5u!iciary. ?t least, on that basis, "e *no" that @s. ua!agno !i! not ta*e any bribes "hen she "as +heriff. ua!agno>s %rimary 7ualifications to be Christies running mate "as that D1E she live! in @onmouth County an! D2E a%%arently she "as not corru%t. C* 7ualifications for the non(;ob ;ob of 8ieutenant overnor, but har!ly enough information to 7ualify one for actual overnor.

We *no" that several years ago, as #?cting overnor$, ua!agno %rou!ly signe! "ith much fanfare a bill moving the Ne" 5ersey 'resi!ential 'olitical 'arty 'rimary 2lections from the month of February bac* to 5une, saving ta3%ayers <10 million "ith the slash of a %en. We also *no" that a little more than 2 years later, ua!agno>s boss, Chris Christie, calle! for a +%ecial 2lection for /nite! +tates +enate which cost that taxpayers $24 million. )hat "hich "as save! "as then ta*en bac* "ith an additional $14 million price tag, all paid by taxpayers.

* +istur"in' ,ruth ))) Cn Cctober 3, 2013, a +tate +u%erior Court 5u!ge foun! that ua!agno an! the :ivision of 2lections that she oversees violate! +tate an! Fe!eral 2lection 8a"s in the a!ministration of that <29 million +%ecial 2lection. )hose actions are no" the sub;ect of a s%ecial investigation in the /nite! +tates +enate ( than*s to a %etition brought by five of the Can!i!ates before the election even too* %lace. Dthe %etition an! su%%orting evi!ence may be vie"e! ,2B2- htt%-GG""".scrib!.comG!ocG1A.33.093G/nite!(+tates( +enate(filing(B2(N5(+'2C1?8(+2N?)2(282C)1CN(CCN)2+)2: , an! the original la"suit, ,2B2- htt%-GG""".scrib!.comG!ocG1AA3H3.0HGCo%y( !istribute!(8(1H33(13 E

We *no" that in 5anuary 2011 !uring an une3%ecte! +no" +torm that both the overnor an! 8ieutenant overnor "ere out of +tate on long %lanne! vacations, neither one available to !eal "ith "hat became a +tate of 2mergency. )hese observations are neither =%ro(= nor =anti(= Christie, nor are they =%ro(= or =anti(= any of the over various can!i!ates for overnor. 1n fact, the un!ersigne!, still un!eci!e!, may very "ell vote for Christie ( but that is the %roblem.

? vote for Christie is not really that, at all. 1t is ( from a %ractical stan!%oint & really a vote for ua!agno. Further, these observations are not really =anti( ua!agno= Dother than the outrageous ta3%ayer fun!e! salaries that both she an! her husban! collect & one shoul! have to "or* in free enter%riseE.

)he %oint is that no one *no"s "ho she really is. 8ittle is *no"n an! "hat is *no"n is not flattering.

1f the ma;ority of the voters are satisfie! "ith a overnor a!ministering the Ne" 5ersey +tate overnment from other +tates by giving instructions to ua!agno via 1'hone, then that is the "ill of the %eo%le.

)he %eo%le shoul! be informe!, an! fully un!erstan!, ho"ever, "ho it is that they are actually voting for. - Publius

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