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Metal Genres POWER METAL: The Hero appears on a white Unicorn, escapes the Dragon, saves the Princess

and they re !oving each other in the enchanted "orest# THRA$H METAL: The Hero appears, %ights the Dragon, saves the Princess and %&c's her# "OL( METAL: The Hero appears with so)e %riends, who are p!aying accordion, vio!in, %!&te and so)e other strange instr&)ents# The Dragon %a!!s as!eep *%or he is +ored o% this who!e dancing,# Then they disappear### Witho&t the Princess# HEA-. METAL: The Hero arrives with his Har!ey, 'i!!s the Dragon, drin's so)e /eer and s!eeps with the Princess# HAPP. METAL: Hero sho&ts: 0 a) the de%ender o% tr&e idiocy1 /&t on!y o% idiocy, so the Dragon 'i!!s and eats the Hero# The Princess wo&!d !a&gh her +a!!s o%%, i% she had those# DEATH METAL: Hero appears, 'i!!s Dragon, %&c's Princess, 'i!!s Princess, disappears# /LA2( METAL: The Hero appears at Midnight, 'i!!s the Dragon and i)pa!es it in %ront o% the 2ast!e# He de%i!es the Princess, drin's her +!ood in an &nho!y rit&a! +e%ore he 'i!!s her# A%ter that, he i)pa!es her ne3t to the Dragon# 4ORE METAL: The Hero appears, 'i!!s the Dragon, distri+&tes its +owe!s in %ront o% the 2ast!e wa!!s# Then he %&c's the Princess and 'i!!s her# "&c's again her dead +ody, dise)+owe!s her and eats her +owe!s# A%ter that, he rapes her +ody %or the third ti)e, +&rns her and %&c's her %or the !ast ti)e#

5U METAL: The Hero appears in a shitty Honda 2ivic and tries to %ight the Dragon# Whi!e he is doing that, his st&pid /aggy6Pants in%!a)e and he dies# TRUE METAL: The Hero arrives 7 ho&rs !ate with 89 To&r+&sses and his :;; )en strong orchestra! 2hoir# A%ter two ho&rs o% so&ndchec', he te!!s the Dragon a+o&t his !ast Princess and the !ast /att!e1 Everything with orchestra! +ac'ings# The %&ry Princess 'i!!s the Dragon, c&rses the Hero and <&)ps into death, whi!e the Hero 'eeps on ta!'ing a+o&t his /att!es# TRUE (ULT /LA2( METAL: 5o Hero appears at a!!# -0(054 METAL: Hero arrives in a Dragonship, 'i!!s the Dragon with his )ighty A3e, s'ins it and eats its )eat# Then he rapes the Princess to death, stea!s her property, +&rns down the 2ast!e and disappears# WH0TE METAL: The Hero espies the Dragon and thin's that it )&st +e an aspect o% $atan1 He +egs his 4od to save the wor!d %ro) this evi! creat&re and te!!s the Princess that there won t +e any se3&a! contact +e%ore )arriage# MELOD02 METAL: The Hero is not s&re i% he sho&!d ta'e the Honda 2ivic or the Unicorn# 5either he 'nows what to wear# 2a)o&%!age pants or his cors!et# At the 2ast!e gates, he again is &ns&re what to do with the Dragon, or what to do here at a!!# He gets eaten and the Dragon ta'es a nap# PRO4RE$$0-E METAL: The Hero appears, p!aying a := )in&te 4&itar $o!o# Dragen co))its s&icide +eca&se he is so +ored# The Hero enter the s!eepingroo) o% the Princess, p!ays another $o!o with every technica! %inesse he !earned at M&sic schoo!# The Princess escapes and searches desperate!y %or the Heavy Meta! Hero#

DOOM METAL: The Hero appears, scans how /04 the Dragon is, +eco)es depressive and co))its s&icide, +eca&se he co&!d never +eat s&ch a +ig creat&re# The Dragon eats the Hero and the Princess %or desert# That s the sad end o% this sad story# 4LAM METAL: The Hero appears and the Dragon dies !a&ghing a+o&t the appearance o% the Hero# A%ter that, the Hero stea!s a!! the Ma'e6Up %ro) that Princess and tries to paint the 2ast!e pin'# 4R05D2ORE: Hero appears, gr&nts so)e inco)prehensi+!e words, and disappears so)e )in&tes a%ter# METAL 2ORE: The Hero appears with his 4ang *a!! in short pants %or everyone co&!d see their nice tattoos, in a !owered 2ar# They p!ay so)e Ri%%s, hate everyone and everything, get %&c'ed over their $o&nd, hand o&t so)e High6"ives and disappear# MO$H METAL: Hero appears, hands o&t so)e p&nish)ent to the Dragon and then to the Princess# And %ina!!y to hi)se!% +e%ore he !eaves# $TREET METAL: The Hero shoots the Dragon# He tries to !eave +ehind his past, +&t then he threatens the Princess# He rapes her and in%ects her with so)e se3&a!!y trans)issi+!e disease# Then he +&rns the 2ast!e# And r&ns away# $PEED METAL: The Hero appears, 'i!!s the Dragon, saves the Princess in !ess than 7; seconds# The have se3 on a c!earance in a ro)antic cand!e!ight at)osphere# Un%ort&nate!y the Hero co)es a%ter 8: seconds and the Princess is pissed#

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