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by NathanielBranden 1. - respects to what facts,paysattention Living consciously needaffention,and is opento information(evenif critical).


foryour responsibility taking Self-acceptanceandactions. feelings, thoughts,

otherpeople of blaming theavoidance Self-responsibilit-vandactions. for your choices or circumstances up for who you are. standing Self-assertivegoals. andpursuing choosing Living purposelyintegrity-tellingthetruth,honoring Personal andbeingfair with others. commitments,

4. 5. 6.

{. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

I tell myself the truth. I am currently paying attention to what needs attention. I am open to new ideas. I understand I am responsible for my thoughts. feelings and actions. I do not blame others for my actions. I stand up for myself. I have goals I am actively pursuing. I honor commitments. I am fair with others.

Thoughtsfrom Jerry Dollard... o r o o Dishonestyleadsus away from knowing who we are. Dishonestyoften becomes a way of life. As we struggleto put our world together,dishonestyoften leads us into conflict. Our attemptsto manipulate,even when our motives were good, have deprived us of a simple way of life. When we are dishonestwith ourselves,we often lie about our feelings, we cover up for others in our life, we made excusesto ourselvesand others which we knew weren'ttrue. Often our dishonestyis directly related to fear -- our fear of other people knowing us, knowing what is really going on insideof us. Sometimes dishonesty is directly related to our selfishness.In order to get what we want, we often manipulate and deceivethosearoundus. Perhaps the most serious form of dishonesty,and the one that eventually destroys us, is self-delusion.This dishonesty occurswhen we think we are being sincere,but we have an understandingof the situation without really talking it out with anyoneelse. This unrealistic approachoften leadsus to grandiosebehavior of trying to influencethings in our lives, and others' lives, that we cannotcontrol. This attitude can also lead to a point which we seriously under-estimateour own worth and ability to change.If we are not opento othersand allow them to seeus as we are,we can be caughtin a the dishonesty of self-delusion.

SELF Thesingle relationship trulycentral and in lifeis the relationship crucial to theself. It is rewarding to findsomeone whomyou like,butit is essential lt is to likeyourself. quickening is a to recognize thatsomeone goodanddecent human being, butit is indispensable to viewyourself as a acceptable. lt is a delight to discover people whoareworthy of respect and admiration andlove,butit is vitalto believe yourself for you deserving of these things cannot livein someone else. Of all the people youwillknowin a lifetime, youare the onlyoneyouwillnever leave.To the problem of yourlife,youarethesolution.
Jo Couber Excerpts: Advicefroma Failure

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