Useful Linking Words and Phrases That Can Be Used at The Start of New Paragraphs

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Useful linking words and phrases that can be used at the start of new paragraphs: A contrary explanation is that,

Although, As a consequence, As a result, As we have seen, At the same time, Accordingly, An equally significant aspect of Another, significant factor in Before considering X it is important to note Y By the same token, But we should also consider, Despite these criticisms, its popularity remains high !ertainly, there is no shortage of disagreement within !onsequently, !orrespondingly, !onversely, !haytor, in particular, has focused on the Despite this, Despite these criticisms, the popularity of X remains largely undiminished "ach of these theoretical positions make an important contri#ution to our understanding of, "vidence for in support of this position, can #e found in, "vidently, $or this reason, $or these reasons, $urthermore, %iven, the current high profile de#ate with regard to, it is quite surprising that %iven, the advantages of outlined in the previous paragraph, it is quite predicta#le that &owever, &aving considered X, it is also reasona#le to look at &ence, 'n addition to, 'n contrast, 'n this way, 'n this manner, 'n the final analysis, 'n short, 'ndeed, 't can #e seen from the a#ove analysis that, 't could also #e said that, 't is however, important to note the limitations of 't is important however not to assume the applica#ility of, in all cases 't is important however not to overemphasis the strengths of 'n the face of such criticism, proponents of, have responded in a num#er of ways (oreover, )otwithstanding such criticism, its popularity remains largely undiminished )otwithstanding these limitations, it worth remains in a num#er of situations

)oting the compelling nature of this new evidence, has suggested that )evertheless, remains a growing pro#lem )onetheless, the num#er of, has continued to e*pand at an e*ponential rate Despite these criticisms, its popularity remains high +n the other hand, critics of, point to its #lindness, with respect to +f central concern therefore to, sociologists is e*plaining how societal processes and institutions ,roponents of, have also suggested that -u#sequently, -imilarly, .he sentiment e*pressed in the quotation, em#odies the view that, .his interpretation of, has not #een without its detractors however .his approach is similar to the, position .his critique, unfortunately, implies a singular cause of, .his point is also sustained #y the work of, .hirdly, .his counter argument is supported #y evidence from, .he use of the term, .herefore, .here appears then to #e an acceleration in the growth of .here is also, however, a further point to #e considered .hese technological developments have greatly increased the growth in, .hus, .o #e a#le to understand, /ndou#tedly, 0hile such failures must not #e discounted, there were in comparison small, when compared 0hilst the discussion in the preceding paragraph, 0hether crime rates were actually lower at this time continues to #e a matter of de#ate "vidence from

Sample Sentences With dioms!!! "he suffering Adam went through in life was actually a blessing in disguise,for it has taught him to be prudent and thrifty with his finances! #any obese #alaysians are actually couch potatoes!"hey $ust like to sit and eat on a couch all day long watching mo%ies without mo%ing an inch! Students who like to drag their feet will not be able to finish their school pro$ect on time! Students need to widen their hori&ons in order to face the challenges of globalisation! 'eople who like to be mules for drug traffickers must learn to face the music if caught by the authorities! Sam has a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen today! 'arents need to ha%e a heart to heart talk with their teenage children often!"his will help them to understand the emotional turmoil their teenage children are going through better! (eading helps a person to be knowledgeable about his surroundings and not be in the dark! 'arents need to keep an eye on their childrens after school acti%ities! We packed our things and headed to the remote %illage in #an$ala! "he $ourney was )uite challenging and dangerous but we managed to steer clear of danger and reached the %illage safe and sound! #y father and mother are always at loggerheads, they ne%er once agreed on anything, always pointing fingers at one another o%er silly matters! Sandy was on cloud nine as she got through her S'# examination with flying colours! After waiting for six long years, 'at and #andy finally tied the knot! "heir parents ga%e them an out of this world wedding reception as a wedding gift! *enry is )uite wrapped up with his construction work! *e $ust can+t afford to take a break or put up his feet e%en for a second! #iranda has put on weight after gi%ing birth to her baby girl! She plans to work out more to shed the extra pounds! Starting from ,-./, e%ery student must pass their *istory paper! Students are worried that they might not be able to sail through it because *istory is all 0reek to them! "he old house opposite my house has a ghostly presence, it gi%es me goose bumps $ust looking at it! "he bank was robbed in broad daylight!"he police are not lea%ing any stones unturned, they are working out a game plan to catch the mastermind! 'eople around the world must ha%e an attitude of gi%e and take in order to en$oy continuous peace! nsensiti%e words or religious undertones will only create ripples which can turn into a %icious cycle of unnecessary %iolence! "he two opposing political parties are hoping for a landslide %ictory this coming election! Working committes from both parties ha%e rolled up their slee%es for some serious campaining!

1ntries 2a fait accompli 3ormal f something is a fait accompli, it is certain to happen! 2)uid pro )uo 3ormal f you do something as a )uid pro )uo, you do it on the understanding that something will be done for you in return! 2%is2a2%is 3ormal 4ou can say %is2a2%is instead of saying 5in relation to5! 2an act of 0od 3ormal Something like an earth)uake or a tornado can be called an act of 0od! 2carte blanche 3ormal f you gi%e someone carte blanche, you gi%e them freedom to do whate%er they want in a situation! 2raison d+6tre 3ormal 4our raison d+6tre is your reason for li%ing, or the most important thing in your life! 2a %olte2face 3ormal f you make a %olte2face, you change your opinion or your decision about something to the exact opposite of what it was! 2de rigeur 3ormal f something is de rigeur, it is necessary to ha%e if you want to be fashionable or be accepted into a particular social scene! 2esprit de corps 3ormal A feeling of pride and comradeship shared by members of a group such as a military unit or a sports team!

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