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Backround of Problem Language was an integral part of human being and an inability to use it adequately could affect someones status in society because of its importance in human life. According to Bloch and Trater language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols.

It means that in daily activities people used language to

communicate each other. In literary wor!s it was used to coverying thought and ideas in writing short story drama poetry and novel. "hen two or more people communicate each other I a conversation it can call the system of communication. Language is the system of sounds and words used by human to e#press their thought and feeling.$ %eans language has important position in daily life because people who e#press their thoughts and feelings by sound and words automatically. %any people in the communication often can not use language structurally and systematically. &ne of the reasons is never view that language is not very important. 'o this research aim to aunderstand why is ellpis is more important to understand sentences. According to (uir! language is the system of human e#pression by means of words). It means that language was a human e#pression to communicate each other and people always need language wether it was

A. *amid *asan Lubis. Analysis Wacana Programatic. Ang!asa Bandung 1++1. p. 1

$ A' *ornby ,1++-.. Oxford Adnaved Learners Dictionary of Current English. /ew 0or! 1 &#ford 2niversity 3ress. p. 44$ ) (uir! 5undolph. ,1+67.. Longman Dictionary Contemporary English /ew 8dition. 9reat Britian Longman 9roup u! Limited. p. -64

written oral language and gesture. In written language people e#press their felling and idea by writing something. In oral language people spea! directly to another one. In gesture people communicate by using body language. All of these !inds of language always happen in daily life. Language e#ists because people need communication. There are two ma:or function of language 1 1. International function that has to do with human or emotionally how they indicate friendliness cooperation hostility annoyance pain of pleasure. $. Transactional function where by human beings use their linguistic abilities to communicate !nowledge s!ills and information. Based on opinion above it could be concluded that language was always needed by all people to communicate each other abd ab inability to use language could affect someones status in society because its importance in human life. word ;literature; has different meanings depending on who is using it. It could be applied broadly to mean any symbolic record encompassing everything from images and sculptures to letters. In a more narrow sense the term could mean only te#t composed of letters or other e#amples of symbolic written language ,8gyptian hieroglyphs for e#ample.. An even more narrow interpretation is that te#t have a physical form such as on paper or some other portable form to the e#clusion of inscriptions or digital media.

The %uslim scholar and philosopher Imam <a=far al>'adiq ,7?$>74A@. defined Literature as follows1 ;Literature is the garment which one puts on what he says or writes so that it may appear more attractive. )A 3anghilito Luigi added that literature is a slice of life that has been given direction and meaning an artistic interpretation of the world according to the percipient=s point of views. Brequently the te#ts that ma!e up literature crossed over these boundaries. 5ussian Bormalist 5oman Jakob on defines literature as ;organiCed violence committed on ordinary speech; highlighting literature=s deviation from the day>to>day and conversational structure of words. Illustrated stories hyperte#ts cave paintings and inscribed monuments have all at one time or another pushed the boundaries of ;literature. 3eople may perceive a difference between ;literature; and some popular forms of written wor!. The terms ;literary fiction; and ;literary merit; often serve to distinguish between individual wor!s. Bor e#ample almost all literate people perceive the wor!s of Dharles @ic!ens as ;literature ; whereas some critics loo! down on the wor!s of <effrey Archer as unworthy of inclusion under the general heading of ;8nglish literature.; Dritics may e#clude wor!s from the classification ;literature ; for e#ample on the grounds of a poor standard of grammar and synta# of an unbelievable or dis:ointed story>line or of inconsistent or unconvincing characters. 9enre fiction ,for e#ample1

) A The reat !uslim "cientist and Philosopher #mam $afar #%n !ohammad As& "adi'(a)s*+#mam ,ussain Pu%lication. http1EEen.wi!ipedia.orgEwi!iELiterature -


romance crime or science fiction. may also become e#cluded from consideration as ;literature.; The !inds of litrature that we see such as 1 1. The term oral literature refers not to written but to oral traditions which includes different types of epic poetry and drama fol!tales ballads legends :o!es and other genres of fol!lore. It e#ists in every society whether literate or not. It is generally studied by fol!lorists or by scholars committed to cultural studies and ethnopoetics including linguists anthropologists and even sociologists. !" A literary technique or literary device may be used by wor!s of literature in order to produce a specific effect on the reader. Literary technique is distinguished from literar# $enre as militar# tactic are from militar# trate$#. Thus though David Copperfield employs satire at certain moments it belongs to the genre of comic novel not that of satire. By contrast Bleak House employs satire so consistently as to belong to the genre of satirical novel. In this way use of a technique can lead to the development of a new genre as was the case with one of the first modern novels Pamela by %amuel Ric&ard on which by using the epistolary technique strengthened the tradition of the e'i tolar# no(el a genre which had been practiced for some time already but without the same acclaim ). Literary criticism implies a critique and evaluation of a piece of literature and in some cases is used to improve a wor! in

progress or classical piece. There are many types of literary criticism and each can be used to critique a piece in a different way or critique a different aspect of a piece. 4 /ovel is a wor! of prose fiction of considerable length in order to distinguish it from the short story it is generally assumed that the novel should contain at least fifty thousand words. 7 %oreever according to the little &#ford @ictionary novel is fictions prose story published as complete boo!. 6 It means that the novel was long fictions that published as boo! and contain at least fifty thousands words. The novel could encourage the readers though about moral culture and philosophy problem so the readers would get more !nowledge and it give us about e#periences. /ovel is a long fictional story witten in prose it is one of the most popular forms of literature. The novel has three basic features that together distinguish it form other !inds of literature.+ Birst a novel is a narrative that is a story presented by a teller. It thus differs from a drama which presents a story through speech and actions of charactyers on stage. 'econd novels are longer than short stories fairy tales and most other types of narrative. Third the novel is written in prose rather than verse. This feature distinguishes novel from long narrative poems.

http1EEen.wi!ipedia.orgEwi!iELiterature "illiam @ *asley Colliers Encyclopedia -. /ith 0i%liography and index. In the united states of America 1+64. p. 4+7 6 <ulia swannel. The little oxford Dictionary. 1+64. /ew 'i#th 8dition &#ford 2niversity 3ress. p. )47

Alwi *asan. Tata 0ahasa 0u1u 0ahasa #ndonesia edisi Fe tiga $??). 3T. Balai 3usta!a <a!arta. 3. A$7

Based on argument above it could be concluded that some definitions of novel above were complicating each other and novel was a long written story and it contain at least fifty thousand words. /ovel as an e#ample of literary wor!s that uses language in the te#t. It told the event within the range of ordinary e#perience and avoids supernaturalism and their stories are original not traditional or mythic it can provide e#citing stories and as escape from life. 9enerally some novels encourage the reader to thought about moral social or philosophical problem.1?9ramatically the novel has repetition of words that ma!e it inefficient. It means that to avoid thpitition the repetition there would be many ellipsis in the novel used. 8llipsis in the te#t was important because it could ma!e the sentence in the novel more efficient in order to ma!e the reader would not to find the same words that ma!e it uninteresting. According to 5ondolph (uir! ellipsis is omission of words needed to complete construction but not the meaning of a sentence and ellipsis can be describe as subsituation by Cero.11 It could be used both spea!ing and writing. 8llipsis was one of the cohesions types. It could ma!e the sentence in the novel more efficient. Actually there were some aspect that could be analyCed in the cohesion but in this research the writer fouses for one types of the cohesion which was ellipsis because it was omission of same words to

The /orld %oo1 encyclopedia. 1+66 2'A by world boo! inc. p.-76 (uir! 5andolp. Longman Dictionay Contemporary English /ew 8dition 9reat Britian Longman 9roup u! Limited 1+67 p.))?.


made the sentence more good and in order to avoid repetition of same words in the novel. Bor e#ample the writer found some ellipsis in the novel !ixed 0lessings by @anielle 'teel. 1. a. T&e# got engaged eighteen months after t&e# met and O set the wedding date eight month later in <une.1$ b. They got engaged eighteen months after they met and they set the wedding date eight months later in <une1) The e#ample ,1.a. consist of there clauses. The first clause was GThey got engaged eighteen monthsH the second one was Gthey metH and the thirdH& set the wedding date eight months later in <uneH. The sub:ect in the first and the second one were connected by the con:uction after. "hile in the second clause with the third one repetition of there connected by coordinating con:uction and. The sub:ect in the third clause was deleted because repetition of the sub:ect was not necessary in the third one but the sub:ect in the second clause was deleted because the writer of novel wish the reader more !now about t&e#. In the e#ample ,1.b. it could be interpreted that the first second and the third clause have same sub:ect that was T&e#. $. a. 'he spent it in her childhood bedroom and & lay for a long time after she
@anielle 'teel. !ixed 0lessing. @antam @oubledy publishing 9roup 1++1 Inc.p.4 @anielle 'teel. !ixed 0lessings Translation %y Liana L.@. 3T. 9ramedia 3usta!a 2tama 1++- p. 16
1) 1$

wo!e up.1A ,#a mele/at1an malam itu di 1amar masa 1ana1&1ana1nya+ dan ter%aring lama setelah ter2aga..1b. %&e spent it in her childhood bedroom and &e lay for a long time after she wo!e up. The e#ample ,$.a. consist of three clauses. The first clause was Gshe spent it in her childhood bedroomH. The second clause was G OH lay for a long timeH and the third one is Gshe wo!e upH. The sub:ect in the first and the second clause were connected by the coordinating con:uction and+ while in the second clause with the third one were connected by con:uction after. The sub:ect in the second clause was deleted because repetition of the sub:ect was not necessary in the second one but the sub:ect in the third clause was not deleted because the writer of novel wish the reader more !now about &e. In the e#ample ,$.b. it could be interpreted that the first second and the third clause have same sub:ect that was &e. Based on this phenomenon and to !now more about ellipsis in the novel the writer was interested in doing research under the title 1 G THE ANA)*%I% O+ E))IP%I% IN NO,E) -I.ED B)E%%IN/% B* DANIE))E %TEE)H B.
1A 1-

+ormulation of Problem
#%id p.7 #%id. p. 6

The writer propouse three questions in this research such as 1 1. "hat are the types of ellipsis written in /ovel %i#ed BlessingsI $. "hich one of the ellipsis that was more dominant used in the novel I ). "hat are the influences of ellipsis to the novel I C. )imitation of Problem In this research the study focused on the problem related the ellipsis that found in the novel and the writer limits the problem focuses on analyCing four types of ellipsis they are 8llipsis of sub:ect ellipsis of au#iliary 8llipsis of sub:ect an then 8llipsis of predicate in %i#ed Blessings by @anielle 'teel that was published in 1++$. The writer also too! some of translation in the !ixed 0lessings translation by Liana L.@ that was published by 3T 9ramedia 3usta!a 2tama in 1++-. D. Pur'o e of Re earc& 1. To find out the types of ellipsis in novel %i#ed Blessings $. To find out which one of ellipsis that was more dominant used in /ovel ). To find out the influences of ellipsis to the novel. E. %i$nificance of re earc& The writer hopes that the result of this research could give contribution to the linguistic study beside that the writer also hopes the result of this research would be useful for himself and the reader to improve herEhis understanding about the ellipsis especially the novel as one of literary wor!.

CHAPTER II THE RE,IE0 O+ RE)ATED )ITERATURE A. Elli' i 8llipsis is the omission of one or more that can be obviously understood and supplied to ma!e a construction seem more complete. 1 According to 9owers 8llipsis adalah penghilangan 1ata atau se2umlah 1ata dari suatu 1alimat yang dima1sud1an agar 1alimat itu men2adi le%ih pende1 (sing1at* dan le%i1 susunannya. $ It might say that ellipsis was the omission of a word of part of a sentence in order to ma!e a sentence shorter and more efficient. It also needed to avoid the repetition of the same words in the sentence because putting the same word phrase or clause into the sentence inefficient. According to *amid *asan Lubis 8llips is the leaving out of a word or words from a sentence when the meaning can be understood without it. ) And *aliday and *asan in http344///)Translation Directly)com. 'aid ellipsis is the term we use when words or phrase are left out to achieve a more compact e#pression. Bor e#ample if two clauses are coordinated both of clauses have

A %eriam "ebster. We%sters "eventh 5e/ Collegiate Dictionary 1+74 made in the united states of Americana. 3.$46 $ Buad %asud. Esential of English rammar 1++1. 0ogya!arta. 3.$+1. ) http1EE 9rammar.coc.commnent.edo.ellipsis.htm. ,Accessed from the internet on <une $6 $??6.

the same sub:ect so this sub:ect may be omitted in the second clause to avoid repetition.A

a. "ent



I b. "ent

to the library and

I fell


to the library


The e#ample ,a. there were two clause of the sentences the first clause was GI went to the libraryH and the second clause was GI fell asleepH. The first clause and the second clause were connected by the subordinating con:uction that was and it was used to relate both of clauses. In the e#ample ,b. the sub:ect in the first clause same with the second clause was ellipted so that a repetition of the sub:ect the second clause were not necessary. Based on e#ample above it could be concluded that ellipsis was needed to avoid the repetition in the senetence and the omission of element from a sentence that it was not really importance to say again because it had !nown before. 1. T&e t#'e of elli' i

http1EE 9rammar.ccc.comment.edo.ellipsis.htm. ,Accessed from the internet on <une $6 $??6.

There were many types of ellipsis in sentences but the writer focuses on four types of ellipsis in the novel %i#ed Blessings by @anielle 'teel they were1 a. 8llipsis of 'ub:ect 8llipsis of sub:ect could be happened when the sentence consists of two or more clauses that only have identical sub:ect and the sub:ect in the second clauses or another clause was deleted. Bor e#ample 11. a. I may see you tomorrow or I may phone later in the day b. I may see you tomorrow or & may phone later in the day The e#ample ,1.a. there were two clauses of the sentence the first clause was GI may see you tomorrowH and the second clause was GI may phone later in the dayH. The first clause and the second clause were connected by the subordinating con:uction or to relate the clauses. In the e#ample ,1.b. the sub:ect in the first clauses same with the second one that was I ,the first person pronoun. therefore the sub:ect in the second clause was deleted so that a repetition of the sub:ect to the second clause were not necessary. b. 8llipsis of Au#iliary

5andolp (uir!) A 6niversity rammar of rammar 1+7). 3roduced by Longman 9roup ,B.8.. Ltd. 3rinted In *ong!ong. 3.$-4

8llipsis of au#iliary could be happened when the sentence consists of two or more clauses that have identical au#iliary and the au#iliary in the second clause or another clause was deleted. Bor e#ample 1 4 $. a. <hon &ould clean the shed and 3eter should now the lawn b. <hon &ould clean the shed and 3eter & now the lawn ). a. <hon mu t have been playing football and %ary must have been doing homewor! b. <hon mu t have been playing football and %ary & doing homewor! The e#ample ,$.a. there were two clauses of the sentence the first clause was G<hon &ould clean the shedH and the second clause was G 3eter should now the lawnH. The first clause and the second one were connected by the subordinating con:uction and. In the e#ample ,$.b. the Au#iliary in the first clause same with the second clause therefore the au#iliary in the second clause was deleted because a repetition of the au#iliary was not necessary. The e#ample ,).a. there were two clauses the first clause and the second clause were connected by the subordinating con:uction that was and it was used to relate both of clauses. The first clause was G <hon must have been playing foorballH and the second clause was G %ary mu t have been doing her homewor!. In

#%id. $4$

the e#ample ,).b. the au#iliary in the first and the second clauses was same therefore the au#iliary in the second clause was deleted because it was not necessary. c. 8llipsis of sub:ect and au#iliary It could be happened when the sentence consists of two or more clauses that has the same sub:ect and au#iliary and then sub:ect and au#iliary in the second clause or another clause was deleted because it same with the first one. Bor e#ample 17 A. a. -ar# has washed the dishes and -ar# &a put them in the cupboard b. %ary has washed the dishes and & put them in the cupboard The e#ample ,A.a. there were two clauses of the sentence the first clause was G -ar# &a washed the dishesH and the second one was G-ar# &a put them in the cupboardH. The first and the second clause were connected by subordinating con:uction and. It was used to relate both of clauses. In the e#ample ,A.b. sub:ect and au#iliary in the first clause same with the second clause therefore the sub:ect in the second clause was ellipted because it was not necessary. d. 8llipsis of predicate

Ibid. $41.

In this part the ellipsis of predicate could be happened when the sentence consists of two or more clauses that have same predicate and the predicate in the second clause was deleted. Bor e#ample 16 A. a. I wor! in a factory and my brother wor!s on a farm b. I wor! in factory and my brother & on a farm The e#ample ,-.a. there were two clauses of the sentence the first clause was GI wor! in a factoryH and the second clause wasH my brother wor!s on a farmH. The first clause and the second one were connected by the subordinating con:uction that was and it was used to relate both of clauses in the e#ample ,-.b. the predicate in the first clause same with the second one therefore the sub:ect in the second clause was deleted because it was not necessary. Based on the e#planation above it could be concluded that ellipsis was the omission of a word that has same words to ma!e the sentence more efficient. B. )in$u tic and %t#li tic Lingusitics is the science of describing language and showing how it wor!s J stylistics which concentrates on variation in the use of language often but not e#clusively with special attention to the most conscious and comple# uses of language in literature.

#%id. $4$.

%ean while in &#ford @ictionary that linguistics was described J the scientific study of language or of particular languages.+ %t#li tic is the study of varieties of language whose properties position that language in conte#t. Bor e#ample the language of

advertising politics religion individual authors etc. or the language of a period in time all are used distinctively and belong in a particular situation. In other words they all have Kplace or are said to use a particular =style=.1? 'tylistics also attempts to establish principles capable of e#plaining the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language such as socialisation the production and reception of meaning critical discourse analysis and literary criticism. &ther features of stylistics include the use of dialogue including regional accents and peoples dialects descriptive language the use of grammar such as the active voice or passive voice the distribution of sentence lengths the use of particular language registers etc. %any linguists do not li!e the term Kstylistics. The word Kstyle itself has several connotations that ma!e it difficult for the term to be defined accurately. *owever in Linguistic Criticism 5oger Bowler ma!es the point that in non>theoretical usage the word stylistics ma!es sense

A' *ornby ,1++-.. Oxford Adnaved Learners Dictionary of Current English. /ew 0or! 1 &#ford 2niversity 3ress. p. 4+4. 1? http 1 EEE www) Wil1pedia) The free encyclopedia)com

and is useful in referring to an enormous range of literary conte#ts such as <ohn %iltons Kgrand style the Kprose style of *enry <ames the Kepic and Kballad style of classical 9ree! literature etc11. In addition stylistics is a distinctive term that may be used to determine the connections between the form and effects within a particular variety of language. Therefore stylistics loo!s at what is Kgoing on within the languageJ what the linguistic associations are that the style of language reveals. In The Cam%ridge Encyclopedia of Language Drystal observes that in practice most stylistic analysis has attempted to deal with the comple# and Kvalued language within literature i.e. Kliterary stylistics. *e goes on to say that in such e#amination the scope is sometimes narrowed to concentrate on the more stri!ing features of literary language for instance its Kdeviant and abnormal features rather than the broader structures that are found in whole te#ts or discourses. Bor e#ample the compact language of poetry is more li!ely to reveal the secrets of its construction to the stylistician than is the language of plays and novels.1$ "iddowson ma!es the point that such sentiments are usually not very interesting and suggests that they may even be dismissed as Kcrude verbal carvings ,"iddowson ). as does the 8nglish poet Thomas 9ray in his K8legy "ritten in a Dountry Dhurchyard ,17-1. who refers to them as Kuncouth rhymes. /evertheless "iddowson recognises that they are a

5oger Bowler. ,1++4.. Linguistic Criticism $nd edition . &#ford 1 &#ford 2niversity 3ress. 3. 1$1 1$ %ichael Toolan. 1++6. Language in Literature3 An #ntroduction to "tylistics. London1 *odder Arnold. p.-4

very real attempt to convey feelings of human loss and preserve affectionate recollections of a beloved friend or family member. *owever what may be seen as poetic in this language is not so much in the formulaic phraseology but in where it appears. The verse may be given undue reverence precisely because of the sombre situation in which it is placed. "iddowson suggests that unli!e words set in stone in a graveyard poetry is unorthodo# language that vibrates with inter>te#tual implications.

CHAPTER III -ETHOD O+ RE%EARCH A. De i$n of Re earc& In this research the writer focuses on the ellipsis that uses qualitative research. Boddan and Taylor define a qualitative research adalah se%agai prosedur penelitian yang menghasil1an data des1riptif %erupa 1ata&1ata tertulis atau lisan dari orang&orang atau prila1u yang dapat diamati menurut mere1a.1 It means that qualitative research was used to described the data as rsearch procedure which describes the data in written and oral language. 'ince this research uses a qualitative research the data were analyCed through interpreting that the result would give the description of the phenomena research. B. %ource of Data 'ource of data this research were 1 a. 3rimary data The writer too! the main source of data from the /ovel of %i#ed Blessings by @anielle 'teel that was published in 1++$. And the writer also too! the novel of %i#ed Blessings translation by Liana L.@. 3ublished by 3T 9ramedia 3usta!a 2tama in <a!arta 1++-. b. 'econdary data

%eleong Le#i <. ,$??A.. !ethodologi Penelitian 7ualitatif. 3T. 5ema:a 5osda Farya 1 Bandung. 3. )

'econdary data were some boo!s dictionary and internet of data relate to thid research. C. Tec&ni2ue of Collectin$ Data In collecting the data the writer did some steps as mentioned below 1 1. The writer read mi#ed blessing. critically from the beginning to the itically to the end of the novel to chose which sentence contain ellipsis. $. in the novel ). The writer read mi#ed blessing critically to found rand indicate the poems of Amir the ellipsis from mi#ed blessing. A. The writer collected and chose data that related to the ellipsis and then writing the data on noteboo!. D. Tec&ni2ue of Data Anal# i After collecting the data the writer did some steps to arrange the data based on their form. According to %iles and *uberman @ata Analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts fieldnotes and other materials that you accumulate to increase your own understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have discovered to othersH.1) It may say that data analysis was a process to order the data organiCing inside a design and basic e#planation.
%iles %attehew B and *uberman %ichael A ,$??A.. Qualitative Data Analysis ; A Sourcebook of New Methods J London 1 'age 3ublication Beverly *ills. p. 47

The writer used the symbol & tomar! the ellipsis

According 'usan 'tainbac! that @ata Analysis is critical to the qualitative research process. It is to recognition study and understanding of interrelationship and concept in your data that hypoteses and assertation can be developed and evaluated.1A Based on this opinion the writer did some steps to analyCe the data they were 1 1. Dollecting the data $. Dlassifiying the data in their form ). AnalyCing the data that related A. Doncluding the finding.

'rainbac! 'usan ,1+66.. ndersrtandin! " Conductin! Qualitative #esearch$ Lowa 1 FendallE*unt 3ublishing Dompany. p. 1$6


BIB)IO/RAPH* A %eriam "ebster. We%sters "eventh 5e/ Collegiate Dictionary 1+74 made in the united states of Americana Alwi *asan. Tata 0ahasa 0a1u 0ahasa #ndonesia edisi Fe tiga $??). 3T. Balai 3usta!a <a!arta Alwi *asan. Tata 0ahasa 0u1u 0ahasa #ndonesia edisi Fe tiga $??). 3T. Balai 3usta!a <a!arta A' *ornby ,1++-.. Oxford Adnaved Learners Dictionary of Current English. /ew 0or! 1 &#ford 2niversity 3ress. @anielle 'teel !ixed 0lessings Translation by Liana L.@. 3T. 9ramdeia 3usta!a 2tama 1++@anielle 'teel. !ixed 0lessing. @antam @oubledy publishing 9roup 1++1 @anielle 'teel. !ixed 0lessings Translation by Liana L.@. 3T. 9ramedia 3usta!a 2tama Buad %asud. Esential of English rammar 1++1. 0ogya!arta *alliday and *asan. ,n.d.. LonlineM Avilable 1 http 1 EE www.Translation @irectly.Dom Article 46. htm. ,Accessed from the internet on <une $6 $??6 A. *amid *asan Lubis. Analysis Wacana Programatic. Ang!asa Bandung 1++1

http1EE 9rammar.ccc.comment.edo.ellipsis.htm. ,Accessed from the internet on <une $6 $??6 http1EE 9rammar.coc.commnent.edo.ellipsis.htm. ,Accessed from the internet on <une $6 $??6
http 1 EEE www) Wil1pedia) The free encyclopedia)com

http1EEen.wi!ipedia.orgEwi!iELiterature <ulia swannel. The little oxford Dictionary. 1+64. /ew 'i#th 8dition &#ford 2niversity 3ress

%eleong Le#i <. ,$??A.. !ethodologi Penelitian 7ualitatif. 3T. 5ema:a 5osda Farya 1 Bandung %ichael Toolan. 1++6. Language in Literature3 An #ntroduction to "tylistics . London1 *odder Arnold

(uir! 5andolp. Longman Dictionay Contemporary English /ew 8dition 9reat Britian Longman 9roup u! Limited (uir! 5undolp. Longman) Dictionary Contemporary English /ew 8dition 9reat Britian Longman 9roup u! limited (uir! 5undolph. ,1+67.. Longman Dictionary Contemporary English /ew 8dition. 9reat Britian Longman 9roup u! Limited 5andolp (uir!) A 6niversity rammar of rammar 1+7). 3roduced by Longman 9roup ,B.8.. Ltd. 3rinted In *ong!ong 5oger Bowler. ,1++4.. Linguistic Criticism $nd edition . &#ford 1 &#ford 2niversity 3ress
The reat !uslim "cientist and Philosopher #mam $afar #%n !ohammad As&"adi'(a)s*+#mam ,ussain Pu%lication. http1EEen.wi!ipedia.orgEwi!iELiterature

The /orld %oo1 encyclopedia. 1+66 2'A by world boo! inc "illiam @ *asley Colliers Encyclopedia -. /ith 0i%liography and index. In the united states of America 1+64

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