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Good evening dearest brothers and sisters, today we are all gathered here to
celebrate the feast of Bl. Joseph Vaz. He stands as a powerful patron and
advocate before God interceding for all needs of the church. Today he stands
as a Model and Intercessor. A model for us to follow in his exemplary life of
faith, hope and charity. Blessed Joseph Vaz is also an Intercessor, who prays
to God in Heaven for all our needs.
He is a patron of Priests, Nuns, Lay-leaders, Catechists, Teachers, Patron of
Doctors, nurses, Grave-diggers, patron of tolerance, Patron of Inculturation,
patron of children, Youth and families. He shows us the way to celebrate
God’s love to the fullest. As we celebrate this Eucharist; let us resolve to
follow the exemplary life of this great blessed, and fruitfully achieve the
crown of the heavenly kingdom.

Proclaim his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds to all the
peoples, great is the Lord and worthy of all praise.

Father of Mercy, in your compassionate love you sent your priest, and our
patron of the Konkan province, Joseph Vaz, to your children spiritually and
materially oppressed and persecuted in his native Goa, in Canara and mainly
in Sri Lanka. Stirred by his great faith and fortitude, may our hearts too be
ever available to humbly serve you in our sisters and brothers in need. Grant
this through our Lord Jesus Christ, one God, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.

1st Reading: Jer 1: 4-10

2nd Reading: 1 Cor 9: 16-19, 22-23
Gospel: Lk 10: 1-9
Our Response: Lord, hear our prayer.
• Father, Bl. Joseph Vaz was a great example of dedicated priesthood,
missionary activity and courageous apostolate. May we be comforted
by his prayers and be strengthened in times of difficulties. R/-
• Father as we reflect the holiness of Bl. Joseph Vaz, our patron, we are
inspired by his continuous encouragement to his flock to stand by
their faith against difficulties and persecutions. May we return to Our
Father by following his footsteps. R/-
• Lord, Bl. Joseph Vaz was a man of great integrity and disinterested
love. May we follow his integrity and disinterested love to fulfill our
evangelical work. Lord hear us. R/-
• Lord if it be your divine plan that we have a saint of our own, grant us
the grace to see Bl.Joseph Vaz soon proclaimed as Saint .Through his
powerful intercession may we receive a much-needed miracle for his
Canonization. R/-
• Lord we also pray for our Provincial Fr. Loddy Pires and his council
so that they may be inspired after the heart of Don Bosco and the zeal
of Bl. Joseph Vaz to lead and guide the Konkan province. R/-


Heavenly Father, we offer you the sacrifice of your son for the salvation of
all mankind. Your messenger Joseph Vaz whole heartedly offered his entire
life to carry the good news of the salvation to many sisters and brothers, near
and far. May we too, by the strength of this sacrifice, bear willing witness to
Jesus around us. We offer this prayer through Jesus, our Lord.

The Lord sent disciples to proclaim to all the towns; the kingdom of God is
very near to you.


Father of all peoples, we have participated in the banquet of the body and
blood of your only son. Through this holy sacrament may the church grow in
unity, and in the footsteps of your servant Joseph Vaz, may we be able to
build your kingdom of justice and love in bonds of peace and brotherhood,
above all sorts of social discrimination. We ask this in the name of Jesus, the

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