Gordon-Conwell: One Pagers - Hamilton, MA, Campus

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hi story Te Hamilton campus of Gordon-Conwell is the

seminarys original campus, founded in 1969 through the merger

of Gordon Divinity School and Conwell School of Teology. Our
founders, famed evangelist Rev. Billy Graham; Dr. Harold John
Ockenga, pastor of Bostons historic Park Street Church; and
philanthropist J. Howard Pew, desired to form an interdenomina-
tional, evangelical seminary dedicated to equipping students for
all facets of gospel outreach.
Te Hamilton campus now serves as the main campus out of four
as we train students to think theologically, engage globally and
live biblically wherever they are called.
fi nanci al ai d Te Hamilton campus ofers a vari-
ety of both merit- and need-based scholarships, including the full-
tuition Partnership Program.
academi c programs Nearly 40 percent of
Gordon-Conwell students pursue the Master of Divinity (M.Div).
Additional masters programs are ofered in many disciplines, and
Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degrees are awarded in more than 20
Additionally, Gordon-Conwell ofers a distance education pro-
gram through which students can take a portion of the course
requirements for the M.Div. and Master of Arts (M.A.) degrees.
boston theologi cal i nsti tute
Students have the unique opportunity to take classes through the
Boston Teological Institute (BTI), a consortium of 10 seminar-
ies and theological schools, including Harvard Divinity School,
in the Boston area.
mentored mi ni stry Each M.Div. student
gains practical ministry experience through a mentoring rela-
tionship with a ministry leader. Tis internship instills a growing
passion for ministry and develops the skills necessary for faithful
Christian service.
key leaders
degree programs Master of Divinity, Master
of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts (Professional), Master of
Teology (T.M.), Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.), Doctor of Teol-
ogy (T.D.) in Missiology (ofered jointly with Boston University
School of Teology).
contact: 1 (800) 428-7329 | admissions@gordonconwell.edu

Seminary President is Dr. Dennis P. Hollinger, an accomplished

ethicist who also serves as the Colman M. Mockler Distin-
guished Professor of Christian Ethics.
Academic Dean is Dr. Richard Lints, who also serves as the An-
drew Mutch Distinguished Professor of Teology.
Board Chairman is John A. Hufman, Jr., who has pastored a
number of churches across the U.S. and authored nine books.

Full-time, classic theological education

Residential model
Vibrant and diverse student body of over 930 students from 73
denominations and 42 foreign countries
Emphasis on deep spiritual formation, global engagement and
practical training
A faculty known internationally in the areas of biblical studies,
ministry and theology
hami lton

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