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Running/Walking Related Injuries Directions: Research the following information and post in your Basics of Training su!

"page# What is ilioti!ial !and syndrome$ ITBS, is an injury to the iliotable band, a ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh from the hip. When the iliotable band is injured movement of the knee is hindered due to pain. %ow can you treat ilioti!ial !and syndrome on your own$ To test whether you have ITB instead of a knee injury, bend your knee at a 4 degree angle. !ain will be felt on the outside of the knee, indi"ating it is ITB. To self treat ITB, redu"e or stop running for awhile, rest, stret"h and massage injured area. Who would you see if your ITB syndrome is really !ad$ Why$ See your do"otor or physi"al therapist to "onfirm that you have ITB. If the pain be"omes intolerable, see a podiatrist or orthopedist whose jobs spe"ifi"ally deal with leg or foot injuries. What is plantar fasciitis$ !lantar fas"iitis, is the inflammation of the thi"k tissue on the bottom of the foot. This tissue "onne"ts the heel bone to the toes, thus forming the foot#s ar"h. %ow would you treat plantar fasciitis$ Several possible ways to treat plantar fas"iitis are$ rest the feet, "ut ba"k on a"tivities that stress the foot, redu"e swelling with i"e, stret"h toes and "alf stret"hes or get new shoes with a better supportive ar"h. Who would you go see if your plantar fasciitis is really !ad$ %ou "ould see a podiatrist or othopedist. What are shin splints$ Shin splits are a"ute pain in the shins and lower leg due to e&tensive and strenous a"tivity. What is another name for shin splints$ 'nother name is medial tibial stress syndrome ()TSS*. What is the difference !etween shin splints and shin pain$ Shin splint is a spe"ifi" type of injury while shin pain is a general des"ription that "an be "aused by numerous types of injuries besides shin splints. %ow would you treat shin splints and shin pain$ Several ways to treat shin splints and shin pain are$ rest, i"e shin, orthoti"s, stret"h leg or use a neoprene sleeve to support leg.

Who would you go see if your shin splints are !ad$ +o see a physi"al therapist or podiatrist. &ame three other running related injuries and how to treat them 'include ones you ha(e had !efore if any): ,. '"hilles Tendinitis- pain along ba"k tendon due to inflamation. Treatment in"ludes resting and i"ing the mus"les. +radually return to jogging on"e healed in order to prevent the mus"le from tearing. If ne"essary see a do"tor or orthopedi" surgeon. .. Blisters- fluid filled bumps that appear on the foot, "aused by fri"tion of so"ks or shoes rubbing against the foot. Treatment in"ludes, drain and "lean blister, soak in salt in order for it to dry up. /. Stress fra"ture- tiny "ra"k in surfa"e of bone usually found in the lower leg or foot that o""urs when runners in"rease intensity and volume of e&er"ise. Treat with i"e and anti-inflammatories. ' do"tor who "an provide an &-ray and a spe"ifi" pres"ription should also diagnose the injury.

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