Impact Project

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Kimberly Clark CI 5900 Fall 2013 North Carolina Department of Public In truction Carol !


Impact Pro"ect Propo al For my impact project I would like to look at the importance of the Apparel curriculum revision team and why it is important to revise both Apparel I and Apparel II curriculums.

Impact Pro"ect North Carolina Department of ublic Instruction will from time to time contract out teachers to help revise curriculums and create post assessments. !he purpose of the revision is to include new information" because society#s values and needs chan$e over time" and so must a curriculum. %ith technolo$y shifts and an economy that is based on different skills it could be a catastrophe if we had the same curriculum from the&'()#s. !he Apparel I and Apparel II curriculum have not been revised since &''*" needless to say the majority of the curriculum is dated" many of the test +uestions are repeated" and it is wearisome. %hen the Apparel curriculum was revised in &''* the focus was on personal Apparel. ,-ample" how to launder your apparel" how to determine $ood +uality when shoppin$" the cost per wearin$" personal sewin$" etc. In order to correspond with the framework for .&st century skills" this curriculum needs to move from personal apparel to industry apparel and career skills. !he revision of the Apparel curriculum will take some time" at least a year and a half. !he chart below will $ive an estimate time line. Date February .)&. #$pecte% &utcome /eet with the curriculum revision team" e-plain the process" discuss what the industry e-pects" and have the members be$in doin$ research on Apparel curriculum. 1eview 12! with team" be$in creatin$ Apparel I#s course blueprint. 2e$in creatin$ the course outline with activities. Finish Apparel I#s course outline and activities. 2e$in workin$ on Apparel II#s blueprint. Finish Apparel II#s blueprint" be$in workin$ on the course outline" and activities. Finish the course outline and activities. ,-plain how to write a $ood test +uestion. 3tart the process of writin$ test +uestions for the post assessments. Continue writin$ test +uestions for the post assessments. 4alidate test +uestion.

April .)&0 /ay .)&0 3eptember .)&0 December .)&0 February .)&(

April .)&( /ay .)&(

5une .)&( 5uly .)&(

repare the presentation for the North Carolina C!, 3ummer Conference. resent the roll out for both Apparel I and Apparel II curriculum at the North Carolina C!, 3ummer conference.

In order to have an effective and current curriculum" the curriculum team will need to utili6e numerous resources. !he team will need to look at the previous curriculum for both Apparel I and Apparel II. !hey will need to meet with university professors in the Apparel area and also industry professionals. !hese $roups will inform the team as to what information and skills students need. !he team can look at other states curriculum for ideas. !hey will need to use the internet and te-t books for information. 7astly" the team can look at worksheets and activity ideas from previous curriculum. All of these resources will $ive the team the information they need in order to create the best curriculum for the students in North Carolina. 3ome e-amples of resources the team can use are8 http899www.uen.or$97essonplan97 view.c$i:core;.)" http899familyconsumersciences.com9. !he Apparel I and Apparel II curriculum will be revised and will be rolled out in 5uly .)&(. !his means that all Apparel teachers in North Carolina must use the new curricula in the .)&(<.)&= school year. As with anythin$" people do not like chan$e. Chan$e is hard. !he chan$e to this curriculum will be drastic and many teachers are not $oin$ to be happy with the chan$es. In order to ease the tension of the new curriculum" it will be important for the curriculum revision team to do a $ood job presentin$ and e-plainin$ the new curriculum at the 3ummer Conference in 5uly. !he curriculum team will need to include $ood resources and numerous resources that the teachers will have access to. !his revision is necessary for North Carolina to prepare their students for Apparel industries and for universities. !he teachers need to understand that this new curriculum is a must in preparin$ our students. reparin$ them to be $lobally competitive" to be entrepreneurs" and preparin$ them with .&st century skills. !his curricula must be chan$ed9updated and must be chan$ed9updated often. North Carolina can not wait another si-teen years to revise the curriculum. Intern hip !his internship has been a wonderful e-perience. I have been able network with numerous education professionals. rofessionals who care about the students in North Carolina. I $ot an inside look into how the Department of ublic Instruction works day to day. !he stress that they are under. Numerous teachers have a ne$ative views of D I employees. I was able to see how difficult their job actually is and how rude teachers are to D I employees. !his internship validated my $oals to continue my education so that I can eventually $et a job at D I" where I feel I can impact more students" have an impact in curriculum" and assessments.

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