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Main feature of upgraded TESA client application MSA Plus; Investors would be able to submit order via Internet

to the respective broker houses, no order will be submitted directly to the trading engine. To facilitated the same there are two new terminals related to placing order to the corresponding Brokerage House through Internet. 1. Investor Terminal: clients use this terminal to place orders to the corresponding Brokerage house 2. iTrader: authorized traders use this terminal to process the collected trade orders from Investor Terminal. The additional feature of MSA Plus is Investor Terminals, and to control Investor Terminals activities there used a terminal named i-Trader. The main purpose of the Investor Terminal is to submit the order to the corresponding Brokerage house through Internet Link. To provide such facilities, the brokerage house must have Internet connectivity with External Access facilities (Real IP and ISP connectivity). In this case, it is recommended to maintain proper security and authentication process by using secured connectivity & infrastructure (like firewall, VPN etc.) Investor Terminal: The following functionalities will be available as part of the Investor Terminal: Investor ID will be associated with the specific iTrader An investor can access the application by specifying the URL in the browser. Investor will log in locally to MSA Plus. The investor will have only the following options in the terminal o An order book to know the status of the submitted orders o An option to place the public orders into the Brokerage house Server. Trade Execution is not instantaneous: Investors who trade through Internet accounts have no authority to submit orders directly to the Market (Trade Engine). When an Investor submits the order over the Internet to corresponding Broker, the iTrader will check and decide which market to send it for execution. iTrader Terminal: The activities of the iTrader terminal related to the Investor order are as follows: iTrader is not an automated system to handle the orders they receive from their Investors. The iTrader of Brokerage Houses will be able to view all the orders submitted to MSA Plus by his Investors. The iTrader of Brokerage Houses can check each individual Investor order, fill in the necessary details and the order can be submitted to Main Trading Engine (viz: to the market). The iTrader of Brokerage Houses can reject the order submitted by the Investor if found any discrepancy or mismatch of cash or share limit. iTrader activities are restricted to Investors alone. iTrader will not be allowed to perform the regular trader activities. There can be more than one iTrader. An Investor account can be assigned to any of them.

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