Jefferson County Proposed Unlawful Firearm Discharge Ordinance

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Pro posecl U nl aMul D iscliarge


a Fi

rer m Orcli nance


Theterttr " Firearm" as is usecl in tlrisSction mffins ary rif le $otgurr, handgun, or similar mechaiisrt by wlratwe' na-Ite known, which is clesgecl to e<pl a projectilJor projectile tlrrouglt a gurrbarrel, tube, pipe, cylirrcler or smilar cla/ice by flre mtion-of any explosve. Tlreternt " Firearnt" sliall rrot apply to clerices r-secl exclusively for conrmerciil, ilcludrial or vocational puposes B. Thefollowitrg concluct is prohilritecl in tlre unirrcorporatecl arm of Jdferson County,
M issouri:

1. lt drall be unlaMul for aty persn




quarefed. lt drall lre urrlaruful for ary pe{son to f ire or clischargea f irearnr wiiliin two hupclrel (200) fed of aiy $ructure ownel or occupiecl by ar irrcliviclud who lrm not consentecl to sclr clisclra'ge. 6. lt $all be unlaruful for ary person to krrowingy f ire or cli*ha'ge any f irerm d or in thedirectiori of ary peren, vehiclq clw,elling, l-rouse, apartnreit, builcling church, scl-rool or other buildingwlriclr iswifliirugue.of saiclf irernr. 7. lt shall beunlar'fulfor aiy pe'orr16T-ireor clisclra'gearryfiram froni any boator othel w,ater vemk or acros or into flre l\4 ississippi or Me amec Rivers, or any ld<e or reseftioir not corrtainecl aitirely within a single pa.cel of properly. It $dl be unlaruful for ary prope'ty owner or manager to knowingiy pelmit cor-rcluct in violation of tliis $ctiorr to take place on s_rch propety. The provisions of this Sction diall rrot pply to thefollowirrg 1. Any policediooting range; 2. Anypaonsparticipatingintrdningcouresorsenrinarsq:onsorecltryaccreclitel
educdi onal n$iturti ons: Any clisclrarge of f ire'mswlrere necessary to protect life livedock, cropsor othe property; 4. Arry pme off icer rting in the course of his official cluties; 5. Any clischargB of blank cartriclges in thstre performances or sportipg erertq 6. Any firing of sal,tes by firing squars at rlilitary ce'emonies. Violations of this$ctiori $rdl be prosecutecl irr the JeiTersorr County M urricipal Court by the Jdferson County M uniclpal P'osecutor ancl drall lrc s"rtrject to flie General peralty sd forth in ftction 100.030 of thecocleof orclirrancesof Jdferson county.

that any projectile or projectiles expellecl tlrerdrom $rikes, lritq eptersor gpes through any velricle chnrellirig, troue, apa'tmert, clrurclr, shool or olier nuitcting. lt $all l:e unlan'f ul for aty person to f ire or clischarge any f iram f rom or trross any publicly rccesdble $red, sjcle ,alk, roacl, hi$iwa5r, or park. lt shall beunlaMulfor aty peJ'sontofireor clischargeafirernr on any parcel of property with at area lesstlran fuvety-onetlior-mnd ss/etr hurrclrecl eglrty (21,7S0)

mto injure wouncl, or dart4pthe pe'mn or property, rml or pasonal, of anolrer. lt shall tre urrlaruf ul for aty person to f ire or clischarge a f irerm in s-tch clirection

to f ireor dischargeaf irearm in such a




- Ddinitiorr does not irrcluclecrossbows, longbowq BB/ pelld gurrq trers, dc. -21,780 squarefed = one half acre(approximately 150ft by 150fQ

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