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La Belle et la Bete , De. Jean Cocteau, 1946 La belle et la Bete 1946, was directed by De.

Jean Cocteau was a French black and white film. This is a romantic fantasy film, which is about the girl fall in love with the beast, and the beast end up changed back to a prince by magic.
Fig.1 poster of Beauty and the Beast

In Europe filmmakers saw fantasy as a vehicle with which to disrupt the statues quo though the manipulation of artistic conventions. Jean Cocteau, in contrast with Disney, crafter an adult, live- action fairy tale based on the eighteenth-century story Beauty and the beast (1946). Disney is known for its mainstream conservative adaptation, but Cocteau conceived of filmmaking from an avant-garde perspective. (Fowkes, 2010, P25)

According Fowkes have written the trend of fantasy story and it is noticeable the progression of the story line if comparing with King Kong, the character in these two film both have the beauty and the beast while it transform from fear to love.
Fig 2 , beauty and the beast , lamp

Fig3 Disney beauty and the beast

Fig4. Beauty and the beast scene1946

It could be seen that was a big different between Disney animation and Cocteau film with different range of audiences they focused on. The Disney vision was more warm and sweet during the whole film while it was noticeable that Cocteaus film were more based with the reality as the beauty think of her father and going back and the beast agree her decision and give her the magic gloves so that she can travel different places.
Fig 5 family scene in beauty and the beast

Bibliography Figure
Fig.1 poster of Beauty and the Beast

Assessed on 1/11/13

Fig 2 , beauty and the beast ,

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Fig3 Disney beauty and the beast

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Fig4. Beauty and the beast scene1946

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Fig 5 family scene in beauty and the beast &tbm=isch&sa=1&q=La+Belle+et+la+Bete+%2C+%2C+1946&oq=La+Belle+et+l a+Bete+%2C+%2C+1946&gs_l=img.3..0i19.19664.19664.0.19987.

Assessed on 1/11/13

Book Katherine A. Fowkers (2010), the Fantasy Film, UK, Blackwell publisher.

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