EE 694: Renewable Energy Resources: Schedule Semester Credit Hours Pre-Requisite

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EE 694: Renewable Energy Resources

Lecture Schedule Credit Hours !nstructor See Time Table Three Semester Pre-re uisite Fall 2013 Graduate standing Dr. Muhammad Asghar Saqib )**m +*. 10&, Gr*und Fl**r -- Department Contact Tel. !""i#e$% 0&2'((02 (132 "##ice "##ice Hours M*nda. ' Thursda. 02%00 pm / 03%00 pm

Course $escri%tion

This #*urse is intended t* ser0e t1* purp*ses2 "irst t* a#quaint the students 1ith 0ari*us distributed energ. res*ur#es and detailed regarding ass*#iated energ. #*n0ersi*ns prin#iples and #al#ulati*ns, and se#*nd t* gi0e s*und kn*1ledge *" the designs and implementati*n aspe#ts *" these s.stems. -#*n*mi# #*nsiderati*n regarding *" the #*sts *" generati*n per unit *" energ. "r*m these s.stems is an integral #*mp*nent *" this #*urse. T.pi#al appli#ati*n e3amples related t* the s*lar thermal, 1ind p*1er s.stems, ph*t*0*ltai# s.stems, mi#r* h.dr* 1ith pumped st*rage and "uel #ells illustrate the detailed design, implementati*n and anal.sis aspe#ts *" these s.stems. The use *" 4Spi#e and Matlab t**ls in appli#ati*n e3amples sh*uld be help"ul "*r the students t* learn stead.'state and d.nami# per"*rman#e *" 0ari*us rene1able energ. s.stems. 5p*n #*mpleti*n *" the #*urse, students 1ill% S*und kn*1ledge *" 0ari*us rene1able energ. s.stems su#h as 1ind p*1er plants, s*lar thermal and ph*t*0*ltai# s.stems, batteries, bi*mass, mi#r*'h.dr* p*1er s.stems, ge* thermal and "uel #ells. 6a0e enhan#ed kn*1ledge *" designing and implementing 0ari*us rene1able energ. s.stems b*th as stand al*ne and integrated 1ith *ther rene1able s.stems *r p*1er s.stems. 6a0e the understanding *" h*1 t* appl. 4Spi#e and Matlab t* s*l0e pr*blems related t* the designs and *" rene1able energ. s.stems. 6a0e learnt the skills regarding the stead.'state and d.nami# per"*rman#e *" 1ind p*1er plants and their impa#ts *n p*1er s.stems. 1. )ene1able and -""i#ient -le#tri# 4*1er S.stems b. Gilbert M. Masters, 7*hn 8ile. 9 S*ns, 200&. 2. 4*1er :*n0ersi*n *" )ene1able -nerg. S.stems b. -1ald F. Fu#hs and M*hammad A.S. Mas*um, Springer, 2011. 3. 8ind -nerg. Generati*n% M*delling and :*ntr*l b. !* Ana.a';ara, +i#k 7enkins, 7anaka -kana.ake, 4hill :art1right and Mike 6ughes, 7*hn 8ile. 9 S*ns, 200(. Assignments =ui>>es Midterm Final 10< 1?< 2?< ?0<

E&%ected "utcomes


)rading Policy

Lecture Plan
*ee(s 'o%ics !ntroduction to Power Con-ersion Renewable Energy Systems +, o# Readings

@ntr*du#ti*n t* )ene1able -nerg.2 The )*le *" -nerg. :*nser0ati*n, )ene1able -nerg. and F*ssil'Fuel 4*1er 4lants2 Appli#ati*n -3ample "*r the Design and @nstallati*n *" a A.1? k8D: 4lant *n the )**" *" a )esiden#e2 2 k8A: 4B S.stem in S*uthern German., and Frequen#.C;*ad :*ntr*l and 4*1er =ualit. *" a Distributi*n S.stem 1ith 6igh 4enetrati*n *" )ene1able -nerg. S*ur#es and St*rage De0i#es.

Ch. / 01uchs and 2asoum3

*ind Power Systems 4,

6ist*ri#al De0el*pment, T.pes *" 8ind Turbine, 4*1er in the 8ind, @mpa#t *" T*1er 6eight, Ma3imum )*t*r -""i#ien#., 8ind 4*1er Generat*rs, Speed :*ntr*l "*r Ma3imum 4*1er, A0erage 4*1er in the 8ind, Simple -stimates *" 8ind -nerg., Spe#i"i# 8ind Turbine 4er"*rman#e :al#ulati*ns, 8ind Turbine -#*n*mi#s and -n0ir*nmental -""e#ts *" 8ind Turbines. Ch. 6 02asters3

Photo-oltaic 2aterials Characteristics +



Ch. 5 02asters3

@ntr*du#ti*n, Dasi# Semi#*ndu#t*r, A Generi# 4h*t*0*ltai# :ell / M*del, Fr*m :ells t* M*dules t* Arra.s, The 4B @'B :ur0e under Standard Test :*nditi*ns, @mpa#ts *" Temperature and @ns*lati*n *n @' B :ur0e, Shading @mpa#ts *n @'B :ur0es, :r.stalline Sili#*n Te#hn*l*gies and Thin'Film 4h*t*0*ltai#s.

"ther $istributed-)eneration Resources +


:*n#entrated S*lar 4*1er Te#hn*l*gies2 Di*mass2 Mi#r*'6.dr*p*1er S.stems2 Fuel :ells2 @ntr*du#ti*n t* Ge* Thermal -nerg.

Ch. 4 02asters3

$ynamic Res%onse o# Electromechanical Systems

Generi# Stru#ture *" an -le#tr*me#hani#al Dri0e S.stem2 )epresentati*n *" S.stems 1ith Di""erential -quati*ns and Trans"er Fun#ti*ns2 :*mm*nl. !##uring Dri0e S.stems2 4rin#iple *" !perati*n *" D: Ma#hines2 :entral Air':*nditi*ning S.stem "*r )esiden#e 1ith Appli#ati*n -3amples2 Appli#ati*n -3ample *" a -mergen#. Standb. Generating Set "*r :*mmer#ial Duilding, and Appli#ati*n -3ample "*r the !pen and :l*sed';**p !perati*n *" D: Ma#hines. Ch. + 01uchs and 2asoum3



6nalyses and $esigns Related to Renewable Energy Systems

Appli#ati*n -3amples *"% Stead.'State :hara#teristi#s *" a Datter. and D: Series M*t*r 4*1ered b. S*lar :ells, :*mparis*n *" ? M8 :entral 4B 4*1er 4lant 1ith ? M8 :*al'Fired 4*1er 4lant, Design *" a ? M8 Bariable'Speed 8ind 4*1er 4lant t* !perate at an Altitude *" 1A00 m, Design *" a 10 k8 8ind 4*1er

Ch. /+ 01uchs and 2asoum3

4lant at Sea ;e0el and at an Altitude *" 1?00 m, Design *" Stand'Al*ne 8ind 4*1er 4lant 1ith :*mpressed Air St*rage Fa#ilit. "*r a Farm, 4r*du#ti*n t* 6.dr*gen Dased *n -le#tr*l.sis and @ts Appli#ati*n 1ith )espe#t t* -le#tri# :ars 1ith Fuel :ells, :al#ulati*n *" the -""i#ien#. *" a 4*l.mer -le#tr*l.te Membrane Fuel :ell 5sed as an -nerg. S*ur#e, Transient 4er"*rman#e *" a Drushless D: M*t*r Fed b. a Fuel :ell and Transient 4er"*rman#e *" an @n0erter Feeding int* Three'4hase 4*1er S.stem 1hen Supplied b. a Fuel :ell2 @ntr*du#ti*n t* Smart Grid and an Appli#ati*n -3ample. Some Application Examples Related to the Design of Renewable Storage Power Plants, if Time Permits.


$ynamic 2odeling o# 1i&ed-S%eed and $oubly-1ed !nduction )enerators-based *ind 'urbines

Stead.'State :hara#teristi#s *" FS@G and DF@G, FS@G and DF@G M*delling, and D.nami# 4er"*rman#e *" FS@G and DF@G 8ind Turbines.

Ch. 4-7 06nayaLara8 9en(ins et. al.3

- Tentati0e

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