Global Engineering CPD PDF

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Global Engineering CPD - Work SMaRT, Not Hard!


Richard Branson
2nd International Technical Conference October 17-18, 2013 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Global Engineering CPD: Work SMART, Not Hard!

Presented by:

No new Business is worth starting in these times unless it can go global

Eur Ing Mariano Roque SENGA, MSc,CEng,IntPE(UK),MCIOB,RPP MAPM,PMP

Faculty, Polytechnic University of the Philippines-OU (MSCM) Certified Sr. Project Manager/Philippine Accredited Consultant President/RS Project Management Consulting & Training Services

Question of the day:

What is the worth of your Professional Title (Engineer) if it cannot go global?

What is Engineering?
Engineering combines the fields of science and math to solve real world problems that improve the world around us.

Global Engineering CPD - Work SMaRT, Not Hard!


What Civil Engineers do?

Civil Engineering Specializations

Structural Engineering Transportation Engineering Water/Hydraulic Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Environmental Engineering Project Mgnt & Construction Engineering Energy Engineering

Civil engineers build bridges, roads, canals, dams, tall buildings, and other large structures.

Alices Adventures in Wonderland

Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here? said Alice "That depends on where you want to get to," said the Cat. "I dont much care where-so long as I get SOMEWHERE" said Alice. "Then it doesnt matter which way you go, youre sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."

Moral Lesson:

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there."
- The Cat, Alices Adventures in Wonderland

Global Engineering CPD - Work SMaRT, Not Hard!


Typical Filipino Civil Engineers Accidental Career Paths

AutoCAD Draftsman Structural detailer Soil/Conc. Lab. Technician - QA/QC Quantity Surveyor/Contracts Land Surveyor Call Center Agent Salesman Planner/Scheduler, Safety Officer Document Controller, etc..

Filipino Civil Engineering Student

Pag-ka graduate ko Accidental Career Paths: gusto kong maging. AutoCAD Draftsman Soil/Concrete Lab. Technician Structural detailer Quantity Surveyor Land Surveyors Call Center Agent SM Salesman Planners/Scheduler, etc..

On-track Civil Engineers Career Path?

Typical Filipino Engineering Career Path

Global Engineering CPD - Work SMaRT, Not Hard!


Typical Filipino Engineering Career Path

Typical Filipino Engineering Career Path

PRC Licensed Engineers vs. Intl Engineering Alliance (IEA APEC/IntPE) Engineers
APEC/IntPE/Eur Ing Registered Engineers

PRC Licensed Engineers vs. Intl Engineering Alliance (IEA APEC/IntPE) Engineers
APEC/IntPE/Eur Ing Registered Engineers

PRC Licensed Civil Engineers

PRC Licensed Civil Engineers

Global Engineering CPD - Work SMaRT, Not Hard!


Income Distribution of OFWs in UAE

Typical Income Bracket

How to increase my income potential?

Why CPD is needed?

To fill in knowledge gaps (e.g, managerial, technical & practical gaps) Reflects professionalism & commitment for a life-long learning Maintains technical competence Increased your knowledge & skills: thus, you can maintain employability Enables me to provide a better service

Answer: Continuous Professional Development

Global Engineering CPD - Work SMaRT, Not Hard!


What is CPD?
A process by which Professional Engineers maintain their Professional Competence and awareness of current developments in engineering and particularly in their chosen development specialism.

Misconception about CPD

Just required to renew my PRC License Additional financial burden

Professional Development

3 Deadly Killers of Personal Development

Unique to you - must meet your precise needs, and those of your employer, at a particular career stage.

I Ignorance D Distraction D - Deception

Global Engineering CPD - Work SMaRT, Not Hard!


Sources of Technical Knowledge

Seminars, Workshops, etc Formal Education
Graduate Degrees Graduate Certificates

What Local Employers are looking for?

Educational Qualifications Professional Qualifications Professional Certifications

In-house training, knowledge sharing, etc Self-study, making presentation, mentor

Proposed CPD: Formal Graduate Degree (PUP)

PUP Open University in UAE!

Global Engineering CPD - Work SMaRT, Not Hard!


Required for PUP Master Degree

Eng. & Architecture Bachelor (BSc) Degree Complete 42 Credit Units Min. 2 Years
o 54 hours/3 Credit Module (CHED Reqts)

Attend Seminars & Become Member of PSPPM

AED 1,600.00/Month (Budget) Attend weekend classes (every Friday) Do lots of reading, assignments, reports & exams Time management Minimized Teleserye & FB

Email: Mobile: +971-503243781

Prof. Roque Senga


Dur. S/n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Date 11.8.2013 12.07.2013 01.11.2014 02.07.2014 02.28.2014 03.14.2014 04.11.2014 05.09.2014 06.13.2014 07.11.2014 08.08.2014 09.12.2014 10.3.2014 10.31.2014 11.14.2014 Hrs. 8 8 8 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 40 8 Proposed Topic Introduction to Practical Project Management Introduction to Practical Cost Estimating Successful Project Administration Project Management Professional (PMP) Fundamentals Effective Project Planning and Controls Project Leadership & Professional Development Project Safety Management Project Risk Management Project Economics and Finance Contract and Procurement Management EPC Project Management Project Engineering Management Value Engineering & Value Management

Thank You!

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