Ruud Rietvink CV

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Personal data

Name: Ruud Rietvink Date of birth: 1961/07/22 I'm now almost 29 years in the function of (Senior) software engineer/developer/specialist, divided over 5 companies. At the second company I worked at many projects for other parties. In these years I decided that I have the most interest and fun in designing and programming. Ambitions to go 'higher up', like information/requirement analysis I never had. I'm not qualified or interested in a managing role. Although I don't have much experience I don't mind a tech-lead role or lead of a small team as long as it still allows me to design and code too. I can coach juniors in design and coding. I have high regards for Agile/Scrum, because of the flexibility and fast useable results, and test-driven development, because of the security if provides. I prefer readable design/code over using every design pattern and obscure syntax the computer language provides. I have a good, dry sense of humor, sometimes a bit cynical (I try to prevent that), am direct in communication, say what I think, and am not a yea-sayer. Specialties: Object-oriented design. Quickly pickup any programming language (getting to know the framework is always the biggest part). Readable code.

Previous work
Senior Software Engineer at IntelliMagic July 2013 - Present (4 months) In the role of senior software engineer I have performed the following activities: Maintenance of the SMI-S application (C++) Maintenance of the Collector application.(Perl) Development of SNMP agent extension dll (C++) C++; Visual Studio 2010; git; Perl; Senior Software Engineer at I-Optics July 2012 - June 2013 (1 year)

In the role of software engineer I have performed the following activities using Qt and C++: Designed and programmed visual annotations (drawn figures and text overlaying an image) with unlimited undo/redo and interactive help. D&P database classes for Sqlite access. D&P classes to record/play image frames into/from proprietary type of movie file. D&P several small desktop applications. Introduced Google Test and Gmock for unit testing. Maintenance for both products, regarding bugs and improvements. C++; Qt; Windows 7; Google test; Gmock; Git Senior Software Engineer at TomTom September 2010 - May 2012 (1 year 9 months) In the role of software engineer I have performed the following activities: Designed and programmed data settings file using TLV and XML. Designed and programmed user gadgets on TomTom device using C++. Designed and programmed animating user interfaces using HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Designed and programmed UI and interface software to communicate with third party (VoiceBox) speech recognition software.

Created State Machine Generator that creates runnable C++ or Java software from Enterprise Architect 8 state diagram(s). Created Focus Viewer that creates and shows partly interactive Windows dialog components based on information to enable/set data of Webkit UI components, so-called Reflection data. C++; Java; C; XML; JavaScript; HTML; CSS; Linux; Windows XP Software Specialist at Alten PTS April 1998 - August 2010 (12 years 5 months) Formerly known as PTS. Alten PTS is a software house. Worked on several projects at second party clients (see below). During periods I was not deployed at second parties I did in-house work: Redesigned Alten PTS intranet website Redesigned Alten PTS hour registration web pages Redesigned Alten PTS employee CV web pages PHP; JavaScript. MySQL; HTML; CSS; AJAX; Windows XP Web Developer at CWR Mobility BV

June 2009 - July 2009 (2 months) I was hired for a short period in order to help the team to get an iPhone version ready for a demo at a fair. The ASP server is established via the MVC (model / view / controller) pattern. The client runs in the Safari browser on the iPhone (or any other browser on other machines). On the iPhone the IUI framework (CSS / JavaScript) is used to emulate the normal look and feel of iPhone applications. IUI uses AJAX. ASP.NET; C#; JavaScript; Test Driven Design Software Engineer at Nile Dutch Africa Line December 2008 - February 2009 (3 months) The contract involved the development of two batch programs in VB.NET for the daily import of data from Excel sheets and an SQLBase database. Besides this I have developed a GUI application in VB.NET to manipulate data and create reports. SQL; VB.Net; MS SQL Server Software Engineer at Elektrobit (EB) August 2008 - October 2008 (3 months) Elektrobit Automotive in Nrnberg developes electronic systems for car manufacturers. For an infotainment system for a large American car I have been involved in the implementation and delivery of version 2 of the project. The system runs on Windows CE 5 and uses the Microsoft Windows CE for Automotive platform. Various types of display units are supported, including simple matrix displays and graphical displays. I was fairly late in the project and got involved in solving bugs. Following this they launched version 3 of the project. This extends the existing system with a navigation option. I was involved with designs and extensions to existing functionality in the matrix display units. C++; Windows CE 5.0 Software Engineer at TomTom December 2007 - July 2008 (8 months) In the role of software engineer I have performed the following activities: Cooperated in implementation of ASR (voice activated user interface); Binary settings file converted to TLV (Type Length Value) format which also automatically can be

converted to XML (the XML can be used also directly) (TinyXml was used). Several bugs solved. C++; XML; Linux; Windows XP Software Engineer at Nile Dutch Africa Line September 2007 - November 2007 (3 months) In the role of software engineer I have performed the following activities: Prepare EWB software for migration of SqlBase to SqlServer; Adaptation of existing reports and creation of new reports in Delphi/SQL. Delphi; SQL; MS SQL Server; Windows XP System Engineer at Commodore International April 2007 - July 2007 (4 months) Commodore produces Wifi media players, a portable (GravelInPocket (GIP)) and a home version (Gravel InHome (GIH)). The first has an ARM processor, the latter an Intel x86. Both run under Windows CE 5. The application runs on the DotNet compact Framework, and has been mainly written in C#, except for on a single assembly in C++ which communicates with the OS and the firmware. Except for this last assembly the software for both devices is the same, excluding functionality concerning batteries and wired network. The application runs on Windows CE, however only basic functionality is used. Furthermore all GUI uses GDI+ because the GUI must be very skinnable. Menus and forms are mainly XMLdriven. I have especially worked on the GUI-side: handling user-input (by means of joystick), creating screens with menus and several widgets, showing and handling a virtual on-screen keyboard and playing music/video by means of DirectShow. C#; C++; XML; TCP/IP; Software Engineer at GrowTechnology January 2006 - March 2007 (1 year 3 months) I have carried out the following activities: Design and construction of a labour registration system for employees; Developed interface between the Grow system and an existing SDF-system; Developed an interface between the Grow system and the FlorEcom system of the Dutch auctions by means of e-mails containing EDI information (EDIFACT);

Design and construction of a multi-user order system to sell plants like described above. C#; SQL; XML; MS SQL Server; UML; Windows XP; Visual Studio Software Engineer at TNO Science and Industry September 2005 - December 2005 (4 months) Several activities in the OpenGL area. Amongst others for CentraDent: software to devise caps on teething elements in a 3D environment by generating data to allow the automatic generation of these caps from plastic. C#; C++; XML; Windows XP; UML; MS Visual Studio; MySQL Software Engineer at LDS April 2005 - August 2005 (5 months) As a software engineer I have worked at the user interface and the interface with the hardware to be able modify the settings of measure equipment. I worked with Visual Studio-2003/2005-beta and C#. C#; SQL; Windows XP; UML; MS Visual Studio; Visio; MS SQL Server Technical Designer / programmer at TNO May 2002 - June 2004 (2 years 2 months) In the role of technical designer/programmer the following tasks have been carried out: Devising the new tool by means of UML; Devising a new database for the tool in MySQL;

Devising and creation of object-oriented interfaces in C# to this database; Creating a code generator that generate C# code by means of templates and description of objects in XML. Optimizing the code of an algorithm for generating 2D drawings with a random aspect from a 3D STL model. Optimizing of an ActiveX component for visualizing, adjusting (adding half-measure lines and texts) and printing the 2D rawing. The introduced modifications resulted in a factor 20 speed profit. C++; COM; UML Software Engineer at KPN October 1998 - March 2002 (3 year 6 months) In the role of technical designer the following tasks have been carried out:

Creating the functional and technical design of modules in Rational Rose; Programming these modules in VC++, VBScript, XMLHTTP (XML by means of HTTP), JavaScript and COM; So-called adapter software made to make software legacy arranged for GAIA. In C++/C, under Linux, Solaris, NT using Rational Rose, UML, Visual studio, IBM XML parser for C/C++; Heading and coaching programmers. ASP; VBScript; Visual C++; C; C++; JavaScript; MFC; XML; RUP; UML; MS Visual Studio; Rational Rose Software Engineer at TNO April 1998 - September 1998 (6 months) For the collision simulation application MADYMO a parser must be written. The parser interprets commands (about 700) with which the user establishes the parameters of a simulation model and its surroundings. Tool must run on several Unix alternatives. C; Fortran; yacc/lex; SunOS Software Developer at Alcatel-Lucent April 1985 - March 1998 (13 years)

Prepared and engineered move of Fortran/assembly based programs from DEC-10/TOPS-20 to Fortran/C on Amdahl/UTS Did same for move to Fortran/C on Sun/SunOS/OpenWindows/Solaris. Software development in Fortran/C on application for designing telephone exchanges. Worked in joint USA/Netherlands team to migrate software to C++/OO Fortran; C; C++; Unix; SunOS; Solaris

English Dutch German (little)


C++ Fortran C Object Oriented Design Javascript CSS HTML XML C# Unix Shell Scripting SQL PHP

UML YACC LEX flex bison opengl Delphi Visual Basic Visual Studio Scrum Google Test Gmock

Git Qt Sqlite MySQL AJAX Programming .NET Test Driven Development Microsoft SQL Server Databases Perl Java

HTS Wegastraat, Den Haag Ingenieur, Informatica, 1979 - 1985 Johannes College, Den Helder HAVO diploma, Nederlands, Engels, Wiskunde, Natuurkunde, Scheikunde, Biologie, 1973 - 1979

chess, movies, music, reading, comedies, science fiction, computer languages

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