Disability and Human Rights Commission Meeting Minutes September 2013

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Commission for Persons with Disabilities Medford Human Rights Commission September 25, 2013

Present: Chief Leo Sacco, Steve Honeycutt, Henry Milorin, Diane McLeod, Marie Cassidy, Natalie Breen, David Harris, and Dale Bryan Not Present: Charlotte Swartz and Lois Bronnenkant (agenda items were taken out of order as a few members were late due to time confusion) Introductions July Minutes Steve moved to accept the July minutes, Dale seconded, all in favor. Old Business Traces Update The Traces Committee is working to coordinate panelists for the November kick off event. We (Dale, David, Diane, and James) will have a conference call on Friday. Ordinance Update Mark Rumley expects to have a draft of the ordinance by sometime next week. (later in meeting) Dale suggested we revisit the name of the group. He suggested the Medford Human Rights & Disability Issues Commission. There was discussion. David motioned to go with that name, Steve seconded, Henry abstained, remaining members in favor Health Disparities Update Diane passed out the brochures for the Over the Mystic River Route. The Health Disparities Task Force is noted on the back. Tisch Scholar Unfortunately our project was not chosen by a scholar. Diane will hold onto the proposal, as we may be able to get another intern when our ordinance is complete. New Business Ways 2 Go

Diane mentioned that the MBTA and SCM Transportation have teamed up to provide one-onone trainings for persons with disabilities. As a result of increased MBTA pricing, many persons with disabilities are now housebound. This training can help you use buses, subways, trains, etc. The trainer stays with you until you are ready to go on your own. Michael Muehe has reached out to commissions asking if we would schedule an informational meeting. Marie asked about persons with language difficulties. We discussed possibly the next meeting date, but Diane will contact Michael. It was noted that we should get this into the paper to let the public know. Correspondence & Announcements We discussed future meeting dates around holidays. Diane will send a note on the November date changed to 11/20/13 and December changed to 12/18/13. Steve made a motion to adjourn, Henry seconded, all in favor. Meeting adjourned 6:00PM Next Meeting October 23, 2013

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