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Make over $300 Daily Income Stream In just 1 day on autopilot

Chapter 1.
The Set p.

Folks lets forget about a long boring introduction , You would probably skip past it anyway. Lets get right to the core of this report. Makin! Cash But FAST..If you !e read "y recent posts on warrior foru" I " always offering so"e sche"e or another to "ake decent "oney and #uick. I think of it as "y speicallity. This "ethod to put it short is a fire cracker..So lets get started $. "irst Thin!s "irst You need to sign up to %o"ba&ash 'hat is %o"ba&ash( %o"ba&ash is a network that pays users to pro"ote there screensa!ers or application and users that pro"ote get paid on a pay per install basis. 'ith !ery good rates. Si"ilar to )ango&ash or 'a!e*e!enue. 'hich both ha!e Si"ilar "odels and I reco""end )ango&ash also. +ere are there rates. )one , -../0 1 *2'A*3 45I6TS )one 8 -..8, 1 *2'A*3 45I6TS :ingdo" 7nited States &anada, France, 9er"any, Italy, 6etherlands, Spain, 7nited

)one ; -...< 1 *2'A*3 45I6TS Australia, Austria, Belgiu", 3en"ark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, =e>ico, 6ew )ealand, 6orway, 4ortugal, Singapore, Sweden, Swit?erland )one / *2'A*3 45I6TS 5ther countries Basically I" going to show you how to get <..1 Installs daily to "aintain o!er -;.. daily which in return will dri!e you o!er -,.. ... Yearly. +eck You could #uit your day @ob on that a"ount.

6ow i" going to get into the core of things. Sign 7p page.


5nce you ha!e signed up and been appro!ed. ABy the onway..The site I sub"itted did not e!en "eet there re#uire"ents so don t worry about re#uire"ents and such aslong as you sub"it the right info you should get appro!ed within a day or lessB. You need to create your &a"paign. You ill be faced with two options. %o"baShots or %o"baSa!ers you basically beco"e an affiliate of either one or both I reco""end going for %o"baSa!ers. 6ow your faced with the option of ha!ing a sub cat. You need to pick a specific screen sa!er. For this e>a"ple Ill use the #$akes % &ceans' Selection. There is an C"asD6ew year selection that you could use although ther traffic "ay ha!e dropped slightly though. This "eans e!eryti"e so"eone downloads fro" the lakes and oceans selection i" getting between -...< to -../0..6ot the best payouts in the industry but I do like there designs and they ha!e con!erted !ery well for "e. 6ow we are going to "o!e onto the ; 4art 4ro"otion phase. This is the section that helps you pro"ote these ite"s in a set up and forget syste".

(romotion (art 1

9oogle Adwords. This is a big "oney "aker for "e. I know people "aybe a little hesitant to put "oney into adwords for fear that it will @ust eat all your cash up. Eust "ake your account 4reF4aid and deposit -,.. in there. Eust -,.. You spent -,8 on this report which shows you can probably afford to e>peri"ent. If you cant afford to throw -,.. into a iron clad "oney "aker..9et out of internet "arketing. A6ot a cru""y ebookDcourse but so"ething that 'ILL "ake cashB You should see returns al"ost instantly. 6ow what we do we is draw up a list of keywords relating to the screen sa!er sections you chose earlier..*e"e"ber I chose lakes and oceans I would throw up so"ething like this. A"a?on Screensa!er A"a?on lake screensa!er Beautiful screensa!er *ela>ing screensa!er 3eep sea screensa!er The ocean 5cean Screensa!er Free Screensa!er ocean 2ct ect and @ust play around until you got a good list of 0.1 keywords. Set the options to ALL5' content network. It "ay burn your cash fast but it will bring in allot of !isitors. And broaden your reach. 35 65T pay "ore than -..,. a click. *e"e"ber to filter out all other countries apart fro" 7SA so your only getting ../0 no other silly rate. 5r Include 7SA and 7: the top 8. I don t want to waste traffic fro" countries that are either AB 6ot credited BB Insignificant Installation a"ount. So your getting -..;0Dcents. 4rofit. Fro" the -,.. at -..,.Dclick you should get ,...%isitors. According To there site they ha!e a ;0G con!ersion rate 'hich I beli!e is probably higher since I" getting higher con!ersions. That s ;0. 3ownloads for your -,.. that s -0<.0 4rofit D daily. *e"e"ber You can pro"ote "ore ca"paigns. See which one is the best con!erting category. 4ro"ote 8F; ca"paigns split test test the keywords. *e"e"ber the 9eographic filter.

(romotion Method )

'hat we are going to do here is to "ake use of 484 progra"s and BitTorrent 'ebsites. 'e are not going to do anything silly like false titles of "o!ies ect ect. All we are going to do is "ake an i"age "ake it downloadable and upload to BitTorrent sites and 3istribute !ia 484 &hannels. First things first..As a resident windows user 5pen up paint A=ac users 3o you ha!e an alternati!e(B Secondly ha!e a nice i"age as the can!as a saucy one "aybe adult orientated In the center water"ark the i"age with your &loaked link. 'ith a caption such as HFor *ela>ing Screensa!ers !istI>>>.>>>J 6ow You !e got your 4icture go to !arious BitTorrent websites such as F4irateBay F=ini6o!a FSuper6o!a FTorrent? F2asyTorrents 7pload the 4icture with a &aption such as HSe>y 4ictureJ HCCC rated 4icture +ornyJ keyword stuff it H6ude 'o"an Large Breats se>y 2rotic BoobsJ ect ect. I !e noticed you can get around /8. 3ownloadsDdaily Although the &on!ersion rate is slightly lower and you will probably end up with around ,0 downloads. Solution( =ake =ore 4ictures. I ha!e around ,. out there generating "e ,8. downloads daily. 6ow do distribute onto the 484 networks download Li"ewire It should be set up you should find a folder called HsharedJ in cKDdocu"ents and settingsDshared. 4ut your pictures or Te>t 43F s there. This generates allot "ore 3ownloads si"ilar con!ersions though. *oughly ,.. 3ownloads. So fro" these two "ethods your getting 88. downloads 3aily. 4lus the ;0. fro" before that s 0<. 3ownloads 3aily so far. A"a?ing +uh(

(romotion Method 3

6ow we are going to harness the power of web 8.. your Link should be cloaked. 4referably to so"ething like""Dreco""ends or buy out a do"ain with redirection for -< Abetter optionB 9o to all the well known sites such as 3igg Fark Stu"ble7pon And "any "ore. Sub"it your website to the". I suggest using do"ain redirects for "a>i"u" con!ersion and effiency. 6ow what we are going to do is 4ro"ote our 3o"ain *edirects into Freebie Foru"s. Basically these are foru"s where people co"e looking for free stuff. I suggest you get *oboFor" or so"ething to "ake things easier. 9o to google and search H3eal Foru"sJ The "ain 8 that 'ork really well for "e are Fat'allet L Slick 3eals. Fatwallet is great because allot of these &oupon sites feed of Fat'allet so when you post your HFree +igh *esolution &al"ing Screensa!erJ It gets blasted to other sites with high traffic aswell. This also builds backlinks for your do"ain which in return could lead to higher natural S2*4S position. =ake your 5ffer good Like said Abo!e HFree ScreenSa!er K Feel The 5cean Take You AwayJ or so"ething like that don t @ust go HFree 5cean Screensa!erJ. You should get a fair chunk of downloads. I reco""end you co"e back e!ery few days and HBu"pJ your posts. I!e noticed that you can get around ,0. downloads fro" these two sites daily as long as your sites stay up there on the first page within the top 0 topics. =ainly because of Fat'allet Feeders aswell. So that s Adwords M ;0. 3ownloads BitTorrent M ,8. 3ownloads 484 M ,.. 3ownloads 'eb 8.. M around /. 3ownloads Aunless you hit good positionsB 3eal *elated Foru"s M ,0. Aaslong as your sites stay up thereB

That s a rough a"ount of <8. 3ownloads 3aily. 'hich is around -;8/Ddaily. 9i!e or take because of !arying rates. This is for one ca"paign I"agine if you set up 0FN ca"paigns(

**& TS& +C,-& TS& +C,-& TS& +C,**

I appericate so"e are !ery busy with other life co""it"ents or other things that "ay get in the way of actually trying this out. =y internet inco"e strea"s are auto"ated. O.G of the" . I @ust check "y stats tweak around allot and cut allot to "a>i"i?e profits..So as you can i"agine I get #uite a bit of ti"e so I a" offering to do all the abo!e for you Ae>cluding adwordsB. For a "easly fee of -O<. That "eans &reate your I"ages..7pload to BitTorrent Sites..7pload to Li"ewireD484 6etworksI9o onto 8. web 8.. sites and sub"it A7sing 5nly'ireB . 4ost on the 3eal *elated Foru"s. 2!erything abo!e 4lus Ill e!en 'rite an article And Sub"it to 0 article sites A8.. word article "ediu" #uality pro"oting your linkB All for -O<. 'hile Adwords does "ake the big chunk of the downloads you can still e>pect 80.F ;0. downloads.

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