Sample TOK Presentation Topics

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Theory of Knowledge: Sample Presentation Topics Identify an issue of global significance which introduces a conflict of concepts and values.

Examine the facts, language, statistics, and images used by at least two sides in the conflict in their representation of the issue. In the process, identify assumptions, justifications, values, and emotions which diverge. To what extent can you find the truth of the issue? 1. Poverty also more specifically beggars and begging! ". #ocial concepts of time e.g. $ainstream concepts vs. %irst &ations' concepts! (. #cience vs. religion with reference to Evolution, )bortion, etc.! *. The +uebec problem. ,. The death penalty. -. .o video games promote violence? /. )rtificial Intelligence more specifically robot 0beings1! 2. 33%4 entertainment or exploitation? 5. Euthanasia. 16. The uses and misuses of the Internet 11. 7& economic sanctions against Ira8, or any other country. 1". .rug testing in modern sports. 1(. Television violence 1*. 9enotransplantation4 the use of animal organs to save human lives. 1,. :iolence in the $iddle East4 Israelis and Palestinians. 1-. )nimal rights. 1/. $ass media reports. 12. ;enetically modified crops. 15. ;enetically engineered food. "6. <apid technological development4 human implications. "1. =loning of sentient beings. "". The ethics of copyright laws. "(. Technology and the ownership of ideas>information. "*. )re human beings naturally violent? ",. :iolence in sports>video games4 the boundaries of the acceptable. "-. ?ow does violence in the media affect children? "/. )rranged marriages>love matches. "2. 3hat purposes do labour unions serve? "5. Emigration. (6. <eligious faith4 the challenges. (1. The rights of robots. (". )bortion4 the problems and challenges. ((. The ethics of cloning>bioethics. (*. The last 7.#. election4 why all the confusion and uncertainty? (,. Electoral reform. (-. @besity and eating disorders. (/. .ecriminaliAation of pot. (2. Expression of )ntiB)mericanism. (5. =hild labour. *6. #ex offenders. *1. ?ealth care4 private vs. public. *". =ultural assimilation. *(. <ight to life. **. #uicide bombers. *,. Pirating music. *-. Couth prostitution.

*/. Couth offenders. *2. The boundaries of art the transgressive artists, e.g. the use of excrement!. *5. ;overning4 what are governments responsible for? ,6. $edicare and its challenges. ,1. The =anadian family is in the throes of profound change. ,". ;reen house effect>global warning. ,(. =hina's one child policy. ,*. <efugees4 =hinese migrants summer of 1555!. ,,. Dullying. ,-. Elitism. ,/. Industrial pollution. ,2. <eality T:. ,5. <eparation for slavery>colonial wrongs. -6. =onsumerism and its limits4 %ay 3eldon, a Dritish novelist, merges 0fiction and blatant product placement in a novel commissioned by a Eewellery company.1 -1. Extremism in modern art. -". ;ood art>poor art>EunF? -(. Politically subversive art. -*. EmbryonicBstemBcell research. -,. The prevalence of terrorism in modern society. --. .eforestation of Earth's rainforests. -/. .oes history tell us the truth? -2. )re authorities Eustified in Fnowingly withholding information? -5. Premarital sex. /6. .oes T: watching harm children? /1. $aterialism4 how do humans relate money and happiness. /". 3here are the boundaries between sport and art? /(. :alue Eudgements in art. /*. =an we distinguish between good and bad mathematics? /,. The development of )I and its effects on the human race. /-. 3ill there be an end to the pursuit of truth through the study of physics? //. GooFism4 do we discriminate on the basis of looFs? /2. Poverty in &orth )merica4 is it our responsibility to help the less fortunate? /5. The European 7nion. 26. Is there a crisis in humanism? 21. #ameBsex marriages. 2". Drainwashing. 2(. 33II. 2*. )ids in )frica. 2,. Pop princesses. 2-. )ssisted suicide. 2/. ;raffiti. 22. .iscoveries in the universe. 25. #weatshops. 56. 3ind farms. 51. =apital punishment. 5". .iets. 5(. =osmetic surgery. 5*. Is misleading the public Eustified? 5,. =omparison of gender theories. <emi :icente $s. ;alanis

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