Development and Application of Supercritical Coal - Fired Units and CFB Boilers in China

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Development and Application of Supercritical Coal-fired Units and CFB Boilers in China
Presented by Mr. Zhao Zongrang Director of Project Management Thermal Power Research Institute 26 January,2005 Cebu, The Philippines

TPRI Development and Application of Supercritical Coal-fired units and CFB boilers in China
1. 2. Current Status of Electric Power Industry in China Development and Application of Supercritical Coal-fired Units 3. Development and Application of CFB Boilers

TPRI Chinas Total Installed Generating Capacity

500 400 GW 300 200 100 0 1987 1995 Year 2000 2004(May) 103 217 401 319

TPRI Composition of Thermal Power units in 2002

Below 100MW
28% 27%


Between 100MW and 150MW Between 200MW and 250MW Between 300MW and 360MW Between 500MW and 800MW

16% 19%

Thermal power units account for around 74% of the total installed capacity and thermal power generation accounts for around 80% of the total power generation since 1980.

Projection of Chinas Electric Power Development
1000 800 600 400 200 0 2005 2010 2020 580 450


Within the next 15 years, approximately 30 GW of new capacity will be installed annually in China, including the retrofitting and upgrading of some old plants

Coal Utilization for Power Generation

Currently, the net average coal consumption rate for thermal power generation is as high as 381 g/kWh, which is about 50 g/kWh higher than that of industrialized countries. This is because the combined capacity of all medium- and small-size thermal power units is relatively quite large Chinas coal consumption and production account for approximately 30% of the worlds total Total raw coal production was 1670 Mt in 2003, more than 50% of which was used for power industry including CHP. Coal consumption for power generation is projected to reach 1400 Mt by 2020

Measures for Restructuring Chinas Electric Power Industry

Increase the proportion of hydro and nuclear power units as well as renewable power in order to reduce thermal power generation Increase natural gas-fired units in order to reduce coal-fired power generation Develop large capacity and high efficiency coalfired units, as well as clean coal power generation units Gradually shutdown small-capacity units and refurbish medium-size units

TPRI Development of Supercritical Coal-fired Units

Supercritical and ultra-supercritical units have been developed into proven mature and commercialized advanced technologies in the world Over 600 supercritical coal-fired units have been successfully into commercial operation for decades worldwide. About 60 ultra-supercritical units in operation worldwide The 1000MW class ultra-supercritical units with steam parameters of 31MPa/600 /600 will be developed in industrial economies.


Advantages of Supercritical units

Supercritical units have higher plant efficiency than that of subcritical units because of higher steam parameters. The overall plant efficiency is around 41% for supercritical units with steam parameters of 24.1MPa/538 /538 , which is is about 2%-3% higher than that(38%) of sub-critical unit with steam parameters of 16.7MPa/538/538 The overall plant efficiency is around 45% for ultra-supercritical units with steam parameters of 31MPa/566 /566 ,which is about 4% higher than that of the above supercritical units The advanced supercritical units has reached an overall plant efficiency of 47% to 49% in the world. Develop large size coal-fired supercritical units with high steam parameters will be the most effective technical solutions for China to optimize its electric power structure. This will greatly improve coal utilization efficiency and reduce pollutant emissions in the near future.


Current Application of Supercritical Coal-fired Units in China

Over 20 imported supercritical units with a total capacity of 6000MW have been put into operation The first two 600MW supercritical units supplied by ABB-CE were put into operation at Shanghai Shidoukou No.2 Power Plant in the early 1990s. The net coal consumption rate was 312g/kWh Almost all supercritical units currently under operation in China are imported ones. The Chinese technical personnel and operators have got a better understanding to the operation technology and design characteristics for these supercritical units.


Technical considerations for supercritical coal-fired units domestically manufactured

Since 1990s, the advanced supercritical units each rated at 600MW worldwide have employed increasing steam parameters from 24.2MPa/538/566 to 24.2MPa/566580/566-580 and is currently approaching to 24.2MPa/600/600. The supercritical units currently under operation in China employ steam parameters of 24.2MPa/538/538. It is suggested that the supercritical units to be built in China be based on 600MW capacity and employ steam parameters of 24.2MPa/566/566,which is the proven technology in industrial countries. Around 100 supercritical coal-fired units have been ordered and will be manufactured in the next few years


Demonstration Project for Supercritical Coal-fired Units at Huneng Qinbei Plant

R&D and Manufacture of 600MW Supercritical units has been listed as one of the key project during the 10th Five-Year Plan Total Planning Capacity at Qinbei Plant : Six 600MW units Phase I: two 600MW Design efficiency: 41% Coal Consumption: 300 g/kWh Phase I total investment: 5 billion RMB Boiler supplier: China Dongfang Boiler Co.Ltd. Turbine supplier: China Haerbin Turbine Co.Ltd . Generator supplier: China Haerbin Generator Co.Ltd. Project construction started on Oct. 2002 Commissioning and commercial operation in 2004 Phase I Unit 1: complete 168h trial operation on 23 Nov. 2004 Phase I Unit 2: complete 168h trial operation on 13 Dec. 2004

TPRI Demonstration Project for ultra-supercritical coal-fired units at Huneng Yuhuan Plant

Research on ultral-supercritical coal-fired units has been listed as one of 863 planning programmes of MOST

Total Planned Capacity at Yuhuan Plant : 4 X 900MW Phase I: two 900MW Phase I total investment:7.7 billion RMB Project construction started in 2004 Commissioning will be in 2007

TPRI Development of CFB Boilers in China

CFB boiler units have been rapidly developed in recent years in China China has the largest number of CFBC units in the world; over 300 CFB boilers rated at 35t/h, 75t/h, 130t/h, and 220t/h under operation More than 50 CFB boilers rated at 100 MW and 135 MW have been in operation and/or under construction

TPRI Application of a 100MW CFB Boilers

The first 100-MW CFB Boiler units supplied by Alstom at Neijiang power plant in Sichuan Province has operated for several years The first 100 MW CFB Boiler designed by TPRI and domestically manufactured was put into commercial operation at Fenyi power plant in Jiangxi in 2003
Boiler thermal efficiency >90% when firing low quality

coal with LHV of Qnet,ar=1518MJ/kg

Furnace temp: 920 950Flue gas temp: 145, Cfh5%Ash cooler exit temp<150 Low load operation without oil: 30%BECR

TPRI Development of a 200MW CFB Boilers

A 200MW CFB Boiler designed by TPRI for Fenyi Power Plant will be into operation in 2005 BMCR 670t/h Design boiler thermal efficiency>88.5% Design combustion efficiency>94.5% with Cfh<8% BMLR=35% BMCR Emission (o2=6%,dry gas : SO2 400mg/mn3 NOx 250mg/mn3 Superheater steam temp: 540 Superheater steam pressure: 13.73MPa Feed water temp: 249 Reheater steam flow: 584t/h Reheater steam inlet temp: 312.12 Reheater steam outlet temp: 540


Demonstration Project for a 300MW CFB Boilers

A 300-MW CFBC demonstration project at Baima Plant in Sichuan Province: Project approved by Chinese government in March 1999 Technology and equipment contract negotiation completed in August 2002 Main buildings started construction in May 2003 A 1025-t/h CFBC boiler to be supplied by Alstom Commercial operation in 2005


Concluding Remarks

Chinas electric power generation will continue to be dominated by coal-fired power generation within the next 30 to 50 years. Development and application of clean, high efficiency, largecapacity, coal-fired power generation technology is a long-term strategic task for China In order to meet the increasing demand for Chinas electric power development as well as to improve coal utilization efficiency and reduce pollutant emissions from coal-fired power plants, China has take effective measures to optimize the thermal power structure through combination of technology and equipment import to greatly develop domestic supercritical units as well CFB boilers.

Mr. Zhao Zongrang is currently the director of the programme management division of Thermal Power Research Institute (shortly for TPRI) in PR China. Mr. Zhao received his Bachelors degree majored in utility boiler from Xian Jiaotong University in 1984 and obtained his Masters degree majored in thermal power engineering from TPRI in 1987. He has been worked at TPRI since 1987 and conducted experimental studies and field tests on utility boilers for over 10 years. In recent years he has been actively involved in the research programs management at TPRI, especially in the filed of clean coal combustion technologies. TPRI is a research organization and has been devoted to R&D activities of thermal power generation technologies and related equipment since 1965. TPRI has played a leading role in providing technical consultation services for thermal power plants and is capable of providing technical solutions to improve fossil-fuel utilization efficiency for power generation and to reduce pollutant emissions from thermal power plants for environmental protection. Based on over 30 years of filed experience and extensive expertise, TPRI has became as a technology center for promoting technology dissemination and improving the overall efficiency, reliability and availability for fossil-fired power plants.

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