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R E A C H I N G T H E W O R L D F O R C H R I S T. . .



on how God has used our ministry efforts to impact marriages over the last 5 years. By the numbers...Over 1,500 have attended our large marriage conferences...Over 500 people have been taught personally by us about Gods truths for marriage...Over 50 couples have been launched by us to begin marriage ministries at their church or in their home...and 124 men and women (and 4 children) have come to Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Behind each number is a name...a person that God has impacted through our efforts...and we thank you for your support. Without it, we could not have been used by God in this way. Your support has made an eternal investment!
Micah 785.231.9478 Johanna 785.817.3997

You have so faithfully supported us on our missionary journey thus far. As we walk through this new open door of ministry to refugees, we thank God each day that you have vowed to continue to support us. We pray for each of you by name, and we ask our God to bless you beyond anything we can ask or imagine!

God has opened a new door for us - to share the message of the gospel with the large, growing refugee community here in K.C. They are strangers in our land, far from home and the things they know and understand. Yet we are reminded by our new theme verse in Lev. 19:33-34 that When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself. Our focus at Open Door Refugee Ministries is to provide an open door of welcome, love, compassion and truth to these people. We intend to love them as Christ loved each of us. We are very excited about what lies ahead. As we have worked to nish strong at Family Life we have reected
Please send all nancial gifts to: Central Missionary Clearinghouse P.O. Box 219228 Houston, TX 77218-9228

OPEN DOOR Refugee Ministries 3127 N. 59th St. Kansas City, KS 66104

What will we be doing?

We We get asked this question a lot! To start, we will make relationships and build further trust. We have moved near them and intend to be in their lives daily, loving them the way Jesus loves us. This inter-weaving of our lives with theirs will hopefully lead to opportunities to minister to them physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

PRAYER ITEMS 01 adjustments

We are all still trying to get our bearings after the whirlwind summer and early fall full of changes. Pray we continue to settle in well to our new home, neighborhood, ministry and life.

02 ministry launch
Wisdom, direction, and a clear path of where God wants us to put our time, resources, and energy.

Hannah is now 7 months old, time is a ying! Gracie turned 3 in October and Josiah turned 11 this summer. We were so blessed to have a wonderful harvest this year. It was a little hectic to can and freeze it all in the middle of packing and moving but we got it done!

This summer in between packing boxes and tying up loose ends....we went on a few support raising trips. One was to Michigan! We had a great time seeing family and friends.

03 kids
It has been a hectic 3 months of moving, travel, and general upheaval. Pray we can nd some routine and rhythm to our days.

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