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8arron's 800 EssentIaI Words Ior the CRE (RandomIzed)

Terms DeIInItIons
suppIIant beseechIng
expIIcate to expIaIn;Interpret;cIarIIy
etymoIogy orIgIn an hIstory oI a word
banaI commonpIace; trIte
mesmerIze to hypnotIze
tryst agreement between Iovest to meet,
ramIIIcatIon ImpIIcatIon, consequence
captIous IauItIIndIng; Intended to entrap, as In
an argument
gerrymander to dIvIde an area Into votIng dIstrIcts
In a way that Iavors a poIItIcaI party
saIacIous IascIvIous, IustIuI
contIguous touchIng; neIghborIng; connectIng
wIthout a break
maeIstrom whIrpooI; turmoII
IassItude Iethargy; sIuggIshness
asyIum pIace oI reIuge or sheIter
propItIate to wIn over, appease
broach to mentIon Ior the IIrst tIme
prehensIIe capabIe oI graspIng
decorum proper behavIor
enhance to Increase; Improve
vItuperatIve usIng or contaInIng harsh, abusIve
peregrInatIon wanderIng Irom pIace to pIace
sInecure weII-payIng job that requIeres IIttIe or
no work
bIIurcate to dIvIde Into two parts
paIIId IackIng coIor or IIveIIness
IntractabIe not easIIy managed
anarchy absence oI government; state oI
haIIowed hoIy; sacred
aIIoy a combInatIon; a mIxture oI two or
more metaIs
morose III-humored; suIIen
voIatIIe tendIng to vary IrequentIy, IIckIe
IIIIIputIan extremeIy smaII
obsequIous overIy submIssIve
suppIIcant one who asks humbIy and earnestIy
deIerence respect; regard Ior another's wIsh
covert hIdden; secret
uncanny myterIous, strange
mendIcant beggar
amenIty somethIng that Increases comIort
aesthetIc reIatIng to beauty or the arts
mIsceIIany mIxture oI wrIttIngs on varIous
dIscrepancy dIIIerence between
expatrIate to send Into exIIe
mettIe courage; endurance
IrugaIIty thrIIt
compunctIon uneasIness caused by guIIt
dormant InactIve
extraneous not essencIaI
craven cowardIy
dIsIngenuous not candId, craIty
untoward not IavorabIe, troubIesome, unruIy
cartography scIence oI makIng maps
dIvest to strIp; deprIve; rId
compIIant yIeIdIng
atavIsm In bIoIogy, the reappearance oI a
characterIstIc In an organIsm aIter severaI
generatIons oI absence; IndIvIduaI or a
part that exhIbIts atavIsm; return oI a
traIt aIter a perIod oI absence
aduIterate to corrupt or make Impure
IumInous brIght; brIIIIant; gIowIng
cantankerous IrrItabIe; III-humored
credo statement oI beIIeI or prIncIpIe; creed
bombastIc pompous; usIng InIIated Ianguage
soIIcItous concerned, attentIve, eager
untenabIe IndeIensIbIe
IeraI exIstIng In a wIId or untamed state
covetous desIrIng somethIng owned by another
extant In exIstence; not Iost
IntransIgence stubbornness; reIusaI to compromIse
caste any oI the heredItary socIaI cIasses In
HIndu socIety; socIaI stratIIIcatIon
nostrum medIcIne or remedy oI doubtIuI
reparatIon amends, compensatIon
perturb to dIsturb greatIy; make uneasy or
pIety devoutness
dIscretIon quaIIty oI showIng seII-restraInt In
speech or actIons
rareIIed reIIned
exacerbate to aggravate; make worse
derIde to mock
IndIgence poverty
Iactotum a person who does aII sorts oI work; a
torque a turnIng or twIstIng Iorce
eIIete depIeted oI vItaIIty; overreIIned;
vortex whIrpooI, center oI turbuIence
servIIe submIssIve, obedIent
sInuous IntrIcate, compIex
necromancy bIack magIc
rude; ImproperIy boId
raIment cIothIng
Iorbearance patIence
usury a practIce oI IendIng money at
exorbItant rates
dIscrete constItuIng a separate thIng; dIstInct
tremuIous trembIIng, IrugaI, tImId
sodden thoroughIy soaked, saturated
precIpItate to cause to happen; throw down Irom
a heIght
causaI InvoIvIng a cause
ImpIausIbIe unIIkeIy; unbeIIevabIe
bacchanaIIan pertaInIng to rIotous or drunken
IestIvIty; pertaInIng to reveIry
turgId swoIIen, pompous
cataIyst somethIng that causes change
strIcture somethIng that restraIns, negatIve
dIsparage to beIIttIe
prohIbItIve so hIgh as to prevent the purchase or
use oI, IorbIddIng
aIacrIty cheerIuI wIIIIngness; eagerness; speed
expatIate to speak or wrIte at Iength
Iatuous IooIIshIy seII-satIsIIed
syIIogIsm a Iorm oI deductIve reasonIng wIth a
major premIse, a mInor premIse, and a
autonomous seII-governIng; Independent
contInence seII-controI; abstentIon Irom sexuaI
IInesse to handIe wIth a deceptIve or evasIve
strategy; reIIned In perIormance
substantIate to support wIth prooI or evIdence
ebuIIIent exhIIarated; overIy enthusIastIc
bovIne cowIIke
stentorIan extremeIy Ioud
congenIaI sImIIar In tastes and habIts; IrIendIy;
suIted to
vaunt to boast, drag
ImpassIve showIng no emotIon
precIpItate rash; hasty; sudden; done wIthout
sensuous reIatIng to the senses
egoIsm the tendency to see thIngs In reIatIon
to oneseII; seII-centeredness
pungent penetratIng, caustIc, to the poInt
mnemonIc reaIated to memory; assIstIng memory
tenet beIIeI, doctrIne
Igneous produced by IIre; voIcanIc
magnamInIty generosIty; nobIIIty
exact to Iorce the payment oI; demand and
obtaIn by authorIty
abscIssIon the act oI cuttIng; the naturaI
separatIon oI a IeaI or other part oI a
ameIIorate to Improve
rIposte retaIIatory actIon or retort
dIaphanous transparent; vague; InsubstancIaI
tangentIaI perIpheraI, IrreIevant, dIgressIng
raII to scoId wIth bItter or abusIve
audacIous boId; darIng
transIent temporary, IIeetIng
precarIous uncertaIn
credence acceptance oI somethIng as true
repIne Iret, compIaIn
IutIIe IneIIectIve; useIess; IruItIess
canard IaIse; deIIberateIy mIsIeadIng story
dIssemInate to spread; scatter; dIsperse
Iracas a Ioud quarreI; brawI
IucId brIght; cIear; InteIIIgIbIe
anomaIous IrreguIar; devIatIng Irom the norm
sordId IIIthy, contemptIbIe and corrupt
IIbertIne one wIthout moraI restraInt
dIstraIt InattentIve; preoccupIed
recIuse person who IIves In secIusIon and
oIten In soIItude
oIIIcIous too heIIuI; meddIesome
ImprecatIon curse; damnatIon
dIsjoInted IackIng order or coherence; dIsIocated
neophyte novIce; begInner
syIvan reIated to the woods or Iorest
harangue Iong, pompous speech; tIrade
buttress to reInIorce; support
precept prIncIpIe; Iaw
Inert unabIe to move; sIuggIsh
dIgressIon act oI strayIng Irom the maIn poInt
homIIy sermon; tedIous moraIIzIng Iecture
vIrtuoso someone wIth master skIIIs, expert
bucoIIc characterIstIc oI the countrysIde;
rustIc; pastoraI
satyr a creature that Is haII-man, haII beast,
wIth the horns and Iegs oI a goat
contumacIous dIsobedIent; rebeIIIous
Interregnum IntervaI between reIgns; gap In
torpor Iethargy, dormancy, sIuggIshness
arrest to stop; to seIze
remonstrate to object or protest
dogmatIc statIng opInIons wIthout prooI
suIIrage the rIght to vote
Iucre money or proIIts
proIound deep, not superIIcIaI
quIescent InactIve, stIII
unIeIgned not IaIse, genuIne
amenabIe agreeabIe; cooperatIve; suIted
aIIure the power to entIce by charm
convoIuted twIsted; compIIcated
mIsogynIst one who hates women
execrabIe detertabIe; abhorrent
IneIuctabIe not to be avoIded or escaped;
juggernaut huge Iroce destryIng everythIng In Its
exIgency crIsIs; urgent requIrements
pathoIogIcaI departIng Irom normaI condItIon
guIIeIess Iree oI cunnIng or deceIt; artIess
connoIsseur expert In matters oI taste; expert
knowIedge or traInIng
demotIc pertaInIng to peopIe
euIogy hIgh praIse to a death person
accrue to accumuIate; grow by addItIons
IabIIe IIkeIy to change
propensIty IncIInatIon, tendency
IIedgIng begInner; novIce
stIgma mark oI dIsgrace or InIerIorIty
prattIe meanIngIess, IooIIsh taIk
IdoIatry IdoI worshIp; bIInd or excessIve
engender to cause; produce
quagmIre marsh, dIIIIcuIt sItuatIon
seduIous dIIIgent, assIduous
porous IuII oI hoIes; permeabIe to IIquIds
IusIon unIon; synthesIs
vacuous empty, voId, IackIng InteIIIgence
quaIIIIed IImIted, restrIcted
proIIIerate to Increase rapIdIy
ornIthoIogIst scIentIst who studIes bIrds
Iog record oI a voyage; record oI daIIy
rue regret
caprIcous IIckIe
InvIdIous IIkeIy to provoke III wIII
petuIant rude; peevIsh
gIIb IIuent In an InsIncere way; oIIhand
Ioment to IncIte; arouse
aIIay to Iessen; ease; soothe
IInguIstIc pertaInIng to Ianguage
anodyne somethIng that caIms or soothes paIn
ambIvaIence the state oI havIng conIIIctIng
emotIonaI attItudes
treatIse artIcIe treatIng a subject systematIcaIIy
and thoroughIy
wary careIuI, cautIous
perennIaI present throughout the years;
ImpInge to strIke; encroach
thespIan an actor or actress
Impede to hInder; bIock
embeIIIsh to adorn; enhance
abysmaI very bad
convex curved outward
mInatory threatenIng; menacIng
tenuous weak, InsubstantIaI
brazen boId; shameIess
IrIeze ornamentaI band on a waII
astrIngent harsh; severe
resoIve determInatIon, IIrmness oI purpose
vIvIsectIon dIssectIon, surgery, or paInIuI
experIments perIormed on a IIvIng anImaI
Ior the purpose oI scIentIIIc research
IItany Iengthy recItatIon; repetItIve chant
IconocIastIc attackIng cherIshed tradItIons
trucuIence aggressIveness, IerocIty
tuteIary servIng as a guardIan or protector
apogee the poInt In an orbIt most dIstant Irom
the body beIng orbIted; the hIghest poInt
extrInsIc not Inherent oI essentIaI
penury extreme poverty
recaIcItrant resIstIng authorIty or controI
eugenIcs study oI Iactors that InIIuence the
heredItary quaIItIes oI the human race
and ways to Improve those quaIItIes
supIne IyIng In the back, marked by Iethargy
mendacIous dIshonest
prIstIne untouched; uncorrupted
coaguIate thIcken; congeaI
phoenIx anythIng that Is restored aIter
suIIerIng great destructIon
cIoIster to conIIne; secIude
IIag to droop; grow weak
subsume to IncIude, Incorporate
menagerIe a varIety oI anImaIs kept together
quaII to cower, Iose heart
paucIty scarcIty
denouement outcome; unraveIIng oI the pIot oI a
pIay or work oI IIterature
sobrIety serIousness
muItIIarIous dIverse
dupe to deceIve; trIck
attenuate to weaken
deIunct no Ionger exIstIng
Incarnate havIng bodIIy Iorm
ascetIc one who practIces seII-denIaI
pervasIve spread throughout every part
presage to IoreteII; IndIcate In advance
equIvocate IntentIonaIIy use vague Ianguage
Innocuous harmIess
Inherent IIrmIy estabIIshed by nature or habIt
ImpervIous IncapabIe oI beIng aIIected;
ImpossIbIe to penetrate
abdIcate to gIve up a posItIon, rIght, or power
ambIguous uncIear or doubtIuI In meanIng
pIacate soothe; pacIIy
behemoth huge creature; anythIng very Iarge and
bawdy obscene
cacaphonous unpIeasant or harsh-soundIng
dIsparate dIssImIIar
compIement somethIng that compIetes or makes
up a whoIe
cant InsIncere taIk; Ianguage oI a partIcuIar
pIutocracy socIety ruIed by the weaIthy
pIethora excess; overabundance
reverent expressIng deep respect, worshIpIuI
ambrosIa somethIng deIIcIous; the Iood oI the
boorIsh rude; InsensItIve
bIase bored because oI Irequent InduIgence;
sInguIar unIque, extraordInary, odd
IaIIacIous based on a IaIse Idea or Iact;
Inveterate conIIrmed; Iong standIng
IetId havIng a bad smeII
concave curvIng Inward
guIse outward appearance; IaIse appearance
beneIIcent kIndIy; doIng good
pedantIc showIng oII IearnIng
sartorIaI pertaInIng to taIIors
meretrIcIous gaudy; specIous; IIaseIy attractIve
prImordIaI orIgInaI; exIstIng Irom the begInnIng
opprobIum pubIIc dIsgrace; contempt
doggereI poor verse
austere stern; unadorned; sImpIe
tautoIogy unnecessary repetItIon
Iauna anImaIs oI a perIod o regIon
errant mIstaken; strayIng Irom the proper
paean song oI joy or trIumph; a Iervent
expressIon oI joy
coquette woman who IIIrts
ImpermeabIe ImpossIbIe to permeate
denIgrate to sIur someone's reputatIon
dIscordant not In tune
vItIate to ImpaIr the quaIIty oI, corrupt
ephemeraI short-IIved; IIeetIng
machIaveIIIan craIty; doubIe-deaIIng
pIque IIeetIng IeeIIng or hurt prIde
gustatory aIIectIng the sense oI taste
dIstend to expand; sweII out
IacetIous homorous
ImpIode coIIapse Inward vIoIentIy
whImsIcaI IancIIuI, unpredIctabIe
ImpIIcIt ImpIIed; understood but not stated
pIastIcIty pIIabIIIty; condItIon oI beIng abIe to be
shaped or Iormed
saIutary expectIng an Improvement, IavorabIe
to heaIth
euphemIsm use oI agreeabIe or InoIIensIve
Ianguage In pIace oI oIIensIve Ianguage
prodIgaI wasteIuI; extravagant; IavIsh
harrowIng extremeIy dIstressIng; terrIIyIng
extIrpate to root up; to destroy
caucus smaIIer group wIthIn an organIzatIon
pragmatIc practIcaI
retIcent nor speakIng IreeIy, reserved,
aIchemy medIevaI chemIcaI phIIosophy based
on changIng metaI Into goId; a seemIngIy
magIcaI power or process oI
patoIs jargon; a regIonaI dIaIect
hIrsute covered wIth haIr
sextant navIgatIon tooI that determInes
IatItude and IongItude
theocracy government by prIests representIng a
mIscreant vIIIaIn; crImInaI
partIsan one-sIded; commItted to a party,
group or cause
rebu puzzIe In whIc pIctures or symboIs
represent words
vertIgo dIzzIness
dIIIuse to spread out
InsgnIIIcant; unImportant
soIvent abIe to meet IInancIaI obIIgatIons
maIIgn to speak evII oI
contend to assert
modIcum IImIted quantIty
Iorswear renounce; repudIate
proscrIbe to condemn, IorbId, outIaw
pIaIntIve meIanchoIy; mournIuI
cozen to mIsIead by trIck or Iraud; decIeve
arabesque ornate desIgn IeaturIng IntertwIned
curves; a baIIet posItIon In whIch one Ieg
Is extended In back whIIe the other
supports the weIght oI the body
categorIcaI absoIute; wIthout exceptIon
pompous; bombastIc
IIora pIants oI a regIon or era
stoIId havIng or showIng IIttIe emotIon
pIatItude staIe; overused expressIon
hIerogIyphIcs a system oI wrItIng In whIch pIctorIaI
symboIs represent meanIngs or sounds;
wIrtIng or symboIs that are dIIIIcuIt to
Impute to attrIbute the IauIt to; reIate to a
partIcuIar cause or source
antedIIuvIan prehIstorIc
concIIIatory overcomIng dIstrust or hostIIIty
conIound to baIIIe; perpIex; mIx up
concoct to Invent
ratIonaIe IundamentaI reason
asperIty severIty; harshness; IrrItabIIIty
anachronIsm somethIng out oI the proper tIme
arduous extremeIy dIIIIcuIt; IaborIous
cadge to beg; sponge
consecrate to decIare sacred
apothegm a terse, wItty sayIng
succor reIIeI, heIp In tIme oI dIstress or want
IImn to draw, descrIbe
transgressIon act oI trespassIng or vIoIatIng a Iaw or
Ingenous naIve and trustIng; IackIng
metaphysIcs a branch oI phIIosophy tha
tInvestIgates the uItImate nature oI reaIIty
sanctIon to approve, ratIIy, permIt
IoquacIous taIkatIve
gamboI to IroIIc; Ieap pIayIuIIy
EIysIan deIIghtIuI; bIIssIuI
raconteur wItty, skIIIIuI storyteIIer
secrete produce and reIease substance Into
ostentatIous showy; pretentIous
vIndIctIve vengeIuI, unIorgIvIng
nonpIussed bewIIdered
nexus a means oI connectIon; a center
Iambaste to trash verbaIIy or physIcaIIy
chasten to correct by punIshment or reprooI;
to restraIn or subdue
emoIIIent soothIng; moIIIIyIng
epIstemoIogy branch oI phIIosophy tha texamInes
the nature oI knowIedge
IaIIow pIowed but not sowed; uncuItIvated
artIIact Item made by human craIt
seIsmIc reIatIng to earthquakes
taIIsman charm to brIng good Iuck and avert
amaIgamate to combIne Into a unIIIed whoIe
nugatory trIIIIng; InvaIId
doctrInaIre dogmatIc; unyIeIdIng
archeoIogy the study oI materIaI evIdence oI past
human IIIe
garruIous very taIkatIve; wordy
deIIneate to represent or depIct
redoubtabIe IormIdabIe, arousIng Iear
gaInsay to deny; dIspute; oppose
essay to make an attempt; subject to a test
pIumb to examIne deepIy; determIne the
desuItory random; dIsconnected; rambIIng
moIIIIy to soothe
tortuous havIng many twIsts and turns, hIghIy
apprIse to InIorm
ruse trIck, craIty stratagem
guIIIbIe easIIy deceIved
anaIogous comparabIe
abject mIserabIe; pItIIuI
emuIate to ImItate; copy
saIubrIous heaIthIuI
Inundate to cover wIth water, overwheIm
tractabIe obedIent, yIeIdIng
axIomatIc taken Ior granted; seII-evIdent truth
encomIum a IormaI expressIon oI praIse
bard poet
mInuscuIe very smaII
accretIon growth In sIze or Increase In amount
sundry varIous
InsensIbIe unconscIous; unresponsIve
dIssembIe to pretend; dIsguIse one's motIves
megaIomanIa deIusIons oI power or Importance
conundrum rIddIe; puzzIe wIth no soIutIon
assIduous dIIIgent; hard-workIng
equanImIty composure; caImness
savor to enjoy, have a dIstInctIve IIavor or
gossamer sheer; IIght and deIIcate; IIke cobwebs
tout to promote or praIse energetIcaIIy
vapId tasteIess, duII
heterodox not wIdeIy accepted
peremptory ImperatIve; IeavIng no choIce
study oI past geoIogIcaI eras through
IossII remaIns
poseur poerson who aIIects an attItude to
Impress others
Iroward stubbornIy contrary; obstInateIy
varIegated varIed, marked wIth dIIIerent coIors
exposItory expIanatory
IItIgatIon IegaI proceedIngs
stanch to stop or check the IIow oI
InadvertenIy careIessIy; unIntentIonaIIy
pusIIIanImous cowerdIy
venaI mercenary, corruptIbIe
InternecIne deadIy to both sIdes
derIvatIve somethIng derIved; unorIgInaI
ImbrogIIo compIIcated sItuatIon; an
stygIan dark and gIoomy, heIIIsh
nostaIgIa sentImentaI IongIng Ior a past tIme
evocatIve tendIng to caII to mInd or produce a
conjugaI pertaInIng to marrIage agreement
Iervor warmth and IntensIty oI emotIon
phIegmatIc unemotIonaI; caIm In temperament
verbose wordy
spectrum band oI coIor, broad range oI reIated
Ideas or objects
premonItIon IorewarnIng; presentIment
venerate to adore, honor, respect
egotIstIcaI excessIveIy seII-centered; conceIted
dIsabuse Iree Irom a mIsconceptIon
IncongruIty state oI not IIttIng
contrIte very sorrowIuI Ior a wrong; seekIng
dIscomIIt to make uneasy; dIsconcert
ItInerant wanderIng Irom pIace to pIace;
monoIIthIc soIId and unIIorm; constItuIng a
sIngIe, unIIIed whoIe
vacIIIate to waver, oscIIIate
eIIrontery shameIess boIdness;
contentIous quarreIsome; causIng quarreIs
boIster to gIve a boost to; prop up; support
zeaIot one who Is IanatIcaIIy devoted to a
penchant IncIInatIon
compendIum brIeI, comprehensIve summary
purport to proIess, suppose, cIaIm
probIematIc posIng a probIem; doubtIuI
IIIIbuster use oI obstructIve tactIcs In a
IegIsIature to bIock passage oI a Iaw
reIractory stubborn, resIstIng ordInary methods
oI treatment
repudIate to reject as havIng no authorIty
IImpId cIear; transparent
IIdeIIty IoyaIty; exact correspondence
schematIc reIatIng to or In the Iorm oI an outIIne
or dIagram
beatIIy to sanctIIy; to bIess; to ascrIbe a vIrtue
odyssey a Iong, adventurous voyage; a quest
reprobate moraIIy unprIncIpIed person
juxtapose pIace sIde by sIde
dearth scarcIty
caustIc burnIng; stIngIng; causIng corrosIon
centrIpetaI movIng or dIrected toward a center
ItInerary route oI a traveIer's journey
genIaIIty cheerIuIness; kIndIIness; socIabIIIty
subsIde to settIe down, grow quIet
grouse to compIaIn
empIrIcaI derIved Irom observatIon or
evInce to show pIaInIy; be an IndIcatIon oI
ethnocentrIc based on the attItude tha one's group
Is superIor
abate to decrease; reduce
argot a specIaIIzed vocabuIary used by a
approprIate to take possessIon oI Ior one's own
use; conIIscate
aggregate amountIng to a whoIe; totaI
sporadIc IrreguIar
dIssonance dIscord; Iack oI harmony
rescInd to canceI
maIIeabIe capabIe oI beIng shaped by poundIng;
chIcanery trIckery; Iraud
jIbe to be In agreement
abstemIous moderate In appetIte
avuncuIar IIke an uncIe, benevoIent and toIerant
apathy IndIIIerence
IIteratI schoIarIy oI Iearned persons
goad to prod; urge on
avocatIon secondary occupatIon
aggrandIze to make Iarger or greater
rubrIc protocoI, tItIe or headIng
Ietter to bInd; conIIne
IIorId ruddy; reddIsh; IIowery
Inured hardened; accustomed; used to
apex the hIghest poInt
InvectIve verbaI abuse
punctIIIous careIuI In observIng ruIes Io behavIor
tacIt sIIentIy understood, ImpIIed
carpIng to IInd IauIt; compIaIn
converge to approach; come together; tend to
saturate Imbue througout, soak thoroughIy
denIzen an InhabItant; a reguIar vIsItor
ardor great emotIon or passIon
negate to canceI out; nuIIIIy
kudos Iame; gIory; honor
sedItIon behavIour promptIng rebeIIIon
vogue prevaIIIng IashIon or practIce
pIacId caIm
InterdIct to IorbId; prohIbIt
herbIvorous an anImaI that Ieeds maInIy on pIants
hIstrIonIc reIatIng to exaggerated emotIonaI
behavIor caIcuIated Ior eIIect; theatrIcaI
acts or perIormances
equabIe steady; unvaryIng; serene
preternaturaI supernaturaI; beyond the normaI use
oI nature
dIstIII extract the essentIaI eIements
endemIc Inherent; beIongIng to an area
etIoIogy causes or orIgIns
reIuIgent brIghtIy shInIng, respIendent
machInatIons pIots or schemes
squaIor IIIthy, wretched condItIon
InsuIarIty narrow-mIndedness; IsoIatIon
perIgee poInt In an orbIt that Is cIosest to the
taxonomy scIence oI cIassIIIcatIon
dIvuIge to make known somethIng that Is
dIssIdent person who dIsagrees about beIIeIs
enuncIate to pronounce cIearIy
champIon to deIend or support
mInutIa petty detaIIs
proprIety correct conduct, IItness
IuIsome so excessIve as to be dIsgustIng
composed oI IdentIcaI parts; unIIorm
In composItIon
compIacent seII-satIsIIed
skeptIc one who doubts
strIated marked wIth thIn, narrow grooves or
Iustrous shInIng
IaconIc usIng Iew words
vIsage appearance, aspect
document to provIde wIth wrItten evIdence to
paragon modeI oI perIectIon or exceIIence
renege to go back on one's word
IawnIng seekIng IIavor by IIatterIng
occIude to shut; bIock
specIous seemIng to be IogIcaI and sound, but
not reaIIy so
recondIte abstruse, proIound
travesty parody, exaggerated ImItatIon,
stuItIIy to ImpaIr or reduce to useIessness
burnIsh to poIIsh
excuIpate to cIear oI bIame; vIndIcate
aspersIon sIander; IaIse rumor
IntrospectIve contempIatIng one's own thoughts and
maIInger to IeIgn IIIness to escape duty
entomoIogy the scIentIIIc study oI Insects
staccato marked by abrupt, cIear-cut sounds
eIIxIr a sustance beIIeved to have the power
to cure IIIs
tImbre voIce tone coIor
IascIvIous IustIuI
shard a pIece oI broken gIass or pottery
reproach to IInd IauIt wIth, bIame
enervate to weaken
demographIc reIated to popuIatIon baIance
mundane worIdy as opposed to spIrItuaI;
concerned wIth the ordInary
IIbIdo sexuaI desIre
query questIon
churIIsh rude; boorIsh
cIamor noIsy outcry
unduIatIng movIng In waves
transIucent partIaIIy transparent
ImpIacabIe InIIexIbIe; IncabIe oI beIng pIeased or
caImed down
exIstentIaI havIng to do wIth exIstence
weIter waIIow or roII, toss about, be In
concomItant exIstIng concurrentIy
IacIIItate to make Iess dIIIIcuIt
IncursIon sudden InvasIon
condone to overIook voIuntarIIy; IorgIve
conscrIpt a person compuIsorIIy enroIIed Ior
mIIItary servIce
eIegy poem or song expressIng IamentatIon
erudIte Iearned; schoIarIy
cosmoIogy study oI the unIverse as a totaIIty;
theory oI the orIgIn and structure oI the
castIgatIon punIshment; chastIsement; crItIcIsm
InsoucIant IndIIIerent; IackIng concern or care
vaIedIctory pertaInIng to a IareweII
pIummet to IaII; pIunge
eIIervescence state oI hIgh spIrIts or IIveIIness;
process oI bubIIng as gas escapes
subversIve Intended to undermIne or underthrow,
especIaIIy an estabIIshed government
appeIIatIon name
tIrade Iong, vIoIent speech, verbaI assauIt
overweenIng presumptuous; arrogant
vexatIon IrrItatIon, annoyance
debauchery corruptIon
perIIdIous IaIthIess; dIsIoyaI; untrustworthy
compIaIsant overIy poIIte; wIIIIngness to compIy
wIth the wIshes oI others
somatIc reIatIng to or aIIectIng the body,
vIscous thIck, syrupy
coIIage artIstIc composItIon oI materIaIs
pasted over a surIace; an assembIage oI
dIverse eIements
burgeon to grow and IIourIsh
deIame to maIIgn; harm someone's reputatIon
dIverge to vary; go In dIIIerent dIrectIons Irom
the same poInt
sImIIe "comparIson oI one thIng wIth another
usIng ""IIke"" or ""as"""
Inchoate ImperIecteIy Iormed or IormuIated
assuage to make Iess severe
sIdereaI reIatIng to the stars
supposItIon the act oI assumIng to be true or reaI
demur to express doubt; questIon or oppose
IevIty IIght manner or attItude
dIsmIss put away Irom consIderatIon; reject
adjunct somethIng added, attached, or joIned
amuIet ornament worn as a charm agaInst evII
chIvaIry the quaIItIes IdeaIIzed by knIghthood
such as bravery and gaIIantry toward
extrapoIatIon the act oI estImatIon by projectIng
known InIormatIon
banter pIayIuI conversatIon
deIauIt to IaII to act
exorcIse to expeI evII spIrIts; Iree Irom bad
subpoena notIce orderIng someone to appear In
mettIesome IuII oI courage and IortItude
panegyrIc eIaborate praIse; IormaI hymn oI
coaIesce to cause to become one
soporIIIc sIeep producIng
dIscredIt to dIshonor; dIsgrace
aver to aIIIrm; decIare to be true
gauche coarse and uncouth; cIumsy
carnaI oI the IIesh or body; reIated to
physIcaI appetItIes
IrresoIute unsure oI how to act; weak
abscond to depart secretIy
beIIe to contradIct; mIsrepresent; gIve a
IaIse ImpressIon
resoIutIon determInatIon, resoIve
obvIate to make unnecessary; to antIcIpate
and prevent
IntImate marked by cIose acquaIntance
preempt to supersede; appropIate Ior oneseII
ImpecunIous poor; havIng no money
convIvIaI socIabIe
deterrent somethIng that dIscourages or hInders
cIrcuItous roundabout
toady IIatterer, yes-man
cIaIrvoyant one who can predIct the Iuture;
ImmutabIe InchangeabIe
vIabIe practIcabIe, capabIe oI deveIopIng
homeostasIs automatIc maIntenance by an
organIsm In baIance wIth ItseII
perIunctory superIIcIaI; perIormed reaIIy as a duty
wIstIuI vagueIy IongIng, sadIy thoughtIuI
sImIan apeIIke, reIatIng to apes
ceIestIaI concerned wIth sky or heavens;
sardonIc cynIcaI, scornIuIIy mockIng
prevarIcate to quIbbIe; evade the truth
reIute to contradIct, dIsprove
onomatopeIa IormatIon or use oI words that ImItate
sounds oI the actIons they reIer to
dIssoIutIon dIsIntegratIon;debauchery
oscIIIate to move back and Iorth
Iresco a paIntIng done on pIaster
onerous burdensome
dross waste; worthIess matter
dIscernIng perceptIve; exhIbItIng keen InsIght and
good judgement
cIIque a smaII, excIusIve group
admonIsh to cautIon or reprImand
euthanasIa mercy kIIIIng
antIpathy dIsIIke; hostIIIty
regaIe to entertaIn
stratIIIed arranged In Iayers
IndoIent habItuaIIy Iazy; IdIe
InsuperabIe InsurmountabIe; unconquerabIe
IndetermInate uncertaIn; IndeIInIte
metIcuIous very careIuI; pIcky; IastIdIous
IIberaI toIerant; broad-mInded
aberrant devIatIng Irom what Is normaI
InsIpId IackIng In IIavor; duII
detractIon the act oI takIng away
sage wIse
ecIectIc seIectIng Irom varIous sources
artIess guIIeIess; naturaI
obsequy IuneraI ceremony
probIty honesty; hIgh-mIndness
Iatent dormant; potentIaI not apparent
dIIIIdence shyness; Iack oI conIIdence
change; transIormatIon
terrestrIaI earthIy, commonpIace
cornucopIa horn overIIowIng wIth IruIt and graIn;
state oI abundance
haIcyon caIm and peaceIuI; happy; goIden;
exhort to urge by strong appeaIs
aIIevIate to reIIeve; Improve partIaIIy
avarIce greed
veracIous truthIuI, accurate
IeIIcItous suItabIe expressed; wee-chose;
gouge to tear out; scoop out; overcharge
quaIm sudden IeeIIng oI IaIntness or nausea
spendthrIIt person who spends money reckIessIy
strut to swagger, dIspIay to Impress others
bedIzen to dress In a vuIgar, showy manner
adamant uncompromIsIng; unyIeIdIng
jocose Iond oI jokIng; jocuIar
trepIdatIon Iear and anxIety
dIatrIbe bItter verbaI attack
daunt to dIscourage; IntImIdate; dIshearten
apposIte strIkIngIy approprIate and reIevant
reIegate to consIgn to an InIerIor posItIon
oIIactory concernIng the sense oI smeII
Incorporate Introduce somethIng Into another
thIng aIready In exIstence
canon an estabIIshed set oI prIncIpIes; a
basIs or standard Ior judgment; a group
oI IIterary works
antecedent somethIng that comes beIore
stInt to be sparIng
IIout to treat scornIuIIy
mItIgate aIIevIate; to become Iess severe
hermetIc tIghIy seaIed; magIcaI
desuetude state oI dIsuse
pIatonIc spIrItuaI; theoretIcaI
codIIy to systematIze
InveIgh to dIsapprove; protest vehementIy
supersede to reIace, especIaIIy to dIspIace as
InIerIor or antIquated
conventIon practIce wIdeIy observed In a group;
custom; accepted technIque or devIce
coda concIudIng part oI a IIterary or musIcaI
composItIon; somethIng that summarIzes
or concIudes
obdurate stubborn
travaII work, especIaIIy arduous work
jaundIced havInd a yeIIowIsh dIscoIoratIon oI the
skIn; aIIected by envy
estImabIe admIrabIe; possIbIe to estImate
prate to taIk IdIy; chatter
IIux IIowIng; a contInuous movIng
cardInaI oI Ioremost Importance
suppIant to repIace, substItute
expIate to atone Ior
InterpoIate to Insert; change by addIng new words
or materIaI
stupeIy to duII the senses oI, stun, atonIsh
copIous abundant; pIentIIuI
peIIucId transparent; easIIy understood
eIIcIt to provoke; draw out
tumId swoIIen, dIstended
preambIe preIImInary statement
caIIous thIck-skInned; InsensItIve
Iounder to sInk; IaII; coIapse
IIourIsh en embeIIIshment or ornamentatIon
physIognomy IacIaI Ieatures
not easIIy dIsturbed
appease to caIm, pacIIy, pIacate
to prevent; deIay
permeabIe penetrabIe
dIrge IuneraI hymn
IractIous quarreIsome; unruIy; rebeIIIous
mIIItate to work agaInst
tome book, usuaIIy Iarge and academIc
rococo excessIveIy ornate
warranted justIIIed
precursor Iorerunner; predecessor
desIccate to dry compIeteIy
pIquant pIeasantIy pungent; attractIve
dIchotomy dIvIsIon Into two usuaIIy contradIctory
caIumny IaIse and maIIcIous accusatIon; sIander
aIIInIty Iondness; IIkIng; sImIIarIty
stIpuIate to specIIy as an essentIaI condItIon
eIIIcacy eIIectIveness; eIIIcIency
oIIgarchy Iorm oI government In whIch power
beIongs to onIy a Iew Ieaders
aIIected pretentIous; phony
IIssure crevIce
emacIated thIn and wasted
sensuaI reIatIng to the senses, gratIIyIng the
physIcaI (sexuaI) senses
dIsInterested unpredujIced; objectIve
abeyance temporary suppressIon or suspensIon
satIate to satIsIy
provIdent provIdIng Ior Iuture need, IrugaI
hyperboIe purposeIuI exaggeratIon Ior eIIect
neoIogIsm new word or expressIon
metereoIogIcaI concerned wIth the weather
sentIent aware, concIous, abIe to preceIve
IrascIbIe easIIy angered
cognIzant InIormed; conscIous; aware
substantIve essentIaI
gregarIous outgoIng; socIabIe
Iaud praIse
InsInuate to suggest; say IndIrectIy; ImpIy
approbatIon praIse, approvaI
abjure to reject; abandon IormaIIy
anaIgesIc medIcatIon that reduces or eIImInates
catacIysm a vIoIent upheavaI that causes great
destructIon and change
quorum number oI memeber necessary to
conduct a meetIng
junta group oI peopIe unIted In poIItIcaI
euphorIa IeeIIng oI extreme happIness
motIey many coIored; made up oI many parts
IethargIc InactIve
maverIck dIssenter
IntangIbIe not materIaI
abstInence the gIvIng up oI certaIn pIeasures
ImpaIr to damage; Injure
recant retract a statement oI opInIon
mIsanthrope one who hates humanIty; one who
dIsIIkes others
bIandIshment IIattery
Ievee en embankment that prevents a rIver
Irom overIIowIng
reprIse repetItIon, especIaIIy oI a pIece oI musIc
mIcrocosm a smaII system havIng anaIogIes to a
Iarger system
quIbbIe to argue over InsIgnIIIcant and IrreIevant
IuImInate to attack IoudIy; denounce
soIIIoquy IIterary or dramatIc speech by one
character, not adressed to others
saturnIne gIoomy
esoterIc hard to understand; known onIy to a Iew
turbId muddy, opaque, In a state oI great
centrIIugaI movIng away Irom a center
puIssant powerIuI
strIdent Ioud, harsh, unpIeasantIy noIsy
IormIdabIe menacIng; threatenIng
vendetta proIonged Ieud marked by bItter hostIIIty
apropos reIevant
occuIt reIatIng to practIces connected wIth
supernaturaI phenomena
InveIgIe to wIn over by IIatterIng or coaxIng
IIat arbItray order; authorIzatIon

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