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AA " ,lIaU'nr;ch

aphlC do~
eSlg ner and illustrator
freelance gr . vious when I m
look of a button _ is it
NG ON PHOTOSHOP IS ob kup to final design. rounded or not, or What
~I~ proJec~sother
TURNI . ebsites - from moc . of any kind, letter is typed over there _ and
working w erfect choice for high
For me It s t e p . entertainment an d Photos hop gives me absolute COntrol OVer
f m mOVie,
starting. ro 'tes to corporate porta s ~
I t the en .
work and
them. I'm combining Photography With illustration

interactive selat control at every step

I have gr d by myse ,
o'f~~nd itto a
- taking parts from one and putting alongside another
just painted or retouched thing is daily bread. Fluency
' matter if I do co e have the same at this point is crucial since the client may ask for Some
it doesn t Flash developer -I . t Of course it's tweaks like changing navigation, appearance or main
mmer or . t proJec . character size.
progra m as in every pnn. idelines but
creative freedo 'n mind all technlcal9 u. Swapping
importan~ ~~;~nlt
to thing for me is deS~g~~~gbrush I'm always saving project in several files. This allows
me to do backups and compare progress in case I go
the most Imp h Eraser tool, cha g /down
L so Brus , . them up , too far. Also naming layers and groups is crucial for me
between as between layers, movln g working with
size, skipping 't blend mode or
. g opaCi y,
fln~ll y
this Into e
ven more
-I hate mess in panels. Finally the client gets a .psd With
my work so managing them helps a lot.
chang In . ts/smart filters turns t to forget about
smart obJec kflow. It's important no toshop -
w~~ P~tOresources,
powerful is indissoluble part of is easy
Bridge, h multiple files, like curre them all around .
working Wit
d B 'dge y helpful in managln g d where every
IS ver . hi detal ,e
an n designs are hlg y change the
Most of my
. I does matter. A few tiny squares may
M/cAael >7"eQ/d
o W 'W.(ullyiUu5tfa!ed:e.... n
Creative director

Irp.-J@ «@ IF PHOTOSHOP DIDN'T eXist then I would be dead

on my feet. Photoshop to me is like a brick to a bUilder.
I wo rk almost eXclusively With games companies

these days, Who on the whole require detailed,
intricate and exciting imagery to surrOund
and encompass their Sites, so Photoshop
allows me to amalgamate their assets into
What are eSSentially very detailed collages. I
am Usually provided with miXed assets, like
characters With transparent backgrounds,
L " /t 5att/er ents environment renders, flat texture files and
OIL-- hical elem b- in truth, little else. It is USually my job to
. ds grap f ture we take all those loosely connected assets and
tcr ent that bin ood for a u roduce

PHOTOS~nd the:~ustrator
'\ If OP IS THE cem to give out a m n it comes to PIS a viSible create detailed interfaces, and complex
enables on:e main tool w;:s long as surrounds for the websites . lf you look at

together t It is also t will be use parallel of. omes to the Natural Selection 2 example (www.
based PhotoshoP . often used In .ally when It c hniques. natura/selection2.cOm) I was given a
et site. hoP IS espeCi b th tec 't
an Intern ever, PhotoS important, hat mixes o. el but I don render of the corridor, one

~~ion Sh~:t

pixell HoW Is are equally technology t ctor and piX hoW I first of the Hive creature and a
and both :':eb in Flash that mixes I (black and flat texture of the organic'
produce . another so Ie for graphic ta go Into (1). growth material. From here
Fireworks IS In this examp shoP with my d I wanted to he blank I Spent many hours cutting bits
really use ments in Photo ve me the important: t
out, adding additional lighting
draw the e e rimary step ga it IS the mo
hite). ThiS p .mple step but effects and creating a Who le scene
This is a rathersl to thrust the USer deep into a very
atmospheric webpage, making
them feel as though they were in
the game itself. The core interface
elements Were Constructed from
pieces chopped out of the corridor
render and far doorway.
So as you can see, without
Photoshop, I'd be finished, as it is this
tool alone that allows me to create
these types of complex images and
I would never Consider using anything else. I think my
favourite finishing and effects tools Within Photoshop
would be adjustment layers, layer effects and blending
OPtions, as these can create some awesome light effects
to really tie a piece together.

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