Work Culture Questionnaire

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Work Culture Questionnaire

Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Disagree Disagree 1. I think telling jokes at work is totally inappropriate . 2. I am more productive working alone. 3. I would rather start something than maintain it. 4. I completely free myself from work during holidays. 5. Working is fun to me. 6. I make a living out of work. 7. Setting a dead-line does not make me any more motivated. 8. I enjoy working on open-ended tasks. 9. Untrained employees will cause serious loss to a company. 10.Recognition wins me respect. Strongly Disagree 11.I sometimes have difficulty admitting when I am wrong 12.If there are rules, I follow them 13.I am a creative person. 14.I like to work in a stable environment. 15.I respond to new tasks fairly quickly. 16.Most people would describe me as imaginative . 17.My career goal is very realistic. 18.I approach the same question from multiple angles. . 19.It's very hard for me to change my working habits. 20.I can easily get bored with repetitive work. Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree 21.Sometimes I have told a "white lie" to my employer to get a pay-rise. 22.I would like to know what I will be doing before I start doing it. 23.Job hunting does not bother me. 24.I believe that being a good employee requires creativity. 25.I have a good sense of what type of task suits me. 26.I strongly dislike boring and dull work. 27.Challenging tasks help me to concentrate. 28.I expect to learn something new every day. 29.People see me as a stable person. 30.If another company offers higher payment, I will leave the current one.

Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 31.I find it easy to get along with all types of people 32.It is better to be seen as boring than unreliable 33.Others see me as very resourceful at work. 34.I am very innovative. 35.Work enables me to leverage my personal strengths. 36.Teams are all talk and no action. 37.I like jobs that require multitasking. 38.I love to spend time with family. 39.My contribution to the company should be recognized and appreciated. 40.I like to be trained by professionals.

Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 41.I think working at home is a good idea. 42.I do not like working with people who are interested in risky and challenging tasks. 43.I do not care about salary and/or a retirement package. 44.The type of work I prefer must be intellectually challenging.. 45.others see me as very resourceful at work. 46.It is always better to have many bad options than no options. 47.I always see recognition as a strong motivation at work.. 48.I can solve problems quickly. 49.I see work as an opportunity to improve personal finances. 50.I feel uncomfortable working in unfamiliar environments. Strongly Disagree 51.I have never taken advantage of another person 52.I "think outside the box" more than others 53.Teamwork is the most efficient way to complete a task.. 54.Success is always a result of group work. 55.I can always spot the fun side of work. 56.If I feel underpaid I will discuss my feelings with my supervisor immediately. 57.Adequate training makes me more competent and ready for work. 58.Working in a team slows me down. 59.I will not start working until there is a clear plan. 60.I would prefer marketing to accountancy.

Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Disagree

Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 61.I see my work as structured.. 62.My impression about people is often based on how wealthy they are.. 63.I would love to become an entertainer. 64.If you want something done give it to a person, not a team. 65.Thinking of new ideas is important for me. 66.It is not a good idea to be financially poor but spiritually rich. 67.When I do not feel like continuing a task, I just stop. 68.I have to work in a company in which fairness will be highly valued. 69.I always feel the need to increase my capability through working. 70.I often try to avoid unfamiliar working environment. Strongly Disagree 71.I am respectful of authority 72.I want time for recreation outside my work. 73.I think telling jokes at work is appropriate. 74.I want maximum personal freedom at work. 75.I am a collaborative person. 76.I do not doubt the belief that money can buy everything. 77.I often work extra hours to earn extra money. 78.I enjoy doing things I have never done before. 79.I will stay in a job as long as the salary is good. 80.I think work will increase my financial competency..

Neither Strongly DisagreeAgree Nor Agree Agree Disagree

Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 81.I sometimes feel that people deserve the bad luck that comes their way 82.Family means a lot more than work to me. 83.I have a general interest in exploring the world when not working. 84.I only consider working when there is a financial problem. 85.When looking for a job I will go for the one that has the highest salary package. 86.I enjoy working in different places. 87.I plan out my work before heading into it.. 88.A tight schedule is not suitable for me. 89.I would prefer to be an employer rather than an employee. 90.I want to be recognized by my workmates.

Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 91. I like to break rules 92. I can translate ideas into action easily. 93. Working in a team speeds things up. 94. I see working as the major source of my income. 95. I am more a follower than a leader . 96. I always reminds myself that life is not all about working. 97. I am always eager to learn. 98. I never stop working - including holidays. 99. I would like to have lots of options before making any decision. 100.Wealthy people usually have low moral standards .

Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 101.I sometimes get out of things I don't want to do by faking illness 102.I often get the job done successfully without any assistance.. 103.Working within a strict routine does not bother me. 104.Working in big companies is my ultimate career goal. 105.I go to work everyday telling myself there is much to learn. 106.I usually spend holidays with my family . 107.I enjoy being admired. 108.I prefer a flexible working schedule. 109.Many of my solutions are quite ingenious. 110.I have to go to work to earn money. Strongly Disagree 111.I would rather be seen as boring than unreliable 112.The idea of volunteering do not interest me. 113.Everyone's contribution should be noted and respected by the company. 114.I think teamwork is more efficient than individual effort. 115.I am capable of starting my own business. 116.I do my job in a highly organized way.. 117.Starting up a business would make me apprehensive. 118.Sometimes I think I am talented at job hunting. 119.I am regarded as autonomous.. 120.I always come up with ideas that no one else can think of..

Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Agree Disagree

Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 121.I sometimes feel I need encouragement in order to continue with my work 122.My effort should be rewarded no less than others. 123.I always enjoy learning from workmates. 124.I feel guilty when work keeps me away from my family. 125.I am good at utilizing resources. 126.Being interrupted by unexpected work upsets me a lot. 127.I set clear boundaries between work and holidays. 128.I do not doubt that I can get a job when I want to.. 129.I respect other people's choices even when I do not agree with them.. 130.I do not doubt "knowledge is power" at all. Strongly Disagree 131.I "think outside the box" less than others 132.If there is an opportunity to start my own business, I will do it. 133.I do not work after-hours. 134.I do not see any major problems in working at home. 135.I see myself as a family man/woman. 136.I like to work on a flexible schedule. 137.A flexible working environment can increase my motivation. 138.Keeping a job is more important than getting promoted. 139.I have lots of ideas. 140.I am highly self-motivated.

Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Disagree

Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 141.I work for money most of the time. 142.I do not like risks and challenges at all. 143.My main concern at work is how much I will earn. 144.I can find a job easily. 145.It is always important to be creative at work.. 146.I enjoy the praise and recognition I get when working in a well-known company. 147.I can easily fit into a flexible working environment. 148.I use my skills across a wide range of fields. 149.I like to work in teams. 150.I become irritated if I do not get what I have worked for. Strongly Disagree 151.I have at times felt like telling someone off 152.A decision needs to be quick as well as good 153.Employers should compensate employees for any loss occurred at work. 154.I have hardly ever been without a job. 155.I dislike frequent changes at work. 156.I think I will become more competitive in my industry after years of working experience. 157.A decent salary is very important to me. 158.I believe that money makes the world go around. 159.I feel confident most of the time in job hunting. 160.I believe in my own way of doing things..

Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Disagree

Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 151.I have at times felt like telling someone off 152.A decision needs to be quick as well as good 153.Employers should compensate employees for any loss occurred at work. 154.I have hardly ever been without a job. 155.I dislike frequent changes at work. 156.I think I will become more competitive in my industry after years of working experience. 157.A decent salary is very important to me. 158.I believe that money makes the world go around. 159.I feel confident most of the time in job hunting. 160.I believe in my own way of doing things.. Strongly Disagree 161.I always imagine I have done something amazing. 162.I want to become a skilful person in my industry. 163.I always feel the need for self-regulation.. 164.I do not need training in order to do my work . 165.I do not understand why people become unemployed. 166.I like things to stay constant at work. 167.I prefer to gradually work my way up in a company rather than get promoted too quickly. 168.I do not mind people calling me a "money grabber". 169.I always want to select the right type of tasks at work. 170.I think it is best to stick to the plan and proceed with great care..

Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Disagree

Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 171.I sometimes do not admit my own mistakes 172.I respect authority figures 173.I have my career blueprint all planned out. 174.I am good at doing repetitive work. 175.I see my career as a process of learning. 176.I can plug in and out of tasks and assignments with ease. 177.Teams are the best way to get things done. 178.I like to be the centre of attention. 179.I am cooperative. 180.People see me as a funny person.

Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 181.I always look for alternative solutions. 182.I would prefer to work within procedures and guidelines. 183.I think working is a good opportunity for me to learn. 184.I am successful at job hunting. 185.I dislike working to the same schedule every day. 186.I am always interested in making friends with some wealthy people at work.. 187.I get upset when my pay is not credited on time. 188.I feel comfortable working in a familiar environment. 189.I do not think about work-related issues on holidays. 190.I can connect ideas which seem irrelevant.

Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 191.I sometimes get irritated when being asked favours by others. 192.A quick decision is likely to be a bad decision 193.Money is not a major reward for me at work. 194.Monetary reward is the best way to motivate employees. 195.I feel incompetent without sufficient training.. 196.I am quite positive even if everyone else does not think so. 197.I will never do extra work for free. 198.I do not see working and having fun as contradictory. 199.I have a wide social network which can help me get jobs easily. 200.A salary package and retirement package is very important to me. Strongly Disagree 201.Trying something new excites me. 202.I rarely ask for help at work. 203.Training is essential for new employees. 204.I am good at attracting people's attention. 205.I dislike doing repetitive tasks. 206.I tend to keep my thoughts to myself. 207.I often exhibit impulsive behaviours. 208.I like to give orders rather than follow orders. 209.I would feel confident if trained by professionals prior to starting my career. 210.I like working with people who are fun to work with..

Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Agree Disagree

Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree 211.I am resourceful. 212.I intentionally seek tasks that are challenging. 213.I am often overwhelmed by the choices I have to make at work . 214.Work should provide me with new skills. 215.Team effort is more productive than individual effort. 216.I feel comfortable when switching from task to task.. 217.I learn skills very quickly at work. 218.I am realistic. 219.I think training received at the commencement of a career, limits creativity later on.. 220.I love fun.

Neither Strongly Disagree Agree Nor Agree Agree Disagree

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