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Design of Tension Member as per IS: 800-1984:1. Allowable permissible tensile stress Where, = yield stress=250 MPa 2.

Area required =

, increase 30% of above area for rivet connection and 10% of above area

for welding connection. 3. Choose a section for above area from steel table. 4. Calculated tensile stress 5. Check for slenderness ratio , effective length for truss , = for single angle and for double angle or . =180 for only tension and =350 for reversible of tension and compression. 6. Design of end connection: for welding- assume size of the weld and equate with the strength of weld i.e. 108 (0.7 s) l=Load for rivet- rivet value minimum of below twoa. Bearing= b. Shearing=n No. of rivet = Load/ rivet value.

Calculation:1. In case of single angle connected through one leg the net effective sectional area shall be taken as
below -

For riveting of ISA one side ( Where, )

for welding of ISA one side

2. In case of a pair of angles back to back (or a single Tee) connected by one leg of each angle (or by flange of the Tee) to the same side of a gusset the net area shall be taken as below-

For rivet of 2 ISA on same side With tack rivet For rivet: ( )

A single T section For rivet:

For welding:

For welding:


3. For double angles or Tees placed back to back and connected to each side of the gusset plate, net effective area shall be taken as below-

4. a. Where the angles are back to back but are not tack riveted or welded, then 2 and 3 shall not apply and each angle shall be designed as a single angle connected through one leg only i.e. 1. b. When two tees are placed back to back but are not tack riveted or welded, then 3 shall not apply and each Tee shall be designed as a single tee connected to one side of the gusset only i.e. 2.

If no tack rivet is being provided then, of each angle is calculated separately. Note- The area of the leg of an angle shall be taken as the product of the thickness and the length from the outer corner minus half the thickness and the area of the leg of a tee as the product of the thickness and the depth minus the thickness of the flange.

DESIGN OF COMPRESSION MEMBER AS PER IS: 800-19841. Assume allowable permissible compressive stress 2. Area required = 3. Choose a section for above area from the steel stable. 4. Calculated compressive stress


calculation, effective length for truss ,

a. Slenderness ratio

= for single angle and for double angle or . =180 for only tension and =350 for reversible of tension and compression and =250 for compression due to earthquake. b. Elastic critical stress in compression, c. permissible stress in axial compression If , Where, E= 200x103MPa.

,then ok.

1. End connectionfor welding- assume size of the weld and equate with the strength of weld i.e. 108x(0.7xs)xl=Load for rivet- rivet value minimum of below twoa. Bearing= b. Shearing=n x No. of rivet = Load/ rivet value. Note- when a section choose, we can use plate along with the section, if the section is not sufficient then following procedure is adopted 1. Assume allowable permissible compressive stress 2. Area required = 3. Choose a section below the above area from the steel stable.

4. Plate is provided for remaining area. 5. Calculated compressive stress 6. calculation, effective length for column as per support conditions. , Where, E= 200x103MPa.

a. Slenderness ratio

b. Elastic critical stress in compression, c. permissible stress in axial compression

, If

,then ok. Find the shear stress at the junction per unit length and find the size of weld.

DESIGN OF BEAM OR BENDING MEMBER AS PER IS: 800-1984 1. Calculate the maximum bending moment M 2. Assume 3. Section modulus required 4. Choose a section by a single I and

For built up section, Area of plate = 5. Assume a thickness and width of plate. 6. Calculate and of whole section. 7.

For restrained8.

For unrestrained8. 9. ( )

10. Elastic compressive stress in bending Where, = reduction coefficient=1, =coefficient for the inequality of flanges= c2, c1 are the greater and lesser distances from N.A. T= thickness of flanges of the section and D= overall depth of section. 11. Permissible bending stress 12. Check for Sheara. calculate SFmax. =V b. For single I For plate with I


Hence, ok.

< <
, where d1=depth of web of I section.

13. Check for Deflectiona. Calculate maximum deflection according to load condition and it should be less than 14. Check for web cripplingBearing stress for point load = Bearing stress for reaction= Where a= width of point load or reaction. 15. Check for bucklingand and Elastic critical stress in compression,

then ok.


1. Factor Load P =1.5x Load 2. Gross area of cross-section Where, =yield stress= 250 MPa. And =1.1 3. Choose a section for above area, by increasing area 10% 4. End connection- by equating strength of weld to factor load, i.e. l and for double angle length for each angle=l/2. Where, =ultimate stress, for Fe250, , for Fe300, S=size of weld, minimum is 3mm, 5. Calculate design strength, least of followinga. Design strength due to yielding of gross areab. Design strength due to rupture of critical sectionNet area of the total cross-section, = Gross area of connected leg,

and calculate ,

Where, w=outstanding leg width, = shear lag width, as shown fig. =length of the end connection that is the distance between the outermost bolts in the end joint measured along the load direction or length of the weld along the load direction.

c. Design strength due to block shearor For, double angle Anc=2xAnc for each. minimum gross and net area in shear along line parallel to external forces, Minimum gross and net area in tension from the bolt hole to the toe of the angle perpendicular to external forces.

DESIGN OF COMPRESSIN MEMBER AS PER IS: 800-2007 1. Area= 2. If one angle or two angle back to back on one side of gusset plate. Effective slenderness ratio

Where, yield stress ratio


are the leg width and t= thickness of angle section.

2.If double angle placed opposite side of the gusset plate

and it should be greater than and calculate ,

4. End connection- by equating strength of weld to factor load, i.e. l and for double angle length for each angle=l/2. Where, =ultimate stress, for Fe250, , for Fe300, S=size of weld, minimum is 3mm,

DESIGN OF BEAM COLUMN IS: 800-1984 Members subjected to axial compression and bending shall be proportional to satisfy the following requirement-

CalculationCalculated compressive stress a. Slenderness ratio , for I section or . , and

b. Elastic critical stress in compression, c. permissible stress in axial compression

Where, E= 200x103MPa.

and For unrestrainedand

( ) ( )

Elastic compressive stress in bending Where, = reduction coefficient=1, =coefficient for the inequality of flanges= c2, c1 are the greater and lesser distances from N.A. T= thickness of flanges of the section and D= overall depth of section. Permissible bending stress

DESIGN OF LACING AS PER IS: 800-1984 1. Area A= 2. Choose a section of I or channel. 3. 4. and



For effective length of column as per support condition. FIND c/c distance b/w the I section by equating

5. Calculate a, l, L L=2a for single lacing, L=a for double lacing. 6. Dia. of rivet 20mm. and width of lacing 60mm. 7. Thickness of lacing t=l/40 for single lacing, and l/60 for double lacing 8. 9. and =l for single lacing with rivet =0.7xl for double lacing with rivet =0.7xl for both single and double lacing with weld.

10. Transverse force 11. Force in lacing F = F= Calculationa. Slenderness ratio for lacing b. Elastic critical stress in compression, c. permissible stress in axial compression d. Calculated compressive stress as calculated in 8. Where, E= 200x103MPa.

for single lacing for double lacing

12. Check for axial compression and tension as below-

CalculationCalculated tensile stress 13. Determine the rivet value and find out the no. of rivet= DESIGN OF BATTEN AS PER IS: 800-1984 1.A= 3. 4. and



2.Choose a section of I or channel.

for effective length of column as per support condition. FIND c/c distance b/w the I section by equating i.e.s


by assuming gauge distance( )

Where, B=width of I or channel section. 6. D is calculated by adding gauge distance. 7. Thickness of batten =

8. 9. Transverse force 10. Longitudinal force spacing of batten. 11. Moment M 12. Longitudinal shear stress = 13 .Bending stress = 14. Rivet connectionRivet value, then assume no. rivet. 15. Find the Load carried by riveta. Force due to shear b. Force due to bending Resultant = Rivet Value a. Bearing= b. Shearing=n No. of rivet = Load/ rivet value. DESIGN OF PURLIN AS PER IS: 800-1984 1. 2. 3. 4. Calculate Mx and My Zx required = Mx/165 Choose a suitable section. Mx/Zx + My/Zy 165 Mpa

And find C

where, N= no. of parallel plane. S= c/c distance b/w rivet group, c=

For angle, length =l/45 for max load side and l/60 for other side. Mx=My=(WL)/10.

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